What is your best HORROR experience in REAL LIFE (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit storie

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what is your best horror experience in real life me oh I got a good one for this my brother scared my ass off one day by sneaking up on me wearing a scream mask me reads the first few comments me I'm a total [ __ ] back in junior high I dated a girl for a brief two months didn't work out due to personal beliefs and such well after we broke up she became a stalker however I always dismissed it when my friends commented on it since I was always thinking what could this 4 ' 5 girl do to me really well one day after school I had an appointment nearby which was no more than a 15 minutes walk from school I walked there rode the elevator up went through the halls and finished my dentist appointment within the hour to my dismay once I opened the door to leave the office after receiving a lollipop ie girly waited for after each appointment I found my ex sitting in front of the door we looked at each other for about a minute until she just gave a subtle smile and began to get up I never slammed the door as fast as I did that day my mind was racing trying to figure out how she managed to find me I couldn't understand since the whole time walking no-one was behind me I rode the elevator alone and once I exited there was multiple doors along with numerous hallways that were on that floor office woman saw my panic and I explained the whole deal she locked the door and contacted my family eventually her mother was contacted since my mother knew her as well long story short turns out she skipped school hung around a coffee shop I walked by daily pretty much and followed me from afar unknown to me she never told me how she managed to find the correct office or see what floor I got off at still sends chills down my spine thinking about it to this day I got my first job to summer after I graduated high school at a rundown amusement park I worked as an announcer at an old game and got to know a lot of employees as it was one of the few shaded places to sit down in within a few weeks I noticed a janitor he was an older gentleman maybe in his 40s or 50s and he would always sweep the doorstep of the game as it was my duty to keep the area clean I would politely wave as he walked by and that was that eventually he started coming by more often offering to take out the trash and help clean I accepted the help as I was often busy but after a while my male co-workers and I noticed that he would pace the windows outside of my shop he would walk back and forth waiting for me to acknowledge him watching with his broom in his hand and cleaning spots that he had done an hour earlier once I counted him walking back and forth eight times across my windows then he started learning my schedule somehow he was always taking his smoke break when I was coming in for my shift he would be waiting on the corner smoking until he saw me and would walk up to my car so that he could walk me to work that's when I realized a seemingly normal co-worker was someone that was beginning to stalk me I started having panic attacks and nightmares about this janitor that kept on meeting me my male co-workers would note the way he watched me and they began walking with me to and from my car at night I saw him once at a gas station as I was pulling in and he tried to come up to my car so I left immediately then one day I spotted him from a distance beginning to come into my game that I worked at I told my coworker I was going to hide and I hid beneath one of the old machines in a back corner I could hear my co-workers telling him that I left and I could hear his footsteps as he walked around holding my breath I saw his shoes stop in front of the machine I was hiding beneath and he crouched down to my level with a smile you're hiding from me now he asked shortly after that incident I decided to report him to my manager because I was 18 and unsure if what was happening was me projecting my own fears she listened to me my co-workers confirming what happened and she launched a small investigation it turns out there were a few of us girls that the janitor decided he liked and began to follow the youngest was 14 and I was 18 I was the first one to come forward and upon hearing different stories the janitor was fired from the park to this day I always have a sense of unease in the workplace and a fear that a friendly co-worker could be something far worse and I will never forget the smile as he looked at me from under the machine proud that he had found me when I was most afraid posted this before in other threads my four-year-old son had a habit of announcing when he had to use the bathroom he would say I gotta go potty one time he makes his business known and heads off toward the bathroom he returns seconds later and says there's already someone in the bathroom now I do know for a fact that it's just the two of us home so the hair stands up on my neck I asked him what do you mean he repeats there's already someone in the bathroom now I'm thinking is it someone I see dead people or someone in a hockey goalie mask so I grabbed the biggest knife from my knife block and tell him to stay here I walked to the bathroom take a wide angle to see n-nobody slowly and quietly walk toward the shower and pull back the curtain nothing by now my son has walked around the corner and I asked him where did you see the person he points to an unflushed toilet and says see someone's already here his big brother didn't flush the toilet I posted about this before on another subreddit our neighborhood was plagued by a peeping tom for a while lots of people caught him peeping in Windows and lurking around in the woods there was a marina nearby and he kept breaking into boats to sleep or get food etc I swear I saw him trying to look in my window one night but my dad did not believe me I saw the outline of a man's head and shoulders through the blinds with the bright floodlight behind him one night my mom and I were alone and she was asleep in bed with giant floor-length windows opened with just a screen she kept hearing leaves crunching but thought it was something on the TV finally she realized it was coming from the window like one foot from her bed all the dude had to do was kick the screen and in step inside she turned on the floodlights and saw his outline and pushed the panic button on our alarm system do took off into the woods behind our house cop was too lazy to go into the woods after him never caught him but I think he moved on after that and no one ever saw him again I woke up to pee I couldn't see very well It was as if a veil was over my eyes but I caught movement on the window and there was a shadow on it as if someone was looking into my room I grabbed my ax and went looking but I couldn't see a thing outside just fog suddenly I was on my bed again waking up because I heard a bang on the door I stared at it in the dark I could see everything clearer something banged on the door again harder it flew open and there was an outline of a big man in a trench coat and a hat my heart was pumping so fast I could freaking hear it I woke up again I couldn't move at all the shadow of a kid maybe 1 or 2 years old was jumping around the bed I was very scared but thought what would Dean Winchester do when the shadow kid came up to my face I threw a punch at it it disappeared I hadn't actually punched anything but I was able to move my fingers again then my entire arm and found myself with my eyes wide open and actually woken up for real I finally went to the bathroom sleep paralysis is a [ __ ] edit a word on Friday I went and did a horror themed escape experience I don't wanted to call it an escape room really because there were only like three puzzles it was a 4,000 square foot pitch-black maze with Fink people dressed up as ghouls chasing you and screeching like Japanese horror monsters my friends and I formed the most homoerotic conga line holding on to each the entire time other trying to get out we even though well we play a lot of horror videogames in the waiver says the actors can touch you so it can't be that bad right wrong it was that bad the night my husband flipped our truck has to be near the top we were driving to a party when I was about 17 trying to keep up with the guy we were following since neither of us had smartphones he was going pretty fast since he knew the roads we didn't at the top of a blind Hill was a 90-degree turn unmarked I remember my husband jerking the wheel to not hit the trees he overcorrected twice and the front driver tire hit the grass causing our truck to flip 2.25 or 2.75 times if it wasn't for the tree we hit we would be dead I remember waking up on my side I was buckled in so I was safe the windows were all cracked the ringing in my ears from the rush of blood and adrenaline masked the sounds of my husband my first thought wasn't about him but the beef jerky that was on my lap now gone we got out alive many others probably not so lucky on that curve in high school my buddies and I would somewhat frequently visit the local cemetery the town was very small and it was one of the nicer places to hng out we went around 2 a.m. one morning and my friend Justin decided he was going to pound on the door of a mausoleum Spelling and start saying no one loved you no one loves you over and over again suddenly we heard a coyote howl in the distance in the woods a few miles out no 150 anything of it we've all heard this before then we heard several more a little bit closer to us this time so we started recording the audio then it was all completely deafening howls that absolutely were coming from the cemetery we all heard animal sounds and howling / coyote noises and bolted the hell out of there as soon as we got to the exit and out of the yard the noise completely stopped had to listen back to our recording to make sure it happened and it totally did no explanation for that night gave me nightmares for a long time woke up one night at my grandparents house when I was like seven here's the theme song from Halloween playing and for some reason I decided to investigate what was happening I walked around for a little while and checked the whole upstairs and found nothing eventually I walked over to the stairs and looked over the railing towards the living room I swear for a split second I saw the keys to their piano playing by themselves and then suddenly the music stopped somehow I managed to just go back to sleep after that my sister also says she has memories of that song playing during the night to a abseil rope snapped while I was being lowered down a 600 feet hole I am part of cave rescue and we were doing reckoned for dead bodies down a hole and I get told over radio to quickly find a little place where I could sit and like a overhang or something so I huddled into this little ledge and then after staring at my boots for a while I watched the Rope drop yet the Rope that I was just dangling off on a 600 feet hole just dropped and I was only 400 feet down so a fall could have killed me when I was 8 my mother bought me a knockoff American Girl doll that looked like me played with the doll all day yada yada yada started cleaning up the dolls stuff and laid the doll into little crib with her pajamas on and all the other doll accessories arranged perfectly next morning I wake up to find the doll completely naked with her head hanging from the pajama sleeve tied to the crib and all her toys and items arranged in a circle around the crib my sister and brother were babies at the time and my parents wouldn't have done that as a joke since then have given the doll to Goodwill but haven't seen any weird spiritual stuff happen in my house since then once I was at a camp and friend one told me and friend two there was a kid who kept knocking on the back doors of girls cabins when we went back to our cabins I shared a room with friend too we were talking about starting an Elmo cult when we heard a knocking coming from somewhere there were 6 rooms in the cabin and we were next to the back door me and friend who looked at each other ah I said go check outside said friend too like the stupid kid I am I looked out the window but there was nobody there but we heard it again then we realized it was coming from the room next to us so I knocked back and then they knocked back so then I knocked again and sang do you want to build a snowman I heard hysterical laughter and then they came in they said it was scaring one of their roommates but they thought it was funny and then we finished up her Elmo cult convo with friend - and went to bed when I was a kid about seven or eight I was dog paddling on a kick board during swim lessons I let go of the kick board and instantly thanks dense bones sank I could see the surface getting farther away and here muffled screams and shouts I started to black out and then someone grabbed me and swam me back up to the surface it wasn't scary it was more like there were a lot of things happening I needed to pay attention to I wasn't scared at all until after it was over almost 40 years later and I still get the heebie-jeebies remembering what it really feels like when you think you're going to die when I was 12 my best friend and her older brother and his best friend decided to take us out to the lake and bring out the boat we got into the middle of the lake and noticed we didn't put the plug in the boat so we all got out so he could get the water out I didn't know how to swim and I never had been on a boat before I held onto the side of the boat and suddenly it turned on I smacked my head on the bottom of the boat and woke up with the propeller tangled around my shorts and the blades stuck on my ass cheek I was wearing a life jacket but the boat was sinking at the same time I honestly thought I was going to die luckily a guy riding his boat close by heard me screaming and he came over and cut my shorts off the prop he took me in his boat back to shore where they called an ambulance it was about a one-hour ride to the hospital sat for a day waiting for surgery first one they cleaned everything out and packed the wound when it was open it was about 30 inches long by 10 inches or more wide and I had two of these cuts the second surgery they gave me 455 stitches and 55 staples I remember being able to touch my bone now I have nightmares and it first had really bad PTSD never going on a boat again edit I tried finding my news article when I came across the same story same location but from a year ago apparently this Lake is bad Lowell I used to work in a movie theater in a small town we had only four screens and to get to two of them near where the bathrooms were you had to go down a long hallway to a small lobby like area that had drawers to all of the other theaters one night we were closing and we had no one show up for our 9:00 p.m. showings so I asked my manager if we could change the music playing to the new My Chemical Romance CD I had just got and he said sure this CD since it was an early release had a hidden last track called blood that starts with about 1 minute 30 seconds of dead silence so I am downstairs cleaning up alone while my manager another worker were upstairs doing other things I'm jamming out to the CD and I'm just about done cleaning when I noticed the music had stopped ah it must be done you'll have to remember to grab it before I walk out I think to myself so I start walking down the long hallway when suddenly I start to hear music again the song starts with a few simple piano notes playing oh I guess it isn't done weird I think to myself so I do my last checks of the bathrooms and I'm in one of the theaters finishing up when suddenly all of the lights go off and it is pitch black over the speakers I hear blood blood gallons of the stuff I gave them all that they can drink and it will never be enough I screamed and ran back to the front lobby as fast as I could my manager came downstairs in a panic and someone from the neighboring cafe came over to check on it because I screamed so loud and so terrified my manager is the one who had turned off the lights and the timing was just all-around perfect legit thought I was about to be murdered 8th grade math class me what did you do over the weekend girl I fed around with a Ouija board with my friends there was a spirit we talked to it said it was a dog and had been following me around for a few years me you're so full of crap spirits aren't real 10 minutes later in boy's bathroom washing hands after pissing four feet tall mirror bolted into the wall in front of me I look up into the mirror and watched the two screws on screw in the top corners and fall out the mirror falls over onto my head and shatters I am a firm believer in spirits now not really horror but absolutely terrifying I was walking to the bathroom at night there is a windowsill right before my bathroom this was at 10:30 at night and all lights were out I am right outside the bathroom when something's jumps out from the windowsill and scares the crap out of me my brother sat there for about 45 minutes waiting for me to come downstairs just so he could jump and scare the crap out of me my I mentioned everyone else was asleep and he was about nine at the time I was on vacation to Croatia one time this takes place on the day we were going back to home and we didn't have anything to drink in the car because it can get really warm there so my parents sent me to a store nearby to get a six pack of six liter bottles of water for the way back not thinking much of it I agree and head to the small shop on my way to the shop there was a dirt path next to a long beach which I took because you'd get to the store faster than walking on the beach I come across a small bike with a dress laying next to the bike I think it was purple and the dress was full of stains and scrapes but I didn't think much of it since there are a lot of homeless people in Croatia so I assumed it were just belongings to some homeless guy or girl five minutes later I arrived at the store by the six-pack of water etc and walked back to our Caravan on my way back I noticed that the bike was no longer there but the dress was not taken I again don't think much of it just thinking that someone might have taken the bike or stole it and I just continued walking I arrived at the tent put the six pack in the trunk of the car take a seat and get something to drink because it was like 40 degrees that day and a 10 minute walk whilst carrying something heavy gets you thirsty very quick about an hour later we pack all our things break down the tent put the caravan behind the car and drove back home about half an hour into the drive I notice a girl like six years old standing next to the road she had the exact dress on that I saw earlier that day and the bike next to her I was kind of freaked out but just calmed myself thinking it was just a coincidence and continued doing what I was doing two days later we arrived at home we all go to bed quickly because it was like midnight that we arrived home and quickly all sleep I got woken up by a whisper saying something along the lines of Pamela see me on Seder Biddy I don't know what the duck this means but she keeps whispering me this every Saturday night which was the same day we arrived at home and I am kind of getting used to it no but it recently stopped my grandpa has a cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan it gets really really dark at night across the backyard is a small bunk house since there is limited space in the cabin the back of the bunk house is essentially the border to the forest my step-brother and I we were about 14 were sleeping in the bunkhouse since all the adults were in the cabin and we wanted to hang out and be loud etc it was a normal night until we heard something a few summers before I had been in the bunkhouse and my uncle tried to scare all of us in there by dragging a chair against the outer wall he succeeded but he revealed himself immediately and we had all laughed about it my uncle wasn't there with us this time this time we heard a scratching sound it wasn't heavy or loud but it was persistent my brother and I figured it was probably a small animal but being teenagers we also feared the worst a bear or even a person the scratching would go on for a few minutes and then stop every time we thought it was done it would start again we debated just ignoring it since the door to the bunkhouse was locked we debated confronting what or who ever it was as we had a baseball bat in there we eventually decided to run across the yard to the main cabin and sleep in there for the night so we grabbed the baseball bat and another blunt object and slowly peek outside during a lull in the scratching as I said behind the bunkhouse is the forest and the cabin was about 50 feet away we ran as fast as we could to the cabin the cabin door was locked and everyone was asleep at that moment we realized we had to run back to the bunkhouse and the dark forest behind it with whatever was scratching the wall waiting just out of sight we booked it back to the bunkhouse and slammed the door closed behind us there was no more scratching for the rest of the night but we were thoroughly shaken up eventually we fell asleep the most likely scenario is it was a raccoon or other small woodland creature but I can't help but wonder if it was something bigger since bears have been spotted on the property several times my best friend celebrated his bday and we went into the woods at about 250 a.m. we all believe in ghosts and some of us are worshipping them Lowell so we were pretty excited at 3:00 a.m. one of us went missing he was average height but very skinny he also is known for being a potential serial killer so he is quiet and knows how to sneak up and scare people we looked around with our only flashlight and once I saw something it looked like Slenderman f2 zombie it came running to me at an incredible speed like 15 to 17 km/h on all four of its limbs and made zombie sounds like in black ops 2 zombie mode it was our friend this little bastard I had to go to a hospital because everyone thought I had a heart attack I was a rookie first responder one fall night I found myself on a call with little information caller had noticed an old fleetside pickup truck parked off a country road they also reported a horrible smell arrived on scene and immediately noticed the horrible smell we spot a banged up tailgate poking out of some underbrush just off the road worked around the driver side and see that the windows are blacked out flies begin bouncing off us from all directions I grab the door handle pop the button in and pull I was stepping away from the truck as the door swung open but the smell still hammered me in the face flies everywhere My partner shines his light into the cab and we see dark grimy clothing draped over a human shape it was my first experience with a deceased individual luckily my only one where the decomp was advanced the remaining skin was slouching making it difficult to approximate much about the person before death there was an outline of human putrefaction on the cloth seats the windows which I assumed were covered with black bags were actually layered with black film from the breakdown the sight of the face was horrific imagine an organic abstract statue being peeled by gravity I was at the time a somewhat experienced solo backpacker this was my first big trip six days going into some very deep backcountry though still on established map trails third night in I could tell I was in an area that gets few visitors the fire pit was totally overgrown I was using a hammock can't resist saying now that I find them a burden as far as lightweight backpacking goes my hammock was such that the tarp I had hung above was lower than the top of the hammock so I can't see out I went to bed early I felt the weight of the aloneness uncomfortable something was off that's fine it'll go to sleep and wake up and hike out of here I'm awoken by a noise it sounds like a human walking at this point I'm experienced enough to tell the difference between road and stomping around on the leaves deer and elk the wind and the distinct sound of a two-legged human walking around this was a person I'm scared petrified really I'm deep in the wilderness and a person is walking around my little shelter I find my headlamp and turn it on being in a hammock I'm not really in any position to do anything quick I hope the presence of the light will deter any potential deep wilderness assailants I wait as the footsteps become closer then I see it a hand lifts my tarp above my hammock I wake up it was all a dream I don't sleep the rest of the night I was Dante how spare her dot for a few years work Dante gig on a mansion in my hometown that was insane the wife of the owner was bat-crap crazy too many examples to list dead of winter in Vermont during a total overhaul / remodel we draped some plastic over porch roofs and oil painted two decks tent style with propane mushroom heaters to help dry the paint overnight the GC wanted someone there on fire watch I took the graveyard shift brought a therm rest and sleeping bag up hourly to check the heaters and make sure the place didn't burn down at 2:00 a.m. I did my check-in was getting ready to get a nap again I felt a presence moved from one side of the room through me and across the room followed two minutes later by a loud shriek from upstairs investigated found nothing the mansion was previously owned by Jesuit priests who taught at a local Catholic college one was said to have hanged himself there I have a loose belief in the supernatural could have been my brain could have been truly supernatural I leave that memory in the phenomenon category of my brain when camping with my best friend and his then boyfriend we all set up camps in the woods of the award National Forest our camping Styles varied quite a bit I pack essentials food / water for the three of us small camp and a rifle they brough grocery bags of food to be put bluntly we clear a decent-sized patch of land a bush and start setting up tents I had a small a-frame that was very low-profile and easily missed and my friends brought some giant pop-up tent basically they are glamping for a simple term anyways night goes on we cook dinner and let the fire die out and head to bed around 1:00 a.m. or so I wake up to some rustling outside and don't think much probably a coyote or something load the rifle just to be on the safe side and throw the solvent trap on it cause you know redneck engineering start falling back to sleep and the rustling is getting closer I start hearing twigs break next to my tent heading towards my buddy's tent unzip my tent and the only thing that might have had less daylight is my genitals couldn't see a single thing grab the rifle and hit the light and started scanning the woods I thought I saw something that looked like a shadow dude near some brush about 150 meters away and like the dumb redneck I try to be fire a few rounds off in a general direction with no thought of safety of others friends wake up cause unlike in the movies even subsonic ammo through a solvent trap is the loudest thing ever known in this lifetime at 1:00 a.m. in the middle of the woods and start asking what's up just told them both to go back to bed and try not to get too much splodge in their tent in the morning they were missing two bags of food and couldn't see a single trace of whatever / whoever it was coming through our camp that night good news is shooting at them seemed to make them not want to come back who would have thunk and did not see any blood or bodies that night was my living in a horror movie and I had zero interest in being a part of it you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 221,797
Rating: 4.7922597 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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