Curious George 🐵 Muddy Monkey 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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hop in oh I get it you want to be launched like a new ship huh all right here we go into the sea look I know you took a bath already this morning but you're muddy George no Hey look at all the fun bubbles see George George aren't you gonna take a bath are you gonna take a bath tonight you don't know tomorrow ever oh well I can't have a muddy monkey messing up the apartment [Music] okay George forget about giving yourself a bath how about we give your truck a bath George loved making bubbles anywhere he didn't need a tub a bucket of water and a little soap work - they were so light and shining hi guys oh you're looking good George well at least the right half of you is I guess someone's due for half a bath I wish but George won't take a bath anymore I don't get it and maybe George feels he's getting too old for a bath of course that's it turn on the water George and see what happens [Music] [Laughter] George okay we'll take baths won't take showers they fooled me the first time I tried him - it doesn't matter what shape bubble maker you use they'll always turn out round all this bubble making made George Miss springy even more [Music] Sharkey here more mud than dog hey George would you help me could you watch our keys ball don't be shy about getting some of that clean water on yourself the park the mud charkie no no no no you're getting dirtier George slow down okay I'll meet you back home huh Wow you beat me home up why were we racing George you're taking a bath okay then enjoy I Wow I wonder what that was all about a bath just wouldn't be a bath without bubbles and spoink [Music] when mrs. Quint asked for help setting up a surprise party for mr. Quinn's birthday George was almost ready oh it's not my birthday George I'm not supposed to get surprised he's home early [Music] not yet George well hey there young fellas who looks like you sprung a leak bad luck today huh yeah not all bad got to see part of the river I never saw before bottom well I got a change of my soggy socks don't I mean come to our house we want to build a fish pond and need expert advice about fish well sure let me just get some dry clothes yeah dry clothes go help him all right mother if you say so no quick can resist fish crackers they may come in handy hello it's mrs. Quint disaster the bakery truck broke down so they can't deliver the birthday cake don't worry I can go pick it up oh thank you it's mr. Pescados bakery over in Franklin Square George it's your job to keep the quints here so the surprise isn't wrecked okay [Music] bidding this many crackers to keep the quints here a long time [Music] somehow this didn't look fair those look delicious my brother's wife requests that I proceed here to provide backup here Clint happy birthday hey Flint happy birthday hey went happy birthday Oh didn't you know George our last quints were born together of course I'm the oldest by two minutes the quints were triplets now George had three people to yell surprise at well that's the same juice okay we'll stay here so we don't have to wait for fish crackers fish crackers [Music] George had to admit he had no juice happy birthday boys meet our sister sprint Quinn the track star she won three Olympic gold medals oh that was long ago count three the quints were quadruplets flower had for people to yell surprise it this was the best Flint plan twin sprint happy birthday George meet our sister mint Quint she prints money for the government want samples of my latest work how could one little monkey keep five quince here without juice George it's me everything's ready you did a great job more fish crackers [Music] George couldn't wait to meet a real penguin oh this is great okay you'll meet us at this spot at 9:00 a.m. right right remember if you get lost use the outpost beacon to find your way back don't worry we get lost we can always find an igloo for shelter no you can't eat glues are found in the Arctic not in the Antarctic check this side of the outpost for the Penguins okay but don't go too far George if you see penguins call me using the radio mic like this oh it's gonna be a great day [Music] hi um I found a penguin well it found me but it's not a chinstrap I think it's an a delete penguin [Music] [Music] [Music] George had found one of the chinstrap penguin family George was so excited he forgot to call the man with the yellow hat he also forgot to look where he was going the camera was waterproof now George wished it would stay in one place George where are you okay I'm coming I'll find you [Music] George George [Music] [Music] Oh seal stop there's no way to steer an ice floe [Music] we've gotta get out of this blizzard there's a cave we'll need more protection than this all we can do now is wait out the storm [Music] hey the blizzards over [Music] now that George had the camera back he could get the pictures professor Wiseman needed [Music] oh look their nest you found their breeding Island that's why we didn't see them earlier this year amazing work how did you find them we'll do it the same way every time we come well first have a monkey drop the camera in the water here we are all the comforts of home hey even a shower George [Music] no worries George we get rain six months out of the year so the tents are waterproof what's that cook I've never heard of an animal called on cook cook isn't an animal cooks a cook [Music] Wow that was nice thanks that was a great meal okay I'll set up our beds these were the biggest footprints George had ever seen he wondered who or what made them [Music] everyone else's footprints went one in front of the other but these footprints were side by side and they were really far apart was by hopping rabbits hopped maybe it was a giant rabbit or clowns have big footprints maybe it was a hopping clown or maybe it was a giant Hawking clown rabbit you want to stay here are you sure uh-huh okay don't wait better leave my hat here since you won't be around to get it back for me bye George be a good little monkey [Music] there were those footprints again only now the giant clown rabbit had a tiny friend it looked like they'd stopped here for a drink of water but then the smaller footprints disappeared could it be when Crown Rapids drank water they could fly the footprints weren't made by a hoppy clown rabbit they were made by a whatever this little guy was they were back at camp hoppin we sure made a monkey thirsty maybe his friend was thirsty too if only he had a bowl to feed him with good [Music] George's new friend looked cute in the man's hat but he couldn't keep it it was the bigger whatever it was his small friend couldn't fly he just been getting a ride George had to get that hat they were pretty still when they were drinking but that watering hole was too far away by the time George got there the animals might be gone if only he had his own watering hole and then George realized he did he just needed some place to put it and a lot of water to put into it he hopes his friends were thirsty [Music] [Music] George was happy to have the man's hat back but he was sad his new friends ran off George you won't believe it see cows are amazing you want to see see cow that didn't look anything like a cow George what happened to the rain cover on the tent no worries mate yeah long day I could use a nice bar this day just keeps getting better turn around and I'll show you my favorite Australian animal his friends were back those are kangaroos so that's what they were called they really like to eat grass just put it on the ground right beside you [Music] and that's when George decided kangaroos were ins favorite Australian animal too back in the city George couldn't stop thinking about his carrots finally after what felt like 66 days because it was George had three full-grown carrots those look ready to pull George George wished he hadn't bitten this one when it was small Wow that's a perfect carrot George showed his carrot to mrs. renkins this looks like a prize winner let's find out if it tastes as good as it looks at now I'll go get a knife George needed something he could put the carrot in for safekeeping [Music] hi George Bill's not here his bunny's got loose two days ago and he hasn't been able to find them if you see them tell bill right away they won't stay in one place for very long hey those look like bunny tracks [Music] Jewish found them they were cold afraid and very hungry he had to tell bill but bunnies won't stay in one place what if they weren't here when he got back he couldn't carry them all but he could carry them home in this [Music] but it wasn't a five bunny case they needed to eat and if they were eating they might stay put but it wasn't going to be easy to part with his carrot this was the hardest decision he ever had to make but it was for bunnies he had to get bill before they finished eating [Music] they're all here if you hadn't gotten him to stay still I don't think I ever would have found him the perfect carrot was gone but it was a carrot II hero huh something new is growing maybe a bird dropped some seeds there if it's more carrots can we eat one this time [Music] hey George there what are you doing up so early looking for the Perseids oh damn beautiful happen you know this way keep your eyes open the Perseid should be around here someplace grandpa said you can't miss him shooting stars be sure to save some pictures for the Perseids George okay they're here somewhere do you see them Oh bill you go that way me and Georgia go this way i re she's waving Bill's trying to tell us something ah [Music] oh I was saying there weren't any it's my new signal watch Shizu Shazam no Perseids over that way flim-flam man or that way what's that mean it means I can't tell what you're saying it took both hands just to keep his eyes open what are you three working on so hard it's a surprise grandpa hmm well this should wake you up my super spicy hot curry soup be careful it's Sally hot no problem I love spicy stuff the spicier the better [Music] George realized their code could be a lot simpler one flash meant nothing here two flashes I heard a sound it came from that direction okay it came from that way two flashes that means they heard a sound it came from over there [Music] you ready George okay nothing nothing nothing all we have is a bunch of pictures of the Perseids the Perseids is the name of a whole bunch of shooting stars that you can see every August and George caught them on film pretty good for city kid here the best George oh what a nice surprise you three now about some cocoa to warm you up haha is it spicy quite a show huh even though they weren't creatures who look like purses the Perseids or nature's own flashing lights were pretty amazing to see [Music] hahaha no way all right I'm thinking of maybe moving look after my stuff will ya hmm why the dance party that's why this'll probably shock you George seeing as how I'm an expert at funnies and folk building pretty much everything but I can't dance oh ow he's probably tired of friends and they taught their friends and they taught their friends and they taught their friends how's it gonna look if a big kid like me is the only kid who can't dance outer gitche gumee that sounds like an okay place to live but he was sure he could learn it and teach it to bill [Music] George wished there was a better way to study what the dancers were doing I'm gonna miss you buddy send me a picture now and then will ya oh you want to learn this well it's called the Box step it's very simple we step in time the music keeps us together quick quick slow quick quick slow dancing should have a map hmm look I can read those maps tell you where to go and how to get there George needed a map to tell his feet where to go the renkins dance didn't have a map but it was about to [Music] anyone wanna go fishin Oh what's this our dance map we're learning the Box step oh the box step a right numbers good idea we've been looking all over for you we saw your bike outside are we going fishing well soon as I learn the Box step the Box step you say I get it the quick steps are smaller cuz they take less time you're pretty smart for a city kid [Music] the problem was the math it was music they needed some to keep them together [Music] [Music] wait a minute we can't go in there I can't put this goofy map on the floor don't go in such a bad day Thor I need a map hmm that would look a little silly does this make me look like I have mumps hiya George hey Bill thanks for coming [Music] you go to the dentist and then George sight the Box step was shaped like a box I see oh we have to do is make a box with our feet George the Jewish School of Dance was definitely getting off on the right foot they make everything beautiful you come tomorrow George oh and I will make you a nice a fresh egg omelet with pesto and peppers but the next day oh there were no eggs or the day after the next day what I'm gonna cook or the day after the day after the next day that is in the hopper I wonder why they won't lay the eggs I guess it is not the bed the chicken seemed happy enough they packed around happy as can be every day maybe they were unhappy at night there was only one way to find out that night things got a little noisy [Applause] clanging and banging sometimes all at once George wondered if that was the problem what if the chickens were too tired [Music] maybe if George could find a way to keep things quiet for the chickens they'd be able to lay some eggs and then he remembered but chickens don't have fingers since the chickens couldn't use fingers to keep noise out they needed a place where noise never got in luckily George knew a place that was really really quiet at last an egg the chickens were happy but the librarian wasn't sorry Georgie oh but I need them they have all my secret family recipes that are so secret even I forget them if I don't have the books and then George realized books were just a bunch of paper and he knew where to find lots and lots of that but he ran out of paper and he still needed to cover the roof and the floor [Music] [Music] packing peanuts did packing peanuts made chickens wobbly so George put them where the chickens didn't walk now if he could just keep sound from coming in the window [Music] but that made the coop look spooky [Music] maybe that bubble wrap was good for something after all [Music] George could hardly wait until night to try the coop out but he didn't have to once he finished soundproofing the coop was so quiet he fell asleep and it wasn't even nap time it was the quietest coop ever still no eggs eggs you fixing my chicken it's Georgie Wow now we can make my famous pesto and peppers omelet and to George breakfast never sounded so good [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 12,581,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: gKCMpKGwh64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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