Our EPIC Arnhem Land Adventure! • The most remote 4WD destination!

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[Music] Adam land the final frontier for 4-wheel drivers it's remote untouched ancient and for a long time it's been inaccessible I've been trying for years to get a trip happening up here and finally all the pieces have come together unfortunately for me I'm running a little late that's right shorty is back a whole bunch of work has been done - what over the past few months back at the shop that's running better than ever and what a trip to test her out hey hey whoa whoa shiny rocket might have a my I was happy to go with two tails I got shorty he's back Mike I'm loving I look at shiny shoes she's dead free screams she's gonna throw this for long would eat your hands up keep your hands up there good my time stay put we've had a long journey to get to here yeah I'll follow those GPS chords and float away perfect perfect got you welcome here we do it a long way to go it is my only concern my only concern is the whole trip whether or not those things going to keep up we make a move should we make a move look at the recovery you get in your tracks we've got just six days to explore the best of what Arnhem Land has to offer starting at the beginning homelands of central Arnhem Land we're making our way up through the birthplace of the didgeridoo all the way to the wild coast of cape Arnhem before heading for our ultimate goal the remote tip of blue mud Bay which I've been told is one of the best fishing spots in the entire country it'll be a tight squeeze but I'll shorty is up to the task okay boys this is it a lot of planning a lot of permission slips being granted a lot of a lot of effort put in back at the office but I tell you what we just crossed the boundary we're in Arnhem Land this is our land right it's right I've been here a couple of times armed admittedly only fishing and never been up this sort of central right I've been looking forward to this for months I'm stuck just tagged to got all shorty back she's running like a dream I reckon that'll change pretty quickly Arnhem Land is opening up folks but you do still need permission from the traditional owners the land we've just entered the beginni homelands belongs to Lazarus Murray and his family and it's one of the few places opening up for full drivers in central Arnhem Land there's great tracks there's camping fishing heck loads of wildlife and some activities we frankly can't do anywhere else Lazarus has offered us the easy road or the hard road to get to his camp and well I reckon you can guess what we chose oh yeah that's good [Music] actually that water is running a little bit quicker there please Inez rocket it is all going first heart speed date imagine this one in the wet season might it be up to the top of the banks surely wouldn't it oh you shorty right I'm going in it Oh bit of a tricky bit on the wire there's a big there's a big rock on the right tell me if that one yeah I'm gonna give it a guy and we're through not too many of you out there will say they don't understand I say just how bloody good it is to be back in the driver's seat of my old mate shorty thank you what'd you say this is not just a car this to me is an entire lifestyle it's the entire way of life and I believe stoked to be back behind the wheel it took a heck of a lot of work to get shorty to this point I've made a lot of changes over the last few months from one of which is my oil you know four drives are particularly harsh on oil due to the temperatures in your standard turbo diesel engine when you're doing a hundred kilometres an air along the freeway look everything's fine it's happy there's air running into the radiator but when you're crawling up a rock face are along a beach in low range there's just no airflow coming in and your engine is under immense load and heat this causes excessive soot and sludge in your engine what a good quality synthetic technology oil can do is survive these high temperatures and help to clean away that soot that builds up not only in older engines but of course in new ones too I rely on shorty to do big kilometres in the harshest terrain so I need a high-performance oil with detergent additives that can clean Shorty's engine as I Drive I'm using engine armored diesel from Vale Berlin now look Valvoline has different grades of engine armor to suit both old and new engines alike it's a synthetic technology blend which means it will clean up all of that suit and carbon deposit before it builds up and destroys what is normally a good engine they'll be kidding me you've got to be kidding me guys have a look at this track it he's absolutely ripped to pieces but it has to be Buffalo or pigs or something ah looks pretty buggy to mate yeah I like the way you laugh I didn't go through first I can see the other side it just Sony about 50 meters of it but it's horrible you sure you want to go this way my corners the VMS it's the only way look at the damage they've done this is just pure destruction through you and look at guys on as far as the eye can see they get right as well yeah we're almost at the meeting point with Lazarus right here but this backtrack has one more trick up its sleeve Oh my advice is you blokes wait here I might need you to come and get me out backwards we'll see how we go hey guy for might give it plenty [Music] hahaha I've got this Oh No I think someone's in a bit bit of other things trouble is I'm falling I'm falling in a buffalo wall I jerk I push my looks like nearly there as you can see all showed he's not really that bogged here I haven't sunk down to my diffs and Shawn I reckons there just by giving a bit of a push from the back you might just give me the momentum I need to carry on all right give me the high high when you're ready [Laughter] right I know when I'm beat time to get the Dominator out you can get a wish recovery underway as luck would have it in this situation there is a perfect tree placed directly in front of me and that means I get a direct line of pull out of this mud these clothes were clean a week ago thanks to you now we're gonna get you a week ago you're over junior pop you are covered in mud I shouldn't laugh they're probably gonna get both I'm gonna have to go in there yeah it's just muddy that's the problem your mud well I can have a guy driving that percent sure me daddy he ran I hope I do because Rockets just about to put the winch cable oh I forgot to run it out again that would suck for rocket I wouldn't want to do that to a mate yeah well Sean oh yeah I don't Sean do it doing any day I don't want to do it the rocket it's too nice a bloke it's not saying that sure was not a nice bloke it's just that I like playing games and all right stand back I'm engaging everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that was cool Charlotte you haven't got a hope in it haha right he's not called a dirty 34 nothing baby good efforts alright but that mud is like glutamate there's just about zero traction in there I think the technical term is stuck yep the Dominator which is the only way out of this quagmire Sean oh you stay put mate I'll jump in the mud but the big question though is that make it president shorty no mate I think you will see the footage shows there are wheel tracks in front of you that means shorty got further I win once we do gain traction and start moving forward someone is ready to grab that winch cable and run ahead so if we don't run over the winch or worse still get that cable found up underneath the trucks covered in mud well I reckon rod cuz he weighs 18 ton is gonna get a bit underneath that branch nobody's got a VI yeah on song what's that thing on 35 between the area right it's a Toyota just so many things going for all three yeah you should go right alright so he coolly through yep yeah [Music] well I might just eat my words he is going from Oaxaca bleah well you know it does come down to that truck having so much weight can get the auto doing such a good job of pushing it through terrain like this [Music] get out - every nine come on rocket has actually said to me in the past that a truck of that weight there is no way he would take it onto the beach or the softness of sand or the deepest of mud holes like this one without an auto fitted and I think scenes like this really do show that it works so very well he's that minecraft game boys I think he's heading away from that swamp that's good music I don't want to start suggesting anything but we are in the middle of nowhere here mate you sure you got this right do I have I gotta tape yes marked in here in the BMS here and should take the next right turn and there we should meet Lazarus I'm guessing this is your right hander here right yeah this is the right end of my right all you really got I tell you miss the back way it's the fun way [Music] this must be I'm Lazarus here mate you haven't got a hope in hell of finding the best spots in remote places like this without a bit of local knowledge which is why we're lucky to be meeting up with Lazarus Marie who is one of the traditional owners of this land I'm here with my wife midnight spring that's the name of this Lazarus and his family have lived at baguette II forever however prior to their arrival their ancestors have been on the land for as long as time itself there's wildlife in spades out here and they're able to maintain many of the traditions of their ancestors living off the land and of course caring for country whoa hey yeah that's what the heck's going on that we're lighting fires might yeah you really are whoa this is part of um caring for country we're revegetation that looks like fun can are we go and what join this fondue this is just extraordinary to see back from where I come from this would be absolute to boo but I have never seen anything like this in my life you would not want to get stuck here all other smoke let's quick out in vinegar some of the plants out here they're alive on fire actually rejuvenate some of the seeds don't actually come out and germinate until those flames that burn them and open them up to give you an idea the track that we just drove on is now on fire behind me so you cool that's something you don't do everyday so you don't see every day showing you please wait [Music] home pest Aurora what an eye-opener never in a million years that I think I'd be involved in something like that it is a real privilege Lazarus has invited us back to his camp for some locally sourced Buffalo stew with his family and even a bit of didgeridoo playing around the campfire [Music] I really wish I had more time you know living off the land in a place as spectacular as this well that's living the dream as far as I'm concerned stick around folks don't go anywhere because coming up after the break we learn to make a didgeridoo from scratch from a youth art in legend and we come across perhaps one of the most spectacular remote and untouched campsites that I've ever seen I kid you not Lazarus has left us a great campsite overnight and what a spot with no light pollution the stars looks simply amazing out here I feel like we've only just scratched the surface of central Arnhem Land there's so much more on offer at big Eddy but after a quick cuppa and pack up unfortunately for us it's time to hit the road today we've got to cover a lot of distance we've already eaten into a third of our time up here and we still have to reach the coast some 400 kilometers away we're hoping to meet up we get another traditional owner up north the master your player and makeup and Bevin Yuna finger but first we've got to tackle the track out of here hey guys is the creek crossing any has got a massively undercut left-hand Bank looks like someone's gonna need a shovel to be honest it looks pretty tough I know it's gonna happen - you're gonna bring a lot of water up with you it's gonna be crazy as a library it's gonna be a bit of a rocky ride here I can tell you that much this is an early middle section I tell you to look at it it doesn't look like much but it caught us all by surprise yeah what I'm talking about there the mighty shorty he was gonna bounce your rear over Tarkin lock over this one I reckon there's not a lot of wheel placement than we've had here you really have to stick to the train tracks go in one direction it's about easing in and then giving it some throttle up and over that's full-on [Applause] you know you're making it worse for me don't you and you're enjoying that it's really state rod that's arm it's like a vertical wall mount on your left it feels like you're a bender steering on every time you give that a go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's that rod was right Shauna's drag a load of water up and over the mud making it even breezier I've got a feeling the auto is going to eat this [Music] yeah that's a perfect tribe mate yeah I was stuck there for about 30 seconds now something I've been looking forward to for years meet bevin yuna pingu he's a master your player and maker Bevin is also the didgeridoo player for yato uni he's agreed to meet up with us and show us how to make this traditional and ancient instrument all everyone call it digital now it's called a lucky you lucky guys want to make one we right now are in Northeast Arnhem Land and this is where the didgeridoo or your as they call it up here originated from these long straight trees up here alright deal but the trick is to know which ones have been hollowed out by termites got the shape of shaped like a conference and that ladies and gentlemen is the first step of making a traditional yaki this area of Arnhem Land is littered with ideal trees and it doesn't take very long to find us two more to take back to camp and what a privilege as an amateur but enthusiastic didgeridoo player myself I've been dying to find out just how this amazing instrument is put together this is how I take the back off leave it for a day send it up shape it up when I do my business what did you do I make like nine was seven high day it's time to settle down and begin the process part one of that of course is stripping the bark right back to the hardwood using whatever you've got at your disposal clean out the remains of the termites inside the wood but my particular didgeridoo that was extremely easy to do and I almost didn't need to clean it out at all [Music] as far as one person that's just I don't know that's something magic this is a tree there we go and now in your hands it's a musical instrument it's just I don't know insane notes what do we do now just let them dry up yo yo just leave her like this yep in the Sun or just in the air you should leave it somewhere yep all right let's do it okay let's go and live it up come come because we have such limited time on our first foray out here we won't be able to finish the entire process the Bevans let us take our half-finished didgeridoos back home with us to finish them up Bevin has given us the coordinates for a campsite right on the edge of a wetland but first he's recommended checking out the coast at Cape Arnhem with a warning watch out the soft sand there's a definite change of scenery too real that's real sandy certainly opened up a lot here in a little sand Christine according to the BMS my toe right here the baits - wait till you see what I can see haha what an awesome place this is I'm a guy I've been lucky to visit a lot of different capes in my time sandy Cape Cape your cape flattery but of course I've never yet been to Cape honor absolutely beautiful get a lot of those islands that's it the magic boys have been waiting a long time for this how good is this get a load of the scenery out here and what really gets me is that right now believe it or not it's school holidays and we've got this entire stretch of Coast to ourselves in just like Bevin said the sand is a soft as anything I've ever driven the reality of making for drive action DVDs is that you have to stop in places to film where most phorbol drivers just wouldn't stop this is one such place Wow that sand is super soft we all stopped up one after another ready get going and unfortunately for us we stopped in the softest bit of sand in East Arnhem Land but luckily I spun the tires a lot so I've sunk the vehicle right down means access to the max tracks is going to be easy it's still pretty balls going to give a guy that's one app one to go well done Sean I think you've earned yourself a spell of fishing mate [Music] just thought I'd run something by you say as I've been driving up and down these really soft beaches out here in the new bridgestone dueler EMTs got me to thinking about some stuff that people are saying which I met in town when I first got these tires they are a really chunky tread pattern very chunky in fact for a mud train they're some of the most aggressive rubber I've ever seen a lot of people have said to me they're gonna be hopeless on the beach I just don't get that really I think when it comes to sand it is all about probably 95% tire pressures 5% momentum having a chunky tread pattern like this really can only help not hinder so look I've been absolutely stoked with these empties out here we've got a favour to driving on the soft sand to go know but no reason to change anything I've got reason to do one thing though go I'll catch a fish looks like the boys are catching fish with all the sharks and crocodiles in that water how on earth is he able to still catch a fish I reckon he's got gills and scales he can think like a fish perhaps you use a fish I'm not entirely sure it's a beautiful mangrove jacket these guys they got a lot bigger than this they make superb eating one of the best eating fish in the ocean but if you're about 5 centimetres bigger you'd be joining me in the Waco all right Mike you might be jealous time for me to have a go it's about time to head to this campsite that Bevins told us so much about right on the edge of a huge wetland this wetland on dirty land is covered in wild untouched Bush land for as far as the eye can see Wow oh you're kidding look at this get a load of that which is why I was completely blown away when this came into view [Music] I've never seen any love this is truly blowing my mind [Music] when I think of anime and I think at the top end this is exactly what I imagined you know [Music] [Music] Bevan tells us that very few non-indigenous people have ever set eyes on this land and we get the honor of setting up camp ear this is got to be one of the wildest most insanely cool camp sites I have ever spent time at Shawn's taking his time setting up his adventure king's double swag down there rod and I have the adventure Kings rooftop tents the view from here is going to be insane that first light in the morning and of course it should keep us up and out of the way of any runaway Buffalo you know I've camped in some pretty darn amazing spots in my time but this one right here has just got to take the cake where right guts right in the heart of Northeast Arnhem Land right now and behind this is a scene that heck you'd expect to see this in some sort of David Attenborough documentary but no this is one of those spots folks you just stop and pitch yourself this is why we own four-wheel drives you're not going to get here on a push buck you've got to get in with the four-wheel drive this is the lifestyle this is why we do it I wouldn't have it any other way excuse me I'm gonna enjoy this [Music] most places in arnhem land are dry which means there's no beers for us tonight but a good feed is all you need and shore nose even cooking up a dessert you've been a big day out here in Arnhem Land we've had a nice dinner and now I'm gonna finish it off is even better dessert now I'm gonna make up a damper but it's not any old damper it's an apple and cinnamon damper so look out here we come first ingredient it's self raising flour yeah I'm not gonna be too accurate all the measurements so I'm just gonna pour it in because you can't really go wrong with a Dampier so you just sort of pour it until you get the right consistency it's all about the consistency the more you've put of all the ingredients of course the big-eared damper odd I'll get you up here for a sec nope Beauty there you go mate well apples it's a major part of a damp with apple and cinnamon mate can I leave that in your hands open that one up and cut those apples into nice little foreign sources a little bit of cinnamon you know I'm going to go fair bit of ceremony here unlike cinnamon right what Chuck a bit of salt in here not too much if there is it I'll sprinkle a bit of brown sugar never even heard of it really first time for dessert there but bit of sugar try get the good consistency going to mix that through oh yeah chuck it in Mike do you jump into the Wycombe aid and grab us out some milk connections sort of making a sort of crummy sort of mixture at the limit of course you put the milk in Italy it's super cold right you what you want a dampener does not stick to your fingers like that you really want it to be really springy might put that on the table so what a spring it see it's bringing back when I do that do is just sort of like into a bit of a cake you know all right she's want to get a big all mad on you mate sorry about this there we go yeah that camp oven has been I'm oil why do this straight in there there you go it doesn't take up all the sides as you can see there right there's a plenty room to grow any room so there you go she's in the camp up and down all done and dusted and put the lid on the camp oven and should go into the coals now for probably about half an hour we'll check it anyway Mountains make sure we don't overcook it you can tell what a damp is done because it should sound hollow inside it good tap a damper that sounds hollow just just like my dog at night that's all good to go already put this on the campfire mate there you go give that about 30 minutes on those coals and the key with cooking I think anything on the coals is it getting away from the fire cook it separate to the floor I just get that heat coming out through the bottom a little bit on top make 30 minutes I reckon without dessert in their hands [Music] look at that bit of cream one side and then not too much on the top there you go guys an apple and cinnamon damper it's quick and easy to make perfect for nice like this nicely done sure a good feed to top off a great day time to rest up because tomorrow is jam-packed if you thought today was epic don't go anywhere because after the break Shawna has got a bush mechanic's challenge he's got a try and figure out and we finally push through to the very tip of blue mud Bay [Music] well I'll tell you what the noises last night coming from that swamp you had to hear to believe at any one time I could hear Buffalo running past all those magpie geese came right up close to the edge of the swamp here obviously they go back into the middle by day because it's a lot safer for him and then just as the Sun hit the horizon the dawn chorus this morning was louder than guns and roses in a trash can I tell you what you do not need an alarm clock out here and it's good thing too because you would miss out on one of the most amazing sights and sounds I reckon I've ever seen anywhere in the world [Music] this is a very hard place to leave but it's our last day and we've got some miles to cover Bevin has promised to show us one of the local fishing haunts after which we're breaking out to the coast again to our ultimate destination the remote tip of blue mud Bay let's I was just thinking of myself I don't know if I'll ever see this place again I mean it really is remote middle of nowhere almost but I do hope I get in here again because it has been one of the most amazing campsites ever yeah I'd love to come back here certainly in my top five in Australia and it sort of got everything here the wildlife the camping the scenery you couldn't ask for a better spot yeah just screams top end doesn't like come on fauna look at this wetland in there and I tell you what one day very much like to get back in [Music] we'll take the track here that should lead us right out to Bevins secret fishing spot these tracks up in Arnhem Land they're here one season gone the next they get a decently weds up here to be six eight months and for anyone who's on this track again of course a little spear grass and the young trees that come up tracks like this can be transformed oh there's a big green ant nest there you'd drive under good luck sure I will let's turn them up just enough for the time you get to a map probably all over this truck and for a lot of tracks like this they actually get pushed through each season of fresh it tight through your voice here you'll find corrugations you'll find ruts of varying depth and a lot of growth over the track fights war a tree ah with time being a pretty big factor I'm hoping for a smooth run for here Jeepers Creepers now just call it when you're wrecking it safe enough for us to come through now that you plead the bush branches in here to worry about [Music] [Applause] this little section through here is typical as Arnhem Land or any top-end area that gets a big wet season all these angles are probably gonna be horrible wrong the track has been almost completely washed away in this small section of only a hundred hundred and fifty meters has gone completely yeah I just I'm not real keen on putting a dent Aminu panels and I think that's what's going to happen here without a doubt it's a hard rocky squeeze with a tight right-hand turn I'll tell you what though you only just fit so don't got no idea how I'm gonna do it boys III died envy you to hit tricky place to get out of there's gonna be some wheel lift through here of that I have zero doubt I [Applause] [Music] don't to cook yourself up but I'm gonna say that was a masterful drive or the crane we heard crackles and branches cracking with this there might be panels scraping crunchy and the rest of it that goes with it well it's a big angle I'm not even in the worst part yet well geez this track it is all about wheel placement there's a line through here and one it's not too bad either but get it wrong use on the real risk of doing panel damage to this intersection don't something banging whoa come on down rockets give him the call for me to jump up the front and give him a sip so wise move to my seatbelts locking me in I'll come back and I'll come to the left just that little bit more yeah that's a fennel on off it's good where there she comes geez that twice was that uh uh lost of my flat there's we mudflap your man group I think short I might follow the exact same line that I've taken right through and I reckon you'll make it look easy the dirty 30 though there's no lightweight vehicle it would definitely way more than shorty we come in just a tad under rocket so I think weight too is gonna play a factor here he's done this before though and you can see he's making it look easy at dirty 30 looks like a graceful mountain go [Applause] well don't make [Applause] see if I can glue that back on [Music] this little creek crossing there are millions of them like it pour through our lamp and it's so very typical of the country up here a real steep in sort of a boggy bottom and a nice steep ad again we're gonna get angles and here Rockets departure angle heading hung up ever so slightly here we go for demotion yep of course when you've got a big diesel v8 at your disposal a little bit more right foot and he dragged himself off there no problem Shawn I chose a line a little more to the left which actually cleared that rear bar allowing him to drive out and prepare dramas at all good line mate with good Drive we hadn't gone to much further than that little creek crossing when Sean I came over the UHF something wasn't quite right for the dirty 30 it was keen to stop and check it out yeah well there you go I was driving along I heard a little crack first instinct was that I've done a hard maybe a CV so I've stopped checked it out rods got underneath the vehicle and had a quick look and we noticed inversion shackles actually inverted right around so we've got a bit of a drama here but shouldn't be too bad a little bit of bush mechanics won't get ourselves out of this mess we lift the vehicle up use a bit of a pry bar and hopefully we'll invert them back the right way well back on the road again yeah keep going keep going we have two experiments putting down into it does Haggai really is as simple as that but does pay when you're especially when you're on tracks like these soon as you hear the first sign that something isn't quite right you sort of know your vehicle you know the little creaks and groans she's normal normally makes when something doesn't see and right definitely get out and have a look because if I drove like that for a while it wouldn't have been good in a parcel of land deep within the traditionally owned lands of drippity lies a fishing spot only the locals go to this swamp is so ancient I can't imagine this place has changed much in hundreds perhaps thousands of years places like this so untouched so wild so remote that get me coming back time and time again I reckon only a handful of white people have walked in and fished this swamp if any this is really one of those times when I can honestly say to catch a fish would be a bonus just being here with these people and experiencing this ancient land that's enough it may be beautiful but this place is a haven for saltwater crocs Bevin is prepared and on the lookout as is for a location deathly quiet four of mosquitos quite possibly full of crocodiles not possibly definitely full of crocodiles I reckon there's still just a little bit too much water around here at the moment this should be dry before we come through here but it's worth a try just been creeping along the edges here just accessing this deeper water getting smashed by mozzies but it'll all be worth while if we can just get a decent bear around here so so I'll keep pushing on so we can find the fish before I have to say stand out here in a log croc infested waters it's probably takes the cake time is fast running out so we hop on the track to a final destination who you might be [Music] there's mud ruts creek crossings and hills but we're not letting it slow us down we've got a date to make and I've got a feeling it's going to be well worth it yeah all good come on three boys I'll clear the track [Music] you know it lads this place is so off the map so off the tourist routes are uncharted I wouldn't even call this place the next big thing I don't think anything's going to change up here through the wall yet and when you consider that we're on a point right now that's got a couple hundred meters well several it debris a couple kilometers when you think about it if campsites established with amplifier would views to-die-for probably awesome fishing it's the middle of the school holidays and there is not one person here reckon it's going to take me a few years to ever imagine that I'm ever going to top this place be my number one since the moment I've got here and I really don't think I can imagine anything that's ever going to be any better than this place once I grab this is no crowds might bend down for me that's that's paradise something a bit so a rocket tell me Matt what's been your highlight so far I mean you keep saying this is your favorite spot you've been to and I don't blame you it's absolutely insane but what's been your highlight so far keep on them for me I mean and it's a hot choice too with so many to pick from and so many gorgeous places up here can't buy them for someone that hasn't fished in quite a long time and just to see the scenery which was absolutely pouring it on and then the fish which is putting on a show that I don't think I'll ever see good well we finally made it up to six epic days across some of the most remote and spectacular landscapes I've ever seen we've come to the tip of blue mud Bay and wow what a view [Music] well this right here Shawn oh this is it mate we've been to some spots big fat [Applause] pleasure absolutely amazing well why don't you blokes gotta have a fish I reckon I'm gonna join you good I don't know that you've got much chance they sure know you haven't really been proving yourself to me on this trip too stretching here go in a second listen to use crikey the people are gonna travel with folks like I said before I firmly believe that this spot right here Northeast Arnhem Land is destined to be the next big four-wheel-drive destination in Australia but I also firmly believe that's not going to happen anytime soon what it is going to do though is give you folks time to get up here and experience a part of the country that is utterly overwhelmingly blown all of us away me personally I'm going to now rate this that's my number one spot in Australia it's blowing the semi out of the border it's taking the Cape and buried it underground in the Kimberley my love affair with the Kimberley has just shrunk ever so much thanks to North East Arnhem Land look I really hope to see you up here next time because that means you get to experience this part of the world but if I don't I'll definitely catch you on 4-wheel Drive action now excuse me while I go and catch a fish in this magnificent paradise this trip has been amazing for so many different reasons of course the landscape has captured my heart and blown me away but more than that getting to spend time with the aboriginal culture up here and really immersing myself in it is something I've wanted to do it for so very long both Lazarus and Bevan have invited me back and you can bet I'm going to take them up on their offer [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,006,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4WD, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, arnhem land, bush mechanic, graham, shauno, rocket rod, diesel, petrol, remote, explore, top end, 79 series, 60 series, dirty 30, shaun whale, graham cahill, 4wd action full episode, tv, 4wd action, mud
Id: a-c4owJyAAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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