Crusader Kings 3 - The Tale of the Last Viking

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good afternoon least jeff without john says but here trudeau welcome to crusader kings 3 because today we are kicking off our first full series and oh my goodness i've been i've been looking forward to this so at this point i've put about 50 to 60 hours into crusader king's three that's absolutely nothing so that means that it is time for a brand new adventure for us to learn this game together for brand new episodes of let's talk all about the things that john got wrong and most importantly of all as you may have guessed from who's on screen my first ever viking campaign so naturally when i decided i wanted to do a viking playthrough my first thought was the 867 start date then i realized that might be a little bit too on the easy side you've got this massive great territory full of norse culture norse religion you've got a hugely divided britain right over here easy pickings all things considered history literally says the vikings are gonna get out there do well smash the hell out of britain build a new home in england and indeed within a century build the massive north sea empire so it kind of felt like history was a bit too much on my side in this start date so that got me to thinking about the 1066 start date because 1066 is a really interesting year when you're talking about vikings because when modern historians try and put you know dates on when the viking age was 1066 is the end date it's the end of the line for viking expansion after a century of passing between anglo-saxon and scandinavian hanza harold hardrada fails to capture the kingdom of england and no scandinavian will ever attempt to get hold of it again scotland meanwhile will slowly kick norway out of its surrounding islands pretty much establishing the boundaries that they would then maintain for the next millennium or so and it wasn't just military defeats norse culture and religion were also waning as catholicism spread aggressively into scandinavia you see the fascinating thing is the christianization of scandinavia happened remarkably quickly in a period of less than a century this whole area went from being part of the norse religion to being very much christian though naturally it's very hard to tell exactly how long certain areas took to convert primary sources are very limited there might have been some rural regions that stayed north for a lot flipping longer and part of that might well have been a consequence of the viking age itself by virtue of going out and settling all over the place large numbers of scandinavian people and leaders were exposed to christianity and we know from say archaeological records in norway that there was already significant belief in christianity especially around the coast long before the king made the decision to make the country officially christian and through a combination of that prior exposure to christianity and the presence of strong kings who were able to enforce their will pretty effectively the kingdoms of denmark and norway were able to christianize maybe not entirely smoothly but about as smoothly as you could possibly hope for a massive conversion from one religion to another at a countrywide level and so we come to the country where i would like to turn my attention for this playthrough where appropriately enough crusader kings itself was produced paradox of course based in sweden but uh sweden was a bit different from denmark and norway which is its path to christianization was a lot less smooth in the mid to late 10th century eric the victorious briefly flirted with christianity though he kind of seemed to revert back to the norse waste it's very unclear whether he ever actually meant it or whether it was just politically convenient for him to accept baptism his successor in the late 10th century however king olaf decided he was going to make this christian thing work unfortunately king olaf was not a particularly strong or secure king so as a result of that several of his vassals just said no actually we're not doing that we're keeping the old ways and that's precisely why in crusader kings 3 and the 1066 start date there are a couple of tiny holdouts of the old norse religion located in sweden and these guys these are very literally the last vikings you see this here if we zoom in once again is why i find north east sweden absolutely fascinating in the 1066 start because these are vikings at the end of the viking age pagans during a time of rapid catholic expansion they're just clinging on for dear life in a world that is rapidly moving on around them i find them just absolutely fascinating and perhaps no single territory represents that position of being caught between two worlds better than the county i've chosen to play as a down here the county of owls you see modern island also has a fascinating history of being caught between two worlds in terms of culture and language the island is overwhelmingly swedish religiously overwhelmingly finnish and geographically halfway between the two after the conflicts of the early 20th century they made it abundantly clear that what they wanted to do was join sweden however due to some political chicanery at the league of nations they were instead made an autonomous region of finland where they remained to this day despite continuing until the present to basically speak nothing but swedish they were also given various exemptions and freedom as a result of being an autonomous region so for example they've got their own seat on the nordic council separate from finland they were also allowed to have their own flag which they immediately responded to and this is a level of pettiness i greatly approve of by making their flag as close to sweden's as they could possibly get away with and so too does the county of owlin sit at the crossroads of history in crusader kings 3. with a straight linking it to both sweden and to finland yes indeed it is literally the bridge that joins the rapidly christianizing west scandinavia with the finnish and sami culture that would prove a lot more resistant to it can we preserve the viking age will we have no choice but to bow and accept christianity and most importantly of all can i find a dog because now you get to pet your dog by decision and i've never wanted to do anything more than this so let's flipping go so who is our great hero who is our first leader who is going to ensure the survival of the mighty viking way of life well i never said this was going to be easy say hello to um yes the wonderfully named counter olaf of owland and he's not exactly shall we say viking material i mean i assume his parents did their best trying to turn him into a good viking he's got himself a good and when i say good i mean like you know sort of okay martial education all right he is very good at forwarding water which is good because if he needs to march his army literally anywhere he's got to fold water one way or the other so that's probably quite useful but um unfortunately he's not he's not really got that killer spirit if we're going to be honest instead no he's picked up some much more um pleasant diplomacy style personality traits he is in fact incredibly trusting nice and calm and patient so he is in no rush to save the viking age whatsoever which is a shame because it's already 1066 and things are a bit on the uh the late side so yes he's um he's dressed up correctly i'm not sure you know what i'm not sure you actually deserve the hat right now yes you can actually get the helmet until you've earned it because yeah he's voting and whatnot so therefore by default he gets a helmet but i feel like he shouldn't uh he shouldn't really get that at all so we're gonna take that oh that's much better you've got lovely hair show it off there you go much better because yeah these days you could play dress up with you count as much as you want to which is spectacular so yes you can have your armor and your helmet back when you've proved you actually deserve them so okay we got someone who is pretty good at the old diplomacy all things considered alright people naturally like him he just seems like you know he is a nice trusting calm guy pretty chill nice to hang out with he is still however a competent enough military leader so he's got a bit of a boost to his levees he can get a decent number of troops out he's going to do okay if he needs to march to war however the rest of the stats are just sort of fine at best stewardship is reasonable in fact yeah more than we need in terms of uh domain holdings for the time being he's actually got a domain cap of four right now we don't need four because yes i do like starting off with the most difficult start i can possibly find and he's in not a great position he's got himself one counter yeah that's your flipping lot intrigue not gonna be his thing so as a result of that we're really gonna be leaning on our spymaster because he himself can't even defend himself from hostile foreign plots learning is okay so we've got a bit of piety coming in of that so that's reasonable that's reasonable right there so i am the count of howland right here as a result of that i'm not reporting in to the king of sweden instead i'm reporting in to duke eric iii the heathen of sweden so he is the duke of upland i assume right over there yes the duchy of uplander absolutely spectacular so me and him should get on fine i really hope we do because like you know if we don't get on fine we haven't got many friends elsewhere and he naturally reports into the king of sweden who's got a lot of troops that's that's quite a large number of troops so there's nothing we can do about him for the time being he's 20 years older he's got plenty of troops he can do what he wants so in fact that's a good beard for a 20 year old well done and yeah being part of sweden is actually going to be useful for the time being because yeah right now i'm not reporting into the king so he can't take action against me directly because the duke is between me and him though admittedly they do sort of hate each other so yeah we'll have to see how long this lasts because it feels inevitable that sooner or later one of these guys is going to uh not be willing to accept the alpha and if we just go over to the religion map here yeah there isn't much in the way of help there's one county down over here so the count of far end over in this direction he is also of the norse religion as is i believe all the little yeah the counts along here because you've got a bunch of counts reporting into you yeah okay so we've got a nice little cluster of vikings along here one tiny viking down over in this direction but even if we were to put all of our strength together we don't have as much as the king of sweden so yeah for the time being we can't just you know do a very quick in and out and whatnot so we're not going to be able to uh you know just grab the throne or anything we need to build up our strength first okay another advantage i've got of course is because i am part of sweden don't necessarily want to be but i am no one can declare war on me not on me directly anyone who wants to attack me has to attack sweden so that gives me a bit of security except it kind of doesn't because if we just go over to the um the government map actually i am literally on the edge of the world in terms of feudalism so yeah there's a there's a lot of tribes very close by and tribes are obviously can get a bit uh fighty they're allowed to raid so raiders coming in could be a problem but on the other other hand my religion comes with something very very nice indeed which is yes my religion makes me a warmonger so i'm kind of supposed to be going to war and as a result of that i get all sorts of options that my stupid catholic feudal friends over here don't have access to i have access to the tribal style kausas bellai so i'm allowed to go and conquer any individual county of my choosing i can go to war very very easily and even better than that i'm allowed to raid all right i'm feudal but i can still raid so i've got some good advantages going on here i mean when i say it can go raid i've got like you know 260 guys working for me and everyone nearby has a lot more than that like so much more than that so we can't go rage yet but there might be some good opportunities to get some money in a hurry then we can convert money into you know more buildings in our castle once we get some more levies going on we'll be in good darn shape plus of course nobody says i have to go and you know ransack finland or anything that might be you know better targets closer to home like for example i can't help but notice yeah down over here there's a tiny tiny republic so republics are really nice in terms of you know say looting they're worth a lot of flipping loot 31 gold just sitting there waiting to be looted okay olaf you might get the hat back sooner than we were expecting so yes we might want to go down there and just start ransacking our own territory for money taking the hands out of you know the stupid catholic republics bringing it back up here to mighty mighty island now that that could be useful but before we do that let's make sure we know who we are and what we've got here we need to understand everything about our person before we kick off properly so i'm already married she's 27 she's produced two children and okay i can see how i'd get on with her she also seems to be you know pretty nice all things considered we got some lovely generosity there content humble okay unlikely to be planning to murder me thumbs up together with two children baby stenar who's too young to really know anything about so far but his brother right adelvad you're already 10 years old so okay you're ah chased well that's no good at all dear flipping dear charming though so okay what direction does that logically lead you in so diplomacy or intrigue looks to me like yeah your base staffer diplomacy is a little bit on the uh the better side you've got more going on in that direction though we need to make sure we've got someone who can actually you know properly educate you so who have we got that might be who the flip are you hang on hang on i don't know who malin is but i'm kind of interested because she's got all the flipping stuff in the world going on here right malin's a berserker well that's just flipping lovely she's also scarred she's reclusive she's irritable she's reckless she's an unyielding defender that is unyielding disaster the first time that would have been even better she's also vengeful and stubborn and ambitious i mean are we 100 sure we want her to be in this territory oh bloody how she's the spymaster oh this is oh um i mean she's almost certainly the most qualified person for the job but she does have 19 intrigue and like hates me and also she's oh she's catholic and thus thinks i'm evil okay so malin the inevitable johnson we might not necessarily want her to be around like i'm not convinced she's gonna be good for my health in the long term okay a lot of people as it turns out sort of hate me because yeah short rain must be uh early on in my reign and my religion is unreformed which is unfortunately yes a base minus 20 so that's that's a concern so at some point if i want to stick with this faith at all we're gonna have to reform it or we just need to accept -20 from literally everybody okay well here's one thing we can do to help machisa my wife now has a permanent spot on the council no more advisors advisers are gone instead you got your five normal slots and then your wife who always gets to be on the council so we get to choose what she does general assistance or help me out with court politics well that's what she's good at and a plus five either her doing that that's gonna boost my diplomacy by a good solider amount and as a result of that yes general opinion is going to be a lot higher straight away you can see it there is a bit of a change there so yeah kind of changing that round makes a big difference to uh how much people actually uh like or dislike me by the way you can now change everybody's jobs on the council as regularly as you want which is very good it was always kind of annoying when you know say you sent your priests do something in crusader kings 2 and then they sort of by pure chance did it the next month and then they were just stuck standing there doing nothing for like a year or whatever it was no more now you can just change job at any time of your choosing the problem is however yes i'm surrounded by absolute flipping incompetence so there's not many people in my court like 12 of them and some of them are gonna be yes my own children uh so okay we don't exactly have much of a choice we've got ourselves yes malin the inevitable johnson she's going to kill me isn't she like the moment anyone plans to kill me she will be joining that plot so even though she's got no reason to start her own plot she will 100 be an agent for any foreign plot so i feel like she's got to go at some point i mean you can't have a spy master that hates you the problem is everybody hates me okay good good good good okay off however my chancellor and also one of my champions which is a knight if you are pagan as i am he hates me you know less and he is actually part of the same religion as me so okay okay okay okay we're going to swap you two round right now even though i appreciate that's going to lead to you know problems oh wait they won't swap because i assume she's only allowed to have the role of master i'm guessing she can't be chancellor because you're yes she can't be chancellor right i was wondering why they weren't swapping okay so in that case you're just getting fired at shalane irritatingly i do actually have a very good champion standing by who can actually make a really good steward but yeah this guy is literally my only vassal so i should probably keep him uh keep him sweet and this is the only thing he's even remotely competent at still while i've got him on collect taxes it is saying there is no negative possible side effects so we'll leave you where you are for the time being unfortunately okay now spymaster is open to women inga who is apparently just a courtier of mine you would do a competent enough job so you just get on with that and yes just disrupt some schemes that's absolutely fine just keep me safe please and we've got literally no one who's better than six for marshall okay so yes we've not exactly got armor huge amounts of talent in the world now in crusader kings 2 at this point we'd probably just invite some new people to court yeah that's um that's harder than it used to be so here we go we've got someone flipping perfect right here so birga he is of my religion he is of my culture he has got a good martial skill he right now has no job he's lowborn he's wandering but if i try and actually um invite him to court he will definitely not accept even though he's plus 24 not even close people don't just accept invitations anymore you've got to get like hooks on them or something like that so yeah it's much more difficult to get people to court instead you're at the mercy of the guests who happen to show up so right now we've got linda who's just sort of uh visiting at the moment who has got it must be said a nice it's already a necklace is it but i like to think of it as a necklace it's like a big power necklace right there now she's got good diplomacy but unfortunately yes gender law would prevent her from being the chancellor which is a bit of a shame so drop her a bit of money she'd stay permanently but yeah i don't really have a need for her just this second the problem with having an incompetent chancellor however is yeah ideally i'd like domestic affairs up because then we can get my vassals liking me a little bit more but uh this exact moment in time that's that's gonna be tricky okay okay okay okay this is fine i've got a plan my new spymaster inga she's actually got herself 13 diplomacy and a pretty darn decent education in exactly that focus my son's already on diplomacy education so it's time to get him yes here we go no not me not me definitely not me bad call inga my spymaster i am offering you this incredibly prestigious position and that's going to get up to plus 25 so i know it seems like a bad idea entrusting my son and heir to a spy master who doesn't like me but she's going to like me as a result of me giving her the air hopefully so yeah in five months she's gonna absolutely love me and when i say love me not actively hate me which i'll flipping tape for the time being and while i could just move olf over to domestic affairs anyway yeah because he's incompetent there's a very real risk that he'll actually make the situation worse he might lower a vast opinion if i tell him to work on domestic affairs so given there are all negative side effects and no positives yeah i'd probably rather he just didn't even try next up we're gonna need some friends just in case trouble rocks up so yeah these days are any marriage even if it's just a betrothal is immediately an effective alliance so i need to make friends uh with somebody nearby in particular yeah who are the most powerful of the counts around here because i wouldn't mind being allied to you guys oh well this is just flipping meant to be let's go over here in housing land he's actually got himself another 300 men which is uh spectacular to be perfectly honest but yeah the problem is it's going to be difficult to marry outside of my religion for the time being and when i say difficult yes uh just trying to put together a marriage alliance with one of the uh catholic vassals over to the west that's not gonna fly because i might be able to intermarry with some of the pagans over here that would be okay because we're both like you know pagan and part of the same broad family but catholicism no the christian family doesn't want to go mingling with us yeah the most powerful norse land going on is count tote down over here who's actually got almost 800 men but he's just not having it he doesn't like me enough i cannot get any form of uh alliance going on there so unfortunately it's gonna be housing land by default i will hold on to my heir for the time being though just my two-year-old son so okay these two babies shall now be married beautiful oh i've just realized something very exciting by the way which is i'm allowed concubines according to my religion okay well this this makes things much easier right inga ma spymaster congratulations you're now gonna be my concubine straight up to plus 24. okay good good good good this is a this is looking positive right there now probably not the inevitable johnson okay the inevitable johnson don't really want to have her as a concubine feels like a bad idea to be honest i mean we've got hang on you've got okay maybe not actually that that strikes me as no linda however honestly you do for the time being you're pretty solid go on then i think it's actually just better that malin the inevitable johnson just goes actually oh that's gonna cost me prestige okay just just off you pop i feel like you'll be happier like not here okay next up lifestyle so yes basically when you take over a character who's already an adult they're already going to have been gathering some perks and experience over time so it's always going to match up with your education too so because i had a martial education yeah i've picked up a few strategies perks already that's that's actually pretty good all things considered so straight away i've got the ability to declare war at half price not bad for smart so yes you can move around nice and fast to naval speed up and also siege weapon effectiveness don't have any siege weapons but you know good to plan for the future living off the land is actually that's actually very good for me so i can raid faster well well well well you know what you might get that helmet back sooner rather than later however i feel like for the time being yes the problem is uh nobody likes me and also we could do with maybe some more children just help out with more alliances so family focus is certainly tempting technically i could go over to temptation but yeah i'm not very good at intrigue that doesn't feel like that's really worth it all right i've actually got some pretty good diplomacy so okay we need to do the one two punch here all right velvet glove on one hand shaking hands and making friends spiked knuckles on the other punching possibly the same person in the face at the same time so yeah i'm gonna go for family focus for the time being because uh right now just i've got a minus 20 with like everybody because my religion is not in a good shape right now yeah potentially a befriend might not be the worst thing in the world that could be worth thinking about don't need to worry about say like you know special newcastle's belly because i've kind of got access to the tribal ones which is pretty good that's pretty good so we'll start here for the time being anyway see how that works out ah yes and one very important thing here which is uh sweden's got a bit of a fun thing going on which is yes sweden gets inherited according to a scandinavian elective so as a result of that yes everybody above a baron gets to have a say and that's interesting the amount you get to actually contribute depends on a domain development like um tech level and capital popular opinion intriguing so okay honestly the person i'm going to be voting for is my leash i'm not sure if that makes him like me more but like you know it might do i'm just going to toss a little bit of a vote in his direction no one else is going to because none of the catholics are going to be voting for him but you know what i like you my friends ah but because it's democracy yeah i could use hooks to force people to vote as i wanted to now okay i'm gonna have nowhere near enough hooks or anything to make that happen for the time being but when the time is right we might be able to slightly you know tweak democracy in my favor i mean right now prince eric iii is second in line though that's not actually second in line that doesn't mean if this guy dies it would be him everyone would just you know change their votes but okay it's not a disaster at least keep an eye on that okay quickly appoint my wife as court physician because you know she's pretty clever all things considered and we can't actually afford like you know proper doctors or anything so okay i think we've got all the basics in play and ready to go that means what we need now is money we desperately need money because until we've got money we can't really boost up our levies we can't build uh men at arms we need money to actually set up any of them quite a lot of money in fact by the way i get huskars which are like armored footman but like better like so much better they're really damn good screening 29 toughness 26 damage 44. compared to normal almond footmen they are just headed shoulders above hospitals are pretty bloody spectacular very expensive by the way i'm not gonna be having them for bloody ages but you know it's nice to know they're an option instead yes indeed this little republic down here we're not going to war with you no no no no no don't worry about that this isn't a war i'm just having that lovely 30 gold because i can't tell but notice that's like as much as i would earn in uh a year and a half or two years or something so yes we're going to be um we're gonna be having that oh go on you can have a helmet back i suppose actually you know what that's lovely not a proper hat just like a little bit of like you know a chainmail scarf or something you can have a chainmail scarf now slight issue these days navies aren't actually a thing so as a result of that you just pay money to travel over the ocean and i don't know whether we've got enough money for that so just give my troops a moment to get together there we flip and go and yes we've got ourselves a straights right here then i can cross those without penalty which is very very nice indeed so if i just want to get out onto the water over here that's going to cost me how much because it's going to cost me something or so apparently i'm leading these guys directly yes command does not actually like come a job you set anymore literally anybody who's qualified can be a commander so on this occasion i'm going myself with my lovely new chainmail scarf well this is spectacular okay out onto the ocean we go we've got that alliance i wanted so there's another 300 odd men coming in if somebody attacks me though hopefully we won't need to worry about that and actually if finland comes and attacks me he won't come and help because technically we won't be at war so that's absolutely fine and also there we go we're now out on the say am i losing money right now hang on what am i uh what am i spending yep so there we go we are indeed embarking so embarking costs a certain sum of gold for every ah for every 100 men one goal is paid that's not actually how you spell paid but don't worry i'm sure they'll fix that in time so okay not that expensive really it was like a three or four gold up front and then that's it that's not so bad at all so now we're raiding we're going to go straight over to here and we're going to raid this capital because there's honestly not much he can really do to stop me and i don't think i'm going to be declaring war on the king of scotland or like hostility or anything hopefully not anyway meanwhile my leisure's going up to limited crown authorities he's paid some prestige in order to have the ability to revoke titles or attract vassals and yeah force me to pay a little bit more in men and money but hopefully he shouldn't be planning to like you know revoke anything or anything if need be i can actually have a chat with him about our feudal contract because yes now you've got an actual contract between you and your liege and yourself and any vassals above baron count below you so if i want to i can say look you are not allowed to revoke my title under any circumstances but fair play i've got to give him something in return so i could give him an extra 0.1 a turn now then again hang on i want him to have more troops i really want him to have more troops because i want him to be as powerful as possible then again hang on am i actually sacrificing my men for him to have more men you know what just in case i'd probably rather give him an extra 0.1 he's unlikely to try and revoke but just in case then again i could have my own council rights guaranteed that's that's of interest you can only change three things so guaranteeing myself a place on his council that's who's on his council right now because i'm guessing i'm no i am i'm his marshall okay that's nice didn't even realize and here's something else i didn't realize as long as i'm his marshal i'm getting a bonus to levy bonus to army maintenance and i get more martial lifestyle experience so okay completely ignore the video i put out the other day which was supposed to be the ultimate guide on lifestyle because you know obviously it's crusader king so we're going to keep finding new stuff for the rest of time but yes you can get yourself a bonus 10 on top of your education for having an appropriate position on your leisure's council and on top of that some people did tell me yes the um the intelligence perks like uh sharp intelligent and genius they also get you another five or ten percent each so yes if you had a level four education and you were also the right position on a liege council and you're a genius then all those things together you should get yourself like 70 more experience than you get normally so that's slightly ridiculous and i love it also i'm jealous of his counsel it's so much better than mine right so okay that's fine soon soon we will have money and now we are officially okay who's creating a faction against this guy do not plot against this guy we need it's the guy i'm allied with why are you doing that oh it's nothing dramatic he just wants a lower crown authority so therefore yes there's no risk of revoking or anything which is fair enough i suppose but i'm not getting involved okay i'm gonna be honest this is a slightly embarrassing start for um for count olaf because it turns out you can't raid your own territory you're only allowed to raid a foreign territory so as a result of that we all put on our spiky viking helmets that totally won't actually think that's complete nonsense today historical it didn't happen um and came down here to this republic and now we're just sort of standing around not sure what to do and this is probably very embarrassing for our religion this here this is why you don't get a hat right so we need to find somewhere to raid that's like small and vulnerable but specifically not swedish nope every tiny nearby territory actually has a slightly more men than we do so if we went to go and raid them they could just raise up their own forces and probably kick our ass okay let's let's just go home quickly and quietly and pretend this didn't happen okay we didn't technically raid anybody if anyone asks we weren't here to raid we were here on holiday okay we just came down to got land for a nice holiday okay the soldiers break down so what we need really is okay we need somebody to go to war we need somebody else to like go to war with each other leaving them extremely vulnerable that's what we need then we can go in and like you know pick the corpses of the dead for loot oh flipping plot twist over here so the king who's 21 years old and i was saying oh well you know he's going to be around for ages we don't need to worry about the succession so it turns out um he's got cancer critical penalty and he just received a terrible treatment so the doctor just came in tossed in a beehive and then locked the door so okay we might be not with this guy for very long at all meaning right now okay this guy doesn't actually seem to hate me which is oh we're both calm okay me and this guy we can get on better this is good news plus he'll have less troops okay this is of interest also malaysia's oh bloody hell right malaysia's straight in prison on what crime out of interest so possibly the crime of not being the right religion who bloody knows so you've been tossed in okay house arrest house arrest isn't so bad it means he's not gaining experience but it does mean he's not like you know ill then again can you just execute this guy because like you know he's the wrong religion officially so okay yes this is welcome to welcome to the fate of the norse religion this is uh this is not going uh desperately desperately well here i mean the guy who's just tossed you in prison is wrathful and stubborn so it's not a great sign to be honest so if he wants to just drop dead that'd be really appreciated oh particular problem um the dodgy of upland the next person in line to get it is the king of sweden himself so if he takes the duchy then all of a sudden he's got the right to start oh that's not good right is your wife pregnant by the chance she's not pregnant okay but you're under house arrest right so that doesn't affect your fertility in the slightest you're still in the same place as your wife in fact if anything you're now basically bound to spend more time with her because you're locked in with her welcome to our world by the way you're now just stuck inside for the foreseeable future look just have a date night with the wife you need to get a son out as soon as possible please otherwise catholicism is just going to have the duchy of up planned okay he's been let go i don't know what he was imprisoned for have you been like um tortured or anything how are you are you okay doesn't seem to have been tortured i think that was just a power move oh i think i see what you did i'm not sure how but this guy is no longer eligible i think a deal was done he was thrown in prison and released in return for standing down in the election so that's a shame well may as well toss my vote behind you know the person who's already uh winning in that case i suppose okay let's take a moment to figure out what's going on diplomatically in europe here because yeah now that a marriage is instantly an alliance there's a lot more alliances than there used to be so right now we have got ourselves a yeah naturally we've got sweden and denmark together but france is also involved in that england right now of course is taking part in the invasion of 1066 and who's actually gonna win that one first okay so you're losing both but it looks like william is slightly ahead though you're losing both of them so okay keep an eye on who actually wins that because of course yes one of the key things that ended the viking age was harold hardrada failed to take back the uh the throne of england some people don't know this by the way like there was a period during the 10th century when the north sea empire existed when a single ruler held england norway and denmark and historians today generally recognized that that was the second most powerful empire in europe at the time only the holy roman empire had more power so this was a big deal harold hardrada could very easily have taken over england it had been taken over by scandinavians like several times by force in the last century so this was absolutely a thing that could have happened and it would have been 100 legit and honestly kind of wanted to happen on this occasion all right harold hardrada taking england that there would be a good omen for how our viking runs gonna go i'd say holy roman empire meanwhile is allied to uh ruthenia over here anyone else doing oh blimey hungary's hungary you okay what's wrong okay bit of a major revolt going on in hungary sure it's not an issue byzantines aren't doing anything for the time being croatia's decided to be friends with okay chris decides to be friends with hungary poland is uh poland's just chilling out doing nothing for the time being that's all absolutely a-okay so norway is uh noise honored with hang on who the flipper you aligned with ah of course the isles over here and the northern isles are over in this direction so nothing too dramatic also while i was just looking around i can't help but notice there's there is actually territory over here that's relatively unguarded there's territory over here in ireland that's it's got like nobody defending it okay this is interesting now unfortunately they're too far away i can't actually interact with them so i can't just do one of my stupid county seizing wars to just go and take desmond but i could go and sack it i mean that's that's a thing i mean what's even better is it's relatively developed there's there's a church there's a town there's an actual castle here there's there's money to be made i mean it's not like my army's doing anything back home to be honest it's just like you know chilling out over here so okay we might have found something here oh who the flipper you guys okay whoever the flip you are i don't really want anything to do with you because i can't defend myself i've got literally the smallest army of everybody in this part of the world so there's nothing i could do if i get myself raided the best option is if i'm raided i may as well go and be raiding somebody else at the same time okay activate raiding take toe this time it's going to work i mean i'll be honest we're going a long way in order to do this but like you know that's sort of the whole point we're vikings we're supposed to be going a long way to do this and once we've embarked we should start making some fast progress because don't forget i started off with hang on what was it here we go engineer for destruction naval speed up and once we get there raiding happens 25 faster as well so okay we are actually well set up for this nonsense like oh look at that look the flip of that we're just flipping flying once we're on the seat oh we're we're going we're going all the way to flipping ireland all right and we're gonna come back with a lot of flipping gold and because my army's so small we're actually we're still gaining money even though i'm raiding can we say hello to uh william while we're passing by by the way tragically no one you better not be going to raider where i'm planning to rate all right because that's my raiding spot now technically we are losing supplies right now uh quite a few supplies actually but we should be okay once we've taken some of this i'm sure it'll be okay oh my goodness that's oh who's who's attacking hang on hang on this there's a small war going on back home sorry don't have any troops to help out who's attacking home ah that liberty war's kicking off so yes all you want to do is have the um the crown authority lowered honestly i'm ambivalent if you want to do it that's fine because that means yes he's basically got less rights over me so that's a okay now we are technically struggling a bit right now tiny bit of attrition only the tiniest bit like we should still make a good profit and i can just apparently sack this place in like a month that gets me 24 gold that's a lot that's a lot of flipping gold right there so we're just uh yeah bumbling around doing a bit of raiding this is oh this is spectacular this is actually spectacular right so ireland is our piggy bank got it right in we go we've got almost as much gold as i can physically carry at this point okay uh but there is a there is more isn't there yeah we've looted you we'd like to loot like who's the easiest thing to loot there's a church over there there's a town over here once we loot this town that's that's it at that point we've actually got all the gold i can carry we are going to come home with a giant pile of booty is that the right term i know that's for pirates but like does that also apply to like you know raiders and vikings and stuff did they have booty oh hang on are you planning to come and like take us on a bunny chance uh okay there might be so okay we should we should go that's that's all the gold we're going now goodbye i don't know whether you're planning to like come and help or something but just in case you are i'm gonna take all of this gold couldn't even carry all of it sorry about that um we'll be off now so we just need to take that home so until it gets home i don't think we've officially got it so it's time for us to get the flip out of dodge fast as you're flipping like any any time you're ready you're actually coming in or are you attacking is there just a different wall going on are you being attacked right now oh yeah he's just being attacked this has nothing to do with me so i've just basically yes i'm cleared out his oh i've cleared out the garrison i'd say i'm sorry but to be honest it would feel a bit like you know inauthentic given i've literally just come and stolen all your stuff yep so those two are just fighting i can't even see it anymore right keep an eye on what's going on with oh okay right so williams won but he hasn't actually yes he's inherited this war so all that needs to happen now ideally is actually who else is getting involved okay you don't have where you've got one friend is your friend not getting involved right brittany's just like not getting involved meanwhile the isles are so yes williams won but he's inherited an already being lost war against harold hardrada so you've got wow you've got a lot of flipping tropes that's a lot of trips then again some of them are just like special okay how much do like you have my friend nowhere near as much so okay probably not going to work out for you just keep an eye oh there's a lot of troops right i think william's got that one so yeah there's there's the end of the voting age right there it's happening and hang on what have we got here so attentive care for the next five years wow my wife's just oh that's really lovely that's lovely that my wife's doing that so my wife's just looking after me and that happened despite her poor martial skill okay so because she's bad at soldiering it was unlikely she'd be able to is she on the boat with me by the way did she come to take care of me oh that's really lovely this has just become a really wholesome viking raid and it looks like the liberty faction is actually going to uh going to win so okay how many people are actually like in that faction in the end oh two people yeah so you're you're outnumbered because you actually have very few troops and now we just get everybody ashore and hello there olf increased aha because ulf is my chancellor and my wife has been set to do diplomacy focus in her council job she's actually improving the diplomacy of everyone else on the council very very nice indeed and 30 gold 30 prestige now this this is good what's the cheapest uh not most oh we definitely can't afford mercenaries flip no uh what's the cheapest man arms it is uh well it's in range now and we can actually start bowman being produced so okay the cheapest is light foxman and those are good against heavy infantry but honestly nobody's going to be putting a heavy footsman out into the world okay okay okay we need to plan this who is my target who do i think i might be able to like start picking off at some points i don't know where the hell you're getting your money from up there on helgum you've already managed to get bloody three units of men at arms out which is quite frankly unfair yes a lot of people seem to be let's just check if everyone's building men at arms and it's like footman loads of people are just building like footmen because they're cheap and money's a bit hard to come by so therefore if i was to trade you know archers that are effective against light footman okay i'd say we're onto a good thing here on top of that yes bowman are highly effective in hills at forests okay this is precisely what's around this part of the world hang on hang on hang on go over to the what is it the terrain map the simplified terrain map so we've got over here is precisely that okay we've got a lot of yeah that's what we're doing okay uh what we need to do is get some actual armies into production right now i'm gonna get one bowman straight in how are they in terms of cost that's going to cost me 0.2 going forward that is only like 33 more expensive than basic light footman so then again we could have onagers they're cheap and they help me destroy walls go for bowman for now so those are now in production and jeff they're going to be costing 0.6 while they're training up so okay okay okay okay probably best you guys just stand still for the time being can you guys why can't you guys break down fyi can't expand when there are hostile armies around okay what hostile armies because now you've got me worried these guys aren't hostile are they well they are but like i'm not really getting involved with them to be honest okay as soon as they nap off to the north we might be able to yep disband the army all right just get them home let's make some money wait for the archers to be done trading up because then i can bring them with me and we'll have a much easier time dealing with the situation going forward because that's an extra 100 men and the reason you might want to prioritize men at arms over buildings is buildings are going to cost you like um what like two years or something to actually construct then the levy's got to fill up i think so you're gonna get your men at arms a lot faster okay i don't know what's going on over here but despite the massive troop advantage of william the concrete the number of troops appears to be going down and you're starting to overlap harold come on and okay my son's getting a good education right well this is this is all going beautifully well okay a bit of a barney next door involving finland so yes you guys have just taken a bit of a uh bit of a battering though your wife is currently imprisoned by right well this is a bit awkward so nylons won but finland still has yes the wife of nylons king in prison so this is all very awkward and yes as time goes by short reign is starting to go down things are starting to shape up and i'm pretty sure i also saw who's pregnant i know one of you is pregnant but i'm going to be honest you all look you all look kind of similar in a way i've clearly just got to type so it was inga lovely so ah you're also educating my okay so i've just realized that yes um what's happening is i've got a primary wife and inga one of my concubines is now pregnant now her children do enter the line of succession um but as a result of that it would technically work in her unborn child's favor if she was to you know somehow engineer an accident involving my son who she's the guardian of and also she's my spy master and also she's a godless ravener so okay um i'm sure this is fine she seems to like me oh also the king of sweden did change so okay right we've got a new guy here who is okay he's calm he likes a party he's greedy he's a little bit into diplomacy okay so me and him have yes a much more logical friendship we get on this is good his martial is not what it once was this is this is positive so me and him we can be friends and it also means presumably there's yes yet another bloody vote so okay uh arranged by you vote score so does this mean that like you know what's his face is he's not on the docket i don't know what was done to him but he's just not on the docket anymore possibly the rules of the election were changed i don't know ah extended family and claimants are candidates so if he lost his claim i bet that was what was done i bet that the condition of his release was you need to sacrifice your claim that's logically what just happened which is why he's not eligible anymore oh the king's wasting no time new king of sweden has declared a war so okay he is marching north to expand swedish territory okay this is good this means he's not focusing on you know dealing with the uh internal threat if you will ah he's interesting there's a massive war going on over in wales where gwyneth has apparently just brought in like everybody the isles herefordshire oriole over in ireland so okay as a result of that these guys looking very flimsy right everybody on the boats we're going back to ireland though i think actually if we move the yes if we move the rally points to here we can actually save ourselves moving through an entire sea hex which barely even matters but screw it it's nice to feel we're being a bit more efficient so okay we have now got more flipping troops raise up our army over we up to oh 400 soon the world will be ours and as we set off i've just reached enough xp to give myself a lifestyle perk so okay need to start at the bottom work our way up plan ahead because yes it takes years to get a single perk so boost gifts i don't really have the money for that to be honest august is more about prestige which isn't so important for me but i could make my children better which is not a terrible thing having better children that's good the befriend scheme that's not bad it's not bad at all then every friend stress gain is not so important befriends scheme power i wouldn't mind just having the ability to have yeah better children befriend people and then down a little bit some other good stuff here then again diplomats got some good stuff so fellow vassal plus 15 independent ruler plus 15 extra alliance don't need a marriage that's really nice and embassies alliance is plus one diplomacy that's nice that is nice that would be a nice thing to work towards oh that's tempting okay i'll take the friends but we're not sticking around in this tree i just wanted to grab a befriend because now i've got that i can actually start doing some you know good stuff with the council members who are not so keen on me then again i'm going to be honest i'm going to be replacing you as soon as literally anybody better shows up and speak of the devil linda is in the process of potentially leaving my court so as soon as she goes hopefully somebody else will rock up and maybe we'll recruit them because seriously we need a better martial we need a better chancellor for the time being though it is never going to hurt to you know be a friend to this guy so 36 because ah he doesn't see a good opportunity my rank is lower my diplomacy is pretty good opinion is nice but chance success is very low i'm guessing yeah trying to befriend the king is going to be even worse no that's that's 70 ah it's because we've actually got a lot in common so i've got a good chance of just befriending the king of sweden well i shan't say no to that right everybody on the boats continue getting on the boats we're still going to ireland oh and tragically it looks like yes william is uh clawing it back i was hopeful for a second but no it looks like he's gonna be able to have it the viking age is indeed a bit on the other side right we've arrived here in like no time whatsoever raid loot ease yes there's 20 here there's nine here there's wow there's 17 there okay this place is flipping rich so just get ashore get looting we got some lovely lovely troops ready to go and their army is battered on account of all of this so how was the uh that's the siege going should be gonna take two months actually and uh okay we've got a daughter that's a good thing because bear in mind of course now marriage equals alliance and marriage to someone nice and high up does actually generate a renown for your dynasty daughters are arguably a lot more useful than they were in crusader king's toe so yes i can name her after her mother after an ancestor theranoans you don't have any ancestors because she's lowborn or yes we've got ourselves a good name from the religion a good name from our culture you know i quite like bjorg it's a fun thing to say so yeah she's going to be bjorg very fun one to say that one so the raid continues absolutely lovely so yeah actually have we got oh hang on what's up what's our capacity oh it's up to 40. now we've got extra troops oh this is why we need the extra troops we didn't need them for this war we just need them to carry more stuff off so actually if we take all three of these that's that's actually kind of perfect then again we barely even need that right so there's you're trying to come home are you planning to take me on are you planning to take me on oh bad cool bad flipping call advantage me as it turns out so we'll be here we'll be having some stuff did we capture and we didn't capture anyone still we barely lost anyone just a very quick battle right there so yeah four of us died and 114 of yours did so uh bad call for you and i even got myself some lovely lovely prestige and piety out of that shame we didn't capture anyone by the way also is your head weirdly large because i swear your head looks too large for your body there we can by the way get proper like you know kill death ratios and what not so oh dia your levies as it turned out kind of sucked versus my bowman who just straight up destroyed everything anyway we're almost done with the raiding right here so there we go spectacular and oh there's been okay there's been an important stronghold which has fallen that's oh that's me oh so i'm not used to seeing myself looking that angry oh now you're getting into your viking well done so apparently everyone's a bit um everyone's a bit scared so okay we are probably going and doing a vik right now so okay so we've got the run of vast tracks of land and many subjects and shining treasures to choose from okay okay okay so so so so so so we can either capture skilled slaves in which case aha my development progress like tech level whatever starts going up and their development is going to start going down unfortunately in control falls or alternatively money prestige etc is that instant money i just get by the way or we've already taken enough now normally that might be a good thing but unfortunately i'm a viking so if i say no we don't need to raid any further we've surely taken enough ready that actually costs me piety because i'm a warmonger which is beautiful so no bring me bounties plunder and once you're done with that bring me some plunderous bounty all right i want both and very importantly do i just get this immediately is my money about to jump to 57. oh it does and that doesn't even count for the bounty right here so okay uh all we need to do is go and take this town and then we can probably head home to be honest to just go and uh you know cash the flipping check okay so we've got a good piggy bank i was worried for a second but as it turns out we've got ireland right here island is just you know free money central which is spectacular so this is oh this is this is wonderful oh good my one vassal has managed to slay his daughter sophia okay that's that's interesting so what do we need to do i need to pay blood money and also prestige but everyone's really grateful about that alternatively okay my vassal hates me he loses a ton of prestige i don't lose anything or oh that's a funny joke your daughter being dead uh in which case he doesn't like me but like this guy does um was like a particular reason you killed this random woman in okay well it says murdered right here and also she was why did you murder a 14 year old why well i'm sorry you're not getting any money out of me all right it took the irish a long time to earn this money yeah go on fine he is going to publicly beg for forgiveness and i have become friends with the king of sweden oh yes easy easy easy easy spectacular i'll say though my son's starting to come along bed chased his unfortunate zealous oh mine so he's flipping ready to go to war is he well okay diligent right diligent is still amazing but i am glad it's been a bit rebalanced which is yes now it causes more stress gain so yeah he's going to get stressed more easily because he's so diligent and he is still charming that that will of course evolve into his education perk when the time is right right we've got all the money we need at time for you guys to come home and bank it also that war sweden started for a time a bit of territories not really going that well because as it turns out uh yes he's brought lapland in and lapland have like 2 000 troops so okay well done hopefully denmark comes and flipping bails you out right troops may now stand down amro for 100 gold right time to start a bit of investment ticks if we're going to be doing some viking we're going to be needing some you know troops for that now what can we get ourselves here military camps spectacular and on top of that that boosts across the entire realm archer damager skirmisher damager good flipping stuff then again there is also a trade port i assume that's available because i'm by the sea in fact particularly in islands like you know there's a lot of sea all around every side in fact so okay is there any better option than military camps because i don't think so yeah it's gotta be it's gonna be that's gonna take 21 months to construct and then as tech advances we can start upgrading that war in england is still dragging on but william is slowly but surely dragging it back though i can't but notice hang on what the flip of you just got us dragged into here yes uh welcome to welcome to the world where marriage equals alliance where world wars across europe just sort of kick off all the time so on this occasion the friendship decided to go for the county of maine and that now you know you'd think would just be a matter for you know say france and uh england but no no no no no no it also involves a hang on sweden barcelona brittany and navarra because all of them are just involved oh good my incompetent chancellor is in fact so incompetent he's accidentally given a claim to our one county to the king of cocking finland all right didn't you listen to the history i was telling you about modern ireland they don't want to be ruled by finland this is literally the worst thing you could have done still on the plus side actually if france is attacking england right now that does at least mean oh england's got like four wars going on simultaneously if their army ends up being spread too thin harold hardrada might have a chance and my wife is pregnant spectacular i mean look at that there's a battle going on right now and you are you are losing troops and oh is that's the popular uprising i think that's just a popular uprising i'm sure it's fine yep just some peasants not an issue then again not an issue um sweden's down to 1 500 troops like i swear you had more than that a second ago before you started two international wars for no reason also um important update so denmark did show up to try and help with the stupid war up north for a single county and was immediately captured by um lapland or like this guy okay so he's now um he's now in prison they've now got the king of denmark imprisoned good good well done oh but this is good a new guest has indeed shown up and oh mine she's actually pretty bloody good at her job so okay she is vengeful and deceitful which is a concern but she likes me she likes me an awful lot okay um would you like to stay by the way because you could be my new spymaster how much you're gonna wow you're expensive 25 golds that's that's a lot and looks like sweden is regrouping up here and it's close actually it's it's really close this is to the flipping white and i've got a new sun off my wife absolutely beautiful and i think we should definitely have a john in play but like with a double end to make it a bit more scandinavian so grow wise and strong my son okay my wife wants to help out with my counsel because they're useless and you know what she's right they really bloody are so okay okay okay okay what are we going to do here i can basically make her train somebody but whoever she trains is going to be offended so okay my vassal's not thrilled right now he's already been insulted by that whole whoa okay you're the one who murdered a 14 year old in a drunkard bronx don't come to me about right and wrong right you can give this guy a bit of training he needs to get better perfect worlds oh houston's dead right we're getting through kings of sweden fast on this occasion he was killed in oh he was killed during a siege does anybody know what siege was he like leading the troops or something i'm guessing he was right well okay he's dead and unfortunately yes the downside of having friends is you get stressed when they die okay so we're on to the bloody third king of sweden and we're less than 10 years into the game this is slightly ridiculous so okay we're over to king hacken the red of sweden age 23 doesn't hate me seems to be a bit intimidated by me in fact hang on why are you intimidated by me i've got literally no dread and also i'm incredibly trusting and calm okay possibly he's just a bit of a coward still on the plus side sweden has started splitting up because of course yes while the actual kingdom is decided by election everything else plays by normal succession rules and normal succession rules is a confederate partition it's starting to be divided amongst his children if people die in rapid succession you will very quickly find yes all of your counties have just gone all over the place to 10 million children so okay this is kind of good well kind of anyway sweden is divided and weak i'm actually part of sweden so that's bad but sweden is also catholic and i'm not so that's good so not sure whether this is going to work out for me and even more embarrassing he was actually taken out by flipping peasants killed in a peasant revolt well that's just humiliating in france yes we've got all sorts of weird situations popping up here so as a result of the rapid series of successions the actual king of sweden controls a single county however a yes two-year-old baby girl possibly holds more land than anybody else in all of sweden she controls uh 900 troops i think that's probably yeah pretty much as much as anyone's gonna have the king's got over a thousand but okay so a baby girl is now basically yes one of the most powerful people in sweden good good good good and i can't marry her because unfortunately yeah she's catholic she's also spindly which doesn't seem that bad to me but whatever oh and flip me i was right okay so harold hardrada is starting to claw it back because 100 that score was at zero and now it's back down to minus 21 for william the conqueror harold hardrada could still do this how many troops do you have he's actually got more he's actually got more okay my wife's made a friend with what looks like yes a prince of england who happens to have every claim in the cocking world he's got a claim on england and also denmark and middlesex hartfordshire buckinghamshire roy okay everybody he's just gonna claim on absolutely everything now i mean there's no harm in keeping him around to be honest yeah you know what if he decides to get bored and leave down the line then that's fine alternatively i could actually yes uh basically snitch to the king of denmark then again why would i be what would i be stitching to the king of denmark he is specifically saying ah that's because it's the county he wants even though his biggest claims are on the kingdom of england and stuff yeah he just wants a specific counting but if i accept him into my court the king of denmark might not be impressed then again he's kind of yes 53 baton in prison so i mean go on why not we need more people in court anyway and excellent news here my son has come of age okay and impress me it's not spectacular but it's not terrible in fact i'm almost surprised with a zealous diligent and level three education it's that bad so i'm guessing he's just got some poor base stats unfortunately kind of bad luck there so 11 and 11 as a starting point that's okay you know actually hang on you know why that's okay by the way take your helmet off when you're bloody inside yes you're also allowed to dress up people who are like close to you in your court it's great so take your hat off please take your bloody hat off in this house adelvard we earn our helmets okay you get the helmet when you've proved yourself but for the time being he is actually an adult in my court and that means finally you my friend can be oh he's also a champion well i guess he would be yes then again he's ah have you started to go over to uh diplomacy folks immediately i'm guessing you have right okay so yes you my friend are gonna be our new chancellor meaning now we can actually move straight over to domestic affairs because as a result of that yes all good side effects as a result of that hopefully all of you guys will slowly come around hang on is that just for vassals yes that's just for vassals but then again the odds of just kind of you know getting this guy's opinion up would not be the worst thing in the world then he's pretty good at producing prestige and fellow vassal opinion up again not spectacular but it'll do now what we really need is uh we could also be a marshal we need a better martial we just need a much better marshall oh that reminds me hang on we had someone visiting who actually was going to be yes you're really good at your job aren't you okay um you can be recruited for 25. so there we go you're now in court and inga sorry about this we just found someone like so much better than you it's not even funny also elsa if you're gonna be my spymaster we're gonna have to do something about this you need to look the flipping parts yes much better that's vaguely spy mastery oh flip me um right there's things are not looking good in sweden as it turns out so yes this whole the king keeps dying thing has had a bit of a bad pass on effect to everybody including okay toke me and you are cool and is it just it's everybody okay so as it turns out literally everybody who's norse wants out of this situation i mean we could join right that's that's interesting except hang on hang on hang on hang on this is this is a populist revolt so there's there's people so i'm not allowed to join that type of faction so why are these guys allowed to join that kind of faction then i mean i could create my own independence faction i suppose but like for the time being i'm kind of okay being you know protected by swedenborg keep an eye on what the bloody hell is gonna happen in seven months on the plus side that stupid war finally ended by the way bloody hell so okay we have got ourselves a brand new person of the correct religion and a brand new pregnancy good good good good everything's under control this is spectacular i should check by the way what don't you like supposed to be part of okay i'm supposed to be part of upland which is currently held by a catholic hang on what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa can we just can we just back up can we can we roll back for one second here what the happened to what's his face eric the smitey oh he straight up stole it oh good good good good so eric the smitey's just sort of he's wandering right now excellent that's that's positive would you like to come to my court no would you believe he doesn't want to so okay um the king of sweden now is i'm reporting directly to the king of sweden yes i am so i'm reporting directly to a catholic this is this is good and he's just got the um he's just got the hang on we need to we need to double check this does he have the right to yes he has the right to revoke he does have the right to well he's got the right to ask to revoke we need to get rid of that like now actually that needs to that needs to go so i could join the liberty faction or if i wanted to hang on what's our contract say about this yeah i want my title protected all right i want it protected i'll pay you an extra 0.1 gold for that okay sweden's just flipping falling apart right now so this territory that used to be the capital of sweden is now in possession of count tost who is 24 who reports into a two-year-old baby over here who has nothing to do with this territory who reports into the king who's now squatting on upland which he stole because he basically had no other choice he had no land right screw it i'm in the liberty faction i'm i'm now the leader of the liberty faction good good good good glad i'm the leader of the liberty faction so that's that's fine no need to like you know rush to do anything there wait for a good moment when sweden's uh nice and weak potentially after whatever the bloody how the other faction is triggers cause something crazy is going on with this populist uprising also i just realized something so lapland is in fact norse so this is okay this is fascinating oh flip he'll take it he's willing to accept a marriage between bjorg and his youngest son he'll just just go for it as a result of that i get access to an alliance with somebody with oh 2 000 troops you know what i think we'll be uh we'll be going for that one actually that's a nice little thing to have oh flip me that's one a hell of an alliance and as for adulvard i can't have but notice yet there's no great alliances to be had but to be honest we're doing pretty bloody well with where we are already so how about instead we have got a rare double up positive genetic trait here including crucially yes huge amounts of fertility together with being moderately attractive so okay stack those two on top of each other she's got plus 60 fertility so you know what that's pretty good we're gonna go for that let's just befriend her all right that's a good starting point for that nonsense oh laplands immediately decided to start calling in my help to attack down south um sorry no i'm not going to be not going to be showing up actually so that's going to be a minus 10 against him but he likes me a lot so that's fine it was an offensive war so it doesn't really matter so much if i say no fortunately and here we go children can get some extra skill points that's always nice to have but i feel like actually the situation is starting to you know resolve itself in terms of diplomacy so it might be time to play to my strengths just a little bit actually here we go straight back over to strategy let's move over to a war footing oh and good news all round even though he's already an adult adolfo did gain from that so he's up to 18 diplomacy and the tents are constructed we have got ourselves oh we've got men we have got men coming in that's going to be yeah that's going to be rising up in no time that levy is going to start filling up that is absolutely beautiful right there all this is this is good this is good stuff we're starting to build up an army oh tragic news though so inga has passed on apparently she died in uh died in childbirth so unfortunately i'm gonna gain wow a lot of stress because yes my daughter was still born and inga herself passed away so right that's it's a bit on the heavy side meanwhile yes in just one month whatever the hell this is is about to fire then it disappeared whatever it was it just went away so that's that's interesting still the liberty faction is the liberty fact is getting larger so right now yes we've got me we've got my ally yeah basically it's just north sweden and the republic at the minute and uh we do just just about actually managed to outnumber him but i don't really want a war with the king of sweden just for the sake of making him a lower crown authority because i've already negotiated a good deal so that's fine not a problem wait what the king's gone how long has he been was he always he wasn't one of wait what the wait whoa whoa whoa whoa the king of sweden's one of us i didn't he wasn't a second ago right he definitely wasn't when he got elected because literally okay he's seen the light flipping hallelujah or whatever the equivalent is for thor and on that perception -1 bombshell because i've no bloody clue how long he's been norse but like he is now so spectacular i would say that is enough for now ladies and gentlemen this is a this is a pretty solid start i mean okay it's it's a mixed bag to be honest which is we do actually have a king of sweden who has flipped to the true path but like on the other hand sweden is sort of disintegrated into a completely incoherent mess and god only knows what oh bloody how this is who are you allied to by the way okay still france still france good good good good so yes sweden is a mess but it's a mess that might just might work out in our favor so okay sorry cancel all of the plans too oh that's what it was it was the populist uprising they demanded he convert to their religion and he didn't have enough man so he did oh flip that's what happened that's why he's got like a really negative glowy red party right now just oh flip me oh precious populist uprising oh this is that's actually brilliant because obviously historically short large parts of scandinavia went christian at the highest level where the aristocracy and whatever said they were christian and like mass baptisms and conversions happened but really archaeological evidence says that the people on the ground continue to worship the old ways or some combination of the new and the old ways for centuries into the future after this point in history so the fact that the flipping king of sweden was just forced by popular uprising to re-adopt the old wazes well i wasn't expecting it that was literally the one thing i wasn't expecting to happen so welcome back to crusader kings where everything's nonsense and you can never bloody predict what's about to happen next so well i know one thing i do need to do next and that's actually get some territory because i can't have but notice i'm in a better place than i was in terms of troops but i've still literally only got one county so i need to find somewhere that i can you know take over at some point because yes problems in that regard i've literally only got a one county and i've got children that need marriages i need new concubines because one of them just died which was you know very unfortunate in many ways so plenty of exciting stuff yet to come ladies and gentlemen welcome to our first full crusader kings 3 series this is oh this is gonna be a good time this has been this has been slightly manic right from the get-go sweden's just imploded maybe next week we can put it back together because this series is of course going to be every monday and friday going forward hopefully you decide to stick around for that it's going to be a good time but in the meantime i've been johnson's but many a true nerd and this has been crusader kings 3. thank you very much and goodbye guy's enjoying that this guy's enjoying his elephant a bit too bad oh my god in favor we set our scene oh my god becky look at her bud it is so big they've managed to glitch inside one of the buildings elephants at the rear and then come the chariots
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 565,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings 3 game, Crusader Kings 3 gameplay, let's play Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings 3 part 1, Crusader Kings 3 preview, Crusader Kings 3 tutorial, Crusader Kings 3 guide, Crusader Kings 3 pc, Crusader Kings 3 walkthrough, Crusader Kings III, Crusader Kings, Crusader Kings 3 viking, crusader kings 3 vikings, crusader kings 3 sweden, crusader kings 3 campaign, crusader kings 3 1066
Id: bmHs9K4qupU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 59sec (5159 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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