When wild stuff happens,I'm trying to calm down

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[Music] let's stay in that spirit of worship would you lift up that hand come on open up your mouth would you just figure SS silly come on would you magnify him come on glorify him would you lift him up [Music] welcome [Music] come on everybody lift up that hill everybody come on sing welcome well [Music] you desire to be in the presence of so we [Music] [Music] one more time Hey [Music] sweet this way [Music] one more time sweet [Music] come on one more time celebrate him come on would you join me in thanking God for God bless the Lord get your Bibles in your hand join me please and the Old Testament book of Judges thank you finance ministry for preparing the atmosphere for visitation with God today if you're excited about your future shout hallelujah judges chapter 14 [Music] I'm starting a new series today entitled beasts mode what to do when wild stuff happens to you look at the person beside you tell them I need this word I need anybody ever has some wild stuff happened to you some crazy self what to do when wild stuff happens to you judges chapter fourteen and I want to illuminate verses five through seven judges 14 verses five through seven once you're found I want you to declare I got it if you can't find it say Lord help me blow it alright look at judges chapter 14 let's carefully consider beginning at verse number five Samson went down to Timna together with his father and mother as they approached the vineyards of Timna suddenly a young lion came roaring toward him the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him so that he toward the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat but he told neither his father nor his mother when he had done I want to stop right there you may be seated I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I'm trying to calm down I'm trying to calm down but you look at the person beside you tell please pray for me I'm trying calm down the erudite Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once cried out to a Colosseum the art of living is more like wrestling than dancing because an artful life requires being prepared to meet and withstand sudden and unexpected attacks the art of war written by Sun Tzu even before the Bible was published said always be prepared because your enemy never schedules his attack almost as an abiding thesis statement I want to give this to you those of you are taking notes I want you to write this down the enemy can always do his best when he's unexpected the enemy can always do their best when it's unexpected this was evidenced on December 7th 1941 at 7:48 a.m. when 353 Japanese airlines attacked Pearl Harbor the onslaught barrage dour shores over an hour and a half and the damage is still not digestible given that in an hour and a half we lost over 20 warships and over seventy will run aground on that fateful 2,400 Americans were killed and 1,200 were left winded 60 years later this generation still shivers at the very mention of 9/11 when terrorists crashed into the Pentagon and destroyed the twin towers leaving 3,000 innocent lives in its wake as a consequence the bad rap that is tied to New Yorkers is that the city never sleeps the people are always moving and nobody speaks and amazingly friends after Pearl Harbor and 9/11 when nobody has placed into the equation is that New Yorkers per capita leave that lead the nation in high blood pressure and heart attacks and for once maybe you should consider how the environment has impacted emotions greater than any other state in the other city in our Union New York has had to deal with an onslaught of unbridled attacks if you reside in an atmosphere when you don't know when the next bomb is gonna drop it's sure to influence your disposition when you're unsure as to win the other shoe will fall off you're more prone to just put on slip-ons you jump at any sound and you're always brace for the aftershock it's just not healthy having to make yourself calm down I'm talking to many of you under the sound of my voice and the sacred space called sanctuary and those who are streaming in our cyber sanctuary who know that through the grace of God you've never had to fight the Taliban never had to confront al Qaeda never went into battle with Boko Haram but according to the anxiety and depression Association of America about six million citizens experience anxiety disorders which is a psychiatric condition in which people suffer from unexpected panic attacks that has caught the feelings of intense fear that something bad is about to happen it's a term that refers to a feeling of way around a particular issue or concern the symptoms include restlessness nausea dizzy profuse sweating tightness in chest shortness of breath feeling numb losing a touch of reality and the first time that you have a panic attack you are you don't know what's happening to your body or to your mind and so you rush to the emergency room and once they realize what it is that's taking place you're prone to have a reoccurrence of that fear believing that at any moment gonna happen again so I've become stressed about being stressed and I worry about my weary and I'm frustrated about my fixation and so just as a word of wisdom to anybody who's around me the worst thing you can do when I'm angry when I'm upset when I'm feeling anxious please whatever you do don't tell me calm down if you tell me to calm down the adverse is gonna happen i'ma turn it all the way up simply because you thought you could tell me to calm down panic attacks are more dangerous than anxiety attacks because panic is not connected to a specific trigger you can have an anxiety attack on your way to a job interview on your way to court on your way to a meeting about to have a delicate conversation all of that is anxiety but the problem with panic is you don't know why you feel that way and it comes without an alarm it comes without warning you can be driving in your car and then you've got to hold on to the steering wheel you got to go in the bathroom and just sit in the stall to collect yourself because you feel like you get ready to go off uncontrollably you begin to solve or you begin to laugh or you begin to cuss because you've got a rollercoaster of emotions that are taking place people ask you what's wrong and legitimately you say I don't know it is not because you don't feel anything it's because you're not sure what do I feel like sharing would I feel like rehearsing can they handle it do I really want to speak this out loud or do I know you like that so your answer is I'm good if you're in church I'm blessed and highly favored and all the while you're inside is being eaten alive I'm talking to somebody who's in this room but doesn't even know when it is that you can pinpoint you started having panic and anxiety attacks maybe when you hit 35 maybe 40 maybe 50 maybe after death maybe after divorce maybe after termination maybe after physical challenges maybe after an altercation but the hardest thing you to do in this season of your life is calm down you don't even know how you got half blood pressure now no idea how they put you on this medication have no idea you didn't used to get this angry you didn't used to go off to this degree but now the only thing you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for it's calming down you two more I was in this office I've made it dude the meetin without hitting nobody yeah I love this child you gave me God but I'm about to kill him for real they told it in me but they don't know I will snatch all the way up there though I'm trying to calm down I'm respected at my job and I gotta come to church to be disrespected from somebody who don't know me but hides that insecurity around holiness I heard you were talking about me yet you want to come speak to me first time I ignore the second time I tried to convince myself it didn't happen but the third time you were hater [Applause] and I'm trying for the beste the best of my ability just-just-just stay because I have legitimate anger I helped you and then you played me I stopped everything to try to help you but then when I need help you act like this is an inconvenience and not if you line in my face like I don't know the truth and you don't even know I'm sitting here to listen to the rest of your story trying to see how far you gonna go to keep this lie you trying to prophesy to me an expert you God didn't tell you that somebody told you my business and now you tryna hide it with a scripture you never felt like that you ain't never felt that moment where you you can feel your heart pounding outside your chest where you can sense that the sweat was building up in your hands and in your idea that you were feeling butterflies but you weren't hungry where he's thinking in your head about two different crimes you can't commit I am trying to wait out whether Jail is worth it and whether you'll get caught y'all ain't never been there you trying hard to figure out should I beat this old fighting Negros how when they tried me and I come back strangers I've done my family member they keep pushing my buttons because they know what I don't like talking about or dealing with her y'all pray for me here I'm trying to calm down my five-year-old nephew IO lives in LA and he's a disciplined student in karate and already at five he's got his first Bell and I'm I'm I mean I'm his favorite uncle primarily because I'm his only uncle I'm his favorite uncle and I gotta avoid IO because now that he got a belt IO always comes up to me asking me do you want to fight so now I'm good you too champ come on come on do you any getting in position getting in position like I oh please that's let's not do this and and here's what I found out yes are your only picks fights with people who are not in the class y'all not saying that when when he's in the class he shy and quiet but he always targets people who have not undergone his level of training I got told you this story I got a repeat it again for you about six months ago right before the fight I went to a Floyd Mayweather's camp just right before the flight and I'm thrown off cuz we get ready to leave outside of the camp get my leave outside the camp and the Florida's coming out I'm coming out and we surrounded by ten armed security guards ten armed security guard his was crazy for those of you who are not fighting enthusiasts here's a Floyd Mayweather's undisputed champ never has taken a loss ever so I turn to employ you you are the champ why we need all these security guards you you are undefeated why do you need all of these security guards he said tomorrow I need security guards watch this because I'm the champ I need y'all to stay with me and because I'm the champ it's always people in the street who try me I need y'all to stay with me come here watch this he said they try me because they always want my title of the problem is the problem is that if in fact I hit them I'm going to jail I say why you going to jail if they trying you he said I'll go to jail watch this and pound me because my hands are registered hallelujah and because my hands are registered and because they are untested legally I shouldn't be fighting them pastor what are you trying to tell me 9:30 wake up can I take you this stop fighting people who are not in your weight class I should stop fighting people look who are not worth your time because all they're trying to do is throw you off your game but you got more on the line than their mother and they're just going after what you already have the instructor the instructor has in fact said to me I Oh is a good fighter but he likes fighting people he can be yesterday friends was a dark day in America it's a dark day in America what it is that the Senate did by electing Kavanagh to sit on the Supreme Court it's a black eye on the moral fabric of this nation and it's it's a sad precedent for those who are survivors of sexual assault since the meetcha movement has in fact been a foot those who have in fact reported sexual impropriety in their workplace has gone up by 50 percent saying in no uncertain terms that I am equipped and I am empowered that you are not going to just handle me in the kind of way my nephew is in fact in karate I'm a student of kickboxing and what we have found watch this in martial arts is that women enrolling in self-defense classes has gone up by 50 percent and has gone up by 50% why because a women want to know how do I defend myself when the president will laugh at me how do I defend myself when the Senate will ignore me how do I defend myself ain't nobody gonna say Amen when the church doesn't address me and in martial arts kickboxing they tell you what is that when you are attacked unexpectedly there are three different areas that you have to use in order to defend yourself and I'm gonna give you those three and then I'm getting ready to go of the first one what's this the first one will you are expect when you are attacked unexpectedly is that if you want to subdue the enemy number one go after their value what is their value I'm glad you asked empowerment of evalu is there growing or their reproductive area I'm trying to tell you that win that the enemy is coming to attack you here it is unexpectedly just to polarize you the first place that he will attack only five of y'all will shout is your children because he knows he can't beat you he'll begin to attack attack the stuff that is close to you so that you are unable to focus can I talk to 500 of you who are in this room I'm telling you you got to cover your children in this Caesar how because the enemy is trying to obstruct your child's destiny and their future and you gotta stop being so self-absorbed that you are blind to the attack that the enemy is levying against your children I just need 500 of y'all who are in this room who have made up in your mind that this morning my focus is not on cars clothes jobs or promotion but I wanna fight off the attack aimed at my children that whenever the enemy is trying to do to my son or my daughter they will not be successful you've been trying to miss up their self-esteem their thinking their discipline they're calling their assignment but on this Sunday morning I am fighting for my child I'm looking for spectators in here I'm talking to those if you never want to see your children victorious and you have had to sit silently what they deal with stuff they shouldn't have to deal with with you give God the sound of warfare worship that this is for my child I demand the attack on my children [Applause] second area of attack after they attack your value is in self-defense if you can't get to their groin what's this then you have they're stifled their voice god help me in here when the enemy is attacking you he wants to silence you he wants to silence you why because he wants to prevent you from crying for help and that was the mistake that King Nebuchadnezzar made is that when he captured Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and threw him in the fiery furnace he tied up their hands and tied up their feet but he forgot to tie up their mouth so while they were in the fiery furnace sitting down sitting clap they begin to cry out under God y'all gotta forgive us there's some people in this room that have found out in 2018 how to worship under fire that even when I give God glory it ain't because everything is going well got to praise Hill cuz there's something I need him to get me out of I didn't look at your neighbor's say let me clean my throat I've been silent all day but let me clear my throat they're gonna be been picking on me but let me clear my throat my money done got tight but let me clear my throat so see you better crazy enough to give God your best shout not because things are going well but I gotta come out of the fire lift up your voice nah they'll attack your value which is your reproduction try to cut off your voice to limit your capacity to worship and thirdly watch this a surprise attack that they'll always try to limit your vision for those of us that graduated from Sunday School we're familiar with the story of Samson and being it for me with the Sam's the story of Samson we're mindful that Delilah was higher just to find out the source of his strength she tried several times to get a secret but could not and finally he acquiesced and said the source of my strength is my hair empower me you not going to believe this they tied Samson off and cut off his hair and immediately he lost his strength and to that we would think that the enemy has victory but if you stop there you are leaving the text prematurely after they cut off his hair the next thing they did was gouge his eyes out because the enemy understands what is that even if you don't have strength if you got vision you can fight back that the Bible says without a vision the people perish and I'm talking to a congregation of people who have not been at their optimum strength but the only thing that keeps you going is you can see what God has in store for you what is amazing is you got folks who think that you are so strong but they don't know that you are mushy on the inside but I can see that where I am it's not what God has for me this is what's going to upset the enemy today I do not want you to shout for what you have I want you to give God glory here it is for what you see and if you see something for your life that is don't be better in October than it was in September shout for your vision give God glory for your vision Samson always had to deal with challenges he's anointed and he's misunderstood he's anointed and he's awkward I want to talk to the person to roles behind you you ain't gonna like it but I gotta give it to you he's anointed and always picks the wrong person he's got an assignment on his life and he sees a woman in Tim know who he's attracted to and says oh yeah that's what I'm won I won't lock it down ain't no good woman at church I'm somebody tell you what Samson said now y'all but I don't want no women under covenant I won't be a good Street woman I want God help me oh yeah oh now y'all saved says I want her and here's the problem is that she equally wanted him pastor why's that a problem she wanted him watch the CT but didn't want his faith so I don't mind going to the movies I just don't want to see a move of God I don't mind going to eat with you but I ain't gonna take no communion you got to be careful who you get connected to win this season because if they do not accept your God they'll never know how to take care you y'all done got real quiet right through here I'm praying that God will send you somebody who's spiritual but not spooky that that they can have a regular conversation and still under the God that you have devoted your life to if you can't worship with me it ain't gonna work with me you gotta find somebody that understand if two or three are gathered together in my name I shall be awesome he wants somebody who doesn't want is God and his was crazy he gets his his his pants in on it help me get him it's a grown man help me go get him and in his mother's concern it ain't nobody in the whole church you want all these conferences revivals meetings convention you ain't see nobody saved said no I don't want none at him the only laughing cuz it's true I don't want none of them take me to go get her and they're on their way to go get her Samson his mother his father they're going down the Timna and without warning I'm in verse number five judges 14 without warning a lion comes the lion comes and attacks Saints I'm gonna drop the mic right here I'm bout through I'm almost finished I'm preaching with a sore throat I'm giving the best that I can have you ever considered when the lion attacked when he's on his way to get a woman he shouldn't be with I know y'all are slow sometimes I'm gonna marry save somebody's life in here sometimes the attack that comes on your life is just designed to separate you from somebody you really don't know who's got your back until you live to an attack anybody will stick with you and things are going well but when your whole life is flashing before your eyes will they fight with you to get the victory that God has ordained God God sends attacks into your life so you can find out who your real friends are he sends attacks into your life so that you'll be able to discern ulterior motives he sends attacks in your life so that you'll know who is authentically concerned about your welfare different between who looking for what they can get from you and I'm talking to some people that have lived through some hell of attacks and did you not notice that when that attack within the full acceleration that's when your circle got small that's when you win through your lonely period that's when you have to fight through rejection and depression and isolation watch it you had to calm yourself down because there was nobody there to comfort you and and to support you and to encourage you you gotta thank God that in this season of your life you'll need a whole bunch of people in your space but you need some folks that are qualified don't be attack first feet of family says be alone be sober your enemy is like a roaring lion looking for somebody to attack but I prayed for you honey I feel God on me now I need you to look at the person beside you and tell him I know September look at their neighbor til I had no September had a whole lot of attacks but don't you forget who stuck with you while you were in the greatest fight of your life though don't you now get a memory lapse now that you're about to rebound who walked away and was unavailable wow you were the first thing that David does as he grabs the lion by your throat because I don't come with Ozzy's satanic attacks do not come with grenades magnums Saturday night specials when the enemy is attacking you God knows I need you to hear me he only uses voice so the enemy starts attacking you not just with by what other people say but by what you were saying to yourself god help me and God sent you on this Sunday morning how because by the power of the Holy Ghost I am men sing every voice in your head that is counter to the will of God for your life to try to convince you that you are not enough that you are not capable and that it is not going to happen you gotta learn how to shut yourself up and kill what God has spoken over you because the promise of God is yay this week Emma stop listening to me god I don't know who needs that I said this week I must stop listening to me because I refused to be a terrorist of self-sabotage talking myself out of destiny and prophecy and assignment and manifestation and fulfillment whatever is in me that's talking me out of what God promised shut up verse number 6 the Spirit of the Lord falls on you and he tears up the lion with his hands I came to tell you that this were you going to defeat everything that's been attacking you those of you who have not been under attack cross your legs and fold your arms I'm only talking to 80 of you here my boys who are just tired of fighting at Dadar defended yourself and tired of leaving yourself out there lift up that hand I want to say something to you the Spirit of God fell on fell on him and said you are going to defeat whatever's been whispering in your ear allelujah I'm trying not to crack as I feel you're an honor you gonna defeat it a little you been clean for a minute and now you starting to demo your toe back in it shut up so scared of being by yourself you'll go back to a relationship that's toxic shut up you don't want them you just lovely shut up you keep settling for a job a career paycheck that's less than what it is that you were worth said the Spirit is on you so that you gonna be able to defeat it I gotta move out of here no no more depression no more anxiety attacks no more panic attacks shut up my time is almost up this evening where I was going did I promise you this one where I was going it wasn't even when I thought about going but I'm talking to some struggling recovering addict who's in this room I'll know where you are a struggling recovering addict I need you to get to this altar real quick I got a silence that boys [Applause] I don't need that cocaine I don't need I don't need that cigarette god I can't hear nobody on I don't need that alcohol to take the edge off [Applause] [Music] Todd is sleeping with somebody I don't care about I need you to meet me at this altar please I got assignment that boy's waiting on three more to come please [Music] it is amazing that the etymological understanding of the word Goliath that's who David defeated did you know Goliath names means star-lord you're dismissed without your saying goliaths name means to highlight and David said that's what I got a defeat the spirit of the big thing that keeps talking me out of my assignment I got a destroy it just did you hearing voices it don't mean you crazy y'all ain't saying nothing just that you hearing voices it doesn't mean that you off your rocker sometimes you gotta talk yourself off the ledge I'm sick of y'all self-righteous saints you gotta talk yourself out of doing something crazy and stupid that's gonna mess up years in your life wait don't you more you to come I want you to come please two more of you wherever it is that you are you right on the edge I don't even ever release the prey yet till you come come on come on you gonna beat this you won't break the cycle this is the end of it I need you to come I got you many spectators I need intercessors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because he lifts up your hand the pastor wants to pray for you please softly Sean thank you god I pray that you were silenced every illegal voice everything that's talking us into doing that which is destructive that which is debilitating that which is crippling God of every lifted hand I break illegal soul ties purge people out of their system I prayed your Lord that you help them to be balanced and whole and healthy and God if it ain't too much to ask make them happy not I'm only asking you because you are able I pray that this is the last month that they struggle with it but before Halloween comes the joke will be on saying keep mitad for evil but God you can't work it out for their good and if those of you who got enough faith to trust God even over silent voices would you open up your mouth I don't need you to shout that me do the worship come on lift up your voice [Music] Kalinin you thank you ministers come and embrace them for me come on quickly as silent every voice [Music] a silence every boys [Music] a silence every voice you are not gonna commit suicide a silence every voice the best of your life is not behind you a silent sappy boys you are stronger than your worst mistake our silence every boys [Music] I declared that it is so the Jesus thing your Jesus thing in Jesus name in Jesus neck replace my voice with your voice in Jesus name those of you that want to hear the voice of God this week open up your mouth and just worship your man I don't need your advice I need his voice I don't wanna know what you think I wanna know what God thinks I mean his voice and it is so in Jesus name empowerment I've been talking about the spirit of encouragement all day as they go back to their seats I want you to cheer for them I need you to interrupt their footsteps with embraces and hugs let them know you pray inform you got them you gonna help them get through this attack [Music] come on y'all gotta turn it up better than that [Music] I can't believe y'all not saying nothing turn it up better than that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated I want to show you one thing if I can I gotta show you one thing please sir please ma'am I gotta show you one thing media ministry I need you to partner with me on this I'm in judges 14 I need you to put verse 5 on the screen for me I got to show this to you and then I'm grossly over time I'm mindful of it look at some judges 14 verse 5 I need you to highlight if you can close one cause a if you would watch what it says and Samson went down to Timna do you see that in your Bible come on talk back to me do you see that in your Bible Samson went down the Timna together with who come on read the word who didn't go down there with now be silent I'm a read aloud as they approach the vineyards of Timna suddenly a young lion came roaring towards him I want you to look at verse number 6 the Spirit of God came upon him he told the lion apart with his bare hands and then look at the last Clause of verse 6 but he told neither his father or his mother what he had done climbed back up to verse number 5 Clause a Samson went down the Timna who did he go with who did he go with go to verse number 6 please look at verse number 6 Spirit of the Lord came upon him he taught the lion look at that last clause and he did not tell his mother and father pastor I don't know what you showing me I don't know what the point is here it is and I'm finished his parents were walking with him and the question I gotta ask is where was his parents when he went under attack possibly his parents are walking ahead of him his parents who walk in the head of them and because he's a few paces behind the lion attacks and he destroys it and his parents don't even know and they walk in with Oh God gave me this revelation empowerment I gotta give it to you today God says I am giving you victory this month what's this for private attacks but the stuff your family don't know you dealing with y'all ain't saying nothing for the attack you've been dealing with and you don't talk about it with your friends God said this month you are gonna see victory in the hand you struggle with I wanna for you he says if you give me public worship I'm gonna deal with private warfare in other words I've gotta tell you what I'm going through I miss both of you that are going through some driving right now and you don't want to wear your family about it but you just got to handle it will you give dog glory for public victory I can't get anybody I said careful already know whatever y'all cries it's totally slam your feet don't open the doors of the church somebody in this room needs to join somebody in this room needs to come somebody in this place has to get saved one brother is already to come I couldn't get it out yet if you're in this room and you're saying pastor that's the kind of church I need to be a part of kind of ministry I need to connect with I want you to come now please I want you to come give me your hand but I want you to give God your heart come on hear that come [Music] you're in this place you saying I can't let another day go by these church folk got no idea what I've been dealing with how much effort and energy it takes for me just to calm down help me please I want you to move from where you are I want you to go find somebody who you don't know who you don't have relationship with who you've never met in all of your days I want you to go right to him right now and ask him I be a member of a church where they're growing ask him have they given their life over to God every person but you move and go do that truly please [Music] whoever it is that you are come out no more anxiety attacks no more panic attacks I need you to come give me your hand but I need you to give God your heart bless His name I can't believe you ain't talked to them come on do a rochev real quick a scam you sure you say you sure you giving your life over to God come on trust me [Music] me come on give God some praise for our sister coming now would you do a road check as two people Daniel hey y'all are y'all saved lessons make sure to write him to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right Church serving the only God and I know that's right if you're not right would you give God your best shout of Thanksgiving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] empowerment come on give God your best shelter Thanksgiving you may be seated in the presence of the Lord how many of you know you needed that word today how many of you glad you came to church today bless the Lord here's some what I want to do please sir please ma'am here's what I want to do the Bible is clear to whom much is given much is required he said behold I do a new thing I'm gonna share something with you out of of the vision of your pastor that I think you're germane to this hour I wanted you to know that over the last six years we've been doing a campaign called give love give food so I asked you all through October November for you to bring canned foods to church and then the week before Thanksgiving we shut the church down pulled up all these green chairs and we turned it into a supermarket so those who are dealing with food insecurity might be able to come we've been able to bless people in an amazing way can I say something to that may obstruct your level of thinking but I want to give it to you anyway just because it works doesn't mean you gotta keep working it the John you and I just say it just because it's successful doesn't mean you gotta keep doing it God challenged me to do something a little bit different this season and I I need your help I need your by you and I need your support in order for it to be effective pastor what is that less less month we hallmarked one year since the natural disaster here Puerto Rico over some four thousand lives now 3975 lives were lost and still this administration has done nothing to rebuild the infrastructure three-fourths of the island is still without electricity then last month Hurricane Florence came rippling through the Carolinas unearthing homes and schools and communities only for us to discover that the FEMA money was spent the money that is earmarked for natural disaster our recourse was spent where pastor for them to buy cages for immigrant children for them to be able to set up hostels for those at the border and as a consequence the nation is claiming broke and cannot help even its own Segawa division on me that I'm going to share with you this morning when the earthquake hit Haiti we flew the Bishop from Haiti here and Heming by field we brought her here she preached that morning and then we prepared in partnership with food 85,000 meals and shipped it to Haiti that's what your church did would you give God a hand clap of praise for that God gave me a vision and I want to share it with you that this Thanksgiving we're going to do what no church is doing black or white and I am excited that empowerment Elm temple is taking the helm of leadership this Thanksgiving empowerment temple and I hope you'll get it as excited as I am your church your church the church you are a member of this Thanksgiving we are feeding 10,000 people in Puerto Rico come on somebody give God a hankie let the first 10,000 people in Puerto Rico but not only are we feeding 10,000 people in Puerto Rico watch this we are also feeding 10,000 people in North Carolina on the exact same day somebody give God some praise we called food a and that's them could they partner with us again and they were dizzy almost to a nosebleed because out of their admission they've never done anything of this scale number 1 with the church and number 2 with a black church aren't you proud of your church for what it is that God is helping us to do equipping us to do for to find us to do we walk it like we talk it everything that we say God gives us the power to make it come to pass as a consequence I need you to put it in your phone please November 11 will you put that in your phone November 11 that's a Sunday Sunday November 11th it's gonna be dressed down for the whole church after service is completed all of us we pulling these chairs out and all of us are gonna do meal prep for 20,000 meals in one day somebody give God a hand clap of praise food aides said that they will do the shipping for us for free it is just ours to have to pay for all of the food and for the packaging but we're grateful for the opportunity we have already set up satellite units with churches in Puerto Rico and churches in Carolina who will in fact be the dispensing factions for us give God I Hank let the praise for that teamwork makes the dream work in order for us to get this done I have to secure let me pause again we are sending next week is the truck week after next we've come into partnership with Shu City and somebody else we're sending a partnership with Shu City you all ought to help me thank God we're sending 20 pallets of new clothes and shoes took north in South Carolina somebody give God a hand clap of praise and all the more I need y'all to shout our own members are driving the materials in the closed-down of those who drive trucks from our church somebody give God some praise in the next 30 days over and beyond our tithes we need to collect $20,000 to pay for this initiative over and beyond our times they don't got nothing to do with the rent the mortgage the school the lights the broadcasts to save twenty thousand dollars why because I can't wait until the 11th to buy the food amen the packaging the supplies and the resources and so as a consequence from this the first Sunday of November I'm asking you to prepare two offerings this morning two offerings you were gonna give at the exact same time we'll have two different baskets in front of you one basket I want you to give towards this initiative to feed 20 thousand people for Thanksgiving if you're writing a check in the member section put calm after the storm calm after the storm my dear friends who are watching online if you're giving electronically I want you to give to give the fire or through your cash out those of you you didn't know that I was gonna be raising a special offering I guess all right on either side of the sanctuary or you can give through your debit or through your ATM card how much you have provided all love of the resources of that we need of them we'll be able to move in the overdrive to make sure that this is done and that it is done with the spirit of excellence I want every person who's under the sound of my voice if you're in need of an envelope would you lift up that hand you don't have an envelope lift up that hand and Bester's do you mind helping me thank you I don't have no envelopes thank you oh man thank you that you are in every section there's gonna be two different baskets I want you to give your tithes your offerings I also want you to give for this initiative November 11th I want you to bring your co-workers I want you to bring your classmates I want you to bring your sorority your fraternity your Lodge I want you to bring everybody from the salon every person you can get your hands on I need them here on November you left the more people we have the quicker we gonna be able to get out of here amen 20,000 how many y'all know there's a lot of food yes there's a whole lot of food so I need you please please every person would you mind standing to your feet leaders those of you who are holding the basket for tithes and offerings would you lift those up high so that the people are clear as to where it is that they are giving thank you pull that basket down those of you who are giving to our calm after the storm lift up that basket please the first basket is our tithes and offerings our second basket our ears for our outreach initiative for Puerto Rico and the Carolinas every person in the room lifts up that gift above your head please lift up that gift above your head repeat after me lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand will bless the people bless people in Baltimore Carolina Puerto Rico and in my house amen Jesus all have sinned and fallen short of his glory the music ministry standing before you the leaders were standing amongst you we're standing not because we're perfect but because we're forgiving because of His grace Reverend dr. Becky Cola is going to lead us through our prayer of general confession she's not praying for you she's praying with you you got to pray through your own conviction out of your own mouth if you don't know what is provided for you on your closest screen let's pray together please we acknowledge and be well out my sentence which which we prefer to time most grievously have committed by God and word and deed provoking most justly or wrath and indignation against us we do unless you repent and the remembrance of their means Grievous unto us mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for your son our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all that is Jesus Christ our Lord amen amen would you ever so carefully pull back the first level of your receptacle I want you to lift that wafer above your head he commandeered the disciples into the upper room poured out a loaf of bread and says I know you've been wanting to break but calm down this is my body broken for you would you please break it right in your hand take your knee ever so carefully pulling back the second receptacle the disciples said Lord what do we do we feeling stretched out feeling anxiety feeling panic come on get a cigarette we drink go to the casino call somebody Netflix and chill he said this is my blood share for you calm down taking drink would you please just hug three people on your way to your seats tell them calm down please calm down [Music] you don't never [Music] [Music] come on in region oh yes Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] yes power you may be seated except if you have a birthday in October would you stand if you got a birthday in October come on would you help me give golf glory for all of those who are standing my mother was born in October this is a great month I want you to embrace somebody around you and tell them the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life the rest of your life some be the best of your life you may be seated in the presence of our God when this series called beast mode I focused for October is on Prison Reform and our returning citizens on the last Sunday of October I need you to please bring the church all returning citizens I need you to please those who re-entering society I need you to bring them to church on that day I'm partnering with community organizations to get them placement in jobs in training and educational opportunities somebody give God a handclaps of praise to that end for the month of October we are collecting 3,000 neckties because we want our brothers our sons and I father's Dress for Success as we as they start the next chapter of their life I'm mindful I wasn't here on last Sunday so many of you were not aware of it I just really just announced it by your social media above those of you they've bought neckties today would you bring them to the altar now those of you that brought neckties today I need you to bring them to the altar in power give God some praise for them come on y'all got to do better than that thank you thank you come on clap real good many of you were not aware of please next Sunday this altar ought be filled and flooded so I want you to bring as many neckties that you can not just a man my sisters please please please go get some neckties and bring them to church it's going to be a blessing for our brothers next Sunday we start our fall revival with prophet our Hall Sunday Monday and Tuesday I need you to mark your calendars y'all know we don't church you all to death I will only got two revivals a year so you ought to in fact mark your calendars and make sure that you are present for the more than conquerors crusade next Sunday Monday and Tuesday would you put in your calendar October 21st October 21st is a pink Sunday your church is standing in alignment with breast cancer awareness so we're asking all the ladies to wear pink on that day even though y'all data Delta's I know this goes against everything that you believe but we're pick on that day even if you gotta put red with it but I need everybody in paint i gentleman ask that you please wear pink ties pick church but not pink suits this is impact thank you so answer to please govern yourselves Lord Hill the only laughing cuz you know what I made thank you so because I focus this month is on prison re-entry we're gonna be expunging this month I've booked if you've not read this book you must other book is entitled the new Jim Crow the author's name is Michelle Alexander mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness if you want to understand how it is that mass incarceration works in the Prison Pipeline and while they are gunning for our sons I need you to please please please pick up this book the new Jim Crow is gonna be absolutely amazing of this coming Tuesday we're almost at the end of it I were in the fourth stage of grief I've been in this series living with loss it is only one hour which starts at 7:30 we're going through the five stages of grief this coming Tuesday is the fourth is the fourth stage of grief and I want you to please make sure that your present it's only one hour it goes from 7:30 to 841 hour one hour past you saying that that ain't one hours 7:30 to 840 I stopped the clock when you get here so if you come on time we can end on time I also ask that you apply
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 9,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, stuff, try, trying, calm
Id: no_KW4Ln1YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 10sec (4630 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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