A Turtle's Tale 2: Sammy's Escape From Paradise | Full Animated Adventure Movie | Family Central

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(GIGGLES) Ow. Oh. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) Woo-hoo! Phew. Hi, there. Hi. Look at you. You are a really cute little guy, you know. (PANTING) (GRUNTS) Do you need some help? No. I'm okay. I can do it myself. (PANTING) (GRUNTING) RITA: You look like a real fighter. I'll call you Ricky. Cool. Good luck on your journey, my little adventurer. (RAY SNORING) Well, they don't stay cute forever, that's for sure. Ray, honey, it's time. RAY: (YAWNS) What? If you'd get your head out of the sand you could. Wait. Let me get my head outta the sand. (YAWNING) Now what did you say, baby boo? Uh, it's hatch time, it's almost over. Why didn't you say so in the first place. Let me sleep my life away, miss all the fun. Uh-huh, always my fault. (CHUCKLES) (WHINING) SAMMY: Let me help you out, Ella. (GRUNTING) Ah. Hello. You look just like your mother. And who are you? I'm your grandfather. So, now what do I do now? Just go to the sea. Grandma will help you. Oh, that looks like fun. (BABY TURTLES WHOOPING) Shelly, honey. Just a few more and we're done. Okay. I'll be right back. SHELLY: Is everybody ready? Yeah. Hold on. Here we go. Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! (WHOOPING) How many we got left? Almost finished. Oh, oh, Sammy, behind you. (ELLA SCREAMING) SAMMY: Hey, watch it, bird. Ah! Hurry. Hurry, kids. (BABBLES) Oh. That was a low blow. Leave us alone. Hey, beat it, bait breath. Oh, so sorry, but no can do-ee. A bird's gotta eat, you know. ELLA: Help. Not on my watch, bird. What do you want from us? Get lost. It's the young ones we're after. I mean, will you look at your two? You're ancient. Which means... Hey, hey. (BLOWS RASPBERRY) Not too tasty. Look, Ray, there's more. (TURTLES SCREAMING) Oh, my fave. Sand sushi. Hey, stay away from them. (GRUNTS) (LAUGHING) I got dibs on the one wrapped in seaweed. (LAUGHS) Oh, do save me some, boys. I'll take care of these old geezers. Oh, yeah? Stand still and I'll show you what an old turtle is made of. (LAUGHS) Back off. (GRUNTS) (LAUGHS) Nice try. Can we move any slower? (BABBLES) (LAUGHS) You're gonna regret this. SEAGULL 1: You two can do better than that. What a mismatch we got here. (LAUGHS) Fly, fly, fly. (GASPS) CAPTAIN: We got 'em. FISHERMAN: Oy, what about other turtles? These two will do. Ah. Cinch up the net. What about the bird? We keep him, too, man. My cousin, he likes them for barbecue. Deep fries them up real nice, he does. (SQUAWKING) Sammy? CAPTAIN: Keep the heads down. (GROANS) Ray, we've got to save the hatchlings. Try pushing them through the net. (STRUGGLING) CAPTAIN: Oh, they're strong. Oh, no, Ray. Hurry, Ella, run to the sea. Go, go, go. Hey, be careful. CAPTAIN: Don't let them get out. FISHERMAN: Grab that side, Captain. Grandpa, wait. FISHERMAN: This is the best catch yet, huh, Captain? Yeah. I don't want to leave you. SAMMY: It's okay, sweetie. Quick. Go tell grandma to wait for us here, we'll find a way out. (YELLS) But, I wanna help, too. CAPTAIN: Push. Ray. Oh, no. Stay away, baby boo. We'll... We'll be back. I hope. Oh, no, honey. (TURTLES PANTING) Sammy. (GRUNTS) (STRUGGLING) I got it. Let me help you. (GRUNTS) It's too high, Ray. (STRUGGLING) Look out. Where do you think you're going? You stay in there. (SAMMY GASPS) Hey, watch out there, Bubba. You darn near cracked me open. This here situation is a total disaster. I recommend an immediate withdrawal. (LAUGHS) What's your problem? I'm feelin' like I'm 'bout to go all wobbly in the claws. Don't you pump and a dump in here. What? You know, number one, number two... Uh, yeah, got it. We're trapped in a loony bin. Are the birds gone? I don't know. I don't see any. Where are we? (LAUGHS) Upside down. (CHAIN RATTLING) BOTH: Whoa. Yeah. That was fun. What was that? Hi, Grandpa. Oh, no. What are they doing in here? Things have just gone from bad to worse. We need to get them off this boat before it's too late. Too late for what, Grandpa? We wanna help. What now? Getting you two out of here. But we wanna stay with you. Uh-uh. Ray, give us a boost here. I saw a big bird. Where? SAMMY: It's okay. He's in a cage. Good. Where he belongs. (GRUNTS) Hold on. I'm thinking. Maybe if we help him, he'll help us. Are you serious? I'd be careful. You can never trust a bird. Oh. (LAUGHS) No, no. Don't even think about it. Hey. Bird. I got a deal for you. Hmm, a deal? I get you out of there, you get the little ones back into the sea. (LAUGHS) It's a deal. And you don't eat them. Ah, there's always a catch. Okay, hang on tight, here we go. I tell you what I'm gonna do. I will swear off turtle meat. From now on I am strictly vegan. CAPTAIN: Get that bird off my boat! Yeah, and maybe a sardine or two. Nice plan, Sammy. Yeah, I know. Shut your pie-hole. Oh, now, that there is just plain rude. Boys, come on. I gots to apologize for y'all now. They've just been flapping their gums silly, is all. My name is Lulu La Morte. Three "L's," one "E." CAPTAIN: Give me a hand with this, brother. He be after the catch. I guess we really are trapped. Okay, that's good. Hey, little help over here? What's the matter, man? Too heavy for you? (BIRDS SQUAWKING) Look out. (YELLING) What was that? I'm going in. I'm going in. FISHERMAN 2: Look out, look out, here they come. (EXCLAIMING) CAPTAIN: What's going on out here? (SCREAMS) Get out of here! FISHERMAN 1: <i> Tasukete!</i> Ow. (LAUGHING) RICKY: Woo-hoo! Ah, it's all over me, man. FISHERMAN 2: (LAUGHS) They got you good. FISHERMAN 1: These birds have gone crazy. Ah, it's nasty. I've been hit. Am I bleeding? (LAUGHS) Negatory, but you stink like a hairy clam in a hot tub. Get out of here! (SCREAMS) Oh. Oh. My <i> oshiri! </i> (SCREAMS) (LAUGHS) Yeah. Woo-hoo. Okee-dokey. I've got room here for two hatchlings. No, Grandpa, no. I don't have all day. Ah, <i> bakayo.</i> You not get away with this. Come on, now. I don't like this. Grandpa, no. Come on, bird. Not so funny now, huh? (YELLS) Huh? (LAUGHS) You win some, you lose some. (LAUGHS) See you. Ah, you come back again, you not so lucky. Okay, close the holding tank and clean up this mess. I've had enough of these birds. ELLA: (LAUGHS) That was awesome. Yeah. Ew. There's a dead fish in here. That's a strange fish. Look at his nose. He's funny-looking. Is he really dead? I think so. What do you think happened to him? I think the humans must have... (BOTH SCREAM) (CHUCKLES) Uh, somebody swallow some bad clams or what? You have really big eyes. All the ladies say that. Reflex thing. No big whoop. The name's Jimbo. I'm Ella. That's Ricky. Those are our grandfathers. Hey. What's up? They say we're trapped in here. Any idea where they might be taking us? Well, first time I got caught, they threw me right back in. Said I was too small and too ugly. Can you believe that? Second time, they hauled me off to the Big Tank. And that would be where? Up north. Whole lot of fish up there. My guess is that's where we're headed. Are they gonna eat us? Oh. No, no. They actually feed us three square meals a day. Right now, any place but in here sounds like paradise to me. Yeah, well, that depends. There are, shall we say, certain elements to contend with. That doesn't sound good. (GRUNTING) MANAGER: What do you have for me today? I've got your turtles, man. Oh. Fantastic. Very nice specimens. Just what I needed. How about the big lobster, boss? And the blob fish. Hmm. You're trying to sell me a dead fish? No, he ain't dead. You see, man? He not dead at all. Good, 'cause we lost one last year. Okay, I'll take him. But, I am not so sure about the lobster. Boss, consider it my present to you. You can eat him if you don't want him in the aquarium. MANAGER: I'm vegetarian. CAPTAIN: Oh, I didn't know that. (WHISPERS) I don't like him. Come on, let's hide. MANAGER: Or should I be looking elsewhere? CAPTAIN: No, boss. I'll make good on my promise. For sure. (ARABIC POP SONG PLAYING) (HUMMING) (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING) Hmm. Hmm. (CHUCKLES) Ah. What's this? Hmm. Much better now. (PHONE RINGS) (GRUNTS) WOMAN ON INTERCOM: <i> Sir, our special</i> <i> guests have arrived.</i> (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) Can I offer you a cocktail? Oh, yes. Thank you. Look, they look like royalty. Wow. Look at this place. So many fish. I told you. This is going to be the best birthday party ever. Ah. Welcome to Burj Al Bar, Your Highness. We here at the Pearl of the Sea are delighted to host your birthday party. Right this way, Your Highness. Look! Crazy penguins. Your Highness, ours is the largest underwater aquarium in the entire world. Here, we've recreated five marine ecosystems. I assure you, it will be a most enjoyable experience for you and your guests. Race you guys to the bottom. PRINCE 3: Wait for me. (UPBEAT MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING) You'll be pleased to know that we have introduced some new species into our aquarium just in time for your visit. There we have a green sea turtle. PRINCE 2: This is great. PRINCE 3: Yes. PRINCE 1: Oh, wow. Look how big that turtle is. Wow, he's huge. MANAGER: And next to him is a very large leatherback. PRINCE 1: Oh, magnificent. Humans under water? What is this place? I thought I'd seen it all. But, this is some strange stuff going on in here. SPC on deck, sir. Say what? SPC? Split personality crustacean. (LAUGHS) I'll be quiet now. Ray, have you seen Ricky and Ella? No, I haven't. I thought they were off-loaded after we were. This is a big place. They probably wandering around or maybe they got thrown back in. Whoa. Showtime. (YELLS) He's really scary-looking. (LAUGHS) And ugly, too. (LAUGHS) Oh, that's our blob fish. Crazy-looking eyes, huh, kids? Jimbo, we need to find the little ones. Ah, welcome, <i> amigos.</i> Jimbo! <i> Mi brochacho!</i> You're looking good for a <i> muerto</i> fish. <i> Muerto,</i> what the... Dead. I'll explain later. Ray, Sammy, meet Manuel. Manuel La Luna de Loco, to be exact, at your service. Ah, <i> mi amor.</i> Look who it is. Ah, Jimbo. (CHUCKLES) You missed me so much you came back from the dead? Okay, somebody needs to explain the dead part. Toots. My favorite clown fish. (CHUCKLES) What's the joke of the day? Why is a fish easy to weigh? (LAUGHS) Beats me. 'Cause he has his own scales. Nice. (LAUGHS) That's a good one. And you must be Sammy and Ray. Actually, it's the other way around. Well, whoever you are, remember if this place gets you down, Toots will cheer you up. (LAUGHS) We're not sticking around here long enough to get depressed. Once we find the little ones we're outta here. I'll keep an eye peeled. (LAUGHS) So, you have a plan? We'll think of something. (LAUGHS) That's what all the newbies say. It's not that simple, <i> mi compadre.</i> (EXCLAIMS) (LAUGHING) Yes, <i> papi's</i> right. <i> Mira,</i> If you want to escape, you have to go through Big D. Trust me, there's no other way. Where do we find this Big D? Ah, he finds you. You don't mess with the D. He rules this place with an iron fin. (EVIL LAUGHTER) We be all clean and ship-shape, Captain. You can flush it out now. Okay. Stand clear. Grandpa? Jimbo? Where'd everybody go? (SCREAMS) Now what's happening? Hold on. Grab onto me. I can't. It's too strong. (GRUNTS) Whoa! Ricky! Now what are we supposed to do? Watch out. Marco. Huh? Should we do it? What do you mean "we"? You should do it. Why... Why me? Because you're smoother. (CHUCKLES) Oh. You're just saying that. No, no, no, no, it's true. You are like silky, oyster smooth. (CHUCKLES) Psst. Boss? You see? Smooth. Maybe a little louder, but gentle. Yoo-hoo, boss. What, what? What do you want? (BOTH EXCLAIM) Jimbo, he's back. Jimbo? Jimbo? Like in "supposed to be dead" Jimbo? He don't look dead no more, boss. And, oh, yeah, we just got in two ginormous turtles. Oh, yeah. <i> Gigantesque.</i> You are killing me here. We get two walking air-breathers and you don't tell me. But we just found out. You two have the combined IQ of a grain of sand. Oh, and one more thing, uh, D. Your cousin, the one with the crazy accent? Yeah, yeah, Tremaine. What about him? You are not going to believe this, boss. We caught him trying to bust out last night. (SPEAKING FRENCH) What a dope. He's a couple of clams short of a chowder. Get my drift? Yes, but we have one little problem, boss. <i> Probleme.</i> He is saying it was your idea... (TSKS) ...and you don't have a friggin' clue. (EXCLAIMS) His words. How to get out of here. (SPEAKING FRENCH) Hmm. <i> Digame,</i> Jimbo, what was it like being on the outside again? (GRUNTS) Worked for me. Ah, you missed the free food in here, huh, Jimbo? (LAUGHS) (LAUGHS) Ah, you got me. And you guys, too, of course. Sammy. I haven't eaten in at least two, three hours. I'm suddenly very hungry. Ahhh! Relax, I only eat jellies. You know the small, tender ones. (WHISPERS) Hey, we've got company. Well, well. If it isn't the mug that sunk 1,000 ships. How's it going, Big D? As good as ever. But you, you were supposed to be dead. I'm still waiting to hear that story. Hey, watch your mouth. The boss does not like to be interrupted. Ah, sorry to disappoint you, Big D. Disappoint me? (LAUGHS) I'm ecstatic. You proved my escape plan worked. Actually, it was my plan. What? (LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) My mistake, your plan. Whatever. You got out. Welcome to my world in the middle of Jabip, or wherever we are. (LAUGHING) (CHUCKLES) Okay. Enough. What say we go take a swim around the neighborhood, huh? Get to know each other. Come on. I won't bite. (CHUCKLES) Very hard. Some nerve, huh? If he was a jelly... You know what I mean? Just play along. We have to find Ricky and Ella. What's with him? (BANGING) What can I say? Ah. Pay no attention. Albert's lost his mind. This joint can do that to you. Hi, Albert. What's that door for? Hmm. Can't we just... Forget about it. If it was that easy, we'd already be out of here. Whoa, that was some blowhole. Hey, Big D, hold up. Where are those bubbles coming from? It's a filtration system. Too narrow, even for me. So check this place out. Nice, huh? Looks like some kind of ancient temple for a king. <i> Magnifique, hein?</i> <i> Fantastique.</i> No bout adout it. Boss, I think you have an intruder. What? Where? SAMMY: Hey, that's our friend Lulu. Who let him into my place? What do you mean "your place"? I mean it's a restricted area. A no-swim zone. <i> Capisce?</i> (GASPS) Who does he think he is? Let him go. He's with us. All right, all right, release him. Hey, you. When and if you need to talk to me, you check with my two assistants here first. Never in my life have I been subjected to this kind of cruel and hostile treatment. Keep a tight claw. They can torture us all they want. Hold on. Speak for yourself. Listen, nobody's gettin' tortured here. In fact, I got a mission for you, soldier. At your command, sir. What kinda mission? A covert mission. It will be dangerous. Are you ready? We're ready as rain, sir. BIG D: Nice in here, don't you think? (ITALIAN MUSIC PLAYING) SNOW CRAB: Hey, hey, hey, Big D. Good to see you. How's it going, my friend? I'm beautiful. Any more trouble from the halibut? Not since you had that conversation with them. I truly appreciate it. Call it positive reinforcement. I owe you. You do. (ITALIAN MUSIC CONTINUES) They're with me. Give us some light over here. And watch your head, big guys. Hey, guys. You makin' headway down here or what? (METAL CLANGING) Please, don't let me interrupt. Keep up the good work, boys. What are they digging for? It's a tunnel to get us outta here. Come on, seriously? Hey, crabs dig. It's what they do. And it keeps them occupied. (FISH TALKING INDISTINCTLY) Oh, hi, Big D. Hiya, cutie. So, um, how are we doing with the escape plan. Oh, if you don't mind me asking. I'm workin' on it, sweetheart. You'll be the first to know. I promise. I am counting on you, Big D. So, let me get this straight, you're planning to get them all out of here? Each and every one of them. (CHUCKLES) Looks like you're getting the VIP tour. Big D must have something big in store for you two. Is that a good or bad thing? JAIL FISH JAX: Big D, Big D. Now what? (LAUGHING NERVOUSLY) I'm losing my mind. We gotta talk. Settle down, Jax. Now, what's the problem? They're watching me. Yeah, so? Constantly. It's the faces. (HYPERVENTILATING) The faces. Now here is what you're gonna do. You're gonna pull yourself together. You understand me, Jax? So, what's his story? What can I say? Some fish in here just can't take the pressure. You never know who's gonna blow a gill next. Could be you or could be you. I can't. I can't. It's the eyes. They're burning holes in me. (EXCLAIMS) Come on, let's leave this unsavoriness behind us, go talk some business. You two are gonna be very useful to me. We're not doing anything until we find the little ones. What little ones? Our grandkids. Have you seen them anywhere in here? Nope. Are you sure? Hey, they ain't in here. I'd know. Like I was saying, you and your large friend here are going to help us bust out. Now you're talkin' my language. And how are we going to do that? I'll let you know when you need to know. <i> Capisce?</i> Kind of scary out here. Yeah, that's for sure. (SCREAMS) What's the problem? Something grabbed me. Hey! Let her go. Did you see what it was? No, I didn't. Oh, look. That's a strange little creature. It could be dangerous. (CHUCKLES) You're a funny-looking hatchling. I'm not a hatchling. I'm a otto-pus. (ELLA SCREAMS) Ah! Fish. How come they act so crazy? They do that when they're scared. Scared? Of what? Big, ugly fish with giant teeth. (DOLPHIN CLICKING) Wait for me here, I'll be right back. What do they do in there? They fix you up when there is something wrong with you. <i> Oui,</i> they do. The humans are not all bad, you know. <i> Parfois,</i> they help us. Come here. Oh! How are we feeling? Roll over. Let's take a look at that fin. Look at you. You are as good as new. We can release him tomorrow. Ah, perfect. Oh, here comes this evening's entertainment. Why don't you go say hello to my cousin for me, huh? (BOTH GASP) (NERVOUSLY) Oh, hey, hey there, guys. What's going on over here? Hello, Tremaine. Long time no see. Hey, what are you crowding me for? Tremaine. What's with the trash-talkin'? Wait, wait a second. No, you got it all wrong, cuz. Don't lie to me. No, no, no. I didn't say nothin'. I swear to you, on mother Pervacy's grave, come on. Nobody ever does nothing. (SIGHS) Tell you what. I'll let it slide this time. Family. What are you gonna do? You gotta keep 'em in line. Okay, enough of this. Let's head back to my place. Who does he think he is? He was a nobody back home. I got all the ladies. I heard that. Oh, no, no, no, no. I wasn't talking about you, I swear. Honest, I wasn't. Ice him. You're my favorite cousin. Come here, give me a kiss. This whole thing is a misunderstanding. No, no, no, no, no. Ahh! (CRYING) Ah, it ain't suppose to end this way. You're tough, boss. Very drastic. Shut up, will you? He got what he deserved. Besides, there ain't enough room for the two of us in here. Let him just chill out for a while. (LAUGHTER) (WHOOPING) Shh. What's the matter? We don't want whatever's out there to come back. (ALL SCREAMING) Annabel! You have to stop wandering off by yourself, sweetheart. But Momma... Oh, hush. You are running me ragged. You're disappearing all the time. And who are you? I'm Ella. And I'm Ricky. Are you gonna eat us? (LAUGHS) Oh, no, sweetie. I'm sorry if I scared you. Now, what are you two little ones doing out here all alone? We're looking for our grandfathers. They took them to the tank. The Big Tank? Uh-huh. Oh. Can you help us find them? Please. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) <i> Voila.</i> Look! There's that nasty man. Let's move in closer, soldier. There you are, madam. Enjoy, sir. You seeing what I am seeing? I can't bear to look. Suck it up, La Morte, and stop actin' like a blue-head in boot camp. I just can't do it. Your makin' me embarrassed to be in this here platoon. (GRUNTS) Assassins. Cold-blooded assassins, all of them. I know what you mean. Hey, it took us awhile to adjust, too. But in the end, this place is not so bad. Murderers! Murderers! Assassins are what them there humans are. They're gonna eat us, all of us. We're doomed in here. <i> Pobrecito,</i> must be lobster night. That's one way to get out. Hey, nobody gets a free ride out of here. Jimbo. You got out. How'd you do it? I died. Okay, that's it. You need to explain. Yeah, Jimbo, you need to tell us that story, 'cause we all thought you didn't make it. It was an accident, plain and simple. <i> See, humans come in here to clean these tanks up.</i> <i> I figured, if I played dead,</i> <i> they'd flush me</i> <i> back into the ocean.</i> <i> Easy as dead, flush, freedom.</i> <i> Everything was</i> <i> going</i> fantastico. <i> I'm thinking I'm home free.</i> <i> That is until...</i> (PHONE RINGING) Hi, honey. Yeah, I'm almost done here. I should be home in an hour or so. Sure, I can stop. Can you talk a bit louder? I can barely hear you. All right, let me write it down. Shoot. One shawarma, heavy on the hummus. JIMBO:<i> This guy's going on like</i> <i> he's stocking up for</i> <i> the end of the world.</i> <i> Meanwhile,</i> <i> I'm dry as a catfish</i> <i> on a hot tin roof.</i> CONSUELO: <i> We were all waiting</i> <i> for Jimbo to show up,</i> <i> and then Big D found out that Jimbo made a break for it</i> <i> and he went</i> muy loco <i> beans.</i> MANUEL: <i> Yes, Big D didn't like any of us "freelancing," as he called it.</i> JIMBO: <i> What Big D didn't know.</i> <i> I was actually a few gasps</i> <i> from being a hand roll.</i> <i> Finally, this guy hangs ups.</i> <i> I'm, like, "Flush me</i> <i> out of here already."</i> <i> But, no.</i> Hi, sweetie. It's me again. How many bottles of the mango lassi did you want me to pick up? <i> It was now or never.</i> <i> I had to muster up all I had,</i> <i> make a move.</i> <i> All of a sudden, wham.</i> RAY: <i> Wow.</i> <i> So, you were actually dead?</i> CONSUELO: <i> Yes, that's what</i> <i> everybody thought.</i> JIMBO: <i> Including me.</i> SAMMY: <i> So what happened?</i> JIMBO:<i> Well, Since you asked...</i> Ouch! (GASPING) Woo-hoo. And that's my dead story. Ooh, you got some freaky powers, Jimbo. Did you see anything that might help us get out of here? Careful, Sammy. Behind you. Big D is spying on us. Hey, what's with the gabfest? We need to get out of here, now. Somebody's gettin' itchy. Follow me. Hey, see that pipe up there? Freedom, baby. SAMMY: Which one? BIG D: Any one will do. You're in charge. You decide. Get in there, check it out. Give me the skinny. Oh, and, um, watch out for them penguins. They cannot be trusted. And how exactly are we supposed to reach it? Volunteerin' for duty, sir. There you go. Problem solved. Hey, cuz, how are you holding up? This here white stuff is colder than shrimp on ice. It's making me claw-strophobic. Let's go, Lulu, before we all freeze here. I was thinkin', maybe we should all turn around. Turn around? Stop thinkin' you wimp. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. (PENGUINS SCREECHING) Oh, look, it's Big D's escape plan, take eight. Uh, nine actually. Don't forget the sea slug, darling. He just shriveled away, didn't he? Ah, quite right. It appears someone's taken a wrong turn. ROSIE: Oh, but of course. Males not asking for directions? What's new, my dear? (BOTH LAUGHING) (GRUNTING) All right, Lulu, let's go. My flippers are freezing here. Let me help you up. I don't know about this here. Looks mighty tricky. Shut your mouth and focus, soldier. No, kids, stay away now. Uh, little slippery here. Whoa! Whoa! I'm losing my grip. I don't like this. We got to get off of here. Sammy, the ice is breaking up. Oh, no, no. ALL: Ahh! Ray. Where are you, Ray? (GRUNTING) Don't panic. I'll get you out. Hold on, buddy, hold on. (GRUNTS) It's too heavy. Get off the ice. Now. (GIGGLING) Rather pathetic, don't you think? To help or not to help? I suppose if we want any peace we must. Tuna time. (SCREECHING) Phew. Close call, Ray. Phew. Some plan. That was a suicide mission. Mission. Lulu? Where's Lulu? Yoo-hoo. Y'all still with us? What do you say we go down there and give them a helping claw? Stay with the mission, soldier. Continue recon duty. Whoa. LULU: (ECHOING) Medic! Poor Lulu. Oh, dear. That didn't sound very promising. That makes 10. But then, who's counting? What a way to go. But at least he went down with honor on the battlefield. That sure beats getting eaten by some human. (CRASHING) What the... By the way, you should know none of Big D's plans have ever worked. I hear you, loud and clear. Thank you. (EXCLAIMS) Oh, you are so bad. Yes, like taking sardines from a baby seal. (BOTH LAUGHING) Yeah, well, you know, he needed a slight attitude adjustment. A time-out. Cuz was always jealous of my success back home. Couldn't stand that I was getting' all the ladies. Anyway. (LAUGHS) I thought it was good way to break the ice between us. (LAUGHS) Here you are. So, what took you so long? You see anything useful or what? Ray almost got crushed to death. If you consider that useful. Ah, he's a tough guy. Hey, where's that loony lobster? I got a mission for him. He didn't make it out. Hey, what are you gonna do? Sometimes you get collateral damage. Know what I mean? Actually, I don't. That's okay. The important thing is you're safe. Maybe next time. It's not okay. Your plans are useless. (ALL EXCLAIMING) What? SAMMY: End of story. BIG D: You thought that was the whole plan? It was just a look-see. That crazy lobster was reckless. He wasn't even supposed to be there. And nobody told him to take a nose dive into the freezing water. You ain't pinnin' this one on me. Hey, if the shell fits, wear it. You got no idea how to get out of here. (ALL EXCLAIMING) Do you? Oh, so you wanna see somebody get out? I'll show you how to get out. Right now. (LAUGHS) You two ready? You good? Yeah, I'm good. You? I'm good. How about you? I'm good. Are you sure, because you look like you're coming down with something. Are you two finished? Yeah. I think so. (CHUCKLES) Okay. Let's see those pearly whites. You're serious? We didn't sign up for this. To be clear, Big D, you want us to go into his mouth? Trust me. Get on with it. You first. Me, why me? You're smaller, you go first. Age before beauty. Okay, but whatever you do, don't eat me. Now, clap your trap. Wow, it's dark in here. (CLATTERING) (EXCLAIMS) You swallowed him. (LAUGHING) BIG D: Oh, come on. You guys can't take a joke or what? Hey, Ricky, wake up. (YAWNS) What? The sun is up. Time to go. Good morning. Mmm. Oh, good morning. ELLA: Where's Annabel? There she is. Hi. Can we go play? No. I think it's time to go, right? Is the Big Tank far? Oh, it's gonna take us awhile. I hope we find Grandpa. I wanna meet your grandpa, too. Everybody hold on tight. Let's go. Hey, everybody, you are about to witness my brilliant plan come true. If I had a sand dab for every "brilliant plan" of his, I'd be swimming pretty. I don't see him. Me neither. (CHUCKLES) You sure your plan's gonna work, Big D? He'll show up. Mark my word. Hey, look! There he is. Well, I'll be. This might actually work. Oh, please. Like it was ever in doubt. PHILIPPE: Never, boss. MARCO: <i> Non, absolument.</i> PHILIPPE: Never. (LAUGHS) Big D is the best! What did I tell you? Was that a great escape or what? It was genius, boss. Pure genius. You got a flair for drama, boss. (LAUGHS) ALL: Whoa! TOOTS: They ate them! Oh, they ate them! I know, I know! What? I said they'd get out. They got out. Not my problem. <i> Exactement.</i> What are we, the babysitters? <i> Oui.</i> I don't even like babies. Yeah, babysitters. A bunch of bottom feeders is what you are. What... Oh, that was horrible. I don't get it, they let the dolphin go. What about us? <i> Ay, mira,</i> this place is too small for a dolphin. They don't belong. (SCOFFS) And we do? <i> Yo se.</i> I know. It makes no sense. Every once in a while they bring wounded animals here, fix them up and then let them go. Well, we're gonna find a way out, too. And soon. (BELL DINGING) Ah, but not on an empty stomach. (ALL CHEERING) (PSYCHEDELIC ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) Look at them. And we thought Lulu was crazy. This ain't no paradise, Sammy. It's a prison. We ain't never gonna get out. Ray, we have to. For Ricky and Ella. They can't survive out there alone. We've been through a lot worse than this, Ray. Yeah, you're right. I'm just saying, what's the point of this place? Humans like to collect things. Well, I don't wanna be collected. Hey, hey, I found Ricky and Ella. Thank you. That was very kind of you. Wow. This place looks amazing. But, Mama, I want to help, too. What did I tell you? Woo-hoo! RAY: Ella! Ricky! Whoa, we found them. Thank goodness. They look okay. JIMBO: Look behind you. Watch out. It's not safe around here. You need to swim as far away from... (INAUDIBLE) What's up with them? They want us to leave? I don't get it. We just got here. SAMMY: Go, go, go! RAY: Swim, swim! (GASPS) SAMMY: Behind you. Look behind you. They're coming, they're coming. Look behind you. No, no, no. No, no, no. Turn around. (INAUDIBLE) Grandpa, watch out. Shark. Behind you. Look behind you. Move out of the way. Duck, he's gonna break the glass. Oh, now I get it. Look out. (PANTING) (SCREAMS) Whoa! (GRUNTING) (SCREAMING) (SIGHS) (GASPS) Whoa. (GRUNTS) (GASPS) Oh. (BOTH SCREAMING) (GRUNTS) (GROANS) Whoa! (METAL CLANKING) (GRUNTING) (ALARM WAILING) (BOTH SCREAMING) (PANTING) (BOTH SCREAM) (PANTING) Hey, Albert. Look, I just wanted to thank you for what you did for Ricky and Ella. Albert. You should let it go. That door is too thick. Don't you think I know that? But then why? I want everyone to know that you can't ever give up. You do that, you die. I hear that, Albert. Yay! (BOTH GIGGLING) (THUDDING CONTINUES) (MOCKING) (SLOW MUSIC PLAYING) We're going to get out of here. All of us. ANNABEL: (DISTANT) Whoa! Shh. I hear something. ANNABEL: Help! Is that Annabel? ANNABEL: Mommy! Help! Yeah, it does sound like her. Annabel? In here. Let's go. Annabel, what are you doing here? I am stuck. I can't move. You sure get into trouble a lot. We'll get you out. (BOTH GRUNTING) BOTH: Whoa! Stop it, stop it. (GRUNTS) (GIGGLES) Woo! I'm dizzy. Watch your back, Ricky! (GROANS) ELLA: Ricky! (EXCLAIMS) Let's not do that again. Ella! (GIGGLING) ELLA: Annabel. Wait, it's too dangerous out there. I'll get mommy. She'll protect you. I guess it's okay now. The bad fish are gone. Ray here is the one you'll squirt. Okay? (CHUCKLES) So you really think this plan of yours is going to work? Personally, I think it's pretty good. Now what do we do? Wait and hope the kids show up. That is, if they're not already... Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. I see them. RAY: They made it. SAMMY: Phew. That's a relief. Okay, do your stuff. Show them our idea. What are they doing, now? Beats me. Do it again. They don't get it. Yeah, you're right. Hey, maybe we can talk to them through the vent. It's worth a try. Find the vent. Do you understand what they're trying to tell us? I think I do. Come on. Oh, come on. Are you kidding me? This is bad. They'll get shredded to bits. (SCREAMS) Ricky! Ella! No! What have I done? I'm gonna get them killed. Oh, no. Can't we catch a break here? Help! Help! (SCREAMING) (STRAINING) (BUZZER) (GRUNTS) Annabel, over here. Woo-hoo. Ricky. Ouch. Watch out. You're gonna get stuck just like me. An otto-pus, get stuck? Never. But you? You get into trouble an awful lot. Yeah, I've heard that before. (GRUNTING) Ow, that hurt. Hey, you. Now stop that. He's my friend. Now go away. Ouch. MARGARET: Knock it off. Go back to the sewers where you belong. There's all kinds of scary monsters around here. Compared to the humans, they're not bad. You know, I did warn you two about the dangers of the Big Tank. (GASPS) Wait a minute, where's Ella? I don't know, but I think she just got sucked in. (EXCLAIMS) Oh, the horror! The ink. Of course. That's the plan. (STAMMERING) It's the eyes. There she is. ALL: Ella! I'm really happy to see you guys. I was afraid you were... No, no, I'm okay. Listen. I know how to get them out. But I'm gonna need your help. No problem. What can we do? I need ink. Lots of ink. You're gonna starve to death if you keep on skipping meals. So what's the status? The kids show up? It's hopeless. Who croaked? Not now, okay? I heard your grandkids are outside. That's good. Not if we can't get out. Oh, why am I talking to you? You don't care. (GASPS) Look. What the... Look at that. Oh, yeah. Those are some smart grandkids you got there. Ella! Ricky! Yes! We are getting out of here. Getting out? Don't you get it? I'm the boss. I decide when it's time to go. What's this stupid plan you came up with anyway? That is on a need-to-know basis. Huh? And right now, you don't need to know. Oh, yeah? We'll see about that. Whatever. All right. Let's get moving. Albert. We got squid. Stay alert. Sammy, look. Oh, no, not yet, we're not ready. Wait for my signal, okay? Time to move. I'll go this way. We'll meet back here. Give the kids the signal. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) (LAUGHS) You actually thought I was gonna let you swim in here and act like you're the boss? Don't tell me. You're worried about getting shown up? I don't have time for this. Hold your tongue. Me? Shown up by some turtles? Ha! I don't think so. You see, it's just not the way we do things. (GRUNTS) If I let every idiot with a half-baked idea have free run, it'd be chaos. That ain't gonna happen. There he is. (GRUNTS) Let him go, Big D. Your little escape plan is over. That's what you think. (GRUNTS) Come on, you worm. Don't let him talk to you like that, Marco. Oh! Two against one, huh? Is that all you got, Big D? Ray. Get him, Philippe. (GRUNTS) Come on. What are you doing? It's okay, Sammy. I'm here. Ah, good to see you, buddy. Beat it now, beat it. BIG D: He's right. You're two useless worms. Big D. What is going on here? Oh, look at this. One big happy family. Have you lost your mind? I'm saving all of you nincompoops, is what I'm doing. No you're not. You're trying to kill Sammy. So dramatic. Let me get that off of you, buddy. Look, I'm not gonna let these trouble-making turtles mess up our chances of escaping. Escaping? We've got like a zero chance with your plans. (ALL AGREEING) To be honest, you've disappointed me. I treat you all like family and this is how you repay me? Oh, like you did Tremaine? Back off, you stew-nods. What are you going to do, Big D? Ice all of us? You've all lost your minds. That's right, <i> mi amor.</i> It is not time to be silent, <i> mi amigos.</i> Come on. That plan with the dolphin. That didn't turn out too well, did it, <i> Senor</i> D? What? You sent that poor lobster, Lulu, on a suicide mission. Hey, hey. Now hold on. Nobody cracked her claws to go. Look who it is, mister tough guy. What do you want? It ain't right, Big D. BIG D: Go bang your head. It's what you do best. (LAUGHS) This guy's priceless. Whoa. Hey, hey. But boss. No, no. This is not good. BIG D: (ECHOING) Oh, it stinks. Let me out of here. He's alive! Boss, you're alive! No thanks to yous. What do you want us to do? (GASPING) All right, everyone. (COUGHS) We're busting out of here. And this time everybody's getting out. (ALL CHEERING) What about them? Even those two nitwit foot soldiers. But, what about the boss, huh? <i> Oui.</i> We'll set him free on the outside. But that's good, right Big D? Actually, I don't want to leave. (ALL EXCLAIMING) But, but... What are you saying? I don't understand. We will be free, no? <i> Oui.</i> Free. You never really wanted to get out of here, did you? Out there, he's just a little defenseless seahorse. Let him go. All right, guys, time to go. (ALL WHOOPING) Hey. Hold up. Hold up. Where yous going? You're makin' a big mistake listenin' to them turtles. Stupid plan if I ever heard one. Okay. It's show time. Now, go for it. Yeah, yeah, that's it, that's it. Get it all over you. We gotta make sure the humans think we're a fin away from a fish fry. <i> Mira es peligroso,</i> don't overdo it, okay? It could be toxic. (ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING) (RATTLING) Whoa. What's going on here? Something's wrong with that fish. Maybe it's part of the show. You think so? (LAUGHS) Look at that Jimbo. He is certainly dramatic enough. Momma, look. It's like a... It's like a scary movie. There is something wrong here. Wow, it's cool. No, no, no. It is not. Let's go, sweetie. They're going for it. We're going to be out of here in no time at all. Big D. You sure you don't want to change your mind? <i> Oui,</i> boss. What are you going to do without us? Oh, you think you two are irreplaceable? (SCOFFS) Think again. In any case, they ain't outta here yet. Keep it coming. More, more, more. (CHUCKLES) Good work Annabel. MANUEL: <i> Mi amor?</i> Where are you, <i> mi amor?</i> I can't see you. CONSUELO: Manuel. <i> Estoy aqui.</i> Oh. It feels like the dark cave where we first met. Do you remember? How could I forget? (COUGHS) The eyes. The eyes. They can't see me. This is fantastic. MAN: Look at the mess in the tank. WOMAN: They look dead. They're all on their backs. What's going on? Yo, funny fish. You ain't laughing now, are you? Big D, the humans are supposed to open the doors. I'm starting to feel kinda woozy. You should've all listened to me. (GROANING) So, what is it? I think it's oil. Oil? Please, please people. What's happening? The oil is killing the fish. (EXCLAIMS) Holy cow. Some of the fish don't look too good. Any longer and we won't need to fake it. Hang on, guys, we'll be out of here soon. He's right about you getting' outta here. In body bags. Let's see how you get outta this mess. (LAUGHS) I actually like this stuff. Plan B. Time to act. Jimbo, no. Stop. Come back. People calm down, calm down. What's with him? (INDISTINCT TALKING) And right now. I'll deal with it. <i> Et voila,</i> problem solved. What? Come on, man. Is he kidding? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Sweets anyone? (ALL CLAMORING) This guy is a joke. Enough of this nonsense. Let go of me. There's nothing I can do. There is a solution. You need to open the emergency doors. Have you lost your mind? All the fish will escape. If you don't, they die. I will get fired. No way. (ALL CLAMORING) Please. Stop, stop! I must call the owner first. Wait. I've got an idea. Happy hour for everyone. Drinks on the house. Free drinks? (ALL SCREAMING) Ever since the turtles showed up, the drama level around here has gone sky-high. I'll wager you two mackerels they are involved. (COUGHS) Sammy. There's too much ink. We should call it off. It's too late. They can't hear us, and they'll never be able to see us. (DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) Ahh! That's my hair. Ah. How do you like this? Okay, okay. I'll do it. Freedom. (ALARM SOUNDING) (GROANS) What the... MAN: The doors are opening. Oh, no. I have to stop this. Yippee! Here they come. MAN: It looks like everything is going to be all right. It took them long enough. Do you want another drink? I'm starving. Shall we order something? (CLATTERING) Hey, I thought I recognized you. (PHONE RINGING) (WOMAN SOBBING) (GRUNTS) <i> Boss. Security here.</i> <i> You gotta stop. It's not...</i> Oh, what the... (CLANGING) I need to check on something. I'll be right back. This is not possible. I have been tricked. I need to close the doors. Where's security when I need them? Huh? What a nightmare! Holy tandoori. Lobster! (SCREAMS) Ah. So, what are we going to do now, Philippe? I always wanted to see New Jersey. You're kidding. New Jersey? Seriously? <i> Absolument.</i> (BOTH LAUGHING) Which way is it? I have no idea. You're pinching! You're pinching me! (CLATTERING) Oh, stop that. Get it off of me. Huh? Get it off of me. Hold still, boss. (SCREAMS) (GROANS) Retreat and maintain a fallback position. Come on everyone, hurry. Move it! Move it! Hey, look. There's Consuelo and Manuel. What are you two waiting for? They could close the doors any time now. We're not going. Say what? In here it's just me and <i> mi amor.</i> Makes us feel kind of <i> especial.</i> Well, I guess that's one way to look at it. (CHUCKLES) But me and Sammy, we prefer living in the wild. Oh, it's going to be<i> la vida loca</i> in here, too, with Big D around. I hope everyone made it. You should go before you get stuck in here again. You know, we're gonna miss all of you. Take care and tell Big D that brother needs to chill out. Hello, crustacean coming through. Hold that dang door for us. Wait, wait. Hold on, Ray, isn't that... Hurry. We've got to hold the door. Watch it, Sammy, you're gonna get crushed. <i> Andale</i> Lulu! He's not going to make it. Stand clear and hold on to your shells. Touchdown. Ah, little help here. Woo-hoo! Yeah! I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive. Am I alive? 'Bout as live as a grenade in a china shop. It's good to see you, Lulu. Thank you. It feels so good to be free. Thank you so much for helping us. Hi, kids. Have you seen our grandfathers? Yeah, they were incredible. They're probably still inside, making sure everyone gets out. That's sounds like Grandpa. Oh, here's Jimbo. He's a funny fish. He's playing dead again. What's with him? Open up those big eyes. Jimbo, it's us. Wake up. Ricky. Ella. ELLA: Grandpa. You did it. You kids were awesome. I think we have a problem. Grandpa, Jimbo's not moving. Swim aside. I've had some combat training. Okay, okay, we all know about your dead story. Wake up, Jimbo. Come on, soldier. Look lively. We done won the battle. Now fall in. Hold on. I know what to do. Give me some room here, Lulu. I've seen humans do this to swimmers on the beach. Come on, Jimbo. Come out of it. No need to fake it. We made it out. I'm afraid Jimbo is not coming back. (SOBBING) Move over, Sammy. Let me work some magic. (SCREAMS IN PAIN) Woo-hoo! Geez, what's with all the looks? Somebody die? You did. You gotta stop with this dead business. One of these days, somebody's gonna fillet your butt before you come back to life. (LAUGHS) Are yous kidding me, huh? Look at that mook. Fillet material he is not. (SNEEZING) Hey, Lulu, doll, give me some claw, huh? That was a stand up thing you done for me back there. Oh, gosh golly, it was nothing. What you talkin' about, Bubba? I did all the heavy liftin'. Oh, come on, what was I, in a coma? (LAUGHS) Still crazy as ever. Hey, here they are. ALBERT: Our saviors. SAMMY: Thanks for your help. No problem. That's what friends are for, right? Well, my friends, what do you say we get outta here? Oh, yeah. The sooner this place is a distant memory, the better. Besides, I need to get back to my baby boo. (ALL LAUGHING) You know what I mean? (CLEARS THROAT) I think I do. Welcome back, Ray. (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) Ooh, what do we have here? Dinner time. SEAGULL 1: Hey, Brian. Ow! These turtles get a free pass. Are you guys kiddin' or what? That's some good eatin' down there. Look closer, bird brain. They're the ones that got me off that boat. I say, off limits. Oh. Sure. My bad. SEAGULL 2: Makes you wonder. How do you think they got away from the humans? SEAGULL 1: Shh. Let me enjoy this. Oh, Ray, honey. Look at them, acting like kids with a crush on each other. SAMMY: Looks like somebody's getting crushed all right. (LAUGHS) RICKY: You okay, Grandpa? Aw, look at them turtles. So cute they are. I wish my own mother was as warm and fuzzy when I was a little guy. Oh, I need a hug. Ugh. You can really kill a bird's appetite, you know that? (GIGGLES) (UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING) Okay, okay. Big D, Big D. They're still watching me. I mean, it ain't getting' any better. I... Knock it off, you nut job. You're driving me over the edge, you know that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but, it's the faces. Oh, the faces! Especially that one. (SOBS) The horror! Oh, the horror! Let me out of here! (SIGHS)
Channel: Family Central
Views: 755,186
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Keywords: A Turtle's Tale 2: Sammy's Escape From Paradise, A turtle's tale, Sammy's Great Escape, Sammy's avonturen 2, poacher, aquarium, animation, adventure movies, family movies, watch full free movies on youtube for free, A Turtles Tale 2: Sammys Escape From Paradise, a turtles tale 2 sammys escape from paradise, A turtles tale, a turtles tale sammys adventure full movie, full animated movies, finding nemo, shark tale, finding dory, 3d cartoon for kids, sea life, turtle, sammy, underwater
Id: 5AO8qfcmMOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 45sec (5565 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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