Curious George 🐡Being Hundley 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies | Cartoons for Kids

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so the next morning george made up his mind to live like a pigeon [Music] it turned out that birds had special pecking equipment keeping up with pigeons was hard work if you didn't come with wings plus pigeons didn't have to wait for the don't walk light [Music] being a cat looked like a lot less work than being a pigeon [Music] now this was the life and no one made gnocchi clean her room [Music] plus cats took a bath wherever they wanted whenever they wanted a cat bath was okay if you didn't mind a hairy mouth and a spitty face maybe being a cat wasn't for george either fish never had to stop playing to take a bath [Music] but george wasn't good enough at holding his breath to be a fish for very long [Music] turtles got to choose their own bedtimes they just pull their heads inside [Music] being a turtle was a pain in the neck [Music] oh [Music] george never realized that hundley spent so much of the day playing this was fun [Music] only his hands weren't used to being dog paws george realized he needed a few small changes to be a good dog [Music] well what is this well hundley it looks like we have two lobby dogs today what do you think of that say bye bye doggies [Music] [Applause] george what are you doing [Music] are you looking for syrup [Music] well first you'll have to tap the tree [Music] no not tap like knocking i mean a tap like a spigot you know i've got an extra bucket if you'd like to make your own syrup first you have to find a maple tree now a maple tree has gray bark and deep ridges that run up and down like this and they have five pointed leaves like this oh yeah look the bottle tells you what kind of leaves to look for then you drill a small hole angled up for best sat flow then hammer in the spigot no no it doesn't hurt the tree george right now it's like the trees are sleeping they don't need their sap until spring when the weather gets warmer and they put out leaves [Music] got it now hold on you'll need these too i'll get another set from the bar here you go george [Music] hey george it took a while but george's bucket was finally full [Music] we need a bucket lifting machine or an elevator or a cow [Music] george figured with leslie's help he could lift the bucket off the tap ready one two [Music] oops it wasn't a whole bucket of syrup but it would still cover a lot of pancakes [Music] come on okay okay [Music] pancakes for me yep and syrup and we made it well the tree made it but we tapped the tree all by ourselves wow very moist [Music] that doesn't taste like syrup at all grandpa's trees must be broken no no no the trees aren't broken george maple syrup trees give sap not syrup sap becomes syrup after it's boiled down luckily you've come to the right place we boil it right here at the sugar shack oh yeah now this will take a while and if we leave it too long it can boil over burn and be ruined so we have to keep an eye on it [Music] it took forever [Music] ah looks like it's ready what do you say to that huh leslie how did you get out i think she wants syrup cows like syrup a lot george the syrup it's going to boil over [Music] no matter how hard he blew george couldn't cool the syrup down leslie [Music] [Applause] maybe if they fanned it [Music] i thought you didn't know anything about making syrup [Music] you knew butter stopped syrup from boiling over huh [Music] well here you are your own bottle of syrup it takes a whole lot of sap to make a little bit of syrup [Music] [Music] thanks george best syrup ever luckily a little bit of syrup has a whole lot of taste [Music] here's one of my completed works [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we also heard something like a bag of rocks dropping do you use rocks in your work no uh oh that was a bag of groceries it fell off the counter huh [Music] professor wiseman says i should show my drawings to dr forbin but she didn't say why she only said it's a great chance and i should hurry over come on can't be late i have to be at the airport in an hour i can't wait around don't worry he's always on time ah we're in too much of a hurry to walk we're gonna take the bus [Music] george saw something that really caught his eye a bus stop with lots of free maps george [Music] george this isn't our stop we have a long way to go next stop first street uh-oh my portfolio wait stop [Music] this is not a problem this is not a problem all that happened is the bus drove off with my presentation the one i'm supposed to show in seven minutes [Music] right we have a map so we know exactly where that bus is going we just have to catch up with it taxi tax go george i have to leave in six minutes he'll be here george needed to find something else moving in the right direction [Music] the truck was going the wrong way [Music] but you did find out how the sand gets into sandboxes [Music] is that your bus stop the 10th street yes that's it do you see george anywhere who's george you want a bus then a monkey then a bicycle then a portfolio now a george [Music] [Music] i'm so sorry i must get to the airport oh i'll wait here when he shows up i'll tell him you had to go [Music] george was so happy to stop he almost didn't notice where he was [Music] george had done it he'd gotten there first [Music] [Music] wow is this yours because i could use this there's more [Music] they're great there's george stop the cab [Music] george my portfolio my drawings dr forbin dr forbin uh he didn't tell me to look for a dr forbin you say these are your drawings they're exactly what i need for signs in our children's museum in paris i want you to come to paris right away and work with me you hear that george we're going to paris [Music] huh so you took a cab to catch a bus to find a monkey to get a portfolio to show a doctor to take a cab to catch a plane to go to paris that's a busy sunday morning please hurry we have a plane to catch in one minute [Music] wow this is the latest he's ever been for anything [Music] okay george time for the seeds we'll start with the eggplant um you didn't dump all six seed packets in there did you oh no stop you can't plant different seeds together they won't grow right mixing seeds might make interesting new plants well george each type of seed has different needs and must be planted just right mama mia i made you a special veggie pizza extra guava the way you like it so fast you've already planted everything [Music] well chef actually we are the melon mounds soon your eels will be alive with the succulent fruit and tomatoes oh drink deep my rosy darlings someday you will be in my marinade oh boy i hope the grocer has seeds left sorry george i'm all cleaned out oh george hated to disappoint the chef he always looked so happy on his box [Music] maybe different color seeds produce different plants [Music] sorting by both color and size george ended up with six piles of different seeds [Music] but george didn't know where to plant the seeds which ones were the corn which were tomatoes [Music] and he forgot about those hungry pigeons [Music] those watermelon seeds match the seeds in one of his piles [Music] that's going to be one crazy salad george [Music] there were seeds inside the pepper [Music] and they matched a pile too [Music] and even the corn george professor wiseman has a whole book about seeds wow well you don't need my help you've got a monkey well i'll be [Music] that's the last one what should we do with the extra seeds [Applause] [Music] george and the man with the yellow hat took excellent care of the roof garden together um george [Music] until at last the vegetables were ready to be picked [Music] everyone please thank my friends for the delicious vegetables you are eating tonight [Music] for you eggplant parmesan a la giorgio and friend they say the best meals come from a chef's heart but sometimes they come from the roof of a monkey continuing with our bonnie smooth marathon i love bonnie smooth and for all you bonnie smooth lovers out there now's your chance to win two free tickets to bonnie's concert tonight hello caller so what's bonnie smooth's favorite snack raisins come on down and get your front row tickets [Music] first time in a radio station come on in i'll show you how it works [Music] that's the instructions for running a radio show but you don't need it cause i'm gonna show you see these these headphones let you hear how you sound and how the music sounds now i'm putting in the next song to play so there won't be any silence between songs the worst thing on the radio is dead air [Music] that's when there's no music a talk just nothing going out hey how are you at howlin [Music] and here's bonnie with her beautiful instrumental song sassafras serenade [Music] be a good little monkey [Music] helping hal would be fun the cd player looked like the one at home but everything else was totally new howland hal said these were the instructions for running the show [Music] maybe it was hal george could ask him to come and let him out [Music] everything in this room had buttons which one was he supposed to push ah how and how i love you man hey can you howl for me you're the best man [Music] george did it he'd figured out the phone now he only had 80 billion more buttons to go luckily the man and hal were back [Music] we're locked out don't you have a key i dropped it somewhere around here i used the book to keep the door open george wondered why they weren't opening the door oh wait a minute earl earl the janitor he has a key only earl's at lunch and that cd's about to run out [Music] that's when george realized they couldn't open the door either now what [Music] what were they doing didn't they know there was no time for games george knew all the bonnie smooth songs and this one was about to end [Music] the worst thing on radio is dead air hey a triangle [Music] maybe it was the triangle button good job he did it bonnie's calling soon and earl's still not back we've got to find that key oh boy but he didn't know how to work the mic and those sliding things [Music] he had the book [Music] i know we'll make a model huh huh done it looks uh terrible close [Music] the enough we forgot the phone [Music] the call wasn't coming through the phone this time what had he forgotten hal helen howe oh i thought i'd missed you how are you oh [Music] how long has it been i'm back did i miss anything hey there's a monkey in the booth not now he's in the middle of an interview george was very proud of himself he had run an entire radio station maybe someday he could even learn how to tie his [Music] the shoes swinging on a breeze [Music] hi there i'm john john out the harney you must be george i'm a hatari a medicine man one thing i do is make paint you see instead of painting with paint i paint with sand oh i grind different colored rocks into sand [Music] the canyon has all the paint supplies i need whatever colors i can't find there i make with food and then to paint i take the sand and let it slip through my hands like this [Music] and there you are a georgian sand the man had to see this [Applause] [Music] john's painting used to be there now it was there and there and there george [Music] john's going to go hunt fossils with us do you want to come or play with your rabbit friend he needed to fix the painting before they came back but it was all sand colored sand and then george remembered whatever colors i can't find i can make with food [Music] oh there you are would you like a snack now george had lots of colors to choose from [Music] [Laughter] [Music] george sure likes his fruits and vegetables now he has lots of paint colors red blue orange even purple but no brown and you can't make a monkey without brown george knew where he could find some though [Music] hey there did you decide you wanted to dig for fossils here's a bucket for you got a place for you right next to me [Music] now that george had brown paint he was ready to make the rest of his colors [Music] except the bunny had its own idea for the fresh fruit [Music] oh there you are george you took off so fast i didn't get to ask what you'd like to drink i have cranberry juice carrot juice grape juice blueberry juice wheatgrass juice [Music] the juice worked great no mashing necessary [Music] george had his paint and his new friends had lunch only his sand didn't slip maybe it needed to dry watching paint dry was about as much fun as well watching paint dry he wants a hair dryer in the desert [Music] but instead of drying his paint went flying [Music] plus the bottles made painting a snap [Music] george's friends had developed a real taste for art [Music] but not breezes it almost made him miss the sticky stuff of course glue why didn't i think of that a monkey with glue he had his paint he had his canvas and he had an audience he glued he painted and if you put on too much sand [Music] no problem only the sand on the glue stuck [Music] [Applause] wow is that a sand painting you are some artist [Music] [Applause] for me thank you but why [Music] that's okay sand paintings are supposed to get messed up that's how the medicine is released some sand paintings are medicine others are art well i guess giving glue to a monkey was a good thing after all yeah i say george uh think maybe you could make one for us next he sure could but he'd need a new canvas [Music] great idea george mind if we take a crack at fixing it well sure have at it the dinwoody front loader is all yours thanks well nothing to do but roll up our sleeves and start fixing this thing are you ready [Music] now before we begin we need to protect ourselves [Music] george tried to remember how a real front loader worked [Music] of course if the scoop faced upward then things wouldn't fall out [Music] hang on i have just the thing now oh where did i put that thing ah here it is never leave home without an adjustable wrench i've also got pickles what's up [Music] now the toys are staying in there i'll hold and you tighten [Music] the front loader worked great now except for one thing ah george couldn't get toys into the scoop george thought about the real front loader again the scoop needed to be able to tilt you're right george looks like we need to loosen things up [Music] now the scoop could move now to lift the arm well that didn't work but i think we're on to something george knew and sylvia was right they needed a way to make the scoop move [Music] great idea there was only one problem how could george steer oh [Music] now don't you be discouraged reworking and revising is what engineering is all about i learned that when i designed roller coasters sometimes you have to sit through a lot of slow rides before you can [Music] zoom what else could he use to control the scoop [Music] george couldn't find a place to attach the rope [Music] oh that's no problem luckily i've got sheila huh my drill isn't she a beauty perfect [Music] now to see if it worked [Music] it works [Music] wonderful you fixed it i'm gonna get my toy makers right on it i mean do you mind if i use this as a sample go right ahead [Music] well partner looks like it's mission accomplished before long george had his front loader back and it worked like a dream that's it that's it bring her in their work was just one small step for a monkey and his aunt there you go good job george but one giant leap for mud pies [Music] [Music] ha ha great job you knocked down one duck here's an eraser oh thanks how come i'm a good duck knocker downer on your yard game but terrible here hmm ally had a good point what was the difference between there and here of course when ali had practiced at home the cardboard ducks weren't moving [Music] but how could he get them to move [Music] ah you wanted to see how the conveyor belt works well you see this belt is continuous it makes a loop around these wheels so when the machine is on the belt goes around and around [Music] some belts would be a good start uh george have you seen my [Music] george that's a great idea after removing the fenders and tires george had his conveyor belt now for the cardboard ducks it was almost like the game at the fair but there was something missing hmm [Music] it was working ally was getting better with practice [Music] hey it looks like you're ready to go back to the fair [Music] stop dad [Music] uh time for one more game you've got uh three minutes just enough time [Music] all right [Music] good ally oh looks like somebody's been practicing she sure has [Music] two ducks to go george could hardly stand it [Music] just one duck left [Music] wait wait [Music] you know um i'm not sure i can do this maybe we should just come back next year just try you're right [Music] i did it i'm i mean we did it here george this is for you sure for helping me to become a good duck knocker downer oh wow that is very nice of you allie [Music] you know that dumb game was pretty easy i just have to practice try hard to not give up this was george's favorite fair ever allie learned to practice and got her ducks in a row and george got a bear oh i can't wait for the apple festival next month you'll want to go with me because i know everything about it i'm really good at picking apples you know and bobbing for them and eating apple pie oh i'm really one of the best [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 6,106,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: zRtjhCUcR-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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