Curious George 🐵Gutter Monkey 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] the driveway was smoother but it was a hill [Applause] [Music] what george really needed for his test was a smooth flat surface a smooth flat hard surface [Music] [Music] i like bowling how about you huh sounds like we're in for a thunderstorm [Music] george [Music] george what was that loud noise [Music] oh george no i heard that all the way upstairs [Music] it's okay i i don't want to scuff them before the tournament ooh it's time we we've got to hurry or i'll be late [Music] all set george couldn't wait for the man to open his bag and find the polished bowling ball [Music] the ball was in the house [Music] okay bowl more lanes here we come [Music] george had to get that bowling ball to the man and quick but how [Music] and then george saw it the road was like a big bowling lane with gutters [Music] [Applause] the bowling ball was good at rolling downhill and if there was one thing george was good at it was rolling gutter balls [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] he is off to a red hot start today he rolled that ball so fast i didn't even see him wind up there [Music] do you know what just happened and that's how george bowled a gutter ball that was also his very first strike [Music] uh any chance you remember what key goes where i got it if we put them back in the same order we took them off they'll be in the right order okay margaret i just want to see if my xylophone is here yet betsy was here and her xylophone was there oh good you're here silly me i was worried something might have gone wrong [Music] what could go wrong but i'll be back i want to practice my solo one more time okay here's what we do i'll keep betsy distracted while you put the xylophone back together [Music] the notes didn't climb stairs anymore betsy for crying out loud i'm in third grade already oh bessie wait what did you do with my xylophone uh now betsy don't get sore [Music] george this was hopeless george was never gonna figure out how to put on those keys [Music] this key had a number on it and so did that one they all had numbers the first was eight what comes after eight six was all roundy like eight they just looked right together [Music] but they didn't sound right and time was running out [Music] what if eight wasn't the place to start maybe number one came first like in counting [Music] george could count to five and the clock helped him get to 12. one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. trouble was he had three keys left all right stand in front of the risers i want to get a group photo but aunt margaret i have to find george in my xylophone oh this will only take a second dear [Music] where did those last three keys go george couldn't count to 15. [Music] [Music] each key was smaller than the one before it maybe [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15. only one way to test if he'd gotten it right say cheese hey that looks like [Music] and the notes climbed the stairs my xylophone hey what'd you do to it i can't believe you fixed it huh this key always used to wobble oh thanks george [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] george figured he could watch the kite even better while it flew [Music] hey george lose your kite i don't think i can reach it [Music] oh careful there fella don't fall gotcha [Music] you get it okay [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm over the years i've seen everything in the waters around here seem trout salmon to see that flying monkey seen flying monkeys striped bass blowfish [Music] george was flying with birds it was a monkey's best dream come true now that he'd lived his dream [Music] his arm was getting sore and he wanted to go home but a big duck would make a terrific [Music] photo giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all [Music] the strange tracks suddenly stopped [Music] did the duck-footed snake fly away [Music] or maybe it was because nothing could leave tracks in hard stone [Music] you can't leave tracks in water [Music] but you can make tracks with water george remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur george got a photo of jumpy by leaving out food couldn't he do the same with a dinosaur what prize photo that would be he didn't have any dinosaur food but maybe they would like fruits and vegetables george was thinking about something bigger than a fawn much bigger [Music] [Applause] [Music] those tracks couldn't possibly belong to a meat-eating dinosaur could they [Music] could that be the dinosaur oh [Music] george decided to warn the man with the yellow hat that a hungry dinosaur might be visiting the dinosaur had returned from the water and the tracks were headed towards bill's house [Music] hiya george did you see the phone yeah i guess those do look like dinosaur tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so i put these on to walk to the lake i told you i was going swimming remember [Music] hey now i know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps [Music] with no hungry dinosaurs around george still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again but george had enough pictures of that squirrel [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos [Music] look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos george oh you know george he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] this scratch hadn't been there earlier it was brand new this is the most thorough reviewer i have ever seen well that's not a restaurant critic or a waiter it's a monkey a great scientist wouldn't let a problem get the best of him george had to calm down and use his head hmm [Music] hmm what are you doing in here they know him he's not a monkey that guy was so wrong george showed them what he had discovered [Music] oh georgio oh i love this kid you are proving gnocchi is innocent i'm so happy i'm gonna make two trays of cannoli exactly can only for everyone on the house [Music] making enough cannoli for everyone was exhausting because though george thought like a scientist he ate like a monkey [Music] hearts had two rowdy bits and a pointy bit circles were round two circles looked like a sideways eight not a heart [Music] he needed another slanty side [Music] [Music] george bet he could stamp super fast on a pogo stick [Music] but pogo stick stamps were messy and hard to control [Music] good job george okay i'm gonna deliver the rest of my valentine cards you want to come with me oh okay uh i'll be back in a bit be a good little valentine monkey all that cleaning took so long how would he finish his cards [Music] and he still didn't have a fast way to stamp them there was a quick stamper in the closet [Music] no quick stamper there [Music] or maybe there was tricycle stamper would be much better than a pogo stick stamper because tricycle stampers stayed where you steered them [Music] but tricycle stampers squished your card and then ate them [Music] and made a mess of the carpet too valentine's day was almost over george had less time than ever [Music] and he still only had three cards to give his friends [Music] george was glad the waffle iron was off [Music] but one of the cards was ruined [Music] only he could make a new one on his super quick card stamper he just had to replace the waffle patterns with heart patterns [Music] ah [Music] he'd have to hurry to get all his cards done on time [Music] his cards look good but they needed a personal touch [Music] wow wow what a day [Music] wow did you make this george ah it's amazing won't you be my valentine valentine my valentine no monkey shine looks pretty good [Music] the next morning [Music] excuse me hmm what george knew just what to do [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] george's noise machine was sure to keep the deer away [Music] but it was keeping everyone up thanks george i'm beat we need to think of something that doesn't keep everyone awake but first i just need a nap there had to be a way to save the garden hmm [Music] tree sap george didn't like the way it made his fur feel sticky [Music] maybe george could find a way to make the garden sticky [Music] tape was sticky it would keep the deer out of the garden all right [Music] unfortunately it kept them out too oh well this isn't going to work the proper way to approach this problem is scientifically and scientifically i'm out of ideas we tried to keep the deer out with a scarecrow they could see noises they could hear and sticky tape they could feel what's left [Music] smell yeah i tried that once on my mom's garden before she got the fence i made the stinkiest potion ever rotten eggs old socks then i put it on my mom's garden it kept the deer out and my mom too turns out nobody likes a garden that smells like old socks who knew taste right only deer like the way flowers taste that's the problem [Music] allie was coming back in just a few days and george was worried there wouldn't be any garden left when she got home hmm but then he remembered something the deer didn't like oatmeal [Music] but that didn't make sense oatmeal was delicious it was just oats with a little cinnamon on top if deer didn't like the taste of cinnamon on oatmeal maybe they wouldn't like it on flowers either george made a special flower protecting formula full of cinnamon if the deer didn't like the taste of the flowers maybe they wouldn't eat them at least that's what george hoped the next morning george and bill arrived early there wasn't a single deer in sight the garden was saved hooray not bad for a city kid the deer had moved on and found food that didn't taste bad to them [Music] and after just a few days [Music] the flowers grew back just in time for ally's return flowers oh look at them they just grow how easy is that hey look what i made in camp a deer call it sounds like this look it works here they come [Music] oh hiya george huh man with the yellow pants he said i can go see if you're awake are you awake finally oh you were sleeping forever so you know what i want to do today [Music] wait don't monkeys go out the window [Music] all that morning george showed ali monkey stuff like how to eat strawberries with your feet [Music] how to swing on a rope how to sound like a full percussion section in an orchestra and how to blow bubbles with an extra big monkey breath i'm going to the store do you want anything george did you know that monkeys can blow bubbles longer than anybody [Music] that doesn't surprise me how about you allie you need anything from the store oh yes um a flying trapeze and a walkie-talkie please um i'll see what i can do [Music] is that a squirrel i love squirrels whoops hi there [Applause] i found him george george it's kind of weird the squirrel won't answer me [Music] but then george remembered how he washed mr glass's windows on the very tall building this was going to be easy all george had to do was find his life vest tie a rope to the front throw the rope over a branch and bring ali down okay [Music] you missed but don't you worry i can get it [Music] this is too small it looks monkey sized [Music] the rope was a good idea but george needed to attach it to something that ally could put on or [Music] get on [Music] oops this raft is too flippy george [Music] okay let's think some more [Music] george didn't have that many choices only a two short ladder some pool toys and a rope [Music] what could be easier than holding onto a rope [Music] but we already tried the rope george [Music] okay now what george [Music] you want me to hold on while i'm climbing down [Music] okay [Music] oops i ran out of rope george hey look what you did george let's do it again [Music] hey it's mr yellow pants did you get me the flying trapeze sorry the store doesn't carry circus equipment for some reason but i found these walkie talkies i have to show my grandmother bye-bye i'll call you later thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome so george did you have a nice time with ali that night george couldn't wait for lights out and so the little mouse roared and the house fell down [Music] good night george happy dreams [Music] [Music] so i figured out how to make friends with that squirrel first we grow a tree clearly this was the start of a beautiful and curious friendship [Music] if there was one thing gnocchi couldn't resist it was a toy clown [Music] now where was that cat [Music] oh what kind of chef forgets his garlic hundley might be a door dog but he wasn't very good at door knobs fortunately monkeys are excellent door openers [Music] unless the door is locked [Music] wow gnocchi thought it'd be much more fun if she and hundley played outside [Music] poor hundley clearly hundley needed some monkey help [Music] gnocchi was surprised that hundley was still in the basement [Music] gnocchi was sure that a game of chase would make hundley feel better it did it took his mind off basements [Music] hmm george could build a ramp to the window [Music] hmm a ramp stronger than a pizza box [Music] hundley was beginning to like this game [Music] george had to remind him that he wanted to get out of the basement gnocchi had a lot of fun with the clown but now it was hundley's turn [Music] maybe hundley just needed a push [Music] george needed to think of something else ah maybe he didn't have to go straight up to the window [Music] george didn't need one ramp he needed a lot of ramps george's ramps worked [Music] [Applause] what did you do to my basement jojo [Music] dylan and his mom were back hundley had to hurry [Music] gnocchi didn't know what was going on but it sure looked like fun [Music] hundley oh thank you i thought we'd lost this forever look dylan you are the best door dog [Music] another job well done well almost done [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 11,253,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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