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this intro is bumping [Music] [Music] sorry guys I went I went somewhere I think we have to do remote play still guys that's my guess are you gonna host the Bobby with me to mate who's making it oh I'll do it Bob can you invite me again because I forgot to unmute myself then I tabbed out and it doesn't work like to because I couldn't connect to the remote you know all of you do you have the game open and then you're trying to join should I have the game closed yeah we've done this before we we've covered that exact topic before if that fixes it when did you cover that I didn't it the people you don't how well look there is wait can you move the menu is that you I was and now it's all God now everything is horrible yeah the stream is like collapsing and it's so fun good wait are you uploading oh yeah my entire screenplay for the next film I was working on oh there's your problem okay wait for me I can see I can see movement I can wait wait left and now it works cannot connect the computer again God you oh sit I'm watching a 360 p video I saw whatever I joined can you let me another one way that I died it's not happening for me I'm here now oh wait I think I'm moving it left right up right left okay that's me yeah alright okay so what am i doing now party mode yeah I think so party mode pick those four carrot boys for turn off your notifications don't look at those they're in my recording well congratulations I'm not gonna minimize death Mitch yeah do deathmatch let's kill each other first I actually have no idea how to play so I I'm not I'm pink okay I am nothing I'm yellow at all me and Mark are faking it what happened I can't move so I don't even think I'm here oh no oh my god wait don't worry I'll do it actually go down to two or you know funny how it was not on four I have no idea to make again for sure wait what and what you've done you eighty your arrow keys [ __ ] wait am I pick wait so space jump I'm pink I'm definitely paying I'm green well I think I think oh I'm yellow I'm yellow I'm yellow apples I really not participate buttons are cooperating okay I know that for a fact sound off I'm a green purple I don't know no I think I agree ow my neck just everyone just chill out for a second I think of us might be pink is anyone is anyone moving pink right now no no no somebody else is yellow I'm green I know this Oh I'm controlling yellow I think they're both yellow apparently that doesn't make the most sense okay wait we'll take turns it'll be purple oh God who did this that was me that's me that's me that's me purple what are you doing bud oh no no I'm alive wait don't go mark now Wade and Jack you just have to kill three lives on the purple one without losing it well I think this is gonna go really well how do you grab bumpers I I would try clickings maybe or or there Yoho left left bumper on the controller seems to work I don't I'm using keyboard well that's two people are the same people I've deduced it everyone it's because he's using a keyboard wait wait wait it's like heave-ho all over again all right Sean you take the last or I got two kills there here I got this Sean don't you ruin this for us it's better if you just don't play apparently got it I did that birthday I'm four so now we're now we're maybe four separate people sure yeah okay I don't even know who I am okay I'm green again you should be yellow purple now oh [ __ ] you stopped on my head bones [ __ ] murdered all of us in half with you no no no you broke my neck two-for-one so many kills here I'm just absolutely absolutely he just launched me I'm hiding here kicking is like the way to win as I I'm just gonna stay right here no wait we're good be so hard [Applause] [Laughter] we can we can gg [Laughter] Oh got the strat now yeah we're gonna release lives in this position I'm coming for you [Laughter] am I so yellow yeah we should be the same humans wait why are the arguments I'm very not good as it turns out most killing myself repeatedly oh don't you do anything I don't know I don't want to know come on push the goddamn ball come on it don't work very good you killed me but you knocked yourself into the pit how's it going pretty good you can't use my strat against me hey see see how uncool you guys are for doing this it's so good so quick this is where I live now I'm going to oh you didn't get nobody Frick all I know is that I have not won so oh my god okay I'm gonna growl I'm gonna grab nobody's gonna grab I've got a death spike you better watch it go why don't I let go I can't hold like you guys why sure spike there no probably you dead forever yeah I'm out okay so so damn it come here often yeah eventually you're in there I will not now is the time I think you either win or suck at this I think there's no in-between it's a good game isn't it yeah 360p here we are some really cool some really cool effects I cannot for the life of me figure this [ __ ] out I'm enjoying my tree the only way you can win Bob no skull god damn you I can't navigate how do you navigate it's impossible wait damnit puppies you kill like that you killed me on the waiting you panicking and now I'm dead we're all dead no you're not all dead I'm winning this round even if it's me I'm coming for you just to wait a few minutes you guys fight it out of my little palm tree leaf get away from me I don't want any you crushed me with your big feets okay well what I'm seeing what I'm seeing is it I'm better at killing myself than you guys you all are floundering to do what I need to do on a scale of 1 to how many kills you have mark is definitely winning I am winning ya know I grew that neck easy Oh what I just got on Eileen whoa wait you tease but it he doesn't know it cuz he's an idiot yeah Sean I think we got the strategist oh wait smells of grass in the morning this is so good don't you dare come on our grass pile stacks I will save you I have grass pocket hey Mark how's it going ever ah dirt block is so much better than my grass lawn no yes block has smelled all the way yes truth I'm like a horse you startled up by me I'm just gonna kick scoot away from you but I want to stay on the block okay okay okay oh you can see right move it's way out of lives busy being aggressive this life I spawned in with a broken neck what is your strategy against me it's pretty good oh Jesus I feel cheap it does feel cheap but fun to win mark it is fun I do like winning all right good good it's fine I like Kingdom okay now Bob is dead right here we go all right I'm coming for you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,039,851
Rating: 4.9697142 out of 5
Keywords: super bunny man, super bunny man funny moments, super bunny man multiplayer, funny moments, funny gameplay, funny, funniest, multiplayer, collab, laughing, hilarious, fun, fun games, markiplier, gaming, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777, gameplay, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, bunny, coop, super bunny man game
Id: hf0DsrBM_ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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