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ever been a day we could use some wind in our services use some rain on the park's ground use some fire in cold cold hearts it is today praise god i thank the lord for his goodness that he allows us to see some rain around here from time to time some fire around here some wind what a blessing this morning i want you to take your bibles and go to the book of genesis with us this morning and chapter number six the book of genesis and chapter number six this morning normally uh i reserve sunday night to do our series work and uh we have been on sunday nights running through a series that we have called finding jesus in genesis finding jesus in genesis and this morning we have looked at jesus in the beginning genesis chapter 1. we've looked at jesus and the bride in chapter 2 and 3. we have looked at jesus in the bloodshed in chapter number four with abel dying but this morning we're going to look at jesus in the boat jesus in the boat somebody made this statement a man named e.w bullinger made this statement years ago he said the lord jesus christ is the one great theme of the word of god being the promised seed of the woman he is therefore the master key to the divine revelation of the word the whole bible listen to this the whole bible is about him directly or indirectly and everything centers around him and apart from him it cannot be understood you say preacher why in the world would you take us all the way back to genesis when we can readily find jesus in matthew mark luke and john because i want you to understand that long before jesus ever came into this world as the son of man to lay down his life for the sons of men he was already god he was already prophesied he was already predetermined he was already foreordained and in these shadows and pictures and types we see jesus christ now i told you this when we started our study those of you that were here some of you may not have been but if you don't like jesus this series of sermons will not be for you but if you like the lord jesus christ if you're just absolutely in love with him if his life is just absolutely the biggest part of your life if you're simply taken with him and who he is and what he did now that this series of messages will be right up your alley this morning this morning i want to show you pictures of jesus in this first boat in the bible the most famous boat in history is not the titanic that sunk way back in april of 1912. i like reading about that and talking about that and preaching and using that that's not the most famous boat in history the most famous boat in history is not the queen mary i've seen that docked in port out on the west coast the most famous mode in history is not some viking ship but the most famous boat in history that nearly everybody knows something about regardless of if they actually know the facts or not is noah's ark it will be noah's floating vessel found all the way back in genesis chapter six now i want to stop and say this if you're sitting there and thinking to yourself does that guy really believe that old antiquated outdated archaic uh antediluvian story about a man that built a boat and the whole world got wiped out and the whole world got destroyed in a flood and only eight people got saved in a boat and repopulated the earth yes i do as a matter of fact i think you are unscientific if you don't believe in it this morning uh as a matter of fact i have personally read the eyewitness accounts and the people who gave first-hand accounts from military to civilians from the 1800s to the mid-1900s that photographed a boat up in the mountains of ararat 14 000 feet high stuck in ice that's still there today brother ain't no way to explain a boat the size of over a football field being lodged in ice and stuck up yonder in a mountain unless genesis is correct and brother is correct this morning and the reason why men always want to get rid of the genesis account whether it be creation or whether it be the flood is because if they can get rid of the authenticity of the genesis account and they can say there is no god that will hold me accountable for my deeds there is no son of god that died on the cross to rescue me from my sin i can live however i want do whatever i want case sarah sarah but that's just not true this morning you will stand before god and you will answer and give an account for what did you do with his son genesis chapter number 6 saying all that let's dive off into the passage finding jesus in genesis we're going to see jesus in the boat genesis chapter 6 verse number 12 if you found your place with me say amen and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth no wonder jesus said as it was in the days of noah so shall also be in the days of the coming of the son of man we are seeing this replicated before our eyes even in society today honey verse 13 and god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth verse 14 make thee an ark of gopher wood room shalt thou make him the ark and shout pitch it within and without with pitch this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits the breadth of it 50 cubits and the height of it 30 cubits a window shalt thou make to the ark and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above and the door of the ark shall thou set in the side thereof with lower second and third story shalt thou make it and behold i even i do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die but with thee will i establish my covenant and thou shalt come into the ark thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy son's lives with thee pray with me and for me this morning and for yourself the lord and speak to you god thank you so much for the opportunity to be in your house lord i've enjoyed myself god it's been good to be here i thank you for the sweet liberty of the spirit of god now lord i pray for a few minutes you'd help me to preach i realize i can't do anything apart from you god i pray to these people that have gathered here this morning that they would hear what the spirit would say unto the church god i pray if there'll be somebody here they've never been saved they've never been converted god they've never been convicted their sins and trusted jesus christ i pray this morning would be the glad day when they run up the white flag of unconditional surrender and call on the god of heaven and be born again god i pray that you would help me to illuminate these scriptures fill our hearts with joy and gladness and thankfulness for what jesus our savior did for us all those years ago on that dark cruel cross of calvary god we appreciate what you do now in jesus name we pray amen and amen i would like this morning to show you jesus all in and around this ark all in around this boat we see pictures of our savior the lord jesus christ you say preacher i've read about noah's ark and i've heard that story since i was a child but to find jesus in this would simply be a stretch may i say it is no stretch at all as a matter of fact it would be a stretch and a shame not to see jesus all over the pages and the words of the record of this worldwide flood can i show them to you and we're going to go firstly we see the preparer of the boat the first place we find jesus is we see him in the preparer of the boat the one who prepared the boat the one who piloted the boat we find jesus we find he may i say he is a picture of jesus look at with me chapter number five and verse number 28 watch this you know who the preparer of the ark is the bible said noah prepared the ark look at how he is a pic a picture of jesus genesis 5 28 and lamech lived in 180 years 80 and two years and begat a son and he called his name noah saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toll of our hands because of the ground which the lord hath cursed this morning i like that name noah do you know what the name noah means this morning the name noah means rest it means rest giver this morning here we find before the flood ever came god sent a man into this world and said this man is going to give rest from the curse did you see that in verse 29 it said this same talking about noah shall comfort us concerning our work and toil because of the ground which the lord hath cursed he said god's gonna send us somebody god's gonna send us a man and he's gonna be rest he's gonna be the rest giver and the curse that god has put on this ground he's gonna be rest from it you read earlier in in genesis how the world was full of trouble the world was full of unrest the world was full of violence in this day the bible said earlier in chapter six the sons of god came down and cohabited with the daughters of women and brother all sorts of perversion and sin and wickedness and violence were happening in these days we are seeing that even in 2020 today and right in the middle of all of that sin right in the middle of all of the trouble right in the middle of god about to sin judgment god said i'm going to send somebody whose name means rest i'm going to give some rest in the trouble i'm going to give some rest in the unrest i'm going to give some rest to those that are looking for rest this morning here we find in this text rest was not to be found in pleasures rest was not to be found in power rest was not to be found in a pill bottle but rest was found in a person and can i say this morning i'm glad two thousand years ago a brother when man was under the condemnation and the judgment of god and the curse of sin had marched upon all men god sent down rest god sent down somebody that stood up and said come unto me all you that labor under heavy lady and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is lied are you troubled this morning there's rest in jesus are you full of sin this morning there's rest in jesus have you looked for peace and rest and hope in the things of this world and found none there's rest in jesus have you looked for rest in a dead-end road of a relationship only to be disappointed and heard over and over there's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother there's one who never lets you down and his name's jesus have you looked for rest in the bottom of a liquor bottle have you looked for rest at the back end of a blunt have you looked for rest in somebody's bed uh have you looked for rest by making a dollar bill may i say you'll reach a dead-end road every time but brother you'll throw your hands up every time and wonder where in god's name is the rest this world promises but i promise to you friend if you'll ever come to christ if you'll ever meet the rest giver his name is jesus and he promises rest to the soul this morning oh we find the preparer of the boat he gives rest not only does he provide rest don't miss this look at chapter six watch it watch it i got more to tell you he also provides grace look at chapter six don't miss this chapter six and verse number eight it god just got done telling them how it had repented him that he made man it grieved him at his heart he was going to destroy everything and everybody chapter 6 verse 8 but noah this rest giver but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord keep reading these are the generations of noah noah was a just man and perfect in his generations nor want with god nor beget three sons sham ham and japheth do y'all realize something don't miss this noah watch what i'm telling you he's a picture of jesus noah is a mediator of the grace of god to planet earth read chapter 6 again brother bill we find nowhere where it said god gav had grace on sham ham or japheth it said noah found grace do you know how sam ham and japheth got grace from god they was hooked up with noah if you wanted god's grace you had to be identified with that man and if you wouldn't if you wasn't hooked up with that man you didn't get god's grace this morning god's grace was found with just one fellow and if you want the grace of god you come through him and i got more to say on that do you see who it was that was tied to that man that got grace shem ham and japheth you say so what who is shem ham and japheth he's all y'all this morning do you realize the bible said after god flooded this whole world out he repopulated this earth with three guys sham ham and japheth and every race in this world come from those three fellows every race in the world come from those three people you orientals and white folk i know what you are you're japheth the uh uh your europeans excuse me europeans and wife you japheth and brother africans and things like that that's hell and brother uh those jews and the orientals overseas that's that's shame i know what they are this morning and here we all are you know something it said all three of the races got grace they all got in the ark through noah this morning you know what that tells me god has grace on the white man and god has grace on the black man and god has grace on the yellow man and if anybody wants the grace of god this morning if anybody wants to get in on the free grace of salvation they got to come through jesus the bible said that the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace full of grace and truth this morning for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's the gift of god you want god's grace this morning you don't get god's grace by being a good person you don't get god's grace by being a church member you don't get god's grace by getting baptized you don't get god's grace by joining a club or a movement you get god's grace by trusting his son if you want god's grace you'll flee to the refuge of the grace giver whose name is jesus this morning that's why paul over and over every one of paul's writings he starts it this way read them for yourself romans uh first corinthians saint corinthians galatians ephesians philippians colossians first second thessalonians titus philemon and all of them rhymes with paul you know how paul always starts his writings out grace to you and peace from our lord jesus christ it's always in that order brother richberg it never we understand it never is peace to you and grace from jesus christ no because you don't know the peace of god without first experiencing the grace of god grace always precedes peace and if you want god's peace you got to first experience god's grace whereby he accepts you in the beloved you trust christ and you get born again this morning oh there's more in this preparer of the boat we not only see he's a picture of christ in his rest and in his grace but also in his peace this morning look at chapter 8 with me i hope you keep your bibles open we're going to look at some scripture i hope that don't bother you this morning chapter eight and verse number eight look what your bible said noah is going to send forth two birds after this water comes down on the earth to see if if if the flood waters have receded and he can go forth he sends forth a raven which does not come back but verse 8 watch also he sent forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground but the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot oh she knows where rest is at and she returned unto him into the ark for the waters were on the face of the whole earth then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in unto him into the ark verse number 11 he sends the dove out again verse 11 and the dove came into him in the evening and low in her mouth don't miss it was an olive leaf plucked off so noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth he stayed yet other seven days sent forth the dove which returned not again unto him anymore you say how do you find peace there oh that peace that dove is always a picture of the spirit of god in the bible but when she came and landed on noah brother john the bible said she had an olive leaf in her mouth that olive leaf brother chris we always talk about extending the olive branch of peace that olive leaf is a picture of the peace of god and when that dove wanted to show where peace was she landed on noah she lighted down on noah he's the grace giver he's the rest giver she knew where peace could be found and can i tell y'all something that's interesting if you'll study your bible i have this is amazing to me brother keith haynes if you'll study your bible from here out you know what you will not find until you get to the new testament you will not find a particular singular dove you'll find where the bible talks about doves or bring a dove but it don't talk about a specific dove like it says here he took a duck you won't find a specific dove a particular one you know the next time you find a specific particular dove matthew chapter number three that bible said jesus christ came to be baptized of john the baptist and the muddy river jordan and when jesus walked down off into that water and john baptized him the bible said heaven was opened and down come the holy ghost on the wings of a snow white dove and the bible said that dove landed on jesus christ you know what that dove was saying that dove was saying if you want peace i've found it if you need peace to your soul i've found it and jesus said my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth give i unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid you won't peace this morning you won't rest this morning you want grace this morning you find it in jesus friend i'm glad i've met him i'm glad i know him i'm glad i've got grace i'm glad i've got peace i'm glad i've got rest i got it right now you say how much did it cost you nothing do you realize if you read this story we're going to move on here i'm hung up on the preparer of the boat you realize if you read this story it doesn't say anything brother joe about noah's sons helping him build it ready for yourself i always preach it that noah and his boys built the boat but it don't say that nowhere i'm sure they threw in i guess but the bible don't say it all it says is that noah did as was commanded him it gives the implication that noah did all the work himself noah did all the preparation by himself noah made the way all along this morning and may i say when our savior died on the cross the bible said he himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree this morning he did the whole work jesus paid it all all to him i owe seeing had left the crimson stain he washed it white as snow brother you can't do nothing to help god out you can't do nothing to help prepare a place in heaven jesus said i go and prepare a place he said that where i am there you may be also and he said i'm the way to it i'm the truth and i'm the life and no man comes to the father but by me this morning we find the preparer of the boat not only do we see the preparer of the boat but we find jesus in the boat not only in the preparer but also in the protection of the boat the protection of the boat oh can i tell you this morning there was only one means of safety away from the condemnation and the judgment of god this ark is a picture of jesus christ as well the boat itself is a picture of christ there wasn't two arks three arks five arks two there was one one one uno ain't one that's all the languages i can say one in just one this morning i imagine somebody walked up to noah brother rodney and they said well noah you got your religion and i got mine you know let's not argue about it don't be so narrow-minded noah i mean my very idea you standing out here for all these years hollering and screaming you better get on the boat you better get on this boat judgment's coming judgment i mean noah come on that's that's just a little that's that's outdated archaic i mean that's the old way people used to do things people don't accept it like that noah you need to make your ark a little more presentable you know noah noah if you would black the ark out put some strobe lights on it [Applause] get you a cheap imitation knock off of leonard skinner out front playing music some fog and some lights maybe maybe more people join up with you know but you just so stinking narrow-minded i mean you ain't you ain't willing to give just a little bit noah i mean these people out here they're essentially good they're trying their best they're they're good people noah yeah they're gonna go to hell too i said this morning you say but i'm a good person yeah and you're a good person uh nature gonna wind you up in hell this morning you're gonna go to hell without god being a good person this morning say preacher are you trying to tell me there's just one way to heaven i mean preacher you know what about them people that ain't never heard before well preacher what about these folk they're good people they just don't see it like you it ain't got to do with seeing it like me it's got to do with seeing it like god sees it this morning may i say they ain't two ways to heaven five ways to heaven y'all listen to me there's a million ways to get to hell this morning take your pick there's a million ways to help try any of them try religion try good works try keeping the ten commandments try talking in tongues falling out on the floor getting baptized being good to your fellow man just try any of them you want they all get you to hell there's a million ways to hell they just one way to heaven you say where is that it's found in the ark of safety you say who is the ark of safety he's jesus christ brother i'm glad the bible said one day i got in him when i got saved god put me in the ark of safety and i got protected this morning look how protected they were when they got inside the ark look at here when they got in to avoid god's wrath look at chapter 6 we read it earlier at the beginning but watch it again down in verse number 14 chapter 6 verse 14. god said this when he's beginning to give the specifications for the ark and how to build it watch what he said it is not by accident verse 14 make thee an ark of gopher wood room shalt thou make him the ark don't miss the last part and shout pitch it within and without with pitch the word pitch literally means to cover entirely that this pitch worked as like a barrier to keep the water out and it wasn't just pitched on the outside it was also pitched on the inside you know what i like about this word pitch it is also the same word which means don't miss this i love it i was looking this up the other day has blessed me it is also the same word which means atonement for sins as a matter of fact over in exodus when they make atonement it's the same word atonement for sins they got to pitch in that thing god said this is a picture of what i'm going to do with my son and those who get inside of him i can imagine as they were sitting inside that boat brother zeke they were sitting in there and that water started rising and that boat got to rocking i imagine they started sitting there and they thought oh i hope it holds together and brother after they rode through that storm for 40 days and 40 nights and that pitch stayed right where it should be this morning i imagine his boys and his wife and his daughter-in-laws looked at no one said oh i'm so glad you covered this thing i'm so glad you covered it inside and outside cause it's kept us safe from the judgment of god you say what's that a picture of it's a picture of the blood of jesus christ that cleanses and covers and makes atonement for the sins of humanity you don't wash away sin with water you don't cover sin with good works you cover sin with the precious blood of the lamb of god sent to take away the sins of the world what can wash away man sin nothing but the blood of jesus what can make a man whole again nothing but the blood of jesus there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath the flood lose all their guilty stings this morning i had no one to blame how along to hide my face i was so ashamed of all the wrong i'd done and i knew i had to pay i was bound to face hills flames i'd be there today my friend but for the blood but for the blood shed on calvary's tree but for the blood there'd be no hope for you and me for all my righteousness is filthy rags and that's all i'd ever be but for the blood that cleansed and set me free i like it so good i'm gonna sing another verse of it even now i get so low that old devil lets me know i'm so undeserving i'm unworthy of god's love oh yes i know it's true but here i am with the chosen few i'm saved today my friend just bought the blood thank god i've been pitched with in and without with the precious blood of christ [Applause] oh it's a protective protection of the boat you know something about this boat's a picture of jesus not just that pitch i don't got time to read it you find it yourself it's right in chapter six there he said build that thing with lower second third stories this ark's a picture of jesus it's got three different compartments but it's one but it's three but it's one and the bible said in jesus in jesus dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father brother looky here in him is the fullness of the godhead in one this morning it's a picture of my savior friend oh not just is that the the ph and the levels but also the door there was only one way into this thing brother danny russell the bible said god told him put the whip put the door in the side he said put the window up top you know what that means only people on the inside could enjoy the view looking at god see only the people on the inside could enjoy that fellowship with god but if you want to get on the inside you got to come through a door and there wasn't two doors or three doors there was one door to get in that thing just one and did you see where the door was it said it wasn't in the top it wasn't in the bottom it wasn't in the ends it said it it was in the side and on the cross of calvary the sight of my savior was opened up when they opened the sight of my savior up it opened the door jesus said in john 10 i am the door if any man will be saved he can enter in thank god for the day thank god for the day when i saw my sin exceedingly sinful and god showed me the door out of hell and into heaven and i took off running and said thank god i got in the door this morning you want to get in the family you come through the door for him jesus said any man that don't come through the door is a thief and he's a robber you know what you do to thieves and robbers that come through your house at night you shoot them [Music] [Applause] it's exactly right 2a brother second amendment right here i don't know about ymca but i know about 2a promise you that i'm all for that one you hear me you come breaking into my house two or three o'clock in the morning through the window i'm not hollering first i'm not saying stop hold up please go away the first thing you're going to hear is the report of my 45 acp shell leaving its barrel at 900 feet per second coming your way fast so see just make up your mind if anything i got in my house worth you dying over because it's worth me killing you over [Applause] and god feels the same way anybody that tries to go to heaven bypassing the door he said a man that tries to climb up some other way but the doors over here just come to the door no i'm good i'm going to keep working i'm working my way i'm working on a building i'm working on a building i'm working my way i'm trying to get there why just go to the door [Applause] just go to the door no i'm gonna work my way preacher no you won't no you won't you're gonna get a face full of the judgment of god that's what you're gonna get brother you better come through the door you know how they hang doors they hang them on hinges you know how most doors is hung they hung on three hinges you know how that dunk door to heaven got hung it got hung on three hinges and if you want to go to heaven it swings at calvary and it swings wide this morning for whosoever will hey amen amen i i like the fact that once he got in that door he couldn't even get out the bible said in chapter seven the lord shut him in yeah for all you folks think you can get out after you get in brother once noah got in he couldn't get out god done locked that ball up in there and he couldn't get out if he'd wanted to this morning amen we see not only not only as the preparer of the ark see the protection in the ark we see there's a plea to get in the boat this morning there's a plea to get in the boat look at chapter seven verse one i'm running to the close here chapter seven verse one and the lord said unto noah look at the plea oh i love this look at the plea to get in the boat it's the same plea i'm giving to you this morning the lord said unto noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee i seen righteous before me in this generation god told noah come but i like this i like the fact brother chip that it was a personal invitation he didn't just say come he said come thou i'm talking to you he said i want you and this is a picture of jesus in the new testament the bible said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved and the house he said no i don't just want you to come i take your whole family i'll give you a household salvation and this morning while i'm preaching you know what i you know what the holy ghost has been saying while i've been preaching he's been saying come thou come thou come thou you sitting there this morning you're saying yeah thou but maybe i'll maybe i'm not one of the elect if you get in dealt with you are all this well i'm not sure if i'm elected i'm not sure if i'm this brother whosoever will yeah you're going to sit there and keep wandering around are you this or are you that mess around now and go to hell without god you better just worry about has he called you are you getting dealt with you better move better quit trying to worry about figuring it all out and all this and all that if you're getting dealt with that's a good sign god's dealing with you run amen god we'll have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth this morning come on friend come on my goodness my goodness i sit there and i see this whole story brother skip and i think to myself noah preached that righteousness for all them years and begged people to get on the boat and pleaded with them get on the boat then finally god said come thou not family in the ark and some of y'all sitting in here this morning and you've been begged with and you've been pleaded with and god's dealt with you and you keep putting it off and putting it off and putting it off because you want to have fun or you think you'll get right down the road you're going to sow your wild oats now or what will people think of me brother look here there was a day when there wasn't no more chances the chances were over with and now it was time to face the judgment some of y'all gonna keep fooling around long enough to your last chance god's gonna pull your last chance that's your last one i don't know when it is i hope god keeps dealing with you but i know in this same text genesis 6 he said my spirit shall not always strive with man i ain't always going to deal with you man i can't imagine the hell and the horror of this whole scene unfolding before our eyes brother travis freeman i mean i sit there and i read this and i think finally there was a day god said come down my family in the ark noah and his family gladly walked in when god gave him the invitation i like the fact god said come he didn't say go that meant god was on the inside waiting for him when he got in there he didn't say noah go ride it out by yourself he said i'll ride it out with you praise god anyways and oh noah got up in there and god slammed that door and locked it shut i told you couldn't have got out if he wanted to and about that time brother a dark cloud come up over the face of the earth like they'd never seen before had never been no rain the bible said there was a mist came up from the ground they didn't know what rain was brother carl about that time that dark cloud started unfolding over the face of the entire earth lightning started streaking it across the sky and thunder that rattled the windows in the houses and shook the ground and then men and women and them little kids walked outside and they looked up and about that time a deluge opened up and started hitting them right in the face as that rain began to soak their face and mat their hair to their head and they looked at that rain and they looked around and they thought oh my god noah told the truth no i told the truth get the babies mama get the babies don't get don't worry about nothing in the house it don't matter let's get to the boat that crazy preacher told us the truth go go and by the time they get to the ark the water's already waist deep getting deeper and they get up there that big door and they start noah let us see it we believe you now no please i'm out here with my family no i'm sorry i'm sorry i was gonna believe you that's gonna get right no please just give us another chance please no again but it's too late the day of chances is over with y'all there it all went just busted it praise god grab stuff lord of god it's gonna happen just that fast that's what's going to happen just that fast and the chance is over will and some of y'all sitting in here this morning you're going to keep playing with your chance and playing with your chance and playing with your chance until it's over with i wonder how many calls god gonna have to give you before you finally say i'll come i'll come i ain't waiting no more i'll come right now right now i'll come the plea has been given the pleas one of these days that'd be a last chance brother you're going to stand at a great white throne judgment and i'm going to be on the good side of god and you're going to stand there and get judged and you're going to say but i meant to get right i wanted to get right i was gonna get right it's too late the plea to get in the boat lastly i'm done we see there's a promise after the boat i love this there's a promise after the boat look at chapter number eight and i'm done chapter 28 verse number 21. chapter 28 or chapter 8 excuse me verse 21 noah gets off the ark he offers a sacrifice to god it's a picture of jesus christ his sacrifice was a sweet sweet smell and savor verse 21 the lord smelled a sweet savor and the lord said in his heart i will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake the imagination of man's heart's evil from his youth neither will i again smite anymore everything living as i've done while the earth remains seedtime harvest cold heat summer winter day night should not cease drop all the way to chapter 9. look what's in chapter 9 verse 12 god gives a sign that the curse won't happen anymore as far as a destruction with water chapter 9 verse 12 god said this is the token of the covenant which i make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generations i do set my bow the rainbow in the cloud that it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth do you see what happens when they step off that boat brother skip god said there's a partial curse that's been lifted now there's still sin there's still sorrow there's still thorns and thistles that part of the curse is still there but he said here's the part that ain't there no more the judgment and the wrath of god's over with as far as flooding by water and when they stepped off they stepped off into a new world and there was a rainbow you know what the promise is one of these days when we all get to heaven and we step off on heaven's bright shore you know what the bible said there'll be no more sin there'll be no more sorrow and the bible said we get to heaven there was a rainbow round about the throne can i tell you one of these days we're going to step out of this veil of tears we're going to step off on the other side and when we step off on the other side honey brother there'll be no more curse there'll be no more sin and we'll see the full picture on the other side say how we going to get there though we're going to get there through jesus it's all about jesus this morning it's all about jesus this morning i wonder i wonder are you in say well you mean in i mean you trust jesus christ god puts you in him puts you in his family i wonder are you in are you still on the outside looking in because brother after all the truth i showed you this morning i'd be scared to death to die without god after hearing all that if christ is pleading and god's calling i'd move and i'd come to god and i wonder christian when's the last time you just got around an altar and said lord thank you for saving me help me over here my sister thank you lord for putting me in your family god i'm glad for the day i got in the ark i could still be on the outside looking on the inside but i'm glad i'm in god help me go get somebody else and bring him in noah brought his family who you bringing in i don't want to get in by myself i want to bring others with me when i go let's all stand this morning heads or bow and eyes are closed jesus in the boat father i pray you'd bless the simple message from the word of god thank you so much for the sweet blood of christ that covers the believer thank you so much lord for the truth of the word of god that challenges our heart help us now to take these truths and to go use them god there may be somebody here that's lost they've never been saved i pray this morning they'd fall on their face call out to god join others that's done the same thing in just the last few weeks here in this place they'd be born again jesus name we pray heads your mouth and eyes are closed ain't nobody looking around i want to ask you a real serious question this morning you say preacher i'll be honest with you i'm not 100 sure i'm in preacher my heart's been pricked touched i'm i'm not sure i'm in if i die right now i ain't sure i'd go to heaven pray for me preacher would it be one like that this morning maybe more than one would you slip your hand up and say pray for me ain't nobody looking around with me and god i will come to your call yet i would like to pray for you god bless you young man would there be another one like this one that say i i'm not sure i'm saved i'm not in but i'd like to get in there'll be another that would join this one say i'm not sure i'm saved pray for me i wouldn't go to hell for nobody i think to myself maybe some people got kept off the ark because they was worried what people would think about them if they joined up with noah five seconds after it started raining they couldn't have cared less what nobody thought about them about it this morning say i'm not saved pray for me young man i'm gonna pray for you but me praying for you won't save you i have my deacon meet you right down here would you slip out of your seat come to this altar and trust jesus christ repent of your sins and trust jesus christ this morning that's the only way to heaven would you come i'm going to pray for you mrs esther's going to sing this is for you father i pray you'd help this one and oh more that are in the valley of decision this morning waiting and wondering what they ought to do i pray this morning get help jesus name we pray amen if you need to come now is the time to move [Music] and there was no way i could make my wrongs right then the old accuser to the lord did cry he is a sinner [Music] then i heard a voice saying father i'll go [Music] the marks of the cross to save this trout who is in sick and lost and it's still the blood that saves from sin it's still the blood that cleanses within from the highest star in heaven to the depths of the sea it is still the blood of that brings victory [Music] there are those who rely on the works that they do and some men count on the times they pray through but when the battle's over and the last song's been sung i'll go home through the blood of my father's only son and it's still the blood that saves from sin it's healed of blood that cleanses within from the highest heaven to the depths of the sea it is still the blood of jesus that brings victory to me and it's still the blood that saves from sin it's still the blood that cleanses within from the [Music] to the highest of the sea it is still the word of jesus that brings victory to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory you say preacher is it that easy to get in jesus yes he invites and you respond it'd be just like me standing on the inside of my house brother roger and inviting you to come inside and won't you come in yeah say how do i get in you just take me out my word just trust that i i give you a legitimate invitation and you just walk through that's what it is god says come you take him out his word and you come through jesus one young man did this morning i'm so proud to have gavin this morning it seemed like i met him a long time ago but it's been a long time glad he come and trusted jesus this morning if you need to trust jesus friend don't don't don't leave his property last sunday we had a young man service was over with and he come got our deacon got down here in the altar and got saved after service look here you don't you don't have to get saved just because we're all in here preaching and singing and shouting you you come back in get right with the lord god been so good to us as three sundays we've seen somebody get born again we thank god for that thank god for that amen bless his holy name salvation is of the lord it's a supernatural work of god that all we can do is offer it to somebody god does the work in the heart we can plant in water but god got to give the increase y'all shake this young man's hand y'all make sure you fellas come around grab a hold of him shake his hand tell him you're gonna be praying for him and uh he'll be back here with his paw paw praise the lord so good to have you this morning please come back at six o'clock tonight hear these young men preach austin zeke hunter i'm excited to hear and preach i'll be praying for y'all this afternoon y'all go get along with god ask the lord to touch you and anoint you and use you and we'll be praying for you who's going to pray for these young men this afternoon all right you said you would please do make sure you pray for them ask god to touch them they're going to be just as nervous as a long-tailed tom cat in a room full of rocker chairs yeah hey look here you don't never get yet uh the nervousness never goes all the way away it don't matter how long you preach but i did tell them it does go from being buzzards in the belly to butterflies in the belly at this point it feels like buzzers bouncing around inside but it will get better and we're going to be behind them all right so uh y'all make sure you shake brother billy and mr vicki richberg's hand telling me glad they came by we love them people and thank god for what they're doing getting the word of god all around the world amen all right let's close the good word of prayer and thank the lord for what he did this morning so so good for what god did this morning brother jeremiah atkinson asked the lord to close us in prayer [Music]
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 559
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: vaqx-9Td_o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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