Curious George 🐵George in The Dark 🎃 Halloween 🎃Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] wow the cave was like a new playground for george [Applause] and turn himself into a fearless giant [Music] suddenly the cave seemed very different [Music] for the very first time george was truly afraid of the dark [Music] in the safety of his room george was happy he knew he never had to go back to that spooky cave again [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] george why did you turn all the lights on you're not afraid of the dark oh i see you're not afraid of the dark but you're afraid of the monsters in the dark it's okay all right now show me the monsters but those aren't monsters you see [Music] they're the same things in the dark as they are in the light your imagination got the best of you george but you know what i have something to make you feel better your own personal night light now you'll never be afraid in the dark all right good night george [Music] george had led jumpy to the cave now he had to get the squirrel to follow him inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was easier than he expected [Music] thank you oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the man with the yellow hat was right the only scary things in the dark were in george's imagination [Music] that night the power was restored [Music] but george almost wished it was still out [Music] and so after a day of spooky shadows and strange shapes and sounds george found that he never felt so at home as he did right then in the dark [Music] george always liked helping in the pisghetti's green beautiful garden we need more tomatoes more eggplant more everything that we must expand our garden i have a drawn up plan new horses fresh top soil more plants but chef where will we expand too the reason george liked their garden so much was that it was right in the middle of the city the firehouse picnic is in one hour can you get it perfect in one hour i must for i am this caddy [Music] okay let's try it [Music] tell me what you think of this be honest all of my giardino burger ingredients came from our garden giorgio taste it taste it [Music] see this is perfect [Music] george put the box on the truck right outside the restaurant but he didn't know there were two trucks out there [Music] hi hey look there's a monkey waving at me monkeys are so friendly if that book showed the chef how to make the burgers george could use it too and make burgers that would be exactly the same the ingredients came from the garden here were pictures of things from the garden so he had obviously found the right recipe [Music] then he was ready to mix them and though he wanted to follow the recipe precisely [Music] he felt a few minor changes couldn't hurt [Music] all he had to do was make enough to fill the box oh you have them i was worried when the box wasn't on the track uh yeah i hope you all like them [Music] i've never had a meatless burger before [Music] what can i be if i'm not the chef all i know is cooking nettie nettie [Music] there are fire trucks outside is everything okay it's more than okay it's delicious [Music] what's going on here [Laughter] george is telling you that he made the other burgers not you oh nettie you can understand the georgia no what's important is that these were made from your recipe chef bischetti this is the best vegetarian burger i've ever had wait a minute i thought you say you never had one before yeah so it's the best one i've ever had excuse me is this yours how's your picture on it oh whoo something sure smells good in here my jardin no burgers oh i'm so happy i made it [Music] yeah well this supplies you rare just breathe naturally george your helmet contains a camera microphone and headphones this locator will flash when you're close to the satellite [Music] be a good little sea monkey [Music] careful don't get distracted [Music] the reef's home to all kinds of sea life sort of like how a big city is home to all kinds of people [Music] what happened george can you hear us [Music] oh george you're near the satellite head to the c4 [Music] can you see it [Music] what did you find it nice but we're not looking for crabs george [Music] [Music] are those sharks those are small reef sharks they're not interested in monkeys the coral reef supplies them with food [Music] he found it that's my monkey george can you see an open place to move the satellite to [Music] good now release your emergency marker [Music] i'll fly over and drop you a line [Music] uh [Music] all right george now attach the hook to the satellite [Music] i was gonna bring you up one at a time but this worked too [Music] hmm the data module is intact our research is saved thanks to george george flying in a helicopter was fun but george liked exploring the ocean better because in the sky there are no sea turtles [Music] it's gonna take hours to untangle this mess we don't have ours we are due down at the town hall now [Applause] [Music] but so did george [Music] okay george guard the spaghetti strand with your life [Music] hello you have reached bisgetti's please leave a tasty message steve are you there pick up i have an important question to ask george wasn't sure if he should pick up the phone pick up the phone so george picked up the phone ah oh steve thank goodness you answered we need for you to check on something for us eh yeah please go outside and tell me how tall the building next to our building is gnocchi got in she felt very clever for a second [Music] how is he going to do it hmm since he knew he was two feet tall maybe he could use himself as a measuring tool okay that was one george but how many george's tall was the building if only he had something like that measuring tape or why not that measuring tape steve do you have an answer for me [Music] george knew he had to keep gnocchi away from that spaghetti strand he had an idea how to do it [Music] this was going great 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet [Music] uh-oh the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall but how much more [Music] there's just gettys restaurant and here's chef pisghetti's strand of spaghetti i have got to get a picture of this george could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground when george held the strand at the top of his head it reached the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti strand and one george tall [Music] love this stevie why you don't come back in the middle you're ginny the world record book lady and you must be chef pascari yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend giorgio displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph i just took of it wow does that set a world record jenny oh i'm afraid not here's the picture i took of alfonso dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the leaning tower of pisa no no no i'm never gonna get in the world record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tall son of dinner [Music] so gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and chef pisghetti broke a second record world's longest cat toy [Music] [Applause] george was too excited to sleep he wondered if it was time to start 15 more minutes he decided to let the man sleep until the alarm woke him up george could handle a little farm work alone cinchy rankings didn't say whether he should wake leslie up before milking her they said remember to milk her from the side [Music] except george forgot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one two three four five five chicks and one jumpy squirrel huh huh that wasn't right [Music] george had seen mrs rankins drive the tractor but how did she turn it off [Music] [Applause] maybe working a farm was more than one monkey could handle alone [Music] george cut it out oh hi mike mike how did you get in here the the alarms turned off there's there's a pig in my bed george [Music] george what are you how did okay okay just just sit tight okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] well let's round them up partner [Music] i don't know if you did that on purpose george but it worked [Music] well don't relax yet george we promised the rankings we'd have the chores done before they got back [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a dozen eggs ten plus two [Music] one two three four quarts george nice job all done just in time too welcome home so howdy do oscar won he's the prettiest pig you've ever seen it's official [Music] tough morning huh well um actually yeah you know because you're such a good farmer huh yeah that and the fact that mike's on your roof what that's how george learned to always count everything twice and check your roof for pigs [Music] good thinking george this is the perfect place to try out my boat [Music] relax i'm in fifth grade i'm prepared [Music] oh man this is great i can see if my boat holds up in bad weather [Music] unfortunately it was floating away oh look at it take those rapids i am a master barge builder [Music] great george we'll cut it off at the pass but we need something to catch it with let's use this help me out will ya ah right oh [Music] george it's getting away [Music] steve's boat was a goner or it would have been if the drain had been draining but it wasn't until someone cleaned it no no hang on kid you can't go down there you don't understand my history homework is in there and i've just got to get it back i've just gotta otherwise i'll be stuck in class with my kid's sister next year that's rough yeah you're telling me hold on what anything that goes down a drain goes to the waste water treatment plant maybe your homework is there then we're going there too [Music] this is not going to be easy everything that comes into the wastewater treatment plant gets sorted into three categories [Music] oils mostly from car and truck engines sand and grit from construction or sand used on icy roads in winter and solids that means pretty much anything else that ends up in the water old shoes spare parts boats boats they'd all be right here wait your boat's not here it's raining but the sanitation worker said everything that goes down the drain goes here it does except during heavy rains the system can't handle all the storm water and it overflows right now the pipes and tanks are backed up so anything on its way here isn't going to get here there it goes down the river to the ocean the ocean how am i gonna find my history homework in the ocean ah that plastic ring has got a bird [Music] don't worry we'll help her out and then release her oh [Music] [Applause] my boat [Music] at least i think that's my boat my teacher is never gonna believe my homework went down a storm drain and got destroyed so when it rains everything goes into the ocean ah that's awful somebody ought to figure out a way to warn people yeah they should paint a model boat with an x through it on the street drains so some other kid doesn't lose his history homework like i did and while they're at it they should paint like birds and fish and and little wavy things for water on the street drains and then like paint a coffee cup with an x through it so people know not to litter because it'll end up in the ocean [Music] that's a very good idea steve it is um i mean yeah it is [Music] this was a terrific idea for a class project steve ah thanks of course the bad news is you won't get to be in history class with betsy next year all right [Music] oh no another blackout nope watch this are we ready dr levitt ready i wanted you to be the first to see to see that the lights work you just witnessed the first test of the solar panels i installed to power the museum we're unveiling them at a party tonight we're a solar museum wow usually electricity is made far away and sent in on wires but now the museum makes its own power ah solar panels turn the sun's rays into electricity which is then stored in these batteries [Music] and they get all their power from the sun george never knew the sun could charge batteries [Music] a remote control spaceship is the perfect hot weather toy until the batteries run out [Music] then he remembered how the museum batteries got power from the sun so why not let the sun charge up his batteries too there was something else with batteries that needed charging george have you seen the phone it's outside it should be on its charger [Music] oh no battery's still dead you wanted the sun to charge it well that's not how solar power works george since the phone won't work can you take a note to professor wiseman for me oh those are solar panels they convert the sun's rays to electric power remember george forgot about solar panels that's why the phone didn't charge [Music] right batteries store the energy the solar panels create so we have it when we want it even at night [Music] thanks george five o'clock if i put it in the oven right now it'll be ready in plenty of time [Music] ah another blackout the oven's electric my lasagna won't cook i'd better warn professor wiseman we may be late or worse lasagna-less where did i leave it now [Music] there's no way on earth to cook without power george that reflected sun is hot that reflected sun is hot george you may be a genius [Music] a pizza box keeps pizza warm so it'll hold the heat [Music] a hole to let the sun in glue on some plastic wrap to keep the heat from getting out again and shiny aluminum foil to direct the sun's heat into the box [Music] fantastic angle it so the sun hits the lasagna if the power comes back on we can put it in the oven but if it doesn't i think it'll cook [Music] hours later guests arrived at the museum which was the only building in the whole city with electricity ah how do you have a lights and air conditioning the whole city is without electricity ah the museum is now solar-powered blackouts can't affect us i'm sorry our power has been out all afternoon i couldn't make a dessert i know poor dr levitt won't have her favorite birthday things excuse me chef monkey finger [Music] it's hot it's cooked we made a solar cooker thank george and the sun oh thank you nothing could make this birthday more special than a solar lasagna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was nice of you to teach him to drive the solar car i thought you taught him george [Music] george george come back with that expensive piece of car bye george george had his seed system set first he dug a hole then he planted some seeds then he covered the hole he ate them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] and then he remembered farmer rankins protected his garden from the birds with a scarecrow [Music] hmm [Music] only it wasn't very scary [Music] that was it [Music] but how could he get it to move it was the biggest pinwheel george had ever seen pretty neat huh some people use windmills to make electricity oh i use mine to make flour and butter [Music] well i'll be what do you think george [Music] that's the butter turner those stones grind the grain into flour for bread bread and butter go together like well bread and butter that was it george could use a windmill to make his scarecrow move [Music] now what did mr coyote say if you're building a windmill you need sails [Music] time to take those sails for a spin [Music] but his windmill stopped short so george gave his windmill a leg up four of them his sails moved but his windmill didn't oh what was he missing when the wind blows it pushes the sails [Music] [Applause] hmm george could push his sails but the wind couldn't [Music] mr coyote's sails were stiff maybe that gave the wind more to push against [Music] [Applause] all his windmill needed now was a scarecrow mover [Music] george had done it he made his scarecrow move but he did feel bad for compass and his friends [Music] [Music] now the pigeons could eat their food while george grew his [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 9,739,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: FUnp09LKBdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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