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oh my goodness i'm petting the baby lemur i just bet the baby lemur my buddy robbie at the get swamp ranch she gave me another call i'm not sure if it's an emergency this time but i know one thing for sure we are about to gator done that one's from the very first gator that we got the one we named guapo look you see the pigs the pigs that's from the pigs and remember the day we we actually saved all the turtles yeah yeah this is really guys what you guys are gonna sit out here and compare what you got i was showing him this is this is my beautiful memories come on come on what do you got in there i i gotta show you is this something for my gator scout vest no it's even cooler what could be cooler than the gator scout vest all right come on come on dude this better be good dude this is better no stinking way oh my goodness oh this is going to be perfect for otter creek and look at this oh man that is cool this is oh robbie i thought you and george would like this uh like it i think uh george and i absolutely are gonna love it you're not gonna believe this with all the craziness going on in otter creek came back out to meet my buddy robbie look at the cuteness overload now many of you already know because you follow get swamped there have been twins every man's dream there's twins and we're going to get to see them now some of you are thinking right now what about george she's not there don't worry george was out here when when was georgia george was out here the day after they were born that's right so when they were like this big george already got to see them look look look one is on the back and one is on her belly look at oh my did you see she just flew through the air with two babies that was insane they held on they're just like i know they were like oh man that reminds me of how clingy george is in all realities look oh my goodness how incredible is that look look at how big they are now there's baby hey baby oh wow look at the one on the back right here check that out that and they take turns on the back because one will feed while the other one's on the back and then they'll switch around the one feeding will get on the back and the one on the back will start feeding again and that's the danger of having a twin you don't always get to eat a meal they're always attached hello hello baby nice to meet you she's like what do you mean come on over baby come on over that's a good girl come say hi to everybody now baby baby you miss george don't you okay robbie mort mrs george yeah that's exactly mort misses george which one's still pregnant in there the big big one definitely not him i think she went in the house did she go in yeah she takes that pregnant and barefoot cooking thing seriously doesn't she is down there where she is she's down bottom corner see how big she is oh man she is about to burst she looks like a grape that's about wow wow wow wow do you think maybe today do you think maybe maybe and do you think twins are triplets this time uh triplets is the rarest thing ever but it does occur i hope it's just a single for her sake it's a single that is going to be one thicker than a snicker chunky monkey single but what's cool if it's a single we'll be able to take as long as like the twins are male and a female or two females and this one's opposite we'll be able to get you one of each different bloodline and then they can mate yeah because haters gonna hate and mater's gonna make if that's not the most incredible thing you've ever seen your eyes must not be open they're open look at them yeah they are oh wow you're so cool how close can we get now at this age we like to come up here and spend a little bit of time every day to get her okay with us being around the babies and the baby's used to seeing us that way in another three four weeks when the babies are starting to come off they're not scared of us and they might even come over and climb on us now look at see the other female yeah she's doing that yeah she's licking like hard with you see her putting her whole tongue out yeah it's because under the big tongue there's a little second tone that's like cartilage and it's a like a comb so she's grooming the baby so she's sticking out and like curling so that little tongue grooms that way it keeps the baby clean everything and because they're uh what would you call the lemur this wouldn't be a pact it's a troop troop because their troop it literally takes the troop to raise the child right everybody helps everybody all the females help the male will even come over and clean but whoa whoa whoa it's talking crazy there but i don't know who the mail is in here but i don't want any of that information getting out [Music] the guys are letting me in i think they think i need a baby lemur patch so they're going to let me go in get footage and do the feeding hey baby hey that's my baby i am now attempting to become one with the lemurs to be accepted into their troop as the alpha male look at these little babies i wouldn't say that too loud because that male probably will attack me look at them look at them oh my goodness now there's the grooming you see you see oh man oh man okay this is cuteness overload this is just absolute cuteness overload look at this oh wow wow look at that now you know these baby lemurs are gonna need names so i'm gonna encourage you guys all to go over to get swamped and and go to the the twin lemur video that robbie made and start leaving names okay he's gonna you gotta give him some suggestions okay so start leaving names we'll pick a name in about three to four weeks when we can actually sex them um i don't want to pull a baby off the mom to sex them so i let them get to the point where they're starting to come off her and then we can grab one and you can look quick so what do you do just lift up their skirt or their tail yeah you just lift up their skirt watch how agile mom is with two babies on her literally two babies on her doesn't affect her jumping her running her her climbing her skills at all this is miraculous they're jumping everywhere everybody everybody's going crazy right now because they know there's treats are coming here we're gonna let you give them their treats okay all right come here baby and you're gonna do that one over there yeah okay hey now i'm gonna attempt there's mom there's mom i'm gonna attempt to give everybody some nanners there's oh okay mama's okay whoops i'm dropping nanners everywhere where'd mom go um this is why you always need somebody filming there's mom here you go mom okay so mom baby look at this i'm so close to the baby right now i am so close to the baby look at this look at this okay i'm actually gonna oh my goodness i'm petting the baby lemur i just bet the baby lemur i just touched the butt i just touched the boat i just touched the baby lemur guys i did okay now a lot of times they'll eat the actual peel as well they may not be as interested because it's not as sweet obviously but look here's mom and we got one baby there literally look at that how close we are look how close we are oh man this is so amazing look at this okay now mama needs the extra the extra food she's feeding so this twin right there is latched on to mom right now and this twin is hitching a ride on the back here i'll get it guys they just dropped the peel you gotta shred the fields like this here go like this yeah all right i gotta shred the peels you know third hand the whole family is hanging out jeremy it's lunch time you're done feeding enough now it's time to clean in there huh we're going to get you the rake you're going to rake up the cage and clean you told me i was i was going in here to babysit you didn't tell me i was going to babysit but part of babysitting is cleaning what's going on over there they're arguing huh huh interesting maybe i should go babysit over there and i don't think you want to get in there with no more no no not with more he's too jealous of george and george too jealous of mort okay well apparently apparently guys i gotta clean up the baby pen as much dookie as possible yeah we do that like every other day i don't think this is baby dookie that's not baby the same baby dookie those are big boy dookies nice part is is florida and it's sand so all that dookie just comes right up it's pretty much florida's pretty much like a litter box i mean in all reality it is it's the litter box it's really florida is the litter box of the world not even right z-dog did i earn my lemur patch we still got a little bit left but hey look did i earn money behind you over there jim did i earn my dukey patch you'll get your lemur dookie's patch as soon as you finish cleaning you don't get a patch before you're done that's not how this works jeremy i better get a dookie patch for this a poop emoji pack a poop emoji patch that's what i need i need a poop emoji patch for all the dookie all the dookie robbie puts me through all right i'm gonna try and give this there we go gave that to mom got the peel right there to mom the peels they actually have all the vitamins in them that's all the good stuff huh yeah it's got the roughage for them make sure that they pass they pass everything else it helps clean it you know their digestive system because it's roughage see twin baby right underneath there latched onto mom eating so mom's eating baby brother or baby sister's under there eating too if man that is that's amazing that's amazing by the way i only attempted to touch one because i watched robbie's video and he touched one when he was feeding i'm so close right now look at baby climbing on the back so baby was just on the front now babies wow see how close cameo oh so beautiful oh man oh man that is cute if that's not the cutest thing you've ever seen in your world george i know you i know you feel like you're missing out right now george you got to see them as a matter of fact i'm going to show you when george got to see them so we're gonna do a back to the future look at baby looking at the camera look at that we're gonna do a little back to the future scene you get to see exactly what george got to see so we thought we'd come and search for another monkey typo type creature something do you hear that yeah it sounds like it's coming this way okay let's go check it out are you ready i'm ready are you ready to see something so cool yes this is okay we are actually showing the world on your channel wait the rest of the world doesn't know yet they've seen a picture one picture but i've stayed back this is this is this is just like bigfoot or wow because they've seen one picture and it was only a teaser picture so they didn't get to see the rest of what you're about to see is the world ready for this i don't even know if i knew what you're talking you don't but i'm excited i mean you don't because i had to when this i'll explain it after i showed you hey baby hi baby hi baby okay what are we doing i'm coming i'm coming what's going on what is going on here what do you see i think i know what's going on you think you know what is it look down there oh my goodness cuteness there's two bodies oh my goodness there is actually two there are two babies we only showed the world one of them the baby wants the attention she's like i'm not she's like i'm not getting all the attention anymore look at this there are two oh man i gotta i gotta get that shot look at this two baby lemurs on mama oh man look at how small they're their tails look how mom just takes the babies so cute look at that mama you got the best thing ever there each one of the babies is holding on to mom and feeding from mom right now now we can't check what sex they are yet because we have to give them about another two weeks where we're not really messing with them that's why i haven't been filming them and taking pictures is because we've just been coming up here feeding and that's it just get in get out let them do their thing yep look at that the family just got bigger another helping take care cleaning look at that mama's just putting on a show for us wow wow jeremy i have a bone to pick with you a chicken bone well i don't know you said they were chickens babe these are not chickens came out of an egg didn't they jeremy which came first chicken or the egg i would say the chicken i'd say it was the egg i gave you the egg it comes out but the only problem with this yeah is a chicken didn't come out let me show you okay i'm ready to see i'm ready to see is he not happy with our i'm not sure what age-free eggs that we gave i don't know these are these are uh free range cage free right here those look like chickens to you yeah they got bald faces those look like amazing little chicks look at that jeremy they're buzzard chicks those look like baby gators disguised at bay as baby chicks that's a possibility why are they hissing at me right now because they want you away why do they smell so bad because they are regurgitating so you get away oh jeremy what's up behind you what is it what is it there's the mama could be worse could be that spy rooster it could be but i don't know if i trust mother buzzards coming around us not sure he's ever going to trust the eggs i give him again either see that out there george what do you see mama duck had more babies now robbie how many babies were out there this morning there was probably 15 all right 16 babies so she's down to maybe i'm seeing about eight that's how there's one on the side by itself over there okay nine so nine that's how quick so we went from 15 to nine we were gone we were looking for uh sasquash and boom they're gone already from the birds of prey i don't know if we have time to save all these tonight but well we might have to got to do what you got to do those little guys out there those little guys are literally sitting ducks all of the prey up in the sky in the tree she got there trying to give me attacked attack did you see that i've been attacked so many times at this farm did you chicken why would you do that wait why did you do that she said i was giving him a kiss the first time i got a kiss on camera i'm going for more i love me some chicken he does you hear that dude i think that was a gator part guys what are you doing the gators are farting investigators are farting gators are hungry vino throw this white one in that room more cars go out and this wouldn't that grow out [Music] you're going to lose your toe how about this i'll take that guy okay you do dude all right deal wrong one oh i knew that i knew that grab that bamboo right behind you no i don't have a change of shoes right now stay on the wood stay on the wooden dump that gets dumped in the water not on land ready three two i'm not very good at this guys [Music] open the door okay i got you i got you z okay now now how do you guys survive i didn't learn this patch yet yes you have this is the one you've done oh yeah [Applause] i got it guys this is some serious gator and trying to get her done but i need some more training [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 118,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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