3 Concealed Carry Mistakes That Could Get You Killed

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in this video we're going to talk about three concealed-carry mistakes that could get you killed that's what's coming up next here on survival on purpose welcome back to survival on purpose your home for information and gear reviews related to camping survival and general preparedness for regular folks my name is Brian thanks for joining me so while back I did a video on three common concealed carry mistakes that I think are really applicable to two new concealed carrier's especially and it's really kind of tips about you know what I think are important things that I've learned over the years as a concealed carry proponent our practice or I guess practitioners that's the right word anyway this video we're going to talk about three concealed carry mistakes that I think can get you killed if you make these mistakes so without a lot of ramen let's just get started the first one is not carrying extra magazines and or ammo and I know I've seen it in comments I've heard it said over and over and over the quote of the day if I can't get it done with X number around 6 or 21 or 15 or whatever then then I you know I'm in a bad situation it's not gonna get done or whatever well I have a quote for you it is from a Robert B Parker Spenser novel valediction there's no such thing as too much money or too many bullets I really like that quote because the reality is that in many many cases bad guys travel impacts so it's not you know you're not just gonna be facing one typically you may be facing two or a whole bunch second of all the the one of the number-one points of failure in a semi-automatic firearm is the magazine there's a problem with the magazine whatever the case may be so it's always good to have a spare magazine even if even if you don't need the extra ammo just having that magazine can mean a difference between you your pistol being able to run and not come there a couple ways to carry extra magazines my typical way of doing that is just carry this little Glock magazine pouch it's just easy to in and out very easy and it's like you know 10 or 11 bucks on Amazon another way if you don't carry it on your belt is a pocket magazine carrier and one hour users from from hog holsters just like this and Maggie's made to fit the magazine you see it's got a little little right here and when you pull it out it catches on your pocket unless you put your magazine out anyway that's mistake number one I think and bottom line if you don't need the extra ammo great but it's one of those cases where is much much better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it mistake number two in my opinion is carrying a pistol without a round in the chamber now I know a lot of people think that's safer huh I've heard of what about Israeli carry we'll talk about that just a second but let me tell you why I think it is a mistake to do that first of all basically it just takes two hands to chamber around I know you can put grip tape on it you can do it on your belt buckle you can do it on your pants leg you can do it on your shoot but that is not the optimal ideal situation that is like when everything else is gone wrong bottom line it takes two hands to chamber around you know to pull that slide back in chamber so even as fast if you think you can do that not only does it take a little extra time but it takes an extra hand and maybe you're using that hand to fend off an attacker to fight an attacker maybe you're holding your kid's hand or somebody's hand you don't want to let go in a tense dynamic situation so you don't have that hand to rack that slide maybe you're injured maybe you maybe that you're maybe your strong hands and you have to get userupp your weekend your off-site hand bottom line there's a lot of reasons why you could have one hand occupied and it just doesn't make sense if you're gonna carry a firearm to protect yourself doesn't make sense to handicap yourself by not having the by not having it ready to go bang so as I said the most common objection I hear or response I hear to why it's okay to not carry with a round in the chamber is well the Israelis train that way okay couple couple of thoughts I have on that first of all the Israelis are soldiers they're not really trained to do not really operating strictly in a civilian environment and they've generally got a rifle with them so their sidearm is not their primary weapon second of all key words they train like that and I don't know bring me people that train like the Israelis are trained if you're civilian like I am chances are you haven't trained to that level of competence in that level of instinctual to do that movement in my opinion that's the mistake number two that can get you killed and one reason I think a lot of people don't want to carry was around the chambers because they have a lack of confidence in themselves and their ability and in your weapon and that lack of confidence typically stems from a lack of competence which by the way brings me to the third concealed carry mistake I think can get you killed and that is not investing in quality training just carrying a gun on you no more makes you ready for a gunfight and carrying a scalpel makes you ready to do surgery I really believe that a lot of people think well I've got this gun I'm good to go and if you've never really had any training on how to fight with that gun if if all you if your total training consist of basic concealed carry some gun safety type training don't be one of those people that thinks you know what I'm good to go I got a pistol I could rise to the occasion if I need to because chances are well you probably won't unless you've been trained and really put that training into practice so there are a lot of good schools out there personally I recommend tactical response I had a I went to fighting pistol there about a year ago and it totally was weekend that changed my life but there are a lot of other good instructors out there and the folks at tactical response will tell you to seek them out as well so I believe that if you're going to carry a concealed weapon you owe it to yourself and to your family to those you're carrying that weapon to protect to invest in some quality training it's not cheap but how much does your life and your loved ones life's worth so anyway that's three concealed carry mistakes that I think can get you killed just to recap number one not carrying extra magazines or extra ammo number two not carrying with a round in the chamber ready to go bang and number three not investing in some quality training on how to fight with a pistol so I encourage you to take an honest look at your situation and see if maybe you're making these mistakes and if so fix them I hope that's been helpful and thanks for watching survival and purpose I put out a new video every Friday and Saturday and very often random videos start the week there's another one right there if you're not subscribed you click right down there in the corner to subscribe click that little bell you won't miss a single video I really appreciate the support once again my name is Brian you're watching survival on purpose remember survival is not an accident so be prepared I'll see you next time
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Views: 1,693,538
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Keywords: concealed carry, ccw, 3 concealed carry mistakes you're making, 3 concealed carry mistakes, magazine pouch, pocket magazine holder, pocket magazine carrier, pocket magazine pouch, magazine belt pouch, kydex magazine carrier, glock magazine holster, best magazine holster, israeli carry method, israeli carry empty chamber, israeli carry, tactical response, tactical response fighting pistol, tactical response training, tactical response james yeager, firearms training, survival
Id: Z8L7GvqRLxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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