Concealed Pocket Carry

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Hey Hickok 45 here now I don't really appear to be behaving in a threatening manner do I in any way no I wasn't but that guy had an 8k he was bringing into action and just demonstrated something we'll talk about a little bit later in this video we're going to talk about pocket carry legal pocket carry today I know we've been promising you we do some more on the legal Carrick and have been a little bit remiss so many guns so much fun to have we've we've not gotten back to it so we're going to do a little bit today I'm going to give you some of my experiences with pocket carry some guns I'm very familiar with that I own we own and give you some tips you know this is not going to be everything you ever wanted to know about pocket carry but at least most of what I know and then we'll do some later things on to perhaps so a couple of really important factors to begin with the pocket and in the gun which gun which pocket and those things we've got to really talk about and of course the legalities carry legally or don't carry you know there are a lot of places I can't carry again because of my profession I don't you know I can't carry it's that simple other than I going to weekend or in summer carry and you're kind of looking at my summer dress you know my attire shorts and a t-shirt and that makes this feasible you know because I'm not working I'm on vacation for about three months and so it's an option for me because it's perfectly legal there are millions of people in the country who are exercising the right to carry and of course pocket carry so if you ever wondered why you walk into a gun shop and there are sometimes hundreds of these little guns of various types if you're kind of new to this genre of gun or the concept of pocket carry or maybe you're an anti-gun person you just kind of stumbled in on this and are astonished that anybody would carry a gun in his or her pocket or purse or whatever sorry there are millions of us there that do that occasionally and maybe one of them will save your life someday you're sitting in McDonald's some crazed lunatic comes in there so who knows but anyway just some basics there make sure you're legal always I'm too old to go to jail you might be too young to go to jail you don't want to be sitting in prison with Bubba as your cellmate so back to the pocket you need to have a pocket that is devoted to the firearm and nothing else in there three pounds of keys and change and all that I'm gonna put this one back in there there's nothing in there except except that pm9 in that pocket holster okay now we can talk a lot about printing and that kind of thing there's nothing illegal about printing generally in most vicinities but you still don't want to print necessarily and that depends on your situation of course and also is a major factor in what pants you choose and which gun you choose which holster you choose and that kind of thing most people in Tennessee we you know we're not paranoid about printing but we don't necessarily want to print you know that's just the kind of thing I mean a lot of people carry open you know openly you know in this country but still even though it's not Italy gather not print if possible uh again I don't know everything there is to know about this but you know the ten years I was working the police department i pocket carried as a backup firearm through my sidearm I had a Glock and I would pocket carry quite often a little Mustang 380 you know this was in the 90s else this is the days before the LCP and the car p38 II and a lot of these other wonderful little guns or I carry a jframe Smith & Wesson 38 special you know when you're in police work it's even more important I think to have a backup gun you know to your sidearm to your belt gun and most police you know maybe I should double-check but most did have a backup gun they bring some have to but so I have some experience there the end of course is a legal permit owner for another 10 or 12 years so the pocket you want to keep it clear if you're going to pocket carry an important part of this is picking your pants around now this is just some shorts I you know typical of what I wear in the summer and these were actually long pants and I found them at Bass Pro I think and I zipped off the the leg because I like the pocket so if you're going to use that type of carry ever even if it's just periodically but you know there are going to be some times when you're going to use that pocket for a little pm9 or whatever you have you test the pockets before you buy shorts before you buy pants you know whatever your situation is and whenever you can carry legally if you know you're going to be wearing this pants where the cargo their slacks or shorts or whatever it is jeans test the pocket just see what kind of pocket you when I'm shopping for for cargo shorts I'll stick my hand in the pockets just kind of see what where they lock them I don't like little shallow baby pockets anyway I never have and so that makes a little bit of difference I think and so I buy shorts based on that to a large extent and one thing I want to show you now that's a pm9 car you may not be familiar with all these guns this is not going to turn this into like a multi gun video where we go into a lot of depth and all these all these guns are hot I will say that okay because we're going to shoot them we're going to go through insert and just show you early on here that all of these can work as a pocket carry if you have the right pocket now you've got some jeans that fit kind of tight there and most of these won't work but I'll just show you what it looks like this is a Glock 27 it's hot okay this is a DeSantis holster it's a you know covers a trigger guard that's that's one of the basics you want your trigger guard covered has kind of a hook on it to hang up when you pull it out usually that works you got to be prepared for it not working of course and they'll be ready to flip it off with the other hand the off hand or your thumb very quickly but generally they work let me show you this is a Glock 27 baby Glock not a gun that most people are going to carry pocket carry you know not meaning but just to show you you know if you really wanted to you know pair shorts like this with a good size pocket you could do it you know yeah I can feel the weight of it but yeah you could do it and the advantage of it is you got a serious gun so I'm gonna get a cup of chocolate in here I'll shoot you well they're holding the other gun but you know the Glock 27 is like one of my favorites and I can general shoot it really well but that's a big gun that's a gun that I would feel comfortable taking into to combat if I were in the military today and they say okay you've got to carry you the Beretta the m9 or this I'll choose this okay because it's just it's a big gun it shoots well it handles bigger magazines if you need them and you've got a combat weapon they're you know quote unquote combat that you could actually pocket carry if you wanted to if you've got the right pocket you know I mean out of a guy who carries a Glock 23 down here in a cargo pocket like that I mean I knew it and yeah I mean you can do that now that hits against my knee so I don't I don't like carrying in the cargo pocket with cargo pants I sort of think I really prefer it right here in the front pocket because it just flops around down there just a tip if you're buying cargo pants thinking all I big pocket would be great maybe so but I like it right here it's just it's just so much better you know and it's it's accessible you're ready to go okay so that's the DeSantis holster again that holster relies on again the hook primarily you know to hook that on your pants as it comes out keeps the whole string if you should pull that out and come out with the gun you got to be ready to get rid of you boom boom and go on with your with your business there okay these are nice little holsters are cheap and they work they work they rely on that hook pretty much to to do the job let's move on to another one here here's a classic that one's hot to 6:42 jframe more please more citizens probably carry and have carried that gun than any other single gun on the planet little 5 shot jframe 38 special and that's a kramer holster I've had that rig mine gosh 20 years maybe I carried that a lot when as a backup when I was working with the police and it doesn't really have the hook but it worked ok let's look at this one that's a jframe if you like revolvers that you just know that's what you want you don't want to deal with a pocket carry of an automatic simulator of any kind now these things work pull them out it's something back there but they feel good that most people very reliable they're going to work we got gunner running around with you keeping on him he's a little crazy did you buy know that that's a viable option not not necessarily small with a cylinder you get a little extra thickness there generally but the leading 5 most most pockets not not as heavy that gun is nice heavy as the Glock 27 it's an airway it's pretty light it's got a little bit of thickness but it's light and and it just pulls well its revolver and you know you just got a nice double action pull on them so that that's always a recommended gun if it will fit your purpose your pocket in your hand and everything if you like revolver in my pocket yeah that's the objective to leave the holster in the pocket when you pull it out I always want to cover that trigger guard alright again if you're new to this this might appear a little dangerous but as with kind of holster it covers your trigger guard you know you know you're okay these fingers should not being a trigger guard anyway so it allows you to pick up that gun finger straight you can't get it in there if you want to this is the the lc9 that you've seen it works as well and now this holster I think is actually for the fee and nine I'm not sure I didn't really have a holster for that four pocket carry now that's a gun a lot of people are interested in a lot of people are buying just let's show you that one it's a little bigger than the PM 9 but you know as we're kind of coming up the scale we went from the Glock baby Glock to the 640 to the jframe this I kind of consider the next size maybe down actually bigger in some ways yeah maybe not it's a little bit thinner than the revolver and it would work too it's it's a little bit on the large side the guns I'm showing you right now are a little bit on the large size okay for poor care yeah we got gunner to do it I'm just going to shoot over this way take a couple shots in the burn barrel maybe gotas going to run down the bullets so so that one would work too if it's not too too large for you for me it's a little big but it would work it would work so these three guns I put into that category of yes they're okay and you know you've got five shots with the 38 you got the seven eight or nine P know how many putting a mag there maybe even ten with that Glock 27 or Glock 26 and then with the LC 9 you've got well you got six or seven rounds there nine millimeter those are all pretty significant firearms they really are off and they all will carry if you've got a pretty deep pocket and the pants you're wearing are fairly a little baggy little loose like these are a little loose again you're getting some really tight pants you've got some problems if you think you want a pocket carry you know what anything it just really fits you tightly anyway you look like pleats are kind of loose loose fitting now moving down a little bit smaller is the PM 9 you know I like the PM 9 that's one of my my favorite so I did take a couple shots with that but we have a hook-up ball around there this one is a really nice compromise when we get down to this size you're you're starting to cook here I think cooking with gas this is a size I kind of like it it might be a little large for some outfits but generally it works it's one you might want to trot alright let's put that in there alright that's what I opened up with and it works really well let's double check ok Gunners back there in the yard I'm gonna go again it's all part of being safe knowing where everybody is and all that well the advantage of this holster is you've got the little ear on it and what you can do is put your hand in the holster you can have your thumb on that and now I just broke it loose you couldn't see it but I broke it loose that holster has a hook on it but it's definitely not going to come out because I don't even have to hook it now it's loose right there works works beautifully by the way that's Alabama holster company that comes right out if you're not careful you don't hook it okay so this is a nice option notice I'm being careful when I slip the gun back in it once the trigger guard is covered you're good but I want to be careful with that this gun is a little thinner than the others I've experimented with maybe the lc9 may be similar this one's a little smaller little wider and it's a nine-millimeter so you're still and pretty good caliber range there you know the next step down is the 380 I mean the way I look at it this is about as small as you can go and still carry a nine-millimeter I'm not aware of a nine that's smaller than this one really that's easy to shoot pretty well all right so the PM 9 is that's one reason it's so popular and now there's the CM 9 a little less money and I understand it works really well too but that is a really nice size now there me I'm not selling car firearms I don't even get teeny guns from them I even contact them to do that ought to I guess but there I like them and I've not found one there might be something that's that's even better I said encounter two yet I do keep track of these things pretty well but as far as the PM 9 or the CM 9 that size because they're the same gun basically in a 9 millimeter that's about as small as you can get in a gun in that caliber that you can shoot well so if you work with it at all so that's a wonderful choice and again you got the hook on that holster and you also had the thumb the hook and the thumb push you know work really well that's a couple of ways that these holsters work you got the hook on the DeSantis and that's another Alabama holster there again I'm not selling those either there may be some other nice Kydex holsters like those I'm just not aware of yet but I did find those and I liked them there's another before I go to the 380s there's a couple of others here I'm bad about not showing people have sent me or given me this is the Remora now I've got some others I think I'll have a smaller one I couldn't put my hands on them these rely on friction pretty much and Garner back there playing with his toys squeeze and this one is a sticky sticky holsters yeah there are made in Florida I think actually made in USA but I was in a gun shop in nashville eastside gun shop and bill just gave me one of these not told him I was going to be doing some more concealed carry and pocket holster stuff and so he threw that at me and said you know show that that is one of the if I want to this is one of the the same same type Remora they're very a lot friction involved there's a rubbery and so when you put something in those I think I got yeah oh my be showing the pm9 so he gave me one for the pm9 and fits really well and it doesn't have much of a hook on it it's it's the friction issue so I pull that gun out you know it wants to stay in there because it's kind of grabbing my pants it's just yeah very rubbery and this one's the same way now this is a bigger holster for a bigger gun but it's the same concept when you put that in your pocket it it just wants to stay in there because you know it just in fact they're quite hard to get out because they grab everything so that's another concept you have a holster that has so much friction that it stays in there okay and these both of these also because of that they're designed to to be used as inside the waistband which we're not going to talk too much update but you can stick them in there either one of them the Remora or the sticky holster kind of like that sticky holster it's hard to get in but it stays in there when you pull the gun out you know it's see it's kind of hard to even get out so designed to be used without a flap or a hook or anything so they're both the purpose holsters but there were more in the sticky interesting gun this is one that the fellas I was again got in a conversation about this up at the Tennessee gun country and Clarksville Matthew Geisel I think he pronounces that he makes this little oh this is for the LC P which I've not fired yet and it's design let me take this this one this is P 380 a car is designed for the LCP but without the plate on the bottom and also I have Italian grips on that gun and it's almost impossible it's impossible to get this gun and without struggling a little bit because it doesn't fits well but its design you stick the gun down in it it's just again some of the stuff I happen to have or run across or someone threw at me I want to show you some different concepts but the gun fits down in there you can see down in the groove and yeah I think it sticks out a bat like that it's designed to be in that little wallet and then you stick your finger through there to hold and then you stick your finger in there to pull the trigger and you stick that in your back pocket side pocket whatever you want that's the way that's designed to be used I'm not sure I'm a big fan of having the trigger even that accessible but but that's why that's a sign of the use kind of a wallet and it has to be open like that as I understand or if it violates some ATF rules you believe that it's classified as a destructive device if you have the gun totally hidden in a totally enveloped package of some sort a weird but there's some weird laws like that but that one's legal okay if you're legal all right so I appreciate that in --see gun country and Eastside gunshot they're in Nashville throwing those my way so we've talked about some bigger guns some mid sized pocket guns then we get down to the smaller ones moving on down to the 380 which is the universal caliber I think for pocket carry very very very popular and this gun is one of the most popular the LCP from Ruger now there are others in the same size category under Taurus of course you saw the half seen here the p38 II from car and there are others are several that are sig makes some is this do you name is Smith & Wesson a lot of guns that's about as small as you can get and then in the 380 is as small as you want to go generally for for pocket carry and for self-defense the 380 so this man I wish I had a nickel for every one of these they sold so pretty nice gun and this is in the Alabama holster as well so since you're shooting 380 it's a smaller gun now I put this in my pocket this is the one that almost anybody could use regardless of the pocket generally speaking it just pretty much disappears you know it's a this is very small and still big enough though you can get a hold of it you can hook come out very shootable a small little gun one that many of you watching this video have if you're in the United States yes right sorry some of you folks overseas I know this is not an issue for you but 380 the universal caliber for pocket carry what I showed you before were some bigger calibers and even nine that that's doable this one though doable for almost anybody if you haven't investigated if you're thinking about pocket carry do not have an aversion to full to semi automatics this gun or one like it is something you'd probably want to look at pocket carry uh uh it's it's a it's not always ideal but if you have a need a reason you want to go armed you know Second Amendment right it's something to consider particularly be living in southwest the south when it's hot and you're not wanting to have to always wear a cover garment and you know it's just it's not easy always is it there are compromises there are compromises early on when we started this uh this business here you know I talked about one of the advantages of pocket carry and you saw it at that point I think plus it's really in some ways it is the one form of carry where you can actually be fastest with it because you can have your hand on the gun and be non-threatening you know in appearance you know if something is up here if you're a police officer walking up on a iffy scene something's going on where you know you don't have your hand on your gun perhaps not as often probably with a uniformed police officer would that be an issue but in lots of other endeavors it could be you know just just whatever I'll let you create your own scenario but you can have your hand on that firearm and you don't know what's going on that someone's about to pull a knife on you or pull a neikei or whatever it might be then you're into action very quickly if you want to be without them even knowing you're anywhere near a firearm you know that's that's one of the biggest advantages of it because you have an inside the waistband outside the waistband holsters small the back holster shoulder holes or whatever you know you're kind of reaching around and getting your hand on that firearm and you know what or you're not you know so that is one advantage of that it really is you definitely again want to have that trigger guard cover you want to be smart about what you're wearing you got to be careful some of those loose-fitting holsters you don't wanna be sitting on somebody's sofa and you've got a roll out of your pocket that kind of thing that's not proper etiquette in case you didn't know that carrying is a very serious business as you know if you have a legal carry permit you've gone through the course you've proved that you're a law-abiding citizen you're gone through the background check you have some sense you passed the test you've fired the gun show that you can shoot it and you know the seriousness of it in those courses you know you get that that the film generally giving you the law you know a really quick intense lesson and the legal issues involved with a firearm the seriousness of it you know so so you know the seriousness of it so you want a good firm holster a secure holster when the covers of the trigger guard and then practice with it and you know make sure you're competent with it you don't want to do something goofy but like I say it's right there and you just have your hand in your pocket you know whereas a shirt if you're reaching you know there's all kinds of other issues that we'll go into later when you're wearing inside the waistband or outside the waistband where you're bending over and doing things it's just so simple easy to print isn't it and sometimes it's awkward to carry the gun you want in the holster you like and dress the way you want to dress you know but with with pocket carry you have a lot of options and I know it's a jungle out there if you're new with your carry permit you have not had it long and if all you can do is go look at a gun shelf or a gun show you know it's that that's tough it really is I recommend highly that you get with some people who do know a lot about it kind of screen down filter down filter out a lot of the less desirable choices I've tried to do a little bit of that here give me an idea of the size guns that are that are easy to carry others that you can carry if you really want to if you've got the right pockets and then some that maybe you probably can't like a Glock 27 but it's possible that you could you've got the right pocket so take a lot of care and selecting the clothing you're going to wear your pockets your holsters there are a lot of holsters I just showed you a few that I happen to have hey gunner how you doing buddy come here and see me I showed you a few holsters that that will work and that I happen to have or somebody's thrown at me recently but there are a bunch of them I like the Kydex you know John doesn't like the context that everybody has their preferences some people prefer a softer holster some people don't want the hook they like the the friction type I showed you from Remora there and sticky holsters you know those two would work fine plus they give you the versatility of going from pocket to maybe inside the waistband with it you know simple there pull it out lock it up go where you need to go yeah so there's advantages and disadvantages too to most of the forms of carry but bottom line is and I know there are people that think were I can't get my 45 in my pocket holster I can't get my 1911 or my Glock 30 and they'll hop my pocket holster so you you wimps in your pocket hole through the a380s can just you play with that while I pack my my Glock 30 well that might be the case but my guess is that Glock 30 is probably home in the safe more often then it's being carried saying with that 1911 depending on the job or or why a person's doing you know of course but yeah 380 with you is of course a mouse gun what we want to call it with you a whole lot more valuable than a 45 at home and the safe are up on the mantel that's just the way that that is and we all know that you've heard those cliches before so pocket carry the Bible form of caring I just try to give you an idea about it we'll do some more with it and let's hope this was semi helpful to you life is good you
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,604,557
Rating: 4.8669524 out of 5
Keywords: Kahr, P380, PM9, G27, Glock, 27, Gl-27, G26, Gl26, GL-26, G-26, LC9, Ruger, S&W, Model, 642, .38, Special, 38, .357, .380, LCP, Sticky, Holster, Remora, Desantis, Alabama, company
Id: WT3gkXyxhuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2011
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