Curious George 🐵The Missing Piece 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] discovering dinosaur bones looked like the best job in the world [Music] he discovered a bone that magnifying glass would have come in handy but charkie was probably blocks away by now oh [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] stegosaurus had all his bones [Music] so did the triceratops [Music] tough puzzle it was way too small to be a bone from a man you want to help with my puzzle george [Music] did he know anyone with smaller bones [Music] bone wouldn't even fit in a canary [Music] a giraffe was too big [Music] hi george oh i dropped some puzzle pieces i can't finish the elephant without all the pieces [Music] the pieces george found didn't look like pieces of elephant you found them [Music] well now you can't tell what you've got by looking at only one piece you have to put them all together see so to see what his discovery looked like george had to find the rest of the bones [Music] another bone [Music] [Applause] hmm hi george what do you have there you found all these here in the park so this is where you've been hiding all your chew toys [Music] those are charkie's missing bones all right [Music] and we just bought her a brand new one too [Music] so that's why charkie treated george's discovery like a toy [Music] what a find we've been looking for her missing toys all year long thanks for finding him george [Music] have you been digging up my park [Music] then you've got to hold a villain [Music] discovering dinosaur bones was harder than it looked but even if the bone george found wasn't a real dinosaur bone it was pretty close [Music] george really liked cows [Music] no one else he knew was that big that friendly and gave milk [Music] [Music] [Music] wild flowers [Music] george wanted to share his discovery after all who doesn't like to smell nice flowers [Music] maybe this whole field had once been filled with beautiful flowers and they'd already eaten the rest so george borrowed an old scarecrow and turned it into a frightening scare cow [Applause] [Music] george's wall worked well against a squirrel [Music] now here came the real test [Music] george had successfully hidden the flowers from the cows [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was amazing how many unused stones were lying around [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] george was too late the flowers were all eaten [Music] this wasn't easy but george wasn't going to give up [Music] why was that wall stronger than george's these stones were staggered which made the wall stronger [Music] this would be the best cow proof wall a monkey ever built [Music] [Music] george's wall had saved the last flowers [Music] the next day george brought the man with the yellow hat to see how he helped the flowers you're taking me to see these flowers okay i'm coming [Music] i don't see any flowers george [Music] huh the wall stood but somehow the yellow flowers were gone replaced by these things were those your yellow flowers oh george it's okay that's what's supposed to happen they change [Music] well that's supposed to happen too those are seeds they'll land somewhere and new ones will grow so george's wall had helped the flowers to survive [Music] and he had until the new flowers grew to think of a way to keep cows away from them stir it up so it gets lots of air [Music] george took his compost container back to the city with him in case he found other plants in need [Music] this plant looked hungry [Music] fortunately george knew what to do [Music] there was no compost left george knew what to do about this too [Music] george is something wrong oh gotta get that [Music] [Music] wow thanks for doing the dishes without being asked george but i wasn't finished eating well okay i'll be in my room reading if you need me leftovers leaves grass dirt water [Music] and air george had it all it was enough for their plants but what about the poor lobby plans [Music] what about all the starving plants george needed to make enough for everybody [Music] when you're making a big batch of compost ah you need a lot of places to put it [Music] hundley had been thinking that much dirt and a monkey had to make something sloppy and he was going to find it i didn't buy strawberries hundley smelled a tree a watermelon a watermelon tree [Music] spaghetti [Music] fruit fruit getty [Music] hey hundley i bet your nose can get to the bottom of this hundley's nose was the perfect tool for this job [Music] why is my flower jar here [Music] [Music] george [Music] george you can make compost in the city just not in a house it needs a proper bin so it gets the right amount of air and light and doesn't smell or give me weird dreams we're gonna have a lot of leftover compost did someone say compost my tropical plants could use some composting ooh compost bins oh my tea roses would love some a few weeks later the building had the healthiest plants on the block [Music] ooh george [Music] if george moved everything outside before the man returned could there be time to go to lake wanasync lake [Music] that old ironing board slowed him down [Music] but maybe it was just the thing to help him move all this stuff much faster [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] the door obviously wasn't the best launching place [Music] the house had lots of windows one of them had to be the right spot [Music] [Music] looks like reuse your junk day is pretty successful yep if we have no use for something that doesn't mean it's trash someone else can use its part so it's not wasted great oh i'll be back with another load soon my monkey's stacking it all up for me bye [Music] i wish i had a monkey [Music] unfortunately it had taken a lot of experimenting to find that spot it looked like george's chances to go fishing might be sunk [Music] [Music] wow george i'm sort of impressed you moved all the rankin stuff outside so fast and i bet there's a story behind why it's scattered all over the yard huh tell me later at lake wanasync lake we can finish this quick [Music] you've got the job half done [Music] using the right tools and a little bit of elbow grease it seemed like there was nothing a man and a monkey couldn't do [Music] all done we'll still have plenty of time for fun [Music] hi so how'd it go oh big bertha only won first prize fantastic it was the most pleasurable plump pumpkin playoff possible i see you got it all good job george did most of it i just have one question what's that which one of you taught my pigs to read [Music] a mailbox with a tail what will they think of next blaze [Music] blaze ran off can you help me find him he looks just like that dog under the mailbox [Music] i love you too blazey weezy yes i do but you've got to stop running away yes you do yes you do [Music] you lost him again didn't you probey he's like a ninja but i know how he got out this entire wall of the station is a giant door and it was open we close this and he'll never get out again whoa well we have to train now blaze but we'll play later blaze was very bad at staying what if he got out and ran so far away they couldn't find him how would someone know to bring him back to the firehouse [Music] everything in the station had a label to say where it was from maybe blaze just needed one of those firehouse labels on him after a little searching george found one he hadn't even made that big of a mess well for a monkey [Music] george headed home sure his troubles with blaze were over [Music] then george thought he heard footsteps again huh that was odd [Music] would help george could play with betsy steve and charkie and blaze blaze [Music] have you guys seen blaze oh that's why that dog had a fire station sticker on him oh yeah we've seen him he went that way oh no blaze is really gone this time [Music] oh no where was blaze going now blaze is in that truck that's the animal shelter truck the animal shelter oh no that that's terrible that's horrible hi we're looking for our dog uh hang on just one second please nope still a monkey and a fireman together how can i help you my dog is here you you just brought him in ah come on back [Music] oh hey i was worried about you [Music] oh he's very playful he made a lot of friends already even the gerbil likes him there you go buddy a brand new dog tag you're welcome looks like blaze found the toy section if blaze keeps running away we're gonna need a new fire dog or a new probie to watch the fire dog a little better don't worry we got blaze a dog tag and a leash and i'll train him to stay he'll never get out again i promise sounds good sam but right now it's time for your training you've got a big test tomorrow great let's go it had been a long day of dog chasing but now george could finally relax was that blaze nah couldn't be blaze george couldn't believe it blaze was more trouble than a monkey he's too fast and we're too tired [Music] oh you want to go see your friend whoa hmm blaze came to play with the other dog and he wanted to play with charkie in the park and play ball with george george suddenly knew why blaze kept leaving george figured out how to stop blaze from running away by getting another dog neat sparky great now we can lose two dogs the shelter worker says some dogs do better with a friend now let's go take that firefighter test i'm ready and the dogs will both be here when we're done right george [Music] that's right oh you did it you finished the obstacle course in less than two minutes oh yeah oh oh oh hang on you still have to pass the real test that's right we have to check and see if the dogs are still here [Music] oh no blaze and sparky are gone they could be miles away by now i'm sorry guys it was sure nice working with [Music] never you congratulations probie sam and now you're firefighter sam all right can't breathe [Music] george hoped his special cold-fighting little bit of everything soup would make him feel better [Music] george i wouldn't do that if i were you that spoon was just in my mouth probably has cold germs on it see germs are too tiny to see but they're inside me and cold germs are what made you sick when they got inside you [Music] but all that cooking had made him one sleepy little monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] george had just fallen asleep when he heard a strange sound [Music] [Applause] george remembered the last time he and gnocchi had flown around in a spaceship he had become very small and had flown all around his own body [Music] what a big mouth george wanted to explore but there was no time he had germs to find george knew that germ it was toots he and his friends had made george sick before now they were playing a concert in the man's stomach [Music] hey you know jam you're that meddling monkey [Music] watch out for the mucus jam could get stuck in that stuff [Applause] [Music] see ya monkey we're off to playing more people until the entire world has heard of toots and the giant match [Music] what we're saved get ready i'm coming here we go sorry to disturb you but they need your signature george knew that voice oh my fossil thank you do you have a pen sure uh quick follow me on to the pen [Music] where did those germs go [Music] here you go [Music] this didn't look good here we go now what was that word hmm that's it put the pen in your mouth put it in your mouth huh they were going to infect professor wiseman they had to distract her [Music] oh yes cat [Music] see ya monkey [Music] twitch was heading towards professor wiseman's mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodness you look awful i feel ah a little better well i've got just the thing to help you feel even better homemade chicken soup george remembered something oh feels like something's crawling on my hands how odd i'd better wash them no no wait don't wash your hands whatever you do please don't wash your hands [Music] george knew that there were still other germs out there but at least he had made his building a tiny bit safer [Music] what do you think i call it out of sight shapes because there's a shape hiding in each picture this one's a triangle three sides and three corners a triangle ah my other photos have a square [Music] a circle and a curve i'll be right there hey a bouncy yo don't mess with my photos while i'm away okay steve who needs your old photos we've gotta bounce your [Music] [Music] don't touch anything george i got it [Music] oh no [Music] oh no [Music] ah what are we gonna do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huh oh i get it we take new pictures for betsy print them out and we're all good [Music] george [Music] that was weird [Music] oh it's gonna be tough taking pictures with aunt margaret and betsy shopping all around here okay new plan you take pictures i'll take care of betsy the first snapshot was a snap all george had to do was wait for the shape to show up a triangle three sides three corners [Music] now george only had to find two hidden shapes but first he had to hide himself [Music] that's some hat betsy but you're not wearing it right steve i can't see anything oh of course you can't you've got a hat over your eyes silly girl he had the cans but where was the square [Music] and then suddenly everything lined up it was a square four corners four sides all of them the same how is george going to take a picture of george hmm [Music] george hooked up the camera just like betsy had done then clicked his photos and press print [Music] what i'm sorry betsy we didn't mean to mess up your photos it just happened so that's what you've been up to [Music] you didn't really mess them up [Music] they were there all the time a good photographer always saves her work if anything happens to her pictures she can print new ones these are really good george hey look oh your shadow there you are again you're in every picture hey you should enter the contest too definitely but they need a title oh i have the perfect title for george's photos for her out-of-sight pictures about out-of-sight shapes our next award goes to betsy and our final award goes to george for his imaginative entry photos of a monkey taking photos of a monkey [Music] george really liked taking pictures but not as much as he liked having his picture taken with his friends lunchtime anyone for peanut butter sandwiches whatever we use has to be soft and squishable like clay hey peanut butter is squishable do you have any more my grandparents make their own [Music] but peanut butter was too sticky oops well messy [Music] they needed something squishable like clay but not stickable like peanut butter [Music] and then george saw something that might help his sculpture take shape after a while it was nothing but drippable [Music] and then george realized they had the perfect stuff for sculpting right underfoot [Music] right george we can use mud to make our sculpture [Music] why didn't i think of that you're pretty smart for a city kid but the trouble with the towering tall thumb was it got tippy unless you already started with a tower [Music] oops but the mud fell off the tower [Music] george decided to fill those empty spaces with cardboard [Music] what happened but his filler got floppy when wet [Music] george needed to wrap his tower with something mud didn't turn to mush like mesh [Music] they were finally ready to build their sculpture [Music] or not too runny [Music] oops too thick look it works [Music] once ally perfected her mud recipe their ginormous sculpture really started shaping up looking good [Music] now the tractor is in really deep i've never seen this much mud in my life [Music] i'm telling you it was buried [Music] i wonder where all that mud went cool i like it yeah it looks great oops we look awful i'll get a hose so you can wash up [Music] there all better [Music] i want to show grandma grandpa no i just want to spend some time with my thumb [Music] so that's where all that mud went that's a good-looking thumb yep she's a beauty your thumb is gonna be famous bill people are gonna come from all over the world just to see it if you say so what on earth excuse me we're looking for the giant sculpture of the thumb no dog we don't have a dog but we have this that's something yep i'm pretty proud of it and it's an original work of mud we've been driving around all afternoon looking for that giant dog but there's no better statue than the one that you can find [Music] we should have packed a lunch i'm hungry me too [Music] we've gotta get some food somewhere thank you gracious peanut butter [Music] this day went from being boring to way better yeah it's a great song [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,036,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: UMVdpvemq8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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