Curious George 🐵 George Gets a Trophy 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] all done thank you so much grazie my new dessert the ice cream no key for you George Oh consider it the helpful monkey award my thank you for a job well done this plate of ice cream was George's first trophy a trophy is a reward for doing something well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who would have done this it's just mean to melt a guy's helpful monkey award Georgia what did you do leave your ice cream yogi in the Sun [Music] well maybe I can still use it for something this time don't leave it in the Sun where it'll melt now there was no Sun to melt it all George had to do was wait for the man with the yellow hat to come home a lobby leaf luckily George had time to clean it off so it would be perfect when the man with the yellow hat saw it [Music] luckily for curious Hundley George wanted to show off his trophy [Music] it didn't make sense there was no Sun he didn't drop it what that's gonna make it melt - yeah but this is the last one no Sun no dropping and no washing it hey how much ice cream can one monkey need alone I think he's gonna share this you're sure eat ice cream George be a good neighbor monkey share you've already had so much let's do [Music] [Music] trophies you got that as a trophy well let me get a picture [Music] George was in the country where things were much much cooler you called that a cannonball I'll show you a kid George loved the country it had lots of great stuff the city didn't have you could hear frogs croaking you could feel the breeze from a hummingbird's wings when it's spun around the flowers at night you could see a sky full of stars what's you doing George stargazing no one knows exactly how many stars there are not even scientists huh that's when George thought maybe it's time somebody found out the most important rule in star counting was keeping track George marked each star down on his pad [Music] the two most important roles in star counting were knowing the difference between stars and lightning bugs and keeping track [Music] third rule the other two rules don't matter if you don't stay awake because when you come back the next night you can't tell which stars were counted or uncounted the only solution counting them all fast before you fall asleep one two three four five five there had to be a way to count stars and go to sleep too if you just had to figure it out the big upside-down cap it could be a place keeper he could count the stars below it until he had them all then move to the other sides [Music] he had a system well big hot City here we come we can't turn it on George don't want to knock out all the power [Music] George was too hot to sleep the one time he could have stayed awake and there weren't any stars to count there was only one thing for a monkey to do at a time like this hide George George the power's out [Music] George you up here uh-huh hi compass George tried to tell the man with the yellow hat how sorry he was for wrecking the city's electricity oh you think the blackout is your fault Oh George it takes more than one little monkey to cause a blackout I hope this seemed like even more stars than they had in the country that's not the only good thing hazel met with the freezer turned off so I guess we just have to eat them [Music] you found the Big Dipper George settled in for a good long relaxing star counter thank you George what are you looking at spiderwebs well spiders spin those webs with special spider silk they live there uh-huh and the webs catch their food hold it huh spiders don't eat apples they eat small insects and flies George didn't want to eat flies but he likes spider webs so much that he wondered why he couldn't make a monkey web which would catch monkey food [Music] [Music] yep it passed the dachshund test but it did the opposite of catching fruit twine was strong not rubbery and it was all he had left [Music] but would food stick to it it would if he made it sticky and stickier than honey this would be the perfect test for his monkey web nice web Gorge playing spider all right spider monkey here comes a big fly her food didn't stick to the web and the web couldn't stick to the wall because George was too heavy you get those to the park wow you even brought plenty of extra strong tape so it won't blow away Thanks you really saved the day you want that sure but I have plenty well maybe George didn't have to give up on his monkey web yet here was a chance to see how an expert did it George let's get home before we get caught in the rain oh hey what's this [Laughter] [Music] well that is a pretty good monkey web George [Music] what [Music] this is my grandfather's collection of antique postcards they're priceless we'll never get them all oh my what luck that this big sticky web thing was here oh that wasn't luck that was a monkey [Music] rain I've got to recover that statue now oh and I'd better get these to the museum fast thanks again the spiderwebs had to be saved from the storm too [Music] [Music] making webs was hard George was impressed little spiders could do such amazing things George got rid of the rainy day and gave him a sunny mountain view fever stuffy nose clammy paws you're definitely fighting a germ here you go see that blob hmm that's a germ some germs are good for you but bad germs can make you sick well that's your body your nose mouth stomach those are your lungs when you sneeze or cough that's your lungs squeezing together and trying to force out the bad germs enough biology time for you to rest George saw a face a face he had seen before in the mirror it was him [Music] [Music] George's mouth was amazing it was like a giant cave a cave with an echo a squishy floor which was actually his tongue and best of all a spaceship George was amazed he didn't know gnocchi could drive George knew they were somewhere above his mouth but where [Music] fortunately yoky had discovered a helpful sign they were in George's nose [Music] I pick you sniffing I'll make disease you won't be smelling that smelly cheese don't think that's my suggestion is I'll be giving you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well I'll be making you weasel come you better take the hard wake up and if you wondering [Music] that was the germ that was making George sick well hey you're a strange-looking germ talks is my name these here singers are the Chairman's Oh George explained that he was the owner of this body and toots and the germ ads would have to go go why should we go we like it here I mean can you feel sick oh well at least I'll be on my way [Music] [Music] George knew you wouldn't feel better until he got rid of toots but where did he go the lungs it looked kind of wet was this the lungs or was it the stomach maybe they made a wrong turn somewhere [Music] so where should we go next the throat maybe the EES [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're awake how do you feel George felt great he could even smell again you see much better well I wish I could say the same thank you George that song was very familiar where was it coming from snow blocks I'm building a house out of snow although the correct term is igloo suddenly that was exactly what George wanted to do build an igloo and sleep in it just like Bill you want to help me and sleep in the igloo choo George that's not the proper technique guess I better show you see the first thing you do is mark a circle in the snow that's your foundation then you take the biggest blocks and fix them together like this [Music] yep and when we're all done we can just smooth out the inside as they built it up the igloo started to look like a volleyball cut in half you have to cram it in so it'll hold the walls in place now I'll just make a few air holes and once we fill all these cracks of snow it'll stay pretty warm [Music] the inside of the igloo was smaller than George thought you want to build your own igloo sure I wish I could help you but I gotta fill up these cracks and then do my chores [Music] and taller and brought in some furniture [Music] Wow good window are you sure you want to spend the night in here George okey doke I guess it's time to make the cocoa okay Wow the only thing is might get cooled at night the bigger the igloo the colder it gets George wasn't worried he figured he just wear his coat to bed remember if you get cold you can always come inside all right then be a good little monkey [Music] two hours later he woke up freezing it was a little cold to be doing this and it was too big a job [Music] and maybe he still could he could build his igloo right inside the house a smaller igloo George figured he'd better turn down the thermostat so do you see glue wouldn't melt it's freezing oh I must have turned the heat down to low [Music] Wow the heat is off no wonder it's so cold wait dad George Oh George oh hi Bill are you sitting down no okay I don't want to alarm you but George is not in his igloo don't worry he's probably upstairs and oh boy George [Music] uh George why is there a melted igloo in the living room uh-huh you were cold outside so you thought you'd build an igloo inside makes sense for a city kid as the sprout master of sprout troop number 674 I am proud to present bill with his badge in winter camping there and now George and I would like to invite you all to a little celebration [Music] George's igloo might be too cold for sleeping but it was just right for a party hey George got any ice for the punch [Music] and that was the start of the monkey a blue social club open every weekend until it melted in the spring [Music] what's he doing here look at that George he's so lonely we have to save him oh right we should move him to the big lake so he can be with his families honey Sally just cracked a tooth and I have to take her to the vet you want a cop sorry I'm in the middle of rescuing a fish oh well I don't think Sally can wait all right [Music] looks simple enough good fill your bucket you can start over there where's where's my bucket [Music] if only there wasn't so much dirt the fish could swim to the big lake all by himself [Music] all done excellent hand me the shovel and I'll dig out listen oh it wouldn't be long now as soon as the path was finished the fish could swim back home he did it no more fish could get swept through Oh if George was willing to sit there for the rest of his life George needed something to stop that water fast see a lock has watertight gates on each ik this is the big lake and this is the small pond you pull up the gate on one end and the water in the middle goes to that level hmm at least one gauge is always closed so the water in the middle stays where you want it no matter how exciting he made it look the fish wouldn't go maybe fish like cheese sandwiches as much as little monkeys huh oh yeah we already ate chill out huh no I [Music] when did I eat my lunch they say did you uh take the paddles huh I always leave Mountain the seed I I don't know listen something very peculiar is going on around here yah Talon me believe me I am normally a very organised and unforgettable man oh I should have known looks like I'm the forgetful one I forgot how much mischief a mochi can make [Music] well what have we here it looks like a fish canal you are some smart monkey did you save the fish George had saved five fish Wow that's great George wait the lonely fish is still there you know I think we should just chase him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his family nice job everyone Wow we've accomplished quite a bit today a fish rescue and a dark repair only one thing left to do hello baseball fans looks to get exciting contests of bears versus babies it says our score keeper has a boo-boo and can't make it Jorge cookie score keeper you think you can do it kid you have to hang a new number each time a team scores a run then what are you waiting for go keep score [Music] time to put up a number ah folks huh I gotta clean my glasses because I did not see five runs being scored that's the wrong number lower kid I'll show you you start with one then comes two then three oh then four five six seven eight nine ten that's the right order I know whenever I can't remember something I make it a song because songs have a way of staying with you but what's a good song how about one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten one two three four five six seven eight and then you sing it again you try it [Music] good job George here's the pitch looks like it could get out of here it's going to talk to her I wish there was someone who could help you but there isn't really you can help awesome but but first I have to see if you're qualified oh it fits you got the job good news people this very nice monkey is taking my place after seven comes eight and nine then 10 this was going to be easy George had no idea what number came after that excuse me I'm number 16 I should get my drink before 17 gets his pretzel you can't serve 16 before you serve 14 do you know your numbers cool so what comes after 10 well I'll show you it's easy just cover the first part of the number with your hand and look at the second part see 1 2 so 11 then 12 [Music] awesome do you want me to take over hey kid where you been I'll never mind that it's clutch time it's the last inning bottom of the ninth the score is tied four to four there are two outs and Markos up to bat but he hurt his foot playing shortstop and now he can't run can you run the bases for him so if I hit the ball will you run for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bases were like everything else in Georgia when a man builder first base first second [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] how did bears do it George had to find out just teddy bear how do bears sleep do bears sleep in the woods hibernation well to hibernate first bears eat a lot then go into their dark quiet caves and they [Music] now his room was exactly like a cave except caves were quiet [Music] [Music] Torche didn't know whose dog this was but he knew what stopped Sharkey from barking peanut butter [Music] well no more peanut butter how would he quiet the cows [Music] [Music] [Music] he couldn't hold the blanket on his ears in his sleep but maybe there was another way to use it to keep sounds out [Music] [Music] [Music] hey listen to this George I've got that tough part down oh cool muted sound finally everything was perfect for monkey hibernation when George woke up it would be springtime when George woke up he realized he'd done it he had hibernating six months must have passed his goldfish look bigger that meant outside it was spring nothing was growing yet it must have been early spring good morning George that wasn't much of a welcome back after a whole hibernation well I was thinking of making banana nut pancakes for breakfast but you ate all the bananas yesterday yesterday George only hibernated one night well you just have to go back to bed and try harder well it seemed like time to get the winter stuff out just happen a little faster than I intended wait a minute ah George forgot about the winter stuff skis sleds [Music] his monkey mittens no way did George want to sleep through winter and misusing all this fun stuff [Music] maybe someday bears would wake up and see what they're missing [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,783,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: -NB6X5knsmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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