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seems easy enough i need to use my animal friends to murder eyeballs over here if they have a symbol they cost something to be able to summon so we're gonna start with the mighty squirrel it's very intimidating does zero damage and that's just fine by me end of turn no damage out and a rattlesnake in return so we lost the idiot but i got a bone then it's time for us to draw a card i'm going to take a squirrel because we can summon them for absolutely nothing so squirrel goes down then we can summon this note if we sacrifice a squirrel and i'm mostly just here to sacrifice idiots goes down that's gonna be able to kill the rattler then hopefully it's gonna latch onto eyeballs and then we're gonna have trouble so rattler's dead and we get to draw a card we should probably take another squirrel because we need to sacrifice them continuously this is basically a game about sacrificing creatures but since i have two down there actually i can get rid of both of those two um we should do it in that order because i think it replaces the second one so the wolf goes down here and he's at three and two then um we attack that hits him directly so that's three damage to his scale up comes the rattler and takes out our wolf we do have a possum we can summon though but we still need to squirrel to uh to bring something else on anyway so possum going there squirrel going there and that's our turn i do have a squirrel in the bottle and something to cheat with but um i'm not a cheater i always play by the rules so it's good enough for me the opossum is still going to do one damage to him we're going to draw perhaps something different like a bullfrog and we're going to lay the bullfrog down in place of the squirrel uh that may be a flying bullfrog i'm not entirely sure end of tournament should be 2 damage going to idiot which tips the scales enough for me to win a victory you should see what i wanted to do however in my game such beats are rewarded oh okay this will be good for me a tooth kept for each extra damage dealt which means i move on to uh probably fighting eyeballs again but eventually i probably kill him for good good and um in between our fun little battles uh i get to collect stuff from around the room i need to pick a figurine um i guess we don't really get to pick okay figurine walk there that's very important but we get a new one we're gonna take the middle a rattler six bones okay but also a cockroach and a coyote i didn't realize i only got to pick one of them so i accidentally picked one of them and i don't know which it was but we're just going to embrace the chaos do they enroll with that uh i also have some things to choose from i could get another squirrel in the bottle this makes all my creatures fly for a turn so if they fly they can actually overcome the idiot's defenses so i can hit him directly so in saying that we're back and my stoat's getting mad because i keep sacrificing him but that's pretty much what he exists for he's one level up from squirrels so we've got a fur on our side protecting us there's a boulder there so i probably want to attack here and here so we'll put a squirrel down there he's going to be sacrificed immediately for a stone so we can actually get some damage going towards the enemy end of turn take it right in the eyeballs one hole damage they return with a sparrow and a coyote which is actually going to hurt me because that sparrow i think actually is going to hit the fur tree they're both flying so we're gonna lay the squirrel down there then we're gonna put the bullfrog down there and then we can hit him with direct damage there you go down there we're not gonna attack a boulder those are stupid but we're gonna do a little more damage to him the scales have tipped so i think it's only logical then we bring up a squirrel uh because we can leave the squirrel down then we can summon the wolf by sacrificing the squirrel in the stoughton and the wolf's gonna take his place here to do three damage directly to idiot but boom oh plus the bullfrog too so i think that's an easy victory if you desire it you may stand now yeah i was just thinking how much fun i'm having walking around this small room he didn't tell me to keep my hands off his possessions and i'm obviously not one for touching things oh hello to be fair he has kind of boring stuff you have boring stuff sir i hope i murder you soon whatever i'm just getting back to work i just want to keep killing him so our choices are oh an idiot card that's actually me the mighty uh the flighty elk it moves after attacking that's interesting and hard to keep track of a metal sub bat a minor terror well to be fair the idiot card is basically a better version of a bat and easier to summon so we're taking the idiot card i don't really know what these do so we're gonna go with fire because if i can't escape the cabin i sure can light it on fire warm it by the fire will enhance its power said another you notice one of the survivors wiping drool from their mouth that's um well i'm down if you are i guess let's boost up the idiot card we're gonna make a super idiot now he's foreign too the fire warmed the poor idiot enhancing its power well now i'm unstoppable my stoat also just pointed out that there's a clue here 273 that's probably for the safe anyways i need to get my idiot down as soon as possible to do some damage so right away let's go squirrel then we're going to replace the squirrel with a stout so the stove can do some damage and put us on the board first turn advantage one damage on the scale so we're gonna lay a squirrel down that's just gonna hang out there because i don't really have anything else we can do but we are gonna take out their idiot their alpha is coming up now was i just attacked by a boulder why are boulders attacking us so i'm basically going to lay a squirrel down there to take some damage next turn we hit their alpha we lost some idiots but that's perfectly fine because now we can bring up a squirrel again so we're putting a squirrel in front of the boulder then we can summon our opossum here who's not particularly strong but that's at least gonna wipe him out uh the wolf has evolved from the wolf cub so down here you go so i can sacrifice three but when the wolf destroys the squirrel we're gonna get some bones that we can use to summon other things good enough for me off you go so i'm probably gonna lay a squirrel down in front but if i want i can summon the cockroach not quite yet okay squirrel's going down we're just gonna have to absorb a little bit here uh we're gonna do a little bit of damage there anyway but we're gonna bring up a random because if we summon a bullfrog we can use this oh he says i can accept his surrender or finish this match the slow way no i'm gonna i want it to hurt so let's put the bullfrog down right here because the more damage we do the more angry he's gonna get then we're gonna put you there and then end of turn there we are the more damage i do to him the more cool stuff i'm gonna get and basically as long as i keep putting a squirrel in his way we're gonna be fine we never run out of squirrels for some reason there we are was that so bad so apparently i just ran into a stranger in the woods but it's just eyes with a mask on now but that's fine if he wants to give me stuff i'm not gonna complain take a pelt free of charge can i have this one you'll need more teeth for that oh i need to knock out more of his teeth well i can get a rabbit pelt for now consider the pelt what i don't really understand what he wants okay we took a rabbit belt great can i go now so we have like the voodoo or the fire i know the fire definitely upgrades one of my cards so we want to upgrade one of my cards this time we maybe want to do the bull frog because i didn't summon an idiot last time anyways but the bull frog is a nice one because he flies i don't really remember the code from the rule book now i kind of wish i paid attention to that can i see the rule book sir this one might have a twist he put the red lights on um i don't know what a rabbit pelt does not much of anything it seems so we'll put a few things down that we could potentially sacrifice okay that's my turn literally nothing happening but me enjoying some red lights and this is already a bad spot for us because we've got a lot to deal with and i can only summon so many things right now okay so um oh you can't draw blood from a rabbit's pelt either that kind of makes sense so i guess i'm really in trouble here because i'm literally going to play no cards oh i should have put the squirrel in the bottle i keep forgetting i have that um i might have just lost already oh you blow one of my candles well what do i expect moving on this one's kind of interesting i don't know through blood the monster is grizzly it's sporm peaks oh okay so that's gonna be good i feel like i'm designing my deck very poorly in hindsight but that's okay because we have a super grizzly now looks like we got a boss fight coming up do you remember the code for the safe because i think i forgot it already 2 7 3 hey it was actually right stinkbug kind of wish i found that earlier that'd probably be helpful only two bones okay well i'm gonna take that i'm also gonna take this key and well that couldn't be more obvious put it in there which seems to have led me to a bit of a puzzle but i'm not here to think i'm here to stab eyeballs in the eyeballs uh okay we now have a skull with candles and the distance you get to clink a metal on stone a hobble figure stood in your path it's the prospector very interesting do i have to pick between you because i like the soap better because he's easier to spawn right now and i need blood things too oh we get them both okay that's fine so for now let's just start with the squirrel i'm gonna leave it at that because we could bring another squirrel next time and i think this is gonna work unless he does that that might hurt me yeah in hindsight that was a really stupid play i did not think that through very well but squirrel goes down then we're gonna sacrifice a stoke to go there and i think the stone is probably gonna take him out we have two bones so we could actually lay down a stink bug if we want to he's gonna move but he doesn't really do anything i think so there you go a little bit of damage to him uh now we can probably sacrifice another squirrel because i like sacrificing animals a lot i like sacrificing anything really we're still doing damage to him he's gonna have a wolf that's gonna hurt our boulder pretty soon oh i was hoping for a grizzly but we get a bullfrog for sacrificing one thing so out goes the squirrel in goes the bullfrog two damage directly to him actually quite a bit of damage to him and he loses a candle because he's stupid okay so apparently that wasn't good enough so we gotta do it again ow ow okay just go ahead and do that then i'm not really entirely sure what i'm supposed to do now you're out of space there's no room for that card yeah because i've got gold nuggets in my way do i have to wait for you to kill them okay so you're making room now i'm gonna leave a rabbit pelt down because i wanted out of my inventory and i'm gonna lay that down there that's fine because they're just gonna tear through the animals but that's gonna give me some bone tokens uh but we're also gonna need another squirrel here we're just to collect bone tokens for a sec because i need to block some damage coming towards me good enough i do have a pretty empty hand right now though please be something amazing a rabbit pelt okay so um i guess we're gonna block the three damage and then eat two that did open a little more real estate now but we're in a bit of rough shape suddenly can i get this scroll in the bottle there we go we got two squirrels let's use the pliers maybe to um okay tip the scales just a little bit back i still feel like i'm in a little bit of trouble we're gonna take one damage here which isn't too bad but i'm gonna need something amazing to come out of the deck tons of bones to my name give me something okay i can't even use a wolf i can literally do nothing but absorb this damage so that's trouble for me and the second candle goes out can i just relight those though i feel like it's not a big deal but now that i've died we get to make another memento card so we get to use some from my deck to build it so we take the cost of zero because the rabbit pass cost zero this time he'll use the power and health number so i have a super grizzly so why would we not use this and then we get the sigils so as i understand it this is the unkillable sigil so when my car dies it just returns to my hand basically hopefully i'm understanding that correctly because that sounds overpowered for something that's free and four and eight and that's gonna be my next idiot card and i get to pick cards again uh i think i want something that only takes a few bones to spawn and now i have to pick a tribe um whoops well i guess we're alpha now anyways i think we're finally back to a card battle i want to pull up my idiot card and show them how this works uh so we've got the bullfrog the stoat the alpha and the squirrel so naturally we're gonna go squirrel maybe there we can see what's coming up next actually so maybe the squirrel is better yeah it would have been better there too late now but i'm starting to get it the pronghorn moved and attacked but that's fine because we're gonna put the squirrel it's gonna move here so i think over here if i'm understanding that correctly which i might not be good enough and attack lots of damage i took a little bit back from its weirdo um we still got lots of damage going out so let's hope for something good two bones for you we can actually summon you right away which we will and i want you to start to attack this thing to get it out of the way because it's going to do damage and annoy me but there's more damage for you it's almost dead uh let's bring up perhaps another a wolf we need sacrifices to bring that in though which i feel like we're going to do because i think we can do the damage right now to finish this off because he's going to do three direct damage give me those teeth moving on up the board a wood carver has appeared before you i think that's our base so we need to pick a roof for it um whatever you are is probably fine by me it's a wolf airwolf okay that puts the airborne qualities on my wolf creatures and that's pretty good because they do have a lot of wolf creatures now so they're gonna come up with some uh river otter and coyote soon so we're maybe gonna do up the squirrel on its way for now because we can't really summon anything else because i have a poorly constructed deck i'm gonna have to do the uh squirrel in the bottle probably uh not now apparently uh okay so i guess we'll take a squirrel for now and just put it in the way because we need some bones i think the river otter dove so it's not gonna do anything this turn maybe i don't know that works but that's not great so we're gonna take a random card hoping that it's something good and alpha's not bad but we cannot really afford to bring an alpha up so we're gonna go with the stink bug and um i guess just direct damage to them because we need some uh we need some fight back here because we're getting destroyed oh right that one didn't really go my way next we'll visit the nice little campfire to upgrade one of my cards i'm gonna upgrade probably just a wolf but there's a third talking card somewhere around here personally i hate that guy biggest killjoy ever but he's the only one of us at the plan to get things back to normal oh yeah i should probably be exploring the room and stuff to maybe you know find stuff that i probably need there's a flying wolf club coming our way so um i'm gonna use this girl in the bottle right away we're gonna put a squirrel there we're gonna put a squirrel there then i'm gonna put a stout in the way there get down there and then i'm going to put a bullfrog here and then that's going to do some damage to idiot not a ton but then we're also going to get in the wolf cubs way and because it's flying it flies over my defenses so then we're going to grab one of these we need five bones to be able to summon that so that's not super good what we can do is bring a wolf right here i don't know if this is a good move to make or not but we're gonna do it and that's gonna hit him directly for big damage he's gonna hit me back uh we're gonna take a squirrel because i need to sacrifice something or maybe lay something down here to get in that thing's way and good to go again wolf attack three damage they're not quite defeated mole can actually hurt me but he can absorb damage now the squirrel going down can we use the pliers actually because i think if we use the pliers i can hit him hard enough to finish this right now we'll lay a squirrel down for now we'll summon something else next turn but there you go is he dead i think that's it i think we got him hard enough with that move i did just pull two teeth out of this skull i wish i saw that earlier because that makes things easier i can put the candle out but i'm not sure it does anything back to work we get to pick something uh a raven's not bad because it's pretty easy to summon i don't know what this does but it's rare that i ever get that far anyway so i keep falling down in the areas where that i can't summon things quick enough so we need simple summons but i can increase the health of something here so maybe the bullfrog because the bullfrog's easy to summon and it's flying and then it's time for the big bite again so we need to remember this time that um we have a second battle to fight when he puts gold across the way and he's gonna come at me with that this is just gonna get in the way but we need to deal with the coyote first and foremost so squirrel goes down and that's really it because my cards suck but i'm ready there's a bone piece so that's fine we're gonna lay down you again another squirrel goes there just to collect bone pieces for now because this won't actually hurt me yet there's gonna be moles in the way but i'm just collecting bones that's all that really matters for a sec squirrel goes down there eat some damage yeah just give me bones once i have five bones i can actually get an alpha and i'm not sure if an alpha is worth it for five bones but it's got to be something for five bones so i'm gonna bring another squirrel because i just always need to be able to do something alpha going down there it's only one and two i don't know that must be something good though and that's fine end of turn doing some damage to him and we lost the alpha so let's lay another squirrel down then we're gonna bring in a wolf because we're gonna sacrifice those two wolf goes there wolf's gonna do some damage for sure stink bug costs two so we're going to put a stink bug here attack turn do some damage to him and hurt the pack mule a little bit i've got no cards to my name so we're just getting a bit of squirrel there to block some of that damage and give me another bone token so we can just continue to collect those and same thing squirrel token because there's nothing really pressing aside from this coyote and my stink bug is over there just slowly uh annoying the pack mule one more hit and the pack mule is dead i might legitimately be out of squirrels though so i can't even summon a wolf so we're gonna have to absorb a little bit of damage here oh oh i didn't know that was a thing so while i did just eat a little bit of damage i just got all sorts of interesting things out of there like whatever that is oh mirrors the damage probably what's in front of it a wolf is good though but i did get a bullfrog for a reason because it's gonna be super strong plus we'll lay a squirrel down right there because then we can summon whatever this is i don't know if it's actually gonna do any damage until something's in front of it but that's fine do some damage what do we got so you're out we're now attacked by a wolf but we're going to bring in something here i'm not thinking very far ahead on this but i've got a wolf that's three and four so we're just gonna sacrifice straight up those two which is probably a bad play now that i've actually done that but we're gonna hit you so hard i think that's gonna kill him uh so can we actually have enough to lay that down well he's gonna turn everything into gold for a second but that's gonna give me a little bit of time to strategize and this time he didn't put as much gold up so that kind of works to my benefit we're maybe gonna throw the turkey vulture down here because i don't want it to die we're gonna take a little bit of damage but that's okay if we got three going out we'll be fine damage boom so he's hit he's down pretty hard we took a little in return we also have a rabbit pelt which isn't you know super useful and we have no bones left to be able to use so we're going to put a rabbit pelt in the way of the most damage and um we can't sacrifice the only thing we could do is sacrifice one blood but all we get is a stone and i'd rather the turkey vulture so please hit you hard enough to die not quite he has so many more cards than me i'm out of cards i can't do anything uh sir um i'm kind of in a bad spot can i borrow some of your cards because this is just a losing battle but i think we're just exchanging damage three for three every time until he runs out of cards and can't hurt me anymore but we're now taking four instead of three so we're now in a losing slowly losing battle but someone's gonna get a lot of teeth and also just lost my gold on this side so well whatever off we go then that's kind of a wrap for me but i'm starting to understand it so the prospector is gonna die soon uh to start this one i put out a fire and apparently got a card okay i've worked my way all the way back to the prospector but i have everything so far i've got my pliers i've got my squirrel in bottles and i've got smoke so i'm gonna use this after my advantage squirrel in the bottle squirrel in the bottle so we lay a squirrel down there we lay a squirrel down there and then we can start hitting him with some of our things like our bullfrog is particularly strong right now or we could lay down one of these and do three damage immediately to him i think i'm gonna strike right away and do the three damage that's also gonna give me two bones to work with for next turn uh we do also have another squirrel so i could lay down a bullfrog as well so i'm going to do that squirrel meet bullfrog and then that's going to take out the pack mule eventually as well i'm not actually sure what the smoke does but it's free to summon so yeah that's the end of my turn that should about um destroy the prospector one shot and he's dead uh he then turns all my cards into gold nuggets kind of forgot he turned them into uh gold nuggets but that's fine because i've got tons of bone cards i can use i just need better stuff than this that's fine because he's got to go to gold nuggets to get to me anyways i can then summon a squirrel which i can use to summon one of these two so i might throw down the sparrow to hopefully deal with him so sparrow go there either go over his head or deal with him i don't care either way off you go direct damage to him he did kill my sparrow there but eventually i'll start getting things i can sum with bones like him uh he's not going to take him out but he is going to be able to do some damage and there's some more bone cards for us so i just need things that won't work very well okay so the way i see the stink bug only is one health left anyway so i might as well bring up something with more health so i'm actually gonna use this dough we're gonna sacrifice him i'm gonna put hugh there and you're gonna take out him that way you just you know take out some of the damage coming in he's obviously gonna hit me there but now we can um we could throw a rat king in there i don't really know what the point of that is though well he's gonna do some damage there so might as well take a bit of a gamble here and hopefully get something with bones and we did it so i guess we'll just do some damage to him he'll do some damage to us and um we'll take another squirrel squirrel goes down we could summon the rat king for two damage he could eliminate him entirely so let's just do that you and you and then squirrel king goes uh rat king goes there so we'll take you out no damage comes in to me but that's going to start doing damage to me also so we need to be careful but we're still in not a bad spot because river rider can go down there he's going to you know hurt the wolf but we're also going to do two damage to him oh i've got the river at our dives so we're going to pull up another uh squirrel because we're running out of things to use uh i'm gonna use the pliers now just to try and because i'm kind of getting desperate here to make this work uh i didn't don't think i ended up killing his pack mule did i oh he did kill his thing though so that kind of works uh we pulled up another squirrel that's gonna sit in our hand attack again lots of damage for him because he might be out of cards i'm not entirely sure what's happening for him so we're just gonna draw squirrels and attack him like this and we're done uh that was basically based on me being smart in my earlier battles not in this battle oh you put my candles back that's so nice of them you're the first in a while to overcome a boss a a rare card there's a lot of interesting things here uh this one's kind of nice because it only takes one to summon i don't really know what that means i like the idea of pack rat though because it presumably has a backpack on and we can figure out what to do with that next time i clearly have some learning to do [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 216,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZPMYqnZyvLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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