Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, You Never Know What People Are Dealing With - December 24th, 2017

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yeah yeah yeah Luke chapter 1 verse 39 through 41 Luke chapter 139 through 41 once you've found it want you to Claire I got it if you can't find a say lord help me if your neighbor can't find him tell him just look at the screen please Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 at that time Mary got ready and hurried down to a town in the hill country of Judea where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the baby leaped in her womb and the Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit you may be seated I want you searched would you please go to the place in your smartphone or your tablet that affords an a lot.you space to take notes are there some critical points and principles that I want to download into your hard drive that I believe will serve you well long after this day is over at that time Mary got ready and hairy to a town in the hill country of Judea where she and desire Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit I want to preach on Christmas Eve I want to use as a subject you never know what people are dealing with you never know what people are dealing with would you look the person massagin tell them I want you watch says to turn to somebody who you didn't come with return to somebody who you didn't come with and tell them you have no idea what I'm dealing with in a recent survey of Ivy League collegiates about some of their everyday problems and complaints after being asked what are the things that trouble them they bother them Ivy League students from Harvard from Yale from Princeton from Stanford from Duke they listed amongst their problems frustration from losing the remote control upset about in the dorm the phone charger doesn't reach the bed having the inconvenience of ads on YouTube slow Wi-Fi in the student lounge the inconvenience of changing passwords on Facebook the gross injustice of having their name misspelled on a cup at Starbucks yet they have those of us in this room who got real issues that have nothing to do with a remote control and they have nothing to do with Starbucks award-winning children's author windy mass of the book the candy makers famously said be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about while I believe that to be wholeheartedly true I've been wrestling in my head only because I don't know how to reach dr. Michael Bundrick by phone dr. Michael Bundoran argues controversially there are only three obstacles in everyone's life I want you to write these three down is going to help you every problem you have he argues points back to one of these three obstacles the first obstacle was this write this down is maturing in the natural cycle of life we physically go from infancy to adolescence to adulthood but the issue becomes what emotionally do we drag with us we know from concrete data that girls mature faster than boys the problem is that sometimes it follows from the playground to the boardroom in middle school we can hit a girl on the behind and run now we're discovering it happens at water coolers because we never corrected the behavior and just resigned that boys will be boys is a reasonable excuse there's a saying everybody gets two chances in life you get two chances in life your first chance is childhood your second chance is adulthood the Bible says when I was a child I thought as a child I understood as a child but when I became an adult I put away childish things the problem is they never tell us what age this kicks in proverbs gives every parent a false sense of hope and promise train up a child in a waited they should go in when they grow old they won't depart well how old will they be before they're responsible seventeen twenty seven thirty-five jay z's forty-four at what point do we find maturity as a consequence the culture has produced a lot of old children Frederick Douglass says that is easier to raise healthy children than to fix broken adults we're dealing with a whole lot of children who can't control their behavior throw tantrums when things don't go their way they act helpless even when their options you consistently open up doors for them but they forgot to close the old doors you're living in a generation that wants to play house but doesn't want to get married your emotional age does not match your chronological clock you keep thinking the world owes you something and you still won't take the bit of reality you owe the world something maturing is not just in my emotions but what happens in your body you're maturing and now you're at a place where your organs are operating the way that they used to your metabolism has stretched down almost to an utter standstill I was reading the other day and I said to myself Claude by next year this time I'll be wearing glasses I started to anoint myself for the Lord to take it away but I'm staying still for nobody the first issue was the the first obstacle while says every person is going to have to encounter is gonna have to deal with is around the arena of maturing the second one I want you to write this down the second one you probably should write in caps is mates case you missed the heading these obstacles you have to deal with in life other people you deal with John Paul Sartre said and I like this please write it down is a wonderful quote here's what John Paul Sartre said hell is other people hell is other people purgatory sometimes is the people in your space every good and bad thing in your life is connected to a person poisonous people contribute to heartbreak anxiety stress betrayal depression anger jealousy insecurity abuse abandonment taking advantage of all of that is pointed back to a person you ain't jealous of your car you and your coat didn't have an argument this morning it's connected to a person George Frazier said that your net worth is connected to your network you only as valuable as the people you hang with you got for broke friends you'll be the fifth one depending on what people you place around you life will be a palace or a prison you keep getting hurt from an open-door policy because you don't require your people to knock they have access to your life without ever having a key you confuse when pieces of your heart and mind keep coming up missing nobody ever told you to let a kleptomaniac in first obstacle is around maturing the second one is around mates the third one I want you to write this down the third obstacle every person has got to in fact investigate the third obstacle here this is mirrors mirrors the legend James Baldwin said you can't fix it until you face it it's easier for you to ascribe blame than it is for you to take responsibility we're living in a victimization culture where we think everybody else did it and William Shakespeare said to thine own self be true yesterday the FBI was unable to uncover a plot on a terroristic attempt in San Francisco just regrettable that the FBI the CIA or even the Baltimore police couldn't get to you before you terrorized your own destiny many of you are independent Isis agents of self-sabotage you keep messing up what God is building a lot of what has caused us pain has been self-inflicted I read a quote the other day that absolutely had me stupefied here's what that quote said you can't keep cutting yourself and blaming the knife far too often we hang on the negative and we'll let go of what's positive person what do you mean by that 12 people will tell you you look nice today one person says I don't know about them shoes you don't forget what order of the 12 people say now you focus on what that one negative Nancy got to say too many of us are prone to make poor choices even when were cognizant of the consequence we know this ain't good but I don't want to hurt them I notice ain't what God got for me but I only drink when I'm lonely I know this ain't the will of God for my life but I need some we've just to take the edge off self-sabotage is seductive because it's comfortable self-sabotage is easy because it comes with no challenge self-sabotage watch this is lingerie in the winner is comfortable - you realize you're cold and the problem is self-sabotage prasad provides no blanket you look good but you a mess other people are impressed but you're broken and you have mastered a unique skill of getting dressed looking in the mirror and never facing yourself launched an investigation into your issues and knew your problems and you'll soon discover that all three of these actually in some way apply to your particular problem dr. William Bundrant said that there are three critical obstacles in your life was the first one come on class what's the first one what's the second one what's the third one mirrors the reality is is that for the people who are sitting on your road this morning you don't know which one of them they dealing with you got no idea whether the person next to you is eating when they're not hungry because they can't look at the mirror you'd be amazed who's sitting behind you in church who consciously went in dead in the mall spending money they know they don't have but they trying to keep up with family members you have no idea who in front of you is having to have their children parent them because the child is more mature than the parent maturing mates mirrors and everybody in this room is dealing with one of them in our text we know the promise God gives to the Virgin Mary and I want to know after this dramatic theatrical presentation has anybody ever done an autopsy all Mary's mentality you can you can have you may a promise from God and still have problems when the angel comes to tell her that she's going to give birth to a son have y'all forgotten marry you 16 so she's 16 and this is who God hand-selected pastor why will God hand select her I'm glad you asked cuz he knew what's this number one she was mature at sixteen sixteen she could handle the gift at 16 she could carry it at 16 watch this she was delivered from other people's opinion I'm gonna pick her for the head and now I got a deal with mates yeah y'all ever really thought about married 16 years old Carrigan the Son of God is come right below you mind cuz you ain't thought about it y'all never notice none of her girlfriends throw a shower kind of people she got in her life none of them can be happy none of them even bring balloons I won't go a step further she's 16 years old and we have no biblical evidence she got a father in her life yet she's matura no father I need y'all to stay with me but still has healthy relationships with a man 16 years of age why said she didn't get engaged to Joe cuz the baby is coming they had already made the decision and nobody ever gives us the understanding when she gets this news this can remesh you up she gets this news but never tells her pastor how she yes but don't feel safe in the sanctuary no confidence her home pastor will believe up what's going on with Mary does she's got a run through Judea just to get an older cousin Elizabeth to talk to y'all missed it she ran what's this 3.5 miles pregnant because she needed maternal counsel I need y'all to stay with me where's our Bible the most significant moment in my life and I don't even have my mother to talk to these are real problems and I'm anointed and I'm gifted and I'm carrying something and Luke is so focused on my spiritual he never takes time to deal with my natural yo dressing up like bad you sure you want this you don't know what I'm dealing with I run all the way across town to go see my cousin er there's a bath because I'm assuming she in a better place cuz she's married and this has been the ideal structure is that you've got to live to get married grey he is the person in my family who's happily married so let me go to her how insensitive of Mary I'm 16 years old and I am going to tell this good news to my older cousin Elizabeth whose womb is ruptured I want her to celebrate with me when all these years she can't produce and she made to a preacher so I wonder you know cuz you missed it you've been reading this text so long that in Luke chapter one did y'all see Zacharias at church I'll say this you might blow your mind I couldn't even believe it because I had to look at the text with a fresh breath of air fair eyes is that that is that church at home she the first lady and stopped coming oh god I can't hear no man she she got a relationship with God I've been praying for the people I'm sick I don't have the energy to be phony in church I'm dealing with too much stuff at home Zack if you want to go to the church and hug and kiss babies and play off the phone just tell them I'm sick today my god I can't hear nobody in here you you know how many people in this room have to come to church without a spouse god I can't hear nobody and can I go a step further without a spouse here's the catch that is saying that grew up in church but some has shut down in their spirit that they can't even receive the Word of God because they've been seeing stuff happen for other people and not see it manifest in their own life how you expect me to be happy you don't know what I'm dealing with for years they've been trying to head this baby and can't have it meanwhile all that empowerment temple Zechariah gets the revelation from God that what you've been praying for it's finally coming to pass and here's how God reward it's me is you can't talk in case y'all forgot this this happens at church I'm trying to paint the picture for you this happens that church y'all stay with me what's this and so zach goes home i'm chelsea blow blows my mind i can't even put my head around it zach goes home and elizabeth don't know i hope some merry people say sometimes i'm engaged people say something to me some people who in a relationship was to say something to me what's it that comes home and Elizabeth don't know why her husband ain't speaking tour coming from church not speaking god I can't hear nobody in here you do all the planning shouting and yelling in chrome scripture but you can't speak to the people in this house am I am I talking to some real people right through here that you you got live with somebody giving you the silent treatment and and you don't even know why and I would do better had the angel told Elizabeth until this baby is born your husband ain't gonna be saying nothing to you because we have silenced him through apostolic authority but he won't even write down an excuse all he knows I'm sitting in the bed with somebody that's in the mind ministry won't say nothing to me I don't even know how to address the need because they won't communicate they won't articulate they they won't share nobody ever deals with the fact that for five months for five months live Elizabeth lives in seclusion guessing your Bible for five months Elizabeth lives in seclusion here's what's gonna blow your mind why am i in seclusion when this is what I prayed for I should be released to che about this at church God is saying no you can't shout about this dis private God how you you going through something and folk don't even know what you dealin wit they don't even they don't even understand when they see you worship they don't they think you going through they don't know I'm worshiping cuz I'm coming out and I'm talking to 20 of you who are in this room that folk around you got no idea with the last 5 months has been to you why cuz you don't get up and testify about your stuff but you just learned how to keep it together and hold it down and suck it up but the only thing you can say is God's been faithful holla - you don't make me testify I'm a tear up this church but but he's been faithful I can't tell you more than that but I will tell you he feeds me he keeps me and I write nada God is right don't you make me talk she makes my enemies my mom was coming huh come on Luke chapter 1 the Lord whatsis hears the testimony of the Lord has done this for me how do I need you to lay hands on yourself the same for your neighbor I need you to lay hands on yourself and shout it out loud the Lord has done this for me holily I feel glory coming now hallelujah I'm not here to impress nobody I don't need no praise partner or prayer partner because I don't learn how to fight through it by myself but I wanna tell the devil and every ampion whatever you've been trying to tell me yes I got something in store for me and you ain't gotta celebrate I learned how to suffer by myself so guess what I can't give God a praise but the stuff you went through in silence let that stop your winter God I give you pull over yeah how dare you to just help all somebody tell them I'm coming out of this hallelujah you may be seen it hallelujah I'm coming out of this this is just for silent sufferers you don't even know how you paid the bill you don't know how you didn't get evicted you don't know how your children got everything that's Annie my grandmother say the Lord will make Oh that nosy captain made when folk didn't know I was falling apart you may be seated I'm coming hello thank you holy God hallelujah feel Gloria coming I need you to look down your row and tell them y'all ain't got no idea hallelujah God wasn't in my life there were two people I should've killed if God didn't have my back I would be bitter and jealous and angry if God didn't keep me through this year I'd be strung out on jobs I'd be in a drunken stupor but I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on G look at your neighbor and say because you don't know about my problems you won't understand my phrase I'm not shouting for no car for no house or no job I'm shouting because I'm still here now all that I've been through I'm still here she done fought my battle she done made away she's been food on the table she's been water when I was thirsty she was a doctor in the sick room he's a lawyer in the courtroom he was a banker when I was broke he was a friend that's this closer than a brother and he talks with me and he tells me I am very old we marry to the door she knocked on the door and said praise the Lord when she said praise the Lord everything in Elizabeth's belly sums with the Holy Spirit you don't need a whole lot of friends but you need one good free eye that when you're stuck behind closed doors they can just say praise the Lord with you look at your neighbor and say I know you've been broke no money been tight I know your man giving you a rough time but praise the Lord I know you can't stain your job I know sickness is in your body I know you ain't got everything your water but praise the Lord dr. Dave a negative reporter you gonna have to move but praise the Lord here see that's in me praise Him be seated please hallelujah be seated please let down your or just tell them praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise Him with the high sounding cymbals praise him with the timbrel in the dance praise Him praise Him praise him if that's too much for you to remember I don't know what you came to do be seated please be seated please I only want you to worship like you know you don't owe people an explanation I I can't hear nobody I need you to praise a God like you know the folk around here can handle the truth I'm just giving him praise because of what I've been Mary runs to Elizabeth she runs to Elizabeth not knowing what liz is dealing with would you be seated just for these layers of dwindling moments we have together hallelujah she runs to Elizabeth's house not knowing what Elizabeth is dealing with and realizes that dr. Mike Bundrant is absolutely wrong that when they come together they realize that their problem is not about maturing their problem is not about their mates their problem has nothing to do with what's in the mirror but their problem watch this is about what's manifesting sometimes you don't even realize what you're dealing with is out of your control you are fighting through what comes with what is growing in you if you were stagnant if you were dormant if you were stopped the enemy wouldn't be after you like this god help me in here but the enemy knows when you give birth to this assignment everything in the world is given better to be shifted upside down I'm not preaching right now to regular people I'm talking to people who are knotted and tormented hallelujah because what you've been going through it don't even make sense it don't even measure up you shouldn't be dealing with all it is the anointing on you is too great if you are regular believe it wouldn't be this intense the battles you going through is big enough for three people but God expects you to handle it like a champ deal with it like a G because there's an abiding on your life you don't know what you're dealing with they only gonna understand it when it comes to pass I'm talking right now to those of you who are in this room the attack on your life has been unseemly hallelujah don't even it came from you don't even know how it started all you know is you were going through life and then a bomb just dropped out of nowhere and as soon as you were getting yourself together something else popped off and as soon as you got that together something else broke down but God told me to tell you if you can hear my voice greater than the circumstan you are saga than the opposition got no idea what people are dealing with they dealing with a lot would you lift up that hand my time is quickly a lap saying I want to pray for you cuz I don't know what you're dealing with hello yeah I don't know what you up against card you strong I mean you are strong how'd you go through all of that for real God's hand must be on your life I think you go crazy God you kept me I can't believe you ain't saying nothin to him God she kept me I'm screaming and I'll care whether you roll your eyes that'll give you suck your teeth I don't care if you think you don't take all the dead know the hell I've been through just kept me through this lift that hand I want to pray for you I don't know what you're dealing with somebody in this room is dealing with going through a divorce somebody else's got to go through chemo somebody else in this room got a son in jail and across the sanctuary as a mother grieving because she got a son that's dead and betrayed and imprisoned son for deaths on the any day you don't know where people are dealing with how much he lifts at hand I want to pray for you please cuz I am said behold I stand at the door not pesters people in this room stressed out about buying gifts and they'll know I'm stressed about keeping the heat on god I can't hear no my thing about no tree trying to figure out how I'm gonna keep my kid in school next semester I'm a nervous wreck because I don't have to ition somebody's room you've got no idea what they dealing with three months behind on the rent two months behind on the Connaught yet they're crazy enough to still come to church she lifts that hand as high as you can let your patch to pray for you I know you wanted some warm and fuzzy for Christmas I'm sorry every rose comes with a thorn lawn the name of Jesus I pray of every lifted hand that hand is lifted I need you to have somebody's hand in your hand cuz no longer you gonna deal with it by yourself you connected to somebody their trouble is not your trouble but they get ready to come through it you will manifest everything that's been prophesied over your life you will not until everything God promised you shows up I pray that God surrounds you with healthy people who won't kill your dreams won't kill your joy I pray that God will surround you with people that will support you and not manipulate you I pray today the deaths of self-sabotage everything you do to shoot yourself in the foot I'm now taking all the bullets out of the gun I speak over your life that you gonna follow them in love with you nobody will ever know how to love you if you don't love yourself God is giving you this season I love you for who you are those of you your faith is connected to mine they'd if nothing else you have the blessed assurance that you're going to outlive your problem y'all didn't hear what I just said you are going to outlive your problem if that's who you are would you give God your best shout of Thanksgiving y'all sound like y'all don't believe it you are going to live your issue y'all still they sayin nothin you don't go further then your greatest disappointment which it is sending your feet I dare not feign to pretend as if I know what you're going through all I know is that there is nothing too hard for my god hallelujah I feel the power of the Holy Spirit on me even in this moment it ought not be a rough negotiation those of you who in this room you're going through a lot it's only because you're going to a lot did y'all hear what I just said I said those of you that are going through a lot it's just because you're going to a lot you're in this room and you're saying pastor I gotta get saved today you're in this room and you're saying this is the kind of church I can rock with I don't know where it is that you are I need you to come give me your hand I want you to give God your heart today is the day that you have to give God the gift of your presence hallelujah I'm tired of being a serial visitor today I want to get committed come on come on come on come on come on if you're in this room I need y'all to clap for this sister that's coming I need you to shout for this beautiful young man coming you're in this room watch me hallelujah you're in this room I need you to do me a favor please I want you to go talk to two people right now how much it ask two people are they saying that's come do they have a church on there already - at this altar I need two more to come and join us I need two more to meet us come on quickly sir quickly man hallelujah bless a wonderful name of Jesus I need you all to celebrate here they come I don't know where it is that you are but I want you to stretch your right hand into faith sure to right into favor repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right show your right if you know right come on give God some praise you may be seated in the presence of the Lord this morning I had a young young man Arthur I called him up he just lost his dad this year to gun violence in our city so I asked all of the men that were in seven-thirty service to bring five dollars and put it in his hand there because his dad wasn't here that we got to step up as a church family and be the father figure that he needs the end of the day off at four hundred and thirty three dollars seven years old from men in his church they're covered and protected him we gave him a credible lesson right there in the middle of church here $433 we made him fill out a tavern envelope y'all laughing tavern envelope watch this and he filled out his tavern envelope then after he did that our a head of our economic development went and connected with his mother taking him this week to open up his college savings fund we've got to be intentional on what it is that we're doing I want to ask come on professor Joe Chaplin George come on quickly I want to ask I met this young man just last week last Sunday's in church he's I'm so proud of him I'm honored to know you sir he is the new chaplain of Johns Hopkins come on y'all get come on y'all gotta give God some praise yelling shouting better than that all the way from Barbados incredible gift
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 39,288
Rating: 4.8471074 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Id: QnH9QGV5eTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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