Pastor Jamal Bryant "I'm Tired of Trying" | Global United Fellowship 2019

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obedient son I'm gonna stay on my time limit they already flicking the lights help me eyes kiss had a son named Saul handsome and a young man as could be found anyway in Israel and he was a head taller than anybody else now the donkey's belonging to Saul's father Kish were lost and kiss said to his son Saul take one of the servants with you and go look for the donkey's so he passed through the hill country of ephraim and through the area around Silesia but they didn't find him they went on into the district of Shalom but the donkeys were not there then he passed through the territory of Benjamin but he didn't find him when he reached the district of zu Saul said to the servant who was with them come let's go back or my father will stop thinking about the donkeys and he'll start worrying about us for the time that has been allocated I'm gonna preach for a little while tonight using as a subject I'm tired of trying I'm tired of trying would you look at the person beside you tell him pray for me please look at me now I tell him I'm just tired of trying Brooks I um I actually thought I was the originator of an undocumented disease called attempt fatigue until I was polarized by a poem penned by Native American Gnawa Esau entitled trying is killing me I'm tired of waiting for a new day to come when this one won't in I'm tired of people and I'm tired of their lies I'm tired of pretending to be happy I'm tired of pretending to know what I'm doing I'm tired of being unhealthy and I'm tired of being so imperfect I'm tired of my efforts going unnoticed and I'm tired after I make a effort being underappreciated I'm tired of being awake and I'm tired of staying up at night thinking I'm tired of overthinking and overreacting I'm tired of trying to figure things out I'm tired of trying to be rational with illogical people I'm tired of faking smiles and people then asked me why I'm not smiling I'm tired of being optimistic only to be disappointed I'm tired of dreaming and not manifesting I'm tired of loving and not feeling loved I'm tired of caring for people who could care less I'm tired of being selfless with people who are selfish I'm tired of feeling like I'm going crazy while pretending that I have sanity tired of my phone ringing but having no messages I'm tired of being lost and I'm tired of being found I'm tired of having to be discrete and I'm tired of people being offended when I'm direct I'm tired of being good enough and I'm also tired of being punished for being too good a tired of being smart and having to dummy down to make mediocre people feel comfortable I'm tired of trying to be somebody and then being disrespected like I'm nobody I'm tired of having a heart and then always having my heart broken I'm tired of trying to be content while feeling dissatisfied I'm tired of looking as the world passes me by and my brakes are stuck I'm tired of planning for my future while worried about my past catching up I'm tired of crying for peace while knowing am at war I'm tired of having to be defensive and then church people telling me to ignore the attacks I'm tired of making money but always feeling like I'm in poverty I'm tired of the feminization of men and the masculinity of women tired of children acting grown --is-- and adults acting like children tired of hiding from who I'm supposed to be and acting like the enemy has power to destroy me I'm tired of blood running down my chin from always biting my tongue I'm tired of getting cavities from eating humble pie I'm tired of fighting back the tears and then no longer having the strength to cry I'm tired of making trips down memory lane only to run out again yes tired of holding on to what I shoulda let go of I'm tired of saying I'm okay when I really don't feel that way I'm tired of trying to pretend like what you said about me didn't impact me I'm tired of being drunk from depression and high from hostility I'm tired of hearing this will pass when nobody warned me it would come back around I'm tired of praying and not hearing anything I'm tired of tithing and still being broke I'm tired of being nice to people and they nasty to me I'm tired of being there for everybody else but the one time I need people they act like it's a inconvenience [Music] I'm tired of forgiving folk who ain't sorry I'm tired of always having to be the bigger person I'm tired of always having to keep the family together by myself I'm tired of praying for other people when I don't have the strength to pray for me I'm I'm tired of encouraging other folk and they got no idea I'm unhappy I'm tired of it I'm tired of being tired but not being able to go to sleep tired of checking my phone and there no text messages tired of being gifted but never getting an opportunity tired of having to suppress my natural charisma around insecure people I'm tired of acting like I don't have an opinion I'm tired of having to turn a blind eye to leaders that are out of order I'm tired of people shouting for attention but never to get in God's presence I'm I'm tired of folk jockeying for position but nobody wanna be in his presence I'm second samuel I bump into a man this as tired as I am feels the exact same way his name is Saul and he's he's a son of statues he's handsome that's how the Bible describes him his head and shoulders above everybody else he's got a promising future there's a prophecy of his life when I find him in Samuel Chapter nine I'm upset Daniel because I discovered that his first assignment with all his gifts all of his anointing all of his potential his assignment is to find the donkey what happens when you're anointed but your assignment is asinine let's go find a donkey this with all the gifts I got with all of the skills that I bring with all of the training that I have you telling me find a donkey there's a disconnect between my placement and my prophecy you said that you saw greatness in me but you don't let me do nothing great go find all this on my life all that I've been trained to do all that I've been preparing to do this is all you can think of go side the donkey understand if you told me to go find the stallion you told me to go find a Mustang that would make sense for me but you told me go fan a donkey when a donkey is only used to handle burdens and that's what I'm assigned to is is to go carry burdens ain't no trophies for that and ain't no certificates for that here here you are sleeping with your members burdens frustrating about other people's children wage sick about somebody else's momma and then they'll leave your church with no letter no interview you you don't baptize their babies penalize their mama you won't give them one position and they leave the church and you saying God you said you were giving me sheep not donkeys I [Applause] am assigning to you because you are gifted I am NOT assigning you that which is easy I am assigning you to that which is difficult it's hard to govern then understand leadership then appreciate order that's who you were sand to go find the donkey I got a problem with it because most of us are unit city dwellers have lived on the farm and you only realize that donkeys are sterile and they can't even reproduce you can't figure out why your ministry ain't going you ain't got a sanctuary you got a stable full of donkeys that don't want to move was running away to new members is to old members who get territorial about their position and feel like it belongs to them this ain't your church move the donkeys out the way let's go find them go find the ones that don't want to grow find the ones they don't want change find the ones that are not interested in innovation go you keep looking for sheep God says I want you to get donkeys those who are not used to saddles III need you to go get the ones with tattoos on their necks y'all ain't singing nothing huh I want you to get the ones that got piercings in their tongues i I want you to get the one that don't shave their hay off I want you to get the ones that don't know no better and wear their hat in church go get down says your your assignment is the go find donkeys and bring him to me and so goals trying to find the donkeys and it goes in three different places and can't find it helps us understand Bishop Ellis ed this is um it's a foreshadow for Palm Sunday God I think I lost you there Jesus said I'm getting better to ride in the Jerusalem and go get me two donkeys and lose some and bring them to me so I can ride in the towel cuz I'm getting ready to show you how to break that which doesn't want to be broke god help me how how do you break a donkey you don't use the whip you put praise around it I think I got the wrong Church you see hallelujah I'm telling you that every now and again when you get in an atmosphere of a physic worship were you not up there to be entertaining where you not trying to get your name out there but you point all of the honor goes to him brought in some new music ministers at the church that I met six months I was in the back of the church shaking hands older lady says that's I enjoyed disarming so thank you mother she said but I I really feel the worship today I said good she said what do you mean good that's it it wasn't for you the worship is not for your entertainment oh god I can't hear nobody in here but but all of the glory belongs to him see some of y'all can't shout cuz you waiting for the camera to pass by your role but I'm I'm looking for 50 of y'all that understand that I don't care who sees me Linton - his gates with Thanksgiving at turn to his courts with praise be be seated please III know you all know how to shout in this ethos in this culture you know how to shout for cars clothes and money I understand that but God says when you shout I'm promising nobody to be debt-free when you shout tonight get ain't gonna be for you to become a millionaire I need somebody to hear me when you shout it's not for you to get a new building but God said when you shout tonight I'm getting ready to break somebody that's been a enemy to your son is about to be broke be seated please come on she cannot I feel glory coming now thank you be seated right where you are hallelujah I need you right where you are please would you just help o your neighbor don't take their hand elbow your neighbor and tell them somebody who ain't even here tonight is about to be broken whoever's been holding up your plan been blocking your vision standing in the way of your assignment she said if you open up your mouth Wow they asleep I will we see the please hallelujah thank you all the God hallelujah feel them now thank you every enemy of the body of Christ is getting ready to be broken tonight I break the spirit of the Antichrist I can't hear nobody there is a spirit that is trying to stifle and suffocate authentic and relevant ministry here you are struggling in the Bubblegum Church down the street that ain't preaching nothing is growing by leaps him tonight whatever Thank You holy God hallelujah get ready to make a declaration you get ready to make a declaration that it is not for your neighbor you get ready to make a declaration and it is not even for your role but you get ready to declare something in the atmosphere that will reverberate until it gets to the address of your church at home hallelujah is only two words I need you to say and when you declare it every demon assigned to that church is gonna drop dead right there then their footsteps [Applause] be seated please you didn't receive the word of the Lord I said it's broken hallelujah where my worship as I thought I was at Global I said it's broken after tonight no struggle raising money at the church it's broken I declared that before Easter gets here you gonna be laying chairs in every broken young people are coming back to your church it's brown he went to three different places he couldn't find the donkeys until he got to a place it gives you a place called tzuf and is there that he psychologically emotionally and spiritually resigns says I'm tired of trying and I hate that this is the place where he chose to quit he chose to quit at tzuf which in the Hebrew translates to mean honeycomb how do you quit when things are getting ready to be sweet again god I can't hear nobody in here huh you just heard what I just said I said you can't quit now it's getting ready to hit the sweet spot hallelujah for farmer y'all they can handle it and you don't care who looks at you the reason why you've been going through is your taste just change the stuff that you used to excite you now don't mean nothing to you Wow it's the place of the Haunted honeycomb is a revelation see vision hopscotch over to second Samuel you remember that they were in warfare and Saul told the soldiers don't eat nothing and they became weary in the battle but David said pick up honey and the text says when they ate the honey they became a glisten in their eyes honeycomb here this is revelation and Saul didn't want them to get the revelation about the warfare I want to say this to 500 of you that what you are going through right now may not be warfare would you just say I said what you were dealing with right now may not be warfare here it is it might be transition god help me and so it's uncomfortable and you don't know what it is but God said you better get ready because I'm shifting some things and if I don't shift the things I'm gonna shift some people after tonight you don't have permission to cry over who left you are to shout who left because daddy who is going with you to the next level he says I'm tired I'm tired of try god help me hadn't tried everything but I'm I'm tired of trying tired of jumping around Thai to always being in transition I'm tired of these ups and downs I'm tired of some time he folk well what what what are we gonna do when you get tired of tried and for Samuel Chapter nine he says yes go see a man who ain't from here if you could just get to Nassau I [Applause] think I lost you with you if you could just get close to a man that has authentic prophetic public authority that is not trying to take nothing from you but trying to direct you to your healthy price you'll be able to find what you looking for I don't know who this is for but this message tonight is not revelation is just confirmation I don't know who needs to shout about it the visitors y'all don't know the shout but those of you that know global is where I'm supposed to be I don't try to couple other stuff but none of it felt the right way but I finally got in the present and all I needed from him was to give me direction I need him to give me direction because my spiritual father sent me out with no direction oh my god my denomination dispatched me but no direction y'all don't got cried my degree can only take me so far but I got no direction I thought I knew it all but I wasn't equipped for these Negroes here this is it's no direction when is the last time you lamented under God for angelic GPS I'm not asking you about your ideas your plan your strategy and your vision board I'm asking you has God giving you direction I need you to lift up that hand I want to speak something over your life I only got four minutes left God for every person with lifted hands you have permission to disrupt their sleep in the next three nights give them a clear indication for what the next chapter of their life is supposed to be I can't hear any intercessors I have no we got shelters but I need prayer warrior God show me it's hard for me to digest maybe I my season for being the pastor's over show me maybe my salmon ate for thousands I gotta be faithful over hundreds maybe my salmon ain't to you fish to my own children maybe my time on this job is up I'm supposed to be entrepreneur give me direction and God when you give me direction following up with instruction I know this is outlandish face but this is global just for 10 seconds here's what's committed an episode the enemy would you worship God here's the catch for where you don't know where you're going where I get you open up your mouth guard I don't know what you got in store for me next but I trust you for my next step is that all y'all god I can't hear nobody maybe your season in that city is over I can't hear no about it maybe God didn't want you in that building I can't you know about it maybe you supposed to downsize before he elevates you maybe God needed you alone for a minute I'm in verse 20 bishop please forgive me I've been kind of ran out of time in verse 20 I want to make an announcement that was made to young Saul and only 50 yalla I reckon a gong shout about it after he gets in alignment with God's man God's man then tells him when I am responsible to tell you tonight what you have been looking for is already found God I can't hear nobody is waiting on you I knew y'all was gonna be too sleepy God says after tonight you ain't gotta chase nothing everything you've been looking for is don't stop coming after you because of the assignment that's on your life we've seen it for the last time for the last time be seated Tyler going to all these conferences coming back with nothing tired of reading all these books tired of watching people less gifted than me pass me and I couldn't understand why Saul couldn't find it in Chapter nine until I turned the page and got to chapter 10 in chapter 10 something crazy happens I hope you received the word of the Lord tonight chapter 10 solved finally gets anointed chapter 9 b1 working because he was using ability God help me here he was using his gifts he was using his charisma he was getting by on his looks but chapter 10 the anointing of God false fresh on his life please forgive me this is only for real worshipers tonight God says if you want to lift up that hand and our honest get ready to hit your life Alleluia he anoints my head with higher hallelujah I can't hear no worshipers I can't hear any intercessors I need you to pull on it somebody cry out loud anoint me again finally I can't hear anybody this is for burnt out leaders a shout out loud annoyed me a kid that hand is lifting I tell the members of New Birth lift your hand as high as you see yourself going knowing that this is the lowest you ever gonna be in your life you are not at the Atlantis you are acting Canaveral you just got cleared for takeoff you get ready to go further think you've ever been in your life because of the anigh thing that race and the Lord says something that I could only preach to mature people im now preacher said new birth now that empowerment God's in it for you tonight he said to Saul come home the King don't care about the donkey he cares about you my time is up I bid you adieu I just I just wanted to unleash you that tonight you were disconnected from illegal false obligation [Applause] that the stress you've been carrying about your church about the ministry about the finances gossip put that aside that's donkey business he said tonight I care about you and everything pertaining to who you are I need you to hear me very well lift that hand here's your best worship for the year God said worship me cuz I'm getting made take care you would that mean I need to hear the timbre of your voice he said why you worship me I'm bringing down your blood pressure God I can't hear no matter he says while you worship me your Palestra role is going down he said while you worship me I'm reactivating your joints and your knees and your hips and your ears he said why are you all shut me your marriage is getting reconciled y'all better turn it up a little bit louder why are you washing me I'm pulling the lien off of your house why are you asking me I'm paying off your back taxes wow you were sure you only got 10 seconds left I need you to worship me because he cares about me tonight I wish you cry out loud he said if you worship me I'm turning your son around y'all ain't saying nothing he said if you worship Me I'm changing the circle of friends around your children why you I said me no learning disorders in your grandchildren why you a shove me no autism no asthma no a DD Wow you worship me for five of your viewership your diabetes is coming out the tumor is shrinking up no more heart attacks in your house they are not on your life in this moment is for you saw was wise enough and said I can't be in the presence of this man who's helping to give me direction helping to give me instruction and I come in his presence and not Brea seed I need you to hear me and hear me well please I'm still consistent in our text First Samuel Chapter nine how long every person who's in this room every person who's streaming online every person who's on Facebook live hear me very well how much they get a sacrificial seed s in your hand whoever it is that your funds are located I want you to reach towards it even now I want to see you to get your best gift in your hand hear me as close as close to 300 as you possibly can for you cut your pearls and have an asthma attack if you don't have 300 I say get as close to it as you can I want to upset the enemy tonight we just broke something in the spirit realm tonight as soon as you get it hear me delayed obedience is disobedience as soon as you get that seed hear me hear me well I want you to get your seed and place it on the second or the fourth step the second or the fourth step pastor why do you want me to do that I want you to do that cuz favor always helps you skip a step some stuff you ain't gonna have to go through because of the favor that rest on your life I don't want you to come slowly I want you to come at the speed of your expectation if it don't matter to you when God gives you confirmation take your time but if you need God to do it in the words of William Shakespeare with majestic instance II I need you to move quickly please you're writing your check right one that's going clear tomorrow come on quickly come on quickly if there's a child in your hand next to you put a gift in their hand we got to raise our children to be saw worse come on quickly how tight a try tired of trying this time I need it to work god I need you to show it to me I need you to expose it for me come on quickly be not weary in well-doing this is your due season you get ready to reap cuz you didn't think I'm gonna hear the sound the worshipers who almost didn't make this trip got frustrated it's been one of the roughest seasons of your life I need you to come quickly where are you come on quickly please sir please ma'am you won't know waves be like this [Music] come on sooner sooner [Music] come on is turning around come on it won't always you won't always be like here's Russia so concerning me come on soon [Music] come on he's turning around [Music] the struggle is old the charcoal is old the struggle is old the struggle is over come on everybody the struggle [Music] the struggle or net somebody tell them the crying is over look it's over for me I'm gonna do this I want to take privilege in this hour if I can't finance committed to whatever it is you're charged to do in this hour I'm gonna do an altar call not for people to get saved not for people to join the church I'm gonna do an altar call very quickly for leaders that are burnt out leaders who are just tired of trying that's where you are would you just come meet me at this all time when I'm bishop to come come on every leader that's burnt down how do you try to try come as quickly as you can please [Music] the struggle is those of you who write on the fur to quit right on the edge you're giving up right on the brink of throwing in the towel [Music] you're pulling as close to this voltage again they said to Saul if you can just get to this man if you get to this man the direction you need the instruction you need will help you to find what it is that you've been looking for God has entrusted us with an amazing leader a gifted vessel a choice voice for this hour how many of you thank God for the life of Bishop Neil Ellis come on I said how many of you thank God for the voice for the life for the mental bishop Neil Ellis how much you stretch her right hand to faith I want out Bishop to pray not just for them but even for the throngs of those who are streamed online then he'll give us direction as to how we all leave this place up just before I pray I want some pastors what not struggling to come stand around with these I'm sure your arms around fine wanted for your arms around that one so even as I pray for them they can feel the weight being lifted and feel the love another colleague come on let's do it it's the matter of fact past guys you come I want you to find one when you try your arm around them you pray for them you pray for them go right on go ahead and go ahead and stab to pray for them now start to pray for your brother start to pray for your sister those of you as these are praying around me all to hear those of you still watching us live let me tell you something at this hour the night this cannot be coincidental God has you tuned in right now at quarter to midnight because as I stretched my hands towards you I'm lifting the burden off of you God's reviving he's restoring he is revitalizing right now but victory is coming to your address the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the blessings and favor of God rest upon your life now unfor those of you who are still out there in the audience stretch your hands in this direction oh this is wonderful this is wonderful we got one more day to ride one more day to ride and this is gonna all be over I believe what God did tonight was give you a foretaste of glory divine come on stand to your feet cause as I pray for you we're bringing this service too close we're bringing this service too close throw your arm around somebody and don't don't be scared don't be nervous it's all right it's not right Troy your arms around somebody tell them you're not by yourself tonight I'm right here with you now go ahead and pronounce a blessing on your brother or your sister go ahead and do it I may the Lord grant you all sweet sleep tonight hallelujah sweet sleep tonight and here it is for about 97 of you as you sleep God will give you some new instructions I'll see you tomorrow morning at eight o'clock morning glory those of our prayer warriors on them you're gonna be in the time of prayer 5:30 in the morning god bless you God keep you loved on somebody as you tell them good night [Music]
Channel: Preacher Nation
Views: 98,669
Rating: 4.814764 out of 5
Keywords: The Global United Fellowship, Global United Fellowship, Neil C. Ellis, Bishop Neil Ellis, Jamal Bryant, Pastor Jamal Bryant, The Gathering, The Gathering 2019, Preachernation, New Birth, Bahamas
Id: B_2A7kjjAUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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