Concealed Carry Don'ts

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I get a lot of requests every week to talk about concealed carry asking about what methods work for me or what I think about specific methods often I get a lot of questions about methods that I don't approve of at all so I thought I would kind of combine all those and into one topic here I do a little video on concealed carry don't sit or things that are in my opinion that's something you shouldn't do we concealed carry now remember these are my opinions people asked for my opinion they are asking me for statistical fact they're asking my opinions so something I disagree with may work just fine for you but for me these are my concealed carry don'ts okay Mexican carry now this may seem like one of the most obvious ones that you don't do but I get questions about it quite often mexican carry for those unfamiliar with it is where you just take your firearm stick it in the waistband of your pants with no holster no nothing to support it that's of course an obvious no you have no trigger protection you have no safety protection you have no retention just a really really bad idea I don't think I really need to go in-depth on that that is just a major nono Mexican carry is something you just should never do I mean most people wouldn't even consider sticking their cellphone like carrying your cell phone without it without any type of attention for fear of dropping and damaging something expensive so why would they consider doing it with a gun okay pocket carry now on go say pocket carry in itself is bad because pocket carry can be done very very much in a right way but there's certain ways people do it that I just don't agree with at all one is carrying in your pocket without a holster you never pocket carry without a pulse for the same reasons you don't mexican carry there's no trigger protection there's no safety protection there's nothing to prevent the gun from shifting so that when you reach in your pocket it's pointed barrel up at you you hit a trigger and shoot yourself in the chest or shoulder and I've seen that happen not directly seem to happen but I've seen cases of that happening so never carry in your pocket without a holster always use a proper pocket carry holster a gun is dangerous if you don't maintain it in a proper safe way and that is not a safe way to maintain your gun now another part of that pocket pipe can I don't agree with is people who carry in like cargo pants pockets cargo pants pockets are usually buttoned down and I would ever wanna have to go through a button to get to my gut if I ever needed it so to me pocket carry a cargo pants pocket is just not a good idea even zippers aren't a good idea it just increases the time it takes to get to your gun and timing thanks to use it now if you're just carrying for the sake of carrying I guess fine but if you want to be in a ready position I would never carry it up cargo pants pocket is just not a good idea to me it doesn't make the gun readily available to you sob carry smaller back carry now for those of you unfamiliar that's when you carry your gun right in the center of your back you know sob carry a hair holster which usually has a really strong can't to the writer left pin with your right left handed that you can reach backwards pull your gun now I've actually owned these holsters before but they are a method of care that I do not recommend to anyone I personally have seen a person that I knew in Charleston who was a state patrolman who one night when the bridge into South Charleston had frozen up he stopped to give aid to some accident victims he got out of his car he slipped on the ice he fell he was carrying his off-duty revolver get a smaller back holster when he fell he damaged his lower vertebrae so badly that he ended up being disappear merely disabled he had the quit his job of police force because of his disability and I have also seen a person who lived across the street for me when I first moved to Washington he was a disabled police officer he was on the disabled list that the reason he was disabled is because during a shuffle his his belt had his duty belt has shifted and the guy ended up shoving him down he fell landed on his walkie-talkie right on his lower back the same places small back holster would be damaged just lower vertebrae ended up disabled ended up having to quit the force so smaller back holster is just not good from a safety standpoint as far as falling and you're going into the scuffle there's a good chance you go get knocked on your back and you don't want to do that with a big piece of steel laying right against your lower vertebrae in your spine also it's also if someone knows you're armed so easy to cut behind some of a small back holster take their weapon before they even know you're there so there's two reasons I don't like small back carry just the physical nature of how unsafe it is having a big piece of steel right against your spine like that that you might fall on and to how you have the the retention is an issue with it so small and back carry is something ever recommend ok shoulder holsters I don't know if you can see it or not but there's a shoulder holster asset hanging right here that I use sometimes mainly nowadays just for Halloween costume I'm James Bond it's my PPK shoulder holster but shoulder holsters are actually good holsters for certain circumstances especially if you're wearing an open coat like a suit coat or something and you don't have to take it off and you can have easy access to your weapon but the problem is a lot of people I know that carry shoulder holsters they end up carrying with hoodies over them or just pullovers of any type or under a shirt or under as if up jacket or something like that or the jacket that's buttoned up or something and that just really limits your access it makes it very hard for you to get to your gun like your hands lift up reach way up under your arm that's not a good thing so only reason I haven't thing I have against shoulder holsters is when you don't wear them properly you know wherever the proper clothes you make them hard to get now I do it one other small issue with shoulder holsters and that is they don't maintain a safe position for the barrel now they're probably I don't know off you know unless you're reaching for them but there is that is that problem of when you're drawing if you go if you shoot off accidentally while you're drawing where's that holster pointing it's easier plenty of people behind you or at your own arm or someplace like that it's really hard to draw properly from a shoulder holster I mean there is a way to do it but most people aren't going to do it so they are not the greatest with certain types of clothing and there is always that issue of the muzzle is always at a pointing position of pointing at something that it shouldn't be pointed at almost always while you're carrying it's not pointed at the ground like most holsters would be so those are my issues with shoulder holsters ok I want to deal just with some aspects of holsters that I don't like now just regular inside waist outside waistband holsters mostly it is with like just generic non fitted nylon holsters I have seen so many guns bounced out of these types of holsters or have poor retention people sit down their guns scoot up out of them and fall out I've seen it happen many times I've even had it happened to me once when I was younger and I first started carrying so I don't like soft sided non fitting nylon holsters that don't have a retention strap if you're going here as a cheap nylon holster use one that has a retention strap just it's just the best thing to do if you're going to use that type of holster now as far as your tension straps go on holsters I also have a problem with holsters that have too much retention like I've had holsters before they had these big rubber bands that had to snap over the top of the gun and they weren't that easy to thumb off they're really going to interfere in your use of that weapon if you have to use it in a tight situation also I know I do use carry holsters with retention systems like I use Bianchi's carry lock systems I think they're great but I don't suggest using them if you don't practice with them because you have to do get used to that using that middle finger to depress the release to pull the guy now they're great for holding in big heavy guns but you have to practice with them if you're going to use them if you're not going to practice with them don't use them so in general don't make your hit composters too complex and don't get ones that don't fit your gun beat up the cheap unfitted nylon ones or just don't try to use holsters with guns are not made for because an ill-fitting holster can mean a retention issue it can mean that guns going to fall out on you sometime so always make sure your guns are simple your holster is as simple as they can be that you practice with the ones that aren't as simple as they can be and that you get done the holsters that are fitted for your gun and if you can't find one it's finished rear again make sure there is a retention strap gym bag carry now often get conversation started on forums and stuff about what how people carry when they go to the gym I personally carry a fanny pack but I also hear people all the time say they either they put their gun in their gym bag and they keep their gym bag with them at all times now this to me is a major major nono because that bag is not in your control at all times when you sit it down and you go to workout when you go to get on machine or you're on a press doing presses you can't even see the back usually someone could easily slip your bag away from you happens in our gym all the time people you're always told watch your bag don't leave your bag anywhere you can't see it be careful about people stealing your bags so why would you put a firearm in something that's so easily taken from you my firearm is never out of my possession during the day it should never be off your body I don't think you should ever be in any position where you're not in control of it if it's not locked up now if you want to put your gun in your duffel in your duffel bag put it in a cable lock system with a key lock or something that's one thing it's something we use right away but still they're gonna be able to overcome that once they get it out of your care so don't believe in putting your bags in duffle bags or any other bag that you're not going to keep in your possession even if the about purse carry with women if they don't keep their purse on them all the time it's like that's one of the problems I have with one of my carry mess I have a Maxpedition bag and my own problem with it is you have to keep it on you're going to take it off and sit it on a table or something like that you don't have to face the issue of Allah picked it up sound on table then I got one of the bathroom and forgot to put back on so I don't like anything that comes off your body for your gun to be yet so I'm just not a big fan of that type of out carrying when you're at the gym at all finally ankle carry no no a lot of people love ankle carry especially of small guns but I am a big opponent of ankle carry and there's a couple of reasons why I don't like ankle carry one is your ankles your legs that is the most rapidly and free moving the parts of your body during your day when you're walking think of how fast and how far your ankles are moving they are the far end of a pendulum it's like a whip so you're really putting stress on retention when you have something in an ankle holster I just don't like them they just don't safe to me from that standpoint I don't want to ever put my holster in the place that's going to suffer the most stress from my daily activities - they're hard to get to I mean reaching down to your ankles in a stressful situation is not the best possible thing you could be having to do and it's even worse if you consider driver in a scuffle with someone you end up on the ground and you need to reach your weapon if I'm on top of you and I see you trying to reach for a weapon on your ankle and I can see that that weapons there it is one of the easiest moves in grappling to do a body block to keep you from accessing your lower body you can beat on the back of my head and shoulders all you want I'm going to be able to block you from access to your lower body I'm going to be able control your leg take your weapon easily so accessing your ankles is so easy especially from a middle body position and I want to do it long-term this is not like I have to do it long enough to keep you in a lock or put you in a submission I just have to block your access long enough to pull a weapon off your ankle so for us for Inchon standpoint in a fight it's easier for me to reach your ankle then is for you to reach your ankle so that is just not a good idea to me so there you have a big long list of things that I consider don'ts when it comes to concealed carry now remember these are just my opinions but I hope you can take them with a grain of salt and take them for what they're worth and maybe expand on them for your own opinions or see how they die with what you think or how you disagree with them and build yourself a safe method to carry based on your own opinions and maybe a little what I had just information I just gave you so remember like I said they're just my opinions I want any flamewars overall I didn't go carry well you know if you ankle carry you ankle carry with the acceptance that there are limitations if you mixed in carry you mexican carry with the acceptance of there is issues with that so that's all up on you to you it's all on you and a firm believer personal responsibility and you might find ways to make things work now these are by no means all the don'ts I'm sure everybody out there can add 10 don'ts to my list so those aren't all of them but that's almost every right now because it gets hot under these lights and there's no air-conditioning vent in my laundry room so it gets hot in here so you can see I start to sweat already so that is my video on concealed carry don'ts
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,969,230
Rating: 4.5897832 out of 5
Keywords: concealed carry, ankle holster, ankle carry, shoulder holster, IWB, OWB, galco, bianchi, maxpedition, purse carry, shooting, self defense, handgun, firearm, mexican carry, pocket holster, pocket carry, SIG, S&W, Glock, Kahr
Id: rIoVw472U1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2011
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