THE MIGHT OF KROQ-GAR! Total War: Warhammer 2 - Lizardmen Campaign - Kroq-Gar #1

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I watched this a few hours ago, when is part 2 coming out? Also just for fun, who do you think the dlc legendary lord for lizardmen will be? My heart says Nakai or Chakax but my brain says a skink priest or something.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Spanka 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome everyone on our here with part 1 of my lizard-men let's play a total war Warhammer I'll be playing as croc gar in charge of the last defenders faction and a big thanks to Grove Assembly for giving me early access to start my let's plays today also be doing a high elf let's play with Tyrion and a Skaven campaign with Lord scroll which will be out later today and tomorrow and there'll be a full schedule of Warhammer 2 content plus my existing Let's Plays all coming back from Monday the 25th so stay tuned for all that but yeah content on the channel is about to go crazy so we're gonna be playing this on very hard difficulty we'll go through the faction effects and all that in a moment but if you do want to leave unit name suggestions for this campaign some of you have already been doing that you can do it via the Qt it's linked in the description been using it for a while now and it's worked so much better than just trying to go through hundreds of comments on the youtube comment section it's much more easier to use QT to filter out comments because you can tag your unit suggestions under melee infantry missile infantry cavalry monsters and it just makes the whole process so much faster means I can get more of your custom unit name suggestions in the campaign for you guys to enjoy so yes do you check out the QT leave some unit name suggestions and I look forward to adding them in I'll try and add some in maybe for part two today's episode is going to be an hour long from then on episode should be half an hour in length every 10 episodes there will be an hour special now also I always offer the opportunity for an early hour special at part 5 when I start a new series if we can hit 2,000 likes on this episode part 1 part 2 part 3 and part 4 if not though totally optional it's fine though you know feel free to dislike if you don't want to leave a like or whatever if you're not enjoying the content but if you do hit 2,000 likes on parts 1 2 3 and 4 part 5 instead of just being half an hour long will be an hour long but as I said part 10 part 20 part 30 et cetera every 10 episodes will be an hour long anyway okay so it's briefly the last offenders faction affects the Lord effects for crop gar who are gonna be playing as and also take a look at the race attribute to start off with those we've got the geomantic web settlements are linked by a network which boosts the power of Commandments which have special spawning periodic missions allow access to powerful blessed variants of certain units and be suitable for every task though some are so ferocious that they may lose control and charge ahead terms of faction effects for the last offenders led by croc gar we have a minus 10% upkeep cost for all units which is rather nice croc car has +10 leadership for his army minus 50% upkeep costs for Soros and cold one units in his army as well boss 20 armored force taken on bastards on Terra Don and connoisseur units in his army and a Tet +10 leadership for staggered on Basildon Terra Don and carnival units also in his army and an ambush success chance of plus 25% he also gets starting additional units of the ferals Steger Don and croc cigars so they should be pretty good flank very hard to have Cordy as I said before so without further ado let's begin this campaign since the days of creation the reptiles have dominated the jungle continent of lust Rhea the ignorant called the creatures lizard men the Y's know them as defenders of the world in ages past the old ones had a plan but then the stellar gates collapsed the old ones fled and demons flooded the mottled leg led by the slam the Lizardman fought the demons that surged across lust Rhea yet it was the elves that created the great vortex swirling maelstrom that siphoned the world of chaos ring diamond the world was saved but the vortex India was only because it is bolstered by the power of this land via the Great War II if the warning should fail the demons will return the Fox Dallas Texas thanks low in the sky the slang offensive no it's right here it's his disturbs the winds of magic one promise is above all other project the warm blood but the full meaning cannot be deciphered haha that will not wait we journey often [Music] [Music] okay so we have these starting with their I'm gonna read through the little pot that comes up over this next panning overview of the campaign map and because it's in Lizard Men tongue revered master Mazda Mundy has sent me across the world upon wisdom of the old ones must be sought hunt amongst south lands plaques of old ones lost must be found they shall guide our path the warm blood squabble trespass upon our hunting grounds if they not yield then our claws shall be their fate great plan of the old ones must receive death on those who oppose it thanks croc gar so how they play the last defenders the Lizardman faction of croc guard geomantic web settlements linked together unseen network of power that spans the world by increasing the power of the geomantic web in a province a Lizardman faction can increase the potency of any commandments issued there their spawning sort of the main screen for we jump on down but occasionally be gifted set of warriors which may be recruited once special mission has been recruited be slightly more powerful as this sounds kind of like almost like a regiment of renown sort of version of a normal unit but be interesting to see how that factors in the rat spawn called plaques retched from ancient wrench from ancient temples Lord master Mundi bids us to strike recover sacred artifacts and discover enemy trespassers schemes okay thank you croc gah so mission issued rat spawn pest so we got to get these these ancient plaques so I assume your ancient plaques are our ritual resource for the lizard men so here we go caption occupier settlement belonging to the following faction plan mod kin last defender these owl cata unnatural spawn of the rat infest our Southland realms they squat in our lost cities and steal our law purge their mighty croc our reclaim the ruins it's caving inhabit their underworld making their settlements indistinguishable from ruins until approached and we'll get a thousand Treasury and plus eight ancient plaques so we've also got another mission issued knowledge of the stars by you can do that I believe he's our character that's gonna be kind of doing our rituals as such ensure that one of the following buildings has been constructed sacred spawning caverns spawn pools of the Braves beasts lair scrolling pools skink foraging camp skink Barrios Grand Plaza or geomantic marker one of the following buildings okay so who's gonna be up one of those done and we'll get 500 to our Treasury okay so we've got two missions already nice and we have a skink priest where the law of the heavens magic here is a rat Ock well you might well be our candidate for Tim the skink enchanter perhaps or whatever we go for our Tim the enchanter in this series awesome those who don't know I always named a spellcaster Tim the something to do with that faction enchanter as a Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference for those that don't know so we're actually is crock guys here there he is so he doesn't have Grimlock which is his mount his karna saw mount bear what level 15 and get cold one before then though and I believe now four Lords are not for this sure if it's the same four heroes but Lords definitely know now can go up to level 40 so more you can kind of diversify your characters a little bit more there are a lot more skills as well to spend your skill points on as well so I'm inching so yeah croc gar he's got two units of source warriors skink cohort javelins barrel staggered on and croc cigars rather powerful there he is what can you do you can do scouting increase the parent armies chance of finding a magic item after when you battle by 10% and the local effect of removing me on the campaign map is increasing amount untainted in the local province by two because so because there's more corruption now there's Skaven corruption this chaos corruption and obviously vampire corruption the way of sort of keeping that in check of those no vampire I'm pretty cross knee at the moment the way of keeping that and checking knowing you know how crops you are is now sort of untainted is obviously if you aren't suffering any of those corruptions your magic web strength is too tainted enables nutrition for undead army so that's good to get message there we got a geomatic web here so I've actually not had a chance to really test out the lisman for so this is all new to me so we can see here various levels so we've got strength to at the moment strength one ruins and enemy settlements owned and neutral settlements strength three is building geomantic pylon allied settlements you want expire and geomantic locust strength of geomantic web affects the power of the commandments issued across territories here we knew that a settlement must be linked to another of equal or higher strength if it is to operate its maximum potential strength the color of the rings around settlements indicate the current strength of the geomantic web there a pulsing ring indicates that a settlement is not operating at its maximum potential strength upgrade the strength of the web in nearby settlements in this case okay definitely need to learn more about how that all works as we go through also got this whole climate's panel here so we can see what's suitable for a savannah desert and jungle unpleasant is temperate Mountain magical forest and temperate island and uninhabitable is wasteland frozen and chaotic wasteland now we still can actually we can conquer every single settlement in the game it's just suitable there's no penalties unpleasant there's some basic penalties and uninhabited there's some rather severe penalties for occupying it like reduce public order increased costs for buildings reduced income and I think it's a really good system they've added in so yeah geomantic web ok I'm hoping we'll get like a message about how that works a little bit better for now but it seems like these two would be a good match when you check our diplomacy to see who are at war with war with the man blight tribe oh yeah beast men and clan more akin scavenge that's we'll be going after first in fact they've got a full well known awful so they got sixteen units there okay early on though we should be able to take them out and they're in us they're in a stance which it really increases their chance of initiating attacks as an ambush so I don't really want to get caught out by that they're probably down at the serpent coast we've already got temple of skulls we won't take that and the curse jungle which is to our north so we build in here as well lots of stuff we can we can go forward we've got already we've got the underground lagoon for Soros Spears and source warriors here if we upgrade that we get them both variants with shields and then up from that temple guard and soar ask our veteran a hero but for the temple guards we need the weapon crafters commune and unlocks the determining of the great plan technologies that's pretty cool orgoth we'll go over here unlocks more technology so it looks like a lot of Lisbon buildings unlocked tech growth casually replenishment skink fav a blasts it's nice bit of income an old one monument for Public Order okay um that give us kinks with javelins you got to tier three so ultimate I don't want to build a lot of my military well I need this one here but I don't to build the skink building in temple of skulls will be Latin serpent coast that's well that goes up to these will go up to tier three as well so maybe monuments the old ones what do I need now because I can always delete buildings and get new ones in I don't think we should recruit some or use before we go in against this cave and army I also kind of feel like maybe we should move back because I don't them to ambush me to attack an ambush let's pull crop bar a croc bar croc gara back in and yeah let's get Spears we don't have any we've just got warriors let's go for one more warrior and two more Spears you'll get Tim to move down here keep an eye on these guys what can I do I could try and block them yeah it's try and do that was a failure rat och against murder rat chew scar okay unnamed oh we've encountered owl who yeah I am gonna struggle with these names it's gonna be one of those let's plays they're over there okay found them there and the beats been down here okay muu right it's upgrade for that which is gonna take our money for the turn so what about Lords then after where there's no loyalty mechanic for Lizard Men so that's fine all right so you should take a look at this because they're interesting and will help us out in various ways to write over wakening will get us a slant mage priest little Denny you accrue from any settlement right a ferocity will give us extra unit experience and for recruits income post about loot and local recruitment it was a trician foreign armies within your territory that one's right nice right if so tech ambush success trance plus fifty percent right of primeval glory at costs a lot as well an army or feral karna saw staggered on my signal news will spawn your factions capital all that's cool though nice as a fifty turn cooldown though what I want to get that as soon as possible though that's gonna be rather useful early on so what do we need for this Jim antique marker building okay so that unlocks deprecating your ones guessing that's the mark geomantic marker I know that requires all that quest skinks know they were quite different once okay cool you can post about loot quite a magic marker spawning origin camp okay cool right we'll take a look at who those soon I think you don't have anything else to do this turns let's end it and turns are pretty damn fast if you have this load up on an SSD of course and if you do all know my pcs spec then it is linked on my channel about page also will show you guys my settings traffic settings very quickly for the designs of the old ones deploy your ferocious warriors and wield your most potent saucily you shall impose the order you seek ok cool right lost that army I'm assuming possibly in serpent ruins that send an agent to scout them and yes of course cave and are revealed they are there that army that we saw has moved on in but of course the bolstered by the garrison but I probably I probably shouldn't wait I don't need a full stat to take them on they are not strongest I'm gonna move up through my land also something on movement points now you actually get see the exact percentage so you shouldn't find yourself not being able to go into a stance because you're not you don't have any it looks like it's met the line or whatever but it's actually like forty nine percent instead of fifty or whatever right we're gonna go for another spear unit she - oh yeah that's all we can afford actually Justine do you want the spinner on the sword got to spit ok another sword unit we still got nothing come the yeah she said we're not gonna be able to fish out much more than this really in terms of our army strength so go often very soon erratic have upgraded so cleanse corruption scouting that's full yet a various magical drop chance could block I want to pop him into my only give him some spells actually to battle with there he's already got harmonic convergence so we can get for now so you can get a Terra Don and then a staggered on that's pretty cool as his mounts arcane vessel vassal rather I should say you gets a fireball attack or we get a Chain Lightning comment of Cass Endora oh cool look at the number of skills he has available it looks like agents are still on level 13 good seem so we'll pop him in the arm we're gonna go attack these guys stern yeah let me show you my graphic things really quickly cuz I'm sure some you'll want to know so I'm running at 1440p GTX 10 80 TI and that's what I'm running at I normally drop shadows down a little bit cuz always funny get bit a better performance that way obviously there's no blood effects yet but as far as I understand it blood dlc or rather reactivation of blood deal if you already own it for total hammer one should hopefully be out soon I don't know if they may be there wait till Halloween to do it around then or whatever also worth noting colorblind mode is in total war Warhammer - which i think is the first we're going to ever have a color blue colorblind mode so that's quite useful got predict all trails turned on and all that campaign settings so yeah this is something that has come back separate battle and campaign difficulties obviously I'm leaving both on very hard and let's continue so just end this end there's a lot of seemingly a lot of subtle tweaks and changes were some rather more big changes or they're bringing all their armies in yeah well I'm gonna have a tough time for this I don't accept it - Taylor got my stances well that is a the golden tower that is a ancient plaque resource site a mission successful we gain some more gold we'll do that we're low on money the move I'm gonna see what our chances are like here the Army's gone inside tight for one outside we're gonna draw a lot of them in oh we can I hope we can take them all on whatever our various stances actually it was this one astronomy moving range required 2.25 percent juice our range by 25 Vanguard appoint certain units chance of intercepting ambush defense chart well that's what we should do against the Skaven then that allows placement ambush ok put my agent in I'm gonna go from possibly not because there's a lot of them but they are all Skaven slaves and clan rats so they know exactly strong these guys are strong the storm vermin if we take them out we should be good so they look at the terrain like crop circles and Farrell staggered on the rampage ability let's go for it croc girl we've built up our Falls a little bit to have a bigger battle so let's do it battle of the serpent coast oh definitely gamble Oh actually on the coast that's nice start point won't gain a lot of auto magic say my priest what ability of you over here cold-blooded nice enemy reinforcements coming in from behind know what I'm gonna do the old deploy here smash the reinforcements turn turn on the main force I think there's that wall let's take a look at my units first to be there is croc gar and overall I think the graphics have been sort of slightly tweaked and tuned up for Warhammer to notably like the textures on units so that all the scales and everything on the lizard man look a lot more intricate than what we saw him one more one there he is Sora Spears soros warriors any weird thing in the moment is live but it used to the kind of normal camera again because obviously I normally use the better camera mod but as the game is not about no mods just yet but I imagine that one will be out very soon for wama - they're all staggered on I'm hoping you are gonna rack up some kills as I'm also hoping the crocks ago the [ __ ] eagle as well 16 of them in a unit though let's go let me turn off the UI let's go BOP these reinforcements I want to convergence i militia she's going to use that but little skink to power up crop gar I'm gonna pop these two Spears in the trees here facing that way and skink cohort with javelins behind them I'm just gonna rush these guys and my strongest troops in the front and Saurus warriors the winds of magic blows a hop car bring you in flank on round something I've noticed as well there's now I don't know if it was in Warhammer one but there's like dynamic clouds so you'll see the battlefield kind of darken and lighten as obviously cloud cover sort of triggers yes it's taken I'll just get stuck in what we could have gone for that army straight away in that first turn but just to make just to make sure that we've got some extra guys here on the scape and get their little buff when they want to try and run away girl you're looking awesome ah yes I think he also has an animation where he throws his javelin as well and takes it up again yeah there we go sort of missed and then after you wrecking these guys being asked even do tend to come back they tend to rally now and then cold blooded most hitpoints combatants okay it's out on just yeah just him so I might say that as a heel later get more cloud cover rolling in really like that found when I was playing my Dark Elf caught with pixelated Apollo that just really added to kind of the atmosphere so stretch let's take out this [Music] Skaven Lord our crop circles are in there if we can see like the mist through the jungle they actually come down from there he'll know they've actually allowed there they've not moved into supportin they thought about it I think the AI is pretty much panicking at this point right no well that's fine that's worked out separating these guys out thing is see Skaven do tend to rally we stings all the way you guys head that way maybe actually don't fire javelins put on too much friendly fire so far bunts power is massive enough a we're up against a 3,500 strong Skaven force though and that's what I like when you come up against Gavin the battles are much larger straight away from the off we've got like a you know total troops over over 4,000 [Music] Speirs get in over there and you try and trap those night runners trying to take this Lord down guys are either oh say you're very tired or you're super slow what those guys have broken [Music] all he goes pretty tired okay we get to hide pretty quick trying to link up with our force up on the hill at the high ground he's also got a cold-blooded heal so regenerates but also lowers their defense and attack for a while oh these guys these sort of Spears have rampaged though they're out control button like runners of wait for our video so they've had their chaplains as well noise okay I'm gonna reform my army down here yeah back I keep wanting to call this guy Tim cuz I'm pretty sure I've decided here's my Tim for the series yet though they don't actually keep you on the side one through [Music] Kofi's girls gonna come back out of control back into my control pretty soon he's that - Buffy you guys are you guys me super slow you seem to give you guys chance to replenish to be perfectly honest yeah so you guys tar out rather quickly go off those slingers those fears come back oh yeah they're healing get those hip points up go throw your little javelins happy little skinks how you guys are out maybe you can catch these guys then that the mr. slave's bears still skittering and panicking they I just got work up top now they're attacking it's pretty goes back you're active very tired active good that's what you want to see little walk Maya a lizard meant a bit more that's triggering on the Skaven there I can get it to show this is scurry away ability let's go for their Lord [Music] though these guys are all there how words yet don't wanna go up against them there for me not forget not up against those storm Berman a hot car the up against storm bowmen will not be good for us right away not moving these guys in theirs on the flanks because these guys are being hit by everything in the middle your help them out ghosts Crocs girls are gonna have to bash them a bit no I'll help you guys take it on right hopefully that's awesome rats fly yes they're going on yeah that's it this goes round over here always going down yes chasing croc gar exhausted again okay I should still with these guys then rampaging as well out of control those take it don't go will storm Bowman in the center right these guys broken let's move on down in the Crocs it goes in so they go out on the side sort of Spears it's okay that when they're rampaging primal instincts hit points greater than fifty Cent base it won't trigger oh yeah they just out of control you guys keeping the storm Bowman busy for now Stan Berman are gonna be tough but maybe not for much longer oh yeah let's buff up let's take it on very nice trying to take out their Lord up their storm vermin are broken so with whatever we can still control it slob yourselves forward of these guys you guys get tired a lot quicker just still keep them busy over there slowly you bring them down there a half-strength just so many of them go on don't stick it on we're doing crock up throwing a javelin that's yes take it on come on kind of much health left 416 AFET come on Jason we'll turn them turn him around so many Skaven that's a holding your own pretty pretty well for now skin cohort you keep doing that take it on how those tools that coupe big group I need to get control over these guys again if they'll come out of the rampage we get croco up here well I can control you always going after him get him get in my future Tim o Sega Don's coming in Rep oh 33 other crop schools are they're all there they're just they're just completely out of control more Skaven to coming back but I reckon if I take out their Lord let's get mobbed place gave him without turning around and deal when dealing with them this is weird to control so few right now he's definitely gone he's things coming back so he's got chase he's goes out big trees with no grass though it's morale yeah there we go there's the morale penalty drop yeah there we go oh god here we lost half our 4 so we took out well let's see how much in a minute Pyrrhic victory see how many we took out in a minute that main army lost 1114 and the reinforcements 511 and 213 crock sickles to 5 6 kills source warriors loads of killed I'm noting how it shows you the amount here now rather hard to hover over so we can eat kill and eat we can sacrifice the so tech for unit experience and leadership or we can release captives I'm gonna kill a neat passive ability the curse charm of taboc croc gar okay just probably give that over to rock though let's give you as a hex we have a wind blast breaths are quite powerful I've found so far for God you not level up close though I want to preach to knock this knock this army away first rather than worry about the settlement and Inter but I think that's what we should probably do can we actually reach you though this turn oh no I can't move out of range I'm by the settlement over to attack it if you go and fight it again how we got the same predicament their Lords are both super weak okay so we're gonna go we're gonna go in a fight don't think there's a specific settlement map no fight again and we need to target those Lords down yeah so 1207 reinforcements if we take out a stretch first just charge him although maybe maybe not charge him reinforce coming from behind so yeah we're in a scathing undercity we do have to push forward poorly try and walk forward then if I can minxie almond trumpeting goes on the flanks actually let's take it on over on second ones Center yep yeah how quickly were you guys get tired if I'm running you big lump reinforcements over there they're all still for most part fresh gotta take out that Lord day [Music] get them in there try a breath and you can actually rotate breaths and spells and stuff like that now by left-clicking and then holding down and releasing and their lords coming in let's get him hey I gotta pull you back definitely sees cold-blooded on you girl for the rest of him croc guard take out that Lord javelins go for these night runners bounce pass quite nicely now favor now source pairs gone taken out stretch they go go go seagulls get in there go go go oh yeah that's the other warlord nice got him no I slamming I love dinosaurs love lizard man yeah they're all gonna break and this is for their city so after this that heels up loads replenishment that's really useful - yeah I shouldn't have used it on the she's got a new crocodiles he'll you up shouldn't have used it on the Soros Warriors last battle those it's not it's not resurrection magic once on poori units back before you pop it in they knock all these guys back at once ganks who you owner the warlords still there they come out come up missed him oh look at him oh no ice he blew himself up with like them is it the hand at hand of hand of the gods he's got a speciality no he just blasted his face off though were there think that counts the sync-kill thought you guys have rampage rage mode engaged you choose your your breath a bit more there's so many of them over here though we can do this and then activate the breath through which is really really nice a lot of time for that magic also feels a lot more powerful in Mahama to being given the the nudge up the scale or two that it need are they've run away now they don't do the wind breath they're do it yeah do their breaths are very powerful as you can see okay they're only fine rats and all that but still what's always come on these guys off I wasn't against the loss of him here your breath attack in a minute they're running yeah there we go beautiful and the battle I get some campaign map action of eggs we've just had to like massive Skaven bowels pest control do you feel like most of the starting a few turns for the factions along its you a pretty tough as well okay nice little loot it's good gain to rank the croc girl even better those reinforcements will probably I think them they might be able to scarier way to win to fight another day so we can raise it we can sack it we can loot and occupy or we can just occupy I think I'm gonna loot occupy even if we a rebellion that's fine we can deal because what we need to head north to link up this whole province anyway that's where the next bit is so let's just do that plus if there's rebellion we can use that as sort of free XP training for our Lord mission successful we gained a thousand rosary and we gained eight eight more ancient plaques rats born seek territory to uncover more plaques they must be denied ours the only rule to rule the world rats born purged maintaining control of one province cool more plaques more Treasury because we need three thousand or three thousand three hundred and fifty ancient plaques and we currently have ten before we can go for ritual of prognostication yeah so these guys did survive don't chase after them mister we've got the serpent coast now those let's repair that building repair the port temple of skulls if anything actually in this place to build first we probably want more growth well let's throw that in there we cannot get them with shields as well so I'm gonna go for regular source Warriors with shields start with then we'll go for some Spears I'm got skink cohorts yet it's fine we're just going for massive melee army go go for route March at first oh god we went up two levels that within those those battles they're predatory fight charge brains and weapon strength that's some pretty good I'm thinking we can make rock art probably quite a basher looking at some visibilities here obviously we want to maybe look at buffing up his army as well your proud warrior for soros unit it gives them +8 melee attack he's obviously got all of these as well neutralize chaos kill the dwarves but I think I think you can put a point in each of these which is why you probably you know the level cap so you pushed up to 40 so you can go through each of these it's defending depending on who you're up against obviously you can see women strength against the undead chaos dwarves and all that and purge bank rising up against everyone honourable elders at level 20 upkeep reduction again it's pretty nice protection of the old ones Biddy uns brings victory always get grimlocks at level 7 we can get a cold one which would be fun and he's got his revered spear of lacks la lacks la feel free to correct my pronunciation guys and then of course hand of the gods which I think we saw you know that sort of animation in the battle there kill sinks it's pretty cool so it goes quest pups go get them to get more skills and abilities spear plus 30 charge bonus okay I went ago for predatory fighter for now I think buff him up get them get the replenishment in for the turn these are em mysterious island so you can get send the Lord over here and we'll get like treasure or something there's also another one over here really good early game to just send a single or doubt or even a ship or something like that if you're like if you've got the the black arts as the Dark Elves to you search these CA when I complete our province you want to get the cursed jungle to the north so those Skaven though they've got two more settlements I'm guessing down here further south plan mores is over here with quick head taker wood elf realm should have gone through this actually first first turn and definitely trade with these guys but Vic do Zorn I mean I'm not interested really after going going off he goes because of you've got you know in a suitable environments if you hover over this we can see it's an unpleasant climate so it's not the worst when it's not uninhabitable this one gives minus one public order plus the 30 percent cost for construction of buildings plot minus eight casually replacement rate at that settlement and in that province plus three turns for province capital settlement buildings and income from all buildings and one it's 50 percent of 15 percent so you can still conquer everywhere but it comes at a penalty which I I like that system I feel that works really well right let's researching jected say obviously the vortex ritual we're heading towards me to complete all all rituals and win the final battle obviously you can do a domination victory as well which requires you take out the court pleasure and a grande order of all masters low firm clan pestilence that clan wars I've so best to take out the other playable factions in the game maintain control fifty provinces through direct ownership vassals or military allies goes running off to tea oh yeah oh the butchering of the lands begin pronunciation many of the plaques that you seek will surely be found there others of your cold-blooded kind in misguided service to their own masters when you strike and strike you must then war will become inevitable than to turn so capture knocked upon selling the golden tower yet 2000 Treasury and 13 ancient flax cities together encourage its growth and its power will surely underpin the restoration of cold-blooded order to the world okay so I don't think I've ever it's not linked to this one just owned a new supplier in this settlement why why are we not Howard that wise an all connected up maybe takes a few times to establish those two at level strength - owned a neutral settlements yeah or is it because of we're always it maybe province based actually yeah because if we're going between every set when that probably get bit annoying so maybe that's because that's that's one province that's another province that's another one okay so the other provincial capitals I think okay then it goes out here to tour our lads or and then down to one down there okay that's how it does it that's how it does it I've worked it out waited out cool so if we have them all linked together and it'll buff oh uh here we go we can see here so level two wow that's really good yeah alignment of crafting by default is plus two public order plus twenty growth income all buildings plus four if we got it's a level 5 of the german deep web i suppose five public order plus fifty growth a plus ten percent building income a lot of come on so you have we have become alignment of monuments alignment of order gives us a hex army ability within battles for that area and alignment of war like that gives weapon strength buffs in that settlement give me a while till you're ready to upgrades let's get this one upgraded as well get another building pretty get those skinks going or maybe an income building actually so the golden tower is right there i don't really want to declare war on these guys just yet in fact I've even maybe see if we could get a confederation with them that might be a better way to do it so for now we've got an option of going up and cleaning this settlement up there or getting to push gave them back and I think maybe you should finish them off first what we could do is send my priests over take a look at them but actually I'm leaders we have this treasure mysterious island okay stranger things the site is home to an ancient shrine to a lost God the place is bathed in power and as your followers approach angry runes upon the shrine illuminate their glow a beacon the wary choose booms a deep disembodied voice aggression your honor perform better in battle or Farsight wrong form better in campaign let's go for aggression form better in battle plus Oh ten turns twenty five physical reasons and we gave 1,500 to our treasury but that has taken out all of our movement for the turn thank you oh no we can get back cool Mayans force March replenish up can't recruit any we can recruit in remember just bad oh no we can still how we can switch noise oh yeah well we're about to run out of money I see any problem it's the only room nah I say we're about to run out money we're about to run out of positive income so let's not do that we can still take off we've seen we can take on the Skaven quite nicely so let's send my agent out and get ready to scout I'm guessing they're they're taking that army before it gets stronger I'm out of their stance okay they're just standing by it so yeah it's gonna be gonna be a garrison in there I'm sure I can't get there this turn so let's get within their territory let's go scout the ruins cost a fair bit what if it actually has if scouting ruins always mmm that give us a bonus like actually then fighting it'll clamorous spears time around okay yeah no they're fine well there's another army there those wells ooh vom eek you're making some very funny funny noises there rat och Chris I mean like windmill attack armor Thunderbolt strong with small battens let's go for that so we'll bring you by next turn you want in my in their territory yet bring you in I can go that's good because that'd be good ambush defense campaign line-of-sight increase as well so we can see an army down there yeah we're gonna need to just focus on taking these guys out I think whoa did we have one that would give us replenishment weaker she could go to ambush little chance there 65% you never know what I might gamboge now but I am I'm gonna give a go to happens kind of hoping they'll be like ah you're not there anymore let's move you bring all your armies up and attack me again if you seem to like mask their forces they're just gonna they're just gonna move every single Lord they can possibly muster to me okay and they're all gonna they're all gonna start between units thank you findell and defensive alliance who you were when it brought a hood eye I would actually prefer not to do that because I'd only get dragged into a war the other side of mountains that I can't see right now I'd be half a mil chilla okay you know I'll give you military access mmm you really want a defensive alliance own you would be good if other people started attacking me like if I went after these guys yours friend thanks is too is too though in your survivor defensive and capable oh go on then I'm gonna regret this but go on them the expansion of your cities into mighty fortresses of war oh good it continues so that you may further develop your realm tearing loads of missions to build up our ancient plaque can we see the other factions all racing there towards the first ritual cool I am thinking we don't owe many plaques hidden in loss ruins of revered master demands we find them so tech revile the vile rats pawn must won't reach them there we can do treasure hunting Oh so yeah gotta search a settlement for treasure I'm not sure I want to go into those guys I'd be tempted to actually go and sail past them go for the temple Avenue of gold but then cause that's that's a full stack and a bit between them there plus those guys and the garrison that might be a bit much we could say all past them but then would they follow there's no guarantee it would they're all building up there I think I think we should try and see if we can zip around them looks like there's a Serpent's coast yeah some readers it's going to give us attrition as we go past that so you could actually mootools seven ghosts of what I remember and I'm also gonna get rebellion there soon two turns at the temple of skulls so you don't really want to lose that so I'm ready to head back actually just steal that rebellion I have a feeling that's what we probably should do actually made a boo-boo right well let's pop you back here then if you improve my public order you don't for now the rebellion will appear at my provincial capital this okay we'll take the ship and go go up that's what we'll do I don't think this game will try and come and attack me while I'm on the sea ice forward it yeah they're in camping and just building up so we're gonna have to defend against them but that's gonna be easier holding surfing Coast soon they will take up arms against you yep I shall move don't worry imminent rebellion that's fine cuz we can get awful so then we can just go complete the province the cursed jungle or at least gain that say let's move up there [ __ ] gah serpent coast then might be an idea to go for something that gives us defences well there's two different ones here scrying pool unlocked technologies all these ones obviously give us some garrison yeah let's pop the garrison in for now trying to fend up bring alder I talk back face rebellion that's fine because we can use that just a kind of power level croc gar up a little bit sequence of weapon crafting yes please there's the rebellion and what are they like Scavo probably scathing or Kingdom of beasts I know thank you advisor Astra may be used by your your senses can make you impervious to surprise soul and hair yeah the astronauts stance very useful the next time we go take out the repelling it when it got too big can wipe them out I'm gonna go yeah I'm gonna go Scout lorenz up here just make sure there's no scheming up here maybe that's no cuz we've seen the two territories it's these two hopefully there's no Skaven up here green skins in the mountains lost plateau rules characters or no there's more treasure there as well you can't send heroes after as you have to send Lords there since then we'll take care of this rebellion hopefully with an order resolved and then we're going to wrap up this first episode for now but there will be another episode of this series out on Monday that the series should be out every Monday Wednesday and Friday going forward alongside High Elves is Tyrion and then Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays should be mice cave and Lord scroll campaign there you go croc gar yeah absolutely reckon 539 popsicles Oh your Opie in the or huh oh wow cuz we're in our own territory I'm actually gonna release captives get some more money cuz we're going off of them again Wow Crocs acorss right a ferocity unlocked nice I shouldn't look at what we needed to get alright so that's this one which is incompressible loot for 2k gold last for 5 turns I think is we're not gonna have I'm gonna save it rather than trying it now because we're not these guys gonna build up a bit they're gonna all come from do we need to get a full stack as much as we can down there probably be quick with croc gar yeah we'll Scout these ruins there's known that it's free no nasties that if we go up to thee there yeah this should connect up to the old world in the mortal empires combined campaign as we give you more magic rollin skies or we give you something for campaign cleanse corruption steel technology wound additional wounding tire block army that might be useful that's let's give you cursor them in my wind actually excel be used to against the hordes of scape and I have to just recruit another Lord to return go and keep up there I guess croc girl that will for now enforcer of order I think we should get that just because we're up against gaming a fair bit right now and it's also up against beast men words obstacles again wrecking face it's also release some can give us some extra money and I probably should move down towards the serpent Coast ready to defend cousin look this Gavin know this game haven't made their move over here so we've actually got the additional garrison already so if I pop in what gar and then maybe just look about getting another wall that's gonna cost a lot send someone up there hear from walk read and casual arrangement that well we're gonna end the episode there let me know your thoughts should we should we sing crock got up towards the cursed jungle possibly forsaking the serpent coast but then maybe we'll be able to reclaim it later on when we push back south or should we ignore cursor off an owl or send the separate Lord up that way and instead focus on reinforcing serpent coasts and maybe seeing if there's a way that we can disrupt these Skaven forces at the gathering in the south anyway I hope you've enjoyed this first episode as I said don't forget to leave your name suggestions on the Qt I normally wait until I get a full stack of units but for part two I'll make sure all these guys are named so these 13 units alongside crop gar will have names so getting source warrior names skink cohort names staggered all names and crops cool names via the cutie it's linked in the description and comment section until the next one I hope you've enjoyed don't forget to comment rate and subscribe follow me on Facebook and Twitter tech pro enjoy the Legion check out my fillets and sponsors Green Man gaming overclockers UK QT and msi till the next one ciao for now
Channel: lionheartx10
Views: 935,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kroq-Gar, Kroq gar, Lizardmen gameplay, Lizardmen Campaign, Kroq-gar Campaign, total war warhammer, lizardmen, total war warhammer lizardmen, total war warhammer lizardmen gameplay, lizardmen lore, total war lizardmen, warhammer total war lizardmen, warhammer lore, total war warhammer lizardmen multiplayer, warhammer lizardmen, lizardmen legendary lords, lizardmen campaign, total war warhammer lizardmen campaign, lizardmen gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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