Concealed Carry Positions, Where To Carry And Why – LIVE FIRE

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what's up America and then you'll hear from John Farms Academy thanks for watching I am super excited today because I'm going to be redoing my most popular video it's got over six figures and views already it's concealed-carry positions where why and how the difference with this video is that I'm going to do everything live-fire so you're actually gonna see how this all works alive so I'm very excited hope you are let's get started far as the positions go we're going to look at this just like a clock so the front here we're at 12 o'clock 3 o'clock 6 & 9 okay pretty basic there the first position I'm going to talk about is appendix carry appendix carry is where the holsters going to be right up here or some people even like to do kind of a cross draw appendix okay I will tell you this there's national trainers out there that really love appendix carry personally in my opinion I don't like appendix carry if that's how you carry an you carry everyday and you like it fantastic do it for me one that when I carry appendix if I'm sitting it's pointing right at my body which I'm not a fan of you can still do it safely with training I just don't prefer that but most importantly it's super super uncomfortable for me I carry a larger full-size gun four inch barrel and that thing sticks right my grind when I sit down so I'm just not a fan of it but that doesn't mean it's not good whatever gets you to carry every day that's what we want now the next thing we're going to look at is the three o'clock position where you would see most law enforcement or people are going to be wearing it and more of a security type position whether outside the waistband and it keeps everything out here clear obviously not good for concealed carry typically because you have a bulky gun on your side now once we go around here you have where I'm carrying right now which is what we've considered a 4 or 4:30 position ok this is what I prefer mainly because I carry a larger gun and - I just find it very comfortable and I can do all the things I'm going to show you from the ground from seated whatever the case is I can access that weapon very quickly and it keeps the gun very comfortable I'm going to touch on the types of holsters based on where you're going to carry because an appendix holster can be a little different than say a whole search you're gonna carry at the 4 & 4 3 so we're going to cover all that in just a minute there is a couple positions that I would HIGHLY discourage you from and imma give you the reasons why the first one is what we call small of the back okay so if I remove my firearm here small the back obviously is what it sounds like right in the small of your back so they've done what fit right back here hey now clearly uh we always want to have a holster for safety reasons when I keep that trigger guard clear obviously that firearms been cleared and I just want to demonstrate where it is but let me tell you why and to be honest with you it's actually pretty comfortable back here and super easy to conceal let me tell you why I don't like this position okay first of all I do a lot of training a lot of Gracie Jiu Jitsu and I can tell you first hand that trying to access this gun and I'm going to show you in just a minute what I'm talking about is going to be nearly impossible but I want you to think about this if you are in a violent encounter it's not going to be a scenario where you're going to be gently lower to the ground there's a good possibility and get shoved down so think about this do you really want to get forced out of the ground with this piece of steel right in your spine I certainly don't but now let's look at this from the perspective of actually accessing the weapon should we be in that situation I'm on my back now and I see one hit push me down should be down pull me down from behind one of the cases and now I'm on the ground alright so here we are worst case scenario someone straddled me they're on top of me they're going to do some type of serious bodily harm stab me punch me whatever the case is the realistic option here that I'm going to get underneath now let's look down not just to my side but I'm trying to get underneath I got to get under my back get this gun out while I have someone bigger and heavier on top of me to try to access this is really a terrible idea do we have techniques to help with that sure we do but why would I want to do that if I go to even my 4 o'clock position it's far more accessible to be able to access that gun even if I have to move from sit up which I would want to do anyway for distance management but I've been able to access that much much better in anyway this is going to be a bad scenario but I want as many advantages like now you see this in a different angle without somebody had taught me but obviously you can imagine somebody's here once again I have to get my my pelvis up my lower body either get under here again while someone's trying to do harm to me very very difficult even if I sit up I can still access my four but getting back here is really difficult again with somebody on top of me so that's why I'm not a fan of small the back real quick the one that I'm totally I would actually rather you I can't blame the sanest I'd rather you not carry a gun at all then carry off body off body simply means it's in some type of bag purse murse satchel whatever you want to call it so think about this the whole purpose of a holster is to keep this gun oriented aligned and attached to you so that every time you need to get to it you can do so but in real life again you're not going to get attacked from 25 yards they're going to be up close and personal so now that I have this bag right right a gun in you seriously think that someone in my personal space I'm gonna get this bag open it up trying to get this gun out or somebody's here I mean are you kidding me the other thing is even if the bag as a tactical bag and has a holster in there where the gun is solid the bag is not solid it's moving around right so we got to get this bag around get it out not going to happen plus if we don't have a tactical holster we just have this in a holster of some sort let me put it in a bag now the gun can be oriented in any any orientation it pointed in any direction we're going to try to find it so that's ridiculous the biggest thing is this is actually a big danger because if someone's gonna take your purse or your bag or whatever who cares it's not worth your life you have a to them and move on but of course this time you kind of think about it from a criminals perspective they're gonna rip that open try to get your prescription drugs or your money or whatever the case is and take off well what happens now they open it up and they find a gun right not a good center best case you can wish for that case is that you just armed a criminal horse cases they now have a gun so I don't really want to find out where that happens what happens next right and then of course you're also more inclined you something stupid like to fight somebody over it and get really hurt because you know there's a gun there okay so I'm totally against off body carry that once you understand why ever look at types of holsters obviously these are completely different types of holsters they do a similar function but these are designed primarily for comfort in different positions so first and foremost this is your typical appendix type holster it's a very minimal holster it has a single clip what I'll tell you about these clips I'm not a fan of any clips on a holster I would much prefer loops because these clips can come undone but usually on appendix ulcers this is typically what you're going to find so the way this is going to work this is going to go inside where my appendix cure position would be clips onto my belt like that okay and then I would of course have my firearm right into the holster and that's pretty much where I would carry that for appendix and pull mature old and we have the hybrid or the pancake style holster is where you have to to loop the two clips and they're spaced apart and again this is more for my mode of carrying back here at the four o'clock position because it's a bulkier holster as far as overall length but it's designed to kind of contour to the body and dispense the weight with these two clips important thing about the standard type of Eclipse that you're going to find where this actually the belt goes through here and these are actually pretty decent because they got a little a little ledge there these clips are garbage at the end of Dan'l care who makes them eventually these are going to come out I always replace every holster with these loops whether there's a strap with a polymer Stipe or this is leather I don't really care but I like a type that goes all the way around the belt and snaps shut so that you don't end up pulling the whole rig out when you pull your gun out now we're going to go ahead and put one of these on if you haven't seen this done before I'm going to keep my shirt tucked in just so you can see how this is a going together here I also skip a loop so I off the side for you what works best for you but we're going to do these snaps real quick this will go inside your pants okay the let's go on the outside and then they snap shut from the bottom up just like so once we have that position where we want it go ahead and sense your pants back up okay now key thing this has got to be tight I'd rather you if you have if you're not using an island holster you want you have a leather holster with holes I'd rather you go to where it's tighter than looser okay might be long comfortable but be much more comfortable overall in carrying once I have that got the hard outer shell so I don't need two hands let's put it in there okay little look in my holster and there we go nice and tight sticks nice and tight to my body pull my shirt over we're good to go super important point here you want to make sure you get a quality gun belt a gun belt they don't sell it at Walmart or Nordstrom's or Macy's or whatever okay they saw them when they sell holsters so gun belt super important now here I am in my normal Riggle I'm going to do my little 360 here if if they're at some point there's a little bit that sticks out when I move or something I don't really care printing everyone he's all worried about printing printing printing let me tell you little balls in there could be a cell phone it could be anything and if anybody ever approached me and ever asked me no joke I would tell them straight up it's a colostomy bag mind your own business okay this from a seated position I could tell you right now being in this this little crappy lawn chair this is way tighter than any car I've been in to unless maybe you drive a smart car so this is very confined but maybe I'm in an office chair I don't know what the case is but the point is shooting from the seated position let's see what this looks like as I do with every single draw when I'm coming from concealment always a shooting hand first learn that the hard way from an instructor ten years ago I used to do the old with my reactive hand and pull out and they grabbed my hand and I said go go I know it's like wow so you'll eventually learn that using this to clear your garment is a far better way to go because if you do this normally and you got two hands great if you don't get used to pulling it so this one is gone you still have your your your firing hand but anyway so we're seated position same thing applying so I'm going to come up whether a five-minute car like a pulp with the steering wheel that's great or I'm going to sit forward wherever the case is take my hands at the same time they're moving together I draw up hold my gun out from this position we're going to do from the ground here again just like someone push me down wherever the case is or I fell down can I draw my gun up and shoot and we'll talk about a little variations that we can do from the ground okay so again go up pull my gun up key thing here I want to clear my leg so I'll keep my legs down they sit up okay now I can also from this position I can get a very stable base locking my elbow to the ground and using this for a very accurate okay if I need a sweet super important lie fire I don't want to cross my limbs so I can still shoot I have to but as I come over to this side obviously I'm shifting my legs okay I prefer to just come up that way I can cover whatever I need to cover and I don't have to worry about my limb the techniques that we use in jujitsu that I apply for this I want to keep my my muzzle forward because I may have more threats coming whatever the case is and obviously I want to get off the ground so what I'm going to do is what we call standing at base I'm gonna use my left hand here to plant on the ground as I keep my firearm I still have a sight picture got the whole nine yards I'm gonna bring this leg behind my arm okay the whole time I'm still got my muzzle forward and I'm getting up if you notice if you would have built a wall right in front of me I could have still gotten up because I'm not going forward I'm coming up and rising too straight onto my threat whatever you guys decide to do as far as appendix 3 o'clock 4 o'clock whatever the case is please guys when you pick a position stay consistent do it over and over and over if you want to carry backup guns and whatever the case is by all means do whatever you like but your primary weapon has always got to be in this location the same location each and every time so when things go south you just react I always say 500 times of repetitions of something before it becomes almost like second nature not to think about these things so again if you're going to carry back here stay consistent here's another quick tip these you can buy these shirts anywhere this is by Wrangler but these are super lightweight they actually are I'd rather wear this in a hot day than tshirt but they're just a short-sleeve button-down shirt they cover everything extremely well they'd write really well real breezy so they don't print even if you carry outside the waistband like I do for sometimes for security type stuff you can actually carry the entire gun completely concealed and nobody knows about and it's super super comfortable keeps you cool remember the reason we do consistency is cuz anything can happen any time you want to be ready
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,100,443
Rating: 4.8607883 out of 5
Keywords: concealed carry positions, best concealed carry positions, Geauga Firearms Academy, Firearms training in Ohio, Firearms training in Geauga county, Neil Nemetz, CCW, CCW techniques, How to shoot a pistol, How to shoot from your back, how to ccw, How to carry a pistol, How to clear malfunctions, Clear pistol malfunctions, Tactical firearms training, Shooting, Firearms training, Self defense, gun maintenance, shooting documentary, how to stop anticipation, martial shooting skills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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