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Hickock is the man.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/phantomPl0x 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is he still an NRA fudd?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/tbone-85 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
you got 45 here and John and John welcome to the compound we wanted to do a video for all the new shooters out there and gun owners we feel almost obligated we sort of shoot a lot and we post a lot of shooting videos and we try to encourage people who to get into the hobby and to buy firearms and enjoy it maybe even carry one suit sounds scary right and we know a lot of you recently with this whatever it is it's going around have decided to buy a gun and I've heard numbers like 75% of all the gun buyers lately are first-time owners and that kind of thing so I just been thinking about that so John you know we we need to talk to these people and maybe we can help them a little bit maybe we can't but we've had a lot of experience in this area and so we we thought that maybe we could because there's probably some things you think you know that you don't know I'm still there on a lot of things but you know Mark Twain said this it's not what you wasn't how do you say it what we know is not what gets us into trouble it's what we know for sure that ain't so let's bring it to a point I'd like to say is that some of these these new gun buyers are not necessarily brand new gun owners there's a lot of people out there who are not farms and thews easiest maybe don't care about guns could even be anti-gun they own firearms and it's like something they got from their grandfather some 22 pistol or a shotgun or a hunting rifle and they still hunt when they're kid you know a lot of people that aren't into guns have some sort of gun around and so there's a lot of those people who are getting more serious about guns for self-defense and they're going out buying like more modern the handguns or rifles or shotguns and those people were in a lot of ways are new gun buyers even though they already owned a gun yeah and and some of them may like the Mark Twain quote may think that they know guns do they have one their closet for 20 years dust they've got a double-barrel shotgun and so they know about an ar-15 right and this I think those people fall into the - it's not just brand new gun owners it's anyone who is kind of like you've never been big into guns they decided they're gonna buy a gun and actually use it and shoot it yeah yeah good point there's something new in their life right there something new there's a new firearm that maybe you're not familiar with that happens around here quite often doesn't it let me think about how many times we even that we're pretty experienced we get a fireman that people have requested to review and we don't know how to break it down you know it's just a new anybody yeah so yeah so we understand I find myself being ignorant all the time not to apply you are but anyway so if nothing else we can't in in you know one sitting of course try to convey all of our vast knowledge by our arms and but what we can do is maybe at least give you some of the questions you should be asking you know just point some things out maybe a few hints and recommendations maybe on some things that we know are true and pretty much universal so we get some of that maybe a cross hopefully hopefully it'll be of some used to we're both bad about rambling that's why I have some notes today so if we ramble too much well there's edit that part out if we get to talking about that cloud over there so if you're maybe the videos you know what I'm talking about right that cloud carries the virus yeah we want to go and do this right yeah a lot of us are still alive at this point I think also an almost seriousness if you like a lot of the people watching this or not probably first time gun owners we hope some of them come in and learn something get something out of the video like that said but if you know someone in your in your life I've had lots of people that I that I've known that I know and in my life that are not part of the gun world reach out to me asking me questions about guns or ammo or different things so if you have those people in your life you know this might be a good video to show ya if we say anything of you you never know we might occasionally we make a mistake if we ever actually get to you we're going to do that before we do I want to thank the people to make us possible speaking of a busy time in the in the firearms world you know everybody that's in a business related to that is slammed right now we we appreciate the support from Bud's gun shop you know comm from a Federal Premium SD I dot e-d-u Sonoran Desert Institute you can take online courses they're great time for that isn't it it's a and gunsmithing and different things we we get assistance from at max the precious metal dealer American precious metal exchange your bowel stall telling grips it seems like everybody associated with the gun business right now just as its swamped and it's a good thing because it speaking of that you know I hid a email you may have seen at the post thing I made about buds gun shop there they're frustrated cuz they can't answer all the emails they can take the orders and then get your guns out even though it's slower than normally they they ship them but you know people are calling and calling and calling and emailing emailing man they don't have this massive staff to handle it and I'm sure almost every company associated with the farms business it was facing that same challenge be aware of that and be patient with the with anybody these days right just like we've seen in the grocery stores you know understand basic economics the demand that is the store the companies are set up for the demand the typical demand and now the demand is doubled or tripled or quadrupled and you know they're gonna like build a factor in new factories in a day or higher or three times the employ so they're all struggling people have ever been in business or know anybody understand that I mean you know you could have an army of people just pulling their thumbs you know just in case something like this happen but then everything would cost ten times what it does right so you're the topic where is your gun that you just bought that's my question what did you buy a shotgun maybe an ar-15 some other kind of rifle did you buy a handgun and where is it right now is it think about where it is is it loaded these are round in the chamber is it in a holster is it in a safe then in a big gun safe is it apart is it broken down your car is that on your person if you're relatively new to firearms and to handguns specifically then that's kind of a big issue in it so we we need to ask ourselves is one of the points I wanted to make is if you're not familiar with firearms yet and as John pointed out some of you are but you just bought a different gun maybe you've never had an ar-15 or a Glock or M&T or something that's a little different but if you're totally new to firearms they can be a snake rattlesnake you want to treat them with an immense amount of respect and if you do you have a very enjoyable lifelong hobby you really look how old I am you know I shoot almost every day thoroughly enjoy it still and you know if you keep yourself alive and you respect that thing it's great right John right safety is number one because you know you're purchasing this gun I think right now there are these kinds of times defenses what's on on your mind part of that defense is also against yourself and and the people that you care about so guns are one of those things that they're very very predictable unlike other dangerous items you know like cars that we use every day they're very predictable if you follow very basic rules you know you never point the muzzle the barrel the gun at anything that you're not willing to destroy that's one of the big rule you pretend like there's a laser beam shooting at the end of the barrel treat all guns as if they are loaded that is one that there's a little bit of a caveat too because if you do have the gun point in a safe direction you know it's okay to drive fire where you know you wouldn't just shoot a hole in the your floor obviously so so now once you be taking there's a slight grain of salt but it's a good rule of thumb always treat all guns as if they are loaded and then when you have your hand on a on a firearm whether it's loaded or not always keep your fingers straight until you are sure that you are ready to pull the trigger and always be aware of the condition of the firearm and the sense of it does it have a round in the chamber to have a load of magazine as a totally empty you know you need to be if you're not familiar with guns it's your first gun that is the first step understanding the gun understanding everything about it in order to keep it safe for yourself and for the people around you absolutely and then what John's going through the Cooper's Jeff Cooper's four rules of gun safety and there's various versions of that they're all similar and the fourth one is force be aware of your target and what's behind it be sure of your target right and what's behind it and if you observe all those rules then if you slip up sometime if you messed with firearms your entire life it will probably happen then the other three rules will usually save you simple like if I'm looking at my farm right here and I did pull the trigger by accident I've got it pointed in the you know safe direction yeah so there it's just you never want to be cavalier about safety and and what we do in the farms world the quickest way for you to be considered a mall ninja a newbie a novice which maybe you are but I mean in a negative way someone people don't want to be around maybe it's to not exercise extreme safety because you're not just doing that for yourself and your family you're you're doing it when you're on a shooting range there's anybody else around to demonstrate to them right okay don't and don't put someone position where they've got to be a bad guy like some of the most awkward situations you can find yourself in your life are done safety violations someone that you would never expect in a million years to yell at you will yell at you yeah if you point a gun at them and don't don't don't put them in that situation because no one wants to do that no one no adult man wants to have to treat another adult man like a child but when it comes to gun safety you know you have to you have to take those kind of things seriously so so don't make a you know it was a family friendly way of saying just don't make an idiot out of yourself yeah and follow those rules of gun safety that's that's number one you do nothing else with your gun be safe with it and be aware of how to be safe with it and use it responsibly yes you will get embarrassed somewhere in at range or wherever by somebody putting you in your place about that and they may be a very calmly back person but when it comes to gun safety they're gonna do it okay because it's a matter it can be a matter of life and death and yeah he said word exaggerated you really do I know I'm kind of a laid-back guy and I'm not out there I don't wear flashy clothes not only exaggerate yeah my my my image or existence in that sort of thing but gun safety is one thing when I pulled this Glock out I exaggerated that straight finger okay i exaggerated it you know and you're doing that for the people around you and yourself alright it's just so so important if you want to be a part of the firearms culture community and be respected exaggerate the safety aspects this farm right here will have it out for example this is another key point with gun safety many people have bought maybe they didn't own an automatic semi-automatic pistol or shotgun rifle or whatever and it doesn't have to be semi-automatic could be a pump shotgun an ar-15 or anything there's a hidden bullet I think I have it in my pocket there's a hidden bullet they can get you or somebody else and which one is that it's not these in the magazine it's not those it's the one that could be in the chamber right now I cannot tell now with some farms you can tell there's a you know chamber indicator and that sort of thing but you don't know generally speaking for sure it could be an empty case to be a live round it's that one in the chamber that you forget about or whatever the situation might be can be served so dangerous and also understand what type of firearm you have and the specific safety precautions of things you have to be aware of the go with it like an extreme example that probably zero new gun buyers would run into but as an extreme example I can open bolt firearm I could power guarantee you there's there are no open bolt firearms purchased by brand-new gun owners very expensive but for example an open bolt it's the opposite if the bolt is closed minutes safe and it can't fire and if the if the bowl is locked to the rear and you have a load of magnet it's hot it's ready to go you pull a trigger and it fires yeah you know so that's the opposite of what most amount of max would be that's an extreme example those of you wouldn't run into but be aware each gun is different revolt with revolvers a some odd I'm at pistol shotguns or so no your gun whatever gun you chose to buy is your first gun the first few guns if you're new make sure you understand them and how they work specifically as well as applying there's other general safety rules that we talked about exactly yeah cuz you could apply a lot of safety rules but this firearm is real quirky different and using trouble use the Internet is open live right now and for the foreseeable future yeah you know I think it will be use the Internet that's what you're doing right now you know search research you're gonna make sure you understand the cowbird uses everything you need to be safe about that's that is number one before you think about defending your own life against someone else you've got to make sure that you're safe with your gun that is the most important thing by far yeah I was gonna mention that the there's a lot of information online now so you can because you can become almost an expert right and anything except brain surgery I've even tried that but I was going to mention that you know and of course we make a lot of videos and so to other people you can search around in YouTube and find videos on any aspect of gun safety we have them on here squib loads which is a serious issue muzzle discipline I was going to mention a couple that round in the chamber we we have several oh yeah we have a series called how not to some of them are a little more applicable to you than others but then some of you might find useful and everybody who does videos firearms videos I will not everybody but a great number of people have something on safety and in what we try to do is demonstrate safety as we're doing the videos and muscle discipline is so important finger discipline trigger finger discipline I'm sure if you went through all 1,800 videos you could find somewhere we weren't as a hundred percent like we showed it but one of the things that and like when I pulled this out for four presentations sake and of course I have 40 acres here I know what I'm doing and most of the time right but so normally when we're on the rain I'm not going to be pulling the gun it's gonna be pointed at the hill back there you know it's not even gonna be pointed up in the air like that but if we do violate some that I guess you could say not when you're hot but you know just because we're demonstrating firearms you know on a daily basis but but just be sure you really respect this thing and you know whether it's really loaded or not and you have checked I uh took a course and you know a couple of people treat this differently but when you're checking to see if it's loaded if you just glanced at it you might miss it you merely might you need to open that thing up and easy to look and one course I was in he's a look at it and then look away then look back again and I thought that was good and then also you can stick your finger in there so I'm some recommend that you know I know it sounds like it's overboard but you can't be too safe absolutely have that same respect for your the trigger on your on your firearm the same way you do for the steering wheel on your car when you're driving down a two-lane highway you got other cars coming the other direction constantly and you know just a little slight correction it could mean death and kind of straw 'fuck life changes for lots of people involved and and you got a you know I said that little balancing act that we do every day every day it's no different the trigger a lot of gun you have to reinforce you know the severity of what you're doing and what you have and make sure they're safe with it and once you've done that for a while you don't ever want to relax but it does become you know second nature yeah you know like if I was I was holding a gun right here and dad was like what's that marking on the other side of the gun like what are you thinking about it be like oh it's uh yeah see right there it says this like I wouldn't even think about I would just do it and be an Ivan it would even cross my mind what I was doing was I've handled gun so much so eventually it gets if it seems overwhelming to you it gets much easier really does and it becomes second nature what John said if you be pretend there's a laser beam coming out of that Mosel and it cuts maybe doesn't cut anything else but it cuts flesh okay anything that's flesh it'll kill it even if it's behind a door or wall that that gets you through a lot of that it's a good thing keep in mind just a laser beam and I was going to mention that that we have a video on that in its call it Mosul discipline I think it is and we try to simulate the laser beam coming out of the barrel of the firearm and and whenever there's a lot of activity on that video and I knew his comments on there and people always say man I was ducking and diving behind my computer when you did because they're not used to seeing us do that we're I was slinging the the Mosul around to demonstrate I don't want to do it yeah a fake gun airsoft and I was pointing at the camera which we've been at John and I was I think I even scratched my head with a gun in my hand this is really bad things just before I even started the video just to make the point and a lot of people who know guns they're like what's he doing you know and and even in somewhere in the video if you happen to watch that there's a bug that flies by and later in the video and it looks like it actually came out the background because so so it's kind of a weird coincidence anyway now we've talked a lot about the safety there's some other things regarding that and that is making sure you have the right ammo for the gun you have if you're really new to that firearm or firearms in general that can be a little bit of a jungle sometimes again know that you don't know everything does that 9-millimeter pistol you bought use plus p.m. oh is it rated for that if it's nine-millimeter that doesn't mean you can just fire anything that says nine on it necessarily if it's a 45 it doesn't mean you can put 45 ACP 45 long colt 45 70 you know I still get questions from people about those things we have a video I think use your right ammo so we've tried to answer a lot of these things and we can't answer everything in this video we just want to kind of raise the questions in your mind that maybe you'll think oh I thought I knew that but maybe I don't that's one of the reasons we wanted to do this because it's a it's a fairly complex area because I mean ammo is not like socks you can't just put on something a little bit smaller and it work I mean it has to be the exact mo like shotguns all about shotgun ammo oh yeah yeah I mean you've got obviously got mini shells and three-inch shells and recorder and some guns we'll take them all and some only certain ones you know 12-gauge and you got 28 gauge the 20 gauge and all these different yeah you got to be again that was back to what I was saying earlier about no your gun yeah don't be afraid to use the internet as a tool there are some guns that will fire calibers that it doesn't advertise on the gun that it can fire but there's not a ton of those and don't assume that you know make sure you do your research yeah but and you can actually chamber sometimes the wrong ammo it will run it in the chamber yeah that's a scary thing so you just don't taking chances and be smart be meticulous to a certain be a little bit nerdy about it you make really really certain that you understand everything about this firearm you know go through the you have check in 20 times and make sure it's unloaded learn how to field-strip it take it apart you don't have to take every little screw out or piece of it necessarily especially early on but just learn how to field-strip it and get very familiar with how it operates and makes sure you using the right ammo you got the right magazines and you're observing safety and you'll really enjoy it they learn how to lube it properly where they Lube it and I learn about there's techniques and things you know that we don't go into too much today but when you go out shoot the thing if you have it yet yeah it's real easy to limp wrist a handgun sometimes a semi-automatic pistol if it's malfunctioning on you it could be you just don't have a stored enough grip on it things like that - I think God if you had this written down and ah but I think one really important aspect I just thought about when it comes to safety a lot of people these these new gun buyers that we're seeing at times like this and others the some of them are probably planning on getting their care permit but a lot of them I think are just planning on using the gun to defend themselves in their home and of course carrying a gun out public is like a whole thing but even in your home you might think of that as being pretty simple people who don't understand guns don't sometimes realize how hard bullets are to stop most bullets will go through a lot of stuff and it's something you need to think about if you're having to defend your life in your home we've got they live in an apartment you live in a crowded area I've got the kids in different rooms and all these kinds of things like you need to think about that if you've got to be using a 308 rifle for home defense you know maybe go through 18 walls and your neighbors truck yeah so you need you need to be aware of those kinds of things one reason some people will not give it some people recommend using birdshot loads and a shotgun controversial topic because you know at close range it all stays together it's a pretty solid chunk of allege coming down the pipe in a fast speed but then a little bit longer distance up loses a little bit of energy it's less likely to maybe just go through walls so that's something to think about you know penetration is there's lots of videos out there about that but that's something you need to at least be aware of that that walls and houses especially these days are not very strong and most most rounds even small calibers will go right through room without in trouble yeah and that's oh that's a myth that we like we have a do chew on that it's a shotgun across the room it's gonna spread about like that you know so you've seen a lot of westerns you think that that's not true but it is the thing I should mentioned earlier on I guess if I didn't is if you can get training early on okay that's something maybe you could do you know ammo seems to be in short supply right now but get some training if it's a basic safety class at a local gun shop or it's a someone who just does training classes or maybe you do think you want to carry it get into a carry class a permit class and that's not real training but it's a first level familiarization so and you would enjoy it you know you would enjoy it we don't want to scare you about this firearm you boy they're probably a few people watching who whenever you're watching today for us is March 23rd it's probably March 23rd for you too but we'll post us like tomorrow probably so so you're seeing this almost real-time everybody's really busy and everybody's swamped I realized but spend the time studying that firearm and maybe if you can get any kind of class you would enjoy that and learning about your gun don't let you may have experienced this in gun shops these days it's not as common but sometimes you get intimidated by people working in gun shops and they treat you like you're ignorant or you're stupid or something you know sometimes you get a little of that I know even even still today but it's just really fun learning about the firearm most trainers or most people who are involved in that they're gonna take time with you and they are very they want you to become a great shot in a safe the firearms user and it's it's just a wonderful and it also also be aware of the the phony experts out there and this by all means is not me saying that we are necessarily experts we're not the Rangers but there's a lot of people out there who will realize you that like their knowledge of guns because you don't know anything their knowledge of guns its life a million times beyond yours because you don't know anything but yet they really don't know anything and the grand scheme of things and they can seem like they do because I've run into people at gun shops a lot of the time that don't realize I've been shooting my whole life and they'll say stuff that's like just wildly an actor I mean not even a little bit wrong just wildly wrong yeah and you've always got that guy in your family that's like the gun guy and it could be someone like dad or it could be someone who's just kind of thinks they know some stuff and doesn't really and there are some some idiots on the internet right but the internet at least you're not stuck with like one guy yeah you can get a nice sampling of different opinions you get a feel you can look through comments if you're on YouTube and and and and kind of get an idea of what sort of people audience or watching you know these people and you learned a lot here forums and comments about firearms so you can get a lot of help online take a class if you possibly can whatever it is this is just start the learning process and do not assume you know everything about that firearm and they they could be complex as many as we review and take apart I mean we got one now that's a voor shotgun the GS 12 there's no idea how to break it down it's just like a new item totally to us just like you might have a Glock 19 or something it's very common and you have no idea how to break it apart you know once you mess with these kinds of things just a little bit you you get the you know the knack and take the barrel out and it's just so so simple and but anyway get for me or whether it's a handgun you bought a shotgun a rifle or just whatever and aside from the safety stuff you know take care of it make sure boil on it get some kind of firearms oriented lubricant and make sure you keep it from rusting away on you if it's a gun has a lot of metal long and you know lasts forever right and you've also got the which we didn't touch on the child safety aspect if you got kids in your home that's a whole nother thing you've got to make sure that you got locked up and it's never available you know to anyone underage you know without you know without you being right there with them you know what you're doing so all that stuff is very important to there's a lot to know if we're buying buying a gun is one of those things it's alright it is alright in America which is why we don't we like to have as little steps in the way of people that are of age getting a firearm as possible because it is your right to do so but that doesn't mean that there's not a lot of things you should know a lot of responsibility before you buy a gun before you do anything with it other than just have it in a box in your house so yeah it's a commitment it really is it's like if I buy a chainsaw which I have yeah you can't just go willing yeah I think I'll get a chainsaw I might need to cut something you figure that thing out you end up losing a hand right or driving a car do anything having a swimming pool put in your backyard there's that danger somebody drowning in it so driving is a good analogy just you have to be so focused on it and I mean you could handle it you can handle it and as you if you are a new really uh new firearms owner and you prowl around the internet you know the firearms ownership has become extremely main sprint a main stream mainspring it's because I'm guns in my brain but it is its main main stream I mean it's almost everybody you run into has a firearm and it's shooting and their training and so you're gonna run into people that are pre smart people that are beverage intelligence people who seem to know something think they know something like john was saying but they don't they give you bad it it's just like anybody else you run into there are there's car owners bicycle owners or firearms owners there's a wide range of folks and so you can navigate it and you can learn what you need to need to learn everyone watching I guarantee you every single person watching unless you're really young or something knows a lot about something yeah it's not guns if they're something you're into something with it's like you know old cars or you know video games or whatever it is you know a lot about something you're part of some kind of little community so anything any dynamics of that you can kind of assume that's all that's going to be present with guns because you know people are just people it's you know I mean it's all kind of the same at the end of the day so design aware of that that is so true there's circuitry and it also it gives you insight into you have spent some time learning about whether it's maybe the model cars the waiver might be and see you know the questions I asked about that and just like if I were to sign today to get into something I've never been into I don't know nothing about building rocket ships or something I don't know anything about it but I would know some of the questions to ask and I would like John was saying I would know who to listen to who would seem credible and who would not you know like when I first got into stand-up comedy that was like a brand new thing and there was people that I remember giving me advice early on that I held in a high regard then once I got more experienced they're like oh they were an idiot that's right it was a crazy person that I talked to you know so it's not everything is the same everything is like that it is and it gave we walk on you to the to the fold we really do and it you can never emphasize safety too much hopefully this is of some value to to our regular viewers who have 20 guns or 40 firearms or whatever and maybe they can share it if there's anything here useful at all we we have a lot of experience with firearms we can share it all in this video but we wanted to at least a set of a pep talk yeah pep talk give you some of the questions and the things you need to think about and and you know you just very welcome and you will we didn't talk about the second minute much but you know again it is it is our right to own firearms and you will see a lot of people on the internet talking about the Second Amendment with good reason so if you bought your first firearm you never have only one you're kind of part of that that that movement and that will come you know it may not be something right now but yeah over time once you learn more about guns and get more into it I think you get a little more involved understand what people take that aspect so seriously especially when you hear a politician in about two months talking about taking that gun you just bought away from you because you're not smart enough to have it and be saved by the right so I think like the big takeaways a button bottom line that we took 17 hours to explain yeah or first of all safety yes is number one before like I said before you even think about defending your life from an attacker you know safety for yourself and the people around you then you can start to think about so use of the gun yeah so safety to yourself and those around you then the use of the gun and then how to be safe lit when you're defending your life or just shooting it on the range you know putting the right ammo in it like knowing about about your gun you know use the internet as a tool yes and and again the laws we talked about make sure you're aware of the law you're not Rambo I'm not Rambo we're not cops probably is strictly a tool if you're thinking self-defense primarily it's just to protect ourselves as a last resort there's no Rambo at all he ever did was try to just a boy conflict that's right well that's what we all tried and II do want to be ready sometimes yeah no you're right you're right so that was what the whole series is about yeah so be sure you're observing the law and you know you can enjoy it I still call it a hobby it's a lot of things but its commitment it's a hobby it's a Second Amendment right and it's a lot of things but it's it's a lot of fun it is we have a lot of firearms and we thoroughly enjoy shooting it and just learning all the things I almost envy some of these people that just bought a gun and will shot every minute but if they're brand new to firearms yeah that's trying to need zero concept of what it's like to get into guns it's never happened to me yeah he was only alive for how many hours before you owned a gun yeah one or two hours I mean the closest thing I guess maybe it was like I went through a phase where because I grew up with guns like once I was kind of my adolescent years I took him for granted a little bit because it's just like my life and then when other people found out knew a bunch about guns you know I was able to kind of experience I sort of got it on a different level because I realized like oh it is kind of a unique uh very gradual real I hey I guess everybody they grew up on shooting right yeah exactly so I guess I sort of get it a little bit but yeah I mean by the way you don't know we are you're brand-new this is John my son and you know we have about 1800 video we've been doing this for about 12 years and we have fun and videos some of them are mostly just for fun a lot of them are gun reviews I'm just a mix of things and yeah I loved you I loved your innocence of like assuming someone new would still be watching at this point a lot of global people out there right now we appreciate your watching and man if you watch this entire video you you're committed okay so welcome to the to the fold and we'll shut up I can't think well yeah well again like if you have someone that you know that's one of these people were talking about a new gun owner you know think about sitting in my video like maybe this one or just or some other video that's that's a little bit more to the point or whatever you know we're not trying to like get views on this video we're just saying like yeah make sure you you're there for those for those people like I would say with the Second Amendment don't try to force it down people's throat cuz because then you seem like you're part of some weird cult or something that scares people off you are part of just right just just be there when they need you you know cuz I mean how a lot of people reach out to me with this recent virus and everything and you know it's gave them the information it's like I'm there people know I'm the gun guy so people reach out to me and I'm there with the information so yeah that's the way to be I think so we invite you to join us we about three videos a week and go to the home channel you can see all the recent videos just click on that I'll do a Sunday shoot around video every Sunday morning post it and you know we we just we spent a lot of time doing this so you're welcome aboard and hope this helped a little bit sorry we rambled so much but it's kind of what we do yeah it's our specialty right yep so we'll sign off and say goodbye right now life is good
Channel: undefined
Views: 372,074
Rating: 4.9468732 out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, APMEX, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, New Gun Owners
Id: 9Efw9Dy0r08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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