Curious George πŸ› Hundley Takes Care of a Caterpillar πŸ› Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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foreign it was a big day for Hundley he was in charge of the building for two weeks in the mornings while the doorman went to fire safety class Miss karpotnik's coming to get these flowers Huntley and Jerry will be here for her quarterly visit I'll be back in a few hours and just like that a dog had his own building [Music] foreign what's this someone eating misk of plot snakes flowers it was up to Huntley to lay down the law [Music] Hunley was scaring the caterpillar away very very slowly Huntley noticed it was long and low to the ground kind of like him but it still shouldn't be in his building wait long low and cleaning the lobby it was exactly like him Aunt Lee had a new friend Hundley Jr George wanted to show Hundley his new ball [Applause] looked like Hundley wanted to play catch [Music] he wasn't very good at it though [Music] Conley wasn't about to let a runny jumpy georgie-ish monkey near his new friend unless Junior might get squished George tried to tell Hundley there was a caterpillar behind him hello [Music] Hundley was relieved George hadn't ruined things [Music] Hundley was giving him flowers okay not for him for the caterpillar to eat Huntley JR could live in the lobby forever maybe he'd even be a doorman when he grew up yep the lobby was a great place for a baby caterpillar hey Hundley remember me I'm Jerry I'm here to get rid of your bugs [Music] the lobby is a terrible place for a baby caterpillar you might want to go outside while I spray [Music] they needed a new place for Hundley Jr to live [Music] Hundley liked George's idea Hundley Jr was up high and safe but close enough to see from the lobby a tree was the perfect place for him to live except his neighbors wanted to eat him [Music] outside was out [Music] Hundley wondered where else his new friend could live Andre's favorite place to live was his home it was warm soft and safe that's it Huntley JR could live with him [Music] hey Hundley is the doorman around I need him to sign for this package well I'm running behind today so close enough have a good day Hundley had to stay in the lobby and take care of Hundley Jr but he couldn't do both at the same time and the only one around who could help was a monkey oh once upon a time in a land not so far away which was at his last rehearsal for his very first Community play in the play George was a castle guard [Music] you really wished he were a knight like Stephen Betsy Knight's got to ride horses and had cool helmets plus Knights were really Brave but the man said there are no small roles there are only small monkey actors yeah so George kept practicing to make sure he set his line right sire two Riders approacheth guard at last George's big moment was here [Music] she'll wreck the stage guard the castle it was just like in the play but Sharky did not halt Sharky kept right on low [Music] well at least the castles in one piece foreign medieval castles had dragons we have Sharky well we better get busy rebuilding the set and the props we'll get the flag back you guard the stage George in case Sharkey comes back George felt awful it was his job to guard the castle and he'd messed it up foreign [Music] [Applause] what if Turkey came back during the play tonight he needed some way to keep turkey off the stage for good but it's hard to think if you've stayed awake all night practicing your one line especially if your costume was hot and the stage lights were hotter what oh huh that means hey what's up a dragon is on the loose don't want it getting into the castle again [Music] the dragon it followed us to the castle [Music] good guard George had to stop the dragon proof his bravery and the King might make him a knight whoa nothing is worse than dragon breath except maybe Dragon slobber my banquet stopper [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't laugh and laugh my magic hath met its match [Music] [Music] king would never make good guard George at night now how can we have our celebration with that Beast destroying the castle and then the little guard remembered Dragons Were sore afraid of bats monkeys are natural born explorers so when the Man with the Yellow Hat decided to visit buncha beak Island to photograph Birds George decided to explore with him as the radio here's the throttle and here is the key I think the key ring is big enough easy there fun to play with though okay here you go powerful that's the only key we have really I there used to be five Keys one for each Quint the first key he fell down the drain [Music] second key fell down a drain the third key fell down the drain what happened to the fourth key probably fell down the drain so be very careful with this key it's the only one we've got don't worry Mr Quint we'll take good care of it won't we George well what are you waiting for shove off have fun at last it was time for exploring always keeps an eye out for interesting things [Music] George saw interesting birds interesting fish and a very interesting water monkey oh [Music] but the most interesting thing George saw was a water lump and it was following them I wonder what that is [Music] what do you know George it's an otter pup [Music] pup the man couldn't be right oh that thing didn't look anything like a dog its paws were like hands and its toes were like fingers only they had webs plus George didn't know any dog that could float on his back but it did bark maybe it was a dog [Music] not a pup like a dog young otters are also called pups huh from the look of him he's a very young pup he must live around here they usually have homes called dens along the shore huh again [Music] George didn't see TVs sofas or any other Den furniture just a hole [Music] otters are very playful and very curious almost as curious as a monkey oh [Music] I think he likes you out what do you know saludovicianus also known as a Rose-breasted gross beak you want to go with me or stay with your friend [Music] oh all right oops better put this someplace safe [Music] see you soon the man was right about the otter he was very playful he played peek-a-boo [Music] and hide and seek [Music] the man said the otter was a pop [Music] maybe he liked to play fetch too [Music] the only thing little monkeys like better than being in pictures [Music] taking pictures [Music] hey George look guess what it's up you'll never guess guess [Music] um they're perseids Percy what they're teeny tiny animals that look like purses oh I think I heard my grandpa talking to my Grandma about them he says you can see the best down by the lake [Music] oh George that's a great idea let's get a picture of him that will make a perfect surprise for Grandpa wait [Music] oh where are you going [Music] huh you can only see perseids at night George [Music] but grandpa said you can see them best of all if you get up early early in the morning [Music] fisherman early if you both come with me grandpa says I can go sure ah not George I can't take the picture uh-huh no I may be great at doing drawings but I'm not nearly as good a picture taker as you ah oh besides if I take the picture I can't be in it see you bright and early early early [Music] [Music] hey Allie George Dale what are you doing up so early looking for the perseids oh they're beautiful have fun yeah this way [Music] keep your eyes open the Persians should be around here someplace grandpa said you can't miss him oh [Music] shooting stars wow [Music] be sure to save some pictures for the Percy it's George okay they're here somewhere do you see them no [Music] bill you go that way George will go this way I [Music] think I hear something I hear something [Music] here hey too late they're gone well of course because you scared them okay Persians are delicate gentle creatures like me well this isn't going to work yeah if only we had a way to talk to each other without making any sound oh good idea George we'll just wave to each other if we see a perseid okay let's go [Music] here Percy Percy Percy [Music] oh he's waving Bill's trying to tell us something ah he's saying go go this way [Music] that way yeah that way hurry George George was excited he was on his way to Australia no we haven't even taken off [Music] here you go George maybe this will help [Music] sir where in Sydney [Music] g'day welcome to the land down under I'm your tour guide Bailey Bungie how'd you know it was us recognized you by a monkey mom said a monkey would be on the Safari so I begged to come along this is my vacation too my daughter Bindi and you must be George let's get going your Australian Outback Safari Adventure awaits I hope you like animals because you're about to meet a lot of them foreign [Music] [Music] so keep your heart wide open and true you'll find a friend smiling back at you [Music] all the way [Music] in the outback there's much more to see koalas [Music] here's a bag called the Emu who dies and fly it'll dry out and be as good as new but he can beat you in a foot race every time strangely refreshing foreign [Music] [Music] two times [Music] [Music] here we are all the Comforts of home or even a shower [Music] no George [Music] no worries George we get rain six months out of the year so the tents are waterproof oh today was great but tomorrow's going to be even better we're going to see my favorite Australian animal the what's that cook I've never heard of an animal called a cook cook isn't an animal Cooks a cook he plays a didgeridoo whenever it's time for dinner wow that was neat laughs thanks that was a great meal why don't you get some shut eye yes you have a big day tomorrow okay I'll set up our beds [Music] these were the biggest Footprints George had ever seen he wondered who or what made them oh ham everyone else's Footprints went one in front of the other but these Footprints were side by side Allen ah and they were really far apart [Music] the only way you could get that far and keep your feet side by side was by hopping George loved going to Mabel's department store [Music] I know there's a lot you like to do here but let's not stay too long okay I just need to buy some shoelaces [Music] George did have a lot of stuff he liked to do at Mabel's in the TV Department he liked to see how many monkeys he could become over at gift wrap he liked to help the lady tie up packages and he really liked to ride the escalator always remembering to hold on to the rails [Music] George over here what do you think huh yeah I like them too oh and thanks for checking in the place George loved best was the kids Department [Music] [Laughter] huh George saw something he'd never seen before [Music] where did the train come from and where did it go George had to find out [Music] hahaha [Music] so that's where it came from that little lamp on the table [Music] George found that when the train moved across his hand it got a lot smaller [Music] so he thought he'd try and experiment sure enough when the lamp was close to the screen the train got smaller but as the lamp got further away the train got bigger that's really something huh you want to see how it works now see how the train has been cut out of the lampshade now the light shines through it and voila and if you don't like trains we've got ponies or race cars aardvarks now that George knew how the lampshade worked he couldn't wait to get home and make one meanwhile The Man with the Yellow Hat was waiting to pay for his new clothes sorry George I still have to pay but it shouldn't take too long I hope is [Music] only seven people ahead of me [Music] five more people and then it's my turn [Music] three more to go I'll be out in the jiffy [Music] listen why don't you go home and I'll meet you there [Music] foreign [Music] okay George couldn't wait for his light picture to move across his own room huh but wait how did it move Maple's department store is now closed please make your way to the exit [Music] it was a great day to fly a kite with a friend kite flying friends are forever whoa even if good weather isn't it [Music] hey come back here [Music] all right [Music] [Music] I think we need a new kite [Music] Bill and George took their piggy banks to the store to buy a new kite let's get that one George [Music] that is the kite We Gotta Buy [Music] wow okay let's see what we've got [Music] that's two three I hope we have enough 350. five 785 86 87 we need more no no oh don't have enough money George [Music] you know you could put the kite on layaway you give us part of the money now and we'll save the kite for you until you have the rest [Music] how long would you like us to hold it well we'll have to find some jobs and earn the money today's Friday which gives us all weekend um we can come back for the kite first thing on Monday Monday it is oh come on George let's get to work [Music] hello Mr Quint this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent George and I were wondering if you had any um jobs you'd like done this weekend you do great thank you yes we'll be there right on time we got another one hi Mrs Wilkins this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent okay and then after we pull the weeds we'll go over here and walk the dogs then over here and mow the lawn then to the lake and paint the shed then to the farm and pick apples then we rake more leaves clean a garage wash the windows stack some cans what's the matter oh you're right it is kind of confusing [Music] and it's a lot to do [Music] I owed it everything organized will make a schedule huh a schedule I use them all the time to keep myself A1 perfectly organized [Music] who put each job on a card then we'll put all the cards in order from the closest job to the one that's farthest away that way minimize our travel time and maximize our work time [Music] of course we should also figure out how much time we can spend at each job if we want to finish by Monday [Music] so after we pull the weeds we'll have exactly 20 minutes to walk the dogs 25 minutes to mow the lawn etc etc which leaves us 45 minutes to pick apples at the rankins then on Monday morning we get our kite but only if we finish all our jobs so we have to stick to this schedule [Music] it was deep winter a time when the whole world seems snowy and cold here we are [Music] this year was the snowiest and coldest ever come on [Music] foreign [Music] it was so cold the jumpy squirrel had decided to move indoors the house had everything it was warm it was quiet and thanks to jumpy it had lots of nuts haha [Music] it is cold in here let's turn up the heat [Music] the man and the monkey were back jumpy had to get out fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] but no sooner was he out than he wanted back in luckily jumpy had a lot of in and Outdoors [Music] now he just needed to sneak past the monkey but monkeys have very sharp ears [Music] hi [Music] dude [Music] oh no [Music] well I'll be we're gonna have to fix that there we go hi George huh [Music] we can't leave holes in the house all the heat will get out no jumpy needs to stay outside there's more food for him out here he'll be happier in his own home George wasn't so sure about that and neither was jumpy it was way too cold his door was sealed shut [Music] but jumpy still had another squirrel door upstairs [Music] what was that uh-huh yep your friend jumpy has been very busy no wonder the house is so drafty okay [Music] we have got to insulate this house huh insulate it means keep the warm air in and the cold air out [Music] okay cold ready or not here we come first the man sealed around the windows [Music] yeah the caulk is squishy so you can fill the holes and keep cold air out you want to try [Music] Italian chefs have a word for perfectly cooked spaghetti Al Dente which means not too hard and not too soft tonight Chef piscetti's pasta was not Al Dente it was glass did I hear her did she come back [Music] I think something's bothering chef pisketti [Music] I cannot concentrate under my cooking because of my beloved on me Daddy the accordion ah here we go again [Music] no more happy times what her play had a pesto now gnocchi only stays for breakfast and then poof we don't see her till bedtime why what did I do oh she used to play in the alley all the day oh look here she is on an old canvas drop cloth that someone threw out the way she clauded I think she was afraid of it oh and the old cardboard boxes those were always getting in her way oh those old carpets she like them but they always made her first so dirty and there she is waiting by the old wooden door oh she scratched and scratched wanting to go to go so I got I got with the cat daughter hey she can't mess this one up it's metal and I cleaned the garbage out of the outlet to make it neat for hell but the next day she's a vamos [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you think gnocchi likes burritos better than Bolognese gnocchi would never do that no well maybe no ah I cannot take it anymore I must know where she's eating these burritos why not follow her me follow a gnocchi oh the scampering the leaping ah the chef was right you had to be a cat to follow a cat or a monkey [Laughter] you will follow my gnocchi if gnocchi was eating burritos George would find out but early the next morning instead of going to a burrito place [Music] gnocchi went to a boat but why wouldn't gnocchi go to a boat [Music] George was determined to find out [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] maybe there were burritos in those bags [Music] show the chef pretty city committee pod number seven come to order George was honored when Steve asked him to be part of his pod as you know the mayor has declared today's City prettification day that's right Steve pods will be Fanning out all over the city to pick up litter and we'll make the city pretty right again Steve later this afternoon I will pick a winner odds will be judged according to the prettiness of their streets the amount of trash they collect and their can-do Spirit Steve asked me to mention that the winning pod will get their picture on this pretty city poster [Music] ah can't you just see my face I mean our pod plastered all over the city good luck pod seven I'll see you at three o'clock sharp for the judging I expect great prettification okay everyone you know your assignments let's go I wrote it down in my litter log and does everyone have an official pretty city committee trash bag yeah [Music] foreign excellent then let's go make our city pretty seven seven that's our pod we're gonna do a super job George's assignment was to clean up his own Street but Georgia Street was already pretty pretty [Music] hey hey you're welcome to take whatever you want just put what you don't want back in the boxes okay well at least George now had a job to do wait a minute why would anybody throw out a pirate ship even if it was a little broken [Music] George really wanted to keep it oh George decided to use one of his bags for trash and the other for treasure foreign [Music] this Heart-Shaped Box was definitely treasure he could use it to store pictures [Music] they might unlock something really interesting George found more things to add to his treasures [Music] and what was that George didn't know but it was shiny and it made a nice click [Music] George also kept the square Pig the red bottle which was the same color as the heart box [Music] and of course he couldn't throw out this painted whatever it was [Music] or the round glasses foreign [Music] George's sack of treasures filled up fast he needed to empty it [Music] oh [Music] every monkey needs a blue watch [Music] and a couple of yellow ducks [Music] Italian chefs have a word for perfectly cooked spaghetti Al Dente which means not too hard and not too soft tonight Chef piscetti's pasta was not Al Dente it was glass did I hear her did she come back [Music] I think something's bothering chef pisketti [Music] I cannot concentrate under my cooking because of my beloved people got to has abandoned me nothing the accordion ah here we go again [Music] no more happy times what watching her play had a pesto now gnocchi only stays for breakfast and then poof we don't see her till bedtime why what did I do oh she used to play in the alley all the day oh look here she is on an old canvas drop cloth that someone threw out the way she clawed at it I think she was afraid of it oh and the old cardboard boxes those were always getting in her way hot those old carpets she liked them but they always made her first so dirty and there she is waiting by the old wooden door oh she scratched and scratched and screwed wanted to go to go so I got it a new one with the cat daughter hey she can't mess this one up it's metal and I cleaned the garbage out of the Ellet to make it neat for hell but the next day she's a vamos [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you think gnocchi likes burritos better than Bolognese gnocchi would never do that no well maybe no ah I cannot take it anymore I must know where she's eating these burritos why not follow her me follow a gnocchi oh the scampering the leaping ah the chef was right you had to be a cat to follow a cat or a monkey [Laughter] you will follow my gnocchi if gnocchi was eating burritos George would find out but early the next morning instead of going to a burrito place [Music] gnocchi went to a boat but why wouldn't Yoki go to a boat [Music] George was determined to find out [Applause] foreign [Music] maybe there were burritos in those bags [Music] show the chef George loved to travel [Music] he's traveling with his friend Marco [Music] here we are [Music] hey George what is this Marco hola Professor Wiseman all ready for a weekend in the sun yeah okay all set since you paddled out I'll paddle back hmm where are the paddles don't need them we're walking huh the Raptors for the boys and the luggage but how can they touch bottom it's low tide plus we're standing on a sandbar it's a big pile of sand only underwater the tide brought it in huh you remember the tide George the moon pulls on the ocean and makes the water come in and go out [Music] wait until you see the tidal pool the tide makes those too sounds fun George and Marco were Amazed by the tidal pools what do you guys think look at all this it had fish starfish and anemones and clams [Music] hey if you dig deep enough maybe you'll find buried treasure oh very treasure ah rumor has it the early explorers buried some around here somewhere no one's ever found it hey I bet we could find it [Music] but finding buried treasure was harder than they thought the problem with looking for buried treasure on the beach is there's too much Beach ah you know what we should do we should make our own buried treasure [Music] luckily monkeys always have lots of treasure with them [Music] treasure we can use the Box my mommy put the toothpaste and stuff in hahaha [Music] [Laughter] I haven't put in any treasure [Music] silver wolf my uncle made it in honor of our band Lobos de Plata it's my favorite thing ever foreign [Music] now we need a way to remember where it's buried oh [Music] good idea we could measure from the pier [Music] um the treasure is five Giant George steps away from the post with the Rope on it [Music] [Music] [Applause] a dolphin it was deep winter a time when the whole world seems snowy and cold here we are [Music] but this year was the snowiest and coldest ever come on [Music] it was so cold that jumpy squirrel had decided to move indoors the house had everything it was warm it was quiet and thanks to jumpy it had lots of nuts [Music] it is cold in here let's turn up the heat [Music] the man and the monkey were back jumpy had to get out fast foreign [Applause] [Music] ER was he out than he wanted back in luckily jumpy had a lot of in and out doors [Music] now he just needed to sneak past the monkey but monkeys have very sharp ears [Music] dude [Music] oh no [Music] well I'll be we're gonna have to fix that there we go hi George [Music] we can't leave holes in the house all the heat will get out no jumpy needs to stay outside there's more food for him out here he'll be happier in his own home [Music] George wasn't so sure about that and neither was jumpy it was way too cold his door was sealed shut [Music] but jumpy still had another squirrel door upstairs [Music] what was that huh yep your friend jumpy has been very busy oh no wonder the house is so drafty okay [Music] we have got to insulate this house hell insulate it means keep the warm air in and the cold air out [Music] okay cold ready or not here we come first the man sealed around the windows [Music] yeah the caulk is squishy so you can fill the holes and keep cold air out you want to try laughs [Music] it was a great day to fly a kite with a friend kite flying friends are forever whoa even if good weather isn't it [Music] hey come back here [Music] all right [Music] [Music] I think we need a new kite [Music] Bill and George took their piggy banks to the store to buy a new kite let's get that one George [Music] the kite We Gotta Buy hahaha [Music] okay let's see what we've got [Music] that's two three fifty five seven eighty five eighty six eighty seven we need more no no oh we don't have enough money George you know you could put the kite on layaway you give us part of the money now and we'll save the kite for you until you have the rest [Music] how long would you like us to hold it well we'll have to find some jobs and earn the money today's Friday which gives us all weekend um we can come back for the kite first thing on Monday Monday it is [Music] George let's go let's huh [Music] hello Mr Quint this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent George and I were wondering if you had any um jobs you'd like done this weekend you do great thank you yes we'll be there right on time [Music] [Laughter] this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent okay and then after we pull the weeds we'll go over here and walk the dogs then over here and mow the lawn then to the lake and paint the shed then to the farm and pick apples then we rake more leaves clean a garage wash the windows stack some cans what's the matter [Music] oh you're right it is kind of confusing [Music] and it's a lot to do [Music] I got it everything organized we make a schedule huh a schedule I use them all the time to keep myself A1 perfectly organized [Music] who put each job on a card then we'll put all the cards in order from the closest job to the one that's farthest away that way minimize our travel time and maximize our work time [Music] of course we should also figure out how much time we can spend at each job if we want to finish by Monday but hey no problem [Music] so after we pull the weeds we'll have exactly 20 minutes to walk the dogs 25 minutes to mow the lawn etc etc which leaves us 45 minutes to pick apples at the rankins then on Monday morning we get our kite but only if we finish all our jobs so we have to stick to this schedule [Music] George loved going to Mabel's department store [Music] I know there's a lot you like to do here but let's not stay too long okay I just need to buy some shoelaces [Music] George did have a lot of stuff he liked to do at Mabel's in the TV Department he liked to see how many monkeys he could become over at gift wrap he liked to help the lady tie up packages and he really liked to ride the escalator always remembering to hold on to the rails [Music] George over here what do you think huh yeah I like them too oh and thanks for checking in Place George love best was the kids Department [Music] [Laughter] haha George saw something he'd never seen before [Music] where did the train come from and where did it go [Music] George had to find out [Music] foreign [Music] so that's where it came from that little lamp on the table [Music] George found that when the train moved across his hand it got a lot smaller [Music] so he thought he'd try and experiment sure enough when the lamp was close to the screen the train got smaller but as the lamp got further away the train got bigger that's really something huh you want to see how it works now see how the train has been cut out of the lampshade now the light shines through it and voila and if you don't like trains we've got ponies or race cars aardvarks now that George knew how the lampshade worked he couldn't wait to get home and make one meanwhile The Man with the Yellow Hat was waiting to pay for his new clothes sorry George I still have to pay but it shouldn't take too long [Music] I hope [Music] only seven people ahead of me [Music] five more people and then it's my turn [Music] three more to go I'll be out in the jiffy [Music] listen why don't you go home and I'll meet you there [Music] fables will be closing in five minutes please make your purchases now I'm trying okay George couldn't wait for his light picture to move across his own room huh but wait how did it move Maple's department store is now closed please make your way to the exit [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 757,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: _iJTgoZ1gpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 1sec (4321 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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