Crusader Kings 2 - Let Me Tell You A Story...

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good afternoon let's jump on I'm John says video true net and welcome to Crusader Kings - oh I'm excited for this one this series has perhaps been more requested than pretty much any other I can think of it gets brought up all the time it is a big beautiful grand strategy game by paradox and I think I know why it gets requests a lot because the thing about some of the best videos and series that I think I've ever made is they've always been about the stories that we've been able to tell as we play through those games and that's what Crusader Kings - I think really is about where it shines it's a game about a story a story of leaders and a dynasty told over centuries it's not really like total war where it's a game about just going to war with faction after faction it's a game about politics and families and alliances and marriages and children and decisions good and bad and how they echo down the generations and oh yes yes yes yes yes yes this one has been a long time coming so let me set the stage for you at the beginning of our wonderful new adventure its 1066 it's the high middle ages and all around the world big changes are afoot you can't stop the game a little bit on in this by the way but I kind of like the 1066 start and we'll get into why in just a second now the game is obviously prompting me to you know play as some of the big figures in history right now William the Conqueror the Holy Roman Emperor all of that business but for me that's not really what this game is about so if you want you can just jump straight into the shoes of the Byzantine Emperor or the Holy Roman Emperor but yeah that's just for me not quite what the game is really about this game for me is about building up about building your own empire so I want to start small I want to start nice and small and work my way up in the world so I feel like it's my own achievements my own family my own dynasty I'm building up and fortunately for me the game is well set up for that because one of the most important powerful influential factions in the world today in 1066 was in fact one of the tiniest most insignificant factions on this map and that means my goal is to see whether I can match the historical achievements of one of the greatest powers in the world today I am talking of course about mighty mighty Cornwall okay not really now and some of you may not even know what you're looking at right now so I should probably zoom out a bit so in case you're not from the UK and this I've never heard of called whoa it's this bit down here right on the edge of England and it's a fascinating little area because it's very distinct from the rest of England and perhaps amazingly despite the fact that it's been over a millennium since Cornwall became part of the kingdom of England and has never actually been independent or part of any other Celtic nation since KOMO still has a bit of a Celtic identity to this day in the UK the UK government acknowledges that the people of Cornwall are a distinct minority they have their own minority status it is a distinct identity it has its own language which died out somewhere in the 19th or 18th century but has come back in recent years and now has a small number of active speakers in Cornwall and many of its road signs are now bilingual Cornwall is culturally fascinating and the fun thing about Cornwall in 1066 is this is pretty much the point where historical Cornwall pretty much lost all of its independence and power the writing around this is a little bit vague there's not many primary sources but it kind of seems like the Cornwall landowners who used to have a bit of power and independence were kind of replaced by the Normans who came over in 1066 so this is kind of the end of Cornwall as an independent power even though its culture would go on to have quite frankly miraculous staying power to still be floating around a millennium later so this is who I want to play us I want to play as a oak a dog of Cornwall and that's partly because in this ridiculously massive map that yeah goes further than any total war map I'm familiar with in a single map screen Cornwall is one of the smallest and least significant powers I really like the idea of building it up so let's dive in and see what we can do here for those of you that know this game well don't worry I did ask her out and make sure I had the DLCs people consider to be essential for actually improving the game so we've got Conclave way of life installed Reapers Joo is a bit of an optional one but that just basically means there's gonna be a lot more sickness and illness and epidemics floating around among some mystics as well just to make religion a little bit more on the interesting side there's gonna be a bunch of really big world-changing historical events I'm just gonna leave all of those on default so some of them like Mongol invasions will happen at roughly the historically right timer however the bubonic plague will be a little bit more showing up when it feels like it's gonna show up so we never quite know when that's going to happen or not let's dive in shall we so welcome to the game proper this is what the game actually looks like unlike total war by the way just in case you're unfamiliar with this there's no separate battle map or anything the entire game will basically take place on this here world map and this is me down here hello we're Cornwall now the reason I wanted to start in 1066 specifically is if you know your history at all you ought to be aware pretty big year for England we got invaded twice in fact we got invaded by Howard and Radha from the north from Norway and William of Normandy referred to as William the bastard at this point history which I do rather enjoy from the south didn't work out desperately well for England and speak of the devil there's my King King Harald ii of england with about 3,000 guys just chillin out over here outside Leicester and up north yeah there's Harald Hardrada with about 12,000 man currently laying siege to York and the surrounding settlements so things not looking great and William of Normandy hasn't even bothered showing up at this point so you're probably thinking John you fool why would you be playing as England right now you're about to get completely steamrolled and not so much actually a really important concept it's good to get your head around in Crusader Kings 2 immediately is this is a feudal society there are layers and hierarchies to it so this here this invasion of England this is a fight that's happening between Kings the king of norway has invaded because he wants to take over indle and the Duke of Normandy is invading Daz well because he's got a good claim on the kingdom of England he also wants to take over the English Kingdom I am NOT playing as England and I am not playing as Harold the seconds I'm just playing as Earl Carrick of calm that's the way this game works I'm gonna be playing as old cattle and that said I can influence my court around me but only in a way that an Earl reasonably would be able to influence the people around him but the only person of directly controlling and directly playing as is oak alec of cornwall at some point he will die at which point whoever is heir is I will stop playing as her so her name is Oh blimey her name is Rio ants track right I'm gonna need to have more children just so I can name them better you see my relationship to King Harold ii who's about to go and fight this war is he is my liege i report in to him i pay taxes to him sometimes he gives me orders and sometimes if me and all the other counts and dukes get together we might be able to actually give him orders but pretty much he's my boss now in theory if he loses this war and someone else becomes king that new person will just be my leash so meet the new boss same as the old boss fine I'll just change the name I write the Christmas card every year my day-to-day life might not necessarily actually change that much you see I just choose the map view here which I think will hopefully make things make a lot more sense especially if you're at all familiar with stellaris you see I may be part of the overall kingdom of England but the King of England only controls a certain number of well the equivalent of course systems in stellaris a certain number of counties himself the others he'll need to actually hand off to someone else so basically the other counties here Murcia Kent East Anglia and me down here calm or the tiniest one we're the equivalent of sectors in stellaris so I'm effectively a sector governor right now and if someone takes over the entire kingdom of England then yeah I might well just be able to ride out the storm start paying taxes to the new guy and as long as I have a decent relationship with the new guy and make sure he doesn't actively hate me then yeah actually it might not be a bad thing it might even open up opportunities to me so in 1066 is going to be a kingdom in flux which could turn out to be very very useful in date so for the most part I'm not really getting involved in this war that's just gonna now happen over there I couldn't influence it if I wanted to I simply don't have the strength to get involved so I basically just need to worry about me myself and my immediate country so let's just actually focus on me for a second so I'm an old cat oh the game seems to slightly re-roll you every time you begin so you get kind of randomized stats so I happen to be pretty good at diplomacy I'm a pretty good diplomat I'm okay at my martial skills I'm pretty good as a steward however I'm terrible at intrigue and I'm not so good at learning so yeah my focus is gonna be more on diplomacy and stewardship which basically means piles of money that's not a bad character I'm pretty darn happy with that and that's for my special traits what have we got here I am an honest individual I am humble I am gregarious and socially competent I am zealous however intriguing so yeah I get a little bit of extra piety from that and I'm the thrifty a thriftiness that's useless well good so that's a pretty good character and more importantly he seems like a very decent nice person so that's very very good indeed that doesn't always help however you'll notice up here yeah King Herod ii doesn't actually like me that much because I'm honest and King held a second is apparently deceitful so as a result of him being deceitful and me being honest yeah he doesn't actually like me that much which is a bit of a shame but not that much of a shame he probably won't be around for too much longer history says he doesn't do well in these wars now the first big thing I need to do is I need to sort out my family and my dynasty in my succession some 35 right now and I have two children a daughter at the age of 8 and a daughter of the age of 7 that's not many children and while my daughter's can actually inheriting you can actually have female elves or Berlitz whatever a female Earl is called the absolute can rule it does cause some problems because it's the 11th century so some people are not going to be keen on female rulers they can't hold certain positions that it would be used for them to hold some people are gonna be dicks about it and it's gonna limit their marriage options a bit as well so ideally we need to get ourselves a sun-soaked out so that's what I'm going to actually use my ambitions and focuses for because this is what you can do can sort of steer your character and particular direction so and ambition for my character so I could do things like I want to become a paragon of virtue so then I just need to get my piety up and as a result I would actually go in that direction so I'd gain learning a gain piety and a stop being known as okay dog the holy which would be lovely that's not my person right now I need to sort out my family to make sure me dynasty's nice and secure so I want to groom an heir I want to have a male child and I want to see and reach adulthood which is absolutely marvelous and because I'm trying to do that my fertility will go up so I guess it represents like I'm gonna make an effort to go and have sex with my wife more often or something so absolutely I want to go and do that and just to further reinforce that I'm going to turn my focus over to a seduction entry plus to fertility first 25% sex appeal plus 10 so that would once again make it more likely and managed to be popping out children nice and fast though actually I don't need to do that in order to get my fertility up I could also go for family which is also diplomacy plus 2 that's probably for the better because my intrigues kind of terrible so boosting mine tree by further twos not gonna make much difference to my Empire so a family focus yeah will actually get my fertility up as well together with diplomacy plus 2 which is a strong suit of mind and diplomacy is a really important early game skill so match you're gonna focus on yeah I'm gonna focus on family marvelous an addition that also ensures better relations between all family members very very useful indeed yeah the downside of seduction is it's not just your wife you seduce it increases the instance of you basically are taking quick tumble with various other people in your court which can have unfortunate consequences for the dynasty and didly didly do so probably yeah let's just stick with a family focus because that diplomacy will be very very useful indeed nas was just saying it's only me I've got direct control over so I can set folks as an ambitious myself but say my wife I can't give her a focus or ambition because I'm not actually playing as her oh she's got 12 diplomacy well that's really nice because my entire world I say Empire my entire empire is the county of Cornwall it's the smallest unit of land in the game but my entire empire has basically a ranking for yes state diplomacy which is a function of my diplomacy and I think it's my spouse's diplomacy divided by two so she gets tough noon for us on that too plus my counselors we'll get to them in a second so actually my state diplomacy is going to be pretty darn decently this game which is very very important indeed so I can't directly influence my wife but children in my court I can because I can influence their education so Rio over here Rio is my eldest daughter now she probably won't turn out to be the queen or the earl us or whatever but just in case she does it's probably a good idea for us to just groom her just in case so for example what I wanted to be yeah she might one day be a decent strong administrator so yeah let's make her all dutiful and conscientious that could be useful yeah well basically is giving her a focus for her childhood right now co-teachers emetic at teaching her humility teaching her about heritage job faith or duty or threat so we just like slowly starting to influence what her personality is likely to be like in the future because right now she has only one trait and it's that she is haughty which might in theory mean she goes on to be a decent martial leader which isn't that useful because she's not allowed to actually be the marshal on the council or anything so we probably want to push her a bit of a different direction let's go for yeah duty and conscientiousness that seems like a good sort of idea so we'll give her that focus and I think also her yes her youngest sister who therefore right now is second in line to the throne throne of Cornwall do I ever throat I'm gonna build myself a throne if the King asks just don't tell him but I'm gonna build myself a throne so her the important thing what do you know about her she is curious right now an important thing for her is she does not become ambitious because if she's second in line to the throne and her sister becomes queen or whatever then as a results that if she's ambitious she'll get jealous and she'll plot and they'll be trouble so really I like her to beat there we go timid and affectionate that's probably just a good safe thing to make sure she doesn't become problematic down the line cuz while she's only seven right now one day she'll grow up and one day she'll be a big important adult figure within the courts and apparently there's one other child liking a childhood focus I also need to pay attention to hello Jeanette who are you exactly so your parents are hang on let's just have a little oopsie at the actual family tree here so yeah so I myself am Caddick I was the oldest son of the older King and I've got two daughters my yeah my younger brother and half-brother apparently so presumably yeah younger brother by a different woman he's got himself four children of whom Jeanette is the oldest and ah the other nephews however are too young to be given a childhood focus yet Jeanette is just old enough I can start giving her a focus now same thing she's even further from actually the crown so we definitely don't want her getting ideas above her station so I'm gonna give her timid and affectionate as well if you want you by the way you can actually look at the succession anytime which is really cool if you actually go over to like the county of Cornwall screen it'll actually show you who is in line so actually Jeanette is sixth in line because obviously her three younger brothers are all male and it's the other century so therefore guys skip the queue when it comes to succession so that's my immediate family taken care of the next I need to do is make sure Cornwall itself is well administered so Cornwall is just a County it's got a few things in it so it's got itself County capital and it's got itself a city and it's got itself a church they just produce some money and some man we don't worry about the details of that just yet the thing is this is my only County this is what's paying everything all the rest of it so right now it's producing 1.54 monthly balance I need to get that up a little bit and I need to start working towards of becoming more wealthy becoming more powerful and generally expanding I'm gonna do that with the help of my counsel because I'm not an autocrat I may be the Earl but I've also got a council that sits around and actually helps me as well so this is my counts and also as an Earl of the kingdom of England they also sit on my leashes council so I actually sit in the Council of Herald the second as his advisor and in addition on top of that I've got my own council - the problem is right now my councils not very good pretty much my council has one position for each of the skills you can have in the game so a Chancellor just needs to be good at diplomacy Marshall needs to be good at fighting steward good at money spymaster good intrigued and caught chaplain good at learning right now this is not a desperate ego counselling particularly yeah the marshal has a skill of three in fighting so he is considered an incompetent commander so I'm not quite sure why you my good man are in that position that doesn't make a huge amount of sense it over to you yes you'd be much better at learning so how about we just actually just reposition you into a new position because the thing is this guy has to stay on the council this little fist here means relative to the size of my Empire these people are big deals so they expect me on the council and if they feel like they're not on the council they're gonna cause trouble the reason these guys think they're both big deals is because these guys are managing the actual settlement in Cornwall so I manage the actual County capital myself personally because this is my territory however the city of bought men has a mare who is that guy and yeah the actual church hang on the church what is it yeah the bishopric over here that is being managed by this guy now in the grand scheme of everyone in the world these guys are the tiniest of small fish but Cornwall is also a tiny tiny small fish of an empire not even an empire it's just a tiny bit of land on the edge of England to be honest so as a result right now they consider themselves locally important and expect to stay on the council so I've kind of got to keep them there otherwise they might cause trouble plot against me but right now this guy does like me which is marvellous ah he's got things like the content trait so because he's content he's not particularly ambitious so he's unlikely to cause trouble for me but let's actually just very quickly move you over to a new position so change your council position and I would like to change that over to sue court chaplain so he moves straight down there that's all absolutely fine so he's powerful vassal he's still on the council now he's somewhere that suits him a bit better someone a little bit better as stepped in but honestly not very much and you my good manners need to move you because the two most important council positions in the early game are gonna be the Chancellor and the Stuart because this guy is gonna be the guy that makes me more money and this guy is gonna be the guy that helps me expand my empire in the early game so they both need to be really good at their jobs and he's actually yeah he'd be better as a spymaster so that's actually flipping perfect so I can just move him down to spymaster immediately let's just quickly do that plays up something else in mind he should be my spy master move him down there I've even bought him a fancy robe so he looks the parts good abuse if I was told I was gonna be a spy master I would not go out and buy a sinister black robe because that's just gonna draw attention to yourself but whatever spy masters not actually the most important role in the Empire right now it's okay it's not I've got the positions of my Chancellor my marshal and my steward are basically it's just some guys they're locals they're not important if I keep them off the council it won't even matter which is good because you know what Cornwall has got ambitions one day we are going to rule the world well maybe not the world but like you know we might rule a small part of it think about this game is it's not like total war we're like you know you just build up an arm and you slowly snowball until you take over all known societies in the world sometimes you win sometimes you lose it's about the journey not the destination ladies and gentlemen so I need to actually get myself some better quality people into my little tiny County in order to help manage the thing because right now these people are not really up to snuff and thankfully we can do that with this here find character tab the fine character tab lists literally everybody in the bloody world every named character in the entire game in every country is listed here and it's very very useful indeed because if I basically just filter it to say yeah ever in the world and now only people would be willing to join my court if I were to invite them over to call my yeah you know what Cornwall sounds great and now that I've got people who will come and join me I fail to buy the people who are actually good at a particular task so irritatingly you often some of the most talented people in the world are actually women they're not allowed to serve on the council just yet as time goes by you can modify the law to allow women to serve on the council but for the moment is the 11th century the rest the council wouldn't have it so I can't actually have some of the most qualified people however we do have some decent people floating around here you see there's a couple of different competing priorities going on here so obviously we want someone with a nice high diplomacy skill so all these people are considered masterful diplomats and you know one or two points doesn't make you huge one difference we're just dealing with what was it about a to the moat we're jumping up to 15 that's a very very big improvement so we want people who've got a nice high skill we also want people with a good series of traits because certain traits can actually be passed on genetically if these people get married within my court and go on to have children which might be very very useful indeed some people culturally are gonna fit into my court better nuns as well so this person is Welsh Welsh and Celtic so therefore they would actually fit into my court very very nicely indeed and some people if I can just find an example this is a woman so we won't be having her but this person has a little crown which means that she actually possesses a claim it's only weak claims so even by the sense of claims it's actually very good a claim is basically a justification for why this person ought to rule were not really all t'rul but has a reasonable argument for saying hey if I were to be the king of the Ottoman Empire there's no Ottoman Empire as far to honey if I were to be king of the Ottoman Empire that wouldn't be so ridiculous because my nephew wants went cat-sitting for the old emperor of the Ottoman Empire so yeah it's fine it makes perfect sense so claims are just basically justifications for why a person might hold a particular position so they can be useful to bring in to your empire for the time being yeah there aren't that many great claims floating around so we should probably hang on an Irish claim could in theory be useful though okay that one might not be the worst thing in the world I think I'm gonna settle on read FARC who is actually from one of the Welsh factions so he's Welsh and Celtic so culturally he'll fit into my court very very nicely indeed he's honest and so am I so he's gonna get on well with me in that regard and there's no sign of ambitious he's charitable patient and diligent in general he's unlikely to cause trouble and likely to like me so as a result I'm gonna bring him along and he is going to be at my new chancellor another consideration is because he's Welsh if I ever actually get any Welsh lands because he's Welsh I could actually give them to him and as a result he'd get on better with the locals so he's gonna be invited to court even though he doesn't actually have the highest diplomacy skill he's pretty darn close to the top and there's a lot of uh good reasons why this will actually work out pretty nicely oh now here's a flipping star right here for my new marshal 19 skill a masterful commander together with a whole bunch of really really nice perks brilliant strategist organizer movement speed up four armies is incredibly powerful zealous kind diligent and like me he's honest so once again he's gonna fit in quite nicely he's anglo-saxon West Germanic so culturally he's a little bit more alien but yeah the honesty and the lack of ambition means you shouldn't cause any great problems so once again we invite him to court and we know ahead of time he'll say yes because the game tells you whether or not they're gonna say yes with the yes there and the green thumbs up send that and now I just need to find myself a nice steward oh well this is just flippin perfect that is aa slight problem so we've got a 19 skill steward here who is very very powerful but we need to be careful he has the ambitious trait which means potentially he could cause trouble down the line on the other hand he's got Midas touched which is not just a good skill it's a skill that can be passed on genetically to his children so potentially his sons might actually make very good stewards of their own one day one of the other options who's also pretty darn good would be err this second guy also 19 on stewardship and has greedy which while it's bad National Tax modified plus 10% is really powerful unfortunately he is actually yeah he's 56 so I could invite him and he'll die tomorrow so that wouldn't necessarily be that for being you full I'm at you gonna go for this guy down here he's not quite as good and he's still ambitious which could be a problem but he's Midas touched he's just and he's gregarious and I'm gregarious so hopefully me and him will get honor but yeah envious a deadly sin bit of a problem barks hopefully this'll all work out for me so invite him to court and we've got ourselves a whole bunch of very very good quality people arriving momentarily now I know my council members are either it's cuz I'm kind of waiting for my new council members to arrive before I get them doing anything so that's Cornwall shaping up pretty darn nicely here no I'm not you got to wait for all my new counselors to arrive and that means it's time for time to start ticking along because right now it is it has been for some time the 15th of September 1066 probably the best we get time ticking along and see what happens next cuz you're probably looking at King Harald I'm thinking whoa he's completely flipping boned he's got a trick up his sleeve he has an activator chest and I think we're about to see it soon as we get time ticking along and as soon as he realizes there we flippin go so what just happened there is Harold has caught up his levies because Harold is the king of England so therefore even though we only don't rectly controls a certain amount of territory all these are the guys these dukes and these counts them whatever and I'm account I'm the lowliest of the lower we still do have to provide some troops for him if he actually caused them up and by the way I do like how they're all kind of dressed somewhat independently depending on the culture of where they've been called from so I'm sending some nice Cornish guys in support so they're actually dressed differently to the guys next door and by the way we are putting Devon to flippin shame all right Devon is sending 18 guys and what are they showed up with Oh they've showed up in tunics with a little spear and a shield no I've sent 56 guys wearing flippin chainmail and a really nice helmet and a flippin big sword and shield and my shields got spikes on the edges does your shield have spikes no no it does not so my troops are oh yeah I'm just embarrassed I'm showing up with so many flippin troops that's pretty darn nice I'm Italy I can't be Oxford or London and Middlesex there oh yeah Suffolk's putting forward dust and good forces as well and of course the forces of like Murcia the the big duck cheese they're putting forward like a thousand guys each so this on that Harold put together a bit of a better force but if you just do a bit of quick maths of top of your head things still not looking really that hot for him no not at all and naturally Howard's first job will be basically trying to get all of these troops drawn together so he's probably gonna try and pull all these forces together and they've started moving we've also started getting messages this is how the game works as time ticks by we'll get messages from our leash from other powers from members of our own Council people send us messages and what exactly do you want Harold the second to the sincere wit kadek okay that's that's an interesting way to open a letter but whatever men you live in harmony contentment yeah that's really lovely of you we proposed that Geetha Godwin suits a'dope Oh blimey can we rename her that's insane becomes the guardian of mentor of it'll ah he wants to basically manage my children okay that is of interest and you actually good at your job Oh actually you are he's basically proposing that he wants to assign a teacher to give this girl in education which strikes me as perfectly fair because Jen and is yeah very far down the succession some six said just to keep him happy he's not gonna be around for too much longer but it never really pays to annoy your leash and yeah honestly this is actually a pretty good teacher good it diplomacy good at stewardship so that should affect what Jeanette becomes good out over time so I'm going to accept that and that's all absolutely fine keep time ticking along here and all of these troops should start yet they're all gonna start moving and they're all going to actually try and get all together and oh I think someone just arrived and I have here we go so the people I invited to my court have started showing up to they don't take a little bit of time to arrive journey to send them the message they need to travel back to me travel times are a little bit accelerated it's unrealistic how fast people arrive at your court but that's probably just for the best would you believe I think a new challenger just arrived the Normans are coming with yeah is a hundred and eighty galleys and the tiny flea to the English only 16 galleys isn't gonna be able to stop them so the Normans are on their flipping way and income more counselors that I actually asked to come and join my court so they're all coming I knew they were going to accept ahead of time so that's not a big deal I think there's one more who should be arriving momentarily and there he goes good so what's going on here is old right the Normans have already shown up and they have started murdering a tiny English force they've caught up a position that was just a little tiny force of reinforcements raised levies and oh well this war is kicked off nice and fast that is who are you exactly oh that's King Harold himself King Harold has come south with the detachment of yeah just under 4,000 troops though there are more reinforcements coming south at the same time and he's just taken out a tiny English force if England could put all of its forces together they might actually be able to knock out Harold I'm not sure what that does the warps of course as I said at the beginning this is a war between kingdoms the war between the kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Norway and also the Duchy of Normandy but he wants to become the King of England now the only reason they're allowed to fight that war is because they've got the justified claim of heritage rather who has got a claim upon England hence why he's allowed to begin to swore the lesson take over England with a single war if he happens to win and take over everything with in England simultaneously if Harold dies they don't have him by the way I know there's two Harold sorry it's confusing if how hard Rotter dies they don't have that justification anymore so I'm not sure if therefore they can no longer win that war I'm genuinely not sure still let's just need the fact England's on fire on one site it doesn't really affect me you guys are clever you'll stand out of this for the time thing well done I need to assign my new council members so I've now got some really really good quality people to assign right now so you can now be oh yeah 15 a masterful diplomat and also a point a nice masterful commander and finally a point oh he doesn't like me as much yeah because he's a foreigner and he's envious so envious people fundamentally don't like anyone who's higher up in the world with them fortunately his opinion of me has jumped up a little bit just on account of the fact he's been given a council position and he is a masterful Stewart marvelous now the reason I wanted those people is because the amount of money I've got coming into my Empire right now is 1.54 per month now one of the things our Stewart condition inside the various tasks is a collect taxes so he is gonna increase my tax tape by forty five percent so a massive increase and in addition on top of like she's so good at his job there's about a ten eleven percent chance per year he'll just give me an extra free pile of money which is gonna be really really significant so this is just Marvis a good note obviously he's gonna do that in Cornwall because that's the only place he actually can do that so that's just marvelous as well now sooner or later we're probably gonna be needing some troops so I'm also going to tell my Marshall to work on training troops that's gonna increase the levy size and levy reinforcement rate by a massive degree basically if I do need to call up my troops it just means there'll be more of them to come because you may think badge on your troops have been called up they're being marched over there there's two different sorts of troops there's the troops that the King gets to call her and there's my own troops that are loyal to me and are basically the troops of Cornwall so I can call them up anytime I want so my personal levies there we are there's four four nine troops right flip in there though I can also just dismiss them whenever I want as well as far as I can tell there's no actual cost for that so I can just do that whenever I want to and I've also got yet my vassals and by fassl's I mean anyone working for me which is just these two guys in this city and this little armed church thing they're gonna not be able to really provide anything to be honest like ninety-five guys so I can call up maybe 500 600 men total in all the world so yeah a bit of a step up in that would be very very useful indeed because that's not very many men so I'm going to tell him to actually not organize the army I'm going to tell him to train some troops so he just goes here and starts training troops so I've got a big old pile of troops when I need them now the spy master and the court chaplain don't have quite so much to get on with it moment in time probably spy mask and just be told to scheme at this point because yeah if he schemes then if there happens to be a plot against me he'll just find it out so I'm gonna tell him to get on with that I could tell the Chaplin just to keep an eye on heretics and whatever and it would also get me more and more piety yeah it probably won't be a terrible thing to do basically everyone can just hang out here in Cornwall together and everything will be flippin lovely nice for my Chancellor he's arguably the most important person of all because in this game you can't just go invading whoever you feel like it much like in stellaris after apocalypse you need to actually have a counterspell eye to actually justify invading somewhere and my chancellor can fabricate those claims if I don't have any myself because right now I've got no claims on anything I'm the Earl of Cornwall but I have no right to claim I actually own anything else at all so not to fabricate a claim I'm gonna need my Chancellor to go and do that for me luckily he's extremely flippin good at his job so I'm gonna send him over there to fabricate claims and because I've actually got a very skilled Chancellor he has got himself a 15% chance per year to actually fabricate a claim which you know doesn't sound very high but compared to how my basic chancellor would have Donna it's ludicrously high so I'm gonna get him now where do I want to watch you fabricate a claim Devon is probably a good idea because depending on what happens in this war by the way you might be thinking well you know we know it's to happen in this war Harold's gonna beat Harald Hardrada and then he's gonna go down to Hastings and he's gonna lose to William of Normandy no the game is properly modeling this history might be about to fly off the rails at the first moments there is no guarantee William of Normandy is gonna win this he could lose this to Harald Hardrada it's entirely flippin possible Devon well anything could happen to down at this point Devon could change hands repeatedly so there might be a good opportunity for me to jump on Devon down the line so I'm just gonna basically send this guy over here he's just gonna try and fabricate some claims for Devon and if we're very very lucky indeed then we might actually get a claim out of that and if an opportunity presents itself our troops that were training up with our marshal right now need to be ready to then so let's get time ticking along here and we'll see what influence that that Sayer Stewart has just havin attacks take when it updates next month Howard Howard Radha is just showing out here for the time being yeah he's managed to kill a small force and he has started besieging less than oh oh no no yes he has it's one of his reinforcements armies there's now attacking the English unfortunately a fairly big major part of the English have been caught out of position so as a result of that yeah the levies from Murcia which is one of the biggest actual duchies they're gonna take some casualties none of those people are dead by the way that represents their fighting strength so you see that actually after the battle ended hello some people are trying to contact me so message about a sign Guardian has been received Oh Harold you wanna train more of my children okay you actually want to train my heir at this point an educator how good are you you know what I'm willing to accept that that kind of seems perfectly reasonable so this woman's not gonna be on the front line she's are gonna be captured in battle or anything like that so I say we accept she actually seems like she's a pretty good teacher in the diplomacy in diplomacy is a really important skill by the way I know the flags are really unhelpful but I can't change that so the flag of Normandy is to Lions the flag of England is to Lions and a thing underneath the Lions and the flag of Norway is also red and yellow but it's like a Griffon hanging on to a flagpole or something I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to be so yes the flags are quite similar the wood so the difference is is there a thing underneath the lines if yes that's England if not that's Normandy but yes it is somewhat visually confusing and here's something interesting the Chancellor of England somebody on the Council of Herald a second has asked me to automatically vote with him for 36 months so yeah I am on the oh hang on I'm the advice I was over here a second ago I'm still the advisor it's just I've moved around a little bit fine so the Chancellor yeah this guy wants me to just automatically vote with him and if I do he'll owe me a favor now favors can be coated in all sorts of ways so who are you exactly you're also Chancellor of England but Chev any other physician no he's got no other position ah he's Chancellor of England he's got diplomacy 21 fair enough fair a flippin nuff indeed right well in that case I guess I'm gonna accept because it never hurts to have a favor from someone who's very very powerful so now one character owes me a favor and yeah I can use that to force him to do all sorts of fun bits and pieces potentially so what's going on here at this point yes this exact moment in time the Norwegians are just seating a bunch of cities as indeed is William of Normandy now the game right now is ticking by very very slow indeed just day by day you can speed it up to like you know so days are flying by and years passed by in a matter of seconds like this is how this game goes sometimes you want to play things day by day which in the early game just getting your empire set up is probably a good idea on a major Wars going on you can also speed things up massively if that's what you want to do and a how it looks to me like you're on hand over Devon to someone else hand over Devon to someone else yes good that's exactly what I wanted to say so previously how ii was managing large amounts of territory by himself he was over his domain limit the equivalent of course systems that you can control in stellaris so he's had to hand over a bunch of them to other people so now what such he looks like is if I go over to what's even England anymore always kept vertical for himself he's handed over huge amounts of it to other people fascinating Devon is now controlled by the Earl of Devon whoever this guy is so right now I'm an Earl and I control Cornwall and this guy's no land he controls Devon now while King Harald the second was controlling Devon personally I could not attack Devon because doing so would mean basically attacking my own king declaring independence war against my king generally terrible idea what he's however gone and done now is he's given Devon my neighbor to someone who's an equal standing to me as a vassal count is Omni literally works for the king there are advantages and disadvantages that I have to pay tax to the king and sometimes he gets to tell me what to do but foreign powers can't really attack me directly just like right now William of Normandy or Harald Hardrada aren't coming for me they're coming for Harold and his army and England directly so you're a little bit safe from outside attack however vassals are allowed to attack other vassals within the same Empire unless the King ban said he can't actually stand up and say guys seriously stop it stop fighting but he seems to very rarely do so so now he's handed this thing over to an Earl if the opportunity presents itself I can just engineer an actual reason a justification to go to or fast enough I might be able to go over there and seize Devon while everyone else is distracted by this big war over here never let a good crisis go to waste and all of that and for that exact reason I'm currently training new troops and got my Chancellor working on some fabricated claims that would justify me going into Devon so with my life at home pretty much under control as just slowly working towards being able to take over Devon all the rest of it time to watch some fireworks in England because yeah what happens now is oh well things are already kicking off there so a small reinforcing yeah that's just some English levies I mean caught out of position by a detachment of Norwegian troops so they're gonna be in trouble very very quickly indeed not a good start for the English the English just need to pull together all of their troops and Harald the second is just passing laws left right and centre marvelous think he'd be distracted but no apparently not he's only got about 4,000 strength where's Harold there's Howard himself Kearney is travelling around with about yeah four hundred six hundred man he needs to get into a bigger army sooner rather than later and meanwhile William is grated a small detachment to start seeing I think he's going to sorry yeah he's just going to Surrey to proceed out all of that and what do we have here after give him my advice a delicate matter the courtier asked me to accept a small gift of gold as thanks for my help so I can accept it reluctantly in which case I've become charitable good for diplomacy okay that's pretty good or wasn't my advice worth more than a couple of pennies I become greedy for is that for certain now only 45% chance but that would get me more tax no I will accept plus thrift diplomacy through charitable that's seventy percent let's see if that actually takes I think it tells you if you actually get the trait so I think I've been unlucky and sadly I did not get the trade I do not think I'm charitable that is a shame it would have been a nice thing to have so it looks like the Norwegians are actually marching south of this point they've pulled all their armies together and they're marching south toward Shropshire and who knows where exactly the English have just got themselves a nice big force of yeah all things together maybe six thousand looks like 500 odd are heading north to try and maybe relieve parts of York but probably they'll just be picked off right now yes the Normans are doing a pretty good work but actually terms of war score yeah the Norwegians are doing better taking over territories faster for the most part currently just reaching out the forces of Shropshire taking over Ludlow Wenlock and Shrewsbury so we'll see how they get on over there but it looks to me like William is ready to start settling things up these guys are going to yeah on the 10th of January 1067 there is going to be the Battle of Bedford these guys are trying to flee but they started fleeing a bit too late so tragically yeah there's actually about to be a battle where 5,000 English are gonna be standing against 10,000 of the forces of Normandy now there might be a river advantage to the English no because they're not fighting over the river sometimes when you actually fight when there's a clear River mark is safe you're fighting from Middlesex and try to attack into Surrey the Surrey defenders get an advantage to the river business bird I'm kind of not sure exactly how you calculate when it isn't isn't going to actually happen meanwhile the English are trying to retreat but it's far too late yeah it looks like Harald himself is actually where is Howard himself possibly he's just not a command because he's not good enough I'm not quite sure so it would appear that yeah reinforcements are coming in from Norway and reinforcements are possibly also coming in from Normandy so reinforcements all around the shop here the English are in trouble these guys aren't all dead by the way that just kind of represents people who were no longer able to fight because they're wounded or they've retreated or run off or whatever so I'm the English we'll get some of those troops back later but honestly at this point yeah the fact they've already lost this major battle maybe to focus on picking off small detachments of troops while waiting for reinforcements recharging engaging in skirmish tactics in an actual pitch battle the English are completely flippin screwed so they will lose momentarily and there we go they've got about 3000 left of what was about five six thousand so the English are in trouble right now a lot of trouble and because of that pitch battle William is now leading in the water conquer England he needs to get to minus hundred percent in order to win because technically I'm I'm supposed to be losing the war I mean I don't really care new boss same as the old boss whatever so yeah now he's decided he wants to seek out Bedford which will also be very very good for him Bedford is actually fairly well guarded it'll take him a little while to get through that and Harold is actually heading south where are you going he's going all the way to Oxford okay well this is this is fascinating he's actually going into Bedford you were about to actually take on no he's going to Middlesex right so Harold has marched right down south here right down south in just a couple of days he'll hit Middlesex then he will actually take out these English sorts now I'm not sure technically the Harold hard Roger and William of Normandy reward might actually not be a walk is they're both war with Harold but they're not at war with each other if one of them however wins I think at that point they are a war with the other cuz then the war with England carries over I'm not quite sure so what exactly is what is going on here yeah there's there's Harold who is now trying to besiege London well just the north of him William of Normandy is trying to besiege Bedford in just the south of him flipping Oh blimey SH and there's the English 3,000 English just chilling out and Harald Hardrada is just basically looking like he wants to hunt down whatever's left of the English forces these forces are in trouble at this moment they are scattered and in general not doing a good job they are not having a good life in general and in fact rather interestingly the Norwegians are doing much much better at this bar they're up to minus 73 percent whereas I think some of the norman stuff was actually taken back by actually why they down only - theta - they must have had they must have lost something possibly one of their territories was taken over yeah it's Middlesex they've had she been taken over by the Norwegian so what was held by William is now held by Norway which therefore hurts his war store but aids Norway so Norway actually is I think Norway might be about to win this war um which will be very interesting because the Norwegian king is a king so I think at that point England might actually lapse to being technically Norway I think history might be about to go completely off the rails and in which case I'm not sure what happens to William because he's got a claim against England if there's no England of him to fight that claim against then where does he go he just go home you know a fair enough there's no England anymore this could be very very interesting so history might be about to go horribly horribly wrong here anyway let's just speed up time a little bit just to see what actually kicks off now because yeah there's the UM there's Normandy there's King Harald who's trying to now take back middle Sanks but I imagine at some point the Norwegians will step in and stop him because his force is just flippin tiny the English could in theory probably take out this tiny tiny force of normally troops that are just besieging sorry right now and yeah Harald is working on just getting Oxford's down directly and yet there we go so the English have indeed I think tried to attack over the river into sorry but yeah there we go the actual main forces of Normandy have now shown up and are going to immediately kick the arse at the English they're going to oh yeah look at that because they're holding on this side of the river that was very big for them so it's it's a race at this point it's a massive race and it just keeps changing because Middlesex keeps changing hats so oh oh hang on the Norman Conquest is now up to 80 percent dropping from 65 s I think the Normandy people have managed you kick some of the Norwegian territory of that and Oh blimey hang on we've actually got oh we've got a direct fight now we've got a direct fight between Normandy and Norway I didn't even know they would technically a war with each other but if they weren't before they are now wait hang on I just wouldn't know about it because I'm only being told about the wars that involve England right except unfortunately there is a river crossing going on here so I think the forces are hang on who's on the 887 - that's Normandy Normandy is attacking over a river which means yeah their forces are much less effective so these guys are losing about 40 on a turn even though oh this is going to be ludicrously close this is gonna be so damn close and this is gonna decide the fate of England Normandy has more troops however oh hang of those reinforcements coming in from both sides and the reinforcements there's a lot more actual reinforcements for Norway there's only a thousand reinforcements coming in here I think Normandy is about to be driven back Normandy is looking for old Normandy's in huge trouble Normandy is an absolute you flip in massive trouble just because of that River and also Oh oh we've got magnificently good news here magnificently good news my extremely talented Chancellor has managed to very very fast indeed fabricate a claim on Devon and that means that we are allowed to just walk into Devon whenever we feel like it or rather whenever we can take it right slow down time here use the claim and that's going to cost me that's gonna cost me some money unfortunately and it's gonna cost me some prestigious workers this is underhanded fast slow down time okay England's on fire but something much more important is going on here which is now at this point I can declare war on Devon anytime I want so and that is marvelously good news so the way that we actually take over a settlement is we need to basically be able to overrun its defenses so in this case yeah there's a garrison of 460 that's just permanently attached to that core settlement plus there's a levee available of 406 which I'm going Franky's Harel doesn't called up because that's you know not an insignificant number of men so I've got to have more than 871 men in order to actually get into lid furred here and then I'm also gonna need 800 men to get into Exeter and 762 men in order to get into Axminster so in short I'm going to be needing yeah the highest number there was 871 if I could muster up 871 men and then also I need to defeat whatever this guy's oh this guy's forces only 400 fine so we can kick his ass but he might be able to put up a little bit of a fight okay how many men do I have available because you my good man was supposed to be training new troops for me if I actually raised all my men right now 650 not quite enough okay not quite enough but that's so kay because I've got other things available to me which is there are mercenaries in the world they are really really expensive though the cheapest mercenaries are just for hiring some ships if you need to get over the water in a hurry yeah the cheapest mercenaries in the world are a monthly cost of nine point five seven and a hundred and ninety upfront to hire I have got 35 so in short I cannot afford that unless of course I borrow myself a little bit of money because this is pretty much the perfect opportunity you just get over there and take Devon right now so yeah I've got 35 plus two point three - all right let's just go over to my decisions and oh I need to get a flippin Court Doctorate yeah we could totally do with a court physician sorry I thought we not already have one of those no we don't oops sorry my mistake need to actually get that requested yes someone go and get me a court doctor somewhere hopefully shop for that now if I'm very lucky indeed yes I can borrow three hundred gold from Jewish merchants and with interest agreed upon I'll need to pay 350 back late now that's you know quite a bit of money that's gonna need to be paid back but this has got to be worth it okay this is probably a good idea so the temple are gonna be thrilled by that game 300 gold and because all I want to take over is Devon this is gonna be a short war because the moment I hide these mercenaries I'm gonna go into our massive deficits so you my good man you are too bastard I'm declaring war on you because of my entirely legitimate claim to Devon so send that declaration we're now at war and now I raise the troops because for some side secure reason you can't actually declare war while your troops are raised you after like dismiss them and then actually declare the war and it's just slightly odd right so I know I can't take that area by myself so instead I'm just gonna basically call up the mercenaries and there's no point to me actually raising my own troops because they're barely gonna make any difference but they're gonna cost me 2.2 - maintains I have to pay for that myself so it's better for me just basically to hire this here Irish band because that's yeah 1900 by itself give them a moment just touchy I don't even need them to have a moment because they're not gonna be fighting anything particularly difficult instead just let these guys and now immediately give them the order to move into Devon Devon may choose to oh and meanwhile over here there are interestingly yes this is this is fascinating so Howard hard rod have won the battle but is left with 6,000 troops the Normans meanwhile lost just because of the disadvantageous terrain but still have 8500 troops to hand and also Harold's just chilling out with 500 guys here and yeah technically the Normans are still winning this war but that might change very quickly because they're now stuck for a few weeks or months retreating shattered until they can recover meanwhile the Norwegians have an exit opportunity to just take over some land they might be able to win this war before the forces of Normandy are actually able to regroup okay this is all getting very very interesting indeed now the question is will Devon actually raise their troops or is Devon just going to basically accept a siege kind of hard to tell let's just speed things up here see where everything all ends up and oh hang on what happened to the what happened to the Normans that Oh possibly you just took a bit of time to update the numbers Oh Normandy is in trouble the Normans are gonna lose this - Harold flipping hard Rotter this is this is concerning right meanwhile I getting to shut up I don't care about whatever this is okay fine I probably do ah the physician sorry I do care about that I summoned you specially so a promising medical student from Boardman okay a local lad so he managed to save the life of one of the daughters of an important local tradesmen long ago apparently she only lost an eye in the process so coercing him to join the Corps will be easy okay he's 19 he is a renowned physician envious humble temperance yes nineteen so we'll be around for a while I see absolutely no reason so bring me ten ten don't that's quite a flippin lot butts okay I'll be worth it to have a doctor just in case so bring him to court that's all lovely and just check he has been yes he is immediately actually assigned to be my court physician lovely and here we go so my troops get settled in for a nice siege now at this point I am losing seven point six gold every month so this war needs to not take too long otherwise I could be in trouble I could be in a flippin lot of trouble yes and in addition we've got out a mass recruitment drive in Cornwall well that's just flippin marvellous what does that mean for the number of troops I could theoretically call up is it up a little bit I think that's up a little bit versus what it was yes that's very very nice indeed marvellous so good work there well done and actually at this point okay what's going on here yes indeed Williams in trouble and where in fact is William right now that is a small detachment of Williams troops I think he's just desperately trying to win as fast as he can so they're currently besieging Wessex and they've got more troops up here besieging them surprised or even capable with any 500 man besieging structure other structures probably been drained dried by having previously been sieged so that would be what it's already weaker meanwhile the Norwegians are also double seating so now it's actually just a race Oh Bart but hang on England might decide this because they're currently you they're currently unseating other things held by you they're gonna screw over the Normans Howard Howard Ron is going to win this war because the English are taking territory off the Normans that they previously howls oh what the hell and meanwhile I'm just engaged in my little tiny local war down here that's absolutely fine I'm just gonna have devon for myself oh this is this is ludicrous this is absolutely ludicrous and if he successfully takes this which I think he will because look at the garrison said they've already been drained dried by multiple existing sieges then that's actually going to hand victory to its neck and neck it's 75 apiece and these guys are hanging where are you going right now are you actually going to are they gonna try no the Norwegians have stopped see Jane they have stopped seeing Normandy is up to now 75 its 79 for the Norwegians where are they going oh they're gonna go and kick the ass of the Normandy faction and I'm not surprised either right that's that's gonna cause trouble for whatever the war score is in there war I don't know what the war score isn't their war and there we go they've been pretty much destroyed now what the hell is left here at this point that's England Norway is now besieging Middlesex and the Normans are besieging Wessex but Wessex has previously not really been touched in this war so that's gonna take them a long period of time and Hendrik beams are Hendrik did old Hendrik so he hands over a pouch of gold he claims to contain savings accumulated from hard work and donations from rich families Oh what 300 that's that's enough for me to basically repay the Jewish loan Oh Hendrik hand Roe hang on hang on Hendrik you get a reward you get a reward for that hand right all right I'm giving you honorary title right now you get to bei what's a good title for you oh you get to be the designated regent yes yes you do in the event that I die which could well bloody happen because it's Crusader Kings to you my good man get to be king until my daughter's come of age speaking of which where the hell are all these children I'm supposed to be having by now it's 1068 come on I could do with a son and it's up to oh no it genuinely is looking like yeah this is the way it's gonna go this is the way it's going to flippin go the Norwegian invasion is actually about to kick out the Normans that's that's totally about to happen the Normans are being absolutely torn apart as soon as this is done as soon as this force here takes London which should be no trouble whatsoever that is that's not England up there okay I've won one of my see just by the way so I'm doing well in my war at least and I don't know what happens if what happens if this guy gets displaced by someone else by the adult this war to end I need this war ideally to carry on until I've had time to win my war which I think should happen after I take all of the settlements of the local area and unfortunately I'm I'm losing money a little bit on the fast side -91 come on just hold on okay if England takes back are they doing exactly that the ordering is I think that England is taking back some of the territory which might slow down heritage Roger enough that I can actually win Devon in time hopefully - look who are you guys and want you to go away whoever you are go the hell away all right seriously now if off and speaking of the Norwegians thankfully they're not coming in this direction they've decided to actually attack Somerset but this is getting a little bit on the worrying side there they're very close by to arriving in uh-oh oh no no no no no that's not fair that's not flipping fair I think I need to can I pull out in time um are they about to attack me at the Normans about to actually attack flippin me I think they are that would logically be an attack on me on the 27th if I pull out now how long until 29th there's no time for me to pull out why the Normans coming for me right now why are the Normans coming for me this is exact momentum why would this happen why would you attack me of all people Oh No okay but if my troops retreat but have enough strength left over they can maintain and just continue the siege later justjust go run run you bastards just get out of there okay how much is that 1300 left that's actually enough for me to continue the siege later which I can afford thanks the giant pile of money oh you are too bastards you got oh oh he's - 100 % Howard Howard riders at - 100 percent that means he can enforce his will anytime he wants which which is going to be interest okay choo Carroll of Essex just accepted Herald hot rodders peace offer um so at this exact moment in time yeah um okay Shh well this is just fascinating so so so so so the kingdom of England has just ceased to exist England is now technically Norway because the Norwegian King just came into England with a claim against the kingdom of England killed the English King but he was already a king so it l'm just stopped existing there's no longer in England at this point there's just Norway and more Norway and as for ya the Norman Conquest that's that's been miss names now what's hopefully gonna happen next therefore is the Norwegian forces of which I am now technically one of I think I am now yeah I'm now Norwegian I now worked for Norway so great I now work for Norway that means the Norwegian forces are now my friends so I now just need to basically get these troops and get them moving back over here as fast as possible uh because I want to kick these Norwegian hopefully that's what you're doing you're arriving in where are you arriving right now are you going to debt you're going to Devon good so the Norwegians I'm gonna kick out the last of the Normans and hopefully these guys will have just weakened these forces enough that I can move straight in and take there we go you may as well just head straight in and help actually no what no just stay where you are just stay where you flippin are there's no reason for you to take more damage than you've already taken quite frankly so at this point the who's winning at this point yeah the Normans are taking some heavy damage I'm staying there hell out of there more Norwegians are just showing up because yeah this is just Norway now this is just Norway the problem is if this guy decides to just take control of Dorset which he might decide to do then I don't know Oh finally I've got a pregnant wife good this is so weird also oh hello what do you want by the way I propose that someone becomes there yeah absolutely you do that how much do you like me by the way do we all we like each other we appear to like each other why do we like each other because we're both zealous and leaders justly just brave okay this here this is actually surprisingly good news all right good stuff and he's also just come in and kicked the arse of the Normans who came and attacked me so quite frankly I'm considering this Oh marvelously good news and that hang on that just they just get kicked out okay apparently we're having some trouble dislodging the last of the Normans the flippin army of William of Normandy is just still still there where are you going right now hang on no don't go to Winchester don't go to Winchester come back come back to Dorset everyone grouped together you haven't actually killed the Normans yet please go and kill the Normans because I need them out of the way because I kind of I want that territory okay so he's just gonna displaced made from lead furred which was actually held by me previously and it's now held by Oh [ __ ] no no no no no come and help me come and flippin help me oh no no my mercenaries my mercenaries just hurry up hurry up gain their help up why no no don't go over there oh talking how my mercenaries I can't tell them to retreat I don't think I don't think about any way of doing that ah right so my mercenaries have been beaten again at this point the Norwegians are they're kicking the forces of normandy out of our bloody hat okay I've still got 900 men there the forces of normandy meanwhile are hopefully finally going to be defeated oh and bloody finally the forces of devon have actually shown up at long flippin last i don't know what they're planning to do exactly right my forces need to start coming down immediately I've got enough money to pay for this actually you know what this damage troop is better but you mean they cost less so that that's absolutely fine if I can actually no I've got a better idea okay now is the time to raise my personal levy so my levy of 659 man because my levy of 659 men does basically there's no troops left inside lid foot so at this point I'm gonna send in my personal levies into Devon to kick the ass of the forces of this sky personally so he goes in there and okay give my ward code in a proper blah blah blah blah so what is that things you want me to do oh you just want one of my many nephews to be brought up as a No Weejun yeah fine go for it have fun um you can have him so okay new year at this point I come in here and I now immediately kill that guy and I think that yeah that was okay doc leading that personally so what do I want to do I'm after flat terrain be good with cavalry a good with light thoughts no spokes on flat reins a bunch of flat terrain around here I think so let's just focus on that here my mercenaries are still bloody on the way back those are Norwegians those are Normans just basically to get the hell out of the way of all of them so you guys just basically run fine so we've won the battle of lead furred again and we've retaken flippin wait have we retaken them at this point no we're besieging that right now but it will take no time at all because there's basically no defenders and now here come my mercenaries back this has been ridiculous this has been absolutely cocking ridiculous okay merge these forces together at this point at the bare minimum I should now be able to take over these places pretty quickly okay and what's going on with the Norman Conquest taking us don't you dare don't you flippin dare do not know no what do you they are no they're going to Dorset to go to Dorset not Devon all right no way I need your help bloody Norman's won't go home how many spare troops do I have in the levee I've still got that's 92 troops and I don't have to pay for them screw it just as backup reinforcements deploy them deploy them over there and also bandits of raided siege camps outside Ledford oh now I'm losing troops this was supposed to be a quick easy war you know like you know in and out no problem whatsoever okay this was supposed to be simple and also our Hendrik was wounded while trying to gather taxes he okay you came a good man I think he's the a scart he's scarred but apparently he was not killed so that's fine so at this point the Norman they're still hanging around still here and they're trying to take dorset's okay just put everyone together into 1700 and now I am just slowly wearing down these places as time ticks by it's 10 69 the invasion of 1066 isn't over yet and I've got oak ash I've had a son oh this is a good year this is a good [ __ ] Samson no no no my first son will be called John that is what my first son shall be called well Donna you are the heir now hopefully just make it to adulthood without dying because you know that's not a guarantee so lid fir'd has now actually been taken and now I'm just continuing to defend a 60 Sh okay hopefully we can overwhelm 16 defenders all right what have we got up here by the way yeah I know about a favor I'm owed a child lacks of childhood focus and who is that that is my oh my nephew um which ones he honestly you're not that important so maybe be thrifty you might be a good administrator in future and my vassals are annoyed that my levees have been raised too long sorry guys for security they need to stay raised until we secure Devon they stay raised and mean one of the middle of all this chaos we got problems with illness down the southeast and out blimey it's it's all over the shop slow fever has just broken out so 20% epidemic resistance right okay hopefully that doesn't spread to me if it does I can close the gates it's not exactly good for my relationship with my underlings but you know needs must and all of that now I should also probably work on sucking up to the new king because technically we got ourselves a new king right now uh you my good man my liege you're 54 y'all necessarily gonna be around for too much longer that's a little oopsie your family so you've got yourself various children including yeah there's your heir and there's another air right there so prince magnus of norway when he chants all princeton - of norway is not currently marriage okay any chance he would potentially be interested in marrying he would okay this is of interest so I'm guessing obviously you're not interested in naturally yeah obviously matrilineal would mean yeah any children for the marriage will belong to me and that probably is not gonna go very well but Duke Magnus right there okay marrying into the families worth a lot of prestige and also just in general you know the king will like me the potential future king is going to like me that's good news that's very good news because that will get me good council positions and all sorts of benefits yeah that is not even at my net effect yeah currently she's third in line to my throne she is worth throwing away just for the sake of good relationships with my new king and by the way you actually had endowed to deal with these bastards at last yes good indeed your wisdom and mercy on legendary yeah he is up for that so head to Oxford er had to Wiltshire and then clear out these bastards once and for all goods that should be the end of the Norman invasion once and for all recognizing virtues and talents that others possess is truly a virtue and blessed I have a quote Chaplin his devout teacher so I could reward him which doesn't seem to cost him anything or thank Jesus for him I will actually boost my relationship with him just for safety and we've got another victory there the siege of Exeter Goods we just need to see out one more place this has been such a ridiculous war this was supposed to be me coming in and doing like you know just a handful of little bits of pieces where are the Normans are they okay at this point the Normans should be pretty much screwed okay this is excellent good news but this guy yeah the new Harald Hardrada King Harald Hardrada of England oh that's all kind of a new Norway I guess yeah he's actually going around oh by the way why are you still here you shouldn't be here a lone Welsh Kingdom up here go and stop plotting some claims over there or something that'd be great how's this place going good - this place is going well we're very quickly cutting for its defenses they'll be very keen to just you know take down this mercenary band and get rid of them sooner rather than later one more moment should do it come on and we go come on there we go and that is a hundred percent which means now I can force my demands on him so I will get the county of Devon and also 100 prestige for winning and there we go I have just taken that their title and the Devon war has ended Oh kavik of Cornwall wins and that means I get myself a brand new territory here a brand new flippin territory absolutely flipping marvelous now fun thing about this right now I am I'm an earl I am a lovely lovely Earl so I could stay in Earl with two titles or rather not you've got loads of titles and I could just stay in oh but I now own what ought to be considered a duck shakes if we go over to the hang on the the Duchy map here this area is supposed to be the Duchy of Cornwall right now the Duchy of Cornwall doesn't actually exist I can force it to exist by virtue of the fact I own both parts of it so if I just go over to here Duchy of Cornwall I can create that for how much is it going to cost me it would give me two hundred prestige but it would cost me a hundred eighty seven Gold's hmm I could make myself a Duke right now for just 187 gold or I could pay back the people I owe the gold-tone hmm well first things first only these troops anymore get reward of them how much profit amar making right now well it's gonna take a while to update but I've discovered all the troops hmm no I want it I want it I want it I want to be a Juke I'm gonna give myself an upgrade here I'm gonna create the Duchy of Cornwall and with that I am now Juke Caddick of Cornwall the Duchy of Cornwall exists I'm now a Duke you can tell because I'm wearing up I'm guessing that's a Duke hats that must be a Duke hat fascinating how did different hairstyles look with majouk hats because I can change my hairstyle um that's quite nice like having long hair and I have a massive [ __ ] yeah there we go barber please add more beard on nice that's just lovely and as a result yes indeed the little Duchy of Cornwall symbol is now that Cornwall is now much much bigger than it was and being a Duke means I've just taken a bit of a step up in the world up to this point I was just a vassal count now I've taken the next step up a Duke so I'm now equal in status to the Duke of Kent to the Duke of East Anglia the Duke of Essex and Wow Mercier owns our flippin lots of territory that is a really big part of territory now I should probably be a little bit worried about the possibility that my liege King Harald Hardrada might just take a bunch of territory off me but me and him we like each other we like each other a fair bit wait refused offer of guardianship did I oh when do I do that I can't remember I did that I probably shouldn't have done that that was probably a bad idea let's just touch evermore so quick look at his council am I on his council right now no for the time being I've not actually been put in his council oh I should probably be a bit worried about that but then again equally he's actually got a council that can include all sorts of other places yeah like the Duchy of vest Latins okay so this has been an interesting start as it turns out I think Norway just became the biggest empire in the world a landmass they probably do yes so ladies and gentlemen I'd say yeah let's cool things apart there this is the beginning of our new series of Crusader Kings to where I started off as a vassal count in an insignificant little corner of England and now I'm a Duke in Norway because that's just how this goes sometimes the two I do like how when you zoom out now yeah Cornwall I have doubled the size of the Cornish Empire and there is a lot more that we can do yet next time listen gentlemen we're gonna figure out how we negotiate the tricky political world of Crusader Kings Toa and this strange new world we live in where London Oxford of Winchester are all directly being controlled by the bloody king of Norway meaning yes all things are strange and weird and potentially he can actually bring his own people in or he could allow us to just manage ourselves I don't know how much of a hands-on approach the king of Norway is decided he's gonna take with his new acquisitions and we're also have to keep an eye on all our fellow Dukes cuz I now what are the Dukes it's nice to be one of the Dukes that's my first step forward in the world because Mercia has an awful lot of territory hang on who actually is controlling mercy right now yes good old Duke Morcar of Mercia who has got himself a bunch of titles and seventeen vassals working for him he controls a very very large amount of space and he is anglo-saxon potentially he's not gonna be happy with being part of Norway because England isn't supposed to be part of Norway it's supposed to be part of England so I suspect and yes indeed look at you can see it right there so jute more car bloody hates King Harald he's a foreign conqueror humiliated close kin humiliated family short reign and indeed yeah more car wants the kingdom of England the political wrangling will begin next time because the English Dukes aren't just gonna sit there and take it England is gonna be a hotbed of sedition and rebellion and when the time is right there might be a good opportunity for me to pick up some of the pieces and indeed join up with the other Dukes to kick out the Norwegians once and for all and maybe restore the kingdom of England and maybe one day even run it but that is a very very long way off in the meantime Brittany looks somewhat tempting over there Wales could be up for grabs I mean I am Celtic and Welsh culturally so it's quite possible that the Welsh would actually be willing to accept me if I were to invade without too much trouble Ireland's right over there that's generally a bunch of individual URLs so I could go and get a foothold over there as well all of that is available to us ladies and gentlemen war politics subterfuge and a whole bunch of crazy stories yet for Juke Carrick of Cornwall we've taken our first at listen gentlemen this will be our new series running on Thursday and Sunday I hope you join me for the second part because Crusader Kings 2 is anyone who's played it for AC difficult at the time be able to tell you this game could go some really fun interesting places when it comes to storytelling some very fun interesting places indeed I hope you told me for that but in the meantime I've been John this has been many a true nerd and this has been true seder king stone thank you very much and goodbye wait if people just vote out democracy hang on what have you just done oh go on let's have the greatest Oktoberfest ever yeah yeah Spain in Russia when after New Orleans as a result of the war mongering of certain Central European countries oh well excuse me my leader from now on no weddings will stand - the way this country's path to glory Oh God Germany not again
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 747,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 2, Crusader Kings 2 gameplay, Crusader Kings 2 game, Crusader Kings 2 steam, Crusader Kings 2 pc, Crusader Kings 2 walkthrough, Crusader Kings 2 playthrough, let's play Crusader Kings 2, Crusader Kings 2 part 1, Crusader Kings II, Crusader Kings II gameplay, CK2, let's play CK2, Crusader Kings 2 DLC
Id: rbrlO8vuZS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 51sec (5091 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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