What is the CREEPIEST and most BLOOD CHILLING thing you have experienced PART 2. (r/AskReddit)

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serious what is the creepiest most blood-chilling thing you or someone you know have ever experienced part two I was on a business trip from San Fran to LA last day in town I finish early and head to yep the beach stop by a payphone call the airline may I please have a later flight so I can watch the sunset from the beach nice airline lady says it's done later that night I get home my wife is laughing her ass off I knew you weren't dead she kept saying turns out the owners of the company I worked for the same guys that had bought the original tickets for the flight had been calling her telling her how sorry they were for her loss my supervisor was in tears and wifey is laughing telling them all I'm not dead my original flight home was that Southwest Airlines flight from the 80s where a disgruntled baggage handler had gotten on the plant with a pistol and put a bullet in the backs of the heads of the two pilots the plane crashed and burned killing all on board near San Luis Obispo it was a good sunset on the beach I was in Vegas last year with my brother we both like to party hard still in our 20s walking down the strip I see two guys with backpacks on I know what that means I say damn wish we had some weed they immediately turn around and offer us other things as well and we took down his number to get other things later in the night hours later after tons and tons of booze and stuff we call the sky up for more when we met these two guys they were on foot the second time though we had to meet them in front of a hotel because they were driving so he tells us to hop in for a few so we can get what we need without people watching now at this point my brother and I are ducked up and don't realize what's happening until it starts to get dark we had only been driving for ten minutes but we were obviously off the strip away from the lights people anything this guy is driving like a goddamn maniac with music blasting so it was a bit distracting my brother finally asks them where we're going they say we're heading to a liquor store real quick and then they'll drop us back off but it seems like we're in the middle of nowhere finally realizing the situation we're in we opened the doors or stopped at a light and run to the only thing we see a gas station we flagged down a cab that drove by a few minutes later which he says is illegal but we were obviously in need of help after we told him what happened he calmly tells us there is no liquor store over here it was the worst and best feeling ever we narrowly escaped god knows what and stayed silent for the rest of the night TLDR don't get into cars with strangers especially while under the influence I can second this one night in DC I got separated from my group looking for a hookah bar we went to the weekend before I was asking people on the street where this place was because its entrance was in an alley so I asked these guys where this place is and they tell me to follow them we start talking and they give me the nickname Ricky Bobby for whatever reason I start seeing that we are getting close to the end of the business area and getting into a residential part I started to get a weird feeling that they aren't taking me where I want to go went from drunk to sober in an instant as we are getting away from there the people that are out and about it became harder to break away from those two I remember that a group of girls were pulling out of a car garage and they were blocking the sidewalk the guys instantly start cat calling the girls I remember that one of the guys opened the rear passenger door to talk to one of the girls the girl wasn't feeling it but I suddenly had the urge to hop in so I did when I hopped in I knew it through the girls for a loop I can't blame them who hops in a stranger's car for a ride I remember slamming the door and just tell them to drive and drop me off a few blocks down ended up missing the metro and walked most of the way home about 30 blocks TLDR don't go walking up with random people especially while under the influence watching my big dog get hit by a car and go flying through the air while my neighbor's bigger dog got ran over and tumbled again and again by the same car at the same time bumpers were ripped off in pieces of the exhaust who were all over the road I was 10 years old home alone and had to run into my neighbor's house to tell them their dog was unconscious and lying in a pool of blood PS both dogs lived but it was a long recovery for both I was standing in front of the oncoming car on the side of the road it's burned in my memory PSS there was woods on both sides the road and the dogs were chasing each other I couldn't have known or prevented it when my daughter was three she stayed the night at a friend's house who had two little girls about the same age they were all asleep my friend was in her room with the baby monitor I get a call a little after 3:00 in the morning saying I needed to come get her apparently my friend had heard the bedroom door where the girls were it open and closed a few times and then all three girls started screaming bloody murder at the exact same time my daughter had a handprint shaped bruise on her arm the size of an eight-year-olds hand and there was no one there that could have made it all three girls said there was an old woman with a face of a monster standing in the doorway and that she was opening and closing the door and that a little girl was trying to wake my daughter because the old lady was going to hurt her she's six now and still talks about this my friend had paranormal hunters come out after this and quite a few other incidents and they said there were three ghosts that lived on the property one was an 8 year old girl and one was an old woman the other was a really tall man I've seen the girl and man myself and had a few things happen to me there as well I've got one in college I worked security for extra money one of my regular assignments was the overnight shift at a metal fabrication Factory one of the primary reasons I was there was to ensure that no one broke in to steal all the valuable metal that was stocked on-site which was an occasional problem that in turn involved checking the perimeter fence for damage at least once a shift that couldn't be done effectively by camera it instead required physically walking the fence so it was that one night I was walking the perimeter fence in the middle of a thunderstorm my attention was on the beam of my flashlight illuminating the fence as I walked past so I wasn't really focused on where I was walking despite walking through a grass that was a bit over my waist apparently I just stepped awkwardly on a patch of particularly slick grass or mud as I was heading downhill but before I knew what was happening I had slid feet first into an open storm sewer some [ __ ] had stolen the manhole cover recently and the edges around the opening were wet with rain and mud thanks to the storm let me just take a moment to explain this storm sewer first half it was shaped just like an oubliette if you're not familiar with what that is picture a concrete cell that is shaped like a jug opening at the top with sides that sloped inward to prevent someone from crawling out in this case the bottom was maybe ten feet square in the opening for the manhole was about twice the normal width in the center of the ceiling there was no ladder attached in the fall was maybe 20 feet down at the bottom the floor was sloped to form two trenches in the shape of a cross there were sewer channels going off in four directions but they were only maybe a foot wide across and were blocked with metal grates at the bottom there were debris including a number of large broken pieces of rebar there were several pieces that were pointing straight up I definitely would have impaled myself on several jagged points of rusty metal had I hit the bottom so no way to escape a long fall in a probable disabling injury at the bottom I somehow caught myself by hooking the edge of the opening on my elbow as I fell in I dropped my flashlight to the bottom of the pit before I stopped my momentum so I had a great view of all that broken rebar below me while I was struggling to escape maybe that was the collapsed remains of the ladder as I tried to get another handhold my cell phone skipped out of my pocket and hit the bottom it felt like forever before I somehow pulled myself out of that opening I don't doubt adrenaline gave me a considerable boost of strength but even so I nearly lost my hold on the edge three times before I managed to scramble out I was kind of just jerking my knees towards the opening and jumping a couple inches thanks to the momentum my free hand kept scrambling for something solid to grab but I never really found anything I'm honestly not sure how exactly I pulled myself out just using the surface tension between the mud and concrete and my hands and forearm it felt like a miracle all I could think of after I pulled myself out was how I wasn't due to be relieved for another 7 hours 7 hours before anyone would even start wondering where I was in that whole time I might have been trapped at the bottom of a pit impaled on some rods of rebar in the rain I also wanted to kill whoever stole the manhole cover edit spelling and yes I did finish my shift after spending some quality time with a first aid kit and sewing some gashes in my uniform closed I never did get my cell phone back though luckily that was my company issued one one night I was alone during a storm I kept getting this really nasty feeling in the pit of my gut that someone was there so I went upstairs open the front door locked the screen door then shut locked and chained the front door that way if someone wants inside they're going to make a hell of a noise trying and give me time to grab a gun and call the police I'm sure there's some people who will get on me for grabbing the gun before calling the police I want the gun in my hand as quickly as possible because if they get through the door a phone in my hand isn't worth crap no matter who I'm calling so I feel a little better but the feeling won't go away and it keeps getting worse it got so bad I wanted to go grab the shotgun and have it next to me instead I just told myself that I was being paranoid because of the storm after a while it got to the point that I didn't even want to be in the house gun or not I went to bed and couldn't sleep eventually I passed out I woke up about an hour later to my mother questioning me about why I had been out in the storm stomping around the yard I went outside and found boot prints all around the house whoever it was had followed me as I went from room to room and stayed still long enough in front of the windows to sink into the mud that day I put up vinyl curtains in all the windows so nobody can see in even if the lights are on added alarms to the windows put door jamb armor on all the doors put a PVC pipe in the track of the sliding door replaced my bedroom door with solid oak replace the latch on the fence with a stronger one that locks properly and made sure that there is a phone and some sort of weapon in each room of the house it cost a hell of a lot of money but I refuse to be a victim I hate to think of what could have happened if whoever it was had gotten inside the house honestly I don't want to know who it was or why they were there I no longer ignore my instincts and I regularly check to make sure everything is still in its place when my daughter was about six weeks old I woke up to the inside laundry door banging now my husband often left the laundry window open to avoid condensation when the dryer was on so I assumed it was the wind but the baby was fussing so I got up to change her I had this really bad feeling but she was fussing so after hesitating at the bedroom door I went out to change her anyway because I figured I was just paranoid bad dream or something as I step out the door I hear this really loud bang of the door stuck my head around the corner and sure enough it was the laundry door so I finished changing Bub's get her settled into bed again and go and shut the laundry window go back to bed when I got up the next morning I found muddy footprints all over the lounge room carpeted are we and some other stuff was missing I realized that when I got up I disturbed whoever had broken into our house if I hadn't hesitated at the door I would have run right into them God knows what might have happened I had nightmares for months when I was younger around 8 or 9 I went over to my best friend's house for a sleepover her parents had just recently gone through a messy divorce and her mom reached out to mine and thought it was a good idea she had some friends to spend the night with since she was apparently experiencing frequent night terrors I only found this out until later on will refer to her as Elsa there's about six of us and we're in El Zadok spending the night after all the junk food and gossip we decided to sleep since it was around 3:00 a.m. right before deciding to sleep he'll mention the reason why her parents were getting a divorce is because her dad cheated on her mom with the moms hairdresser and the mom kicked him out and changed all the locks she said she was scared of him showing up because of how loud he would always yell I felt so sorry for her having to go through that we all tried to make her feel better and safe but then decided it was time to sleep I'm usually the last one to fall asleep so as I was drifting off I feel someone nudging my shoulder asking me if I'm okay and I said yeah I'm fine why still with my eyes closed and the person says wake up don't sleep yet I can't sleep so I opened my eyes to see El standing above me with her eyes closed I told her she already looked like she's asleep and to go back to bed because I'm too sleepy she nudged my shoulder again and then started crying loudly then walked away to her side of the Attic and went back in her bed I looked around thinking everyone would wake up for sure but no one did and she stopped crying as soon as she got into bed I stayed there frozen for so long thinking she would wake up again or do something different then I got worried so I walked over to her side and happened to look outside the window to see a man standing by a tree in their front yard just standing in all black and looked like he was waiting I never made it to her side to check on her I sprinted back to where I was and just sat there needless to say I never slept that night unto this day I'm still confused used as to why no one else woke up when she cried and why she made it to my side without making any noise seeing as the floor creaked a lot anytime someone moved she had no idea what I was talking about when I asked her in the morning her mom denied everything I felt like I was going crazy until my mom explained her night terrors to me she freaked when I told her about the man waiting outside we assumed it was Elle's dad but who knows I saw an alien no joke to this day I still wonder if I was somehow tripping on something I ate on accident or something I was about 10 years old and was playing in my room by myself it was about 11:00 p.m. I had a sliding glass door in my room and the blinds were pulled back out of nowhere the automatic spot life behind my house turned on I looked at the sliding glass door and a figure started approaching the door at first I thought it was my neighbor who was older than me and about the same height but as it got closer I realized it was something else I remember it approaching the door slowly it stopped at the sliding glass door for a few seconds and just started staring at me it felt like an eternity passed by like I remember specifically how long it felt when in reality it was probably only a few seconds I remember it was dark black it had a rounded head just like you see in the movies and was about six feet tall two arms two legs really skinny the thing about it is that it was so close to me right on the other side of the glass that there is no way I could have mistaken it for a human I know what I saw after a few seconds of staring at me it just turned to the side and walked away long strides it went out of my view and I immediately ran out of my room and screamed for my mom she didn't believe me I had to sleep in my room that night knowing I had seen a legit alien a few feet away from me earlier I'm 23 now and to this day I still get chills when I think about it my eyes always start watering when I think about it I know it wasn't a dream I know what I saw no one believes me the thing that creeps me out the most was its demeanor I remember it coming slowly up to me and walking slowly away that's what scares me the most like there was no rush to it it was just watching me I don't really believe in aliens visiting earth so it's been hard to cope with I think what I saw if it really was an alien is what some people call except it was black duck I'm not sleeping tonight not necessarily paranormal but this was something that both creeped me out quite thoroughly and chilled my blood to ice water I was working at a Crematory slash funeral home at the time I just picked up the body of a girl my age from the county coroner's office and was going through the check-in procedure which consisted of lots of paperwork fingerprints documentation of belongings etc now when a body comes to us from the coroner it's typically an unexpected death that occurred under questionable circumstances this particular one I could tell by simply looking at her was a drug overdose she had very obvious injection sites and her arms thigh one on her foot and what appeared to be needle marks all over her lower abdomen like it looked like this chick went to ducting town stabbing herself in the belly this was strange to me because I know that isn't a typical place to inject drugs especially because this girl was a bit on the large side nor is it usually a place where the pathologist will draw fluence in a case like this anyway I shrugged it off and began to document her personal items which come to us zipped up in a body bag in a black trash bag usually the coroner's office provides a detailed list of belongings for liability reasons this case came with no such list so it surprised me to see that she did indeed have a property bag with her tucked under a leg I tore the bag open it out flopped a fully developed completely green dead baby with a very smooshed head you can imagine my shock opening the bag expecting to find shoes clothes maybe a wallet and instead a tiny human plopping out long story short and the family did not know and telling them was horrifying in and of itself there was absolutely no sort of documentation on this fully developed human and the coroner was just as shocked as we were some jackass autopsy tech had just stuffed the baby in a bag in hopes of us not finding it in cremating it to save themselves some time on paperwork and dealing with an already distraught family an autopsy was done on the baby family and friends were questioned the whole nine yards later a friend of the deceased disclosed that she was the only one who the girl had told about being pregnant and her plans to try and give herself a late stage abortion by injecting heroin straight into her womb pretty ducked needless to say I was always hesitant when opening property bags in fear of finding another dead Green infant as opposed to a pair of Nikes at it a word when I was young enough to still be in a crib my room in my parents room were mirror images separated by a wall when I got older I moved upstairs and the wall was knocked down to make a true master bedroom my dress clothes were stored in the closet in what had been my room for some reason every time I used to go in there looking for something my heart would start racing and I would get really scared for no real reason and run out of there as quickly as I could when I tried to think and figure out what made me feel this way I would get this image in my head of being in the dark staring at the closet and fire dancing around the room one time my mom noticed how anxious I was coming out of her room and asked me what was wrong when I told her the colour ran from her face and she asked me you remember I didn't know what she was talking about so she explained while I was still in the crib I used to wake my parents crying just about every night telling them that there was a man in the closet and he wanted us to leave after this had been going on for weeks and weeks she started asking me questions about him when she asked me who the man was I told her Bill that freaked her the duck out before we moved in the house had belonged to her great Uncle Bill when he was elderly he had a live-in assistant who it turns out was actually a burglar who was robbing the houses in the neighborhood I guess bill started to figure it out because eventually the guy tied him to the bed rubbed the house and set the house on fire before running out he eventually got caught but bill burned to death after learning the name my mom said she basically said out loud Uncle Bill this is my mom we live here now this is my son Duke zero fendall five and you're scaring him we're going to take good care of your house so please leave us be after that I slept through the night with no problem and that was the last we heard of the man in the closet this didn't happen directly to me but is still one of the most unsettling events to happen to my family I was ten and my brother was seven during these years we shared a room with bunk beds we lived in a three-bedroom two-story apartment one night my mother was out on the front porch reading and my little brother runs up to the front door soaking wet and in his underwear understand that the front door was the only possible way he could have gotten outside and it was locked and dead-bolted he was too small to unlock the ground story windows and my mother was facing the sliding glass doors which no one came through and the only remotely accessible second-story windows were locked from the inside right after he ran up to the front door a college-age kid rode up on his bicycle apparently he had been riding home from work and saw my brother standing in the sprinklers in the elementary school next door to the apartment complex we live in when he called out to my brother my brother started it after a few seconds ran off back home from what my father says about that night there was literally no way he could have gotten to the front door and unlocked the deadbolt my dad was in the front hall working on a bookshelf right in front of the front door from the time he put us to sleep to the time my brother arrived the only things my brother remembers from that night are going to sleep a bright light and waking up at the school the event itself is crazy as crap but what unnerves me is that anyone could have found my brother but luckily it was a normal concerned person about 10 years ago I took my dog out for a short walk we lived in a run-down but historic part of town old houses that are either beautifully maintained abandoned for generally going to crap there was a good mix of people in that neighborhood anyway walking the dog I get about three or four houses down and stop at the corner while Pony sniffs some grass or whatever I turn around and suddenly there is a man standing why he too close to me no idea where he came from I'm usually very aware of my surroundings and Pony hated strange men I stumbled a few steps back I immediately had this absolute bone-chilling sick feeling he asked me is that a pit bull and I replied yes then he said Oh she'll protect you at this point my body flooded with adrenaline and I turned to run back to my house I saw my mom standing on the porch and to yell to her she had no reason to come out on the porch I honestly think she had a bad feeling I don't know what good me yelling really did but it was all I could think to do like hey look I'm over here I've never had such a flight response before or since that encounter this isn't my story but a story I heard from a girl in a class about her experience with a serial killer she lived in a neighborhood where the community manager was this prick astute who hated dogs if dogs got out of backyards or were barking he would threaten to have the dogs removed by animal control people would come home and their dogs would be missing that's around the time that the first person disappeared months went by and nobody thought anything of it until this girl's family got a notice from the neighborhood that they couldn't leave their dogs out during the night or daytime if they were at home they acquiesced but one day her mom ran an errand and left the dog in the back yard when she came back the gate was wide open and the dog was gone he didn't return weeks went by and still no sign of the dog and no further contact from the community manager one day her mother went to run an errand she came back to her empty home with no dog laid her groceries out on the counter and went upstairs to her bedroom to grab something as it goes she walked into her spring carpeted bedroom with its neatly made bed and impeccably clean floors and furniture however she turned and looked at her sliding door mirrored closet both doors were closed perfectly and she knew she'd left them open she left the house and didn't return till later that afternoon apparently a few months later the guy was arrested tried and convicted as the BTK killer for context I'm a 20 year old girl who grew up in a not totally safe area I have always been slightly paranoid of passing men while walking on the street by myself this happened about a year ago last summer I think my window was open my parents live in an OK neighborhood a few questionable households and a couple shut down meth labs but it's honestly not too bad lots of religious families around I woke up in bed at 2:00 in the morning to the sound of a girl yelling she sounded around my agent she was screaming for help and for this person to get away from her I was paralyzed I honestly wasn't sure at the time if I was imagining it or not I could hear her crying it lasted for a while a cop car and an ambulance showed up no blaring sirens but I saw the lights outside and finally managed to get out of bed and look out my window to see them I could see them from my window they were a quarter of a block from my front door I feel a lot of guilt to this day about the fact that I didn't do anything I'm sometimes kept up thinking about how it could have been different if I had jumped out of bed and ran out there to help her and called the cops I'm so thankful someone did but I feel horrible that it wasn't me I never heard anything about this incident around the neighborhood or on the news or anything I constantly wonder if that girl is OK I've had some weird things happen to me but the creepiest thing happened during my winter break of my freshman year of college this winter everything seemed darker is how I'd put it my entire house seemed darker I was very depressed I was diagnosed with depression when I was 13 but hadn't been depressed in a long time until this point my family was snapping at each other more than normal you get the point but the weirdest thing was that I became scared of the dark this is weird because I had blackout curtains and am used to falling asleep in pitch-black cave like darkness but this winter I couldn't I would leave the hall light on and my door open I had to check under the bed and in the closet you get the picture but there wasn't any reason for me to feel this way ever now I live on a fairly large property so sometimes I will go walking around at night I've been doing it forever and though sometimes I've been spooked by a squirrel or something in general it's fine so one night I'm coming back from my walk and I come in and look up to see a man clear as day standing in my living room and looking towards my parents bedroom door I can literally describe him perfectly to this day he had long hair was wearing gray jeans and a leather jacket I froze he turned to look at me smirked and then just disappeared he was gone I looked everywhere I made sure all the doors and windows were locked and checked under everything and in every room no one was there so I freaked out naturally because what if I had imagined this man in my house I couldn't fall asleep in the darkness felt really oppressive and I was shaking and shaking the next day I bought sage and spread the smoke around the house and it instantly felt my depression was gone basically in an instant and I could sleep normally again to this day I don't know who or what that man was but I'm constantly vigilant to that feeling so two years ago I'm working deep in the Louisiana woods very late at night around 2:00 a.m. I am on an oilfield location all alone getting a load there are no lights where I am standing only the red glow of my trailer lights I am miles from anyone and at the bottom of a hill so there is no cell service and there was no one at dispatch well halfway through my load I suddenly out of nowhere get this spine-tingling chill up my neck literally the hairs on my arms and neck stand completely up this has never happened before hair 100% stands straight up my eyes open wide and I get intensely focused I get this intense paranoid feeling like I'm being watched I turned my flashlight and shine it frantically on top of my trailer on top of the tanks I shine it behind the tanks besides moving my flashlight I am remaining completely still I get this urge to cut my load short I unhook and frantically run up into my truck and haul ass 8:00 a.m. I get a text waking me up it's a picture message from the guy that pumps the location behind the tank battery 20 feet from where I was standing were the largest set of cat paw prints sunk into the clay paws almost as big as my hand you could see where the cat had been pacing back and forth behind the tanks watching me that's obviously spine-tingling but the strange part is how I just knew something was watching me like something deep passed down for thousands of generations via evolution was triggered within me I sensed a large predator stalking me and my body without my cognitive input transformed me into an alert fight-or-flight state completely out of thin air that reminded me that I too am an animal so when I was a kid we had a trampoline which meant we always had friends over playing on it one night my mom left to take a friend home my brother and I were like 10 and 12 at the time old enough so we stayed outside playing when she left we lived in a very dense subdivision so the trampoline was on the only piece of grass between our back patio in an alleyway that ran behind the houses it was just getting dark at a car passed through the alley and my brother waved emphatic ly at the driver ijuin Lee scolded him saying stop that we might get abducted then from the bushes on the other side of the alley a male voice said yeah you might get abducted we bolted faster than I thought humanly possible from the trampoline and into the house peeking out the window on the back door we saw a middle-aged man in the bushes motioning for us to come out we of course did not an instead locked all doors and ran upstairs to my brother's room and armed ourselves with a baseball bat and called our mom she obviously called the police and sped home when the police are arrived they didn't find anyone in the bush their theory was that the college kids living on the other side of the alley were just playing a prank there was a fence there though and that man was on our side of the fence and was not college-age so terrifying that that men had probably been watching us from that Bush all evening chills to this day buck some years back now my mom went on a vacation with a friend of hers to Florida or somewhere for a week and a half during the winter so I was alone at home for the time and took advantage of it by setting up my consoles on the big living room TV one night it was snowing and throughout the night I felt really uncomfortable granted this was day six of 11 and I've never actually been alone in the house for that long before so I just chalked it up to loneliness the snow stops sometime in the middle of the night I went to sleep on the couch around 2:00 a.m. next morning plows came down the street and cleared them up as usual I had left to pick up some stuff at the store down the street but I stopped almost immediately when I got off my porch there were footprints in the snow leading up to the large bay window on the side of the house a set leading towards and away the ones leading in were slightly filled from snow fall then there were two footprints positioned right next to the far corner of the window close to the rear porch and some large bushes that were finally detailed and pointed towards the wall someone had been standing outside the window for a while at least staring into my house and left when the snow stopped the tracks started and ended at the street so where they came from and where they went afterwards were destroyed by the plows I have since bought large tin sheets to cover set window hung thick dark curtains and rearranged furniture to cover the entire bottom 1/3 of the entire window length duck fat crap ever again I'm a 31 year old man and the idea of someone just staring into my house through the windows gives me the kind of tense anxious horror I felt when I almost fell off a 15 cliff I can't even sit by windows at night without fully closing curtains on a recent back road camping trip me and my buddy were sitting by our fire cooking / burning Smokies and talking as it started to get dark the wind picked up and trees started to creak and we heard a wolf howl in the distance I asked him if he heard it and he did I normally don't think much about wolves but this time I had a dog with me and the wolves where I live have killed many a campers dog a few minutes went by and we heard another howl clearer and closer we started building up the fire I grabbed my tomahawk he grabbed his machete and we decided all bullcrap aside if we hear another hallo we're gonna make a run for the truck and put my dog in sure enough we heard another howl even closer so we get up and start heading for the truck as we reach the halfway point my dog stopped to pick up a stick and as I turned around I heard another wolf howl about 20 feet away from us I called my dog and we bolted to the truck and we got him and safely we headed back to our campsite hoping to see some wolves but they moved on and we didn't hear them again so I let my dog sleep in my tent with me we were pretty sure we avoided having to fight off a pack of wolves I slept with my tomahawk and flare gun right beside me you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 568,360
Rating: 4.8696523 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: _-gdrChmAQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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