Curious George 🐵 Pirate Heroes 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵 Videos for Kids

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saturdays were the best day to stand on the dock and watch boats there were tug boats motorboats and dachshunds and toxins [Music] hey it's hundley hundley loved everything about sailing how the sail sounded when they caught the wind how the doorman used the wind and the sails to make the boat go faster and how there was all that water between their boat and the nearest sloppy monkey [Music] hey i never knew you guys sailed sure hundley likes sailing so much i put a boat in his dish [Music] now drinking water reminds him of sailing which makes him happy if you want to see some great sailing ships watch pirates of the wybicus tonight any show about sailing ships sounded good to hundley it's so good the first time i saw it i wished i was a pirate since this was a sailboat george wanted to be the wind and make it go [Music] let's go george [Music] natural geometric exploring presents pirates of the y because [Music] wow how'd you like to sail a ship like that hundley [Music] now there was a ship that couldn't be sunk by monkey breath the ss y because was attacked by the bold pirate black hat besame pirate vessel off the port bar all hands your stations whole wind coxswain oh oh [Music] those ships were so dignified and neat wouldn't it be great to be an old-time captain [Music] the neatest ship to ever set sail was the ss dignified its commander was world-renowned captain hundley no other captain was as smart as orderly or had as wet a nose all's clear captain hundley sir thank you sir you know how much your approval means to me sir captain hundley's crew was always orderly and efficiently [Music] no one knew how to ride the breezes like captain hundley the greatest sailor in the history of wind but all was not smooth sailing a new crewman came aboard during a stop in the dry tortugas new first mate george was a sloppy monkey with a jelly sandwich [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but captain hundley didn't worry oh he put that monkey in the brig and kept his ship dignified [Music] one two three four five six seven eight seven six five four three two one yeah all right okay george your turn you've gotta hit the eight now do it and you set a record you've never made it past seven in hopscotch before [Music] huh oh oh george when you reach seven you just have bad luck [Music] george was sure that's what he had [Music] he had bad luck with pouring [Music] and bathtub boating too [Music] george started to wonder if this bad luck would ever end [Music] [Applause] apparently not anytime soon come on george let's get home before we get soaked um let's get you a hat so you don't get too wet [Music] you like this one [Music] hey george charkie found her ball [Music] let's get home before it starts again [Music] hey that's pretty lucky you want to use it in the toy store [Music] congratulations you're dulcin's one millionth customer you've just won a shopping spree uh-huh and you can keep all the toys you can grab [Music] in ten seconds starting now nine eight seven [Music] oh good choice she's a beauty super fast even in bubble bath and tell you what you can keep all the other toys you grabbed [Applause] [Music] oh what good luck the rain stopped charkie found her ball you found a coin and you won all of this [Music] the man with the yellow hat was right george's bad luck had become good luck and it started when he put his new hat on [Music] i call this extreme hopscotch hmm you think he can handle it yeah you can go first [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven 12 13. 13. george had never counted past 12. what did 13 look like of course one comes before two and two comes before three [Music] george played his best game ever three two one [Music] then it came time to throw number eight uh-oh here's where his bad luck kicks in give him a chance if there was ever a time george needed his lucky cap it was now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] oh thank you thank you very much thank you and now it's time to pick the winner of our contest the winner is seat b3 george you're in b3 you won [Music] here's the winner uh george won ha ha our winner is that young man he's a monkey well that young monkey has been picked to be the conductor at our next children's concert in the park [Applause] come see me after the concert [Applause] ah welcome welcome george you know what the conductor does right maybe i can explain it to you so you can do it without falling down there's a lot of counting in music such as counting the tempo the speed of the music the conductor helps keep the tempo of the music with a little stick called the baton i can count the tempo like this one two three four one two three four one two three four this is called four four times three four one two three four one good there are other tempos too this is called three four time one two three one two three you see george now let's try it together one two three one two three one two three got it [Music] [Music] at harvest time farmer rankins liked having a few extra hands around to help pick the apples this year he also had extra feet [Music] it's real nice of you two to help out our orchard is small so getting every apple is important oh well that's what neighbors are for [Music] he's certainly built for apple picking [Music] can't say the same for your hat [Music] i'm gonna join the mrs round back once you fill that cart you can unload it in the washing trunk will do [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] jumpy had found a perfect apple [Music] oh one more okay put it in [Music] jumpy's perfect apple was in there somewhere but where chumpy apparently didn't know that the renkins needed every apple easy now george that lever releases all of the apples george thought that was an excellent way to get jumpy out of the cart no and it worked [Music] jumpy decided he should hide his perfect apple maybe in there [Music] [Applause] well that's okay we can gather them up again [Music] or i can just do it myself [Music] what was this [Music] it must have been some kind of monkey playground with all sorts of things to climb on and swing from but george wasn't there to play he had to get that apple from jumpy if only he could find a light switch [Music] huh [Music] farmer rankin said he loved his apples but george was surprised that he made a ride for them [Music] those buckets must be there to carry the apples high out of the reach of squirrels [Music] wait where was jumpy [Applause] huh [Music] george wanted to work but gnocchi wanted to have fun [Music] nothing makes a cat happier than winning a tug of war [Music] do you still make discoveries that get you excited sadly no i've seen everything just once i'd like to see something that really surprised me [Music] all the bones were put together but maybe it mattered which bone went where [Music] gnocchi was happy it looked like george was setting up a new round of whatever this game was all right let's see my skeleton but but we just ordered dessert dessert of course of course this memory of mine but i'm anxious to know how you've handled my precious bones [Music] being a cat gnocchi found it exhausting watching someone else do so much work george's skeleton didn't look as good as that other one even though they looked almost the same before [Music] if they look the same he could figure out where the bones belonged by using the other one as a guide [Music] george compared every bone and sorted them by size and shape so before he put them together he knew exactly what went where since george was done sorting the bones gnocchi figured she'd mix them up so he could play again [Music] [Music] so am i forgetting anything or is it now time to see how you've taken care of my baby it's time oh i'm nervous you have nothing to be nervous about whatsoever [Music] george had one side of the skeleton finished when he noticed [Music] both sides look the same except opposite he could finish by matching the remaining bones to what he'd already done [Music] gnocchi wished this bone game would end so they could play something cats were good at [Music] i'll admit i'm worried no one else but i has ever handled those bones before today only our best people have been involved [Music] your best people are a monkey and a cat george [Music] well this isn't the skull we put on it it seems george was switching them i don't know why i do the monkey's right the monkey's right that old skull never looked right i think george has correctly matched the cranial structure huh now i wish i'd loaned this out years ago i want george to check all my future work and that went on record as the first scientific discovery made by a monkey [Music] assisted by a cat from an italian restaurant [Music] there were only two things that could get george to take a bath bubbles and springy the most awe-inspiring toy frog that ever lived and the best bubble maker george ever met a bath just wouldn't be a bath without them [Music] aah [Music] [Music] i wonder what this belongs to george i found your lost boat in the freezer you know george if you were a little more careful with your toys you wouldn't lose so many of them [Music] [Laughter] you almost ready to go to the park [Music] hey aren't you glad we found your boat george george [Music] charkie wanted to play in the mud too wow [Music] hey george what do you say we go home and grab some lunch maybe you should try and clean up a little bit before we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] could be here all day doing this you can clean up at home george [Music] okay george lunch is ready george you have to get cleaned up before you can eat just take a quick bath i'll wait [Music] there were only two things that could get george to take a bath bubbles and and springy the frog george wondered where he could be george george what is taking so long [Music] [Laughter] you can clean your room later after you clean yourself and after we lunch [Music] hop in [Music] oh i get it you want to be launched like a new ship huh all right here we go into the sea [Music] you're tickling me look i know you took a bath already this morning but you're muddy george no hey look at all the fun bubbles [Music] see there was no way george could take a bath without springy who had to be around here somewhere george oh and there was no way george was going to admit he lost another toy [Music] who had to be here somewhere [Music] george [Music] george george aren't you gonna take a bath are you gonna take a bath tonight you don't know tomorrow ever [Music] oh well i can't have a muddy monkey messing up the apartment [Music] okay george forget about giving yourself a bath how about we give your truck a bath huh you don't mind if i wash my car while you wash your truck do you [Music] george loved making bubbles anywhere he didn't need a tub a bucket of water and a little soap worked too they were so light and shiny and filled with air but making bubbles reminded him of springy [Music] there all clean good job [Applause] [Music] hi guys oh you're looking good george well at least the right half of you is i guess someone's due for half a bath i wish but george won't take a bath anymore i don't get it and maybe george feels he's getting too old for a bath of course that's it my little monkey is growing up [Music] now i know exactly what to do come on george we're going in oh thanks professor wiseman you're a genius well yeah i understand your problem with baths now george and i agree it's time for you to start taking showers [Music] turn on the water george and see what happens [Music] george george okay won't take baths won't take showers [Music] i need to take a walk and not think about any problems for a while [Music] but sometimes not thinking about something is harder than you think [Music] bubbles maybe somehow springy was nearby [Music] hi betsy hi steve hello betsy made pretty good bubbles but she was no plastic frog hey george we're washing dogs to make money want to help yeah george why don't you help there's soap and water and bubbles and soap great george can help me make bubbles to attract dirty customers [Music] george figured the triangle bubble maker was broken but a square bubble would be just as good [Laughter] they fooled me the first time i tried them to it doesn't matter what shape bubble maker you use they'll always turn out round [Music] huh all this bubble making made george miss springy even more [Music] sharky you're more mud than dog hey george would you help me could you wash charkie's ball [Music] don't be shy about getting some of that clean water on yourself [Music] of course the park the mud charkie no no no no you're getting dirtier george slow down okay i'll meet you back home oh [Music] wow you beat me home uh why were we racing george you're taking a bath [Music] okay then enjoy i um wow i wonder what that was all about [Music] a bath just wouldn't be a bath without bubbles and sprungy [Music] here was all this fresh snow just itching to be played with but it was too deep for george hey george [Laughter] guess the city kid wouldn't have seen cross-country skis before it's the most fun way to travel on deep snow ah hi ha ha i've got an old pair of skis you can have wanna come with me [Music] this was fun george took the skiing like like a monkey to skiing [Music] think you can handle that big hill [Music] with skis on george could go anywhere there was snow [Music] or so he thought [Music] you can't attack a steep hill straight on like that george [Music] you got it zigzag it [Music] when you stop angle your skis like this so you don't slide back down that's it [Music] there you go george that's the way to do it george had a great view up here he could see houses and farms [Music] and there was his house [Music] and then he thought he'd better head home right now because the man was making the last of the cocoa and no one can resist the drink me now power of coco not even the man with the yellow hat i wonder what that could be i'm gonna go take a quick look around you wait here [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this wasn't good he was getting even further from home [Music] hey george down here i couldn't find what made that sound i'm heading home now have fun at least it was all downhill from here [Music] he figured he'd be home in seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] there had to be a way to get that ski [Music] well one ski was better than none [Music] that was awesome [Music] [Music] there was no way george could walk home in deep snow without skis [Music] [Laughter] i think he likes our snowshoes [Music] i think he wants to borrow our snowshoes to get to that house he probably lives there i'll give him mine then how do you get home you can't walk on the snow without them let's pull them home on our sled can't we're already late mom's gonna get worried we can't just leave them here how about we get ourselves home first and then we'll give the monkey your snowshoes we live on the other side of the hill climb aboard [Music] there's that weird noise again it's probably kids like us riding sleds a hill or two away [Music] on your marks [Music] why didn't we give the monkey the snowshoes on top of the hill now he has to walk all the way back up i can't think of everything and a better time to bring that up would have been on top of the hill sorry monkey [Music] later hi monkey [Music] george didn't realize how cold and tired he was till he tried to climb that same hill one more time [Music] about the only thing that kept him going was the joyous hope of coco [Applause] now george could see what made that sound a cold lost pig george was almost at the top the pig was way over there he didn't even know if he could help we can't just leave him here [Music] [Music] george wondered how a pig got lost all the way up here and more importantly [Music] how he was going to get it down what they needed was a sled [Music] [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] me [Music] [Applause] i'd know that squeal anywhere it's little mike he got out last night before it snowed he's never even seen snow before must have been completely mystified by it [Music] thank you george i was wondering what took you so long there's a cup of cocoa inside waiting for you [Music] well see you later okay take care [Music] skiing sledding bringing a pig home then coco this was a perfect day to be a monkey [Music] ready as promised [Music] ah it was worth living without it for three long days [Music] i'd rather carry it myself george you're not going to wear your hat no i want to keep it perfect till tonight we're going to the opening of the new planetarium dome [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] thanks let's get home before anything happens to my perfect clean hat [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we made it safely [Music] okay now george when i get back we're going right to the planetarium so take a bath [Music] there'll be photographers there i want you to look clean and fluffy george was going to take a bath just like he was told [Music] oh yeah [Music] it sure was a perfect hat who could resist trying it on [Music] george wanted compass to see him in the yellow hat it'd only take a second [Applause] [Music] george saw the hat fly this way but it disappeared [Laughter] [Music] the hat was back home and still perfect almost george removed the piece of branch as carefully as any surgeon working on any yellow hat could okay there was just a tiny thread there no problem maybe he needed to pull harder or maybe it had to be cut off [Music] [Music] george had forgotten that the last time he used his safety scissors was to cut his strawberry jam and banana sandwich [Music] it was only a small smudge all he had to do was clean it off [Music] this stiff brush got the grill sparkling like new every time and the grill got dirtier than the hat [Laughter] [Music] he may have scrubbed too hard when i get back we're going right to the planetarium george had to do something fast [Music] oh hello can i help you do you want a hat like this one i have one just like it uh huh [Music] but it's exactly the same oh you want a yellow hat okay [Music] well that's the only yellow hat we have i'm sorry [Music] gnocchi had never seen george look so worried george showed her the problem but cats think every wiggling finger is a game they can't help it [Music] maybe he didn't need a new yellow hat maybe all he needed was something like a yellow hat [Music] [Music] hundley tried not to wonder what george was up to he really tried [Music] but he had to know [Music] what would make a good hat [Music] same color perfect [Music] hundley had wanted to see what george was up to and now he couldn't see anything at all [Music] good color [Music] too floppy [Music] not floppy but too pointy [Music] perfect if he wanted to be the man with the drippy yellow bag hat [Music] the man with the yellow ice cream stick pyramid hat [Music] the man with the yellow blow up george realized that no hat he made could ever be the man's yellow hat [Music] but the hole didn't look so bad when there was yellow paper inside that was it he didn't need a new hat he needed to patch the hole [Music] the paper looked good but something made of more paddy material would look better [Music] something like a yellow sock [Music] ah up george did hundley drop by for a shower or is one of our towels running away from home george where's my hat gnocchi don't touch my clean hat it has to be perfect for tonight [Music] george why does my hat have a tail and a hole [Laughter] [Music] george couldn't believe he didn't think of that you see it looks great all right we've got to go did you take a bath [Music] fixed hat fresh suit clean monkey i feel like there's something we forgot to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] george always liked the sights and sounds of the countryside [Music] the tastes of the countryside were pretty good too especially the taste of the rinkin's homemade honey you ready to sample this year's first batch of honey george [Laughter] [Music] i packed some homemade bread in here to go with your honey enjoy [Music] if there was anything george liked more than sweet honey it was eating it with freshly baked bread but this bee wouldn't let him enjoy his snack [Music] now where did it hurry off to what could be more interesting than bread and honey [Music] george wondered how a flower could move when there was no wind touching all the flowers was definitely not as interesting as a bread and honey sandwich [Music] [Applause] who'd be mean enough to take a monkey snack [Music] a bear george had never seen a real live bear wandering around here before [Music] the bee came back it must have wanted to be friends [Music] well that bee thought you were trying to hurt it george bees sting to protect themselves now just keep ice on that finger for a while and you'll be fine [Music] you want cereal again you just had it for breakfast [Music] no george a bee stung you a bear didn't bite you besides no one's seen a bear in these woods in over 20 years [Music] but george was positive he'd seen a real bear hey there george bill always seemed to know everything maybe he'd know about the bear [Music] [Laughter] pretty good imitation george did you know no one's seen a bear around here in over 30 years [Music] george left those bees alone why couldn't they leave him alone that's just a honeybee george hey they're going toward my yard [Music] wow when did they build that i gotta get those bees to leave i don't want them to hurt my bunnies george george [Music] it's a beautiful day george why aren't you outside come on help me water the snapdragons they're in bloom see [Music] [Applause] afraid of getting stung again huh [Music] hmm i have to go to the rankin's place maybe you should come along i bet they can help you [Music] hmm [Music] hello again george it's us mr and mrs rankins oh my is that the beasting we heard about it's his first now he's feeling a little nervous around bees oh perfectly understandable that's why you'll like this bees can't sting you when you're wearing this [Music] you want to see something really neat look there don't worry we're protected george you ever wonder why bees like to crawl inside colorful flowers oh they're gathering nectar you can get close and watch now as the bees get their nectar their legs transfer a fine substance called pollen from one flower to the next it helps more flowers to grow in the future [Music] here at the hive the nectar turns into the bees food supply can you guess what it's called george honey george the same honey you like on your bread [Music] the bees make more than they can eat that's where we get it here's another jar for you enjoy george was amazed something so tasty came from something he'd been afraid of he wanted to say thanks [Laughter] not too close george bees will get angry if you disturb their height [Music] i'm staying to help with the hives george i'll be home soon [Music] [Laughter] george george i figured out a way to move the hive this is my homemade anti-bee suit maximum protection come on i jump on this plank to launch these mud balls they knock the hive loose it falls in the can then i take it to mr rankins yeah it's not the proper way to remove a hive but i need to act fast before bunnies get stung george knew bill's plan was going to make the bees mad [Music] [Music] who are you guys now bill you know there's a proper way to remove a hive [Music] let's get those bunnies somewhere safe and call professional bee removers huh
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 519,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: NChPCr035nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 48sec (3828 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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