Morphle Family III | Morphle's Family | My Magic Pet Morphle | Kids Cartoons

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[Music] [Music] hi glitter pug can you turn me into a more full again [Music] hi morphle have you seen oh is that you milo yes i want to practice morphing so i can help more full on our adventures great idea can you turn me into a mortal too me too awesome now we can look for dinosaurs as a dinosaur [Music] uh oh it's easy to get into trouble when you can't control your morphs let's go after troy let's morph into robots morphle [Music] i'll stick to my trusty rocket morph whoa flying is tiring but not with rockets [Music] wow this looks like a place dinosaurs live [Music] i'm okay i'm okay i haven't seen a single dinosaur [Music] maybe i should morph into a dinosaur myself [Music] what was that [Music] we need to find troy but the baby i'll keep the baby monkey safe don't worry [Music] no dinosaurs here either [Music] [Applause] why are there no dinosaurs elephant i'll help the elephant you go after troy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hi morphle have you seen any dinosaurs there are no dinosaurs here because they lived in the past you're the only dinosaur here and scared all the other animals oh oh [Music] hi monkeys are you looking for your baby let's bring you back together [Music] i'm glad everyone is okay i'm really sorry for causing all this trouble i just wanted to play with dinosaurs [Music] please [Music] [Music] mila and morphle have you finished tidying your room i'm waiting to clean it um not yet daddy [Music] more full morph into a digger to tidy our toys [Music] oh no i forgot to do my school art project and it's due tomorrow let's do it together more full morph into a paintbrush [Music] mila morphle wanna play i have to do my art project and maybe just for a while oops now look what you kids have done my garden is a mess can you sweep up the leaves please sorry yes mr vanderbilt morph into a broom to sweep the leaves more full mila marvel i need your help there's an emergency in the city i don't know who to help first i wish i could help you all but there's only one mila but there can be more milas with magic pet doublers doubling powers [Music] doubler please multiply me one two three four times [Music] [Music] [Applause] not in my city you're under arrest for attempted cake theft [Music] glad you're here can you deliver this beautiful cake detroit's house please of course doubler can you double me again please [Music] morphing to a police car again more full let's deliver this cake morph into a race car [Music] huh wait [Music] here you go thank you so much moistful morph into a broom mournful morph into a digger more full morph into a ball [Music] more full morph into a police car morph into a paintbrush [Music] i'm sorry morphle i'm the real mila can you please finish all the other milas [Music] okay we've got important work to do [Music] thanks for helping us bandits now we have some time left to take you to the police station [Music] yay marvel morph into a tunnel for them [Music] thanks anime that was fun anime's powers to bring things to life never ceases to amaze me look it's you anemi only in the mirror world can mirror and mimi come out and play with the nimi i do not think that would be such a good idea mila the mirror world magic pet's powers are well different and sometimes they can cause trouble in our world i'm sure it will be fine come on out muffler okay let's go more full morph into a race car yay [Music] where do you think you're going come back here oh my that's not good [Music] let's see if the mayor has finally replied to our complaints about the magic pets [Music] huh did i say complaints what i meant was [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] no wait i need to go to the hospital to care for my patients huh more for one erase [Music] uh oh we gotta stop eenie after the mortal [Music] let's say firefighter gerpen morph long arms morphle ah morphin umbrella [Music] and he's out of control we need to get mirror and nene back where he belongs okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i've got some tickets to write i still need to go to the hospital and i have a lady to save [Music] i don't have anything to do i screams for everyone [Music] the storm really did a number on the beach wow missy hmm let's go clean it up more full morph into a digger [Music] um stein is this yours what do you have there it looks like a treasure map a treasure map let me see look it leads to the beach maybe we can find treasure there let's go there that's better don't you think yeah it's a clue maybe we can make a treehouse out of all this what ouch yeah i just bumped my toe on what is it more full can you dig this out [Music] whoa it's a treasure chest wow pirates at the treasure maybe [Music] i can't get it open we're at the beach now where's the treasure hey look stein it's mila and mourful maybe we can ask them what are they doing here oh look stein they found the treasure chest say what hey let go of that that's ours oh no it's the bandits [Music] don't run away give us the chest [Music] get back here you [Music] more full [Music] please just give us the treasure chest no ah we found it fair and square but we have the map so it belongs to us but we found the chest first ah just give it here no no [Music] why do these toys look somehow familiar oh look yawn don't you remember mr teddy mister eddie there you are oh i thought i lost oh i guess it really was the bandit's treasure i love you mr teddy [Music] mortal morph into a mr action figure [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] what is oh no if you give us a magic pet we'll give you milan more full back you know where to find us [Music] please turn into a superhero suit to help daddy rescue us huh okay wow [Music] look stein [Music] i can't see mila and morphle anymore oh for shall we arthur and work together yes let's find the bandits but i have no idea where they live now here what oh now here too [Music] um hey put my house back down sorry they're not hiding underneath the house where can we look next the police station [Music] now here garbage now i remember the bandits live at the garbage dump i have an idea how to get mila and morphle back awful can you morph into a different magic pet [Music] whoa stop it you're so annoying what is taking him so long we'll never get a magic pet like this you should have told him where we live ha let's go find him [Applause] [Music] daddy keep going morphle stop it have you got a magic pet for us i sure do here's the magic pet orphan the anime fan we have a magic pet style [Music] we need to get ortho back don't worry mila oh what can you do pandit yawn yawn where are you i wonder where bandit yorn went you and dorf will make a great team daddy we sure did [Music] there you go now the tea party can begin [Music] i know how we can make this even more fun anime can you bring the toys to life with your magic powers [Music] now this looks like a party hey mila and morphle could i borrow enemy for a bit there's something i could really use his help with sure daddy looks like a mimi will be happy to help [Music] hey little t-rex leave the baby alone you have your own cup [Music] come on play nicely together [Music] incra make the t-rex bigger as well so they can play together no incra that's way too big oh no incra is too tired to use any magic powers [Music] we need to stop them before something bad happens [Music] help heal giant baby on the loose great catch let me hand you this award no time we need to keep moving more full [Music] attention no big babies or dinosaurs on the buildings in my city [Music] [Music] oh no we need to help police officer freeze morphle morph into a superhero t-rex [Music] thanks marvel [Music] uh-oh we need to get them away from the city before they really make a mess morph into a helicopter more full [Music] do you want the helicopter well follow us [Music] who wants to play [Music] whew finally some rest right ink rock ruffles have water ruffle super [Music] your powers are backing girl hey everyone [Music] oh well i guess we can play for a little longer [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] action hi police officer freeze you don't look so hot shouldn't you be at home i can't milla i'm the only police officer in my city who will stop crime if i'm at home hmm my daddy can be a police officer for a day right daddy what more full morph into a police suit for daddy [Music] oh thank you keep my city safe will ya look bandits [Music] what are you doing there oh we're we're keeping the mayor's chain safe while he's sleeping yeah that's it oh that's kind of you i heard there's a lot of crime in this city um yeah bye huh let's stop some crime morphle [Applause] oh my mayoral chain and you'll never guess what i heard next ladies ladies what's the latest well you know my youngest ryan he can't you see we're talking [Music] thank you morphle [Music] they're so loud i'll give them a reason to be loud go so nice of you to let the kids play with barky yeah that's what they're doing playing [Music] what you can't just block the road whenever you want but there's a hole i'm getting pretty good at stopping crying [Music] thieves give back my chain [Music] don't worry mr mayor they're only keeping it safe luke stein mila's dad is chasing us [Music] wonderful phew thank you bandits for keeping this chain safe wait did you just make that hole in the ground you're going to jail for that for the hole and that's how you stop crying morphle [Music]
Channel: Morphle's Family
Views: 10,127,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morphle, cartoon, mila and Morphle, cartoons for kids, baby tv, dinosaurs for kids, morphle tv, educational video for children, morfol, wheels on the bus, vehicles for kids, cartoons for children, Little Baby Bum, toy, dinosaurs, learn, magic hero animals, monster, super hero, learning, fun kids video, kids tv, toddler preschool animation, animated series for kids
Id: XK8RsNfxCjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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