CREEPYPASTA are great but what is your TRUE CREEPY story? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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[Music] creepypasta are great but does anyone have any good true creepy stories my favorite answer from a previous thread credit where credit is due / you / Ruben it was near Halloween time when my friends and I were telling ghost stories my friend said she was going to tell a story about her parents first date she said she didn't like telling the story since it was actually true but we prodded her on to cut to the chase the parents had spent a nice if awkward first aid and around the time that they would have said good night the male in this situation my friend's dad suggested that they go for a midnight hike up Provo Canyon he apparently knew the place since he had done a fair amount of rock climbing in the area so the two drove up the mouth of the canyon got out of their cars and started hiking under just the light of the stars since it was a new moon at some point the male starts getting a bad feeling since the pathway ahead which would pass under some trees would be dark and because it was getting to be quite late he ignores the feeling and presses on in later rehearsing of the story the female would say that she had felt the same feeling at what was probably the same time though she didn't know the trail like he did a minute later the feeling came back to the male he ignored it again and started walking a bit of the way into the trees when his foot hit something soft in the middle of the path under the trees it was too dark to see just what this soft thing was and the feeling came back stronger than ever instead of finding out what his foot had bumped into he and the female both agreed to hightail it out of there years later after being married for some time they were watching an interview with the serial killer Ted Bundy in response to a question asking him to describe the time that he felt the closest to being caught he explained about the night that he lured a girl into Provo Canyon and had just killed her when he heard some people coming up the trail he explained how he hid in the trees just in time only to watch some guy walk right into the body and for some reason just turn around and walk away TL DR friends parents stumbled onto a fresh corpse left by Ted Bundy on their first date a few weeks ago my girlfriend and I were sleeping together when I woke up to her saying what are you doing she sometimes talks in her sleep but this sounded so coherent and urgent that had jolted me awake and I asked what she was talking about she then woke up and said she thought she saw someone at the end of the bed thinking it was just a dream or semi awake hallucination we thought nothing of it and went back to sleep about an hour later I woke up and saw someone standing on the bed with the sheets wrapped up and twisted to their neck I didn't know what do but the first thing that came out of my mouth was what are you doing my girlfriend then woke me up I had been dreaming the exact same thing that she did and said the exact same thing I know it's the power of suggestion or whatever but duck bat when I was younger I had an imaginary friend who lived in this massive antique dresser we'd chill out and I vividly remember him telling me stories although I have absolutely no recollection of what they actually were I remember one day talking to my parents about it dad travelled quite a bit so he wasn't up to date with what I was into and when I started telling him about my dresser buddy he wanted to know his name it was something innocent like Peter or Patrick but I can still see him going wide in the face I drew Peter / Patrick out for him in the very next day him and my uncle took out the dresser and burned it it wasn't until a few years later when I found out my dad's little brother my uncle also had the same friend with the same name who lived in the same antique dresser after a few months of the typical imaginary friend crap my uncle started having night terrors and couldn't sleep because of Peter / Patrick it got so bad that they had to move him out of his room before he managed to get back to normal thanks for the gold kind stranger skimmed through the comments and will probably answer the most common questions one the dresser was an old dark wood ugly thing as far as we know it belonged to my great-great-grandfather who had always been into some weird crap if family history is to be believed - dad never talked about what was actually in the dresser and he was the only one who believed his brother when they were kids their parents didn't really care because they thought kids were just being kids and who honestly believed in spooky ghosts back then must have been as shocked at 30 years later his own son started having the same friend three my uncle's night terrors ended when they moved him to another room the bedroom he was in with the dresser was converted into a little sitting room since it had some nice views it remained relatively unlifted until dad moved our family into that home in that room became mine for I haven't seen my uncle in 14 years now don't really speak to him since he is on the other end of the world afraid to bring something like this up since I know he struggles with depression and alcoholism so I would hate to add stuff to his plate five to everyone asking what he looked like I remember tiny old man not like old man tiny but kid size tiny he had very large hands long fingers which in turn led to how I draw people even today hands always come out longer and larger than what they would normally be smelled of wood mothballs old cloths and what I now know is mold about a couple weeks after I was born my dad's best friend Jim died they were really close and one of the last things he wanted was to hold little me before he passed his wish was felled and some short time after that he was gone fast forward seven years I'm now a happy seven-year-old with a five year old brother and recently born sister one day the phone rings and with my mom out and dad in the washroom I thought it was going to be ignored as we kids were still too young to answer the phone no call display we didn't know if there would be a stranger but my brother broke the rules and answered hello at this point my dad is out of the washroom and is asking my brother to hand him the phone he ignores him and keeps listening to whoever is speaking before my dad could ask a second time my brother hangs up looks at him and says Jim says hi and he misses skyway Nova then goes back to playing the look of shock my dad had is what I remember most about this when I was a child we would frequently get calls for a woman named Tanya didn't seem like a big deal she had the same last name as us although it's quite a common one around here when we moved across the city and phone books stopped being the go-to for finding somebodies number the calls for Tanya gradually stopped those days seem to have ended and we carried on forgetting about the mysterious Tanya it was about four years ago that she popped up in our lives again I was driving home from work one afternoon and was greeted by a pretty grisly car wreck at the turn to my house two cars had collided and one had wrapped itself around the signage pole that at house numbers and directions on it one of which was my house number several days later we get a call from the police they asked if Tonya was at this residence her car was found wrapped around a pole down the street from my house and she was nowhere to be found at the accident site haven't heard anything about her since my wife's mother passed away in 2003 from cancer after the funeral family and friends gathered at her house for a final celebration of her life the gathering went late into the evening my son three at the time needed to go to bed at that point I walked with him up the stairs to where he would sleep the room that my mother-in-law passed away and was upstairs and straight down the hallway as he reached the top of the landing my son and I walked upstairs together with me holding his hand as we nearly reached the top of the stairs my son stopped and wouldn't move at the point which he could just see down the hallway he was steering straight down the hall I looked at him then down the hall to an open doorway to a completely dark bedroom he just stared and would not move any further I asked him buddy are you okay his response was daddy the light the light scares me I looked again down the hallway where he was staring into darkness but he you see a light yes daddy it scares me I promptly picked him up and went back downstairs to this day the hair still stand on the back of my neck when I think of it this happened to a friend of mine she told me about it a year or so ago we'll call her mangie mangie is in her late 20s and works as an english tutor in south korea one evening a few years ago she was tutoring a high school boy they were up studying pretty late and the buses stopped running being a long way from his house the boy asked if he could crash on her floor overnight and get the first bus the next morning mean she was very reluctant because inviting a teenage male student to stay the night didn't sound like a great idea but he was begging her and eventually she relented they went back to her one-room apartment and she got into the bed while he laid her blank on the floor and they both fell asleep a few hours later at maybe 2:00 a.m. the boy wakes mean gee up I'm really hungry he says let's go get some food mean gee opens her eyes and looks up at him in disbelief food now it's 2:00 a.m. go back to bed but the student insists no I'm so hungry let's eat something now she tells him that there's some ramen in the kitchen and he can fix himself some this doesn't satisfy him he doesn't want ramen there's a 24-hour place just down the road let's go there eventually after several minutes of persuasion the boy gets mean gee to come with him to the restaurant they leave the apartment and head out as soon as they're on the street the boy turns to Minji and says I'm not hungry I woke up in the middle of the night and looked under your bed there's a man sleeping there they call the police and discover that a homeless man had been living in min-ji's apartment sleeping under her bed for over two months the boy I only saw him because he was lying on her floor so had a clear view under the bed the police arrested the man and thankfully there were no other issues but that's by far the creepiest thing that's ever happened to anyone I know one of my brothers worked security in one of New York City's most upscale hotels the security desk received a frantic call during one of his night shifts a guy was calling all freaked out that his wife was in the bath and was not breathing my brother and another security guard rushed upstairs to the room sure enough they found a woman in the tub and she was unresponsive my brother and the other guard got her out of the tub and attempted CPR in the interim during resuscitation attempts the NYPD arrived they told my brother to stop CPR because the lady was obviously dead and in their opinion had been for a couple of hours the husband was questioned extensively he told law enforcement that he and his wife had a fight earlier in the evening he went out on his own and when he came back his wife was in the bath he says he went to bed at that point but later became concerned when his wife didn't come to bed privately among all those present the general consensus was that the husband had something to do with it but it could not be proven a couple of weeks later the room was again made available to guests and of course the incident was not mentioned a woman who frequently stayed at the hotel made a reservation for a week and was assigned to that room she was the first person to stay in the room since the incident she came to the front desk first thing in the morning very upset and with all of her luggage in tow she said that she was canceling the rest of her reservation and that she would never be staying in the hotel again she said that she did not sleep the entire night and that the room was haunted no one at the hotel had mentioned to her what had previously transpired in the room while my brother worked there every guest who stayed in the room called about strange goings-on and many asked to be switched to another room when I was in eighth grade I went on a school trip that was called the Louisiana tour it was mostly going around to significant sites in South Louisiana one of the places we went was myrtles plantation which is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the country there are all kinds of stories about the place but at one point we were standing in a room as a part of a larger group and the tour guide was talking about something I don't remember what as I'm standing there I start to hear what sounds like someone hitting a piano key after I heard it a couple of times I started to look around for the source of the noise I didn't see a piano but I kept hearing it so I asked my friends who were standing near me if they heard it they said no when I heard it again I said there is it again and that they must have heard it they thought I was crazy so I went back to looking around the room everyone's eyes were on the tour guide except for one woman she caught my eye and pointed at me and then at her ear with a questioning look I realized she was asking if I heard it too and I nodded at this point the tour guide starts telling a story about a soldier who had died there and that he played the piano and multiple guests had reported hearing him playing in the night I honestly didn't know what to think I guess I still don't I talked to the woman as we were all leaving the room and she had heard the exact same thing as me but her husband and son had not heard it I should start off by saying my brother is not only a military man but he's your basic header oh never let them see you cry cliche of a military man he's not afraid of anything well except for the entire country of Japan this is his story my brother joined the Marines when he was 18 and was stationed in Japan he really enjoyed his time there for a while the girls specifically he made friends with some of the Japanese guys his age who worked around the base on nights where him and his soldier friends had the night off the local Japanese guys would show them around bring them to bars introduce them to girls etc one night after a little drinking and no luck with girls the guy invited my brother home to play video games my brother accepted the invite and they played video games for a few hours during this time he tells my brother the main reason he wanted to get home earlier was because his little sister had been suffering from night terrors causing her to wake up screaming crying and sometimes vomiting he was worried about her and wanted to be home in case she had an episode at this point in the story I should explain how this guy's house was shaped the house was built in the shape of a horseshoe with a garden in the middle his bedroom was at the very edge of one side of the u-shape and his sisters all the way at the other end so they are essentially across the garden from each other if he looks out of his window he can see into hers and vice versa so anyways they decide to call it a night and the Japanese guy walks over to the window to look across the garden into his sister's window to check on her he lifts the blind and peers out for a fraction of a second before jumping back screaming and looking at my brother like you just saw something horrible my brother then goes to look and he stops him he tells him that he saw a dark cloud with red eyes hovering over his sister's sleeping body my brother naturally does not believe him and decides to look for himself he creeps quietly over to the window and lifts the blind but this time he finds himself eye-to-eye with what he describes as a dark black puff of smoke with a face my brother and this other guy admit that they got under the guise covers and stayed there until it was light outside too afraid to lift the blankets and see that the smoky figure had come a little closer and was in the room with them just on the other side of the fence sheets I don't know what to believe or if maybe they drank more than what they said they did that night and imagined it all but I know my brother believes what he saw he sticks to his story and when he tells it he looks like someone who saw something truly sinister at it my brother isn't gay he is probably the least likely to be gay person on earth if you think he handled the situation badly next time your reality comes crashing down and you go from not believing in ghosts to seeing one with your own eyes let us know how you handled it it's easy to sound brave when it didn't happen to you I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that but I've had one experience that I just can't explain so it was about a year ago and I had my paranormal encounter I had just woke up with a case of morning wood that would not go away away so the only option at that point was to smack around the ill one-eyed monster it's important to note that my dad and I had just moved into this old fixer-upper house and the bathroom was the only room with a door so everything's going just swell when the unexplainable happens I'm slapped square across the face mad jerk what the duck so here I am sitting on my toilet dick in hand trying to process what the duck just happened I knew I didn't just imagine this and I'm pretty creeped out at this point I was so overwhelming confused I did the only thing I could I finished so I can only assume this ghost or whatever stared into my soul as it could see my vinegar strokes and was probably just as disgusted with me as I was and yeah it was weird TL DR ghost caught me beating my meat and I guess it didn't like what it saw when I was younger my family was extremely poor and lived in a very old mobile home on some land my grandpa this piece of land was in a very small town out in the middle of nowhere Texas and was covered in woods the town itself was your typical small country town where football was king and there was nothing to do but get drunk or high on the weekend it was also the type of town along with it being early 90s where one didn't typically have to worry too much about locking their doors or setting an alarm now our trailer was a two-bedroom and my parents always putting his kids ahead of themselves slept in the living room on a fold-out couch my room was directly connected to it and my sister's room was down a hallway past the kitchen and bathroom at the other end of the trailer one night after everyone had gone to bed my dad is woken up by a feeling that there is someone in the room he looks around a bit and sees a large male figure sitting in the easy chair just feet from the bed my dad quickly flipped on the light switch next to his bed and saw it was a neighbor from down the road named Carter Carter was known to be a frequent drug user and was often in trouble with the law because of these my dad asked him what the ducky was doing here and told him to get out and he responded I can't get out the demons are chasing me and your house is the only safe one my dad who I should his fairly large and terrifying person responded that if he didn't get out and get out quickly that the house would be a lot less safe for him if I leave they'll get me they've been chasing me all night if they catch me I'm dead my dad's response was that there was no demons but that if he didn't get the duck out of his house that he'd be dead from what I've been told since I was asleep for this part my mom also Herald a few threats and while she may not be big she was equally as terrifying I believe it was her anger that finally scared him off my dad got up and locked the door and watched through the blinds as Carter decided since he couldn't outrun the demons he'd steal our old beater suburban that my dad always left the keys in he drove around for about an hour we called the police and it took them about that long to get out to us since the closest police station was about 20 or 30 minutes away he finally brought it back and was arrested and taken to jail he was deemed crazy and ended up locked in a mental institution the scarier part is that four years after this we'd get phone calls where all we'd hear is music that would have lyrics like I'm going to ducking kill you these calls lasted for years and followed us from house to house even though we always had different numbers and would even be in different states we always thought it was him sending us a message the calls stopped when I was about 12 I later found out that it was around that time that Carter thought the best thing he could do for himself was soak himself in gasoline and set himself on fire throw away because I've told people this story before and it's pretty recognizable my school's library is open until around 2:00 in the morning for the idiots like me who don't do their essays until the last minute it's a pretty small building and most of the books are in the basement area called the stacks just to give you a quick layout there's the big main stairs that go down to the stacks a vending machine room in the long hallway with four entrances into the stacks the stacks are two really big rooms on opposite sides of the hallway with a huge amount of bookshelves and study desks lining the walls I was there around 11:00 p.m. last year it was a pretty research intensive essay so I was down in the stacks working in one of the study desks so I didn't have to keep going upstairs and downstairs again I had been there for maybe two hours and everyone except for a boy working a few desks down for me had left already I was pretty zoned out by this point it was an 8 a.m. class so I didn't have much time until it was due and I was sort of panicking so it really pissed me off when I heard someone flipping through book pages really fast to make them do that loud whir noise at the other end of the room I sort of ignored it for a while thinking that go away eventually but they just kept doing it after about 5 minutes I got sick of it and started to walk over to tell them to be knock it off I get about three steps across the room and it just stopped i sat back down and it was quiet again for like ten more minutes before the flipping pages noise started again only loads louder like they'd grabbed a huge book that time the boy started to get pissed off too and he stood up and started walking through the bookshelves trying to find them it keeps going so I got up to and started looking around with him it got really loud and it was pretty obvious where it was coming from by that point so we started walking towards it he was on one side of the shelves and I was on the other we walked all the way down the shelves no one there we hadn't seen anyone come in the stacks and we were on the side of the room with the entrances no way could anyone have come in without a seen them the noise stopped again and we both just sort of slowly walked back to our seats I assumed it was just a fan or something in the other room and I really needed to get my ass a done we sat down and immediately the noise started again it sounded like it was coming from right next to the guy's chair he shoved his stuff in his bag looked at me said duck this and took off I was out of there maybe five seconds behind him I still won't go back in the stacks at night even when there's other people down there no essays worth getting murdered by a weird book ghost hard to say what qualifies as creepy it could maybe be seen as heartwarming I don't know my mother swears this is a true story and frankly I don't see why she would lie about it my mom had three kids there's me the youngest and my older brother but before either of us were born there was Jonathan he was a sweet little blond boy big blue eyes known for accidentally repeating dad swears in church wholesome kid great in school active outside when he was almost six he was riding his bike and fell and hit his head on a rock he got up and said he felt fine my mom found him the next morning in his bed when she tried to wake him up to get to kindergarten one pupil dilated and the other not she got him airlifted to the nearest hospital during this time Jonathan's best friend Nick was sitting at the breakfast table eating cereal Nick suddenly gets up from the table and goes to the door when his mom asks him what's up Nick says that Johnny was calling for him you see Nick and Johnny lived on separate blocks but they weren't allowed to cross the street without a parent yet because they were still fairly young but they lived close enough to call to one another to come out to talk at their respective street corners son Nick goes out to the street corner while his mother receives a call from mine that Johnny was just declared dead in the hospital idle brain aneurysm that was triggered by the fall Nick's mom can hardly handle this news and is now wondering where her son went but Nick comes back a few minutes later and says that he heard Johnny calling to him but he wasn't at the street corner when he looked then sits down to continue eating his cereal when his mom asks Nick what Johnny was saying Nick says he had come to say goodbye my mom told me this story when I was young but it stuck with me I wish I could have met him but truthfully I wouldn't be here to take this story to all you random strangers if he hadn't died my mother only wanted two kids I'm thankful for the chance I was given to live and feel like he died for me sometimes I'm not religious but I do feel spiritual when I think of Johnny obligatory edit I submitted this in between classes and I'm legitimately surprised to see it was read by more than one person thanks for reading a part of Johnny's story it's scary to think of a little trigger in your brain just waiting to be set off to kill but my parents said if they had known it was the 80s and there was no reason to suspect such a thing would be an issue for such a bright energetic boy Johnny wouldn't have gotten to do all the fun things he ended up doing playing baseball climbing trees and just being a kid and that would have been like having no life at all I'll try to get through this without breaking down it's still kind of chilling to think about around the time I was 19 I was deployed to Iraq my unit worked with bombs and honestly I didn't I would make it home intact about halfway through my tour the Red Cross notified my unit that my father was terminally ill within a week I was on a plane back to the States now my dad being ill was something I had grown used to he was strong though and I never expected to actually lose him I lost my mother when I was 7 and my father's lungs had collapsed shortly before then he was on oxygen and needed a wheelchair to go anywhere medication by the handfuls were needed every few hours he gained weight from limited movement developed diabetes and had already beaten cancer once I never expected to lose him and he wasn't the type to ever give up I arrived home head to the hospital and he assures me he's fine and they're overreacting I visit him every day I'm there but he tells me he'll be fine by the time I get home for good I reluctantly go back overseas I call his hospital whenever I have a few minutes of free time and we're near a call center my deployment finishes and he kept his promise he comes home from the hospital because he says he doesn't want to die there he gets worse and goes back the family all visits but we know he isn't improving one day I'm at home and the phone rings it's an unknown number so I don't answer it goes to the answering machine and a very raspy voice mumbles called the hospital it's my dad I grabbed the phone but he already hung up so I call they tell me he's been intubated for the past couple hours and he just started going into cardiac arrest he's non-responsive and we need to come say our goodbyes I argue that he just called me and she says that's not possible they've been working on him for some time now I hung up and told my family the news my sister and I stared at the answering machine we played the tape again and again that was the last time I heard my father's voice I'm a skeptic I don't believe in the paranormal or ghosts and I cannot come up with any logical explanation I still get watery eyed thinking about it me and my friends were driving home from a show we all went to this was about seven years ago or so in the Cerritos area there's an elementary school there I think on 186th I forgot what it's called anyway we drove by a local Ella many school all of us joking and laughing or whatever sixteen year olds do and my friend's girlfriend looked over at the playground in the school screamed and refused to talk to anyone for a few hours we all asked her what was wrong what she saw what happened but nothing would make her tell us we all thought she saw someone on the playground or a dead body or something all we knew was that she was seriously spooked as back-story I should add that she's sensitive to paranormal happenings I should also add that I don't really believe in ghosts sort of like but whatever she would've doors fly open at her old house clothes hangers fly off the rail cups fall over and then write themselves multiple times just crazy crap anyway she eventually told her boyfriend what she had seen she said that she had briefly seen a bunch of blood covered people walking around the playground aimlessly I immediately started blaming exhaustion as it was around 2:00 a.m. when we drove by we looked it up later and it turns out that a plane had crashed into the school in the late eighties and a lot of people had died k spooky music I worked in a nursing home as an aide in a hospice unit one night I had three patients trying to die and my job was to ensure that they were comfortable the girls that worked the floor with me at night were awesome we would always try to make each other laugh and get through the night as best as we could I was known for scaring girls sometimes I'd hide in a closet of a room where someone had recently died their body and belongings long gone in the empty room and I pressed the call light and wait the girls would come in and hastily shut it off but I'd always jump out and scare the crap out of them one night I was in the nurse's station filling out a report since I had to give a PT Kent some narcotics when an aide rushed in she swore that she thought she saw my shadow on the wall as if I were hiding trying to scare her but then she heard me laugh in the nurse's station I decided to check it out since there wasn't supposed to be anyone on our floor as I walked over to the wall I stood where the light would have created my shadow and there was nothing I laughed it off until the CNA started shrieking and I turned around and a shadow seemingly rose up the wall from the ground out of nothing I just stared at it and said Oh for heaven's sake is that the best you've got and walked back to the nursing station a while later I had to do rounds as I walked towards a patient's room I heard three knocks on the door that lead outside to the patio by the room and I saw an older gentleman dressed in all black I couldn't let him in because I didn't have the access code so I told him to hold on a moment and I would get the nurse to let him in when she and I returned to the door he was gone she went outside and we couldn't find him so I continued to the patient's room to check on him blood everywhere and the patient is on the floor bleeding he had tried to get up it appears and flopped around a bit in his blood trying to get up the nurse lifted him back into the bed and we cleaned him up there was nothing else we could do as he was DNR besides make sure he was comfortable I went to my next patient's room and bam dead he had stopped breathing I rushed to get the nurse and pulled his file DNR also we call the morgue and his family while I cleaned his body with an aid I go to check on the patient that fell vitals every 15 minutes for non witnessed fall and he's dead I'm get the nurse she's frustrated because this takes two aides off her floor to care for the deceased and lots of paperwork for her as I'm walking down the hall for linens I see the old man I originally saw outside walking past the nurse's station and he whispered one more Jack Mia and then I'm done for the night just one more I jumped up because his whisper was so area and I run to the direction he was going a patient's room door slams shut and when I ran and she looked directly at me and took her last breath and died her eyes still staring directly at me for some reason I remember her window being open and how odd it was I ran to the window and didn't see anything and slammed it shut check the woman for a pulse and found nothing the nurse had followed me and saw exactly what I saw and heard the voice whisper as I did she was coming around the corner and swore she saw the man and then me jump up and run after him and like me saw the patients room door slam crap before I could get in there when I had turned around I saw the nurse standing in the doorway and she could only say I ducking saw - oh my god I ducking saw it - TL DR worked as a Med 8 in hospice Ward and nurse and I ran around while death showed himself and took his time killing three of our patients in one night [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 714,064
Rating: 4.8965268 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: DHCl_03KSg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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