1 Hour of Scary and Chilling NoSleep Stories - NoSleep Special Episode.

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[Music] warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised our second story for today is posted by user Sinha copy Molly's II when I was 7 years old my father died of an undetected brain aneurysm and my mother and I moved in with old mala see it may be cliche to say this but that is where my childhood ended not with dad's death but with the things I experienced in that house mala Lizzie's full name was Elizabeth Maud summers she was my maternal great-grandmother and needed someone to take care of her mom is a nurse and so she seemed ideal for the job not only was my Lizzie very old she also had a rare disease that ravaged her nervous system she was confined to a wheelchair needed oxygen at night and rarely left the house speaking of the house that place gave me the creeps it wasn't just because it was old dark and dusty there was a sinister energy lurking about like an electric current coursing through the air once I asked mom if the house was haunted she told me it wasn't but that many people had died there and perhaps I sensed that but after a while I began to realize that the darkness I felt wasn't just coming from the house itself it also came from Mahler's II despite sharing a home with my great-grandmother for the better part of two years I rarely saw her she spent most of her time in her room and I wasn't allowed to go in there that was fine by me malas he frightened me even more than her spooky house it seems bizarre and kind of cruel I know to be afraid of a sickly old lady but that's the truth she reminded me of the witch from an old storybook version of Hansel and Gretel my grandmother used to read to me saggy liver spotted skin limbs as spindly and thin as dead tree branches deep set black eyes nearly hidden in the folds of her face a hooked nose and a puckered mouth with few teeth left her hair was the color of cold ashes and clung precariously to her veiny scalp she rarely spoke but when she did her voice was like the cry of a dying bird mum was dedicated to mala zis care she fed her bathed her dressed her and drove her to and from doctor's appointments she made sure her medications were always up-to-date and that her wheelchair was in working order however she also worked at a local hospital and couldn't be there 24/7 thankfully my grandmother could afford to hire a nurse for the days mum was working during those two years I saw Molly's go through no less than seven different nurses some lasted for many months but others would quit after just a week grandma never seemed surprised and would simply call the agency and hire someone new she always made sure they sent someone who had significant experience and nobody faint of heart all this was strange to me of course but I didn't have much time to dwell on it I was a little kid occupied with school and friends and since I didn't take part in Melissa's care it seemed distant to me I taught myself to ignore the situation to pretend this was all normal one day about six months into the first year something happened that truly terrified me it was Saturday and I was home alone with Molly she and her current nurse a 30-something woman named Victoria she was upstairs giving Molly Ziya bath while I sat at the kitchen table and struggled with my math homework mum was at the hospital covering for a sick coworker she had told me to call her or grandma in the case of an emergency but I had no reason to believe anything would go wrong it was a bright sun filled day outside and the gloom that hung over the house seemed to lift ever so slightly I wanted to play in the sprawling front lawn but if I didn't finish my homework I would get in trouble so I moved to a chair next to a window and best in the golden glow my brief moment of peace was shattered by a loud bang from upstairs followed by a furious snarl in a shrill scream I dropped my workbook on the dusty floor and watched in shock as Victoria came running down the stairs her face was wider than her starched nurse's uniform her long blonde hair loose from its ponytail she was crying and shaking her eyes gushing torrents of Tears what happened I squealed tell your grandmother I quit Victoria yelled she grabbed her purse and slammed out the front door a minute later I heard her car start up and peel out of there so fast that when I looked out the window I half expected to see tire tracks burned into the road although the thought of going upstairs scared me half to death I knew I had to check on Molly Z so I went I found her in her room lying on the floor her wispy hair still damp the fluffy white bathrobe she wore had fallen open revealing her emaciated body leathery skin hanging off the bones the nobs of her spine I noticed were a lot larger than normal and sharp Molly Z I knelt beside her and gripped her boney shoulder shocked at how fragile she felt Molly Z are you okay she moaned then coughed and something dark and sticky splashed against the faded beige carpet terrified that she was dying I called my grandmother she came over and sent me to a neighbor's house while she dealt with the situation mum picked me up that evening and told me everything would be ok but what about Molly Z she's fine grete Victoria ran away I know it seems she wasn't cut out for this job but don't worry grandma will find a new nurse I nodded pretending to be reassured but on the inside I was shaken my fear of Molly's he only intensified but that was only a taste of what was to come after the new nurse was hired things settled down for a while then one night I woke up thirsty and went downstairs to get a glass of water as I passed the living room I heard a voice hiss my name grete startled I dropped the glass spilling cold water across my feet my trembling fingers found the light switch and the living room was illuminated revealing my Lizzie sitting in her wheelchair wearing her oxygen mask staring at me with wide bloodshot eyes grete what's the matter mum came running in then stopped dead when she saw Molly Z Molly's II what are you doing down here Moll Lizzie just stared ahead silent except for the raspy hahahah of her labored breath her hands curled up in her lap like pink crabs twitch tanned shook grete go back to bed mom ordered I'll handle this but now young lady mum rarely raised her voice to me but when she did it meant serious business I fled back to my room the following morning when I asked mom how my Lizzy had gotten herself downstairs and somehow taken the oxygen tank with her she brushed it off it's nothing Gretta she insisted but I had seen how unnerved she looked the night before and even at my young age I knew it was impossible for Molly Z to get around on her own mom I asked what's wrong with Molly Z she inhaled sharply and turned away from me go get dressed you're going to be late for school on the way to my room I had to walk by Molly's ease as usual the door was shut behind it I could hear the puffing of the oxygen tank Molly's II I called out my voice thin and weak in the cavernous hallway no answer I gave up and walked away but I swear I heard the door creak open I didn't dare look back for my eighth birthday mom gave me the best gift I could have asked for a kitten she was a beautiful white-haired Persian named Snow White and she quickly became my best friend Molly's II didn't like snowball but the cat didn't like her either so I guess it was even at the time Molly Z's health was beginning to deteriorate every time I saw her which as I mentioned above wasn't too often she looked sicker her hair had fallen out she was losing weight her complexion had become so pale it looked gray she seemed to have lost the ability to speak and communicated via grunts and moans mum told me it was a symptom of her illness to me it seemed she was becoming less human more animal her current nurse a middle-aged black woman named Donna didn't look so good either she seemed tired and listless moving slowly and steering vacantly into space several times I caught her standing outside Molly's eased or her hands pressed together in a prayer for lips a thin hard line this worried me especially because Donna was my favorite of Moll disease nurses she never treated me like a nuisance and would tell me stories about her childhood in Jamaica before her family emigrated to Canada you are afraid of your great-grandma she stated one morning after bringing Molly see her morning pills how did you know I can tell I'm afraid too snow-white rubbed against my leg and me out loudly I picked her up and kissed the top of her head something is wrong with Molly Z yes down and knotted I agree upstairs Moll lizzie began wailing oh dear Donna muttered and ran out I hugged snow-white clothes and listened to Donna's thudding footsteps Molly Z barked something unintelligible then made a terrible hacking noise Greta Donna called honey can you bring me a roll of paper towels I set down my cat grabbed the paper towels from the cupboard and darted up the stairs Donna greeted me at my Lizzie's door and escorted me into her ensuite bathroom your great grandma is sick she made a mess I need you to clean it up i gaped in horror at the puddle of stagnant greenish black sludge on the tiled floor it was about the size of a dinner plate and seemed to be spreading at the center of it all was a giant rat the size of a small dog with greasy black fur and curved yellow teeth like carving knives I nearly threw up but got down and began mopping up the mess I didn't know what to do about the dead rat but I sure as hell didn't want to touch it as I leaned against the bathtub staring at the disgusting rodent and feeling dizzy I heard the squeak of a wheelchair malas he sat in the doorway watching me as she had that night in the living room her lips were crusted with blood and mal Izzy I stammered she was staring past me at the rat drool seeped between her lips and dripped into her lap a long pointy tongue licked at the blood caked mouth mother of God I heard Donna gasped from somewhere inside the bedroom I began to tremble Donna grabbed the wheelchair and rolled Molly Z out of sight I staggered drunkenly to my room and stayed there until mom came home Snow White had disappeared mom assured me that she had probably gone off to explore the neighborhood and would return soon she had done it before so it seemed plausible but I was worried and went to bed with tears in my eyes I woke up at midnight to my door creaking open oh no I thought squeezing my eyes shut no no no Nana Lizzie's raspy breathing rate to cross my eardrums I could feel her black eyes staring right into me I forced myself to look up at her shadow draped form her eyes were glowing two small white pin pricks set deep within the dark mass of her face to this day those eyes are an image that continues to haunt me human eyes are just not meant to shine like that go away I whispered please just leave me alone she tilted her head making a terrible cracking noise and hiss like a cat like Snow White did whenever I tried to coax her into the tub I bolted upright suddenly cold my heart heavy in my chest what did you do to her I don't know why but I just knew malas he was to blame for my missing cat when her clawed bony hand wrapped around my throat I was hit for the first time in my life with true unbridled terror my Lizzy shouldn't have been able to grasp my neck she couldn't even maneuver her own wheelchair but her grip was so strong it felt like my windpipe was slowly being crushed squeezing every ounce of air out of my body with my fight-or-flight response and overdrive I lashed out with my hands and feet I kicked and punched and my fist slammed into Molly's gut she spewed all over me mum burst in and pried malas EES fingers off my neck before wheeling her out of the room when she returned I was lying in a mess of chunky by watering puke crying and gasping for air come on mum said you need a shower when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror I nearly fainted I was covered in the same foul substance I'd cleaned up earlier that day it was already congealing on my skin mixed in here and there were chunks of white fur and sharp bone fragments the remains of my cat I don't remember screaming I don't remember punching the mirror and passing out but I woke up I was washed my hand bandaged and mum at my bedside she ate snow white i whimpered I know she's a monster by now I had no qualms about bad-mouthing Molly Z in front of mum I know she smoothed back my long blonde hair but Greta honey she's family we have to take care of her can't you put her in a home no baby she's too dangerous I remembered Maud Lizzie's glowing eyes and shivered don't worry Greta mom kissed my forehead as long as I'm around she will never hurt you that final year with Moll Lizzy was the longest of my life I couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere and was grateful for any time spent out of the house Snow White's death had been all the confirmation I needed that malas he was a monster and that mom and I could easily be next I had begun to truly fear for my life Donna quit of course on the day she left her hair had gone completely gray and she could barely crack a smile caring for Molly she had clearly sucked her dry as for MA Lizzie herself well since mom went out of the way to keep us apart I never saw her but the bruises on mom's arms and tremor of her hands told me a horrifying story it was on an icy February night that everything fell apart I was awoken by noises from Molly's room now this wasn't unusual but the sounds were unlike anything I had heard before screaming mom screaming Furniture crashing to the floor and snarls of a prowling tigress I stumbled out into the hall and was nearly bowled over by mom she was covered in blood and pushed me back inside my room stay in there I have to call the police I heard her run downstairs followed by a rapid click click click as if something with long talons was starting down the hall on all fours I couldn't leave mom out there alone with a monster thankfully my room didn't have a lock so I snuck out and stood at the top of the stairs mum was pacing the foyer sobbing into the phone please come quick I have a daughter my grandmother she's going to kill us there was no sign of Molly Z safe for a grisly trail of blood i sat on the top step and hugged my knees to my chest shaking when I heard distant sirens I lifted my head Moll Lizzy was crouched at the foot of the stairs gazing up at me at least it looked like Molly Z she sat like a dog her face twisted and warped her eyes bulging her back bone had warped into spikes jutting out of her back like something you'd see on a dinosaur her head was bald her once toothless mouth was filled with sharp yellowed fangs I screamed grete mum wailed from somewhere I couldn't see the door was broken down and two blue uniformed policemen stormed in with guns malas he let out a furious snarl and lunched at the shorter one he went down hard his weapons skidding across the floor and out of reach mum ran up the stairs and hugged me crying into my hair we watched in horror as mild as he ripped the officer apart blood bits of flesh and body parts flew everywhere the other cop was yelling into his radio pleading for backup sensing that things were about to get really ugly mum carried me into her bedroom we sat there in silence listening to the gunshots and screams from downstairs it sounded like world war three had broken out down there the whole time mum cried and told me again and again how sorry she was for dragging me into this I didn't care I just wanted it all to end at midnight the final gun shots were fired a policeman came and found us his uniform was stained with blood and he looked like he was going to pass out it's over he said two policemen were dead malas II despite being shot a hundred times had escaped into the night bleeding and growing the house was a mess and mum and I moved in with my grandmother the next day mum never told me what had gone down that night all I know is that she needed stitches in her face and arms and still has scars dead rats were found in her bedroom in the basement they looked like they had been chewed on according to police eventually mum remarried and we moved into a house across town we both did our best to put the horror behind us but that was impossible why because Molly she is still out there in the years since that night there have been reports of a wizened creature lurking around town a monster described as a combination of human reptile and dog family pets have gone missing or been found mutilated strange cries and growls can be heard from the woods I know it's my Lizzy and I know she's still out there she's dangerous and she's going to kill someone someday soon in June I will be graduating from high school in September I will leave for college I hate having to walk away from my family but I can't stay here any day now malas he will strike back she will leave behind a massacre even bigger than the one moment a witnessed eight years ago Moll Lizzy will return and when she does well I just hope I'm not there to see it our next series of stories are posted by user reaking Dakin 123 I took up a job as a night guard I shouldn't have when I first saw the ad I didn't think twice earn up to 80 dollars per night with our simple job as a night guard no prior experience required the ad said and I submitted my resume as fast as I could fearing it could disappear or be taken by someone else at any moment not two hours after submitting my application I got a response on my email that I've been hired and can start working from tonight it struck me as odd that there was no job interview and that I needed to start working right away but hey maybe they urgently needed someone I've been jobless for over a year now so I naively ignored any red flags and was just happy to have a job I went to the given address at 8 p.m. and it turned out to be an office building hello - I called out when I entered but no one responded the hall I was in was engulfed in darkness and the only source of light was coming through the pane of glass on the door which had the name security on it I knocked on the door but there was no response I decided to open it and sure enough it was empty on the desk was a note left clear as day for me to read it said to the new night guard your shift starts at 8:04 p.m. and ends at 4:04 a.m. when you arrive to the building and relieve the other guard of your duty you can stay in this security room as long as you want but you have to use the elevator to get to the top floor once at any time during the shift once up there you have to proceed to the end of the attic and flip the switch on the wall that's it if the other guard is not in the security room at the time of your arrival make a report in the notebook and we will inform his family as for your duty it's very likely that when you push the top floor button 25 the elevator will go past that floor and you may see that it stopped on floor 33 if this happens do not try pushing any of the buttons since it will not work go forward through the hallway note that the flashlight may not do my to illuminate the area but still bring it with you there's a spare in the drawer some people report hearing or seeing office employees working at their desks coming from any of the adjacent rooms you may see them doing something like typing on a computer which isn't turned on for typing one word over and over on the screen ignore them at all cost it is currently unknown if the employees are real or a manifestation of the mind but ignoring them should keep you safe turn left when you reach the end of the hallway you may sometimes see a man standing in the middle blocking your way he will do no harm so long as you maintain eye contact with him you have to get past him so put your hand on the wall to your right or left and slide it across as you go through to avoid stumbling and losing eye contact with the man he will keep following you with his gaze and try to distract you reports indicate he may point behind you with a look of fear on his face to try to get you to look away you may also hear loud crashing sounds or voices right next to you but ignore them once you reach the end of the hall and round the corner and not a moment sooner you're safe from the individual when you reach the exit which leads to the staircase proceed down make sure to note what floor you are on and if any of the floors start repeating on your way down immediately go back up to floor 33 and then start descending again if you see any of the other stair doors open proceed carefully especially focusing on the ceiling or underside of the stairs you may start to hear footsteps coinciding with your own behind you don't stop to listen and don't turn around just proceed as you normally would if you feel that the footsteps are getting closer go faster but try not to arouse suspicion if you hear a high-pitched scream coming from above it usually sounds like a mountain lion run down to floor 25 as fast as you can and pray you are faster than the thing chasing you if you are forced to continue going down despite the floors repeating enter the closest floor you will find yourself back in the hallway of floor 33 so simply repeat the steps from before once you reach floor 25 you are in the clear first call the elevator and jam the door to keep it open press the floor one button and go back to the switch after flipping the switch the lights will go out at this point you will start to hear screams all around you similarly to the one described before run to the elevator as fast as you can and enter it while on jamming the door if you did everything right you should have at least five extra seconds to close the elevator before the entities of the building reach you you should be back on the first floor of the security room once the elevator stops you may spend the rest of the shift however you desire so long as you don't leave the property between NATO 4 p.m. and 404 a.m. note that leaving the building at any given moment between the mention times will put you back on floor 33 also note that not flipping the switch before 404 a.m. will result in you not being able to leave the building thank you for performing your duties management it's 1:24 a.m. right now and the elevator doors just opened on their own I barely made through the building and it was mentally agonizing beyond words at 2:00 a.m. I entered the elevator which had been opened for almost an hour prior to that I took the note with me and followed all the rules written there the elevator stopped on floor 33 despite my hopes there was the sound of typing to my left and when I peeked through the shattered glass I saw a guy in formal attire sitting by an old PC layered with dust which wasn't even turned on and typing away vigorously he'd even glanced over his shoulder and call out to his imaginary or invisible co-workers saying things like Cindy do you have that report ready or the client said we should meet at 2 p.m. I tried not to look at him as I tiptoed through the hallway and turned left a tall man in a coat stood in front of me and he was staring right at me I knew I had to maintain eye contact with him so I slowly went past him the entire time he tried to distract me by pretending he was about to hit me and hoping I would flinch pointing to things behind me in a very convincing manner with a look of horror on his face etc I swear at one point someone even screamed watch out right in my ear luckily I made it unscathed and going down the stairs to floor 25 was uneventful I made it to the end of hallway on 25 flipped the switch and rushed back to the elevator as blood-curdling screams echoed all around me the elevator doors closed just in time for me to hear something heavy slam into it with full force luckily the elevator started descending in the scream slowly faded it stopped on floor 1 the door wouldn't open I pressed the Open button in vain and then the elevators started moving down I slammed the number one button over and over but the elevator failed to respond it went down for an impossible amount of time descending by my estimation at least 15 to 20 floor down and then it finally stopped and the doors opened in front of me was some kind of a waiting room with a sofa and lap table next to it there was a door opposite of the elevator I press the buttons over and over but there was no response it was clear the elevator wanted me to step out on this floor sure enough as soon as I did the doors closed again and the elevator went back up I cursed frustrated and scared shitless I inspected the room and just then realized there was a hastily written note on the lamp table I picked it up here's what it said if you're reading this that means you fell for their trap just like me the good news is you made it through the first task on floor 25 the bad news is there is no job and you aren't gonna get paid whoever these guys are they're running some [ __ ] experiments on us like some lab rats we need to get the [ __ ] out and get to the police read this next part carefully because your life will depend on it when you go through the door on your left you'll find yourself in a mansion of some sorts you need to make it to the third floor but it won't be easy follow these rules floor 1 go through the hallway but whatever you do don't [ __ ] look in the mirror to your left you may see with your peripheral vision the reflection not mimicking your own movement or just facing and staring at you but do not look at it close your eyes if you have to once you're past the mirror turn left and go straight you may hear the toilet flush in the bathroom to your right at this point if this happens hide immediately there's a closet close by hide inside and don't make a sound until the old man comes out of the bathroom it is gone wait at least one full minute before going out once you are in the clear climb the stairs in the main hall to the second floor floor to turn right and take the second door to the left blue door I have no idea what will happen if you take the other doors or turn left once through the blue door you'll find yourself in a big room full of mannequins dozens of mannequins we'll be on both sides you may hear giggling and some of them changed the direction of their gazes and their positions or poses when you don't look but I think they won't harm you if you don't disturb them if any of the mannequins heads drop to the floor and roll in front of you run as fast as you can and close the door behind you once you're out you should be close to the stairs again now follow the hall how to winds and don't worry about any voices you hear from the adjacent rooms even if they beg you to come help them if you hear or see any of the doors opening hide again the old man might seem someone you can overpower easily but don't even [ __ ] think about it once he's gone climb the stairs floor three remember that man from floor 33 who you had to keep eye contact with he might be here again but he's gonna be more aggressive this time you're gonna hear someone scream something like I got you now right behind you but ignore it you will also start feeling stinging and burning sensation in your eyes do your best not to blink if you have to blink try not to keep your eyes closed for more than a second maintain eye contact with him and go through the hall until you can turn left left from the original position that means your right as you're facing the man backwards if you see a woman in patients counts standing in front of the elevator facing away from you just stand next to her and wait for the elevator if she asks you to come inside the elevator with her politely decline if she doesn't say anything you can step inside with her but don't talk to her just stare in front of yourself once you're in the elevator you'll see that there are no buttons inside the elevator will start going up on its own when the elevator stops wait until the woman steps out and stay inside until the elevator starts moving again if she asks you if he'll come with her politely decline again once the door closes the elevator should go up a few more floors now if the woman was not there at all but then you took the elevator and she enters when the doors open exit immediately I don't know where you will be and I have no idea what you need to do there so you're on your own hope you don't run into her I came back to give you this warning compiled from my own and other people's experiences so chances are I either made it out or I'm dead somewhere else along the way if you manage to get out expose these [ __ ] and don't let anyone else get [ __ ] over good luck guard who came before you you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me was my first thought ten minutes later though I was in the clear and managed to get to the elevator by following every rule that guard laid out I was lucky though aside from the old man in the bathroom no one else bothered me I heard a giggle and a set of footsteps in the mannequin room but neither the staring man nor the patient woman were present so I managed to safely take the elevator my heart thumping the entire time so fast I thought it was going to burst out of my chest the elevator started going up and I prayed I would be back at the reception my hope was short-lived because when the elevators stopped and the doors opened I was in an advanced security room with a bunch of camera feeds across the entire wall on the desk on top of the keyboard was another note I sat at the desk in front of the camera screens because I felt like I really needed some respite after the ordeal from before I was so tired and scared on the one hand I felt really vulnerable without a weapon but on the other hand I was glad I didn't have anything that I could potentially use to end myself I tried not to think that suicide could prevent a far worse fate I glanced at the camera feed it seemed to be covering some sort of rundown Hospital no one was on any of the cameras except for one that patient lady from before was peeking around the corner of one of the cameras as if she was waiting for someone to give them a jump scare I looked down at the note in front of me it said still alive good you're gonna need to follow an even stricter set of rules in order to get past this area especially making sure you do things according to specific times first off no matter when you enter the room the alarm clock on the desk is going to say 319 a.m. I glanced at the small clock in front of me 319 a.m. and it just turned into 320 I continued reading you need to follow these rules according to the times and do not be late nor early anywhere this is the most important part first half take a look at all the cameras and see if the staring man is anywhere on them if he is you'll see him staring directly at the camera turn off the camera and then turn it back on again the man should be gone if he's not repeat until he is take some time to rest and prepare at exactly 3:30 5:00 a.m. go out and conduct a patrol around the building as if you were on regular guard duty you need to check every room on floors 1 & 2 and you need to be back in the security room by 4:00 a.m. while you're patrolling you may see a doctor in one of the rooms he usually just appears out of nowhere the room is empty the one moment and then you turn around and his there performing surgery on a mangled corpse if you see him back away slowly and try to exit the room without being noticed if he calls after you don't ignore him he'll ask you to assist him by giving him surgical tools from the tray so just do what he asks try not to give him the wrong tools otherwise you might be the one he's going to dissect on that table next you probably saw the woman peeking behind the corner around the camera by now don't worry she'll be gone during your Patrol once you are done with your patrol get back to the camera room you may sometimes see another guard sitting by the desk when you return you can talk to him normally like he would to a friend or coworker do not try to talk to him about your current predicament at 4:15 he'll say he needs to conduct a patrol and as soon as he leaves the room lock the door behind him from 4:15 to 4:30 you may hear knocking on the door and rattling of the knob but you'll see no one on the camera covering the outside of the security room ignore the knocking and rattling no matter how incessant it becomes even if you hear desperate cries for help in the voices of women or children or the guard from before don't open the door they can't get inside if you don't let them in so you should be safe for 32 4 40 you have a break so take a moment to recuperate do not take a nap from 4:40 a.m. you should focus on the cameras you will start to feel really sleepy no matter what you do you must not fall asleep as you get sleepy err you will also start to notice movement in your peripheral vision or start to feel like someone is in the room with you standing right over your shoulder and breathing just focus on the cameras no matter how vivid the presence becomes at 5:00 a.m. if you hear raspy breathing coming from the ceiling do not look up close your eyes and count to 10 you will feel cold fingers you and the raspy breathing will be in your ear but whatever you do keep your eyes closed until it all stops completely continue focusing on the cameras until 529 but do not leave the security room under any circumstances at exactly 529 a.m. get ready to move quickly as soon as the clock ticks 5:30 a.m. and not a second sooner unlock and open the door and run for it just run straight into the elevator at the end of the hallway and ignore the growling behind you don't look behind because you need every second here the elevator door will be open and it will automatically close and take you out of there once you're in I'll be waiting on the other side good luck brother guard who came before you I placed down the note and exhaled sharply it was 324 a.m. I glanced at the cameras the staring man was on one of the cameras I restarted in and sure enough in less than a second while the camera was off he just disappeared at 3:35 a.m. I went outside conducting my patrol carefully but still doing my best to hurry up I glanced at my watch every minute or so as I finished the last room and was about to exit I heard someone humming behind me I turned around and saw a surgeon and blood-stained clothes dissecting a corpse on the table which was not previously there I froze but the doc was transfixed on the surgery humming more violently as he sawed through one of the corpses arms seeing this broke me out of my trance and I slowly backed away reaching for the door as I turned around to face the exit I stopped dead in my tracks aha - the doc exclaimed and I turned around heart ready to explode almost forgot to take care of this the doc grabbed a scalpel and continued cutting the corpse paying no attention to me I silently exhaled in relief and left the place slowly as soon as I was at a safe distance I sprinted back to the security room the room was empty no guard in there like the note mentioned I locked the door and continued following the agonizing rules on the list until 529 a.m. ignoring anything else in the room until then as soon as the clock ticked 5:30 I heard a growl behind me I opened the door and ran faster than I ever knew was possible while the growl behind me turned into something that sounded like too barking it kept getting closer and closer I ran into the elevator practically ramming the backside with my shoulder I turned around just in time to see a pair of red eyes staring at me from the hallway before the elevator door closed the elevator started going up and stopped shortly after when it opened I found myself in an empty white room with an electronic door on the other side the only two things that contrasted the white walls and floor were a monitor mounted on one of the walls in the silhouette of a person in a dark uniform he had the sign which said security on the back I finally found you - I smiled and stepped out of the elevator the guard looked at me with a confused expression so I tried to explain who I was in thanked him for leaving the instructions behind for me he shook his head what are you talking about - he asked you said in your note that you'd be waiting on the other side I said what note look bro I'm just trying to find my way out of here been trying to find a way to open this door for ages he looked even more confused by this point look man I've been following these notes you left because you said you'd be here so just cut the [ __ ] I took out the note and presented it to him he inspected it with a serious look on his face and then looked at me and said afraid you got the wrong guy bro this isn't my handwriting well if it wasn't you who was it then I angrily remarked just then the monitor on the wall turned on and a message flashed across the screen welcomed new recruits the message on the monitor displayed before disappearing a new message replaced it in the garden I had to get closer to read what the wall of text said you've done well so far you're not far from reaching your goal but know that your tasks will get harder from here on out and you will have to work as a team to survive the door will open in one minute you will see a guard house to your left enter it and read the note as soon as we were done reading the monitor turned off and the electronic door opened with a loud hum a cold gust of air hit me in the face instantly and as we stepped through the door I realized we were outside in some sort of park what the [ __ ] - the other guard said hey maybe we can just run for it I mean [ __ ] their rules right I shook my head God will be a catch they wouldn't just let us leave this probably isn't even real let's check the guardhouse first we went inside the guardhouse which had a desk and chair inside the note was on top of the desk next to a clock which read 0o5 the note said out of all the rules there are three main rules you need to strictly follow at all times the first rule is never ever go off trail if you do getting lost will be the least of your troubles never stay together for too long because it attracts the more easily to you that is the second rule ending with the first two rules the third rule is whenever the guards reunite they should use code phrases example guard one asks where does the cat go and guard two answers to the alley note that the code must be recited exactly how the code is agreed upon word by word moving on to the rest of the rules one guard should stay in the guard house while the other patrols around the park patrols take about ten minutes for the guard patrolling under no circumstances is the guard allowed to leave the trail when patrolling see rule one turn left at the crossroads and you will come back full circle back at the guard house if you happen to hear the other guards voice coming from the trees calling for help ignore it you will hear his voice on a loop usually repeating the same phrase with the same intonation over and over pay attention to the sounds of animal life too if the park suddenly gets quiet finish your patrol normally but do not look behind or glance at the trees during your patrol every five minutes or so loudly shout a simple word like hello into the air if your voice doesn't hricko run back to the guardhouse immediately should you see a hiker in the middle of the trail keep the flashlight pointed at his face at all times he will ask you to move it away stating it's too bright but don't listen to him he will also tell you he understands your situation and will tell you to follow him since he knows a way out decline his offer after this he should leave do not take the light off him until he steps off the trail for the guard in the guard house to stay safe keep the door and window firmly shut at all times safe for when the patrolling guard comes back it may get annoyingly hot inside but do not open anything you may take off your jacket or shirt to alleviate the discomfort do not pay attention to any tapping on the windows if you hear or see droplets falling on the desk in front of you slowly stand up and leave the guardhouse stay outside for two to three minutes and the droplets should be gone when you go back inside if they are still there exit again and wait for another 2 to 3 minutes when the patrolling guard returns ask him the code question while avoiding eye contact if he doesn't respond to a response incorrectly exit the guardhouse while avoiding eye contact and then return inside the fake guard will be gone if you survive until 1:00 a.m. both guards should proceed together to the end of the trail and turn right at the crossroads do not do this before 1:00 a.m. at this point the forest life will be completely quiet and the only sound surrounding you will be occasional hurried footsteps coming off the trail they can only approach you in the dark so do your best to train your flashlights on them even if you can't see them clearly guards should divide to cover both sides with light and your task by reaching the end of the trail with a gate that is your exit point make sure to take this note with you you will need it damn it the other guard said and we sat in silence for a moment I scratched my cheek and said all right I'll take the first Patrol what should be our code he thought for a moment and then said [ __ ] man I don't know how about this I'll ask what should these [ __ ] do and you can say let us go you got it what's your name by the way - I asked the guard said his name was Sam and I introduced myself as well I left for the patrol with a flashlight and stuck strictly to the trail nothing major happened no sounds off the trail etc but I did run into the hiker mentioned in the note he seemed friendly and all but I follow the rules and kept the beam pointed in his face declining everything he asked eventually he left and I finished my patrol and returned to the guardhouse after we confirmed the codes Sam left for his own patrol I followed the set of rules until he came back confirming the code with him by the time I finished my third patrol it was 103 a.m. and it was time to go we quietly walked the trail focusing on our foots too send a deafening silence around us and then the footsteps off the trails started it sounded like someone was frantically running from one tree to another stopping for a few seconds in between this Rick heard over and over as Sam and I did our best to focus our beams on the source of the sound but no matter how quick our reactions were we never seemed to be able to catch whoever ran there I caught a glimpse of a nude emaciated men or woman here and there but they always seem to be just out of reach either hiding behind a tree the moment I shown my light or disappearing into the dark altogether finally Sam and I reached the end of the trail and entered a fenced area with a gate on the other side there was a pedestal in the middle and an object on top of it when we approached it it became clear it was a gun with a note under it Sam took the note and read it aloud read the first letter of each paragraph of the previous note we both looked at the note and read the letter silently together and that is the realization hit us we scrambled for the gun after a moment of wrestling the gun was in my hand and I held it pointed at Sam don't do this man I have a wife and young daughter please he begged I held my finger on the trigger intermittently looking at him and the gate I had to get out of here I've had enough of this [ __ ] I looked at Sam's pleading face one more time a moment later I lowered and then dropped the gun on the ground and said I'm not gonna play their game I won't become a killer for their entertainment we can find a different way out I'm sure I went towards the gate to inspect it and then heard Sam's voice behind me I'm sorry man I turned around and saw him pointing the gun at me what are you doing Sam you read the note man one must die there's no other way put the gun down damn it we can both make it out of here alive we just got to work together I didn't believe my own words but I'd be damned if I'd murder another human being for these sick bastards entertainment I'm sorry I have to get back to my family Sam said Sam no he pulled the trigger but the bang never came instead there was a click and Sam dropped the gun holding his hand in pain what the [ __ ] something just pricked me - Sam shouted he and I stared at each other and then all of a sudden Sam's eyes rolled behind his eyelids and he fell to the ground convulsing and frothing at the mouth I ran over to help him but I didn't know what to do he stopped moving completely a moment later in his eyes closed as his breathing stopped along with the movement I shook him and called his name but it was too late he was already dead just then the gate started to open I knew I couldn't afford to waste any more time so I went through the gate leaving Sam's body behind I listened as the gate closed in the ground beneath my feet started moving then the lights came on and I realized I was in a big elevator which started descending part of me had somehow come to terms with the fact that I was probably going to die here but for some reason when you're in a situation where your life is at stake and you desperately want to get out by any means necessary your body defies your wish to give up and pushes you to fight on the elevator stopped and negated door opened revealing a damp dark room in front of me there was a little card next to the door on the other side a folder lay on top of the cart a circular logo with the name the company was on the front below was the motto your safety is our success when I opened the folder I saw Sam's face it was his file and I saw everything about him including age family and even behavioral patterns observed by these freaks and then the next page was my file they knew everything about me not just my age nationality etc but also my ways of thinking and everything I have been through during the tests so far they even had predictions about my behavior before I even did something they knew my every move the last page underneath my file was a note here's what it said congratulations on surviving this far you have only one last task to complete before you earn your reward which is to reach the elevator on the other side of this area the list of rules for the final part is as follows once you are through this door proceed straight through the corridor do not look get close or touch the glass on the left and right side despite the irresistible urge don't stop for longer than two seconds at a time during the entire time you will hear whispers coming from the other side of the glass if the whispers suddenly stop as fast as you can do the door once you reach the door you will find yourself outside on a wide bridge there will be one person aimlessly wandering there he may look weak and drunk but don't underestimate him only move when he is not looking at you and when he faces you stand as still as you can if you see him stop halt movement suddenly and go silent he may have sensed you the best thing to do is to stand still and not breathe he may approach and inspect you but do not move a muscle until you see him calm down and facing away do not even think about making a break for the door when you're close to it in him being a distance away if he sees you he will catch you no matter how close to the door you are close the door behind you and you will find yourself in a dormitory you will see pebbles on a wooden plate next to you put them in your pocket and make sure to always have at least one ready in your hand proceed through the next area as quietly as possible especially if you hear footsteps and sniffing close by be especially aware of creaking floorboards if you assume you may have attracted its attention toss the pebbles at a distance to distract it do not run while it is distracted do not go for the exit yet as the creature is standing in your way look for room 109 by this point the creature will most likely be aware of your presence so get inside the room and lock it as fast as possible you will see that there is nowhere to hide since the room is empty that's not a problem since the creature is blind run to any corner of the room and stay there as quietly as you can try to remain calm as the creature screams and rams the door once it is inside it will inspect the room and sniff the air you'll be safe as long as you make no sound after a minute or so the creature will leave and you will be able to get to the next exit safely exit the dormitory through the back door and close it when you turn left you will see the rest of the note was unintelligible safe for a few words on the signature of the company below I narrowed my eyes scanning the page over and over but no matter how many times I read it the text remained the same I cursed loudly and put the page in my pocket inhaling and exhaling deeply final stretch no matter what happens after this it would be over and I knew it I opened the door and as soon as I did the whispers came from both sides it sounded unnatural as if whoever was on the other side of the glass was mocking me with their friends behind my back and trying to be quiet but failing I proceeded for a whole minute before the whispers suddenly stopped and then loud slamming on both sides of the glass started handprints started to appear on the glass first one then two then ten a hundred a thousand all within the span of ten seconds or so I sprinted across the corridor and rammed the door with my shoulder I turned around to close it but the quarter was calm again no sounds and no handprints I took no chances as I closed the door behind me I turned back and faced the sight before me I was on a wide metallic bridge in the middle of nowhere there were street lights on it illuminating the entirety of the area a very frail looking person stood in the middle of the bridge hunched forward and looking like he could barely hold his weight on his own legs I couldn't see below the bridge because it was too dark but I was definitely somewhere that looked like outside slowly I started to cross the bridge making sure to stop whenever the person on the bridge looked in my direction he seemed completely oblivious to my presence when I stood still since he cut in front of me a few times without even looking in my direction it wasn't until I was close enough that I could hear the wheezing sounds coming from the person as if he had difficulty breathing could he really overpower me nevertheless I carefully crossed the bridge and closed the door as soon as I entered the dorm I took the pebbles and perked up my ears no sounds yet hastily I found room 109 and as soon as my hand touched the doorknob a blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the hallway I quickly entered and locked the door and then rushed into the corner standing as still as possible doing my best to steady my breathing the door started to rattle violently as whatever was on the other end rammed it over and over I could see with my peripheral vision that the door was about to give way and soon enough it fell straight from the hinges a naked skinny looking creature with no eyes and a sharp row of teeth burst inside jerking its head in all directions looking for me it then started to intermittently sniff the air and stop to listen I had to clasp my hands over my mouth to stop myself from whimpering soon enough the creature left the room I waited for a home before peeking out into the corner still scared shitless no one was there and I proceeded to find the exit after opening the back door I found myself in another hallway I turned left and braced myself ready to face whatever was there in front of me at the end of the hall was an elevator but between me and elevator stood none other than the staring man our eyes locked and I knew what I had to do I heard screams in my ears and felt things brushing against me from behind and touching my neck and face but I didn't take my eyes off him I hurried up to the elevator and it opened on its own I entered and continued staring at the man and just before the door closed something unexpected happened the man nodded and looked away the elevator started ascending this time I had no idea where it was going to take me but before I could process that thought properly it opened again in front of me was a room engulfed in darkness and only a small beam of light shone in the distance ahead hesitantly I stepped out of the elevator and started walking towards the light and then more lights turned on from the ceiling blinding me for a moment and illuminating the entire room excellent work a voice in front of me said it didn't take me long to realize that I was in some sort of control room and the voice was coming in front of me from the place where the beam of light had previously been there was a big rotating chair there and whoever was talking was facing away from me so I couldn't see them you have successfully completed her assignment the voice said again who the hell are you what do you want from me - I shouted the chair swung around and a man in a suit revealed to be sitting in it to congratulate you he said I usually don't like to go out on the field but this is a special opportunity anger started to boil in me when I saw how nonchalant he was about this whole situation I started to stride towards him but then heard the distinctive sound of a gun being cocked behind my head it's ok Sam the man said I turned around to look at my assailant it was Sam the security guard alive and well Sam - I asked I watched you die what the hell is this Sam is an amazing actor I'm starting to think he should have gone for a different career the man in the chair you were in on this the whole time I don't believe this I asked and then face the man in the chair again while your test is complete right time to kill me the man threw his head back and laughter and said kill you don't be silly this was necessary for evaluation we have to go through a very strict hiring process because we hire only the most suitable candidates I know the test was stressful but you passed with flying colors forget that whole $80 per shift thing the money will be paying you will cover all your debts medical bills and then some I let out a chuckle at the absurdity of the situation and said hiring process this was what some kind of job orientation the entire time well yes what our company deals with here is not ordinary guard duty as you saw back there and this is why we need to make sure our candidates don't do something to endanger themselves or others so all those things back there they weren't real I asked oh they're as real as they come and you were in actual danger the whole time we have intervention always ready but sometimes accidents do happen this is the process candidates are subjected to and out of 43 applicants you are the only one to make it to the end so you want me to work for you - I looked at Sam who had a neutral expression on his face and then back at the man what if I refuse then you get a slightly higher compensation than was mentioned in the ad and you go home and look for another job the man shrugged I could go to the police and rat you out I replied you could you could tell them everything but you'd find that the police found no trace of anything you mentioned no ghosts no monsters not even an ad listed by any company you mentioned in fact the company itself is not registered anywhere there's nothing except an old abandoned building he motioned for someone on the side to come a woman approached me with a paper and pen she handed them to me at just one glance I realized it was a contract for the company as a security guard in the compensation was shocking to say the least the amount they paid would cover all my bills and I could finally move out of the [ __ ] I live in now the man continued you could walk away and go to the or you could work for us help the world in the fragile residents by keeping them safe from the horrors you witnessed because their safety is our success he smiled I frantically clicked the pen over and over looking at the man's smug face and then it's Sam he nodded subtly to me as I looked at the contract once more so much money before I could change my mind I signed the contract and handed it back to the lady the man smiled widely and then stood up and shook my hand as he said welcome to the company [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 566,902
Rating: 4.8994188 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: kJbBKcyKifw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 17sec (3377 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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