How To Choose The Best Carry Gun

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the honest outlaw here and today i'm going to be answering a question that i get a lot uh in the comments uh patreon messages instagram messages facebook messages i've got no problem answering it but i'd like to do a video on kind of how i pick my carry guns and maybe how you should pick your carry gun now you have to remember starting off before any of this that everybody's different everybody has different needs and we'll get into that throughout the video but just remember to kind of take these as bullet points not as recommendations and kind of use which one that you want to figure out what's best for you and your comfort level and your skill level now before we do that i want to mention my patient supporters thank you guys very much because you guys the channel's still here and i really appreciate all your support because of that we do cool stuff on the patreon page including exclusive content and bounce ideas off you and i try to do my best to answer all of your questions it's difficult to reach me on a lot of my social media because i am just me i don't have a big studio or anything that answers my questions for me if you get a comment answered by me or a question on instagram or patreon it's always just me so if you want to be a page supporter all you got to do is go down to the description and click the link also in that link or also in that description is a link to a local shelter that i like to support names iowa it's a youth shelter and those kids could use your support so please go down there and donate to that shelter now we are going to try to help you decide what kerrigan is right for you and for that i have brought out a plethora of different types of guns different calibers different actions and different holster systems that go with a certain set of guns so you're going to have to figure out what is best for you and this video is going to help you do that so we're going to go through and i'm going to talk about some of the categories that i think is most important for a carry gun in kind of what order you should consider those categories as well and i'm going to depart a little bit from a lot of the special forces type guys in the carry department because i'm a civilian and i kind of think of things especially handguns in a concealed carry capacity if i'm going to be in a gun fight it's most likely going to be with the gun that i have on me at the time and that is going to be my carry gun there's a lot of reasons why i decided to carry a gun and most of them are the same as your guys's but long story short is most people who carry a firearm generally have already had bad things happen to them and know that they can what i like to do is be responsible for the safety of me and the safety of my loved ones and the safety of people that may need assistance in my immediate area so one of the things that you're going to have to be with your carry gun is confident and comfortable okay and that's one of the things two of the things that is left out of the discussion most the time with concealed carry is number one being confident with your firearm and number two being comfortable with it because it doesn't really matter how good it is let me give you an example so this is a staccato c2 this is an incredibly accurate fast and reliable firearm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no lock back on the nbx mags the staccato c2 is the most accurate compact gun i've ever fired on this channel however as you can see here it's not the world's smallest gun this is a canik sfx again a very reliable accurate extremely usable firearm however very big gun not very heavy but very big so you have to consider what size of gun that you're comfortable carrying and whatever size you think that is most likely it's going to be a little bit smaller than that if you carry a gun consistently like i do day after day or like my wife does for that matter you're going to find that you're going to want a firearm that is comfortable on you all the time that you can carry without really having to worry about it when you first start carrying a handgun you're going to be concerned are you printing are you doing this you're going to be jostling with it all the time but eventually you're going to figure out a system that's comfortable for you and it's going to sort of be like it's not there anymore and a lot's going to come in with that besides the size and type of gun a lot of it is going to have to do with where you carry number one whether you carry appendix whether you carry outside the waistband whether you carry at the three or four o'clock position is going to really be determined by how comfortable you want to be and what sort of disabilities you have and what sort of body type do you have if you've got a big old keg beer gut appendix is probably not going to be very comfortable for you because it's going to bend the gun out and push the bottom of the holster into your in your bladder area which is not very comfortable so if you're a long lean guy kind of like me appendix carry is gonna work great for you if you have a back injury let's say like i do maybe four or five o'clock carry's not going to work out for you that's actually one of the reasons why i personally moved away from it along with having a lifetime of shoulder issues it's harder for me to reach around and grab from the four five or even six o'clock position to get my handgun particularly if you've done any sort of combatives training you'll find that it's also more difficult to get behind you if somebody's punching you or has you on the ground or if you're in somebody's guard or if they're in yours all easier to usually access on the hip or closer to the front of your body so you're going to have to decide which one of those is more important to you because there's offsets to everything even though appendix is easier to draw it is just inherently slightly more dangerous because you have some things down there that you don't want to hit so you need to figure out where you want to carry then you need to figure out a good holster system for that because a lot of people consider manual safeties and things like that your number one safety is a good quality holster you have a good quality holster that locks in and won't come out when you tip it upside down there's a fairly good chance nothing will get in the trigger guard and run the action without you wanting it to happen in the first place so a good quality holster from a good quality manufacturer i would stick to kydex personally however if you're a leather guy just make sure it's an extremely good quality holster and also remember that the real danger with leather holsters is overuse and eventually they get weared out they get wore out and then they have a tendency to cause negligent discharges so a kydex holster will probably not do that i would well i would well assume and you're probably going to be just a little bit safer with the more modern technology which is honestly generally the case so once you've figured out where you want to carry then you can kind of figure out what size of gun is applicable to you so i'm a big guy again so i've got a big surface area to cover up stuff so if i want to carry something like a canik sfx or even a full-size 1911 which i actually used to carry i can do that if you're 5 2 and you weigh 100 pounds eh you're just gonna have to consider you know what i mean a lot of people even go the way of pocket carry so if you're if it's impossible for you to carry on your waistband which i would definitely recommend it's easier to access maybe consider something like this ruger 380 which is easy to carry in the pocket extremely comfortable you can carry in basketball shorts that's actually why i own it by the way but i even carry it all the time with a pocket carry holster so it isn't able to fire inside my pocket a lot of people carry without a round in the chamber one thing you're gonna have to consider with that is how likely you are to actually need your gun quickly in a lot of cases when you're gonna need your firearm you're gonna need to get it out get an action immediately and often or not you will only have one arm to do so 4.33 again imagine if you're being stabbed you're gonna have one arm out or imagine if you're carrying a child imagine if you just happen to have groceries in your hand whatever the case may be you might not be able to manipulate that slide so if you're absolute on not carrying one in the chamber i would seriously consider getting a gun with a notched rear sight in the back so you can run it off your belt or your pocket or your shoe or whatever you need to that was fancy getting back to the size of gun though different size guns obviously shoot different calibers i really like nine millimeter personally it has the best of both worlds for me it has good recoil control it's relatively cheap usually fairly available although not so much the case right now but it is the most popular handgun round in the united states so the vast majority of the pistols that you see on the table fire the nine millimeter cartridge if you would like something larger than the nine millimeter you are going to have to most likely go for a sub compact or a compact gun or a full-size gun and i can give you an example of what those look like here this is the taurus g2c more of a sub compact but still a double stack design so it fills up your hand it's easier to hold uh while you shoot which inherently makes it easier to control the recoil and get faster shots than something like this single stack for example this glock 42 it's a nine millimeter it's a 380 but still then if you want to move up to a compact you've got something like this beretta apx here which you can see has a longer barrel than the g2c and a longer grip and it's going to hold more rounds this is going to hold around 15 rounds or so of 9 millimeter okay whereas the canik sfx is a full-size gun with a full-size barrel and it's going to hold a significant more round and significant amount more rounds than the other two will this actually has 19 right output right out of the gate on top of that bear length not only helps with recoil control but it helps with velocity of the cartridge so whatever cartridge you're going to be shooting the longer the barrel from three to five inches you're just gonna have slightly more power slightly more penetration and slightly more bullet expansion with your hollow point rounds the longer barrel that you have but again it's a trade-off because you need to decide how large of a firearm that you can [Music] carry in order to be able to be comfortable so this gun is great but if you leave it at home all the time maybe a gun like this you're going to be better off with because in most cases just having the firearm is significantly better than having a really than having no firearm at all so just having the gun can be a deterrent in 90 of the cases so have a gun maybe like this and get really good with it because i can tell you even though this gun is small and it's easier for me to shoot a gun like this i can still shoot this little 380 really really well okay it really depends on your skill level and it really depends on your ability to conceal and how much gun you want to carry on a daily basis which size of gun that you want and it's going to have pros and cons smaller guns are going to be more comfortable easier to conceal larger guns going to be easier to shoot they're going to have higher capacity and they're going to have more velocity often a higher caliber as well if you get into the really small guns like this rigor 380 they just simply don't make these in larger calibers than 380. so if you want this size of gun you're gonna have to be comfortable with the 380 cartridge which personally for me is a little bit anemic especially compared to modern day nine millimeters like the sig p365 which is incredibly small but still holds 12 rounds of 9 millimeter once you get past the size of firearm that you want to get into you're going to have to kind of figure out what action you would like the most popular type of firearm on the market is going to be the striker-fired pistol no question many many reasons why that is uh easy to man manufacture easier to learn consistent trigger pull is a big deal and no manual safety to worry about a lot of people when they first get into carrying a firearm they require manual safety because they don't understand firearm safety keep your finger off the trigger have a comfortable holster make sure you don't point the gun at anything you're not willing to destroy and etc etc the reality is though is that they're just easier to shoot for most people if you get into something like this czp07 which is a double single action pistol after you pull this long trigger pull here which is basically considered the firearm safety is this long heavy trigger pull on the first shot the gun cycles the action and then you have this beautifully short and crisp single action trigger so for your first shot on double action it's going to be worse than a striker fired pistol but the remaining 15 shots are going to be easier and more accurate [Music] also if you had time you could pull the gun out rock the hammer and then you could have that amazing single action pull another benefit to the double action is that it's just simply safer to carry for the most part imagine having to accidentally pull this trigger versus this trigger which is why a lot of people opt for double action carry for an appendix style carry system me included it just makes you feel a little bit more comfortable having that little bit longer trigger pull without having any manual safeties in the way at all so i don't have to have two hands to rack around in the gun i don't have any manual safeties forget about all i do is pull the gun out pull the trigger and yeah it's a little bit longer but if you pull it quickly and you get used to the trigger pull all it really is is a training issue because i can shoot this pistol at double action again at 50 yards and beyond with no issues it just takes some practice [Music] [Applause] so so the double action system is a nice system however it takes a lot more training than a striker fired gun like this so if you plan on only putting 50 rounds up through your gun per year i would suggest probably a striker-fired gun there's also single action only which is what this staccato c2 is here the advantage to that is you are always going to have an absurdly good trigger pull why do you want a short fast trigger pull number one because it gives you less distance to mess up the shot all of accuracy and all of handgun shooting for the most part is your ability to control the trigger pin the trigger to the rear push the trigger to the rear pull the trigger the rear however you want to say it without disturbing the sights off the target it's easier to do that if there's less distance and less weight [Applause] to offset the incredibly short light trigger of a single action trigger you have a manual safety in the case of a 1911 or 2011 you actually have two so you have an ambi safety on each side and you have a grip safety as well so not only do you have to manually take off the safety but you have to press in the grip safety in order for the gun to work see here but if you depress the grip safety bang that again is a complicated battery of arms that has a lot of pros and a lot of cons and you're really gonna have to look into that to decide if it's right for you or not so after you consider the size weight capacity action holster and the position in which you think you want to carry the next thing to really consider is what type of pistols have you narrowed it down to that are actually in your price range firearms vary wildly in reliability and accuracy and it price is not always a good way to judge whether or not your gun is going to be good i've had 200 guns on this channel like the taurus that have run very reliably and i have had 700 guns like the m18 that have not so you're really going to have to consider what your price range is and then figure out what the best guns are for you in that particular price range if your price range is 200 to 300 dollars don't cry there's guns out there that will serve you well for that price [Music] [Music] [Music] runs like a top like a what runs like a top that's a saying however you won't have near as many options as you will something like the four to seven hundred dollar price range where most of the popular guns lie like the glock the m p the czs the p10c all the stuff the walther ppq all those guns come in sub-compact variants compact variants full-size guns many many guns are available in that price range that will serve your needs after you figure out what price you're gonna have to try to decide after all of that if you still have a couple left if you decide on let's say a compact nine millimeter pistol like a glock 19 or an m p or maybe even the uh the sig m18 you're gonna have to consider reliability a lot of people consider how the gun feels in your hand which is super great don't get me wrong but it's gonna have to be a reliable gun in order for you to actually get the gun out of it i would rather have a gun that is significantly less accurate and runs a thousand rounds with no with no reliability issues than the most accurate whiz-bang fastest gun in the world that has a malfunction every 100 rounds because you never know when that's going to happen and i can tell you that would be worst case scenario somebody that doesn't do a lot of shooting and doesn't perform malfunction drills having a stove pipe or a double feed or anything like that you don't know how to control you might as well just throw the gun away at that point so remember that reliability is the utmost category when it comes to a firearm accuracy is second and all the other little features are third [Music] dead trigger [Music] [Music] seriously recommend that whatever firearm that you buy i know people like to be different and i know you like to be unique little snowflakes and that's great but for the most part especially if it's your first gun i would recommend getting a firearm from a reputable manufacturer and i would not allow any sort of gun clerk type of dude to talk me into some random gun like a gershol or something like that there's a lot of advantages to getting popular guns that's why they're popular the glock stays the king of handguns not because it's necessarily the best gun on the market but because everywhere you go you'll find magazines holsters ammunition sights all these little things that go with it because this gun is a system you know a lot of people don't like when you call it a system but it is the czp07 means nothing to me without the holster and the magazine and the sights and the ammunition to go with it so remember if you get a popular gun like a sig for example or a p365 or maybe even a glock 43 x you're going to be able to find everything that you're going to need right at that store so especially if you're new to firearms you don't want to order stuff online stuff like that it's going to be a really good idea to go with a quality manufacturer one thing that's usually going to guarantee is good customer service good reliability a fair amount of accuracy and aftermarket support and all of those things especially for a first-time gun owner you're gonna need one of the last things to consider that i don't think people think of a lot is you're gonna have to get a gun that's fun to shoot for real that's really important a lot of people think it's a secondary thing i'll just carry it and get used to it yada yada if the gun's fun to shoot you're going to shoot it a lot and if you shoot it a lot you're going to be real good with it so let's say you get a sub compact uh taurus like this in a 45 acp because you want that punch right the problem is that gun's going to recoil heavily and the ammunition price is going to be more expensive so you're not going to bring that gun out to the range very often a lot of times you'll see people with a competition gun a gun that they have for home defense and then a carry gun and they shoot their competition gun thousands of rounds a year and they shoot two or three rounds out of their carry gun to maintain functionality you know every couple of months or whatever if the gun that you carry on you should most likely be the gun that you shoot the most because that's the one that matters the most if you actually have to pull that gun out and use it oh man every bullet has a lawyer attached to it and there's a lot of things that involve with a civilian shooting that you are going to be significantly better off if you are a more accurate and quicker shooter especially confidence in your firearm if you have enough draw practice and enough trigger time on your firearm that you can operate that thing without thinking then you can focus on threats then you can focus on liabilities and different outcomes that may happen in the current situation that you're in significantly better than trying to walk yourself through the steps of drawing your gun racking around turning on and off the safety make sure that you train enough and practice enough with your firearm that you feel confident with it that's where that's what it comes right back to it's not just the firearm that you need to be confident it's yourself you need to be confident that you can operate that firearm safely for you and safely for any other bystanders that might be in the area in case you had to use the firearm so now we're gonna go off the tripod a little bit here and we're gonna just take you through some of the guns that i carry and i'm gonna give you a brief description of why i carry them right before we go that way you can kind of get an idea of how i've applied some of the things that i've been talking about one of my oldest carry guns is the cz p07 and you can tell that it has had some use in its life uh this gun has a an untold amount of rounds through it has gone through significant changes from having tritium sites to fiber optic sights it had a stock trigger then it had a trigger i put in it then i had uh cz or cajun gun works put a really good trigger in it uh not a competition trigger it's still safe still drop safe everything like that they just significantly smoothed out the double action pull for me one of the reasons why i like the po7 it's extremely reliable this is one of if not the most reliable firearm that i have particularly when running uh defensive rounds like hollow points for example some guns will run fmj very well but not run hollow points and you won't know that if you go out and shoot 50 or 100 rounds through them at your local range i know that costs a lot of money but i bet it would be worth it in the long run particularly for your peace of mind the czp07 for me is extremely ergonomic it's got a little bit bigger grip i have a little bit longer hands so it fits my hand very well it also runs the double action system which i like because i said a lot of times i carry a pennix carry so if i'm going to be sticking this near my junk area i like having the extra benefit of that very long double action trigger pull on top of that when i put the gun back as you can see when i pull the trigger the hammer comes back i can press my thumb on the back of the hammer and ensure that there are no discharges of the firearm that i don't intend to have so i can pull up and i can holster the gun and feel very safe and confident about my battery of arms with this handgun it's big enough to where i can shoot it very very well but it's small enough to where it's fairly comfortable for me to carry so it's a compact handgun it holds 15 rounds the magazine one in the tube which is more than enough to get the job done i like this gun and i usually do carry a spare magazine spear magazines are not generally about capacity necessarily but about clearing malfunctions if i were to have a malfunction in this gun the first thing i would do is drop that old magazine because that magazine or that ammunition combination is most likely the problem i would re-gas the gun up and go you can't do that without a spare magazine another gun that i like to carry particularly pocket carry is going to be this glock 42. i don't carry it very much anymore but i just got back into it a little bit recently particularly when i'm running it is a 380 which is again a very anemic cartridge although still does the job i promise you if you put the gun if you put the rounds where they need to go it'll do the job it's a little bit bigger than your average 380 like this lcp for example and what i get out of that for that little extra size is i get a little bit more controllability and a little bit more accuracy for a gun this small for a guy my size i'm six foot four it's very hard to shoot already so not only have i uh upgraded it a little bit but i've also thrown these rubber grips on here which just helps me maintain control the pistol a little bit better i can shoot this gun real well i've shot it a lot and it's extremely reliable and it's also for one of those times when you really really don't have the space to carry a gun this is a good one to have one of my main carry guns is going to be this sig 365 here i really like this gun i was initially a little bit on the fence about it because they've had some parts breakages and things like that however i have about 2 500 rounds for this gun with zero failures so i'm confident in this gun i like this gun you can see it's got some green stuff on it i dremeled this uh holster uh months and months ago and still every time i put it in that holster it pulls this little green stuff off so sorry about that but uh doesn't affect the reliability at all because i shoot this out of this holster quite a bit this gun has a revolutionary magazine design where it has the same size grip as a single stack pistol as you can see here this is my glock 43 they have the same width of grip however this is a single stack and this is a double these hold the same amount of rounds although you can see that there's a significantly lower footprint with the sig p365 but nothing's free in this world and i can tell you between the two of these which one do you think i shoot better the answer is this one because it's a little bit bigger but it's also a little bit more comfortable uncomfortable and it's a little bit harder to carry overall so that is the game that everybody plays when they pick a carry gun how big how small what is more important to you overall obviously since i can shoot fairly well to begin with i can shoot the sig p365 more than well enough to carry it comfortably so that's what i do one of the guns that i've been carrying a lot lately is the staccato c2 i've been carrying it in this las concealment holster uh when i want to carry a little bit bigger gun i'm wearing a sweatshirt or a coat or something like that and i have no problem concealing this plus a spare magazine that allows me uh what is that 16 16 and 1 so 33 rounds of 9 millimeter on tap that i can shoot as fast as i possibly can and it's accurate more accurate than any other gun on this table [Music] no lock back on the mag it's not the gun's fault 50 yards 26 ounce carry gun i'll take that the reason why that is is because that single action design and because i grew up with 1911 so i shoot 1911's better than any other gun they're more accurate for me and this one is a reliable double stack version of that for only around 26 ounces so it fits my weight size action capacity needs all that stuff in one neat little package but again if i'm wearing basketball shorts or something like that or i'm going to the gym i'm probably not going to be carrying this i'm probably going to be carrying something like this so at the end of the day one gun doesn't fit everything anyone who says that is omitting facts and or just straight up lying you need to figure out what gun's right for you if you're going to buy just one gun uh and you end up with something like a p365 for example you're not going to have a gun that's as fun to shoot is something as as like the uh kanik sfx and not only that but it's just not going to be as an effective gun in the moment however if you buy this gun you might not have it in the moment to begin with so maybe this is better off it's up to you you decide hopefully i helped you out if you liked this video please like and subscribe please help out your local homeless shelters and remember to recycle i'll check you later [Music] 200 gun that's pretty impressive i'll say [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 1,345,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concealed carry, best handgun, best carry guns, self defense, best ccw, glock 19, best compact guns, every day carry, best carry gun, best ccw gun, best handguns 2020, best pistol, best gun, best pistol 2020, best carry pistol, best carry handgun, cz, p10c, sig, p365, p365xl, g19, g17, 1911, c2, staccato, p07, p320, m18, m17, fail, how to choose, how to pick, how to pick a pistol, how to choose a handgun, colt, g43, g43x, glock, beretta, m9, taurus, g3, g3c, g2c, best cheap gun, best budget pistol
Id: FsDPw4SCo88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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