Concealed Carry Decisions to Make

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hey think i45 here you can see him on arm today which is not good because see that guy right there he's a terrorist correction he was a terrorist actually we are going to do a video and maybe some future videos well no maybe about it we're going to do them we're going to start a series here on legal carry then talking about for good while they've just put off doing it I have a lot of experience with legal carry many of you have some of you have not many of you have asked me a million questions about it and so we're going to try to answer some of those questions now today we're going to kind of an introduction to that and give you some of the questions back at you that you need to be asking yourself and some of the decisions that you need to make okay there are millions of people in this country that carry legally and there are lots of reasons of course for carrying maybe you're in law enforcement you're off duty maybe you carry a lot of money maybe you you just would like to survive to the next day depending on where you live and you know the bad guys out there mostly guys aren't they most of those that criminal element really doesn't care whether you have a lot of money or a diamond ring you know news is full of stories of people dying over ten bucks right fifty cents twenty dollars so anyway people carry for a lot of reasons and again I have a lot of experience with this because I was involved in police work for ten years beginning around 1990 so I've been legally carrying off and on since then and I have dealt with all the issues that we all deal with in terms of that so I have really been remiss and not sharing more of that now I have indirectly in many of the videos you know if you're watching videos hopefully you learn a little bit about that and about holsters and that kind of thing we're going to delve into those areas not the next few days but over the over period of weeks and weeks we will today mainly I want to give you some things to think about if you're one of those persons who I have heard from or have not heard from who has been asking about holsters and various firearms and weights and sizes and all those sorts of things we want to try to help you some however we can't answer all those questions for you you you have to answer a lie that yourself it's just that simple and what I'm going to do is give you things to think about even if you have some experience with this maybe there'll be some things you can take from it this is not necessarily just a basics video maybe this first one is more of the basics but as we get into this I want to get into some of the the deeper issues perhaps okay well first of all is we're talking about legal carry you know legal carry and there are places where it's not legal you know for example myself I work in a gun-free zone so obviously it's not legal it's out of the question you know it's just totally out of the question and you might work an environment like that you might find yourself in an environment like that quite often you know that's just another issue you have to think about and the course obey the law to the biggest questions involved how you're going to carry and what gun you're going to carry it yeah think about it if your wounds right now contemplating getting your carry permit you are thinking about a whole host of thing I hope you are you'd better be that's why we're doing this you should be thinking about how am I going to carry this guy I have a class schedule two weeks from today let's say Nick's a week from Saturday whatever it is and I need to get a hold of a gun I have shot some and I've got a shooting session scheduled with my brother-in-law on Wednesday you know I've shot enough for Elmo having trouble qualifying probably but he's going to help me some he said I could use this gun to go qualify and everything whatever if you're in a state where you don't have to carry the gun you qualify with you know and I think that's what is in most states so you're kind of some scenario like that let's say well you have a million things you need to be thinking about not a median the one scare you you need to be thinking about how you're going to carry that firearm you know and how you're going to carry it determines largely what gun you choose so many of you are in the process perhaps or will be of choosing a gun choosing a holster choosing a style of carry and think of the questions you need to be asking that's what I'm here for to help you you're going to carry it in your pocket you're going to carry it inside the waistband as you notice my Glock 19 there June 4 you're going to carry it in a small your back you're going to carry in your ankle carry it in a shoulder bag if you're female a lot of a lot of females carry them that way maybe some males I don't know about a fanny pack you know shoulder holster not many people use those anymore most of the experts argue against that however you know that works for some people what else how else might you carry that thing you might uh fun a lot of different places right what gun are you going to buy what gun do you want what guns do you have it might work well again depends on where you're going to carry it how you plan to carry it many of you I know this for a fact if you don't have a lot experience with firearms we'll be surprised how heavy certain guns are how thick certain firearms are okay that's a big factor it's something that most of us learn through experience and through time trial and error many guns that you just love they're great at the range but when you start packing them in different methods they get heavy now I'm not talking to heavy lift and you're thinking some of you may be shot that 1911 at 5-inch 1911 to rain all day long and so that's a great gun at my belt walked around with it had a holster someone let me not a problem not a problem you get into legal carry legal carry issues it might work for you but you'll see that it might not be as suitable as you thought it was okay so type it carry how you're going to carry it what kind of holster you're going to use once you decide that I'm pretty old guy been carrying off and on when it's legal for 20 over 20 years and you see the holster I'm using right now for my inside the waistband it's all striving head but a few months and it's my favorite right now maybe he had that long well you think a guy who's had the experience I have would have worked all that out a long time ago well you find new products you find things that fit better work better more comfortable you know it's as you move along so there's just a lot of that that will take place type of gun okay that's depending on how you're going to carry for one thing for example if you're familiar with the 1911 the light trigger generally cocked and locked thumb safety everything you're not going to want to carry one of those in your pocket probably of course I wish I had a pocket gun but you notice I'm carrying inside the waistband right now or else I would demonstrate for you pretty funny huh ah this gun is a more or less a double action it's a striker fired gun you know the PM not a jean for an example but it's has a long kind of a double action type pull on it alright and that in addition to being in a good holster makes that a viable option let's put it back in that holster okay but you would not want to be packing a 1911 style gun without a holster probably in your pocket for example so how you're going to carry it is very crucial to what what gun you're looking for how big you are you know what kind of action you want again when we get back to that you want a double action you want to strike you're fired action do you want to cocked and lock action like a 1911 you want to double the single you know like the H&K the cig you know what are the kinds of actions are there there's some kind of hybrid actions there a little bit of both but that's very critical because safety is the most important thing that's why people get their permits right so they might survive and continue living you know better to have it not need it than to need it not have it it's like a fire extinguisher like insurance now if someone stumbled into this video and they take a little side trip here for a second as I digress if you stumble into this video you're not even a gun person you think it's horrible that people even have guns much less carrying them legally I'm not going to argue with you right now but it is just think about a fire extinguisher think about homeowners insurance if you happen to have a house a home that is yours I bet you have insurance on it I'll bet you wouldn't sleep very well if your insurance your homeowners expired today and you found out you got a letter in the mail today that sir your payment wasn't made it got lost the mail maybe whatever happened you're sitting there with no insurance you would not sleep until you've got ahold of your insurance agent and got that activated fire extinguisher same thing you know we don't want to use the fire extinguisher we don't want to use our insurance ever we don't want major medical insurance that we might have we should have we don't want to be using that either but we're not going to sleep well without it okay so that's the way most people think about a firearm or a care or legal carry permit so little side there little digression back to guns do you want a revolver action is that something you have shot and you shoot well versus semi-automatic maybe you'd rather shoot a semi-automatic you shoot it better but you feel more comfortable with a revolver in a smaller gun you might spend a lot of time at the range with a 1911 that's just really what you love but it might not be the gun you want actually carry depending on how you're going to carry it there you go again if your only option is pocket carry maybe you don't want a big 45 1911 now there are some small ones that you know might fit that I'm not going to get the specific gun models today and that sort of thing but what you carry where you carry it it's everything everything probably half the questions I get here at my YouTube account or are regarding that you know caliber and all those kinds of things you know we could talk for two hours on caliber couldn't we caliber this of a gun size of the gun the weight of the gun the kind of action it has where you're going to carry it all critical areas of discussion where do you hang out that's another question you want to ask yourself consider you know the answer you know how do you spend your day do you live in a in a risky neighborhood you live in an area for whatever reason you're trying to get some money up to get out of there but you're in a very dangerous neighborhood maybe that makes a difference than what gun you carry how accessible it is how large a caliber it is don't know capacity all those issues you know what is your attire generally are you able to dress like this you know like I am here today if you can wear an over garment like this an outer garment it makes it pretty nice I can have a Glock 19 Glock 23 a big gun any big gun 1911 into action very quickly and I can have it concealed very well okay so if you can wear an outer garment that makes a big difference I'm going to take that off because it's about 95 degrees now don't really need it today but I want to demonstrate that uh if I don't have the outer garment Oh a clothes hanger right your hand I knew that was there for some reason obviously if I don't have an outer garment I probably am NOT going to wear this good am i inside the waistband or outside the waistband so again those are issues you live in a climate where you can never wear a shirt any kind of garment like that you just kill you couldn't stand it for even 10 minutes you have to go to another option ugh so those are questions you've got to answer and again back to where you live and where you move around where you what do you freak what areas do you frequent maybe you live in a nice neighborhood but your job takes you into a dangerous neighborhood maybe you're not legal to carry on your job another issue but maybe you go into a dangerous area through a dangerous area and you are legal to carry how do you dress how do you move around those are all things you have to answer for yourself another issue I think is pertinent very pertinent is your shooting experience you know I have lost you the experience with lot of different types of firearms maybe you don't maybe you don't that's an issue you know some guns are hard to shoot sometimes a small gun is very difficult to shoot well if you don't shoot anything pretty much just because you see that cute little gun at the gun shop and even has a pink grip on it or something and you really like that maybe it's not the best gun for you even though it fits where you would like to carry a gun you know the pocket or whatever maybe it's nothing that you can shoot well you need to try any firearm it's got all possible before you buy it right or one like it you know can't really go ahead and shoot that gun you know before you buy it but you know what I'm talking about there so your experience if you shoot a lot and you shoot all sorts of different firearms maybe you have more options or if you shoot just shoot a lot anyway it gives you more options practice how much even if you don't shoot a lot but you're just getting into firearms maybe you're young and you love guns you've been out with your uncle and your aunt and shooting and you're 18 or you're 19 or 20 or 21 and and you know okay I want to get a carry from it a legal carry permit soon as I'm enough yeah I want to shoot learn to do this but you love shooting you're going to shoot a lot you're going to see whatever it is pretty much that gives you more options it really does because you should practice with whatever it is that you're going to legally carry takes a commitment another thing you want to think about ask yourself is your family situation do you have children in the house young children you know all the safety issues that surround that you want to take care of that issue and you will be committed to being safe being legal and studying it for yourself not just asking questions you need to get as much experience as you can with the various types of firearms you're considering for your legal carry okay so I think that kind of covers most of the general areas the questions you need to be asking yourself and the decisions that you you need to make you know because how you carry it depending on the size of the gun and all that size the guns been on how you're going to carry it so think about those things we'll get back to you with some more more in-depth demonstrations perhaps okay so Hickok signing off like it's good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,004,375
Rating: 4.9214177 out of 5
Keywords: legal, carry, concealed, handgun, permit, holsters, IWB, OWB, pocket, CCW, defensive, pistol
Id: cijFTIfDfwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2011
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