.40 S&W vs .357 Sig

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yeah Hickok 45 displaying the power of the 357 Magnum we all know I mean if you have studied this much at all if you've been around firearms that the 357 Magnum is a proven round it's been in police holsters and civilian holsters for many many decades nobody really questions it he studied the ballistics it's a very very effective one of the most effective fact of 125 great 357 Magnum round is really considered to be more effective than the 45 ACP employed by most standards in most studies so pretty cool not a lot of capacity but does the job be nice if someone would make this you know higher capacity firearm like a semi-automatic get semi-automatic capability maybe with the same power and you know with nice maybe double the capacity wouldn't it be cool of course you have to make the round a little shorter probably and have an automatic case something like that yeah like a 357 sig round Hey somebody did it cool yeah we're going to talk a little bit about the 357 sig and in the 40 all right now get ready I'm not going to get into the cartridge in caliber ballistics religion that everybody does and tell you how horrible one of them is because they both are good the 40 you know I mean it's pretty well proven too and I know that the 357 sig is they both work they both work basically anything 9 millimeter duck works even a 380 with new cartridges new bullets you know the higher tech bullets they work all right I mean as well as any handgun almost that we can expect to work handguns with a handgun your underpowered for self-defense to begin with we all know that it's a as several people have said whether it's Jeff Cooper anybody else a handgun is just something to get you through your shotgun or your rifle right maybe get you out of a so anyway with all that in mind let's just talk about the 357 sig and the 40 I'm give you my impressions basically and then from what I've read a little bit I know about it when I think about I've demonstrated and shot both of them and there are some advantages to both there are some negatives in my book maybe maybe to both I don't know but just to give you something to think about if you are perhaps right now looking for the perfect caliber to carry you've been reading the forum's getting all the wisdom from the forums and then getting confused right you're not sure which way to go well we've all been there we're all still there in a lot of ways you know I can start reading I know mas eu biz a big defender of this round for example I read some of his writings on it you know makes me want to carry it because he's somebody I respect a lot and same with the 40 I can read about the police shootings or any kinds of shootings with the 40 and how effective it has been you know in the years it's been so common you know and particularly well not just getting use by police but everybody so it's it's it is a dilemma in a lot of ways let's just beat around the bush too much here let's just talk about something what are some of the advantages to there now if you didn't know the 357 sig is a it's a basically a forty case neck down as you can see and it's faster and it's lighter and again it was a design and I think it was at 1994 to to kind of replace and to give what I was joking about early on a 357 magnum performance in a firearm like that that was the goal you know that's hot okay it's uh there you got a 357 and an automatic that has rules look at that you've got 13 rounds in there and you can have 15 rounds with a full size model if you want to alright so so that was kind of the purpose of it although a lot of the 357 sig as ammo is loaded down to where it's not as powerful as that best 357 Magnum ammo is and was still pretty stout okay you see a lot of state troopers carrying this round partly because it's known to be good for penetrating barriers that's one of the reasons it's got a flat trajectory a lot of people will tell you it's got a low recoil yeah and it sort of does but it has a lot of blasts let me take a couple of shots and just to remind us what it does feel like remind me all right yeah we're hot pull it out this holster this is my stealth gear USA holster which I like okay let's pull it out in slow motion and shoot something like now I don't know if y'all can tell at home but there's a lot of blasts there but it shoot well no doubt about it let's go on over there just a little bit above point of aim I had to bring her down a little bit and I just have to have - a little more ammo well it's a hard-hitting round I'll just keep throwing the ammo feels good let's try it up close here let's go to the gong boy you see it moving it's a pretty hard not a blast I feel like before I shoot I've got it really getting my ears yo in tight okay so a lot of that recoil it is a lower recoil probably it's just it's just all the blasts Wow because it's fast it's a fast rent so it's just shoots well I just don't shoot with that much but it shoots well and you notice this is a Glock 32 this was a teeny gun from block that I purchased because I wanted to keep one in this caliber why because I knew that I would have this capability and plus the other capability right because all you have to do it takes a long time to do the conversion it really does it's something you have to kind of plan for to get your mind right and you know set aside some time to do it but you can convert it to the 40 caliber you know it just takes a long time to do it right that's all that didn't you let's try that old goat again hi 40 got him Jan so that was just a clever little demonstration of how long it takes to convert that's one of the attractions of course I can turn this block 30 to 357 sig into a 40-caliber very very simply so I saw no way to lose I've got an extra 40 caliber Glock 23 here if I decide I don't like the 357 sig but yet I can carry that too much trouble right so you saw all that required it was just taking that out putting it in okay now again this 357 sig round is known to be an effective stopper it's carried about a lot of state troopers the street results are there it works and of course you've got that that easy convertibility you know so and that's it really is known as a barrier penetrator so there's nothing wrong with it okay nothing wrong with it really those are all the positives I can think of the other positive is it's supposed to feed well because of the contour of the bullet you know you've gotten more of a pointed there so it's supposed to feed better and I've heard that for years now eight little serve you well you think you went 357 sig you ought to carry it it's it's great now there are some negatives it's expensive you know it costs a lot for bog now not me today because the ammo is all furnished by federal cartridge by the way thanks a lot this is all federal stuff even a 357 ammo I was firing in my revolver when we started so but when you go buy the stuff it could be expensive and because of that people are mean my take on it is if your 357 sig person you're determined the ballistics of that round dictate that's why I'm going to carry it so I know it's expensive but that's what I'm going to carry it's what I'm going to go be my caliber selling John early we're talking about these you show me somebody who who is a 357 sig person they just have gotten into firearms in the last few years and they chose as their caliber I can probably show you someone who hasn't shot thousands of rounds yeah let's say own a bank because it's expensive to shoot there's a lot of blasts involved to me it's not as much fun to go to the range and shoot and and quite honestly that's one of the criteria for me in choosing a firearm no carry caliber whatever it is and the gun I want a gun that's fun to shoot this gun this Glock 23 size gun a Glock 27 you can send me off to the range with a barrel of ammo for a couple of days with either of those firearms and I'm happy we'll shoot long range with short range do drills whatever you want to do they're just great shooters have a lot of fun a lot of fun into range now with a 357 sig I know it's just not as much fun to go out to me like the blast is incredible okay I mean it's not incredible but it's a really significantly increased blast when you fire it all right so that's one of the negatives is the expense because it's not just the money guess it's what else it means it probably means you're not going to shoot as much you might not even enjoy you know going to shoot three four hundred rounds whereas you normally would with a little bit lower pressure cartridge okay one of the negatives but that's I see it another negative I had heard for years that took one of the cool things about it and one of the attractions for me was it'll feed in any 40 magnets that the magazines are interchangeable which they essentially are kind of and that's the beauty you know when you're switching a 40 to a nine millimeter people will ask me about that yeah you can do that you get a drop-in barrel and put it in here put it together and he'll shoot however if you don't switch out the extractor this requires taking this apart a little bit and also the ejector you're probably not going to get a hundred percent reliability okay but it'll work alright and if you need B do this though this conversion these two calibers is really all you have to do switch out the barrel at least I thought that I discovered on my own because I also bought a barrel for my Glock 27 - Barda 57 sig and I was at her shooting both of them switching around and I was getting failures to feed failures to feed I have a lot of Glock 40 magazines and the things are hanging up on the ramp he was both guns every now and then which I did not compute in a Glock I couldn't believe that well come to find out in New York and throw in your two cents worth on that it you really need to have yeah 40 caliber magazine will work but it needs to be a certain follower you know the number or the newer design or something I don't know and and I'm not sure what never I knew at one point I've kind of forgotten what it is so 40 magazines will work in at the range it wouldn't really matter if you had a hang-up but if you're going to carry it they're not totally interchangeable unless you make certain you've got the same follower and maybe even the spring of its a follower mainly on that so all of my magazines are suspect I think because a lot of them are older and that kind of thing so so I lost some of that capability I thought I had that's just to me that's the negative I was of the impression any 40 caliber magazine I have three of these Evans egg no problem but there are a few problems got to have the right follower and so now as I understand that 357 sig magazines are interchangeable so if you're planning to do this and have the switcheroo going on with your collection your guns you don't have many magazines yet and I think I'm correct that you're probably better off just buying nothing but 357 sig magazines because they work for 44 or the or this of course alright so you don't have that problem when you're going from 357 sig 240 but when you're going to 42 357 sig needs to be either a brand new or newer magazines with a different follower with the right follower okay so that's one of the issues they're negatives like the recalls in the blast the 40 is just a little more comfortable to shoot I don't know what it is you got a heavier bullet and it's a more pleasant recoil even though it does recoil it just feels better to me I don't know it's more like a 45 but it's still kind of snappy of course they're putting back in the holster here and let's go shoot something here I like that thing here 40 is just hard to beat yeah I mean you get a little bit of snapping this even with 40 but you really get low blasts out of all that okay now again I'm not going to get into the caliber of religion and tell you which is which is you know the one to buy it kind of depends on you either one works fine there there's not a real big downside to either one and also maybe depends on how much you shoot if you just go out shoot occasionally you know the expense doesn't get into it as much of a factor but then again if you don't shoot very much you know that blast is liable to give you a flinch yeah because it's a it's loud and it's a it's quite a blast so so you know it's just spends on how you look at that you convert it back real quick and show you maybe you can tell I'm not going to necessarily do a side by side here and let's see which one kicks the most and all that and these have been around for a while we've got the right barrel yeah feeling sick okay here you can go to the forums and I've done that and I see what people are saying and some of that I've relayed to you because it's my impressions to the the you know the people that have them both or I think they're pretty wise you know they pretty much state it the way it is they both work but but the 357 sig you know more expensive blasts to it and reloading I didn't talk about maybe you're different than I am hate to reload a next case like that and I know that's a little more of a not a problem but a challenge to reload when you have an excitation like that so you're not as likely maybe to reload it either a straight walled case like the forty or anything is a little bit easier you know less problematic to hand load so most people I would guess who shoot this or just buying factory ammo when they can find it and it actually is pretty available nowadays it's just a little pricey ok so you've been seeing the sheet 240 here some maybe you can tell a difference in the I don't know a little about the recoil but maybe the blast let's uh let's say that I've discovered that I need to hold a little bit higher didn't I hum to go let's try that turkey over there turning side would try another turkey I mean it'll it's accurate and accurate and shoots fine feels to me like it comes back in your hand a little bit harder and you get more blast out of it and it is definitely louder okay it should be 357 Magnum is loud anytime you increase the velocity decrease the weight of the bullet increase velocity you get more more noise you know more blasts and that might be a good thing I know if you ever had to shoot again the other side of that is who cares you know know that matters they tell me if you're involved in a situation like that you don't even hear it you know and so you know it's not a problem there the issue is how much are you going to shoot I think that might be one of the if not the number one issue one of the top issues what cartridge are you going to carry well and how is it going to affect your training or your practice routine are you going to shoot as much as you would if you carried a 40 or a 45 or a nine-millimeter are you not going to shoot very much and get very proficient with your handgun because your ammo is really expensive or maybe even in a newbies case where it just knocks you all over the place and scares you and because there's so much blast you know I can see somebody taking this into a range indoor range for the first time two sheep and one of the noise and you know the recoil son too and the blast of and everything and developing a flinch and so it kind of depends on you and how much you've shot I think and just understanding what you're getting try one out first if you can if you're thinking of that it is always appealing yet Wow state troopers carry hot they've done a lot of testing you know or the Secret Service or whoever might be is carrying 357 sig that means it's got to be the best you know that's not always the case we know how it is with bureaucracies and government agencies and any any sizable organization decisions aren't always necessarily made on what's the best right but but research it you know find out what people are saying about and I tried to work to relate and relay some of that to you my experiences with it and in what I've read on the forums you know I can't decide whether it still has a growing following or it's kind of tailing off a little bit I can't decide some people I know who can shoot and I respect their opinions carry this thing they really do so but for me my choice and when it's come down to is I'm glad I bought this teeny gun but for me it's become a 40 it's another 40 for me okay it's another Glock 23 and so I'll wrap up by putting that barrel back in there and I guess I'll put just a couple of bullets in here because that's what it is for me it's a Glock 23 and this is a barrel that I'll keep in it alright it's a Glock it's a 40 caliber alright now I know a lot of people only like 240 right so here I'm giving you some information but you're deciding between these two a lot of you out there have no use for either one of them you know and I respect that too it's we're not going to get into the caliber religions you know and all that craziness if a caliber cartridge works it works and if it works for you something you can shoot reasonably well it can't be all bad so up anyway I hope that gives you a little bit of insight into it a little additional information if you are contemplating you know a 357 sig I don't know I recommend you shoot it borrow one rent one and run some magazines through it okay because that's it's a little bit different like me life is good [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,797,224
Rating: 4.8968639 out of 5
Keywords: Glock 23, GL23, G23, Glock 32, G32, .357 Sig, .40 S&W, Glock, State Police, Secret Service, 357 Sig, .357 Magum, S&W, Model 686, muzzle blast, recoil
Id: VsBGfytvZHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 18 2014
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