Five Things to Have for Concealed Carry.

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For context as to his experiences with law enforcement and when he had to shoot someone, Someone drove through the campfire where he and his wife were sitting, then circled around and drove at his wife. Paul shot the driver. His points about calling first, documenting the scene immediately, and having a lawyer are all directly influenced by that incident.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/garfipus 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh Paul, you are the Bob Ross of the gun world...

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/TheMysticChaos 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can you give me a TLDR? Gun-vids are a no-no at the office.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Konraden 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

I have no idea what Paul's politics are, but I love his pragmatism and lack of hyperbole.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/theblackdane 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Where does this guy live and what does he do that he's had to show his gun so often?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/FlamDukke 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

You know what. .. I want to thank you for posting this.

It was informative, yeah. I enjoyed it. But even more so, I went to his youtube and watched some of his other videos.. and they are GREAT. Just practical no-nonsense takes on guns and situations. Just watched his top five guns for home defense and the end tips where he talks about how someone will buy a $800 gun, $40 box of ammo, and then not buy a $5 package of batteries for their smoke protector was great.

So again, thanks. Not just for this video, but for pointing this guy out to me so I can subscribe and watch his other videos.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Kunkoh 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm ridiculously aware of speech impediments (particularly in YouTube videos and podcasts), and I sure can't detect one on this guy. Glad to find out he was kidding.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/alejo699 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi today I'm going to do something that I really don't like doing and that is a presentation where all I do is sit here in the AK there's lots of people that do that and I really don't care too but I've got some stuff that I think can be useful to a lot of people so I want to get it out there and fair warning all I'm going to do is sit here and yak and you're going to have to put up with my speech impediment and my shatner asked pauses and so please bear with me also this comes with the caveat of everything I'm going to tell you is just my opinion and I do not make any claim my opinion has its origin in the mind of greatness my opinions are based on my education and experience different people have different experiences so different people have different opinions I would tell you though that anytime someone tells you that their opinion does have its origin in the mind of greatness you should be very incredulous to that anytime someone seeks to educate you and claim that their opinion is sagacious you should ask them why one of my favorite questions is based on what and you should ask those questions hopefully today I'm going to give you enough background that you won't need to ask me those questions so all that being said let's get started what we're talking about today is the top five things that you should be carrying if you're going to do concealed carry the first one isn't even on the list of five but the first one is your permit most places require that if you're going to carry a concealed firearm you have a permit and that you have it on you and you should make sure you do that now let's get to our top five first your gun and a reasonable amount of ammunition well some people might think that goes without saying but I want to get that out there your gun and a reasonable amount of ammunition what's a reasonable amount of ammunition well to answer that you got to ask the question how many rounds does someone typically fire in a is an involved shooting and the problem is that accurate statistics on that are extremely difficult to get statistics easy accurate statistics very difficult let me tell you a couple of anecdotes that I think will illustrate my point this first one to tell it in a way that would really make sense would take about 15 minutes in a minute try to condense it to about three so bear with me I was with two other people throughout the middle of nowhere sitting in lawn chairs next to the pickup and this is a place where it's typical that people are hunting varmints or shooting so when I saw approximately five people that were armed about 400 meters away it was not in any way a cause for alarm well I see them they disappear into the flora and about one minute later bullets start whizzing past us now you might think at this point what it sounds like a hunting accident no if I told you the 15 minute version of this it makes it very clear that these people were intentionally shooting at us but anyway they shot at us two of us we run to the only cover we have behind the pickup while the third guy that's with us he's standing out there oblivious to what's going on now I'm going to change his name as I don't want to embarrass him but what I said to him was hey Joe you better get down we're taking fire those are my exact words and exactly how I said it in the interest of decorum I can't tell you the exact words of his reply but it was basically get lost okay whatever so we're hiding I'm trying to look over the pickup see what's going on a few more rounds go by and Jill realizes oh he is in fact getting fired at and he runs behind the pickup with us a few more rounds go by and then the firing stops and then about a minute later I see them at a great distance leaing the scene what does that have to do with how many rounds somebody fires well now a few years later when this subject comes up and it rarely does but when it comes up Joe's version of events is that it didn't even happen that he wasn't there he has no idea what anybody's even talking about and when you then get him to admit that yeah you were there his version of events is oh yeah a couple of guys at a great distance had a negligent discharge in one or two rounds flew by us hi why is that his version because he's really embarrassed he touts himself as some kind of commando but when the shooting started he didn't even notice and when I was telling him that he was still in denial and when he finally realized what was going on he panicked and dropped his gun and ran and he is extremely embarrassed about that so he feels the need to really play down what happened so here you've got three people one will tell you it was one or two rounds I'll tell you it was 15 or 20 the other man that was there he'll tell you it was 40 or 50 accurate statistics are very hard to get and you might think well that doesn't really count what about a genuine lead police documented shooting okay well I've been in one of those and I can tell you that depending on which witness statement you read which forensic report you read in which police report you read in which newspaper article you read I fired anywhere from 2 to 20 shots the real number is a little bit different and I could bore you for an hour with anecdotes like this of things that I have personally experienced accurate statistics on how many rounds someone fires in a citizen involved shooting are extremely difficult to get but from what I can piece together from reports that I consider credible and what I personally seen numbers like three or four shots that is a pretty pre accurate estimate so what's a reasonable amount of ammunition I'd tell you if you carry a typical concealed carry gun like at this five-shot revolver care loaded one extra speedloader you're good a small auto loader like this Smith & Wesson er this Ruger the both hold six plus one carry it loaded plus one extra magazine I think that's very reasonable in the days when my main carry gun was a steyr GB now this is nine-millimeter with an 18 shot magazine I never carried an extra magazine there are people that will argue that regardless of the magazine capacity you should carry an extra magazine even if you have something like this FN five-seven with a 20 shot mag you should carry an extra magazine because mishaps occur and you might drop your mag reaching for your spare is a lot easier than picking that one above the ground they will cite things like you might have a catastrophic malfunction that you have to take the magazine out to clear it and you might drop that magazine and reaching for your spare is a lot easier than picking that one up off the ground especially if it's dark or if you're running and there's some validity to that argument so there's some pluses and minuses on both sides what what I would tell you is bottom line gun and a reasonable amount of ammunition and what is reasonable no one can decide that for you except you second thing I'd tell you is a cellular phone well that many people think that should go without saying to a cellular phone is extremely important you must have one and you must use it immediately the thing you've got going on here is it's a very common phenomena that a criminal will try to commit a crime it doesn't really work out the way he wanted it to so he will then call 911 report that he was the victim of the crime he was actually trying to commit I have seen this many times it's something my attorney calls the race to the courthouse I have seen police officers laugh about this on several occasions ha ha ha whoever calls 911 first wins and they will talk about how dumb it is that criminals try to get away with this the sad thing is I have on several occasions seen the police act on that again let me tell you a couple of anecdotes to illustrate my point when I was a kid and I mean a child I was walking down the street when a gang of thugs decided to be fun to try to victimize me so their leader comes up and he says hey kid how about I kick your ass no please leave me alone come on kid and he showed me let's fight no please leave me alone just let me go by and I'm standing there with my hands in my pockets now this guy was you know much bigger and much older and and could have beat me up pretty easily but just in case he did have three thugs back him up and as I'm standing there with my hands in my pockets and he said no kid how about a kicker and I'm a stim back in those days it was mace not pepper spray well he ran away screaming and crying and I made a hasty tactical withdrawal from the area and went to call the police now remember this is when I was a little kid so it was before carrying cellular phones was something that everybody did problem is my route to a phone and their route to a phone mine was a little longer and they ran and called 911 and reported that they'd just been standing there and I came up and attacked them then the police came out and tried to figure about 11 different ways that they could come up with a crime to charge me with well it didn't work because the scenario that I went up and attacked them was ridiculous and there were some witnesses so it didn't work but it was successful in that it kept the criminals from being prosecuted because the police seeking to some reason that they could avoid doing anything just took the tact of well it's one person's word against another we can't figured out everybody shut up at the home in another situation I was in where I actually had to shoot very similar thing now sell your phones of course existed at the time but I was in a place where there was no cell signal but the perpetrators were able to flee the scene and get to some kind of communication before I could and so the police are called they're on their way good all right a police officer shows up takes charge of the situation okay you stay over here you get over there but shut up and sit down and he's trying to figure out what's going on couple minutes later police officer number two shows up number two asks number one who called 9-1-1 11:12 aidid over there so police officer number two sticks his gun in my face yes that's what happened my point is you must carry a cellular phone and you must use it immediately now let's not be stupid I'm not saying you should be shooting with one hand while you're down here talking to police with the other that's not what I'm saying but you must call 911 atomies where they'll teach this come up fire come to the low ready scan the area holster no come up fire come to the low ready reach for your phone obviously I'm being hyperbolic but you get the point you must use that phone immediately now let me give you a hypothetical I actually live about three blocks from an ATM if I were at the ATM and someone showed me a knife and demanded my money and I showed him a gun and defuse the situation that's actually a fairly common thing in reality the chances that you'll ever have to shoot a very slim the chances that you'll have to show a gun to defuse a situation are by comparison significant but in that hypothetical what you can count on happening is that criminal is going to go away when you show him her gun and he's going to run around the corner and call 9-1-1 and report that he just asked you what time it was and pulled a gun on as we're in that situation since I only live about three blocks from the ATM I might think I should get out of here go home call 9-1-1 from the safety of my home no you don't have the minute and a half it takes to do that by then he's already called nine one one and you have fled the scene you must carry a phone and use it immediately number three a camera now luckily these days most cellular phones have cameras in them if yours doesn't get rid of it and get one that has a camera you must document that scene and again I'm not saying that you should shoot with one hand while you're trying to take pictures with the other imagine how embarrassing that would be if you got confused and tried to shoot with your phone and take a selfie with your gun but I'm saying as soon as it's reasonably safe you must document the scene sadly crime scene photos don't only show what you want them to show and sometimes official crime scene photos get lost you have to document it and when you do something I tell you is take photographs of the license plates of cars in the area so you can at least to some extent document who and what was there I'd also tell you that as soon as you take those photos you text them to somebody else so that they're gone out of your phone and they can't be a point at any other time where your cellular phone gets confiscated and oops those photos accidentally got deleted camera very important now at this point it sounds like I've spent the last 15 minutes just trashing on the police and that is not what I'm trying to do the police represent themselves as highly trained professionals and for the most part they are but I am Telling You that my opinions are based on seeing and experiencing and dealing with these things again and again and again so take it for what it's worth now the fourth thing I'd tell you that you must carry is a flashlight and I'm not talking about some four D cell maglite I'm talking about a small flashlight that you can fit in your pocket now the debate comes up what about a flashlight mounted on your firearm those can be a good idea but I would tell you to carry one mounted on your firearm in addition to a handheld not instead of a handheld and your handheld should be small enough that you can fit it in your pocket and should have the button on the back or some other place where you can activate it easily with one hand while you're holding it in this position and the reason I advocate a handheld flashlight let me give you a hypothetical you come out of the restaurant it's dark you go to your parked car which is parked right next to somebody else's car in a dark parking lot and as you get there you see somebody crouched between the two cars you can pull out your flashlight while keeping your gun down in an unobtrusive non-threatening place and you can say what are you doing the response you're probably going to get is someone's going to say I'm looking for my keys can you shine that light a little more to the left problem solved if you point your gun at somebody with your gun mounted flashlight you have in the state that I live in committed the crime of pointing a firearm at another person obviously there's exceptions to that like the other person's trying to kill you but you see what I mean and you don't need to point your gun at everybody and you might be committing a crime it could do and a handheld flashlight can prevent that and in all reality if you have your gun down here and your flashlight up here you know doing that just doesn't take very long and you can do it if you need to I would tell you a gun mounted flashlight is a good idea in addition to a handheld the fifth thing I'd tell you is you should have several of your attorneys business cards on you now right now some of you were thinking well why don't you just program attorneys number into your cellular phone that you're supposed to carry that is a great idea but that's not what I'm talking about the purpose of the business card is to hand it to a police officer and say I will make a full statement when my attorney is present and then shut up and again I could go on for an hour just about that topic but I think the point speaks for itself I would also tell you that you should have an attorney on retainer and what I mean is you've actually paid your attorney an amount of money that's held on account for you so that when you call him up and you say I need your help right now he's already got money in the bank he's already on the clock he doesn't have to worry about whether or not he's going to get paid and you don't have to worry about whether or not you're going to pay him problem is a retainer is quite often something to the effect of five thousand ten thousand twenty-five thousand dollars and I know it's very easy for me to sit here and say oh sure have an attorney on retainer not so easy to do watch how easy this is to say 1 million dollars Wow that was easy to say but it's not so easy to pull out your checkbook write a check for $10,000 and say there you go hold on to that for me not like I got anything better to do with that money but if you can do it do it and even if you can't at least spend the hundred dollars to go in and have a face-to-face with a criminal defense attorney so he knows who you are you know who who he is and you could have some kind of working relationship and then carry several of his business cards in your wallet so to recap gun in a reasonable amount of ammunition cellular phone camera flashlight several of your attorneys business cards and of course it goes without saying your permit so all that having been said if you have sat through this entire thing thank you for your patience and thanks for watching the five things you should carry if you're going to carry video you
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 1,288,929
Rating: 4.9223452 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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