How To Become Comfortable Carrying W/A Round In The Chamber

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so in a recent video that i made about top five dumb things that people do when they conceal carry i made a point that you should always carry with a round in the chamber i got a great comment about how do i become comfortable uh with carrying around in the chamber and that's what we're going to talk about today and i'm going to tell you why i think you should be doing that um of course this is in no way do i want to make anybody uncomfortable okay i just want to throw my ideas out there and hopefully give you guys something to think about because being uncomfortable with a loaded gun uh in your waistband is something that is a common issue and and today hopefully i can help ease your mind uh with that okay first i want to say if you love what we do here please make sure you come over and support us on patreon where we're doing a lot of extra content for you guys you guys help us choose guns over there as well okay uh five dollar tier and up until july 4th you guys are gonna get a patch from us uh just a lot of extra content that i do for you guys signed targets all kinds of things we revamped it months ago and it's really paying off a lot of people are joining so i ask that you guys come over and support us over there but let's go ahead and get started i think the first thing that we should talk about is why are you uncomfortable with carrying around in the chamber and i think a lot of people look at negligent and accidental discharges uh they may some people think that the gun is just going to go off and this is more so with people that don't really understand guns and how they work uh but it's a it's a concern that people have and also your loved ones you want to make sure that your loved ones are safe now before i say anything we as concealed carriers we as gun owners have a responsibility to make sure our guns are safe okay i'm all about quick access you you shouldn't have to go through a hundred different codes to be able to access your gun if you need it but you need to make sure that the gun is safe in in a quick access safe biometric safe there's all kinds of quick options you can use to make sure the gun is locked up away from people that you love but can be accessed quickly okay so that is all of our responsibility and you should be doing that for sure but aside from that what about negligent and accidental discharges now i read an amazing article that i'm going to leave down for you guys below where the uscca took hundreds of different negligent discharges which is what i'm going to call them because most of them are just that they're negligent and they've found some pretty disturbing things you know almost a third of negligent discharges involve kids and there's a lot of and in a lot of these cases actually it's not just the person that's uh you know being negligent but they also hurt somebody around them so a lot of these things when you look at it from a negligent standpoint as opposed to an accidental standpoint you start to realize that okay these things don't just happen now there are rarities and i know people are going to say well what about the p320 that gun just goes off it had to be a very perfect set of circumstances but that is true i mean that could be an accidental discharge but most of the time it's somebody not locking their firearm up when they have kids in the house not teaching uh people in the house how to use them not using the the rules of firearms and safety uh around them you know it's it's these kinds of things that happen with with negligent discharges okay so i'm gonna leave that link to the article down below you can go over and read it i'm not gonna regurgitate everything that was said in it but i promise you it's a good read take the time look at it it will really open your eyes to negligent discharges and that kind of leads back to being safe with firearms i mean you got to think what is the reason that we carry a firearm it is to prepare for situations that you know either most people aren't prepared for or most people don't want to prepare for but the whole point is to protect the ones we love and people around us okay so the whole idea is to make sure that you're doing that and 99.9 of the time your firearm is never going to be used it's going to be something that you're hopefully carrying every single day it's there if you need it otherwise it's locked away and nobody can get to it no unauthorized person should be able to get to that firearm and then the point of guns just going off so i'm also gonna link a video uh where this guy it was a really well done video he took a cutaway glock and he shows exactly how a gun works now if you don't understand this it's fine but once you understand it you're gonna realize that okay these things don't just happen like i said so most modern guns you're gonna have an action you know one two or three actions most of the time it's gonna be two or three where you physically have to pull the trigger back that's going to release a striker so just in a striker fired gun you know scenario that striker moves like this okay but you have a block that sits here like this okay so the only way that block is gonna get through is by pulling the trigger which raises the block which pulls the striker back giving it enough force to hit the primer and allow the bullet to go off so when you think about it like that if i load my gun okay and i can bang on the side and i've done this in tolster holster videos make sure you get a good holster okay you guys know we love tolster but make sure you get a good holster that is that is absolutely crucial to conceal carry okay something comfortable simple and something that's going to be safe for you all right but you put in a holster and i've shown this with tolster you can bang on the side of the thing it's not going to happen you have to have all three of these actions trigger going back striker block firing pin block going up and then enough force for the firing pin to go back and slam forward in the back of the primer these things don't just happen guns don't just go off you know 99 of the time you know guns are not just going to go off now there can be a maybe a drop safe issue or things like that like i mentioned but there has to be these actions and reactions for a firearm to go off so once you see this once you once you really see it in action this all these things should really just make you more comfortable knowing that you do have a loaded gun on your hip you know cops carry loaded firearms every single day and most modern firearms are designed to be carried with around in the chamber so besides internal safeties you also have manual safeties which i don't recommend especially on carry guns because it's one more step that you have to go through and one thing that you also should probably do is come up with a process so what i do is i will take my firearm i'll load around in the chamber i will holster the firearm and what's cool about tolster is i can release the magazine i can top off the rounds and i can put it back in there okay so there is a split second where the gun is out of the holster if you're really sketchy about this when you first try it do it like this load around in the chamber holster the gun booger finger off of the trigger okay because that's what causes them to go off holster the gun top it off put your magazine in there so just literally for a second or two the gun's gonna be out of the holster um while you while you get it loaded up so make yourself do like a little process every single day you know make sure you load it like that when you get home if you want to keep the gun loaded well then that's up to you just make sure that it's in a safe where nobody can get to it all right or if you feel better unloading it when you get home do that as well unload it take the round out of the chamber put it back on a holster put it in a safe and make sure that it's away from the people that you love because the whole reason again why we carry firearms is to protect those people not to hurt them and not to put them in a situation that could hurt them now hopefully up to this point or you know even after the video once you get comfortable with the idea that the gun's just not going to go off these things don't just happen negligent discharges unfortunately are on gun owners most of the time and all these things i just mentioned you may be asking yourself well why i mean i can i can pull the gun out i can rack the slide if i ever need it it's quick enough and that's true it takes you about a second and a half to two seconds for a competent shooter to unholster and draw a firearm the problem is is that most of the time in these self-defense types of engagements they're very quick things happen in a flash i was reading something about the aurora movie shooting and you know people don't register gunshots when they're hearing actual gunshots even gun owners don't we wouldn't think gunshot automatically especially if you're out of movies you may think that well it's special effects or it's it's whatever you know our brains aren't wired to think gunshot in a public place they're just not i mean there are some people that are trained for this kind of stuff but most of us are just regular citizens we go to the range we hear gunshots but they're muffled you know it's it's a different kind of thing in a public setting the whole point of what i'm trying to make is that you need to be ready because seconds every little half a millisecond counts in these situations okay and one of the biggest reasons that i'm a proponent of carrying with a round in the chamber is racking the slide and feeding that first round i'll tell you i had a mmp uh 9 compact when i first got this was my first gun i bought hollow points for it this gun would not chamber hollow points at all okay and it was a good brand of hollow points i mean it seemed like it was very popular a lot of people used them but i had to switch up those hollow points and fortunately i tested it you know before i ever even shot a round off i mean it just would not chamber when you go to chamber around to me in our experience it seems like that's going to be at the point if something's going to fail that's going to be one of the biggest times one of the most crucial times where your gun is going to jam failure to feed or anything like that maybe the hollow points you're running if you haven't tested them extensively there's all kinds of scenarios that can happen and again the point of us caring is to be prepared for these situations you can't be prepared if you have a malfunctioning gun so that's the whole nitty-gritty of it i mean we just want to be ready for these things these seconds count most of the time they're close encounters there's going to be a lot of disorientation a lot of confusion these are things that you don't want to have to deal with you don't hopefully god forbid want to ever be in the situation anyways but then you put malfunctions on top of that you're having to worry about loading around in the chamber you want that gun ready to go and as long as you're safe i believe that carrying with a round in the chamber is the way to go if you disagree with me completely that's totally fine make sure you leave me a comment down below if you agree with what i'm saying again leave me a comment tell me you know any personal stories that you have with carrying around in the chamber or how you became comfortable with doing that again i have these links for you down below so you can go over and check out some of these awesome resources that i found thank you guys for watching we'll see you very soon and as always hold them down [Music] you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 964,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: round in the chamber, round in chamber, should i carry with round in the chamber, carrying with round in chamber, is it safe to carry with a round in chamber, are guns safe, firearm safety, how to be safe with guns, are firearms safe, carry with or without round in the chamber, is it safe to carry gun chamber, is it ok to carry with gun chambered
Id: rw-alDGaz5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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