How to Beat a Big Thing | Pastor Keion Henderson

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ready to show you how to beat a big thing you may be seated in the presence of the Lord my god there is a sweet spirit in this place in lighthouse and those of you all who watching online I'm just gonna start off this sermon by telling you the truth I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get right to it and Taylor truth that you will never be brave if you refuse to face anything that's ugly that in this life you're gonna have trials and tribulations in this life you're gonna have problems and you cannot be brave if you only see beautiful things if only beautiful things happen to you you and I the person besides you the person in front of you the person to the left of you and the person to the right of you every one of you you're gonna go through things and let me tell you something that you will never reach destiny without adversity adversity it's like this pain this feeling this this mindset these set of circumstances that are happening to you right now and I know that there are some things that are happening to you right now in your life you didn't even ask for isn't it a true that when you're going through things that are the results of decisions you made you can kind of say you know what I had that coming but but what do you do when life smacks you from an angle you did invest problems in what what what do you do when people you were good to are bad to you right I I gave you my life and you gave me death and I gave you time and you gave me absence I gave you my heart and you broke it and I specifically told you when we met that I couldn't take another hurt but you you were so in tune with getting what you wanted that you forgot to give me what I needed have you ever had a pain so deep a giant so big a pain so prevalent that you couldn't even see yourself outside of the problem that you thought the problem would be forever so you never you didn't try to solve the problem you just started to learn to live with it you started to just exist just you just went through life and never let life go through you you you went through pain and you just thought that penguins your portion and you just thought that you would always be small and the problem would always be big and as opposed to trying to figure out how to solve the problem you just decided as long as all of these other areas of my life are ok I can deal with deficiency in this one area as long as my children are healthy and as long as we have a roof over our head I'll stay in this bad relationship because at least I don't have to figure out how to feed them at least the rent is paid or have you ever been in a situation like that I I have I know I have and I and I told them this morning that this sermon is not for pretenders this sermon is not for the Christians who want to come to church and just pretend like because you pray everything gets answered and and and just when you fast everything turns around and and every time you go to God in prayer everything just works itself out this sermon is for people say god I've been begging you and I haven't heard from you I've been begging you got I followed everything I know to follow I've done it when you told me to do it I did it where you told me to do it I think I have anyway and yet I still am facing these giants but here's the word of the Lord you'll never be big until you face something bigger the size of your giant shows you the size of your destiny if you fight small things it's because you have a small future if you're fighting a big thing is because God's trying to stretch you to be able to fit the garments of your future how many of you all are being stressed in here today stretched at the job stretched in your relationship stretched at home stretched in traffic just just being stretched life ladies and gentlemen is nothing more than a cyclical rotation of adversity and prosperity prosperity and adversity follow each other like day and night like winter and summer every day you're gonna go around it's gonna be up sometimes and down sometimes you're gonna be happy sometimes you're gonna be frustrated sometimes you're going understand some things and some things you're not gonna understand and let me tell you life is not about getting an understanding so many people miss out on the point in life because every time they get hurt they want to know why they want to know why they had to go through this God why did you let this happen to me and let me tell you some things God didn't let happen some things you chose you have to be courageous enough to stop blaming God and start saying I picked my pain do I have anybody in here today adversity prosperity prosperity adversity happy-sad a little money in the pocket no money in the pocket single with somebody I don't know it's just it's always happy say it conquer the world world's conquering me ready to take on everything not enough energy to get out of the bed ready to go to church and get in ministry I don't feel like going today I'm ready to go to work get a job get a promotion I can't stand my job I don't like nobody edit I want a new job oh I thank God for the job I got oh I spoke too soon this it's just oh I can't wait to get that new car and you get that new car you drive it about six months and now you're looking out your window at the next one you want it's just life sometimes you feel good sometimes you don't sometimes you love your spouse other times you love them y'all remember the old saying he used to be the church either in a storm just come out of a storm oh you're on your way that's why you should never relax either it's raining just finish raining about the rain and until you recognize that the rain is always hovering somewhere over your life listen it will always rain before you rain somebody got it who got it raise your hand if you put your hand be honest raise your hand if you only had no idea what I'm talking about good okay it will always rai in before it re IG in in other words it will always rain before you rain in other words god always let it come from the top before you get there God always lets the rain come the rain is the prerequisite for raining in other words it's gonna storm into your life and it's going to lightning and it's going to thunder and you're gonna you want to lose some jobs and they're gonna take some apartment and they're gonna take some cars and some relationships are gonna end and that's just the way it is because if you don't go through anything you'll never go to anything God is building a strength in your struggle that does not come in your success it is when you are angry that you learn to control your temper not when you are happy and so people always asking God to make them better but God always does it in the opposite so when you ask God to make me more patient he sends something that works your patience that patience may have his pay for perfect work and you may not want anything in other words God never answers your problems with solution as he answers your problems with problems God that was enough that was worth you coming here today that God doesn't answer your problems with solutions he answers your problems with problems so if you got a problem got to give you another problem so that you learn how to solve your current problem and the problem with the church and I say this and I know y'all ain't gonna like it but I'm gonna tell you one thing you do you pray too much you pray too much you pray over everything I got up this morning I asked God what kind of shoes he want me to put on you don't got to ask God what kind of trees you want to put on put the ones you want on I would suggest putting the ones on that don't hurt so you don't have to pray and ask God to forgive you for the words you're gonna say when your feet hurt III tell you this that we always pray and I told him this morning you're asking God for a chair and he gave you a tree God never made chairs he never made tables God gives us trees you got to make the table you got to make the tree some of you-all are praying and asking God for furniture God said I gave you a tree now I make something out of it and I am here to tell somebody in here today now what you're asking God for God says I gave you the elements and the raw materials now you got to make something out of it make something out of a gift somebody high five and say make something out of it God is not gonna chop you a tree down and carve you a chair and the table and then put it in the presence of your enemies God says if you want a table in the presence of your enemies I'm gonna give you a tree you make the table and I'll provide the food and then I'll sit the food on the table you made and then I'll let your enemies watch and your enemies will be made while you are making the boat nor while you are making the boat and there is no rain God says you can make it I'll provide you with the materials that your happiness is not anybody else's responsibility and you got to stop outsourcing your happiness to somebody else talking about you made me sad I got a question if they made you sad why can't they make you happy you made a decision to be happy or sad and which means you got to do what Paul says learn to be contended whatever state you're in and I want to speak to a hundred-yard I don't care what's going on I want you to be glad about it I don't care what's going on slap somebody say be grateful you're gonna spend the next three days I don't know who I'm talking to but you're going to spend Sunday Monday and Tuesday shouting no matter what's going on in your life some of you are going to get to work tomorrow and be mad as the devil and you gonna smile all the way to five o'clock until you get out of there some of y'all are gonna get home and the refrigerator is gonna be opening the front door gonna be unlocking the garage gonna be up and the house ain't gonna be clean and you're still gonna walk in and you're gonna smile even why you want for your church and you're gonna smile you're not gonna flush that up you're gonna smile because you're going to learn to be grateful no matter what's going on your life somebody shout be grateful it's my new month's but somebody say be grateful here's where the ecclesiastic seven and-and-and 14 says watch this this is what Solomon said he's that we should in times of prosperity be happy but in times of adversity consider that God arranges for both days so that we don't take either one for granted the reason why God gave you a storm is because he knows that if you don't have storms you take the Sun for granted okay okay the people say well God makes it rain so the grass can grow you you don't you don't think that God can make grass grow without rain okay the first grass that ever came he said let there be that what no rain that was a word God does not need water to make grass grow he gave us the rain so that we could appreciate the sunshine and the reason why it is raining in your life is because God saw you taking your sunshine for granted and when he saw you taking your sunshine for granted he sent a storm so that you can go back to your first love help me Paul so that you can go back to your first love help me revelation he says go back to your first level where you have left him in other words God sends the storms because the winds will blow you in the direction that he wants you to go that's why the Bible says when the jit when the disciples were in the boat passing to the other side the Bible says a wind came now that wind can either blow you in the direction of where you're going or that where can be what the Bible says a contrary wind which is not a wind that is designed to hurt you a contrary wind is sent to blow against you to see if you want to get where you're going bad enough to fight the wind do I have anybody in here that will tell the devil I'm going to do it in the face of the wind give your neighbor high five or Selma do it in the face of the wind this relationship will survive no matter how much we argue my money is gonna grow no matter how many bills I have I'm gonna be happy no matter what kind of hell I'm dealing with in my life why because I want my peace so bad that I'm not gonna let the win to keep me from winning somebody say I'm gonna win so you gotta learn how to beat a big thing some of this stuff y'all crying over this ain't no mountain just a molehill you round your crime about a hill around here about to get depressed and take 12 advils about a hill it's not a mountain it's a hill the only reason why it looks big is because you saw hustling and making your problems bigger than they are because you want sympathy shut up and grow up and learn to deal with what God is doing in your life you are stronger than you've ever been why are you still complaining and whining I've seen you handle bigger things and the things that you talk about you can't handle right now you've been through more than this you've been more you've been through more than this but the reason why some of us milk it is because we know when we come to church looking sad so my gonna say what's wrong with you just walking walking to church there's some people that's put on that face so somebody can ask them what's wrong with you and so that you can tell them nothing a man Church you don't need sympathy you need success you need some wins you don't need anybody to pat you on your back Davis says when nobody was available to do it guess what I did I encouraged myself for the Lord you don't need anybody to talk to what did the woman with the issue of blood nobody wanted to be around and so she said to herself if I could just touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole pat yourself on the back and talk to yourself that'll work tell your neighbor my new strategy is to pat myself on the back and the talk to myself now it's gonna look crazy because you come like self you can do it if you gonna think you're crazy but guess what when that boat is built and that rain comes and you got a structure that nobody else has that will go from calling you crazy to asking you for ride and I'll speak in your life in this next season that every person who thought you were crazy and thought you were not gonna make it I'll declare God is going to use you to bless them through what they thought was stupid slap their neighbor say he'll be stupid for a season but I'll be blessed for a reason so I've been through so much held in my life y'all I can't even tell you at all I've been through a lot man I have been through a lot I have I have seriously and I'm not just saying it I've been through a lot only because you know when you a pastor you age in dog years no we don't pastors we don't age regularly you know you got your problems and then you got everybody else's problems and then you're held to the standard that you know you can't keep a man's hurts and then you got all these people who come to church when everything is good you make one mistake they go to somebody else Church you got all of this pressure that you live under every day that as long as you're perfect in their eyes while they come in here all jacked up you can keep them but as long as they find out you just like them then they go find another preacher they think it's perfect until they found out that he ain't and then they leave his church and go somewhere else you only got to say man I'm all in your face put that in your pipe and smoke it cuz I know I'm telling the truth if some of y'all found out I wasn't as perfect as you thought I was right now you be talking about I can't learn here no no the law doesn't told me that go somewhere else no you just found out that I wasn't perfect and so you're going somewhere looking for an idol in an image I don't want to be your idol I don't want to be your God I am NOT your example I am your preacher hallelujah in the name of Jesus if you want an example look to the hill someone's coming your help and all your help comes from the Lord I am a fool I'm crazy you roll up on me I will smack you right in your face without thinking about it and then come right to this office and say Lord I'm standing in the need of prayer and do it again after that watch [Applause] never days my mama didn't know whether I was gonna live or die the other day she told me she's that you know what if you keep going around this path I don't know what I'm going to do with you she didn't raise me the way I was acting and you know that's one thing about when you raise a child good it's something about when you raise them good they get around knuckleheads and now they gotta prove to the world that they are not like everybody else so here I am raised in a good home got all the love that a person needs that a mother who supported everything I did and Here I am trying to be something I am NOT around people that I am nothing alike and now I'm about to throw my life away for people who don't care about their life I remember I remember the first time I got shot at I was we will not wait a Great America and my mama told me she said you know you don't need to be out cuz I was hanging with my partners and we was out at like 3:45 in the morning because you know in those days were you young this is the dumbest thing I don't know why we did it but something I want you young you think not getting sleep is a good thing you know anybody know something I stayed up all night the older you get yeah it's a dumb thing to brag about no the older you get you want to sleep Amen somebody something I stayed up all night how many y'all right now you know you're getting old cuz you start yawning about 9:15 and you're like I don't know what y'all gonna do but I got to go home cuz I got to get up at 12 hours I gotta get up I can't be up all night haven't you fall asleep every movie you watching you time I watch this movie and in about of time the credits finish you wake up it's tomorrow when you're young you want to go to Miami and go to the club and stay up two three four o'clock in the morning when you get older you start sitting everybody up and I look now do I need to drive cuz I ain't gonna be full of what y'all are tonight do I need to drive shouldn't I learn five things and I'm telling you got shot at up there trying to call myself being against of the cycle time out GT right so I'm Harlan gd2 some Latin Kings and they opened up fire I said lord if this is what being a gang members about I'm gonna be in the army of the Lord I ain't called a game sign out since and never forget had a baseball cap owners of Chicago Bulls cuz I was a Bulls fan as we was winning all the championships in the 90s except two they came to Houston yeah I remember they were shooting at us and I was running running y'all don't know nothin bout rallies y'all did y'all have rallies and checkers oh so we had rallies I was running I was running I got in the radish parking lot and how you realized it and I got up in the dudes that was shooting at us was in the rally's parking lot sitting on the hood of that car with the gun and I ran into him and I walked away from myself Lord this is it I started walking away and I'm thinking to myself they're gonna shoot me in the back and as I was walking I didn't hear anything I got around that corner and I took off around here and got around that corner then when I got to my boy Leonard house I went to my head and my hat was gone and I realized that the reason why they didn't shoot me is they was looking for the dude with the hat on and I'm telling you for some of y'all in here what you got all yours gonna get you killed if you don't lose it if you don't get rid of something that's on you is going to get you killed lay aside every weight that so does easily beset you I speak prophetically in this room that some of y'all are getting ready to lay some stuff down that you used to couldn't pick up God says you're gonna lay it down and what you are afraid of losing God says I'm gonna pick up the slack and that whenever you break free from this addiction or whatever you break free from this relationship or whatever you break free from this stronghold god says I still got your back and the void that you think you will have will actually be victory I remember pulling my first gun on somebody when I was in the sixth grade I remember we lived in the same apartment we were in Lakeside Garden Apartments in and I pulled a gun on him he looked at me he said so you're gonna kill me I ain't had no bullets so I want him to believe I did I had one bullet it was in the house I didn't take my bullet with me that day and I remember my mom looked out the window she saw me holding the guns at his boy faces she screams out the window she says she odd and I looked at my mother and I put the gun up and my sister Danielle who's sitting right there she ran down the steps and we stumped that fool to death i'ma tell you right now y'all thought the store was going in good we stomped him my sister jumped down them steps and we stuffed them in there you remember that D I was a mess Lord Jesus I don't know how hoes be preaching and nobody doing the stuff I did y'all thought I was gonna say my mama came and the music start playing I put that gun up and knock that joke upside his head and me and Danielle stumped him I still remember his name ain't gonna call his name you might be watching online but we stuff that y'all coming back a day you had to stump him the sign language lady says it's Oh Lord healed my spirit did she - i'ma start watching her to see what she's saying about me when I'm up here speaking she think I think she said I'm crazy number one you're gonna beat a big thing never fight without gaining the power of discovery too many people are in things and not discovering the purpose for being in them there were two valleys in the region of subpoena the a Jalan Valley and the Valley of Elah now the first Valley is the most important Valley the water source the vegetation the route the heels everything about the first Valley would be ideal the second valley is the value of Eli although it had the wheat in between the Philistines and the Israelites it was not the best valley it was the second-best valley of the two why is it that you've never heard of the first valley and you know about the second valley it is because the first valley had things the second valley had Wars adversity is advertisment the only reason you know anything about Iraq Iran Hezbollah all of these different places you ain't never been you ain't never even been close to him the only reason why you know about him is cuz their conflicts their their portions of the world right now Benghazi you ain't never heard it you don't know nobody in Benghazi but why do you know where it is conflict god uses conflict as advertisement that that the reason the first one is not known is because it had no wars the reason the second one is known is because the Philistines in the Israelites had four wars in the Valley of Elah I am telling you right now God is using your fight to get your name out that there will there will be people who will never hear about you until this fight is over that God is using your giant to make you famous lord help me in this place a day I'm speaking of somebody who's who who has a global vision let me see my global visionaries in here I'm talking about people who believe that one day they're gonna be calling your name on every continent I'm talking about somebody who has a product that once you invent it it's gonna be on the Shelf of every major box store in America I'm talking about somebody who has an invention that by the time you finish this invention it's gonna solve the problems of the world stop having these local visions and these small ideas and understand that God sends big giants to big people and that God is using your fight to make your name great and let me tell you just because you are not being discussed don't mean you won't be discovered and I'll speak to every person in here right now you're wondering if somebody else is going to get the loan if somebody else is going to get the opportunity God told me to tell you know you're gonna get it and just because nobody knows your name right now just because nobody knows your company right now just because your vision is not out there right now doesn't mean that God is not going to do it he's allowing you to fight so you can gain the strength because let me tell you something about a destiny you gotta fight to get it and you gotta fight to keep it most people fight to get a thing but they don't understand that you have to fight harder to keep it because whenever you fight to get something the person who wanted it but didn't have the fight wants to take it from you they'll let you knock Goliath down and then come and take the spoils but I came to tell somebody here you're gonna have to watch fight and pray and I want to speak to every person in here destiny and vision in order to be the big thing you got to discover the purpose of your pain and you got to find out why God lets you go through it and you got to find out why you cry and then you got to find out what makes you stop crying I was telling a group of people at our table yesterday when we were eating that what most people don't know is how to make themselves happy they don't know what set of key indicators push their happy button and make them excited you got to find out what makes you happy through your census what can you smell that will change your mood y'all not listen to me but this is good what colors can change your perspective what foods do you eat that you feel better after you eat that then how you and people you know it's like as I say this to most African American people I'm gonna tell you how I know we don't eat right because food is supposed to give you energy we get sleepy after we eat that's how you know that you didn't eat the right thing because you got the itis you went to bed after you ain't wrong food you ain't gonna say man some of y'all gonna leave it a day and go to Popeyes it's gonna be good but you're gonna be sleep what music makes you smile well if I put on some Al Green ain't nothing could happen to me let me tell you something when I start listing that stuff my whole mood changed well if I put on some Whitney Houston some Luther Vandross mmm-hmm if I put that on my whole mood start changing then when I hit his other music that's some of y'all listen to I get depressed its name so many songs y'all like who say they're what they say what's there to change all love to sound the same and it is gets on my nerve and when I hear it I turn already off and just ride inside this you know you get old when you just turn the radio off and just ride how many oh I don't even turn the music on and let me tell you house you know you're just in case you don't know when you got turn the music down the park you ol time I hold on I can't see [Applause] how many are dead old you turn the radio down to park you backing up some somebody say discover we would not have known Joseph he was not in the pit we would not know Moses had he not been left in the river it is your pit in your river it is yeah we would have not known Daniel if it wasn't for the lines then we wouldn't know the Hebrew boys if we wasn't for the fire I'm speaking to you right now because God is saying you're gonna have to survive your fire you're gonna have to survive your River because I'm using that to get your name out there you're paying is the promotion God doesn't waste paint on people he doesn't want to promote your pain is your promotion God doesn't waste pain on people who are not going anywhere you going somewhere that's why you hurt me but you got to discover it everybody say discovered next thing you got to do is you're gonna have to understand the power of decision making some of y'all got some decisions to make you need to make them now successful people listen they think long and decide quick unsuccessful people decide quick and take forever to get out of it mmm I'll just get your million I'm trying to get you all the million dollars with the game for $9.99 now if y'all just listen if you just listen successful people they think about the process process process or pictures I'll do the data and when they make up their mind they go unsuccessful people they just make decisions quit just okay I'm gonna do it and then you know it's not working but you take forever to get out which is why it becomes toxic to your life because anything you leave in your life to long takes root are y'all with me so far serve I say the power decision-making the Bible says that Goliath came out there with a sword and a shield and she's and a breastplate in his shins we'll cover it up his feet were even covered with bronze David came out there little bitty old slingshot now that looks real stupid to me these guys cover from head to toe oh no the Bible says he got hit in the forehead someone should imagine that everything on Goliath was covered except this little space right here this was the only point of entry to hurt him and David was accurate enough to hit him in the only exposed part of his armor let me tell you something most of you all are here you got insurance on your car you got rid of insurance on your apartment you got clothes on your whole body the only thing you don't have covered is your head which is why every time the devil wants to get you to lose your progress he gives you a negative thought and they hit you upside your head and you be on your way up the mountain and you you are just about to get over that depression and then something happens and you can't get over it and you hold on to it and you Harbor on it and you make everybody think you're over it but then you hold us hostage to what you say you're over and it is why you cannot move forward how can you move forward when the knowledge you're using is behind you you cannot make a tomorrow decision with yesterday's information you cannot go forward when the only thing you think about is that which is behind I put those things that are behind me I press toward the mark for the prize of the you notice the prizes in front of you never behind you you've got to put the negativity behind you so that you can reach surprise whenever you hold the negativity you have no hands for the prize and you keep blaming God for not blessing you God says I've given you the blessing but your hands are not empty to receive it because your hands are on the thing you should have forgot your hand it's on the bad decision that you made and I want to talk to somebody in here like me who's made a bad decision can I tell you get over it you made it it's over with it's done if you can't handle it do something else but if you've decided to move forward I need every person in here to do me a favor stop forgiving everybody else and stop forgiving all of what they've done and can you do me a favor in 2018 can you forgive yourself can you forgive yourself for what she said for what you've done for how many times you've done it I know you want to feel like you disappointed God but can I tell you you didn't catch God by surprise God had already knew that you were messed up and he had already called you and he had already ordained you give you a neighbor high-five to say God is a forgiving God you got to stop thinking God is like the people who always bring up your past and the people who are always keeping this stuff in front of you God throws this stuff into the seal forgetfulness somebody shout I'm forgiven you got to make a decision to cover your head and stop letting negativity always enter in your head because you can never have a positive outcome with negative input you frustrated and it's because you got hit in the head every part of you was covered except for your mind something happens to some of you all right now you stop come to church three full weeks right now some but I had a recover why would you stop going to church because life happened it seemed like to me that when you going through all hell and high water you run to the church can I just give an announcement right now can I give an announcement so all of the people who think that when you sin and you embarrassed that you want to stop coming to church I say come can I go a little further bring your sin with you bring your sin which and then come and lead at this altar I wish I have somebody here today I can't wait for the day that we all just admit that we all tore up from the floor up and just bring all our mess and lead at the altar and then leave it there and just have a prayer service or say god I'm trying to leave this adversity at this altar I'm trying to lead this freaky mindset at this altar I'm trying to lead my anger at this altar something I'll tell I don't know who I'm talking to this is 11 o'clock wake up come here look at me somebody don't have anybody just need to real people I told you this sermon one for the faithful I'm talking about the people who sometimes embarrass yourself when nobody was there but you bring it to the altar and leave it here and stop bringing God your garbage and then pack it up and take it back home with you somebody say make a decision cover your head I don't even talk to people who get on my nerve people get on my nerve I tell them happy birthday and Merry Christmas whenever you got a mute somebody on the phone so they don't hear you cussing them out when you're talking to her that's the conversation don't make me start now yeah I get angry and honoring when you treat me like this when you be talking about yeah I'm here get off for the phone tell them you are messing up my destiny somebody told me I said that on Instagram one day - somebody told me they said well what if it's your family I said what are we talking about you're not obligated to not be happy because you related to him if we related and you get on my nerves I don't need to talk to you either you're not obligated to be miserable because you related you don't get to make me missile because we cause us so what I got cousins I don't know what I'm still alive and some of y'all they say hey man you don't want making people miserable that's why you ain't saying that didn't come out mmm moving on revving I'm sorry Z somebody make a decision just pick everybody just pick pick it might not be right but pick who said that Susie this day but you are walking by but ug this day whom you're gonna serve as for me in my house we're gonna serve the Lord you got to make a decision everybody say make a decision stop letting the devil hit you in your decision makers stalling you into no decision because no decision mixtures you make no progress no progress make sure as you make no advancement in no advancement make sure that you continue to have adversity number three the power of deficiency every one of you which shall save whole ego self you got a problem I know you're saved and I know you went to Sunday school I know you went to BTU and I know that the Lord blessed you real good and I know you got the Holy Ghost in your blood I know you do and I know that you're so saved that you that you're so heaven bound you're no earthly good you you own your way to heaven anyhow you you pray about everything I know you I know the Lord's rescue I know all of that and I and I know the Lord cook your bacon for you some of y'all just swear the Lord I didn't even cook the bacon I just woke up and it was on the stove ain't that God I can't stand them kind of people hey you ever seen anybody that holy they're just holy for no reason at all just wake up I woke up this morning whoa and God turned that water on yes he did and I don't know how that water came on but it was the Holy Ghost God don't turn the water on for you everything the Lord did look at God the sunshine of the day that mean he on the throne if his rain and the devil beat his wife no it's raining it's raining cuz that's what it do when precipitation goes in the sky and the humanists kyle's accumulate that's why I raised not because the devil's beating his wife the devil has never been married and who would do the ceremony there the devil just think about that some of the stuff that we say the tallest men that ever lived was named Robert Wadlow he died at 8 feet 11 inches 8 feet 11 inches I'm 64 so let's see 7 4 8 4 he was almost 3 feet taller than me okay he died at 8 feet 11 inches when they measured him in his casket after he had died he had grew another inch he grew when he was dead don't ever think growth in his life well we posed to be together cuz we growing know you could be in the dead thinking grow Robert Wadlow died of a disease called acromegaly which is a disease that gives a growth hormone that comes through the pituitary glands that has a side effect one of the side effects is is that it has a tumor that grows around the nerve endings that lead from the brain to the eye I told you who I was Dee I told you and when this tumor grows it grows around the eye nerve and it begins to compress the eye nerve and it leaves the giant with one or two melodies it ease the leaves them with a blurry sight our double vision now I know I asked myself this question I said self myself said hmm I said self why in the world what a man 9 feet tall need an attendant to lead him down to the Valley of Elah then I'm recognizing that he probably had this disease which means that Goliath had an attendant to lead him down to the valley because he could not see no wonder the stone hit him he didn't see it coming he goes down to the Valley of Elah he has a guy that takes him I'm wondering if he's a giant he should be motor enough to go by himself but I'd now realized the same thing that made him big made him blind that sometimes your gift can be your curse he's big and blind well good is it I'd rather be able to see it and be small David you're trying to be big I'm telling you don't be blind you don't always have to be the biggest person in the argument sometimes be quiet be small so you can see the Lord help me the person who always has to win is blind the person who else to always get the last word is blind you can't see same thing that made them big made them blind see that's why you got to be careful when you're extremely gifted cuz your gift will also curse you the same shrived that gives you the power to stay at work 15 hours will be the same reason you lose your family you gotta find a way to balance it he's big and blind now he's so big he needs somebody to guard him and to guide him and he's got a deficiency every one of you you better find out what your deficiency is before you fight this next battle you ain't perfect and you better recognize what you're not did you hear what I say this is the best thing I've told you all day the admission of your ignorance is better than the pretending of your proficiency [Music] when you don't know something it is okay to say I do not know stop giving these dumb answers to pretend like you know everything you ever heard somebody they answer the question that you listen to the answer like I know that ain't right but I'm just saying my head like okay go ahead just say you don't know exactly just say you don't know what makes you big and make you blind what makes you good can make you bad what makes you hot can make you cold what makes you palatable can make you irritating you got to be honest with yourself like I was telling this morning I said I ain't perfect man you got I want to be I've been tryin ain't working I don't want to get angry sometime but evil is always present there my wife said boy you always got a scripture for everything even as always present on every hand I'm perplexed but yet not in despair troubled on every side what's wrong with you cuz pretending like ain't nothin wrong with you ain't gonna help you I'm gonna give you a few seconds what's wrong with you cuz you know what's wrong with everybody else I know that you can always tell the other person you know what your problem is your problem is you don't respect nobody what's your problem why does he keep disrespecting you what's your deficiency CI quad you in what's your deficiency who said they talk too much okay anybody else what's your deficiency anger patience procrastination attitude who say messy Oh hallelujah that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for they saying all this sexy stuff oh I have a problem with my patients no they messy too I'm girl down with like faux flat so hundred grand and all that people all have you ever noticed when you have ask somebody what's wrong with you they give you a sexy answer oh I struggle with my faith I'm struggling with my walk with God and if I could get my walk with God all right I would be good it's my walk you got a stank attitude a temper you evil and your whole brothers you're always trying to get even you've been putting poison in the water that's why they've been coughing for the last three weeks get that get that stuff out because until you admit how bad you are you can never perform and your goodness number four the power of difference you better find out when you're fighting a big thing how different you are than anybody else in the world the problem that most people have is they're always trying to be similar to something I can bake cakes just like no if you can bake cakes just like them then they're gonna keep going to them because they're already established you need to bake cakes like you oh I can I can do this just like no you don't want to do anything like anybody else because nobody pays you in this world for your similarities they pay you for your differences touch with neighbor say what's different about you I know you I know your designer I know you can do interior decorating but what's different about your design not just color schemes everybody can do color schemes what what do you do do you do something with textures that other people don't do do you do things with fabrics do you have a connection that you can get a product shipped five days than somebody else what is your difference because I will pay you for your difference I will ignore you for your similarities I met a woman one time she could sing just like Aretha Franklin she was just she sounds just like a Rita Franklin she has no albums that you've ever bought why because when I want to read the list to her what's your difference Davis said I'm small but I'm accurate and I can see in the war when the Turks were fighting the Arabs it has suggested that 70 percent of the time when the larger country fights the smaller country the larger country always wins so if you take the last 200 Wars that the world has ever seen 70 percent of the time the larger country always wins but when the smaller country changes the rules their winner percentage goes from 30 percent to 65 percent case in point when when America went to Vietnam and we were way bigger than the Vietcong but they changed the rules and introduce something into the war atmosphere called yeah guerrilla warfare and so now they've changed the rules and now here we are losing to David right now we're fighting Isis Isis doesn't have a take Isis doesn't have Jets Isis doesn't have nuclear bombs but why are they killing us they say and I tell you what we won't blow you up we'll just drive trucks through your parks we'll wait until you gather and we'll use our cars to roll down 30 and 40 people or we will go Lone Ranger and go to a hotel and break out the window and wait until you have a concert and shoots who while you're not looking because when you change the rules you can win when you change the rules you can make a bigger impact and I'm not going find what they did I'm just telling you when they don't when people don't fight regular they make moves and make damage and make headlines and make news and the problem is is you are in a routine trying to do it the way everybody else did it your winner percentage goes from 30 percent to 65 percent if you just change the game if you just do something different you can double your chances of success number five the power of doing okay I'll tell you what the last thing you need to do something you know how many people expect something that don't do nothing Lord bless me Acosta's I can only bless your efforts not your hopes what have you given me to work with Davis says I got a rock in Iraq do you know how dumb that playing sound you gonna take a rock to a dude that got a sword a shield a breastplate a helmet ankle bones shin bones again all of that and you gonna take a rock hmm Goliath had weapons but he didn't have a plan David didn't have much weapon but he had a plan and David had been practicing with his rock and his rag you know why he was able to kill the giant cuz he had already killed a lion with the same rock he had already killed a bear with the same method see if you kill your lion and you kill your bear then you can face your giant but it is hard to leave your lion and bear alive while facing your giant because the lion and bear will eat you for leaving them alive I'm done I don't want to leave you with this what are you doing that God can use to achieve the dreams that you say you want that do something hey lazy don't work man that's this is one thing that I've seen is more lazy people in the world and I've ever seen in my life right now everybody wants something for nothing you can't be lazy you can be flogged but you can't be lazy you can make mistakes but you cannot be lazy the only people that want to stand right now is you say god you're giving me a few more weeks left in this year and I'm gonna do something with what you gave me if you're gonna do something I want you to stand up if you're gonna do something not hope and pray and fast and all that that's good we don't do that after we get it you're gonna do something how do you beat a big thing skin has completed it's completed you you got to make sure that you have the mind to make a decision some of y'all have decisions in limbo right now you don't want to make a choice cuz you don't want to upset nobody I don't know I don't want to offend anybody you will never be successful without offending somebody you're gonna be offensive everybody say you're gonna be offensive you don't have to do it intentionally don't be arrogant don't be arrogant don't be mean don't be vengeful but be on purpose and if they get offended because you have a dream too bad go after it anyway you're gonna have some deficiencies you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 61,818
Rating: 4.8672471 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Pastor Keion Henderson, How to Beat a Big Thing, evening worship, power of success, live worship, Pastor, Christian Church, church, Bishop, faith, senior pastor, Latest Sermons, Lighthouse, jesus, God, Waking Faith, power of passion, elevation church, imagination, determination, grace, success, forgiveness, sermon, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse worship, best worship, evening sermon, bishop, message, pastor, opportunity, holi, god songs, waking faith, minister
Id: bh-9vCFLO14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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