Role Reversal | When others make your life difficult | Pastor Keion Henderson

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those hands and begin to say something sweet to God the praise team worship now it's your turn the worshiper come on open up your mouth come on open up your mouth if he's done anything for you if he's been good to your feasts if he's brought you out or anything if if he's ever been to lift her up her over your head come on somebody ought to just thank him in this place God Holy Spirit we invite you into this place come on into this room God shake us like a rag lift us where we belong we're opening our mouths because you've opened up our hearts we're opening up our mouths because you opened up closed doors we're opening up our mouths God because you made ways out of no ways and you turn dark nights in the mid days God we give you all glory we give you honor and praise not because everything is alright but because you're good in spite of the circumstance we love you Father we are in appreciation we honor you because you are our Father and you are the way you are the truth and you are the life and we thank you that through predestination you have chosen us and through Redemption you have saved us and by the blood you have covered us in Jesus name we pray somebody who loves the Lord put those hands together and praise God hallelujah turn with me to the book of Joshua chapter 13 Joshua chapter 13 and we're gonna be reading just two verses number one in number seven Joshua chapter 13 verses 1 and verse 7 and I'll preach about What's in between contextually but we will discuss for the purpose of the brevity of time just each two verses Joshua 13 and 1 and verse 7 if you got to say I got it if you still look and say hold up okay if you don't know whether look hopefully they don't have it up there momentarily Joshua 13 verse 1 if you ready to say go now Joshua was old and stricken in years and the Lord said unto Him thou art old and stricken in years and even though you're old and even though you think you're too old they're still it's very much laying for you to possess I want I want to talk to somebody who thought that you had capped out you thought that you had peaked out thought that you had reached the top of your game God sent me to tell you there's much more for you to possess don't get too excited look at verse 7 now that you haven't look what you're gonna have to do divide it this is what separates good from great we are good in it we're good at getting it we're not that good at dividing it God said in his next season I need you to get it and divide it such three people say get it and divide it get it and divide it get it and divide it I want to talk over this next few moments and the subject I want to talk about role reversals because God has a new blessing for you but he can't give it to you in your old role it's time for you to find out who you are all waves create it to be because the blessing it's not for who you are the blessing is for who you shall be such every person you can reach on your way down to say role-reversal you may be seated in the presence of the lord so at this point canaan is complete what do I mean Moses the Emancipator are the deliverer of the Israelites whose life started off totally differently than it ended we discuss it quite often that Moses was hidden in a basket around bulrushes bushes if you will things that grow in the water he was hidden the Bible says until he could no longer be hidden you see the truth of the matter is is that nothing can be hidden longer then it can be hidden as long as Moses remained in his old role nobody knew who he was the moment he went from being in the house of the Pharaoh to being in the inmense of Peter of the Israelites and notice that his new move was a downward move when Moses was born and was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter Moses went from being the son of poor parents to being a rich and respected young man notice that his calling calls him out of a castle and puts him into a wilderness sometimes we mistake what God calls us to do is because the only call we think God gives our upward calls not soul sometimes God will call you from luxury to poverty to see if you trusted in your luxury or will you trust him in your poverty Paul said I have learned to be content how much my paycheck is that's our vernacular Paul says whether I'm a beast or abounding in other words whether I'm up and down whether I'm hungry off or whether I'm fool whether people are getting on my nerve or whether I'm getting along with people he says I've taken my happiness out of my circumstance and I put my happiness in my own hand which is why it doesn't matter what state I'm in I can choose to be continued this message is for those who think that you can only be happy when things are going well this message is to disturb those of you who think that everything has to be going well in order for you to feel well you've got to learn that no matter what the environment is you pick the temperature look down your road right now you sit next to somebody who's struggling but you don't know it they sitting up here you thinking oh my god I want I want God to bless me like them and if they could just tell you baby I don't feel blessed but I've learned to bless him at all times and it's praise shall continually be in my mouth touch let me say I'm always gonna have a praise I'm even if I got pain I'm gonna have a praise oh no I'm gonna have a praise I can cry all the way up to the church but lord knows I was glad when they said unto me matter of fact identify yourself if the whole ride you cried all the way to church and all week long Oh matter of fact when church was over last with you is like I can't wait till next Sunday when sunday comes there's something about being the house of the Lord that'll make you forget about the hill you have been through somebody shot I'm always gonna have a praise I'm gonna have a praise when I don't have any money I I'm gonna have a praise if I lose my family imma have a praise if they repossess the car I might have a praise if they put me out the house I'll let nothing separate me so matter of fact I want you to do me a favor just put your neighbor on notice and say neighbor I might not have any money but I'm gonna have a praise yeah I might not even talk to you when the preacher told me to but imma have a praise this joy that I have the world didn't give it and since you didn't give it you came taking matter of fact I've know us early but anybody just magnify the Lord with me anybody wanna exalt his name together anybody want to admit that the Lord is good and His mercy endureth Joshua I have a plan for you but I can't do it through the oh you I need you to go to settings and hit update because I've been looking at you too long with that red circle with a 1 in it seeing you operate on an old function wondering why it ain't working there are some bugs in your system that are in the update that if you would take the time to put the phone down long enough do you know some people won't update the phone because of how long it's gonna take but there is so much that God has to put in you that sometimes you got to put it down and plug into a source and get on Wi-Fi and step away from it what am I saying sometimes you got to get off of the phone and get off of Facebook and get away from people and get away from your lying friends and get before God long enough for him to update you and speak to you I got a new role for you but I can't use who you were when God called Joshua the first twelve chapters Joshua has 24 chapters in it guarantee you have you read it this is absolutely the truth the first twelve chapters of his life the only thing he's doing is fighting because the first half of your life is dedicated to a fight the first half of the marriage is a fight the first half of raising a child yelling go help me it's a fight the first half of anything the only thing you do is fight but the problem is is you have the expectation that because it was the first half we ought to be getting alone because it was the first half there ought to be bliss because it's the first half we ought to be happy no the first half of anything is a fight start a diet and tell me it ain't a fight in the beginning when you decide that you're not gonna eat a whole roll of Oreos you're only gonna eat three tell me be like okay well five and go how many up okay I'm gonna talk how many y'all just rationalize and say well it ain't as much as I used to have so at least I'm doing better I used to eat sixty Oreos now I'm gonna go eat 12 I'm making progress the first half is a fight when you decide to change roles and reverse roles will you decide that you're not gonna cuss as much as you used to that's the fight also ain't nobody got no custom spirit of here y'all ain't no future in your friend don't y'all get on my nerves and make me come out too cuz if I do the right thing I find out what your spirit is you ever talk to yourself and say you know what I know I'm girl because I would've been cussed out you know you know how you start talking you're similar Oh child I'm growing because they're helpful would've got the business have you ever have you ever said to yourself I know I'm growing because God is calling you from a defensive stage the first half of your life is a fight and the reason why the devil has us in this cycle is because we start out fighting but we don't know that when the fight is over God doesn't need us to fight anymore and so now you've had to Celie fight your whole life yawning on holidays oh boy all my life or maybe you don't like the color purple maybe you like the five heartbeats I gotta fight every night prove my love so you spend your whole life fighting depression you spend your whole life fighting rejection you spend your whole life fighting the pay the bills you spend your whole life fighting a be a single mother you spend your whole life fighting a man to love you and you love him and you bring your whole life fighting her to appreciate what you do is stop asking for the next thing before she enjoys the thing you just bought and you fight and then God switch the roles and you still fight me because you're so used to fighting it's the only thing you know so somebody says how you doing today what you mean how I'm doing why are you asking baby I don't know but if you gonna ask me I don't got to know how you're doing I was just asked have you ever met people defensive like that you call them on the phone at a time you don't know when to call them how you doing today what happened what what nothing I just the Lord puts you on my heart and I just called you to see how you were doing we're always defensive you see you walking in the grocery store you just walking around waiting on somebody to say something I wish them you've seen the mean people in the grocery store you speak to him how you doing him I have to speak yeah I was being nice now i'ma get defensive defensive somebody pull you over in traffic you get out the car ready to fight somebody on 45 your tombstone she won the argument but lost her life you're gonna get hit Joshua the first half of your life I know you had to fight but the enemies you see today you shall see no more Joshua the second half of your life is not for defense it's for dividing now Joshua has to divide what he fought for and ain't nothing worse than having to share with somebody you don't think deserves it that's God ever asked you to do something you like hold on do what do you say I got to do what for how long long suffering love them after they did what say I'm sorry when turn the other cheek how Lord ain't ready and he says if you're not ready for the change you're not ready for the promotion I can never send my promotion ahead of your change because if I promote you before you change you would think your current behavior got you what you have so I can only reward you after you adhere to my word so that you will know that the blessing comes with obedience am I helping anybody raise your hand if I'm helping you so far so he says to Joshua I need you to go from a defensive stage to a dividing stage everybody say divine defeating then dividing defensive then dividing if you read your Bible matter of fact before you get to the Bible you can look at biology there is there was a mitosis for instance the process of mitosis is when sales divide meiosis is when the cell connects with the sperm and then it divides life starts and division that you are here right now with billions of cells in your body but you started as one if your body never if your sale never split to another sale never split to another sale never split to another cell then you wouldn't be alive you are sitting here collectively divided lord help me in this church today everything that God got ready to do with something he divided it before he did it two fists five lows you got to feed a lot of people divided he broke the fish and broke the bread and then divided it Pharaoh's coming rare season front Lord help me in this place Oh Canaan is on the side of the Jordan River no you're not gonna swim through it I'm on a because every time God divides something he developed something lord help me in this church oh god help me somebody shout Lord divide it you thought the blessing was in the hole the blessing is in the division God says I was developing you and I divided your friends so I could get you to wash we're gonna help you get to the next level I'm dividing it so I can bless you somebody shall divide it Oh David you're going to be the next king all eight of your brothers are going to be together I'm gonna divide you and put you in the field I'm gonna divide you away from the rest of them and I'm gonna have you isolated because I need you to be divided so that they will know the difference between them and him the reason why God is dividing you from what you're around is because he's trying to differentiate you from what you I'm gonna pick the donkey for Palm Sunday that was divided from the rest and ride one that has never been ridden because the blessing is in the dividing I'm going to save the world but the only way I can save the worlds I got to divide myself I'm going to become Father Son and Holy Ghost oh Jesus and even when he decided to save the world he divided his creative side from his servant side and then divided his spirit from his self because he knows that the more he divides it the more it can do it reason why God is breaking you down and dividing you is because he understands that he's getting you from your defensive stage to you're dividing stage and he understands that the more he breaks it down the more he can do with it I cannot bless 5,000 not including the women and children with 255 lows but every time he broke it it developed every time he broke it it developed the Bible says he took it he broke it and He blessed it he took it he broke it and He blessed it and every time he took it broke it and blessed it then something came out of what he broke and something came out of the fracture pieces Paul didn't make it to the shore on a whole boat he to the shore on the boat that had been divided God says can you trust me even when it's breaking can you trust me one your check keeps can you trust me when you don't have as many friends as you used to have and when nobody's answering the phone anymore and can you trust me when your relationship is dividing can you trust me when you feel like you don't even know yourself can you trust me in the role reversal or can you only trust me when everything as well am I only good when you got money in your pocket am i only good when your phone is ringing off the hook or am I good when nobody's even called to check on you this week your development is not in your blessing your development is in your division so God keeps breaking you down and dividing you and dividing and then you were leaning on this friend and then they get to trippin there's another division and then you had an extra source of income and then God takes that part-time job away and now you got to go back to trusting on him wholly oh I know I'm right about it and he just keeps on dividing it keeps on dividing it keeps on dividing and you get scared because you trusted the thing you trusted the gift and not so God says I got to get my trust back from the object so I'll remove the object so you can rely on the distributor and the good Lord gives and the good Lord takes away but can I give you a word there's at least 500 people in here that tell you there is life after division who am I talking to in here today slap somebody say there is life after division how many of y'all have ever been married in here before I raise your hand how many of you all have been divorced in here raise your hand are you happy you better go tell somebody they think that they think they think that if they get a divorce life is over and they think that God ain't gonna love them anymore tell them you'll be hurt for about 3-4 months but after a while you get your swag back come on holla back at your boy after a while you get see the problem was it yourself esteem went down the tube I want you to get back to putting makeup on everyday I want you to get back to taking a bath I don't know why when people break up first thing they stop doing is taking baths brushing their hair and brushing their teeth brush your teeth the Bible says the man that finds a wife finds a good thing you're waiting on a man to show up to be a wife the Bible said a man that finds a woman who acts like a wife after we go on a date he says the man who finds a wife finds a good thing I want every woman in here just waiting on their husband to start acting like a wife before you get a man all of a sudden you found a man and you become a chef your children have ate at chick-fil-a the last year straight now listen you got to taste my Big B so kids don't even know what your beans taste like you know you don't start cooking when you get a man I want you to go home right now I know you don't have one I want you to cook for two right now have a conversation right now you think I'm playing I'm talking serious because you cannot wait until it happens you got it out of your defensive stance and getting your defining stance before God I bless you start washing clothes now start getting the hair out of the sinking down breath let's stop leaving your drawers on the floor now pick your filthy socks up now don't nobody want to clean up after you clean up after yourself she's getting out windows drawers you did put them up and put them in the dirty clothes on the right side so she don't have to flip them you just go in and pull everything off together she got to wash drawers socks and pants all at the same time get the Holy Ghost look at the Holy Ghost that's what the Holy Ghost look like you ask me y'all want to know why women hate doing laundry cuz all the old clothes is in one bundle she got to pull it apart flip it inside out fella start helping now if she wash you can fold if she cook you can clean all y'all they go holla at ya boy now see when I'm on them y'all now time to see you start being a husband now start going to the gas station to filling up her tank now watch her car now and guess what you can wash her clothes too and you can have them fold it now you don't know where they go so you got to find a place in the room where you can sit them she'll put them up because we all know where all y'all's stuff go but you got to do it now you got to get out of this stage you know you're still in that defensive stage where I ain't gonna let no woman use me well you should've got with her you got to get out of that defensive stage stop bringing your baggage into this new relationship get out of your defensive stage and get into your dividing states it is time to conquer do I have a Church in here today reason why most relationships don't work is because we get out of old relationships and make the new people pay for the old relationship and so here you are in your dividing stage still in your defensive stage ain't gonna let nobody use them so I'm gonna make a way six months before I've been through this before so i'ma hold our when holding out should be according to the Bible and not to find out if they gonna stay use your head I don't want to have to say it now let's see if you y'all know how I get I will go all the way if y'all sit up there look at me with that blank stare like y'all don't know what I'm talking about I'm gonna hold out just to see if he gonna stay no how about holding out - he gives you a ring there's a thought like it is the best I got the development is in the dividing there are some things that are too potent to take without diluting bleach is good if you add water anybody ever try to take ginger if you don't ask some - it'll knock you smooth out too much of anything and good you are so potent with power that God is breaking you down so that people can even handle you if somebody who were to have the total you they wouldn't even know what to do with all of you if you were ever able to find somebody who could handle you the way you love and the way you pray and the way you care and the way you look out for and the way you sacrifice and the way you provide have you ever noticed it seems like the people you pull all that you own are the ones who don't want you and the people you give yourself to in pieces they just appreciate cuz you're so potent that you've not yet met a person who can handle you at a hundred proof any frustrated people in this room you didn't have to want for nothing you didn't have to ask me for nothing I met your knee without you even asking and this is what I get I will God says I need you to switch rows or you will become frustrated because what I am doing with you I have to do through a new you I cannot do what I'm going to do with you if you're still in your fighting clothes I need you to be a governor not a general and there is a difference general fights of governor governs I need you to get out of fighting and being defensive and being mad that your father didn't raise you and being upset that your mother didn't hug you and been the black sheep of the family I need you to get rid of all of your high school and college excuses and forget about the fact that you've been rejected and left behind that was the first twelve chapters of your life oh but the next twelve chapters of your life Oh Who am I talking to God told me to tell you the first twelve chapters was preparation the next twelve chapters is distribution slap your neighbors and we'll go from preparation to distribution I speak in your life that God is getting ready to bless you with so much that you're not gonna have room enough to receive it so the question is will you be able to divide it can you divide it with people who've been complaining the whole time can you divide it with people who've been arguing with you the whole time can you divide it with people who have never appreciated how much you've done for them can you switch roles point number one I just you have to I just anybody would be honest to say I struggle with adjusting I just I'm set in my ways come on now just be honest I said raise your hand if you I'm talking to you what are y'all doing um I find it hard to adjust if I go on Walmart and they change the store around what is wrong with them how many y'all remember when Walmart change size you just wind up ain't going to wander I'm going to Target we always a bend and adjustment we don't adjust well some of y'all old enough remember when they when they got rid of them flip phones we held on for dear life y'all help them start tax for a long time come on some of y'all still gather this is how we make rationalize our lack of adjustment well I ain't gonna do nothing on it but talking text so what I need it for what if can you remember can you imagine you know before we had cars that had power steering you know they didn't have power steering how many uh you know some of y'all remember y'all mama had a car it had power stems when a foot leaked out it was having me y'all remember having to get ready to turn you can't be cool when you ain't got no Palestine maybe like man you'll triceps strong I worked out bro oh you just ain't got no power stare can you imagine when power steering was introduced how the people's complain and this will to loose now they love it have you ever seen somebody they walk in the room no matter what the tension is they complain it's too hot it's too cold don't matter what it is it's happening here you turn it Simpson I ain't mean for you to turn it on that much have you ever went to a restaurant with somebody who can't adjust they set up it okay I want a hamburger no ham no burger add beef no chicken put celery on it make sure the celery is cooked at 100 degrees I want 12 pepperonis and 16 sausage link they ordered all this stuff and if it come out wrong give me a manners because this is ridiculous y'all can't even take a simple order right here you are yelling at the person who didn't cook it by the way no adjustment sometimes you can say you know what it's no problem I eat this I eat this I know our order chicken and you brought me Bologna but I eat Bologna I know exactly who that was I'm gonna go right to him i'ma show y'all who said it I would look in that direction but I know it was you was you he said oh no Lord I'll be Bologna he didn't got arrogant in the Holy Ghost you know he was raised on Bologna boy Oh Lord that almost took me out of here Oh y'all eat Bologna no mo y'all air get y'all ready Bologna you better cook it right that's your problem you need a cast-iron skillet you put it in the middle start frying it let it pick up in the middle stick your fork in it and that's when you woo alright and then get you some bread and I want you to toast it go and slap a little butter on there get you some cheese let it melt it ain't number the flat hotdogs why don't you Bologna either man I'm a photographer on with y'all boy let me tell you when he said oh no I almost died up here somebody say advance adjust those are the two things you got to do advancing it just he says Joshua this is gonna be a word for somebody Joshua you are stricken in years when you strike somebody what does it mean to hit him when I first read this I would have thought that too but I studied it the worst trickiness actually a Hebrew word which means advanced this is this he send Joshua you are now advanced enough because this next blessing has nothing to do with your age it has to do with your stage Joshua I gave you the blessing when you were mature enough some people think they ought to get stuff because they old enough God says I am NOT in this season paying attention to your age I'm gonna pay attention to your stage and if you want to be 60 and immature I'll make your weight but if you can get it at 25 I'll bless you oh I wish I had somebody here say god I can handle a fast forward in my life is there anybody that's willing to advance and adjust and mature so God can bless you in the stage I speak a spirit of fast forward in this season that God is getting ready to do in a year what it would have took you 10 years to do your neighbor high five and say what took a year God's gonna do it in a month what took a month God's gonna do it in a week what it took a week to do God is gonna do it in a day I hear you Holy Spirit no God told me to tell you before the day is over God's hoping to tell you before the day is over God's gonna have you in your new role is there anybody in here that's ready for your new role matter of fact I didn't plan it here oh I hear your Holy Ghost God sent Rolls Royce is there anybody in here that God is getting ready to bless you somebody said I'm getting ready for my new role God said Joshua I am NOT rebuking you what you have done as well but I am speaking against the spirit of you've done enough you have not done enough there is more to possess he says I know you come a long way but do you think that I'm gonna let you come this far and say that's far enough all of your life this is all you're gonna do adjust advance adjust advance adjust advance adjust advance and after you get the advancement guess what you got to do adjust and after your advance then guess what you got to do adjust then what advance then what adjust then what advance it is a cyclical cycle for the rest of your life you'll be making advancements and adjustments and he says I'm speaking against the spirit of you've done enough you got you a nice little job you got so a nice little house and you got you a nice little car and you around here happy and you don't understand that what I have planned for you you are still in poverty Oh somebody shall do more I refuse and I forbid you to settle press toward the mark god I reach the mark what in found another mark adjust if his adjust advanced I speak against the spirit of complacency I come up against laziness Oh hallelujah I come up against procrastination oh I speak to in this place right now because some of y'all you got to dream you just don't have the drive help me hold it girls you got to dream but you don't have to drive I speak a drive in your spirit right now you wake up in the morning you're gonna have a drive even if you only slept two hours God told me to tell you he's about to give you a role reversal get up adjust in advance gotta I got a job and I finally met my goal the goal of having a goal is not to meet it the goal of having a goal is to break it so you can make a new goal can I tell you something you will never get what you're going for without losing some of what you currently have there is nobody in the world who ever did anything great who doesn't have a story about what they lost to get there I told somebody this today and I'm gonna tell you this you were never going to get there without this pain you thought the devil was just gonna let you walk into the next level without making you feel like you was gonna lose your ever-loving mind you thought that he was just gonna let you stroll in the Canaan without putting up one last fight you thought that the red sea was it you thought the Jordan River was over you thought that when you beat Goliath that was it you touched that the Philistines were your last battle no there was another fight a champion is not judged by the first fight just about the last one that he had don't tell me what you did when you were 25 tell me what you did yesterday just you're gonna make mistakes in you he was the one okay he wouldn't move on I'm embarrassed I don't want to go back around there cuz I thought everybody was gonna work and so I want to go back as they're gonna be making fun of me man please don't never let nobody keep you away from home because you're embarrassed about the decisions you made walk back up in there with your head up and say it didn't work I'm back what we're doing y'all didn't go holla back at your boy mama told you don't marry him it didn't work come right back and I said mama you was right it didn't work what we eating today you know why mama gonna cook because she has something that didn't work too that's why you got to be around people who really love you people who really love you don't make you pay because you didn't take the advice that ain't got nothin to do it a sermon lord help me in this place when somebody really loves you they don't make you pay because you didn't take the advice when somebody really loves you and you come back and you embarrassing you say I'm back because and I didn't do what you somebody who really loves you they go and they get you something to eat and they bring you a ring and a rope and they run out of the house and they welcome you back with open arms somebody shout I'm back somebody shout I'm about to advance and what the devil meant for evil God is about to turn it around for your good if you read the Bible properly the Bible says in 24 hours literally and culturally and figuratively in 24 hours Joseph went from the prison to the palace Oh God all of those years in the pit all of those years in Potiphar's house all those years in prison and in one day he went from the prison to the paddle I speak of 24-hour anointing on your life I wish I could find 24 people there to give somebody a high five and say by this time tomorrow everything's gonna be alright by this time tomorrow the enemies you see today you shall see no more by this time tomorrow the Red Sea is going to be in half by this time tomorrow the Jordan River will be drying up somebody shout like it's already done [Music] somebody said I forget I forbid you to be satisfied come on speak to somebody say I forbid you to be satisfied if you made 40,000 last make 80,000 this year if you made 80,000 this year make 160 next year somebody say no more boundaries no more settling you got a pressed watermark and when you reach the mark rip a mark out of the market no more limits no more limits no more boundaries it's time for you to become the new you it's time for you to adjust and when you become the new you people will leave you because they fan off of the oh you how many of you all have people in your life right now that you know you need to separate from but you just don't know how to tell them okay can I give you some advice I'm free to tell you what to tell them nothing I'm gonna tell you what to do grow up they will leave you I feel like preaching now just let me say grow up and they will leave you let them come in the house arguing and you keep on smiling when they find out they ain't got nobody to argue it they all need to grow up believe the fact that you keep arguing with them lets them know that they are still in a position where you are in your defense and not in your divide I wish I had a church stop fighting and just divided everybody shout role-reversal when you come here next week I want to see the new you what's the new you the one that can be going through the same thing but not cry about it what's the new you the one that can operate with a broken heart who's the new you somebody who can still tell the truth when they lie oh you who's the new you the one that can worship with no money in your pocket who's the new you the one that can stand the bowl even though you know Nate's the bachelor who's the new you the one that can hug folk you know bill I know you who's the new you jo said when I come forth this time I'm gonna come forth its pure golden everybody shouts about the gold and everybody shouts about double the cattle but I'm telling you that before God gave him double the cattle he divided the cattle that he had notice that everything God gave him he had to look to first we're right back where we started before Jobe could come back he had to be set back this is not about can you handle the blessing this is can you handle the beating I know you won't destiny but can you handle division and can you take what you're left with and then multiply my flesh me lest I be exalted above measure we don't know what it was that he had but we do know what his design was what you meant before evil God took your division and turn it into multiplication you threw me in the lion's den and you're the only one that got ate up and you threw me in the fiery furnace and you're the only one that got burned up and then you threw me into a prison and I never lost my praise and by the time I finished shouting the bars you threw me in became your prison sentence our decree and I declare over your life that there is more for you to possess touch five people say God's got more guys got more guys got more stencil your feet I want to minister to you before you can adjust you have to show God that he can trust you to advance I want you to hear me carefully the advancement came before the adjustment when he show God he would go forward then God said I'm getting ready to change the chapter Joshua you don't have to fight anymore I will remove I will remove your obstacle but as long as you keep fighting it I can't do anything because when the forensics experts show up they'll see your fingerprints at the scene I cannot let you take any glory for my deliverance so I need you hands off in this season you focus on dividing the land I will focus on dealing with the enemy some yah have been fighting your whole life you had fight for everything you ever got and the only thing you know how to do it fight God said I need a fighter divide I need a general I need a governor you ain't going oh you won't know what to say you won't know what to do just need you to do what I said and I will take care of the rest and know that and when you feel like fighting keep on dividing keep on sharing keep on praying we feel like getting even let them know this is what the Lord says for you to get even with the person you gonna have to go backwards it's like if Chris and I were in a race and I was ahead in order to get even with him I gotta come back instead of going backwards and getting even with your enemies why don't you just see if they can catch and if he gets even with me then that means he will no longer be the person I left behind do you understand what I'm saying you are not who you were you're not that person anymore everybody knows that except you you're not her you're not having your anger ruled you the first 12 years now the next 12 years you got to use intelligence misty your temper got you through the first half of your life now temperance is gonna get you through the second look at the temperature and it was saying and I thought okay I don't know what to do I know what they did seen before it didn't work car overheated engine locked up because a car that loses its ability to regulate its temperature cannot move and a person who loses the ability to regulate their temper ends up stuck in the same place too the devil knows you're vulnerable because he knows you're trying to do better every time you try to do good evil present you keep letting people off the hook it seemed like somebody else you keep overlooking hurt seems like somebody else a oh you weak let me try different role different season I know you're good at fighting we've proven that but can you distribute because when you are a governor you got to work on the press when you're governor you gotta like people who don't like it you know see when you're in the campaign it's Democrats and Republican but once you get the job you for all the people once you get the job you are for the people who didn't even vote for you will you treat the people who didn't vote for you the same way as you do the people who did this is the greatest challenge of your life for some of you the rubbers getting ready to meet a row when the Lord sent me his morning he told me to call every person to this altar who knows you been struggling adjusting if you know that you have been struggling to adjust to your new role adjusting to your new role if you've been struggling to adjust to what God is calling you to if you have put your stake in the ground and you've decided you know what I ain't changing for nobody if I'm talking to you I want you to meet me at this altar whoever you are don't you be embarrassed your change is difficult for you I want you to come if you're only comfortable when things are the way you left them I want you to come you'd like to raise your children one way they'd like to raise another way so y'all arguing right now on whether you should discipline or punish neither one of you are willing to give way because your mama did it a certain way you don't want to adjust your arguing right now in the house over ways that you brought into the relationship into the house you're arguing right now about it my mama did this what my mama did that and the job was never to recreate what either one of y'all mama did it was to make a new creation and do what you're supposed to do if you walk into new environments and you aren't comfortable because it ain't the way you wanted it to be I'm talking to you everything isn't it just this is a young man that the Cowboys just listen if you ain't never seen him play you're missing the treat and when he came to this church he was a little video dude I can't believe he's huge yesterday he was a college student that was one row today he's an NFL player that's another world yesterday if you asked him to buy a shirt he probably would have had to call his mom in a few days I wish you could ask him how many adjustments he had to make over the last four years and the only reason why he's standing here is because he was able to make every adjustment that was thrown in him from being in the place where a couple of years before he got to be a senior nobody was looking at him no scholarships not even a blip on the radar that anybody would ever draft him to coming home two years after getting there he said you know I made up my mind I'm going all the way and I told him I said if you want to go all the way and we're gonna pray for it and I said to him you know how hard that's gonna be he looked at me and said PK I'm ready for he must have meant it because he has overcome everything that was thrown out now I'm not putting him up here and don't y'all asking for no money cuz you ain't getting none we talking about man I need you to invest in my new company God gave me idea find somebody else answer's no what is the NFL that you have to make how many tackles and injuries and adjustments are you gonna have to overcome to get there because every other young man debt was strapped up was trying to get where he got and only a few of them I want you to get ready for your new role I want you to get ready for your new position and I want you to make whatever adjustments necessary so that God can advance you to the next level if it's your temple that's pray about if it's defensiveness let's see God if you got a anger at any time something comes up you know that anger - just it just comes out of nowhere whatever it is I'm not faulting you for it he says Joshua listen I ain't mad at you you've done well ma'am sir you've done well to be alive you've done well but you're not you haven't done enough I said to them this morning I want to pray for you there's a difference between you having a hundred thousand dollars in your bank account and being able to refurbish a house if you have a flow there is another difference than having a hundred million dollars in your bank and being able to help 50 people that they have a flood there's another level there was a difference between letting your troubled niece stay in your house when her and your sister not getting alone there was another level to being able to open up a home and have a hundred trouble young girls in there that you can minister to that's another level there was a difference between having a room for your mother in your house and open a senior citizens living facility and having two hundred and fifty seniors on a facility being treated with dignity and being able to live and have life there was another level anybody want to go to the next level I'm getting ready to pray until your next level lift your hands in this place God right now we are in a receiving position we don't feel bad about it cuz if we gave freely then we can receive freely and so God some of us have stored up we have stuff stored up in heaven guy we've been sewing and sewing and sewing and praying and praying and praying and fasting and fasting and fasting and now it's all due season so God we come today sin we have our arms open and stressed out live ready to receive the blessings of the Lord we know that there's a role reversal that we're gonna have to go from labor to reward and we don't know what that is and god we don't know when that is but we want you to know we are ready we pray for our sister our brother who's standing beside us God saying God that if theirs comes before us we will rejoice in their blessing car we're saying God that whatever you decide to do it that we will be ready because we know God that you are not a man that you should lie no are you the son of man that you should repent God if you said it we can count on it and so God we're not asking you as if you can do it we're asking you because we know you can do it we give you glory and advance for a miracle of the not-yet and we thank you God that when we step out of our boat that we will walk on the water and that when we come to our Red Sea you will divide it that you will turn a snake into a staff and God that you would dry up our Jordan rivers whatever it is God you have for us to do we're ready for it the struggle is over we're changing clothes in the name of Jesus we pray everybody who loves the Lord shot a man I want you to hug your neighbor and tell them get ready for your new role getting ready for you the road [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] if you're in this place today and God has called you to join this ministry you'll see somebody with a sign they're holding it up you can meet one of them they'll take you where you want to go the rest of you I'll see you on Tuesday may God bless you and may he keep you and have his face to smile upon you and all of God's people shot a man poke somebody tell him I love you can do about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 92,222
Rating: 4.8781548 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Keion Henderson, Role Reversal, Bishop, TD Jakes, Success, Dr. Matthew Stevenson, Henry Fernandez, Steven Furtick, role reversal sermon, keion henderson, waking faith, Destiny, Pastor Keion, Lighthouse Church, Bishop Jakes, Houston, Latest Sermons, Elevation, Houston Church, Houston Pastor, bible, forgiveness, love, loneliness, wisdom, wise words, resilience, open door, faith, worship, pastor, pastor keion henderson, god, jesus seron, jesus, study bible, haven of rest
Id: SV52fJmNCZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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