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What game do they play to play these tabletop games? Cause tabletop sim isnt it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SyntheticMelody 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
Oh what oh oh so we're gonna do same colors yeah sure how do you roll dice without like if you left click and hold it and then tap are you'll kind of like shake it and then you can just drop it yeah but then you kind of know what it's gonna land on because you could just tap hard so you see the numbers look fine look we need calm you know like this dog [ __ ] where to go it stays stuck in the thing yeah you know I'm not gonna say it doesn't work all right maybe that's not a good maybe that's our thing just keep going our until the last number you see when you let go of ours how are you seeing numbers because I keep hitting our until I let go of what people are getting are you can't this little one you can't see the dice about that all right so we'll just set this on the side and we'll do this little one that's hard to reach wait shake cuz wait baby I just told people cheating we should also look up the rules of the game probably they seem pretty simple roll and you put your pegs some mouse over it you press R once oh okay oh okay well yeah we can get our big dog back let me just just delete this little shitty one there you go there it is you know what you know what would help with keeping that in the right place just put in a bowl like this bowl set that down and then you can for the dice and then the bowl I'm really happy that I was trying to move the bowl there so it's perfectly centered it's not perfectly safe so moving the bowl bowl is perfectly centered there ish yeah it's pretty centered yeah how do we play I have no idea all right roll the die in the middle to determine which player goes first player with the highest roll goes first your move your pieces from home to start you must roll a six so you have to roll a six to wear which one is the start one I imagine it's this this this one yeah sure yeah let's say the left it's the left one on the on the dick of your of your area so does that mean you go from here to here so you move from your start to your left dick you have at the end you I think this is the last one here so you go to finish no cuz actually you don't you move through these are you snow that's your finish are you supposed to finish that's your finish you're supposed to put them segmented like ones there in that hole ones in this hole is that the objective to get them all in these things so I think yes invented the ball really dick that's the whole thing up you know what just stay stay right there left nut is start right nut is where you turn up into the finish holes alright is this the game where if you don't nail it into the finish holes you got to loop back around possibly oh I'm gonna look at the game the gameplay you have to roll the exact number to get the pegs in the holes don't worry about it you get to roll again if you roll a six okay okay you must count each space you move whether it's empty or full if you are able to land on space as an opponent's piece they go back to the home its includes if you start on to someone who's on your starting piece you may not land on your own pieces to win the game you had first player to move all your pieces into the finish you must roll in the exact number to move your pieces into an empty finished spot if you roll a number higher than you can move and you have no other pieces you can move that your turn is over and your piece does not move okay so you don't loop around no there's no looping you just have to roll the exact number you need to get into a fight once you're in a finish you can move you can advance if you're like if you're like here and you roll one you can like move all the way up if you so choose so you can you can keep wedging it in the hole who's going first we roll to see you guys first right is a three I got a why I put the and I'm going to get it Wow first wait so what are the colors I'm green same colors red I'm red blue yeah aha well nothing okay do you have to get a six gets your gets your guys out of home to you hyper-realistic certain and then you get to go again right away or just yes okay interesting six is six is a roll again okay so now I'm going right I know yeah watch this baby all right boys exciting start this can't be how this game starts alright good job everybody yellow things stop yep you know what go away go away alright I guess I can't take them the one out so you can't you can't so one two three four five six you're you're counting they're upset me and a great don't get to go again then you're still moving excitement Wow what the [ __ ] nah I'm pretty sure that's it's fine it's fine okay left right yeah everybody everybody everybody all everyone everyone throwing sixes one two three four I can't do that okay there Mike Thome are you one two three four five one two three four five no no that's how it works that's how it works fine that's how it's supposed to be Oh see they're meant to be together no you just put your spam and that goes where it was it's fine no [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh don't act like you're the one who's in here my life is suffering it's trouble mark you gonna roll the goddamn die whose turn is it my turn bugger all right oh my chat is not saying that the game is not on screen is that really happening the game was on all right whatever it's my turn right no wait wait no there's no rules in here no there's no rules in the notebook the notebook is useless I'm gonna just go ahead and I don't know what's better I'm gonna do this you guys can keep sandwich in me I'll stop I'm just gonna [ __ ] run our goddamn lives you're counting upsets me why it's just the way you hover over things i watch you guys do the same [ __ ] Bob for me actually you know I I don't really I don't want it yeah you mark you made it pretty far there I don't want to you made five spaces you wouldn't want to risk it I don't play save don't move six spaces you might go home now now everyone's just debating what the rules of trouble you know what the rules are whatever the [ __ ] we do at the moment there's no guys are the rules we're playing volume a three one two three did you hate that mark I hope you hated that you counted it out loud I loved it model I need to do that oh do it now this is the situation that I didn't want to be cuz then you get the humiliation you see you see that you see you see it's okay mark it's okay you see I've rigged it so that I will always win no matter what right okay would you stand up there you go no I guess we don't have any rules here Bob doesn't mean you do whatever you want hey you're the ones making up rules on my roles so no one to call the waiter can I go too right here you can go right there yeah cool counts you just you have to roll one or two to move it forward even further that's well three oh all right all right hey I'm not out to get you you were kind to me you can't move your other one whoo yeah that's the right just gotta think about it I just gotta think about I'm just gonna roll this yeah all right well let's see we got a good thing going on here so we'll just what a nice day nice game you know what a nice game good good roll huh okay it's fine I'm gonna look up what the rules are did anybody leave you trouble game play rules traffic happy for me I don't trust that website okay you what we're doing it right I love the way you say pop in six it was what I said right correct no it wasn't but I'll allow it your dirty cheating ways so what are the actual rules then dead each other Wade I'll be nice to okay hey hey this is God never here to begin with I don't know why Bob decided to be [ __ ] I don't see any reason to be anything less than bloodthirsty and devastating three four five six get him wait don't you move off your own start well whatever because I couldn't I was blocking my own space by the people one two three four this games fun hi guys oh man big oops thank you big moves you got that big move energy oh no despite me I I was doing it because I did it because it was what I had to do huh and I had no other choice no you had you had several other choice no other choices no choice ad of choices no choice know what you did I don't know anything so you're wrong I'm gonna get you I got a big fat five over here okay move one two three four five there I've got I've got plans my friend oh thank god well it's fine good big rolls big rolls right it's not a I'm just following closely okay I'm just gonna go here just don't roll it to Bob I don't know if I like the look of that one I'm gonna go for gold because I know Bob isn't the type of person to do course all my friends I'm not come on just not a two oh boy a big boy and you can't jump your own piece in this right that was a rule you can pass your own piece I think can't you someone said you can't but I don't know I don't know it's my turn okay I need like a three or [ __ ] higher please I don't know if I need it that high until five all right well hey friends it says you may not land on your own pieces what to do so we jump over your own pieces yeah you cannot jump your own piece so are you totally good it doesn't say that in the rules explosive move I know I could have gotten mark on that one I specifically didn't want to chat I have a solution to this the first place good good good good move Bob could move Bob that's a good [ __ ] all you might set your piece up yeah mark we're together man he's tied for first you're right you're right I'm not tied for anything on top of first all right well that didn't roll [ __ ] all just spun in a [ __ ] wrong circle that's good it's random baby all right good play good play you see you can't hurt me but I'm just saying we're four buddies right buddy it's okay I'm seeing blood my shooting blood mark okay I have to move this okay that's fair okay I'm not here to hurt you my home my you're welcome sitting I'm I'm I everything's fine you want to go up on the credenza isn't that piece of furniture so I'm not sure credenzas like a countertop it's like a martyr got one six that you're definitely not going to roll right yeah just it's fine look there's your dice you're all set up is it my turn is it my turn yeah yeah rolled that for it's fine it's fine everything's fine good play good play I feel like there's a lot of tension going on no look he played the six I see what you're saying this is gonna come back to [Applause] [Laughter] listen listen listen listen it's not my fault you did this to me you hey okay hey Mark calm down mark calm down everything's good man this game I feel relaxed you feel relaxed I feel relaxed I feel three four I'm not even I just walk right through your home I'm just waving at you as I never come inside again ever but you do like the credenza it's a beautiful fencer hey so we're cool right and that middle guy he doesn't need to move everything's you can't no you can't do that so it's fine my own guy we agreed on that right three four see it's all good really fly completely spaced we are for the well these guys just you wait till I get another piece on the board I'll show you guys what you're playing wait okay okay okay okay yeah yeah no that would've been that was your mistake here comes my sex never rolled like four sixes with all the three okay well yeah just you wait till my turn I'm gonna break it up this I'm just gonna one two really slammer in there are all I've rolled last [ __ ] hour no wait no look look how far behind that other guy is they don't want to be honest in bond-like look at look at look at this look at this guy I can I can draw this guy you're right you're right no I don't think that's I you don't even roll a three-year-old a do Oh Bob's cheating now she's definitely take home we're not friends anymore I consider this payback for sorry that's what I to you I just won fair and square did affected my expense and mine alone never [ __ ] mono - all right we're just gonna be here for Wow all right look at making progress yeah we really need to get some some guys out there stomping around - good play all right come on now and it's gonna be a four [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] or anything what Bob will actually murder me if I don't make this move [Music] sorry I was trying to flick marks and I apparently punted yours off the entire here I'll just put this back I knew that as soon as I cross that threshold don't know what happened hey buddy it's just for funsies goddamn it no all right just do it this is gonna be a good move it's a good move good play what a great number come on bud you wanna see my home I'm not coming near you you might give a cover or suck if you would set that guy all the way here no yes it would have been you know wait there's a line tool so you can do [ __ ] that's not horrible right there uh-huh uh-huh whose turn is it it's yours oh no right there mark look at that oh that mark mark listen revenge is a dish best not served right okay well let's see how that is okay all right all right I could have used that one I would if I wouldn't if I had it [ __ ] out of here Oh God's eggs come on welcome to my weight over here sure are it's a miserable place all these beautiful boys walking around the table but a1 Oh got a - good - I'll take a 1 nevermind wait no wait you don't want that one you want to get your last piece do it do it can't do it can't do it nope enjoy that I could do it I could glass I mean my piece just left so I don't really care that much good coming to your home to me that's the real question I you know keep asking yourself because I I've got an imagination one - Wow hey there's that one God do you know you must do way do you know what all right Bob now here comes the six he's got two in the home all right what I'm gonna do what am i doing mark down Magoo's guy I'm gonna get this guy out because I'm gonna use my other role to get away from that sorry sorry I was moving yes yes three four five six yes please give me a chance so many times I can't do anything I feel bad I that's so many without a six now you you just as many oh look at that good one bud good role you're wrong you thank you that's my turn already geez thanks all right good good roll - yes it's probably - okay my turn I think it's still my turn I'm fine Bob get you six here buddy mm-hmm was a sweet one it after that music calm has settled over I think Bob is uh I think Bob's broken over there okay oops tied for first Marx tied for first tied for first all right I missed you listen I know I know I don't feel like it's necessary to Oh neat oh no you can't I'm going for him just wait ah cool [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] if you hover over it it says it so the way that's right fine I'll reroute you roll it again fairly certain that was the one okay but I'm not gonna get a five well I didn't get five all right I had that one what's know you didn't appreciate in I I had that one alright Bob your turn to roll five what happens if I can't like what if I could roll like a five now I can't do anything that's on the green line the green line doesn't count yeah alright that's a close game [Applause] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,203,421
Rating: 4.9571867 out of 5
Keywords: trouble, trouble game, tabletop simulator, markiplier, tabletop simulator markiplier, tabletop simulator game, tabletop simulator board game, board game, board games, fun board games, funny moments, muyskerm, lordminion777, bob and wade, collab, multiplayer, rage, rage game, bad luck, friends
Id: nZfRVvfWn7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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