Best Gun For Your 1st Gun & Ones To Stay Away From 2020 Edition

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it's in our nature to protect the ones we love to stand up to any danger to be strong and courageous to always be prepared to keep our family safe to be the first line of the [Music] born to protect [Music] what's up and welcome to the channel my name's tag shot and thank you for joining us today we're gonna be doing your best gun for your first gun and wants to stay away from 2020 edition our original video is almost four years old and with the entire pandemic and everything going on there are a lot of new shooters coming into the community which is awesome that's one of the good things that's coming out of this and hopefully we can help a lot of you guys out and just kind of give you an idea what to look for maybe some more information when you go into a gun shop and you're making your first purchase now one thing I want to say right off the bat that video that you've seen is not exclusive to new shooters that's experienced shooters concealed carrier's people that aren't gonna conceal carry they just own a gun if you ever have to pull your gun in self-defense somebody's gonna get charged and you want to make sure legal and financial protection you're covered okay there are all kinds of things that can happen civil suits and all kinds of things people will bail out or they will plea out but they can never own a gun again I mean this stuff is serious I mean this is the real deal should use that laying down the description box because those guys are awesome they don't reimburse you they're they're from you from day one and they will help support you they support us as well so there are an awesome company we've been with them since 2015 don't ignore that that should be one of the first things you're gonna do whenever you buy a gun make sure you leave a little bit in the budget for that so what we're gonna cover today obviously I can't tell you what your what's gonna be the best gun for every single person but we're gonna cover a broad range of firearms from your micro knives to your full-size nine and forty five the caliber debate reliability pretty much all these guns have been reliable for us so I'm not going to be you know telling you about some you know junky gun or anything like that pretty much all these guns are reliable and a lot of modern firearms are reliable safety is key so if you're a new shooter obviously keeping your finger off of the trigger knowing the four rules of safety is pertinent you have to know that you have to use that make sure you get a safe these kinds of things you have to you have to leave some room in the budget for these kinds of things because it's not just buying a gun and a mo okay things like you know which gun is best for me and why we're gonna cover things like that these guns are really I think that pistols are the best guns for new shooters shotguns and rifles are great but they limit you because you can't carry those guns everywhere with you like you can a pistol now of course you want to check your local and state laws depending on what you can do in your given state but pistols are great option because you can learn fundamentals of shooting and trigger control and sight control and things like that and also pretty much have it with you wherever you go within beside the legal limits of your state of course but it gives you a lot of different options home defense concealed carry down the road which we're gonna do a separate video all on its own but pistols are a great option and you need to learn the fundamentals of shooting before you even start thinking about carrying that's at least our opinion but what we found this week is that or these past couple weeks is that this is the most inclusive community you're ever gonna find there's no limit on who can own a right this is a human right and there's been so many people left right doesn't matter man this is for everybody so that's what's really cool about this man is there is no there's no gender boundaries or race boundaries this is for everyone which is which is really awesome my opinion I think so let's go ahead and get started we're gonna cover a lot here and we're gonna cover things like how the gun shoots and a rate each gun not every gun on the table but we're gonna lop some in together so you get an idea from one to ten one being the worst ten being the best and why each gun performs really well or doesn't perform so well mechanics and triggers and and sights and things like that and how good it plays into that specific role let's start with the micro guns now if you're buying let's say your first gun for your wife or your girlfriend or whatever the case may be you may see something like this oh this is this is awesome look at this tiny gun this thing is perfect for my for my wife she's small she has small hands this is the gun for her mrs. Oakshott can you tell them why this is not probably the best option for our first gun for the LCP - I just think it's not a good gun for the first gun just because it's very small which means it's very snappy which means it has a lot of recoil it's very painful to shoot and of course you know the sights are very small milled into the gun itself existant yeah so it's gonna be hard for you to even get your sight picture set in and of course the grip is really small so it's really hard to hold on to so it's you really have to have your fundamentals already memorized at this point before you get to something this small yeah that's a good point to be able to learn how to control the recoil and sight alignment and front sight and trigger control and all these kinds of things you have to think about as a new shooter this is not what you want to start out on not picking on the LCP - cuz that's a great carry gun but also the db9 again another awesome 9-millimeter and you may look at this and be like man it's small it's gonna have there's not much recoil it is the opposite because now you don't have nearly as much weight to soak up that recoil you have again a very small grip all these guns have been safety-checked as well though but you have a very small grip you have a very thin grip so as you can tell right there in the camera it's just it's super small and you're trying to learn all of these things on a tiny gun like this with a lot of recoil these guns are probably a 1 on the scale of best gun for your first gun I would stay away from all of your really micro types of guns bodyguards and even like the Glock 42 I got 42 pretty good I mean it's a decent sized 380 but even again you want something with a little more meat on its bones to definitely learn on there right so here's something we did not cover in the original video and that is revolvers so revolvers have been around for a long time they're super reliable and rugged and you can get all kinds of big calibers out of these that you'll never be able to get out of a semi-auto but these guns are not the best for the new shooter why they're very hard to shoot they're hard to shoot the sight picture especially most of the time even with target sights like what this one has you're not gonna be able to again those fundamentals and trigger control really throws a lot of people off it threw us off even when we were shooting this gun really heavy so they soaked up the recoil really well but you can get these things in some monster calibers man and and to me it's really about the mechanics on this gun and learning how to shoot this is not the best option for a new shooter at all I'd say because it soaks up weight and the recoil is pretty decent a lot of these especially like in 38 special I bump it up to like a 2 but then again I just I would not recommend something like a revolver for a first gun absolutely awesome gun but I would definitely get some more experience before yeah before you move to something like that you're gonna hear a lot of terms like compact and subcompact and micro and all these kinds of stuff keep in mind that compact and subcompact most of the time is the manufacturer giving you their they're compact and subcompact in relation to their lineup okay so you're even gonna hear me say that but keep in mind that they're just talking about ok if this is my compact or full size well this might be my subcompact then but I'm just talking about within my own line up here not there's no real general standard because even like what glock does is this is their compact pretty much this 2 pounds of metal and polymer it's a small full-size to me so compact and subcompact get thrown around a lot so keep that in mind but if we're going to the smaller compact type of firearms let's go to something like the HK vp9 SK alright 12 round mags it comes with 2 of them it's a German style so it has a different paddle release a lot of great features on this gun mystic shot what do you think about the hkv p9s I think it's a great gun it's got a wide grip so it's gonna be you know more for you to hold on to than something that's small it's got you know slide serrations on the front and the back it has amazing sights on it it has the coloured sight in the front so it's easier to pick up well these are the luminescence so when they get light on them they'll actually shine them really bright during the day these aren't night sights but they are luminous at sites yeah and of course you know it's larger in size so it's gonna you know soak up that recoil a lot better for you yeah and this one even has like features like if you have a weaker dexterity in your hands it has little polymer ears on the back of it so you can easily rack this gun and again it gives you a 12 round capacity so once you get your fun it's a decent gun to learn your fundamentals on it's there's not gonna be a whole lot of recoil let's go and cover calibre here 9 millimeter to me is the best now aside from ammo pocalypse is like what we're seeing now you can generally find 9-millimeter pretty readily it's cheap and it is a great defense round for sure 9-millimeter has made great advances in the past 20 years 30 years whatever it's been 40 and 45 to me or just 40 is way too snappy for a new shooter 45 is very expensive and it's also you don't want to be worried about recoil when you're trying to learn the fundamentals so 9 is a great round to start with and probably stick with I mean it's really great I love 45 - don't get me wrong but yeah this gun like said it gives you a lot but it also gives you the option to carry down the road now one cool thing about this gun is it has interchangeable grip panels so whereas most guns will give you the option for the back strap this one actually gives you options for the side strap too so you can really customize the gun to fit your hands again luminescent sights you can get night sights which i think is a great option one thing you definitely want to have is a new shooter on a gun like this because you're gonna probably going to be using it for home defense and range is the option to put a light or a laser on the gun ok that's very important especially for home defense but the HK lineup that's also going to lead you into guns like the cz p10 see another great option this one comes with night sights these things are priced really well too but it comes with nights I strengthened from the factory front and rear slide serrations an awesome grip grip panel in the back reversible magazine release there's so many great options with these guns that it gives you a lot now I would say you also have guns like the mmp-9 c12 rounds once again so you can see all of these guns are pretty much in the same size they're going to be like a compact in the lineup whatever respective lineup that may be so in Smith & Wesson the one above this is 15 rounds okay kind of like this one right here so you can see this is a compact this is a 45 by the way this is the 9 so we're going to take some pictures so you can see but you could obviously see difference the difference there okay so this is not really a compact in the big scheme of things and this isn't really a subcompact in the big scheme of things they're just talking about their lineup so don't be too lured by the whole compact subcompact thing because that can be very deceiving but this is this is going into one of their full-size guns as far as the like the HK the cz the MMP the Glock 26 now guns like this as far as rating I would say like the MMP like an 8 the HK and eight-and-a-half cz eight-and-a-half the Glock is pretty good but we'll get on we'll get to that here and more in a minute but those guns are going to offer you a lot generally the prices are pretty good on those too and you can get them a 9 mil so those are awesome options but those allow you to learn the fundamentals while still giving me the option to carry down the road if you would like to so that is a great size gun for your first gun so anywhere from an 8 to an 8 and a half on the smaller we'll call them the smaller compact size guns so now let's step it down a notch to like your single stacks like the Walther pp S or the MMP shield things like this or even the new shield easy so these guns our fantastic carry guns but where these guns are gonna like well I don't tell them mrs. hexa where are these guns really gonna like for your first gun so for for this gun that's gonna be harder to shoot because the grip is smaller the grip is not as wide so the recoil is gonna be more because there's less to hold on to for the same sized round right and I mean that that's the whole key to this and that doesn't mean that you can't learn on a gun like this it's just gonna be a lot harder for you to to learn all of these fundamentals the shield is an awesome gun and it's an awesome carry gun but it's more geared towards concealed carry than it is for a training or beginner type of gun again you can do it but you're talking about a lot of rounds and a lot of practice to get yourself good with something like this when you can bump up a little bit that in size that's going to give you more options it's not as easy to get a rail on this one because it doesn't have a spot for rail so there's certain stipulations and things you can do to mitigate that but it's about the size so you're starting to see a key feature here it's about the size when we're talking about these firearms because it makes it so much easier to get your fundamentals down and Plus it'll cover a wider range of of duties or applications I should say for what you're trying to do and Plus trying to take something like that to the range that's your only gun you're gonna eat they're going to need a lot of mags or you're gonna be doing a lot of reloading and and really that kind of hurts you too because you're trying to learn those fundamentals and then you you start to get good and then I'll I'm out after seven rounds now I got to reload again so it's just one of those things now you can bump up a little bit this is one of the new Hellcats this one actually does have a spot for a light as you can see I have this little PL Valkyrie 2 on here which is pretty cool but this gun has a lot of recoil too it has ten rounds which is awesome which is almost the same as like this bigger MMP but again the smaller size is going to have more recoil one of my favorite guns the p3 65 this is an amazing carry gun awesome sights on it you can really shoot this gun well with a lot of Pratt this but again it's you're gonna have some recoil with this gun and that's the last thing you want to be worried about as a new shooter you want to be able to learn those fundamentals it's so important to do that yeah and like you said a lot of practice a lot of practical out of practice and you may want to when you get your gun maybe go take a training course from a from a certified trainer somebody that can really teach you because I can tell you it took us thousands upon thousands upon thousands of rounds to really get to a point where I could say the word decent marksman and we still have a lot to learn I mean there's I want to start taking courses too and really knowing how to use my firearm under stress and different things like that so there's a lot that goes into this it's not just marksman shooting there's a difference between learning how to fight with your gun as opposed to just knowing how to shoot a target but you know again there's time for that and you know you can you can piece these things together to an extent if you will but things like the Kanak let's jump up to guns like obviously the teepee 9sf elite this is an awesome gun we haven't shot this gun in a while we need yeah we need to do that what a great gun and great price on this gun too but this is where you start getting into your smaller full-size type of guns this includes the Glock 19 which you're probably gonna hear a lot about pretty much everybody knows what a Glock is and these are gonna give you now 15 to 18 rounds more up to 33 in this case just depends on Mac compatibility guns to me are gonna be some of your best options as far as a grade on the smaller single stack so we forgot to do that but those are gonna be somewhere around a 4 to a 5 great carry guns and a lot of these are really great shooters but again not for your first gun I would say probably not the best gun for your first gun moving into the smaller full sizes this also includes the cz so you see the difference here between the czp 10 C and the C ZP 10s you see the difference between that this is a compact in their lineup and this is a subcompact well and then you have let's grab this which is a micro you can see the obvious difference there where this gun is gonna this is an awesome gonna shoot it really is I love that gun this gun is going to be one of the best training training guns on the planet it is reliable the price on these things are amazing the trigger is awesome the sights are great and you have a full grip on this gun and you can use that to your advantage full weight and capacity striker-fired is the way to go by the way double to single action firearms like the FNX 45 tactical that first round is going to be really long drawn-out subsequent shots are going to be really nice then you have to this whole thing to me it's kind of its kind of dated although I love this gun and I think these guns are awesome this is not a best personal look at this thing this thing is massive 15 rounds of 45 in your hand but this is just a lot of gun it's too much and also that doubled a single action I recommend striker fire guns it's a consistent pull each and every time and you can really learn your fundamentals a lot easier like that also another gun in that category probably our favorite handgun on this table is the sig Legion what an awesome sweet shooting gun but again that first round that first shot is gonna be double action and then your subsequent shots are gonna be a nice single action pull but that's a lot to get used to as a new shooter talking about these full-size guns you have guns like the Taurus g3 this is for more the budget-minded again striker-fired but a great shooting firearm this one's gonna be a little bit more limited and holsters and accessories and and aftermarket sights and things like that but still it's a good option for the budget-minded sights are horrible that yet the sights are not great on that gun but they're usable I actually like them better than the sights yeah I just do another gun and the line up this is my home defense gun right here so you can see I have a light this is the O light Balder RL we just did a review on this I have an optic is an optical good option on a first gun absolutely I mean use an iron sight you should know how to use iron sights but using a red dot just makes things so much easier if you have older eyes and and I don't have old eyes but I have bad this helps me out a lot man and just learning again the fundamentals of shooting this makes the job so much easier and just get into the range and getting and just learning this stuff man because it takes so much man we started this channel we didn't know jack squat about shooting a pistol honestly and now I feel yeah we yeah we thought we didn't we put on camera for everybody to see but that was the whole idea behind it to show people the the progression of new shooters on our very own with some help from the internet and some tips from from guys right here on YouTube that I owe a lot to to be honest with you but the P 320 is a great option again it's about the size as the MMP compact here it's about the same size as the Glock 19 and the canik tp9 SF and the cz P 10 C so this is a compact in their line this is a compact in their line and you may be thinking compact man I can get 15 rounds I could probably carry this gun I mean this is over 2 pounds it's loaded up it's just too much again we're not talking about carry home defense and range the most important thing is learning the fundamentals the mechanics of the gun the battery of arms how this thing actually works and drop it the mag there's so much that goes into this but I hope that this video keep points on the right direction a little side note the Ruger 57 this is a awesome gun to shoot but the ammo for this gun is stupid expensive you have to be able to buy a bunch of ammo now is a bad time but it's gonna come back but this is a bad gun to try to learn the fundamentals on because every shot is like 60 cent and that mean not sound a lot but when you shoot a lot that is a lot so that's a bad gun to try to learn on a very expensive gun so you see the different subsections of guns these right here your compacts like your Glock 19 your MFP your P 320 these guns are gonna be like a 9 to a 9 and a half on the scale probably a 10 because we're doing the best gun for your first gun we've shown you what the best subsection of gun is which are these compact small small full-sized guns I'll say but guns like the Glock I hate the sights on the Glock the grip is really wide and bulky the grip angle you could learn all these sayings so I'm just kind of complaining but just to give you an idea a gun like this okay if we're just talking about the Glock 19 I'd call it like in 8 and a half but if I gave you a gun like the cz P 10 see the grip angle is much much more natural to me I'm a better shooter with this gun I like the sights way more and I like to trigger more I'd give this one like a nine and a half if we're talking about the P 320 where I like the trigger on this gun I love the this one actually comes with a red dot on top love love love the P 320 in the way it feels in my hand this is an even act more natural gun for me I'd actually give this one a 9 and a half no qualms about it the M&P this is more of a budget type of firearm but lifetime warranty and Smith & Wesson just makes awesome firearms I would give this one an eight and a half to a nine because this one has a a pretty good trigger not as good as the P 320 but awesome grip texturing although it's kind of rough from ASEC shot doesn't doesn't enjoy shooting it as much with that rougher grip texture but it's great when you're out of the range and you're sweating and things like that but this is an awesome gun so in the subsection of a smaller full-sized guns Glock is probably my least favorite P 320 and the cz or my favorite Emma P coming in a close second or third however you want to look at it the cannon again another budget-friendly type of firearm this gun is absolutely awesome I'm not as huge the sites all day they are kind of cool not a huge fan of them but this gun I would give it like seven and a half two and eight this is actually a really awesome gun and they're very reliable so that's how we would grade those guns inside of this again it just comes to you know trigger control mechanics and how you do with the gun in your hands so I can't tell you everything but even the Taurus III budget-friendly this gun I would give all day long I would give it like a seven and a half inside of the small full-size guns and the only reason I say that is because I haven't shot enough rounds to Taurus to definitively say that I would trust my life to this gun all the features and stuff not the biggest fan of the sights but this gun is actually a great shooting gun and more and more rounds as we put more and more rounds and it turns out to be reliable I would grade that gun a bit higher the grip texturing and everything on that gun is fantastic so grading like let's say you're like listen Hank shot I know I want to carry a gun I know I can't carry some of these bigger full-size guns what about your single stags and the guns like you that you shown there I'd say my favorite has to be the P through 65 for obvious reasons it gives you 10 plus 1 capacity the grip texturing is amazing sights are the best I've ever used on any pistol so if you want to go that route in that subsection I'd give that gun a 9 and a half out of 10 almost a 10 some people have had some issues with these in the beginning but those guns have turned out to be solid guns like the Hellcat I would give this one probably an 8 you'd probably grade it lower mystic shot doesn't really like this gun but I think it's actually a really good gun eleven plus one capacity I have a little gun like that that's impressive not as good as a shooter as a p3 65 the shield and the PPS both of those ID equal Lee give those eight to eight and a half yeah those are really good guns but again not the best gun for the first gun and then if we're going over to the small subcompact type of guns like your HK or your cz HK and the cz man I would get both these guys nine and a half in their respective category I'd give them a nine and a half each because these guns are just fantastic the MMP would be right behind it an eight and a half to nine and those guns are just they're really good but they're not as good to learn the fundamentals on which is why I graded them lower so I'm kind of doing a grade age section so I'm kind of doing the the section grade and then the subsection grades within the section yeah you know because if you say hey I I absolutely want to have a smaller gun to carry down the road and you don't want to buy something like this right off the bat then you know at least you have an idea of where I feel about these guns inside of their respective subsection so now we do have the issue of safety or no safety and I'm talking about manual safety so obviously the biggest safety on any gun is in between your eyes okay you have to be very smart and safe with each and every firearm treated as it's loaded and the rules of safety are just you have to follow them that's not an exception okay but what I'm talking about is the manual safety so like on this Taurus g3 here it has a manual safety this is really one of the few guns that actually only comes with the manual safety now I find that a lot of new shooters absolutely want a manual safety but once you once you understand that by keeping my finger off of the trigger guns like this are designed to be most modern guns are designed to be loaded with a round in the chamber ready to go and the reason for that is because of stress and what that can do to your motor skills your fine motor skills and understanding that there's a bad guy that's coming to attack you and now you have to make that decision and the last thing you want to be fumbling with is a safety so if you have a safety on your firearm each and every time you take it to the range you want to practice having that thing on and sweeping it off having it on sweeping it off so you get that repetitive action down pat I personally we do not like safeties is especially on our home defense and carry guns and things like that there's a difference between keeping it in a safe place away from your kids and people that you don't want to have access to it you you have to do that but you don't want to be fumbling around with a safety learn to keep your finger off of the trigger until you're ready to fire and there should be no issues but you know safeties are one of those things that a lot of new people are gonna want but you're gonna find most of most modern striker fire guns don't come with safeties at all so you'll have to kind of get used to that but there are some options if you want to go with like the mmp-9 subcompact or compacts those have options for with or without safety manual safeties and again the Taurus g3 the shield and a couple others come with an option with or without a safety but the main reason we're making this video is because we've noticed that there are a lot of new shooters and that that's amazing and that's what we want right wanted to let everybody know what they should be starting out with and not going with what everybody's telling you like you're gonna go to the store to get a gun and they're gonna offer you like he said oh I want to go in there and my wife's gonna love this small gun and they're probably gonna sell it to you because they want to make money but the thing is what's best for you as a new shooter is probably not what they're gonna offer you so we just wanted to let you know that because from when we first started we started on these smaller concealed carry guns and we had to practice and practice and practice nobody told us that we should have gone with one of these larger sized guns practiced and gotten better with them first before we went to something you know for concealed carry yeah because those are two totally different worlds when you're talking about strictly one of the smaller concealed carry guns again it goes back to the battery of arms and and and working the firearm and getting those fundamentals down on such a small gun is really hard to do man and it takes a long time to get good with one of those these guns these fifteen to eighteen round guns are absolutely perfect now this is not the entire gamut of firearms that you're going to find in a gun store not even close but this gives you a good representation of the different section and subsections of firearms and how we rate them and how we like them we give them a lot to think on and some more information anything else you want to add to this video if you have any more questions or whatever leave them down below and if I can't answer it one of our community members here will so thank you for watching we'll see in the next one and as always hold them down you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 953,977
Rating: 4.6890688 out of 5
Keywords: best gun for my first gun, best handgun for first one, best pistol for first pistol, best pistol for beginners, best first gun
Id: zb5Vmb6CwU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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