Lost Baby Dinosaur! | CURIOUS GEORGE

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[Music] george decided to keep looking for his new friend [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it looked like george's friend wanted to play and george was it [Music] since we've been hanging around a bit i've got something i must admit i don't have anyone like you [Music] you're my best friend we fist together likes [Music] that's me and you when things are getting me down you pick me up with your smile the biggest joke around within a million miles it's destiny so i think how could your friends be more insane i'm so incredible with you you're my best friend [Music] and now nobody could pull us apart [Music] that's me and you sharkey where are you [Music] this exhibit needs a map turkey turkey turkey turkey turkey [Music] hang on you moved museum displays don't just move around unless um ah exploring sure made a monkey hungry [Music] george's friend was hungry too he didn't like apples [Music] and he didn't seem to find anything else he wanted to eat either [Music] wow george knew you had to look both ways before crossing traffic [Music] the stegosaurus was an herbivore that means it ate plants not other dinosaurs [Music] george wondered what other nice dinosaurs he could introduce his friend to [Music] [Applause] triceratops means three-horned face [Music] the barosaurus's long neck helps him reach high leaves [Music] the tyrannosaurus rex was one of the most fearsome dinosaurs of all [Music] at least his friend finally found something he liked to eat [Music] it was a dinosaur bird and its head was stuck [Music] [Music] george's friend might have been a picky eater until he found something he liked back at the nest the mama wondered where her baby was it wasn't like him to go far [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] it must be time to go home only which way was home [Music] they'd come a long long way and then george saw it a barosaurus they passed him on the way here rex was a feared predator the tyrannosaurus rex t-rex they'd passed him before too the tyrannosaurus rex was a feared predator [Music] the tyrannosaurus rex was a feared predator they made it past the barosaurus [Music] then came the triceratops and then the stegosaurus they were getting closer [Music] now they just had to cross the dinosaur highway [Music] unfortunately it was rush hour [Music] everything looked the same george couldn't tell which way to go maybe he could see the way back to the nest from up there [Music] but all he saw was more grass [Music] it was george's bird friend [Music] george recognized that volcano it was near the nest [Music] george and his friend continued retracing their steps since we've been hanging around a bit i've got something i must admit i don't have anyone like you you're my best friend we fit together [Music] they made it to the edge of the forest they were almost home now that's me and you he done it he'd found the nest [Music] at least they found charkie [Music] sharky [Music] oh george come here quick [Music] huh remember what you were saying before about this being real it is that's a real dino over there back away george back away uh george is this what i think it is [Music] ah
Channel: Peacock jr
Views: 6,818,625
Rating: 3.6413169 out of 5
Keywords: universal kids, universal kids preschool, unikids, peacock jr, peachicks, curious george, new curious george, curious george episodes, new episodes, lost in the jungle, dinosaurs, dinosaur jungle, dino
Id: zqXCyhye0f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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