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well if you're glad you're saved tonight say amen i sure am glad to be saved i'm glad to be here um it's been a blessing i came on thursday and uh y'all probably wondering when you're gonna be able to get rid of me uh i'm gonna go back to anderson uh probably in the morning and uh unless god tells me to stay here throughout the rest of the week so uh but i'm excited to be safe tonight excited to be here uh still rejoicing and thanking god for what he did this morning i uh i sitting over there and that choir started singing and i had a holy ghost chill run up my spine and i said bro i said to myself good god god's on that and uh i just like it when everything that's done in the church house is anointed from the singing to the preaching from the offering taken i'm telling you i just like church and i'm thankful to be in god's house tonight excited for what the lord has for us if you've got your bible turn with me to the book of psalms we're going to be in chapter 106 tonight psalms 106 brother cody i'm humbled by you asking me to come preach tonight uh sure am thankful for your preacher he's one of my heroes and i don't say that lightly uh still listen to him preach all the time there's not a week goes by where i don't listen to at least five of his sermons and uh had to make sure i didn't preach one of his tonight amen but no i'm just kidding but i believe that this is where the lord will have us tonight and when you find your place in psalms 106 i'd like to invite you to stand to your feet and reverence for the word of god psalms 106 tonight if you're glad you're holding your hand the word of god say amen we're going to start reading in verse number 21 the bible says they forget god their savior which had done great things in egypt wondrous works in the land of ham and terrible things by the red sea verse 23 is going to be our text tonight the bible says therefore he said that he would destroy them had not moses has chosen read this next phrase with me stood before him in the breach we're going to read that one more time stood before him in the breach to turn away his wrath lest he should destroy them heavenly father god i pray to help us now lord i am humbled god by this opportunity and god i sure need your help tonight lord as i've been praying and god asking you all afternoon lord i believe god wholeheartedly that god this is where you'd have me be god this is what you'd have me preaching lord you being my helper god i need you to help me preach now lord i pray you'd use me god is your vessel god fill me up god from the top of my head got to the bottom of my feet god if there's anything in me at all god that's not like christ father i pray to get it out god and use me as your vessel tonight lord i promise god beforehand for whatever it's said and done god i give you all the glory god i give you all the praise god i give you all the honor lord i love you and i thank you god for this privilege lord we ask that you do these things now in jesus name i pray and all god's people said amen you may be seated tonight where we find ourselves in psalms 106 tonight it's uh uh it's speaking of a very familiar portion of scripture we all know it's speaking of the children of israel and we all know how the children of israel started out they started out in egypt and bondage under pharaoh and uh god raises up a man by the name of moses and commands moses to come before pharaoh and to demand that pharaoh let his people go and i just want to say this before we get here because it's already feeling good in here i'm thankful that god can use somebody like moses you remember moses was in egypt for 40 years and god told him how to be an egyptian but then out of nowhere moses kills an egyptian and then he sends them out to the field sends them out to the wilderness and god teaches moses how to lead he teaches moses how to be a shepherd so god is divinely orchestrated and put these two things together so that god can raise up a man that would lead his children out of egypt and now these children of israel are following this man by the name of moses and constantly and constantly and constantly the children of israel kind of like a lot of christians in america we want to praise god when everything's going good but when it just gets a little tough we want to say well god where were you at god what are you doing and all of a sudden these children of israel good night it's feeling good in here out of nowhere these children of israel go ahead and say well i don't know where god's at i don't know what he's doing so you know what i'm going to go over here i'm going to make my own god i'm going to start worshiping my job i'm paraphrasing that's what we do somebody say man i'm going to start worshiping my job i got bills coming due so you know what i'm going to do i'm going to miss church on a sunday night and i'm going to work my job to pay my bills i'm going to miss church on a thursday night i'm going to work my job to pay my bills money is now my god and all these things the children of israel have moved the god that delivered them out of egypt and now they've put these things in front of god and it's over and over and over and over again you remember in the book of numbers where they speak up against god against moses they speak up against god's anointed and god sends serpents of fire sin serpents and god judges the children of israel because of this constant cycle of disobedience we all know where we're at tonight and the bible says that we just read in verse 23 that he said that he would destroy them you know what god said he said i'm done with these folk i'm done i've been so good to them i've delivered them out of the hand of the egyptians they were in slavery i put them where they had freedom where they could do whatever they want all they had to do was follow the man of god and follow me i gave them everything manna fell from heaven i fed them when nothing else could feed them i gave them water when nothing else could quench their thirst and now they keep turning their back on a thrice and on a holy god and god says i am going to destroy them i'm sick of them i'm tired of it it's over and over again i keep giving you chance after chance after chance and my my what as we as american christians how many times do we go before thrice and a holy god and say god if you'll just give me one more chance god if you'll just give me one more chance god if you'll give america god just one more chance when in reality we've got to come to the realization that if we would just serve god the whole time brother cody i hate going to god and saying god just give me another chance god if you'll just forgive me god just forgive me paul said grace didn't much more bound that we could send more he said god forbid and tonight we've got a makeup in our mind that we can't go before god and just ask for more chances i don't know why i said that but i said it amen they keep going before god and asking for more chances when god's saying if you would have just served me the whole time i hadn't met every single need you had i'm thankful we serve a god tonight that can meet each and every single one of our needs these were a lost people that had continually taken the grace and the mercy and the goodness of god for granted reading me verse 23 therefore he said that he would destroy them had not moses is chosen stood before him in the breach my what a what a word god said i'm sick of these children of israel and god said i'm going to destroy them now but there was some but well glory there was a man by the name of moses you remember that man we was just preaching about a while ago god raised them up to lead them out that would be the very man that would say god these are my people god i love these people and god as much as they deserve it god i don't want you to have to pour your wrath on them god i'm going to stand in the breach for these people that word breach in the hebrew means or is parads i probably said that wrong but i speak johnston county somebody say amen that word in the hebrew is parrots which means a gap or a break and in redneck language that means a hole that means a break and i began to think about that and god gave me this this picture in my mind i can see it the wrath of god is coming over the clouds of heaven and it's coming to where these children of israel are and there's a break where these clouds are and the wrath of god's about to be poured out on the children of israel but god loved moses so much that when there was a man that stood in that breach and said god if you take them out well glory god if you take them out you're going to have to take me out too and that wrath that was so deserved to be poured on the children of israel moses said god i'm going to stand and i'm going to stand in the breach you know what how many times how many times i wonder has god's wrath been about to be poured on me but there was somebody down on their knees since in a prayer closet praying for me standing in the breach on my behalf and on your behalf tonight i wonder how many times would somebody have stood in the breach for me just like moses stood in the breach for israel tonight hey we all know this america lord it's going to hell in a handbasket y'all well glory but brother cody i believe this i believe we're closer to revival than we've ever been before hey hey there's the reason there's so many people in the bar joint tonight it's because they're looking for something to fill that boy that void that's empty and i'm telling you this over the past year they found there ain't no hope in sports there ain't no hope and money there sure ain't no hope in the white house hey y'all better help me preach tonight or i'll come preach in your lap somebody say amen i'm thankful tonight that we have a god that is long-suffering that is merciful hey my bible says blessed is the nation whose god is the lord and listen to me america has now shifted the god that we serve the god that we serve is no longer the god of america the god of america is now money the god of america is now fun it's now pleasure you better listen to me the wrath of god is about to come over that heavenly veil and be poured on america if somebody doesn't stand in the breach now don't get me wrong god is a god of love but he's also a god of wrath hey we don't hear preaching on that no more brother cody we god he just loves he just loves he just loves all this but my god's a god of wrath i want to quote this verse for you i don't want to misquote it romans 1 18 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness boy does that not sound like america today hey hey we've got right as wrong and wrong as right now hey who would have ever thought that a boy can wake up one morning and say i want to be a girl yep i said it that's the bible that's wrong that's out of hell who would have thought that a girl could wake up one morning and say today i want to be a boy who would have ever thought it wouldn't be against the law for a man to get married to a man and for a woman to get married to a woman you know it's right somebody help me preach i'm i'm scared of what the wrath of god is coming for america it's about to come over that veil and be poured on this country tonight with the help of the lord i want to preach to you on this thought who will stand in the breach who will stand in the breach i believe that it is the day and time for the church of the living god for christians to say if nobody else does i'll stand in the breach i want to ask you this tonight if it's not this church what church is it going to be church member if it's not you who's it going to be teenagers if it's not you who's it going to be if we don't make up in our mind i still consider myself a teenager if we don't make up in our mind who's going to stand in the breach who's going to hey mom if you don't stand in the breach for your babies who's going to stand in the breach for him hey daddy if you don't make up in your mind that you're going to stand in the breach who's going to stand in the breach for them who will stand in the breach if not us who if not now when and if not here where i believe tonight that standing in the breach speaks of three different things and i'm going to give them to you real quick because i'm already out of breath praise god but i believe wholeheartedly that standing in the breach tonight speaks of three different things the first thing i believe standing in the breach speaks of as i believe standing in the breach speaks of a fearful time it speaks of a fearful time exodus 4 verse 1 and moses answered and said but behold they will not believe me nor hearken unto my voice for they will say the lord hath not appeared unto thee we just read about a man named moses and my what a picture of christ in the old testament moses is one of my favorite characters in all the old testament in exodus 4 i'm reiterating but moses said lord are you sure lord are you sure you want to use me you remember over there when god came to him and spoke to him and moses said but but but but god but but but but god i have a speech impediment you remember that and god still decided to use moses but moses probably would have feared can i be honest with you if if god came to me in a burning bush lord i'd be scared if i saw a bush on fire and that bush wasn't consumed i'd probably be a little nervous all you spiritual people y'all just be quiet i'd be a little nervous but i'd be a little scared and then on top of that brother skip him to say you need to go before joe biden tomorrow and say let my people go i just said i said lord don't you want somebody a little bigger got somebody a little more fit somebody with an army and god would say something no i called you to do it and that's where moses was can you imagine the fear that would have been going through his mind the doubt that would have been going through him when god gave him these commandments i'll take it a step further you remember when god commanded him to throw down his staff and it became a big old snake lord help us that's what i'm saying the only good snake is a dead snake somebody say it man red yellow black white i don't care what color it is it needs to die amen and then god and then god says moses why don't you bend down and pick that thing up i'd say lord i'm baptist i ain't pentecostal i said lord brother cody taught me this morning i don't do that kind of stuff but god commands moses to bend down and pick that snake up and he bends down and he picks that snake up and it becomes a staff the faith but can you imagine the fear a snake lord help us a snake and he bends down and he picks it up hey you remember when moses was going through the wilderness and the people started speaking up against him and they had it up with moses they wanted to put somebody else in charge and i can't remember the number off the top of my head as a whole bunch of folk out there and it was all of them against moses and they spake against god and against moses is what the bible says can you imagine the fear that would have been going through moses's heart and through his mind yet he still stood in the breach you remember when they was out in the wilderness and moses went up on the mount and he he came in contact with god face to face and god carved out the ten commandments and gave them to moses and moses was carrying these things got a word from the lord and then he comes down this mountain and he sees the children of israel have turned their back on god once again and in anger he breaks what god has just given to him i don't know about y'all but i ain't bold enough to say i wouldn't be scared of god when i messed something up he gave me and if you are if you say that you crazy but he's just broken what god's given to him and i'm sure i'm certain of this that he would have feared exceedingly he would have feared and said oh god look what i've done what's going to happen to me now i began to think about that again and think about it again and i asked the lord to put somebody else in my heart about who else stood in the breach even in a fearful time hey y'all remember over in the book of joshua well this just popped into my head you remember when god gave commandments to joshua and the children of israel to march around jericho how many times once for six days then on the seventh day seven times and then the shout and the walls would fall can i just say this sometimes when god gives us something it ain't going to be easy and a lot of times god will make us do something to show us less of ourselves so he can get real big i must decrease so he must increase you want to know well glory i felt a tug on that you want to know why god used joshua in that situation it was because god didn't want the glory to go to the fighters god didn't want the glory to go to the people that were wielding the swords and carrying the shields and shooting the bows but when they got done and them walls came tumbling down they could lift their hands towards a heaven and towards a thrice and a holy god and say it won't me they want my sword it wasn't my skill it wasn't anything i did but it was a god in heaven and all we did was obey him hey hey listen to me i'm thankful that we serve a god that can take and tell us what to do and use us in that situation i don't know why i said that but i said it again y'all preaching me all right but then i began to think about oh ray have the harlot that got saved by the scarlet. you remember that story the spies get sent in and rahab says well i guess y'all can stay at my house and the bible says i'm paraphrasing once again but the bible says rahab said if i get caught they're going to kill me now if i'm doing something i know i'm going to get caught you better be sure this i'm going to be scared i'm going to be fearful hey rahab the harlot said you know what i'm gonna stand in the bridge you know those those uh soldiers were about to come into where she was they were gonna kill everybody and what were their commands get everybody that you love in this house you hang up that scarlet thread picture the blood of calvary you hang it up and the judgment and the wrath of god well glory and the wrath will pass over you you ever think she feared i know she feared because she's made out of the same old stuff that i'm made out of i know she feared standing in the breach speaks of a fearful time and i had to say all that so i can get to here because if i didn't say all that you wouldn't get to where i am now and if you weren't here where i am now you wouldn't get what i said there y'all with me amen standing in the breach speaks of a fearful time but then also standing in the breach speaks of a faithful time grab your bibles and go with me to hebrews chapter number 11. hebrews chapter number 11. we're going to start reading in verse number 23. the bible says by faith who moses well glory by faith moses when he was born was he three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the king's commandments by faith who moses when he was coming years refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season i'm going to read that again because somebody in here needs to hear that choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season hey i just want to go ahead and stop right there and i want to say this y'all are my crowd y'all are my crowd when the trump of god sounds and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet him in the air hey then people down at the bar joint ain't gonna be going with me then people down at the ball game ain't gonna be going with me but the people up in the house of god that are saved by the grace of god are gonna be going with me hey and i'll go ahead and make up in my mind if i've got to spend the rest of eternity with you let's go ahead and be friends here because one day 10 000 years down the road when we're up in heaven i don't want to look over and say brother skip i didn't really like him on earth i didn't really like him but i guess i'll stand next to him now in heaven but one day brother skip i want to stand next to you and say when i was down on the earth i chose to suffer affliction with him rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for season that felt good too amen 20 verse 26 and steaming the reproach of christ greater riches than the treasures in egypt wait a minute weren't we just talking about that it's amazing how your bible works when you just read it amen for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward moses would rather get the reward in heaven than to stay in egypt and get temporal things and to get temporary things my my by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible through what church faith he kept the passover and the sprinkling of blood lest he that destroyed the firstborn shall touch them by faith they passed through the red sea as by dry land which the egyptians are saying to do were drowned by faith the walls of wait didn't we just talk about this too brother skip by faith the walls of jericho felt that was the lord because that ain't even in my notes praise god by faith the walls of jericho fell down after they were compassed about seven days what's that next verse by faith the harlot rahab how about that all three of them folk we just talked about are in the one of the greatest chapters in all the bible hebrews 11. if you know your bible this is what we call the hall of faith the hall of faith the people that had faith in god through thick through thin through good through bad through hot through cold through everything they had faith in god we talked about moses standing in the breach about joshua standing in the breach and about rahab standing in the breach and we just read about them in hebrews chapter number 11. boy does god like it when one of his children stands in the breach that's all i'm going to say but why did i say that standing in the breach speaks of a faithful time well i'm going to just go ahead and unbutton this real quick why did i say that standing in the breach speaks of a faithful time first corinthians 4 2 moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found what church be found faithful how in god's name are we supposed to stand in the breach when it's fearful when it gets hard when it gets tough you know what you got to do you just got to stay faithful to the god of heaven stay faithful to the work of god to the will of god to the house of god to the people of god we need to stay faithful when it's hard when it's easy when it's hot when it's cold how do we stand in the breach in a fearful time we stay faithful to the lord our god that's how we stand in the breach tonight well glory i believe being faithful speaks of our walk our walk is who we are in private my my if i were to go to the four walls of your house i know your preachers preached that before and ask them is he faithful to god see faithful to god what would their answers be what will the walls say who we are in private but being faithful also speaks of our witness who we are in public it's easy to live for god when people are watching you it's easy to live for god when you're in the church house you know i'm you know i'm telling it right it's easy to live for god when there's people around you that want to live for god but what about when none of them people are around are we faithful for standing in the breach are we faithful of standing in the breach god's been doing a work on my heart and prayer lately my how thankful i am for prayer outside of the word of god prayer is the most valuable weapon we have to fight against the devil how thankful i am for prayer are you faithful in standing in the breach on your knees my my i read this the other day battles aren't one on our feet they're one on our knees if we ever want god to not pour the wrath of god on america pour the wrath of god on that lost family member pour the wrath of god on our lost friend pour the wrath of god on a lost co-worker you know what we do we get on our knees and we say lord i'm standing in the breach lord nobody else may be doing it but god i'm gonna stand in the bridge and child of god you better listen to me and listen to me well i am nobody qualified to even say this because i mess up every day just like you do but we've got to make up in our mind that in 2021 even in the chaos that our world is in and the chaos that our country is in in the chaos that everybody around us is in we've got to stay faithful to the house of god we've got to stay faithful in what we do we've got to stand in the breach who's going to stand in the breach who who will stand in the breach i believe that standing in the breach speaks of a fearful time and it speaks of a faithful time i want to ask you this question are you a thermometer or are you a thermostat hey when you walk in a room are you a thermometer and you change to the temperature that the room is or when you walk into a room well glory does the room change to the temperature that you are how do we do that we got to stay faithful i love reading the stories of the old time preachers one of my heroes i never met him dr percy ray myrtle mississippi stories of brother ray walking in walking in grocery stores walking in restaurants and not even opening his mouth and people coming up to him and say sir i don't know what you've got but i sure want it sir there's something different about you sir there's something that you've got that i've been looking for are we that kind of christian or are we that kind of christian that when we when we walk in places the lost people say hey watch you come over here and hang out with us teenagers when we're at school i went to a public school i played baseball i played basketball i drove a fancy car i i lived how i wanted to and when i walked into school my one of my biggest regrets is i didn't give them jesus but i was always the yes man they said joe you want to go yeah let's do it joe you want to go race yeah let's do it joe you want to go hang out at my house yeah let's do it by the good grace of god i've never tasted alcohol i've never done drugs never been to a party but it was only by the grace of god but you better listen to me i didn't do all that but the time that i squandered brother cody one of my prayers is that one day god gives me one opportunity to preach with all them people that i went to high school with that's why we started that youth rally i want them people that i squander the opportunity to reach them i want them to get saved get in the house of god but if i don't get on my knees and stay faithful to standing in the breach the wrath of god is going to be poured on them standing in the breach speaks of a fearful time and it speaks of a faithful time but this is really where i wanted to get to because this helps me grab your bibles and turn to deuteronomy chapter number four deuteronomy chapter number four and i'm almost done y'all just bear with me deuteronomy chapter number four verse 21 the bible says furthermore the lord was angry with me for your sakes this is moses speaking and swear that i should not go over jordan and that i should not go into go in unto that good land which the lord that god giveth thee for an inheritance you remember the story about moses where he messed up and god said well you can't go over in the promised land now you can't go over in the canaan land we know that the canaan lands a picture of the victorious christian life in the old testament verse 22 well glory verse 22 but i must die in this land i must not go over jordan but i'm glad the bible don't stop there it says but ye shall go over and possess that good land standing in the breach speaks of a fearful time of faithful time but then it also speaks of a fruitful time standing in the breach speaks of a fruitful time we just read where moses said that i'm not going to be able to go over but there's a whole bunch of people that are going to be able to go over well glory that helps me tonight i'm thankful i'm thankful church that somebody stood in the breach for me so that one day i could go over when i was living my own life there was a grandma on her knees calling out joseph daniel offered to the lord jesus christ she was saying god get him back god get him back i had a mama i had a daddy saying god get him back in the church house and who would have thought that on 2021 i'm in a church house preaching tonight i'm telling you that when you stand in the breach for somebody it brings fruit moses it was fearful it was hard but he stayed faithful and then moses i believe he's up in heaven and he got to watch them children of israel walk over into canaan land he got to watch them walk over and the victory and the lord would have said something like this moses had you not stood in the breach for them they'd have never been able to cross over and i want to may i want to say this tonight who is not going to be able to cross over if you don't stand in the breach tonight i'm almost done i promise if you'll come to the piano please i got just a few more things i want to say but this is the goodest part of this whole message i said goodest i sure did i know it ain't proper english but it's good preaching moses stood in the breach brother zach he never got to cross over but a whole lot of people did i may never cross over but if i'll stay faithful in a fearful time the fruit behind me is going to be so much greater than i could have ever imagined brother cody i started thinking about that you know who had a ministry that had a lot of fruit out of it jesus christ y'all hear me church you know who had a ministry that had a whole lot of fruit of it out of it jesus christ you know why i'm here tonight the lord jesus christ you know why i'm saved tonight the lord jesus christ you know why you're saved tonight the lord jesus christ i'm about to have me a fit you want to know something 2 000 years ago on a hill called mount calvary the wrath of god was going to be poured on joseph offered he was going to be poured on cody's horn the wrath of god which we deserved we should have gotten but the lord jesus christ he hung between heaven and he hung between hell and the wrath of god was put on jesus christ back so that we would never have to experience the wrath of god hallelujah tonight glory to the lamb of god he stood in the bridge the lord did and the wrath of god was poured on christ so that i never had to go through the wrath of god and if we don't stand in the breach who's going to i've got certain people i pray over every day and one of my prayers is lord i want to stand in the breach for them god i don't want the wrath to be poured on them god hold your wrath off just a little longer god give them just another chance who's going to stand in the breach dr edward judson said this if we succeed without suffering it is because others have suffered before us if we suffer without success it is that others may succeed after us child of god it may be hard it may be tough right now but if we'll make up in our mind tonight we'll stand in the breach there's going to come some fruit out of it [Music] but listen to me there may never come a time where you get to see them other people cross over but if we'll do it either way somebody's gonna get the crossover because of the way god used you i'd like to invite you to stand on your feet and not every head bound every eye closed nobody looking around every head down every eye closed nobody looking around tonight many people have already come to this altar and are praying tonight but i wouldn't be doing you justice if i didn't ask you just a couple questions with every head bow and every eye closed nobody looking around i wonder if there'd be somebody in the house tonight that would say brother joe he's preaching on that wrath of god brother joe i don't want the wrath of god to be poured on me and brother joe i'm not 100 sure that i'm saved brother joe i'm not 100 sure that i'm going to heaven but i'm 100 sure i don't want to go to hell if that's you i want you to raise your hand where i can sit where god can see it i'm not going to embarrass you see that hand [Music] get somebody come down here with a bible there's one is there anybody else wonder if there'd be somebody else that would say i'm not sure i'm going to heaven but i'm sure i don't want to go to hell raise your hand long enough i swear i can see it i won't embarrass you i promise i'm looking around looking around let me ask you one more question tonight i wonder if there'd be anybody in the house tonight that'd say brother joe i want to stand in the breach brother joe while you was preaching god put somebody on my heart that i want to stand in the breach for if that's you why don't you raise your hand many have already come this is what i want to encourage you to do there's not a better place to stand in the breach for somebody than down here on this altar i'd encourage you why don't you come down to this altar say your first breach prayer say your first prayer of god i'm going to stand in the breach for this person god i don't want your wrath on them god if you get to them you're going to have to go through me let's stand in the breach tonight let's stand in the bridge heavenly father god i pray you have your way in jesus name as this world grows darker my lamp will be burning candled with love for the one
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 571
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AoMdZn5ZLXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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