FOUND DRUGS HUGE FIGHT / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness Jesus look at all this is what we got amber you got the bill yeah everybody everybody for breakfast or somebody the Sun is finally out we're heading to the third facility guns out sun's out guns out we still haven't bought anything yet because it all has been was that West Coast bidding on that junkie unit filled with mouse turds who was who was all West Coast bidding on that Brandon and Mike bidding against each other west coast turning on each other is what's happening look we we all know West Coast has nothing and at that laughs at that last location Brandon and Mike storage auction pirate and storage hunters Vegas we're bidding against each other did you guys see it yeah and what it what else what else you hear that Lauri's originally from the East Coast she's from and so I think I think we can get them to convert and come on and to be fair treasure hunters can't make it today so we're already outnumbered and I think that we can try and convert them to come to that let's see if we can convert them let's see if you can convert oh look West Coast is over there trying to make plans we what kind of stuff do you guys wrap that's green and leafy that's legal [Music] 51 Eric to get 75 60 ra6 need to get 75 16 going once yeah 75 again 175 180 to get 180 twice what the Hales is going on now we're stuck in the stairwell I dunno I was born and raised there I'm not proud to say sucks to be West Coast elevators who might want to think about East Coast definitely common owner wonder how much that would score you here in California over here 125 150 150 over here once if I guess I am do a flashlight bid again that's why scoffs that's crazy flashlight dance West Coast West Coast just this Peter duck was it me elevator going up stairs my brain is sweating and I was doing two hours everything fell out and broke and this time it wasn't captain fumble nuts it literally fell out on the floor and broke as they opened I don't know what do you think all that stuff fell out and broke you saw the stuff broke and their Raider fans a lot of Raider stuff West Coast this is some of the junk West Coast would buy we're good well there's food I'm starving after being trapped in the elevator five bucks five bucks just to nurse holy I'm sure something in there for at least my [Music] yes get into the next one I was going to tell you West Coast has one junk unit and East Coast hasn't bought any garbage so as far as I'm concerned we're still winning see that see that yeah that's Alex's foot East Coast versus West Coast we're gonna find out who's the most who can touch the beam here we go here we go go go go David and Goliath he just did that without a stepladder I'm impressed as well what the Hales just happened I just bought a unit come on 400 oh man the unit I like the nice sofas because they have a nice appeal to them so they're easily under dollars right the bags on top they can be but I'm intrigued for something good and we'll see what look at look at West Coast cheating hey look at West Coast cheating I'll give you a thousand for the vase salt princess come to the east side come to the east side salt princess you can come to the east side ESA's where it's [Applause] you get to take a ride pepper Prince that's a good idea actually crowd is getting bigger instead of smaller so far west side has won for 400 Renee still has absolutely nothing quality that's okay and East Side has got one for five dollars I got a few dollars might a Menem might have overpaid by six dollars we'll find out soon I can't go to dinner tonight storage facility after storage for something getting hungry I have to sound like home doesn't it you know east coast east coast probably feels like home more than west coast you might you might start thinking about that think about that long and hard you bet you we didn't say anything I didn't say anything lockar nuts just went completely and totally nuts on the East Coast did you see how much he actually paid five hundred five hundred and fifty dollars yeah yeah that's true that's true look everybody wants to know what's in there and if you want to know what's in there there's us he thinks there's a safe in there and if you want to know for sure if there's a safe you need to go to Locker nuts on YouTube check out his channel see exactly what he saw up close [Music] [Music] 350 350 350 look at the four got four four five somebody we saw you beating up for $400 now I know you got a break and you have to tell me I was doing it you got to come inside the beast side I want to sign with these people they don't know what they're doing judging by what you testified with Jeremy won today I'm actually thinking about it I think this guy got something good in there sideline it I want to be on a winning team and your wife is originally from the east side so let's do this then let's do it let's do it are we gonna we gonna announce it no we just got another East Sider oh I got some news for you West siders here Oh East Side East Side just gained another and you don't even know it yet you guys see who won Eddie's where it is so you won it you know I see who won it I won this one I think I think one of your own was one of your yep 25:15 275 275 [Applause] look at the resemblance look at I have to agree with we doing this a bowling ball and which one is a Alex's head which one's the West to Cole and which one's the bowling ball [Music] what's your technique this time for this one I got to make sure I don't hit myself in the West Coast still really good and I didn't hit a Western we'll see what you got Alex nothing but gutter yep he's going for the blindfold tactics is the Beast that's the losing team or no that's the westerholt we get a handicap cuz you got ten more people than us and this is the East we just be straight want to know how intense the battles are out here in California you got two turkeys two wild turkeys are fighting right now in the middle of the highway there's a semi truck coming right now look to Tom's are fighting in the middle of the highway look at this I'm gonna try and get him out of here look at this this how intense the fight is come up come on Go Go come on come on go up come on - Tom's two turkeys let's go come on come on come on come on they're gonna get hit so am i I just went in the middle of the road pulled these two turkeys apart from fighting they were going to cause an accident they're fighting to the death this is like East Coast versus West Coast hate Jebus what no it's what the Hales what the Hales did we pay for this one Jesus $175 oh and no doubt this one is gonna blow all the West siders the West Coasters the West two calls a way way way much stuff in there for money by what these California is talking about high prices over here this gets you guys can't handle the west coast all right I'm not talking let's open her up how big is this unit that's what's written down on the paper it's huge but you want to really know how big it is it's East Coast big that's how we measure things all right here we go now here's what's happening treasure huntin with Jebus is gonna do a mystery unboxing over that way we're gonna do a mystery boxing over on this way so if you want to see what they pull out of the unit head on over to treasure hunting with Jebus check this out this is a clear - look at this they actually collected this is good stuff they have their beanie bag McDonald's bags eBay this stuff is gold this is money and not only do they have the eBay worthy McDonald's beanie they've got the actual balloons they're all here look at this now one of the things we always share with you you've got to check the times beanie babies if they've got errors on the tags so you got to open it up you got to take a look at it making sure not to damage it if you can get any kind of misspelling any kind of wrong information like on Jake here then that goes for more money now it also depends on which beanie baby you have so if you can get the elephant if you get the original Princess Diana you got yourself real money so make sure you guys do the research on your beanie babies before you resell them we honestly could have a $10,000 Princess Diana here in this collection and blow the West Coast out of their own water these are all the beanie babies that we found so far there are four Princess Diana's now if this is the original Princess Diana before she passed away we'd be looking at a ton of money right now these are all after she passed away when all the funds went to the memorial fund for her death and she just found another one we might find the original in there this box is labeled movies multiple places let's hope we got something better than that and we definitely do George George look what I found for once I found it and you didn't look at that there there's a nice gerber here hold on look at this you know what this means this is a good sign that this use could be a lot of weapons this is a second-generation Sega Genesis any of you who follow us know that I was a hardcore Sega fan I tried to actually own every item every game every platform that Sega made before they went out of business so because of Sega I paid off all of my college debt free of my house that free I've never had any debt because of that now here's a couple game boys gameboy color right here battery packs right there you're looking at about 35 40 bucks apiece we may hold on to this for the actual competition we may not there's a Pokemon it's not that's a snap that's n64 probably worth a little bit more than that we'll have to look that one up I know we have a lot of there are movies in here I guess we just got lucky with the videos on top so we do have some movies that's an awesome movie right there we got blu-ray blu-rays always awesome amazing spider-man Superman look at that look at all that we got some cool stuff there I see more I see more video games plants versus the zombies for Nintendo deep it's in there yeah now lots of you people already know what do you guys think plants or zombies who will win in in the comments let us know a lot of people know that some of this old retro gaming stuff you get the right thing worth a ton of money look at that hey jay-bez I found a Nintendo switch controller he's in the background okay we got we got some gameboy advance Zelda and Kingdom of what's they call kingdom of memories this is the Disney one it's worth more than that now than what they paid definitely worth more the rest guys guys do you think there's a gun this is California if there is you'll never see it on this video George can you help me with this one yes this one says heavy it does say for jelly you got the knife let me ask pirate baby baby what are you doing that's Westside connive that's Westside can knife what are you thinking you let me use the website alright open this thing up I see okay I see some paper under here guys it's not it's not very fun all right don't even look at that clickbait at us it's it's antique paper it's fragile a antique paper this is wait wait wait think there's something inside might be silver is it silver yeah you definitely got some stone in that look at that look how beautiful you guys are all you viewers out there you just see baby Jesus baby Jesus you're so georgeous you people this I don't see any markings yes I do see markings right there it's silver plated right and I probably didn't have it in there right there okay let's see if we can find some silver oh no this one's broken oh and we don't have any good loves so that one's broken let's set that aside oh oh you hear that that was broken too I'll tell you people George is rough on this stuff he's like throwing boxes around you know what she's like guys listen to that this has gotta be jewelry okay let's look underneath first what does that say I don't know what it says okay you hear that come on babe all right on the count of three open it up if it even opens no you do it in three two hold a second I gotta put a commercial right here one there is there is there is there's some jewelry not much but that does feel like gold can you check that all right what I just put in her hand definitely felt like gold to me and then this backing this backing is I can't tell on the backing but we got a silk we got a sand dollar in there on the clasp it says Germany not Jeremy Germany this definitely feels like gold and I have no doubt that it probably is gold remember not all gold is marked so you have to get it checked and George's still going to town what else you got George I meet in the USA sterling yeah this gold leaf leaflet bulb there same thing there's your old dishes and please you hear that guys I don't hear any jewelry I'm just setting that aside maybe I don't know I don't know about the rest of this it looks like all China all right here's what we're gonna do we obviously got some nice China just got gold leaf on it we're gonna go through the rest of the box we find anything big anything big money to blow the West out of the water we'll show you later all right George found some other cool things I wonder if that's baby-g business that's good that could fit baby Jesus if it was about a hundred times bigger than that that's a big baby Jesus but inside there was a surprise and we're not gonna tell you if there was anything else in this unit in California with that so don't be watching trying to see it but if there was we would have planted it on the west coast in one of their units so you better watch their channels because we want the Popo to get them instead of us so we win we bought a number of different units here in California and never did we think in back-to-back units we would find back-to-back earns now I got this piece covering because that has a picture oh wait I got you so here I thought it was two altogether but there's the earn maybe just maybe it's just so we this has a picture of somebody's face on it we thought for sure this is 100% that has a picture of the person on it all right this is a female this is a male so here here we are again this two units in a row here in Cali where we have found urns that's insane Jesus huh well you were you doing I'm training to be elastically I'm just laying you're doing nothing all this man we got a $275 unit we got to find the coast with the most profit let somebody else do it I'm Westar Coast now dude and I need you man you're my sweet jeebus let's go let's do this Jebus is over here with Amber that's my favorite and you know it oh yeah wait wait what's in your what's in your other hand finally once for one for once the Bible was next to a video game instead of an adult game all right we got this desk in here we got three drawers we're gonna open her on up hey I got video games too okay George where you at babe all right okay here we go nice all right there's Game Boy Advance pokemon red right there if you guys remember a month two months ago I went to auction I spent $300 on like three Pokemon games brand-new in the boxes because at Christmas I'll triple my money on that and interesting George hey Jebus I know that is Jesus and three oh it's heavy to know we are here in California guys here we go we got the source of a pen that's for rolling joints there's a grinder we find these all day with the box sweetheart we're in California do you want to go home to Ohio do you want to stay in California make sure treasure hunting with Jesus make sure you plant that on the west coast here's a knife I mean a kunai if there's a nice Gerber there we go there's a nice Gerber right there so you got a Gerber and we're Pokemon you guys found that over there yeah oh look what I just found guys we got this is called California break time right there you guys see what that is yeah we got a tie tack she means we found a tie tack for that so this is what you use tie tacks for and we might you might want to see what's in the rest a little bit I wonder what's in this one Jay George where's that Kenai we're gonna need that connive all right we got it this is the Gerber remember that was a Gerber all right and we're gonna slice always cutting away from the sausage we'll get this one as well don't cut that way cut this way don't cut that way here we go drawer number two Oh all right we're going to draw number three oh there we go this genus oh Jesus there's the holster here here take that and hide it you didn't see that I'm showing what else is in there either but we will show you just in case you cut towards the sausage you'll need we're not showing that oh my goodness look at all this is what we got [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 125,469
Rating: 4.7137828 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money, make money
Id: NLpi87J3C28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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