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i've got a whole book to prove that there's not one thing that he can't do i'm so glad that there's no heart so hard he can't soften it there's no life so far gone he can't save and recover it there's no situation so out of control he can't fix it thank god tonight i'm glad we serve the god that nothing's too hard for him man where that comes from over there in the old testament where god told abraham and sarah they gonna have a child as old people the bible said sarah laughed at god she laughed she said how in the world am i supposed to have a child i'm well past childbearing age and man abraham he's old as well and the lord heard her laugh in the tent and the lord asked that question is anything too hard for the lord amen hey man i guarantee you god throws something like that on you it's hard to look at god and say yeah something's too hard for you no sir you when god looks at you and asks that question you just kind of have to bow your head and say well oh lord and uh i've been in some places sometimes man even just this past year i'll be honest with you just this past year there was some things that happened in our immediate family uh in some circumstances situation back down in georgia that we carried and some real real heavy things man i'll be honest with you brother marty i looked at him and i i i was like that fellow over there in the new testament lord i believe but help thou by unbelief i didn't think things could ever be made right i didn't think god could ever come through man i'm seeing god hallelujah [Applause] so i'm seeing god put things back together i never dreamed to get put back together i'm seeing god give recovery that brother roger i thought was unrecoverable i'm telling you tonight friend don't you quit praying don't you quit seeking the face of god don't you quit bringing it before the throne of grace hey hey hey it don't cost a dime more to pray big than it does to pray little [Applause] that's god to do something in your situation amen pray a big prayer he's a big god pretty big prayer that's right it don't scare him none promise you that man you'd be surprised what the lord can do lord of god got me all stirred up there first john chapter one tonight first john chapter number one this evening's where we're gonna find our text and our message at uh i might possibly read the first 10 verses of the chapter it is just a 10 verse chapter anyways we'll just kind of see here as the lord gives us utterance i really want to get to verse number six although we'll be preaching down through several of these verses tonight first john chapter number one let's just start in verse one as we head down to our our diving board off into the text tonight uh first john chapter one and verse number one if you're with me say amen tonight john said that which was from the beginning john starts his epistle the same way that he starts his gospel the gospel of john chapter one he takes us all the way back to the beginning and says that which was from where he said in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and he takes us back to the beginning here in his epistle first john chapter one verse one that which was from the beginning which we've heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life he's talking about jesus christ he was in the beginning we heard him we saw him we handled him and he is the capital w word of life the capital w word in your bibles jesus christ the small w word in your bible is the scriptures themselves jesus is the word of god personified and the scriptures is the word of god in print jesus is the word of god incarnate and the scriptures are the word of god inspired tonight listen what i'm about to tell you this blessed king james bible is the closest thing to jesus christ you'll ever see feel or touch until we get to heaven tonight the bible said we have a more sure word of prophecy listen to what i'm telling you tonight friend this word mirrors his own personality tonight his person is that he is holy and he's perfect why would he give us something that is unholy and unperfect tonight if the word is to mirror our savior then it must mirror him in his attributes this evening said he's the word of life verse number two for the life was manifested and we've seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us verse 3 that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ i love verse 4 and these things right we unto you written words on paper are written to us for what purpose john that your joy might be full this evening listen to what i'm about to tell you joy in the eyes and the heart of the world is not at all like joy in the eyes and the heart of a christian tonight to the world joy equals fun entertainment money education sex alcohol parties that's that's joy to the world and without these things the world knows nothing about joy but to you and i joy is found in psalm chapter 16 verse 11. you say what's psalm 16 11 the bible said in thy presence there is fullness of joy at thy right hand their pleasures forevermore the greatest joy the child of god can have is when you are living your life daily in the presence of the god that saves you and the savior that loves you this evening he said we're writing this to you that's your joy may be full verse 5 this then is the message this then after after all these comments in the first four verses here's what he's really getting to he said i'm getting to the nitty-gritty what i'm writing to you about this thing is the message which you've heard of him and declare unto you that god is light and in him there's no darkness at all and i want you to notice verse number six don't miss this something jumped out at me the other day that i never really saw it like this before if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth verse 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin verse 8 if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness verse 10 if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us now here's the problem we find in these verses with john's day and these are saved people john is writing to he's not riding lost people mind you he's riding to save people tonight the same problem that john had in his day is the same problem that you and i face and have in our day today you say what is the problem it's found in verse number six it's found in the fact they said one thing but they lived and walked another thing did you notice how three different times it said this if we say if we say if we say and all three things that they say are lies yes yes i i i i know i know we all already got our halos in here but most of your halos is cocked sideways on your horns i i know nobody wants to act like they got any issues in here but the truth is we've all done a little bit of lying since we're being saved tonight let's just act like we're in insurance let's just roll by our religious little selves tonight let's just be honest here for a minute okay he said if we say if we say if we say but then he talks about if we walk and he says that two times as well the problem here in the text don't miss this now the problem is in verse six he said if we say we fellowship with him but we walk in darkness will i and do not the truth here was here was the problem brother skip their talk didn't line up with their walk that's right that's good the tolkien said one thing but the practical daily walking said a whole different thing they said one thing with their lips but their life said something entirely different i'm talking about save people tonight don't pass this book off don't hand this thing off i'm talking about save people in the text john said if we he's lumping himself in he's talking to folks that have been born again been saved and now they are saying one thing but they are doing something else with their life tonight so i want to preach to your heart just for a few minutes this evening on this thought i'm preaching to us tonight on lining up our walk with our talk lining up our walk with our talk tonight that's what john's trying to get out of them that's the whole point of verses 6 through 10 john is trying to get their practical daily walk to line up with what they talk and say out of their mouth tonight i'll never forget way back in the 90s i have been unfortunately and y'all forgive me i have been unfortunately brother kent a dallas cowboy fan since the 90s when i was just a boy i'd come over and give you a high five i could miss neat brother kent probably wouldn't like it though uh and so i i i remember the glory days of the dallas cowboys they hired a coach from the university of miami whose name was jimmy johnson who had won a couple of two or three national championships and they brought him on board he started drafting guys from all over the place and he started a dynasty in dallas with jerry jones and they said this i'll never forget i believe was the 93 season they'd already won in 92 won that super bowl beat the buffalo bills and they were about to go back and they were entering the playoffs in the 93 season and when they got to the 93 season brother friend the old jimmy johnson this is what he told his team he said boys i'm fixing to go out and i'm fixing to say some things to the media that's really going to set y'all up i'm thinking to do some really heavy talking and y'all gonna have to do some really heavy walking behind what i'm gonna say and so they come out with t-shirts and sweatshirts and it become newspaper headlines and it said this it said cowboys talk to talk and walk the walk and even in one of their locker rooms after the game was over jimmy johnson got up and said if you're gonna talk the talk you gotta walk the wall now child of god that's good advice for everybody in the building tonight if you gonna talk the talk you need to walk the walk tonight i don't believe there's anything more damaging to the cause of christ i don't believe there's anything more damaging to to lost people wanting what we have than watching a christian who says i love god i know god i'm saved and i go to church but yet their wall doesn't line up with it their life doesn't match up with it their conduct their attitude the things they enjoy is totally contrary if you're going to talk the talk honey you need to walk the world hear a lot of talking today but i see you very little walking today god's not so interested in your talk he's interested in seeing you do some walking [Applause] i'll tell you what i'll tell you what this is like by the way introduction i'll just show you a visual illustration here in just a minute i'll tell you what this is like look what it said in verse 6 it said if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth why is that alive we're walking in darkness because the bible just said in verse 5 watch what verse 5 said it just said that god is light verse five and in him is no darkness at all in other words if you're going to have fellowship and walk with god you've got to do it where he is he's not going to move from where he is you've got to get where he's at so where's he at he's in the light the light is the truth he's going to be in something that's right this evening now tell you what this is like help me back here brother mike cut it off help me back there this is what this is like tonight uh tonight what we've got is we've got just just the light here's the light what we see now i can't even see your faces out there got a lot of darkness is what this is but here's the light here's the light right here brother hunter come here i want you to help me real fast i'm going to do something that's probably not right to do but i'll make hunter god tonight praise god stand up right there hunter's god tonight all right here's brother hunter and somebody says man i want to fellowship with brother hunter i want to fellowship with the lord there's the lord up there i want to fellowship with him and everybody can see him there he is and all of a sudden you hear this oh i love jesus i'm a jesus fan i love the lord i'm saved by the grace of god well that sounds real good but i don't see you up there with him [Applause] i hear voices coming out of the darkness see that's where we're living at today where we're living at today is god's standard has not changed god's in the same place but what we have are voices coming out of the darkness saying oh we love the lord and we thank god we're saved but it just don't look like it if you're gonna have fellowship with god right here's where it had is that you got to get up in the light with it the light ain't moving and the light ain't changing and if you're going to have fellowship with god you've got to come up in the light where he's at tonight you can't stay in the dark have fellowship with god what communion have light with darkness what fellowship and concord has christ with belial i like what paul said in first corinthians chapter 8 and verse number 4 paul said if any man love god the same is known of him in other words if you really love god people know it about you why why they see you in the light amen imagine how crazy it is for you to be sitting out in the dark and say yeah i'm with him well why don't you get with him why come you keep living your life in the dark but you saying you in the light it is an oxymoron tonight for a child of god to say they with god but they don't get in the light with god tonight so not i'm preaching on how we line up thank you brother hunter turn my lights on if you don't mind brother how do we line up our walk with our talk tonight how do we do it the bible said this the bible said this people draw with nine to me with their lips but their heart is far from me the talk and the walk didn't line up how do we line up our walk and our talk tonight how do we do it it's found in the text i want to show you three things real quick how we can line our talk and our walk together because i believe god wants both according to this god wants both tonight number one if we're to line up our walk and our talk number one there must be a desire for fellowship number one we see a desire for fellowship tonight look at verse number three watch verse three look at this the bible said in verse three that which we have seen and heard declare be unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ verse number six if we say we have fellowship with him verse seven but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another you see here four different times the bible mentions fellowship fellowship fellowship fellowship you know what god wants he wants fellowship with you but according to our book it is impossible for god to have fellowship with you if you are walking your life in the dark tonight god is not about to walk off in the dark and leave the light you got to get in the light tonight let me pause and say this i want you to understand something that's what i'm fixing to say don't confuse relationship and fellowship relationship if you're saved relationship is fixed relationship happened the night you got born again and you become a son of god that's fixed that can't change it's fixed but fellowship fellowship fluctuates and you know what fellowship is dependent on fellowship is dependent on your desire to have fellowship with god god wants fellowship with you he's in the same place he's in the light he's not moved so what does it depend who who does the oldest fall on for fellowship you and i tonight we have to get where he is he's not moved he's the same yesterday he's the same today he's the same forever and if you want fellowship with god you can have fellowship with god tonight listen i want to know i want to know do you have a desire to have fellowship with god i mean you have a desire to have fellowship with him most christians don't want fellowship with god you know why most christians don't want real true close fellowship with god because if they do if they fellowship with god they've got to get in the light do you know what light does light exposes man when we shut them lights off when we shut them lights off you know what what happened we shut the lights off you was able to hide out there man you you could have had a big sloppy spaghetti stain on your shirt and i've never seen it out there in the dark you could have mud all over your face and they took a shower in two days and your hair matted up to your head and i'd have never noticed it out there in the dark you could have been out there brother and i mean you could have been starting naked as a jay and i wouldn't have noticed out there in the dark but i'll tell you something you walk up here in the light where we had it you get all this you know what that does that light exposes the stains it exposes the sin it exposes what you really are tonight the reason why some people of god want to stay in the dark but say they're in the light is because getting the light with god will expose what they got going on and light light will not just expose light will also put you in a way where it will highlight you it will expound you it it will put you in a place of examination to people see see here's why some people don't want to get in the light of god because if we shut all them lights off again and stand brother hunter and myself up here do you know something i'm not examining none of y'all i can't really see you you get in the light with god you start you quit worrying about everybody else but i'll tell you what happens the people in the dark start watching you [Music] you know why some people don't want to get in the light because that world will start watching you you don't want to be no blip on the devil's radar screen you don't want to get examined and checked out you just want to live your life however you want to up to no standard and do whatever you want to let me say you have absolutely no fellowship with god then do you know what fellowship is this is the definition of fellowship the definition of fellowship is to have association or common ground where you and somebody else stand common a commonality look look if i'm gonna you know for me to really enjoy fellowship with somebody we've got to have something what they call something in common you know what i'm talking about there are naturally there listen to me you sitting here tonight you've got friends and you got people that you have things in common with and there's there's some people there's it's sitting here tonight there's some of you you got more in common with one brother than you do another brother but that brother has more in common with this brother than that brother and the same thing we said that's just the way life is there are different personality types and different things you enjoy there's different hobbies you have and some people have different things in common together but what you have in common you fellowship on now i'm curious tonight listen to what i'm fixing to ask you do you and god have anything in common do you and god have anything in common y'all listen to me i can be walking through an airport i can be somewhere in another state and never brother butch have met people and be total strangers but brother all of a sudden i walked by and i got my bulldog over my heart my little g over my heart on a t-shirt or a polo polo and some other dude walked past me and he got the g on the hat and brother we can stop and strike up a conversation just like that and all of a sudden we got fellowship why we got something in common some helix and something i like now we have something in common we have fellowship one with another i'm curious do you and god have anything in common i mean do y'all have anything that y'all mutually like listen what i'm fixing to tell you god's not fixing to start lacking let me just give you a news update god's not fixing to start liking what you like if you want fellowship with god you gotta like what he likes you gotta love what he loves you gotta be where he's at i'm just curious do you and god have anything in common tonight where when you read about god's attributes where when you read about the personality of god where when you read about what god is what he loves what he hates and yes the bible says god hates some things when you read about what god loves and what god hates do you find yourself at all looking saying hey i can have fellowship with him we got common ground or do you look at what god loves and god hates and says i've got nothing in common with god well then you have no fellowship with him tonight right oh hear me hear me hear me let me listen to what i'm thinking to tell you listen what i'm thinking to tell you god help us god help us never to get the place in our christian life where we're only interested in rules and regulations and things of that nature you know what i'm interested in i'm interested in having fellowship with god and when i start having fellowship with god that means i conform to what he is then the rules and regulations will come why because i want fellowship with him because i don't want to hurt him because i don't want to injure him because i want to stay with him and i know if i do that i can't walk with him and if i think that i can't walk with him and if i say that i can't walk with him and if i wear that i can't walk with him and if i listen to that i can't walk with him and if i hang out with them i can't walk with him and i realize i want fellowship with him more than i want all of that so i just all of that so that i can have fellowship with him i mean ain't any wonderful any wonderful don't you just want to have fellowship with him i'm a fellowshipper i am i'm a i'm i'm not an introvert i'm a what a extrovert i am i don't meet strangers i enjoy people i like the fellowship every night after meeting this week when i was at kentucky we went to the pastor's house sit out there on the back porch and hold court and tell stories and laugh and joke cut up and talk about the bible poke at each other have fellowship i like going out to eat after church or something y'all having fellowship i love them breakfast things we started because i like fellowship baptist spell fellowship f-o-o-d hallelujah [Applause] i like fellowship some of you all like it even more than i do i'll not call their names but her initials are amanda glenn and kayla russell praise god they'll lock the blessed door i thought i like to stay in fellowship long it'd be midnight they still be over here fellowship i'm glory be to jesus head don't bother me none normally generally i'll be some of the last people at this joint you say why i like the fellowship i've been to some churches before y'all mark this down let me just pause right here and say this and i'll get back on this fellowship thing listen what i'm thinking tell you that bible says that a pastor is supposed to be given the hospitality that means he got to enjoy that kind of stuff i've been to some churches where as soon as the service was over with the pastor hit the back door and was gone i was the vision of evangelist and i was still there fellowshipping with his people he bounced for him that's something right with that somebody write with that i enjoy i enjoy this i enjoy y'all you why you my crowd got the same daddy got the same interest i like y'all and i'll tell you what i like to say some restaurants just sit and fellowship with people i like to sit in a pubis fellowship people right i enjoy it i wonder tonight do you have that same desire with god i mean you get your bible out that's how you fellowship with him y'all say fellas get your bible out you start reading and say lord i just wanna i just wanna fellowship with you god here talk to me talk to him some of the greatest times i've had in my life of god was god just talking to me out of his word oh just me and god opening that book god just starts talking to me i'll tell you i i love this morning this morning i've been gone for three days and and and i haven't had much time with me and my wife talk three or four times a day when i'm gone but but there's something different about seeing her face to face this morning i got up i got home about four o'clock this morning and got up this morning after a few hours of sleep made myself a cup of coffee and i was sitting there at the table and my wife come walking in and she was carrying out her stuff and i just like just just sit down here let's just talk a minute we just sat down we just fell a ship for about 15 20 minutes we just talked nothing in particular we just talked and just this that and the third i i enjoyed it man there's nobody i enjoy fellowship with as far as mortals more than my wife she's the best conversation of anybody i've ever had i enjoy it y'all i wonder if you ever have times like that with the lord will you just say lord i've been running around i've been doing this and that god i'm sorry to god and i've got a little in the dark now lord i'm i'm just fellowship with you i'm getting down here in my prayer closet i'm just going to talk to you for a while tell you what's been going on in my life things i'm burned about the things i'm discouraged about or i'm going to read your book i want you to talk to me god let's just fellowship for a while do you want fellowship with god you got to get in the light to do it you got to get in light and do it tonight so the first thing if we're going to line up our talk with our walk there's got to be a desire for fellowship you've got to want to have fellowship with god secondly let me move on secondly no do we see a desire for fellowship but number two there must be a diagnosis of our flaws and failures we must diagnose our flaws our failures i can i just say it like the bible says it our sin tonight we gotta diagnose this stuff we're gonna have line up our walk with our talk look what he said here's the diagnosis watch verse 7 and verse 9 verse 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ the son cleanses us from all sin verse 9 what what's the diagnosis excuse me verse 8 excuse me verse 8 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves the truth is not in us watch verse 10 if we say we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us do you see what's happening here he said if if you're going to line up your walk with your talk then you've got to stop having a willful denial of flaws failures and sin in your life [Applause] here in verse 8 and verse 10 verse 8 they said we have no sin and they deceived their self verse 10 they said we haven't seen and they made god a liar and his word wasn't found in them tonight you say how in the world are we going to be able to wide up our wall with our talk you've got to have an honest diagnosis with yourself about seeing in your life i'm curious i'm just curious not asking you to raise your hand or talk out loud or nothing like that i'm asking you to ask yourself this question when is the last time that you personally have diagnosed something in your life that is hindering your walk from lining up with your talk now now if you're sitting there and all of a sudden you're having to run back to like weeks and months and you can't remember when mark this down you backslid mark this down you ain't in the light you way out in the dark somewhere because to have regular fellowship with him and to have a regular time a regular uh life that lines with a walk with a talk you've got to be regularly diagnosed and hang on that wasn't right god i'm sorry to get that out lord that's what that that i did that wrong and i apologize what there's got to be regular diagnosis tonight an honest look comparing our lives with the truths of the word of god you say what is preacher what is the standard that diagnoses what is the standard that gives us the diagnosis of what sin is it's not it's not what i say it's not what i believe this is the standard that gives us the diagnosis that tells us okay that's that's not right amen that's not in compliance you're saying this but that's not right with your walk with god if you're if your car starts running uh rough or having issues or things like that especially with these modern day cars uh it's different than old cars man they just you know four or five shade tree mechanics just throw themselves under the hood and they you know you go back watching mandy griffith episodes and old goober he'd try and diagnose something saying what's that car sound like and they said well it sounded like a puck a puck a pucker on a plum and a ticket ticket ticket it's like they don't do that kind of stuff no more this is how they think stuff you take it in there and what they do is they hook up a diagnostic machine to it they take this little machine and they plug it into a computer that everything runs through that computer everything from your engine to your lights to your stereo everything you power windows everything runs through the brain the heart of that box so they hook a diagnostic machine up to it and that diagnostic machine throws a flag up and says this is the problem and whatever it says generally that's what it is here's the problem you fix it oh that fixed the problem what told us what the problem was we hooked the diagnostic machine up to it you don't know how to have a regular diagnosis of your flaws and failures this is the diagnostic machine this is the diagnosis and if you're not regularly plugging this thing into your heart and letting it check your heart out you're gonna end up messed up tonight i mean brother that's what we're doing tonight you say what are you doing i'm taking the bible and i'm plugging you in i'm thinking the bible and i'm hooking you up and i'm hoping while i'm plugging into you it's running a diagnostic and showing you and highlighting your flaws and faults and sins tonight that's that's the point of preaching it is a diagnostic to show you what's wrong in your life this evening you know what's bad is verse 8 says that that there are those that would say we have no sin and then it said we deceive ourselves self-deception is rampant in independent fundamental bible-believing baptist churches self-deception i ain't talking about the devil deceiving you i'm talking about you have deceived yourself into thinking well there's nothing wrong with what i'm doing well there's nothing wrong with how i'm how i'm acting there's nothing wrong where i've been going there's nothing wrong with what there's nothing wrong with that sorry oh no no no you say you talking out there in the dark but everybody else looks and says that ain't in the light that's right i don't look nothing like the light matter of fact it looks the opposite from the light what's the last time you've just gotten honest this world can't and will not diagnose sin i mean my gosh y'all this world right now starting what is today the third starting three days ago we have now embarked on a month-long escapade of pride month this world has absolutely lost their mind we have embarked on an entire month where every ad you see every icon you see for some big corporation on facebook all has the rainbow flag and they don't mean it like noah's ark rainbow yall they mean it like it's okay to be a sex pervert right now let me just pause right here before some of you for some of you soft soft-hearted soft-minded christians get off on me and say well preacher you're you know just love people and just don't talk about stuff like that let me ask you a question i'll ask you a question what if july what if july was national pride month for thieves july is national thief month hey steal whatever you want and don't you give nobody a hard time about it they sinners just like everybody else and they need god don't you be talking about it when they steal your truck out your driveway it's national thief month and then august and then august we're gonna have national adultery month where you can just go lay up with somebody else's wife and somebody's wife lay up with your husband don't you say nothing about that they people need jesus too so don't say nothing about that you see what i'm saying how is it we've got to a place that a sin so filthy and ungodly and wicked as homosexuality we've gotten where as christians we just accept it i know they need god i'm going to preach to them and give them a try and i want them to come to church they're preaching but if you think i'm going to act like it's all right and stick my head in the hold of saying and that like it's normal you've lost your everlasting mind this world can't even diagnose sin anymore they don't even see it anymore they got on friend the way the world diagnoses to deal with things is they turn to evolution the diagnosis for evolution is this the diagnosis for sin with evolution as man is going up and sin isn't even real it's relative it's not even real then they turn to education and they say okay education diagnose sin force and education says man can be taught and learn to live above sin then they turn to science and science says we will solve all of nature's problems and you can live without sin and then they turn to psychology and psychology says just focus on you have positive energy and don't ever feel guilty or let anyone make you feel guilty about who or what you are yeah and then we turn to religion and religion says just do enough good deeds and practices and religious formalities that you finally earn god's forgiveness and you everything will be okay but listen to me those are the world's philosophies for how to diagnose sin and that will never diagnose sin they'll never fix sin tonight the only way to fix sin is get it to the foot of the cross have a headache collision with jesus and diagnose it and see him and let god fix it tonight that's mankind's solution the benefit of walking in the light with him is you see your sin constantly because you're in the light but when you're in the light he's in the light so you know what that does he's perfect so when you get in the light with him you're constantly measuring yourself against somebody who's a whole lot better than you are see that's the benefit of walking in the light and fellowshipping with jesus christ he's so much better than any of us are when i start hanging out with jesus you know what i start seeing i start seeing how rank and filthy code is on it i ain't got time to see how ring filthy all you all are i get start fellowshipping with jesus brother joe and all of a sudden i realized good god almighty jordan you're a wreck so on your iraq you messed up from the floor up son look at him the perfect man the perfect god i'm seeing him i'm walking in the light with him in his word and fellowshipping and you know something let's do we're living in a society we're in a society that they don't want to feel bad about nothing they want to feel guilt about nothing that's not bible that's not bible i was talking somebody here the other day and and we was talking and talking about people that i know that have left our church or don't come back to our church or friends or relatives of others that just come for one or two times and then don't come back no more you know what they said they said oh going to that church because i feel bad when i go oh wow that's a good thing that's a wonderful thing you know what that means that means god's dealing with you about you not being right with him that's a great thing that's not a bad thing that's a good thing guilt is a god-given response for when you're wrong it helps you get right you know what everybody did in the bible when they got near god they saw how bad they were i'm gonna run these i'm gonna throw you these references out you write them down and go look at them at the house isaiah chapter six we looked at it in bible institute tonight isaiah chapter six the bible said isaiah said i looked and i saw the lord high and lifted up and his training filled the temple and the seraphims flew around that throne and cried holy holy holy lord god almighty and you know the first thing isaiah said the first thing isaiah said when he got in the presence of god he said woe is me for i'm a man of unclean lips and elements to the people of unclean lips he said whoa was me he saw god then he saw himself jesus got in the boat with peter luke chapter five got in a boat with peter and he said shove off from the land let's go fishing peter said but we fished all night when he caught nothing he said don't worry about it just go on let's do it cassanette's out he said well i'll let now one net and he let down one that and then you know the story he brought all them fish in as soon as he brought all the fish in that's what peter said real for yourself luke 5 the bible said he fell down before jesus and he said depart from me oh lord for i am a sinful man paul saw himself for who he was romans chapter 7 verse 24 and he said oh wretched man not that i was o wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of this death what i'm trying to say is if you're regularly trying to align your walk up with your talk you'll be doing regular self-diagnosis of your own failures and flaws and sins and if you're not you are in constant self-deception right where you sit tonight i'm done i'm done we see not only if we're going to line up or walk with our talk must be a desire for fellowship a diagnosis of flaws and failures but lastly there must be a declaration for forgiveness a declaration to get god's forgiveness a declaration for forgiveness look at verse seven and verse nine what we read verse seven a minute ago let's uh he said we if we're walking lights in the light fellowship one with another the blood of jesus christ the son cleanses us from all sin but this is how we enact that how do we get that cleansing how do we get the blood of jesus christ to cleanse us from all sin it's in verse nine verse nine is how we enact it if we confess if we confess if we confess you know what that is that's that meaning i'm wrong if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness listen to what i'm fixing to tell you please don't miss this tonight cleansing hinges on confession you want to be cleansed as a christian not talking about getting saved that's something different tell us a christian you want to get cleansed it it hinges on confession no confession no cleansing amen don't miss this this is a real good theological point that you need to not miss confession is not a requirement for relationship confession is a requirement for fellowship amen do you know what we're supposed to confess when we get saved brother when i got saved i didn't confess all my sins i couldn't name all of them that's right that's right did you surely you didn't you probably if getting saved depended on me confessing all my sins i'm going to hell right now i couldn't have named all of them what if you'd have missed one of them no what the bible said were to confess is this if thou shalt confess with thy mouth this is for relationship for salvation if thou shalt confess with thy mouth brother troy the lord jesus and believe that heart god raised from the dead thou shalt be saved with the heart man believes unrighteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture saith who said believe it on him shall not be ashamed listen to me when i came to god god wasn't interested in hearing a confession about [Applause] right there even if me didn't say it when i came to god i was not interested in hearing a confession about me he wanted to hear a confession about his son because he's perfect god interested in hearing a confession from you when you get saved he's interested in a confession from you about jesus that's how you get saved lord i'm coming to you and i'm confessing jesus and god says okay i accept that see that's why a lot of people never gonna get saved trying to do all in good works and good deeds and come to god confess go to confessional and just keep confessing your sins at confessional you go to hell like a bullet if you're going to get saved you got to confess jesus yes sir having said that in the context of our message but after you get saved and you want to stay right with god you better start confessing sins see you can't start confessing sins to god before you confess jesus christ to god but once you get in the family and god sees you as a son now god deals with you as a son see tonight see tonight that's my son that my boy that's my dog it's the only one i got i mean that's just pride and joy nothing can ever hinder the fact that our relationship is i'm his father he's my son nothing amen but john nothing nothing can ever change the fact that that big ball had a joker that lives right back here about 100 yards is your boy nothing nothing but i'll tell you what can get hindered cody did you take the trash out like i told you to no cody did you backtalk your mama like you shouldn't yes sir all right now fellowship is messed up so how do we get fellowship back on track here's how we get fellowship back on track when he's messed up here's how fellowship gets back right brother john fagger he comes to me he says daddy i'm sorry daddy i'm sorry i'm sorry daddy i know i should have done that i'm sorry all right son i forgive you fellowship is restored [Applause] but it hinges on a confession [Applause] y'all tonight if we want to walk in the lights he is in the light if we want to line up our walk with our talk there must be a regular declaration of god i'm sorry lord i know when you know what i did what i said what i thought what i lord you know i know it's not right god this is it i'm not gonna try to beat around the bush and act like i don't know what it is we'll name it to you this was it and the promise is if we'll confess it this promise if we confess it he forgives it why does he forgive it i'm done right here i'll tell you why he forgives it if we confess it because he wants us to stay in fellowship [Music] he don't want us to get out in the dark he wants to fellowship with you more than you want to fellowship with him and so when we start straying and we get off in the weeds and in the dark if we'll confess he said come on back up here get up here with me i want to fellowship with you that's what god created man for he created man for fellowship just enjoy fellowship and the good news is in chapter 2 he said my little children i write these things unto you that sin not help me esther but if any man sin and you will but if any man sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous when we do mess up we've got somebody that stands with us and helps us get things right our savior so i'm just curious tonight i'm just curious tonight is your walk lining up with your talk do you talk a big christian game but you walk very little of it god help us tonight as as membership from the pulpit to the pew as membership of the bible missionary baptist church i want our church to be known as a church that doesn't just talk but we walk it we live it it's real it's not fake it's not phony it's real god help us y'all i love to shout and i encourage you and i push it i promise i believe it's godly and i think it's right but god help us if i would do shout but we don't walk it when we leave we want the talk and the shout to line up with the walk when we leave out lining up the talk in the walk let's all stand tonight heads about and i was a close father i pray that you bless this simple little thought and word of god lord i thank you for good liberty to preach i thank you tonight for speaking to my heart with this thought before i was ever able to preach it to you people god most of the time the way the thoughts that you give me to preach most of time you you spank my hand in with them first my heart has to get right lord you've done you've done that in my heart with this message i want to ask for forgiveness personally and publicly for times in areas of my life you know what they are and i know what they are and i've confessed them to you privately god where my walk has not all lined up with my talk i'm sorry for that i want to have fellowship with you you're so wonderful i want to have fellowship with you tonight i pray your people would as well in jesus name amen if you need to come you come tonight sisters
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,015
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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