what is the SCARIEST thing happened to you that will haunt you for the restof your life(r/AskReddit)

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serious what is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you that will haunt you for the rest of your life happened to me just this past summer on my birthday of all days I was with some friends watching a World Cup game on a big outdoor screen just chilling drinking and watching the game in the glorious sunshine behind the screen there was this big multi-story car park the screen in the building were separated by a narrow walled alleyway anyway out of nowhere something catches my eye on the roof of the carpark a guy is standing on the ledge I opened my mouth to speak but before I can say a word the dude just jumped he landed in the alleyway and I'll never forget the sound of his body slamming against the tarmac myself and a few others instinctively ran to him stupidly thinking that maybe just maybe he survived and needed help he didn't survive when we got to him his head slash face was wide open and his brains were on the floor all of his bones were broken and some were protruding from his body I've never seen injuries like that before and I was very unprepared for that for a long time and still to this day I wonder if he ever imagined that even in his darkest moment there were literally dozens of strangers just a few dozen feet away that would have gladly come to his aid and spent the rest of the night listening to him and that I would have done just about anything to help him out of that Hell for a while I grieved hard for a tormented man whom I encountered just a few moments too late when I was about five or six our stove caught on fire when my parents left a pan unattended they were making french fries or something that requires a good amount of oil by the time anyone noticed the kitchen was pretty much gone in all hell broke loose my dad bolts straight out the back door and me being little I tried to follow him crawling on my hands and knees as we'd been taught in school mom grabs the pan that's on fire tries to run and throw it outside where my dad is holding the door open only she doesn't see me on the floor and trips spilling the fire and oil all over me were it not for my hands covering my head and taking the brunt of the flames I wouldn't have survived third-degree burns all over my hands arms feet and head Ducks found a hole burnt all the way through to my skull and weren't sure how nothing worse came of it the worst part through the whole thing was my hands though the first hospital we went to made a mistake in how they treated my hands and ended up causing nerve damage in both I remember trying to tell them something was wrong that it was hurting too much but of course no one believed a newly traumatized kid knew better than the trained medical professionals five Hospital transfers months of physical therapy and a million bandages later I have some gnarly scars a bald spot on my head where scar tissue prevents hair from ever growing back and a debilitating fear of anything hot no matter how many psychological tricks I try I'm still incredibly anxious around fire no matter how small or controlled even lighters or curling irons can send me into panic attacks I am from Chechnya and have witnessed more than a few bombings slash shootouts in my life as a result of the insurgency here probably the scariest happened when I was about 9 or 10 my father and I live in a village in the mountains that was a hot point of the insurgency against Russia up until a few years ago Russian FSB raids on insurgents there was somewhat common anyway I was walking home from school with some of my friends one day when all of a sudden we heard really loud bang / booms in a nearby side streets so well all scatter like dogs there were probably 20 or so of us me and my friend Kasim at hide in this back alley for a few minutes just trying to lalo the gunfire sounded like it was coming everywhere so we didn't want to move well after about three or so minutes this guy comes running around the corner and is holding a rifle he looks pretty young maybe around 18 to 20 long dark brown hair a scruffy beard that looks kind of funny since it didn't fully grow in I remember he was wearing a gray Puma hoody anyway he was limping pretty bad as he was shoot or hit by shrapnel in the leg or something and a lot of blood was coming out we were behind a concrete wall and he fired off a couple rounds to whoever was behind the wall before running out of ammo while trying to reload he saw us and yelled at us something along the lines of gun damn you kids why are you here run memories a bit fuzzy well of course being like 10 were scared shitless and don't move in the meantime his gun jammed or something because he was getting really angry and started crying and hitting his gun out of frustration well anyway right after that on the other end of the wall a guy with a ski mask and a bunch of armor Russian FSB folks behind the wall makes the sh hand movement motions for us to lalo then shoots the other guy clean in the throat he collapses and makes that awful throaty sound people who get shot there make before dying me and Kaz Mader hysterical at this point because we're both kids and the gunshots are all so ridiculously loud and were scared were going to die anyway a few more FSB troops come from behind the other side shoot the guy's body a few more times for good measure and then start stripping him all the while making jokes about him and talking about how they're going to take souvenirs from his corpse and how much they love killing charnot's opee it means black casts it's a slur used by Russians for Chechens they completely ignored us until one who I think was the one that shot him first walks over tells us to stop crying and go home he actually seems somewhat emphatic and patted us on the back as we got up and said something along the lines of sorry you had to see that but you did good so we slowly get up and leave him not exactly haunted by it as I don't have PTSD but it's easily the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and I was also in the vicinity of a suicide bombing that killed 8 people and I think about it sometimes might seem tame but a guy saw me get off the bus once and likely showed up to my stop four days in a row at 11:30 p.m. to wait till I get off and talked to me he immediately start talking about how sexy I am so I panic and tell him a friend is waiting for me hoping that he wouldn't do anything if he thought someone was waiting for me he starts to get super angry and aggressively writes his phone number and gives it to me and tells me I must text him he then proceeded to follow me rambling about random stuff at this point I'm freaking out and I tell him he can go to his house he says that he'd rather do his evening walk with me I must have repeated I swear I'm fine alone you can go home five times in a row and he still followed me he let me get in my driveway alone the day after I call the bus service and the police the lady who does the evening ride saw a guy waiting six to seven times in the middle of the road at 11:30 I started to take another earlier stop and the police told me the number was fake they put criminal harassment charges out for him once they got the news from them bus lady they parked straight in front of him the next time he showed up and he ran away in the nearby park anyways thats a very abridged version but now I never walk alone without a weapon I'll never know if the guy was high disabled or completely ducking insane e-letter mine happened eight years ago now regarding me and my best friend of 23 years my friend developed a personality disorder from extensive child abuse and a couple of months earlier we were both in a car accident where our mutual friend passed away so naturally we were both quite depressed from that as well she had no idea what was happening and that with the depression wasn't mixing to good and surprisingly we were staying in a high-rise hotel for a party not too far away and she left a bit earlier than I did only about thirty minutes prior everything seemed normal from what can remember I was drunk and just casually walked into a room to talk to her in my drunken haze she was standing on the window balcony and jumped I managed to apparently teleport across the room intoxicated and caught her with one mother-tucking hand and I have non-existent upper-body strength I remember shaking from adrenaline and having heart palpitations for about 24 hours we are still best friends and she's doing much better and isn't suicidal it was the only suicidal thing she has ever done in fact she's still dealing with the disorder but it's very manageable nowadays eight years on it was quite difficult at the beginning but she managed to get through University with it you'll bet I'll remember that [ __ ] the rest of my life also the car crash would be the second scariest thing I have no idea how three of us survived and I'll tell you the sight of it made me wish I was knocked unconscious two years ago my best friend passed away unexpectedly in her sleep at 21 years old I remember being at work I'm a server and I was joking and laughing with two of my coworkers it was Saturday November 5th 2016 my phone vibrated in my pocket and I saw it was her mom calling me initially this struck me as odd but sometimes my friend called me from her mom's phone of hers wasn't charged I stepped outside to take the call and I could her someone her mom trying to get her words passed sobs at first I thought it was my friend I asked what's wrong EMM what are you saying then her mom said through tears she's dead she's dead all I could say was what before I crumpled to my knees and began shaking profusely I couldn't stop asking what then I let out a scream and my coworker came running someone put me in one of the booths and I was sobbing and hyperventilating so hard I almost passed out I grabbed my manager and yelled my best friend is dead and I need to leave right now I drove straight to her mom's house and cried in her arms for a long time the worst part about it all is that I still had to work the next morning I chugged the cooking wine throughout the shift to put a bandage on the heartache but two years later and I'm still not fully healed the person I trusted the most tried to kill me I woke up one morning and she was waiting for me with my gun a point three five seven it was an ambush I got shot but she fired low trying to shoot me in the back she got arrested and charged with attempted murder cops also found out she had killed her previous husband shot him with a 30 to 30 rifle in the same living room she shot me this was four years before we met this was 2005 I am damaged for life I do not I cannot trust any human anywhere not a day goes by that I don't think about this my dentist made a mistake when giving me laughing gas nitrous oxide and gave me far too much too quickly the nitrous tank he was using was brand new as the assistants later talked about and I overheard how he didn't adjust the strength for the pressure difference between a fuller tank and the old one he left me alone with the gas tank for about ten minutes and as a ten-year-old child I didn't realize the loopy feeling I was getting started becoming abnormal until I was seeing white specks and about to pass out I started panicking and the dentist and two assistants came rushing in panicking I couldn't see I was passing out I was about to throw up I had chills and altogether felt like death the dentist gave me a few breaths of pure oxygen to make me feel better but that made me feel insanely heavy albeit more alert and less like death the assistants were calling out different things and I distinctly remember one offering me the Pepsi she had in her lunch for the day and that always struck me as odd seeing as it was a dental office and Pepsi would be terrible for my teeth I eventually was grounded enough that I could rush out to the bathroom and vomit and just shake for a few minutes in private I went through with the filling that day but without the laughing gas at all using solely local anesthetic when I told my mom this story the other day she informed me that the dentist said I just had a panic attack and nothing actually went wrong that pisses me off so much knowing that he covered up his mistake by using my panic disorder my mom sides with me as she remembers how much that day screwed me up but as it was eight years ago and there is no evidence to take against him nothing can be done about the malpractice I'm now much more wary of dentists and I can no longer use nitrous without feeling like throwing up the story doesn't seem as terrifying when written out but that feeling of dread that came from feeling betrayed by my breathing haunts me the armored company I was in was assigned to guard a bridge on the night a big convoy of trucks carrying JP for fuel was going from Camp Carroll to Khe Sahn along route 9 1971 Quang Tri province I was in the in slash PPS radar team guarding the bridge I had three one-hour watches on our set so I went to sleep early two guys from a personnel carrier dismounted an m60 machine gun and set it up in a shallow 8 or 9 inch deep ditch about 40 feet in front of the m48 tank on our end of the bridge so like the dumbass new guy I was I threw my sleeping bag out beside the m60 and passed out dead tired expecting to be woken up in two hours for my guard mount I wasn't I woke up an hour later lying on my back seeing green tracers inbound and read tracers going toward the hill in front of me I was in the middle of a firefight in a ditch and alone let me say that again alone the two [ __ ] on the m60 had run back to their m113 at the first shot and left me sleeping still half asleep I rolled over on my stomach toward the machine gun that attracted the attention of six or eight NVA soldiers and they instantly started firing me up for ten minutes I was shot at by the RPD machine-gun team on the hill some guys with ak-47s and had three RPGs fired at me the firing would last ten or fifteen seconds then switched to shooting at the fuel trucks and the four tanks and four m113s that happened five or six times I laid in the ditch and heard bullets hitting beside me in front and behind me I was absolutely terrified I prayed to Jesus Buddha anyone I could think of to this day I can explain how I lived through that ambush when fire from our vehicles finally drove the enemy off the hill my sergeant ordered me to crawl back to him behind the lead tank I refused he got the tanks and m113s to give me covering fire and I worked my courage up and crawled on my hands and knees to my sergeant then he had me take off my shirt and pants to look for blood and wounds nothing he couldn't believe it and then commenced to give the worst ass chew I've ever had because he was prior marine with one year in Vietnam he knew how to shame me too anyway after my year tour I got out of the army and the nightmares began I can't count how many times in the next couple years I woke up in the middle of the night yelling punching the air and soaking wet with sweat thankfully I haven't had any obvious PTSD symptoms in 40 years last year's earthquake I was on my way to work in the bus when the earthquake started at first I thought it was something else and not an earthquake because the alarms weren't sounding but then people started to panic and the bus had to stop it was an intense earthquake then there's a loud crush in the building in front of the bus starts collapsing there was a lot of dust in water I thought the building was going to fall and crush the bus I thought I was going to die people scream the bus moves really fast to the next stop and we get out my legs were shaking and I was sure the city was going to be destroyed but the really scary part was not being able to communicate with my family and know if they were okay public transport stopped working because of the damage in the building so I had to walk back home lots of people were walking there was a fire nearby and you could see the smoke most of us were walking on autopilot trying to use our cell phones but there were connection problems after what felt like hours I finally received a call from my mom she and my brother were fine but they didn't know about my dad they couldn't communicate with him a couple hours later I finally got home wishing my dad was there but he wasn't they still couldn't communicate with him my mom was crying and calling him non-stop my aunt's called us asking if we knew something about my dad but no I was extremely anxious the most anxious I've ever been I was crying while watching the news and seeing all the damage all the buildings that collapsed all the people who died and the people who were still trapped finally my dad gets home we hugged him and cried a lot he also had to walk all his way home and was as worried as we were because he didn't know if we were fine the next day there was another earthquake and when the alarm started sounding I passed out it's been a year and I'm still terrified about another earthquake I told this story once already but my mother tried to kill my little bro and I and she nearly bled him to death and left him a [ __ ] I copied the story here the day my mother tried to kill my lil bro and I to start her life again with her new bf I was 16 my bro 14 our mom was a nurse and tbh had always been a shitty mother we were punked kicked slapped made to sleep in the garage on a daily basis she had divorced our dad who ended up committing suicide she totally drove him to it emo so we were stuck with her I did once try to contact CPS our country equivalent to the Middle East and the first time those stupid as a donkey ass bastards did was to call her boy I couldn't sit for a week after that so much she beat me Todd meteo keep my mouth shut and to never ever trust the so-called system not saying that to throw a pity party just so you can get the context here anyway she met up someone quite rich not from the country and here we were keeping her from living her dream what detestable horrible brats we were daring to be here alive and ruining her life on and on the insults and demeaning words kept with my bro and I held together so she had to switch plans she spiked our morning breakfast juice and when my lil bro dozed off she sliced him femoral vein I will never be thankful enough for the fact that she did miss the artery I wouldn't have been able to save him otherwise I hadn't drank all my juice I already had a roaring ulcer and I retained enough wits or desperation to drag my bro into the bathroom locked the door and screamed for help through the window while maintaining pressure on his wound and crying all I could begging him to say to wake stay the duck awake buddy cops and ER came in and that turbo [ __ ] did what she said fake crying that I had tried to kill my bro and myself after locking us in the bathroom f king psychopathic b tch cops did drag blood-soaked hysterical snarling me out in handcuffs while my bro was taken to the hospital I made no sense adrenaline plus the little bit of drugs in my system combined and I was completely incoherent so they didn't believe me at first spent six hours in jail not kitty jail real adult jail till my bro got his jury woke up and first thing he did was to scream for me sure dear mom had gotten me as I protected him truth is she had nicked me on the throat but I had managed to dodge enough it was nothing but a superficial slice b tch did only 24 months jail claimed temporary insanity last summer my wife and I along with our best friends another married couple decided to go tubing down the local river this river is where the kayaking portion of the 96 Summer Olympics took place the Rapid whitewater section was way upriver from where we were going which is fairly calm I had bought two double tubes one for me and my wife and the other for our friends we set off floating we brought along a rope to tie the tubes together so we wouldn't drift apart we were having a hell of a time talking and laughing and just enjoying the river for four or so hours we were approaching our end destination which was a rarely used boat ramp right before the ramp we all bailed out thinking we were going to just walk up the ramp unfortunately the water speed picked up there and we were swept right off of it my wife and one of our friends slammed into the bank and were able to get a hold of roots and whatnot his wife stayed latched onto the tube and was swung into calm water where she could walk out I unfortunately ended up with the rope wrapped around my waist three times and wrapped around a tree stump the water kept surging over my face I only had the tree bark to dig my finger tips in to stay above water both of the wives got out but my friend let go and caught the stump I was stuck on he saved my life at risk to his own we all have a new respect for water and nature oh the best part is there was a family on the boat ramp when they saw what was happening they left no attempt to help nothing saw them when we got back upriver where my truck was parked mother Duggars were packing up as fast as they could I'm not sure if this will haunt me for the rest of my life but it was still really scary in the moment I was in the middle of getting a root canal and I started to feel more of what was going on but it wasn't enough to make me want more anesthetic my jaw was killing me because it's permanently dislocated but there was nothing they could do for it besides letting me pop it back into place every 30 minutes or so and I thought that was the worst of it they started drilling my tooth and I started feeling this weird sharp pain shoot through my eye and left side of my face and I started shaking my head and saying nah because I had this contraption in my mouth blocking me from talking the shooting pain started getting so bad in the dentist and her assistant start panicking too because they need to find more anesthetic but couldn't find it and I was thrashing in the chair from the pain at this point I'm shaking and bawling because the pain is getting worse and I can't speak or move my mouth because of the contraption protecting my exposed tooth all I can do is cry and make hand motions to tell them what's wrong they eventually numb me again and put so much that almost my whole face is numb I'm still crying at this point because I was alone and both of my parents were out of town and I just wanted them there because I was so scared they finally finished the procedure and told me that my canal was so thin that it broke when they were drilling in the pain was from everything past my tooth was exposed I was still upset because they didn't handle it very well and made me more scared than I needed to be I didn't want to scare my parents because they already felt bad that they weren't able to be there for me that day because my tooth was so badly damaged and it was more complicated than a normal root canal so I didn't tell them until they got home I ended up going home and spent the day passed out on the couch because all the crying and doubled the amount of local anaesthetic made me super sleepy on the bright side my little brother came over with a bunch of food and spent the night and we played video games together all night after I woke up it was so nice of him apartment two storey house with a tiny apartment on top floor had improper heating trailer park house heater with incorrect ventilation carbon monoxide was just pouring into the place wife and always loved sleeping with the window cracked next to her bed for the cold winter air may have been what had saved our lives over and over again during our three months there one night super high winds I slept on the couch a few feet away from the heater my wife could not get me to wake up when she come home took her basically beating the [ __ ] out of me to get a response she got me out of there gas company I believe it was came out that night for possible leak come to find out the duct system etc was not done properly the apartment was filled with levels that would have killed me if my wife had not come home early that day and possibly should have killed us 10x over but possibly thanks to our love for ice cold air and cracking the windows we lived I guess the gas company guy just went off on the house owner which lived downstairs we left our apartment shortly after that no fight about the lease and got everything back probably just happy we were not going to sue them or try to sue when I was a kid it was apparent to most of my family that my dad suffered from bipolar disorder my mother would usually be the one to take the brunt of all his episodes until one day she just decided she was done being the codependent they divorced when I was 10 the following year my dad had become severely depressed he was already a heavy alcoholic but somehow managed to drink more than what I thought was humanly possible one night my parents were arguing over the phone my mom's room was right next to mine so I could hear her yelling and crying can't exactly remember what was said I fell asleep that night and had what is one of the most awful nightmares I've ever had to date I could clearly see my dad at hung himself from the rafters in garage of the home he was living in the next day I went to school everything normal and as usual halfway through the morning and pulled out of class by my principal told to feel better which confused me I wasn't sick come to find out that the nightmare I had the night before had come true my mother didn't tell me the exact causes of his death until about three or four years later when I turned 15 but in the back of my mind I had known all along what happened to this day some seven years later or so I still get night terrors and I'm terrified of sleeping most nights because I fear I'll have dreams of another loved one dying
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 325,010
Rating: 4.8987675 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: LYTatPvGxho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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