Curious George 🐵 George's Toy 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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good idea George mind if we take a crack at fixing it well sure have at it the dim woody front loader is all yours Thanks well nothing to do but roll up our sleeves and start fixing this thing are you ready now before we begin we need to protect ourselves George tried to remember how a real front loader worked [Music] of course if the scoop faced upward then things wouldn't fall out hang on I have just the thing where did I put that thing ah here it is never leave home without an adjustable Ridge never also got pickles what's up now the toys are staying in there I'll hold and you tighten the front loader worked great now except for one thing George couldn't get toys into the scoop George thought about the real frontloader again the scoop needed to be able to tilt you're right George looks like we need to loosen things up now this scoop could move now to lift the arm well that didn't work but I think we're on to something George knew and Sylvia was right they needed a way to make the scoop move [Music] great idea there was only one problem how could George steer oh now don't you be discouraged reworking and revising is what engineering is all about I learned that when I design roller coasters sometimes you have to sit through a lot of slow rise before you can zoom what else could he used to control the scoop George couldn't find a place to attach the rope oh that's no problem luckily I've got Sheila my drill isn't she a beauty [Music] perfect now to see if it worked [Music] it works [Music] wonderful you fixed it I'm gonna get my toy makers right on it uh do you mind if I use this as a sample go right ahead [Music] well partner looks like its mission accomplished before long George had his front loader back and it worked like a dream that's it that's it bringin their work was just one small step for a monkey in his head good job George but one giant leap for mud pies [Music] only tried to get the coat off George [Music] Hundley didn't want people to think his lobby's doorman was a monkey [Music] [Music] order had to be restored the lobby couldn't look like this being a dog Hundley had tasted a lot of tennis balls but these were the first that ever tasted like ink these were the valuable balls the doorman promised to protect Hundley couldn't stop George from opening boxes that he thought belonged to him but he knew how to play defense [Music] ah hold on there's a monkey and a wiener dog at the door oh those careless delivery guys if any of my balls aren't properly packed I'm gonna be very upset now George understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to George by mistake I'll be down to check every last one as soon as I'm off the phone they had to clean up before the ball collector came downstairs all they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes how hard could that be [Music] sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should or they fit in more than one place but there's only one place they really belong and once you figure that out it's easy even if you're a monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hunley show George how to lay them flat [Music] they did it all the balls were back where they started kind of [Music] [Music] looks like they're all here Oh even the priceless Andy Turkey roll a perfect score bowling ball is everything okay my delivery came your dog and monkey took care of everything that's great Thank You Hundley thank you George it's nice to know Hundley hairs helped keeping the place clean and organized George would you like to help oddly again tomorrow morning you can be my official door monkey I won't be here and tomorrow is water delivery day now that's unique super grab the sponge she must have wanted to clean off what George did watch how she uses the sponge George [Music] chorky was ready for more playtime mr. glass would not be happy about this George asked sue Byrne to make an exact copy of the damaged painting maybe he could copy it himself if you use the same paint she did [Music] the squiggle was much thicker in soo berms painting was it because she was bigger or was it because she used a bigger brush [Music] George needed to paint a lavender blob but he had no lavender paint blue was the closest color George had to lavender but it was wrong charkie x' feet reminded George how super mixed colors to make different colors [Music] [Applause] [Music] chorky hadn't made lavender but she had made black George had to find the combination of colors that would make lavender white turned the color lighter [Music] George hoped he could get to the glass tower before mr. glass oh hi George hey that's my unique painting and another one just like it there are two and that's not unique there cannot be two every soo berm painting is different and why isn't it in my lobby where I left it monkey hmm they're almost identical but this one has soo berms nose print the ribbed one is the original monkey hold on George did you make this copy because that one ripped it's almost perfect you're a good painter George oh wait wait wait a painting monkey a painting elephant are you thinking what I'm thinking well of course not because what I'm thinking is unique ah tell me that anywhere else in the whole world there's an elephant and a monkey painting in a lobby well I'd say your Lobby is unique yes exactly and you know the best part they work for peanuts [Music] can you sure got a lot of wiggle power look at all those segments worms bodies are divided into little sections called segments which are like muscles that help them to burrow in the soil so what are you gonna do with your new worm George you want to race fast Freddy the proper way to have a challenge race is on neutral territory not a ninya racers home yard on your mark [Music] go Freddy go what's George's worms name oh okay [Music] Wow city slang the winner is George's words George had the perfect place to keep his pet worms that could work except worms need to dig and I don't think they can dig through your sheets George garden soil excellent choice coffee grounds will make the soil rich and airy hey George big worm race at lake wannasink lake bring your racer bat chica beat mr. wiggly home fever has spread throughout the countryside they make my soil better and that makes better veggies in my garden I say it's all you cheering worm races scare the fish at the lake I'm gone fishing in the river don't forget your lunch dear yeah come on guys it's time for the championship race yeah ready when you are George [Music] oh no mr. Quinn took your worms instead of his lunch I'm starved I wonder what the missus packed for me this time worms the missus packed me some primate now that there is love [Music] there was no time to lose [Music] [Music] George well hey is that my lunch box oh then this must be your worm farm good timing I must say you don't Georges worm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with the championship won George felt his worms deserved to retire to the garden and help the roses grow [Music] worm racing isn't the only sport in town you'll find a new hobby ready for the Frog hopping race [Music] great job you knock down one duck here's an eraser come on a good duck knocker downer on your yard game but terrible here Ali had a good point what was the difference between there and here of course when Ali had practiced at home the cardboard ducks weren't moving but how could he get them to move I wanted to see how the conveyor belt works well you see this belt is continuous it makes a loop around these wheels so when the machine is on bail goes around and around some belts would be a good start George have you seen my George that's a great idea after removing the fenders and tires George had his conveyor belt now for the cardboard ducks [Music] it was almost like the game at the fair but there was something missing [Music] it was working ally was getting better with practice [Music] hey it looks like you're ready to go back to the fair [Music] time for one more game you've got three minutes just enough time [Music] looks like somebody's been practicing she sure has [Music] - ducks - go George could hardly stand it [Music] just one duck left [Music] you know I'm not sure I can do this maybe we should just come back next year just try you're right this is for you sure for helping me to become a good duck knocker downer wow that is very nice of you Ali [Music] was pretty easy I just had to practice try hard not give up this was George's favorite fare ever Ali learned to practice and got her ducks in a row and George got a bear you want to go with me because I know everything about it I'm really good at picking apples you know and bobbing which make time for the Ducks to fly home right past the big rock that looked like a duck George realized they should be heading back that way too [Music] there was the Rincon silo the river brought them back home they weren't lost all they had to do was stop they were now even more lost than the lost chicks George couldn't even find the river nothing looked familiar but there was the duck rock again a landmark they saw the big duck rock what else did they pass on the river the big trees the boat and Rankin silo the Sun set behind the renkins silo suddenly they didn't feel so lost they ran to that rock but when they got there it didn't look like the big duck rock but is George walked around he discovered it was the big duck rock the big trees they had found the next landmark and there was the boat another landmark if he followed the river all the way he would find the silo with the Sun right behind it but George realized that if he took the river all the way around it would take too long they could just take a shortcut and follow the Sun [Music] this couldn't be easier okay it would have been easier if they could see where they were going they had to walk towards the Sun but how could they find it now it was that way [Music] the chicks recognize those friendly monkey feet ah [Music] we'll never find those chicks in the dark George [Music] didn't I tell you to stay at the duck pen here Oh monkey George how did you do it after a day lost in the country what could be more relaxing than going home to the city [Music] did you see a raft at the river bill made it for us next weekend we take a relaxing raft trip won't that be fun [Music] ah my wife Nettie called the Primeau is sketti pie will be here soon whoa George had to ride for three stops but County stops was hard if your hands were full of pie luckily George was on his toes this was George's second bus stop [Music] but there was no fountain in sight found the pisghetti stop and counted three but the fountain was one stop further alone this is pisghetti must not know how to count [Music] George didn't have time to wait for the next bus which had made it to 3rd Avenue [Music] Nettie said find the fountain then go three buildings to number 33 only the third building didn't have a 33 on it it had a 72 no 325 no 22 that's 22 degrees Celsius at 325 [Music] there was the 33 building but it wasn't the third building it was the fourth [Music] George you don't count the square from where you start you have to count on from there 1 2 3 you see of course you must count buildings just like squares on a board game the building you were in front of didn't count [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] why use an elevator if you were practically at the third floor carrying a pie is it a brown monkey well I think he just came through the window the shifts down there honey find the men's room and go three doors [Music] now George knew just what to do the door where George started wouldn't count of course I don't think i overstate the matter when I say timing is everything [Music] so this is a biscuit de pie light fluffy a confectionary delight George hoped he'd get a slice delivering pie really worked up a monkey's appetite when you are there from a pisghetti's we guarantee your pie in the face gag will never fall flat so many orders do I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] giorgia thanks to you my new clown food supply franchise is off to a roaring start [Music] George didn't know there was an even bigger bin for recycling if he could find enough recycling to fill it the doorman would win the contest for sure the next morning George went hunting for more recycling [Music] [Music] I think we're in good shape to win this contest humbly I think that would be wonderful you do the more buildings where tenants recycled the better and maybe you could start some reuse programs like we have want to see sure [Music] we reuse everything we can think of shopping bags magazines we never throw out packing peanuts it's so organized anything to make the planet a little neater [Music] you really have collected a lot have I I mean I have nobody got their newspapers this morning we're there you are we have a food thief in the building I got a grocery delivery and someone took half of it [Music] someone took my paint pails how can i mix paint with no tails where are the wiki Pizza coupons they're always on the front table my pals what pizza coupons hmm oh boy George those things are unused did you take them just to win the recycling contest no I don't understand I don't know how they got here recycling is about saving the planet not winning a shiny trophy of course I don't know how these extra papers in containers got here I think I know where the extra recycling came from George you recycle things after you use them [Music] people need to read their papers and eat their food first then they go in the recycling bin [Music] hey why thank you George since some of our recycling was unfairly obtained I think the best thing is for us to share oh it is so sweet after you're done you can come and polish my trophy we may have tied this year but next year will be another story oh yes our building will win out right oh really yes we've already ordered larger bins for every floor really that's not recycling George [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 14,874,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 2rTpJaPis6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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