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[Music] fever stuffy nose clammy paws you're definitely fighting a germ a germ is hold on I think there's a picture in this book here you go see that blob that's a germ some germs are good for you but bad germs can make you sick well that's your body your nose mouth stomach those are your lungs when you sneeze or cough that's your lungs squeezing together and trying to force out the bad germs enough biology time for you to rest George didn't want to rest he wanted to get rid of his bad germ if only he knew how George saw a face a face he had seen before in the mirror it was him George's mouth was amazing it was like a giant cave a cave with an echo a squishy floor which was actually his tongue and best of all yeah a spaceship George could find that bad germ and get rid of it [Music] just as soon as he figured out how to work that spaceship [Music] [Applause] so where should we go next the throat maybe the EES [Music] [Applause] [Music] George couldn't believe how hard it was to get rid of one measly germ [Music] what are you doing let me go George didn't have a feather but he did have 20 fingers Georgia gnocchi had done toots was gone [Music] you're awake how do you feel George felt great he could even smell again you see much better well I wish I could say the same thank you George that song was very familiar where was it coming from [Music] [Music] thank you George are you ready to hear this are you ready it's kind of unbelievable and I don't think you'll even believe it are you ready [Music] [Music] kindergarten is where you go in you're big and you need to learn stuff like how to write your name an eight plus two and I want you to come with me to get all my school tools so can you come can you come it was a good thing George went shopping with Allie because she needed a monkeys eye you need exactly three rulers and a cowboy binoculars Wow kindergarten sure sounded like fun where else would you need three rulers in a cowboy belt yes what these are two for one Oh would you like a backpack George [Music] the next day George wondered how Ali was doing at kindergarten [Music] kindergarten was great and guess what I told my teacher I was best friends with a monkey and she said you could come to school with me tomorrow what you doing George oh you want to build a castle for mrs. gold [Music] [Applause] maybe castles weren't allowed in kindergarten maybe he should ask the bookshelves the water not a problem but sand in a carpet that's a problem Jorge wants to know if he can build a castle instead of draw one oh sure I'll be right there let me tell you about carpets first you got your shags it's not easy building a castle but George found a way bookshelves and blocks for balls and a curtain for the roof and every castle needed a window [Music] [Applause] [Music] George's school tool made a great construction level at last the castle was ready all it needed was a tree yes well thank you that was most informative I'm sure it will look it was George's idea but we helped when you said a castle you meant a castle I hope this is wonderful it's amazing what you can do when you use your imagination and work together and have a monkey to help you it was good being a guest monkey but it was also good being a plain old regular monkey on his way home [Music] George thought the best way to spend a relaxing afternoon was a visit with professor Wiseman yes no maybe dream Thursday gravitational pull you're welcome oh oh hi guys [Music] just a minute I have to respond to this urgent message from dr. Hass line up should we come back another time you seem busy oh no I am dizzy err I mean busier than usual but it's administrative duties office work answering questions filing copying Apatosaurus herbivorous boy I'm overseeing five exhibits two opening here in two more opening and Cleveland oh I mean for exhibits two plus two still equals four even when you're distracted I think all of this work is getting to you George is right you need to relax we'll help we're very relaxing guys how about Saturday George is right oh where is the schedule I have a pin oh there it is thank you Saturday relax no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks but your hat is waddling away [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't I should okay how hahaha we can use the kite string to fish the Hat out of the water I just need a hook perfect choice [Music] okay wanna toss it George hmm we need more weight [Music] okay try again haha see that branch we can use it to lift the hat oh thank you thank you ah this wasn't what I planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what I had a very relaxing day Hey relaxing exactly hands-on problem-solving not like work where I just answer questions and shuffle paper oh well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah Wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting come on George I think it's time for a nap George and Steve were having one of those carefree days when there was nothing to do ah it's great being out on the street I'm not chasing after charkie for once I tell you we are going good break the record what record see what's going on Jessie how long is it now we are making the longest strand of cooked spaghetti in the world oh this well it's a tape measure I'm using to measure our spaghetti I can use this to see that you are a bar two feet tall oh I know that is pretty tall but this magnificent strand of spaghetti measures what this [Music] thirty feet Wow Jeff is getti with a spaghetti strand now long you're sure to get in Ginny's world record book that's our goal we'll know this afternoon when Jeanne herself comes to see it the official world record book lady is coming here yes and we need to go to town hall now to get back before Jeanne comes aren't you Ginny the world record book lady you are correct I've been a fan of yours for years well thank you I'm here looking for I know what you're looking for chef pisghetti's is this way fears just Gettys restaurant and huge chef pisghetti's strap of spaghetti I have got to get a picture of this George could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building how could he measure the difference when George held the Strand at the top of his head he'd reached the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti strand and one Gorge tall oh yes this is going to be spectacular why you don't come back you're a genie the world record book lady and you must be chef too scary yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph I just took of it Wow does that set a world record Jenny oh I'm afraid not here's the picture I took of Alphonso Dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the Leaning Tower of Pisa no no no I'm never gonna get into world record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tall three stories I got a column Nettie and tell her the building next door is a three stories tall [Music] so gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and chef pisghetti broke a second record world's longest cat toy [Music] [Applause] George always liked to visit the man with the yellow Hat's old neighborhood and that used to be the bookstore and look that's where I saw my very first movie oh this used to be a great old theater maybe someday someone will fix it up [Music] hey what's going on progress that's what where do you see the unique self-cleaning parking structure I planned for this site but this old theater is full of memories you can't tear it down tap down this theater you're not serious look at the beautiful lobby this B's use what inspired me to become a doorman in the first place but it's tired and rundown it's a hopeless broken old theater George didn't think it looked hopeless he'd seen the man with the yellow hat fix things up before why couldn't he fix up an old movie theater to repair the theater us you're right George if we don't do it who will how about it mr. glass let us put on a special screening will show you that this theater is worth preserving I don't want to go out to a movie with one of these why bother but a movie is always more fun on the big screen it can be a truly unique event unique hmm hi you're a monkey aren't you okay it's a deal wait if you clean up this place and put on a unique one-of-a-kind show I'll save the theater mr. glass I promise we'll knock your socks off oh boy here it is [Music] he was afraid the popcorn would never stop it was time to get help stopping this mess [Music] [Music] Hundley wasn't going to let a bag of popcorn and a monkey stop him [Music] um mr. glass I'll be in the lobby if you'd like to talk oh well what did he think now that was unique I've never said through anything like it you folks truly knocked my socks off yes you've convinced me that this old B shoe has got to stay just one thing next time when the volcano erupts hmm how about a little less salt on the popcorn on their way home from the circus the monkey with the yellow balloon and the man with the yellow hat noticed that professor Wiseman's light was still on don't tell me you're still working professor of course it's only 9 o'clock what's this a foot race mm-hmm we're trying to raise money for an expedition to the lost city of Oh mom great cause I'll sign up for that hey you want to help me train George great what about you professor are you going to run me I can't run I've got way too much work oh boy what he sprained his ankle how can I train for the race without him you want to be my personal trainer ok well let's get running wait for me George thought that to be a trainer all he had to do was run and professor Wiseman would follow simple [Music] the day the professor outran him George knew she was ready for the race oh I never knew running would make me feel this good I have so much energy now thank you George for the ferris wheel for the balloons for teaching me that running is fun good evening professor oh hi everyone I'm running in that race tomorrow will you be there oh we wouldn't miss it for the world [Music] on race day George couldn't believe how many people showed up okay I'm ready Oh No I forgot my water Thanks so you really think I can do this go professor Wiseman go professor Wiseman sis-boom-bah sis-boom-bah runners take your marks the race was on [Music] the professor's seem to be doing everything right she ran in a steady pace and there she was drinking water so far so good George wanted to see the professor crossed the finish line so he made sure to get a good spot do you see her I don't see her she looks tired no something's wrong maybe she got a charley horse hmm that's a cramp in your leg George and they can be very painful hi there I thought it'd be fun if my personal trainer finished the race with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I actually ran the race I got a medal for finishing and the race was a huge success we raised enough money for our trip to Oh mom oh that's terrific and I found out who those anonymous donors were apparently they thought I needed to work a little less and have fun a little more that's right because all work and no play he's a crummy way to spend your day - thank you for helping me learn that lesson I want you to have my medal nokey approves all of my recipes but for the best few days she likes nothing I cannot serve unapproved food to my customers yoky lives on Italian food of course dad she merely gives approval one leek good - leeks excellent three licks magnifico Oh the three leek recipes always approve to be the customers favorites I have lost the ability to cook [Music] now my cooking is what is there to get the food well it sure doesn't smell worse yuck huh mmm but it certainly doesn't taste worse not that I've ever tasted cat food you're just being nice if gnocchi won't eat my food there's no point in serving today flower delivery was a nice selection today they just put them down Hector thank you okey-dokey no no no no chewing under the flowers today we just started using a florist New York he thinks the flowers are snacks for her you might as well let her eat flowers she will did my food oh she must be doing something different [Music] George would watch her and see what she was up to [Music] [Applause] [Music] may as well not let them go to waste if Yogi's eating cat food she's not sick what could it be what will we do without ravioli oh I think I'm allergic to something in here yeah I have an allergy it's when your body over reacts to something like food or a plant or flowers some types of flowers can make some people sneeze and cough well not you some people don't have any allergies and some have a lot hmm I have to move these away from here I won't be able to breathe at all [Music] well that didn't work George what are you doing in here what do you think he's allergic this will be our special tonight if they're not afford your CH we would never have known that gnocchi was allergic to those flowers Georgie you have saved the restaurant and my reputation I'll give you a free pizza [Music] George was excited he was about to have a very special overnight guests George they're here look Hundley it's your buddy George come on in guys thanks for letting Hundley spend the night while I'm gone oh I brought all of his chew toys and snacks and grooming supplies Thank You Hundley and this is a list of everything Hundley needs and when he needs it oh that's quite a list he's used to doing things in a certain way this is the first time we've been apart in 3 years 7 months and 15 days [Music] I'll pick you up in the morning just like we talked about bye bye bye we'll make sure he has a good time it's bedtime for monkeys Oh dachshunds too [Music] Hundley was confused how did his squeaky mouse get out there George couldn't believe that Hundley wanted to play with a squeaky toy now but it was too late [Music] just to make sure Hundley wasn't trying to tell him something important George checked the list Hundley didn't want to play he always slept with squeaky mouse squeaky mouse helped Hundley sleep and kept nightmares away Hundley was very happy to have a friend like George who would get out of bed to kick squeaky mouse off the balcony [Music] [Music] Hundley knew George was having a bad dream and he didn't have his own squeaky mouse [Music] hello Hundley how you doing boy was he any trouble not at all right George [Music] Harley says thank you dogs and monkeys don't always understand each other but sometimes the squeaky mouse can tell you who your real friends are George had a lot of friends to say howdy to the pigs mrs. renkins oh there George huh you gave me a turn and of course the chickens did George just see a girl in there you wanna guess you wanna guess you'll never guess so if you're thinking I wonder what it's like to be a chicken I can tell you it's short you'd seen a lot of strange things in his day but this was strange I see you two have met George this is my granddaughter Allie are you a monkey I like monkeys you wanna play tomorrow Ali's a spark plug but if there's anyone who can keep up with her it's you George does he live in that tree huh hey let's go see Raisa [Music] oops except how do I get down [Music] [Music] yeah only I can't really do that cuz I'm not an actual monkey so how would a non actual monkey get down from a tree you want me to hold on while climbing down [Music] whoops I ran out of rope George did you give me the flying trapeze sorry the store doesn't carry circus equipment for some reason but I found you're welcome so George did you have a nice time with Ally that night George couldn't wait for lights-out and so the little mouse roared and the house fell down [Music] good night George happy dreams clearly this was the start of a beautiful and curious friendship if you like juicy there's nothing juicier than actual juice try the most delicious drink you'll ever drink courtesy of me Juicy J it's got five fruits and vegetables a plus special secret ingredient [Music] hmm that was the best drink George ever drank here you go George wait'll you see all the stuff I bought [Music] well okay but just one sip I'm not very thirsty hmm whew can I have two more you sure can [Music] some juicer you've got there second-best invention in the world the first is my a tasty health drink [Music] where'd everybody go everybody packed up and left already but don't worry they'll be back next week a whole week without juice what was George going to do you know George if we had our own juicer we could make the drink ourselves maybe George needed more of these things rose but George thought more apples might help [Music] George's juice was perfect well almost it still needed a special secret ingredient hmm where could he find one of those [Music] hello Giardia see can I interest you in today's a special special that's exactly what he was looking for it's eggplant piccata with extra mounts of piccata those are radishes try one try 100 but careful radishes are a little is potato that means spicy radish is were spicy but spicy might be good in a drink help yourself or Georgie George hoped that one radish would do the trick [Music] George had done his juice was just as good as juice EJ's better even George I'll know Oh have you been making juice mmm oh my goodness this juice is amazing George thought his juice was so delicious he decided to give it away at the next farmers market get your George juice it's made with apples for strong bones cabbage for vitamin C and a bunch of other healthy stuff oh thanks oh this is fantastic can I get the recipe sure George started with your juice but added a few new ingredients a radish all that is brilliant a revolution in juice making - George and his delicious George juice [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,365,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: hIal3-59F30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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