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your king this morning everybody needs a king like jesus yeah i found out a long time ago i am not sufficient nor smart enough to rule my own life if i become my own king and rule over my own life i'm gonna mess it up real bad don't mess it up bad so you know what i did i found out about a king that never messed up never made a mistake a king who is a king over a king of righteousness a king of peace a king of joey a king of faith the king of kings the lord of lords you know what i did i took my messed up life and i said here you rule over it because i won't miss i'd have messed it up and you know what he didn't just take my messed up life he turned around and handed me his holy life and said here you take mine i take yours [Applause] what a king this morning what a king i'd like to brag on him this morning if i could i want you to take your bibles and go to the book of isaiah with me the book of isaiah in chapter number 28 yes ma'am oh i wish that's worth praising the lord for this morning happy anniversary what a blessing yes sir you get choked up come on brother my sister these are the gifts god gives when you listen oh yeah thank you that's right anyways yes who's this amen i'll tell you what you don't ever know uh what just one track can do for somebody's life [Music] them little cards out in the foyer they may look insignificant look like they ain't a whole lot to them but i promise you you don't know what god might do he might cross your path with a mic or marsha udi like like brother tim's path was and just handing them a card and look what god's done in that life say what that just a little card it's insignificant i promise you this one day when we all in glory and standing around that throne mike and marsha udi won't think that card was insignificant they'll say thank god there was a willing servant that listened to god and handed that to me and that thing ended up changing my life lord of god that's right all right yes sir do it amen yes amen yeah he is glory to god that's that's what our king's known by stuff like this y'all ever heard of any other king that people could stand up and testify like that about him no not one there ain't there one king you ever known that people could stand up and testify like what we've just heard testifying about our king he's in league all by himself he's a league all by himself isaiah chapter 28 this morning is where we're going to draw our text isaiah chapter number 28 is where we're going to be at and i want to read three verses in your hearing keep your bibles open we'll be looking back at these verses throughout the course of our message this morning you'll give me just a few minutes i'll give you what the lord's put on my heart and i believe it'd be a help and a blessing to you this morning isaiah chapter 28 and verse number 14. isaiah 28 and verse number 14 if you found your place with me say amen the bible said wherefore hear the word of the lord ye scornful men scornful men people that would criticize or make fun or mock the words of god he said i want you guys to listen to something you scorn for men that rule this people which is in jerusalem because ye have said we have made a covenant with death and with hell are we at agreement when the overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us in other words we're gonna somehow escape the judgment of god even though we have given our life over to the things of hell and the things of this world when overflowing in skirts shall come in it shall not come unto us for we have made lies our refuge and under falsehood have we hid ourselves therefore thus saith the lord god in light of these things behold i lay in sign for a foundation a stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation we know later on in the new testament he is speaking of his son the lord jesus christ this is a prophecy of the lord jesus he is the foundation he is the tried stone the precious cornerstone the sure foundation last part of verse 16 he said he that believeth shall not make haste in our chapter we find that god is pleading with jerusalem to turn unto him god is calling to these backslidden scornful lost individuals to make an about face and come back to the god who can redeem them save them change their life this morning but when i read these verses i find that they are just like humanity is as a whole yes these verses aren't just good for jerusalem they're not just good for israel they're good for everybody this morning he highlights several things that these people have in their life that every sinner does this morning who's lost without christ we find in verse number 15 that he says they are under condemnation look at the condemnation these people are under in verse 25 he said because he have said we have made a covenant with death and with hell are we at agreement this morning it says that they have made an agreement with death and hell they have literally reached out and shook hands with the devil and said we'd rather walk with you than we would god this morning you say preacher that's that's not my family that's not humanity that i know oh yes i read that we all cut from the same cloth we all formed out of the same dirt and do you realize our great great great granddaddy and grandmama adam and eve that's what they did they made an agreement with death and with hell this morning you read genesis chapter 3 you find in genesis 3 they used to walk along and hold hands with god and fellowship in the cool of the day but the bible said that the devil came into the garden one day and they let go of god's hand and they reached out and they shook hands with that silvery tongue serpent that beguiled them and deceived them and when they grabbed a hold of the hand of death and hell they plunged humanity into condemnation this morning they plunged us all into death they put us on a one-way ticket and a one-way path straight to hell this morning you say preacher not me yes sir you this morning you say preacher not me yes ma'am you this morning if you know not the lord jesus christ is your savior if you have never repented of your sin and put your trust in him you are under the condemnation of death and hell this morning the contract is already made out your name is already on it the bible said that he that believeth not is condemned all ready because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten son of god john chapter 3. listen here if you're lost this morning you're not waiting to get condemned you're already condemned this morning the agreement's already been made out the contract's already lined out and the details of the contract is this you're gonna die one day and you're gonna go to hell for all eternity that's the deal the wages of sin is death this morning your contract's already made out the condemnation already rests on you this morning my what a responsibility that christians have what a responsibility that i have as a preacher because i stand up before people on a weekly basis that are sitting there condemned this morning my wh wouldn't the responsibility be real big if i had a personal pardon from a governor or a president and i held that pardon and i could walk down into death row and i could hand it to someone whose name was on it what responsibility i would have to go down to death row find that individual who was on death row take that part into them and say here look your name's on the pardon you don't got to die in the electric chair you ain't got to die in lethal injection here's the part it's already been made out and this morning my job is even greater than that i'm preaching to people this morning you are condemned under the hand of god you are sentenced you are sitting on death row dead in trespasses and sins lost without god unrepentant vile sinner and i come to you with the gift i come to you with the pardon your name's written down on it the agreement with death and hell can be severed this morning by the power of god friend we see they're just like humanity we see the condemnation they're under over then we find the lies that they have concocted not only are they under condemnation but then we see the lies that they have concocted this morning look at their concoction of lies they've made in verse 15. they said we've made a covenant with death and with hell are we out of agreement and then they say this when the overflowing scourge shall pass through in other words when the judgment of god comes when god's judgment comes sweeping down it shall not come unto us for we have made lies our refuge and under falsehood have we hid themselves these people are indeed under the condemnation of the judgment of god that made a deal with death and hell but they are sticking their head in the proverbial saying and acting like god's not angry and god's not going to judge me for my sin let me just give you a news update this morning and you might not hear this on the tv and you might not hear this on the radio and your favorite preacher but the bible said god is angry with the wicked every day this morning god's not happy with the wicked god's angry with the wicked and the only way to appease the wrath of god is to run to the cross this morning sinner let me give you a news update let me tell you something most preachers won't tell you today if you're sitting here lost god ain't sitting up here happy with you god's mad at you god's wrath the bible said the wrath of god abideth on you right now god's love ain't on you god's wrath is on you you say well how do i get god's love you go to the place where god's love was given at where was god's love given it was given at the cross and if you want god's love you come to jesus and if you don't come to jesus you don't get god's love you just keep god's wrath this morning what a terrible thought what an awful thought that there's a god in heaven that heaven is his throne earth is his footstool the god that made everything the god that formed a man out of the dust of the earth i mean that god that god would be mad at you brother if that god's mad at you you're in bad shape said he's angry with the wicked every day and these people walk on in their unrepentant sin spitting in the face of god sticking their tongue out in the face of god wagging their fists and their fingers in the face of god and telling god you're not even real you don't exist it got here by a big bang there ain't no god there ain't no heaven there ain't no hell there ain't no judgment those people down there the church are just feeble-minded backwoods idiots that ain't got sins to fall off the turnip truck you keep wagging your finger in the face of god one of these days the payment is going to come due this morning and you can concoct you know what they have done in this text they have made their own poison and drunk it that's what lost men do without jesus christ you know what they do they concoct their own poison believing that there is no god there is no heaven there is no hell in the bible ain't real they concoct their own poison and then drink it you're killing yourself we see the concoction uh of lies that they have accepted and the condemnation they're under but then i want you to notice the counsel of god here's what i want to get to and this blessed my heart this morning i've never seen this before son just help me i want you to notice what it said here in verse number 16. verse 16 said therefore in light of what we've just been preaching about in light of the fact that you are condemned in light of the fact that you're at agreement with death and hell in light of the fact that you have believed your own lies therefore thus saith the lord i have counsel for you here's your solution behold i lay in zion for a foundation of stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation he said i've got a remedy i've got a solution it's in the stone the lord jesus christ jesus said he was the rock this morning and watch what the last part said here's what blessed me i'd never seen this or understood this until this morning when i was studying this it said this he that believeth shall not make haste you say what does that mean preacher he just tells us about this tried stone this precious cornerstone this shore foundation then he says if you believe you won't make haste he that believeth shall not make haste i i read that for years and i thought that doesn't make sense to me the word make haste means to hurry up it means to go into action it means to move and i think if you believe on jesus why would you not run to him but that's not what he's saying say what's he saying preacher he's saying this if you believe on him you'll stop running around looking for satisfaction if you have found the rock you don't have to keep running around looking for something you don't have to keep running to and fro trying to find the elusive butterfly of joy and peace that the world's given out if you have believed you can stop running you found a place of rest you found a place of refuge with that thought in mind i want to preach what isaiah is preaching i'm preaching this morning on look no further i'm preaching this morning on look no further i don't know what you've come looking for this morning but you ain't got to look any further to find peace i can tell you who you can find peace in you don't got to look any further to find joy i can tell you who you can find joy in you don't got to look any further to find acceptance and forgiveness and love i can tell you who you can find acceptance with and love with and forgiveness we have it's with the rock of ages it's with the lord jesus christ this look no further friend ah are you tired of the lies that the devil has told you that you have believed are you tired of the lies that you have told yourself to try and pacify your heart long enough to get you to sleep at night are you tired of the lies that the world has pumped into you and you've sucked them down and believe them look no further i know somebody who says i am the truth he's the truth for those that have believed a lie you say preacher i don't want to go to hell i know i'm at agreement with death and hell i don't want to go to hell this morning preacher will look no further i know somebody who saves from hell i know somebody who bridges the gap between heaven and earth i know somebody who nailed a bridge on a cross hinged it on three nails and if you're under him you can get saved this morning look no further friend you found him this morning you run all around trying to find something you have run everywhere looking for fulfillment satisfaction to fill the hole and the void that is in your life this morning you've run to liquor you've run to religion you have run to sex you have run to relationships you have run to a career you have run to education you have run to entertainment you have run to everything and you have found no relief for your soul it has left you empty it has left you void but i'm telling you look no further there is somebody that satisfies the longing soul and he feels the hungry soul with goodness oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him there is somebody that you ain't gonna look no further to find you wore out and tired of relationships where somebody leaves you runs off on you breaks your heart lies to you look no further i know somebody that says he's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother and he said i'll never leave you and i'll never forsake you look no further he's the greatest friends you've ever had this morning oh you ain't got to look no further look here that thought of look no further it's all through the new testament we're in the christmas season one day shepherds were in the field abiding keeping watch over their flock by night and suddenly brother john the bible said the heavenly host shone round about them and they said fear not i bring you good titans of great joy for unto you is born this day in the city of hallelujah i feel pretty good about that i'm used born this day in the city of david a savior which is christ the lord you know what them angels was saying them angels were saying look no further boys he's over yonder in the stable look no farther the savior the king has she looked no further this morning [Applause] boy the bible said he was just a little baby they brought him into the temple to be dedicated and about that time brother ken the bible said that a man named simeon come running up and grab that baby up and held him up and he said mine eyes have seen thy salvation he said look no further y'all i found him about that time the bible said a prophetess named anna and i run up and the bible said she grabbed him up and she said if you're looking for redemption this is him know what she was saying look no further look no further we found him one day on the muddy banks of the river jordan after nothing had happened for hundreds of years outstepped this wild-eyed wooly booger baptist preacher hopped up on hickory stuff and he said behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sins of the world know what he's saying look no further look at you know who he was preaching to he was preaching to a crowd that he called them vipers snakes he said who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come oh he's preaching the crown that thinks they're religious but they're lost and when jesus stepped out he said y'all quit looking y'all quit looking in the law y'all quit looking around in your good works look no further here he is one day outside of jerusalem on a dark hillside called golgotha hung that bloody stump of a savior and he drew his legs breath said it is finished and he died on that cross and about that time that centuries looked up and said truly this was the son of god not his saying he's saying look no further there he is look no further why i read one time while jesus was living there was there was a time in john chapter four that the bible said brother carl he come walking to jacob's well one day and sitting on that whale was a five-time loser i mean a samaritan woman a brother listen to me but she done been married five times shacked up with a man didn't nobody want nothing to do with her and when she showed up jesus didn't give her water out of jacob's whale he gave her water out of god's will and the bible said she took off running into the city and left her water pot you say why did she leave her water pot because she had the whale on the inside she didn't need to walk didn't think the water pot no more and she run back in the city and she said come see a man that told me all things that ever i did is not this the christ nor she is saying look no further i found him don't look no further than nobody like him this morning [Applause] they they they cut they come to an empty tomb one morning three days after he was dead and buried and rose again he got up on that third day and they come to the tomb they come looking didn't find him and an angel was there brother craig and the angel said why seek ye the living among the dead i know you seek jesus who was crucified he is not here he is risen as he said look no further y'all he's alive this morning you know what i read i read i get all the way to the end of my bible revelation 22 and verse 17 and jesus himself says look no further jesus said this brother jimmy jesus said the spirit says come and the bride says come and whosoever will let him come and take up the water of life freely you know what jesus is saying look no further stop looking stop running i got what you need i got what will satisfy how god wants to change you this morning stop running around in the hellholes of this world looking for love in all our own places looking for satisfaction in a needle looking for satisfaction and a joy looking for satisfaction what the world's giving out you're going to hit bottom and empty but if you'll grab a hold of jesus you ain't got to look no more he satisfies this morning look no further you say preacher how come should we look no further there's three reasons in this text why you should look no further i'm going to throw them out to you and i'm going to be done i'm already winded praise god i don't know how anybody can preach on jesus coolly and call me and collectively without getting excited i'm trying to tell you ain't got to keep looking you found the place the one-stop shop this morning you can get everything you need from the lord jesus this morning and the only reason why some of you might not believe it is because you ain't never tried it and you are lying to yourself thinking i'm okay and i'm pretty good and i'm a fair person brother you keep on lying to yourself you're gonna lie your way right into a lake of fire this morning i'm telling you run to jesus look to jesus look no further than him this morning religion will tell you that's what religion will tell you religion will tell you keep the sacraments worship on the sabbath take the eucharist take the mass keep the ten commandments be a good person do good to your fellow man be baptized be sprinkled be confirmed go through the catechism that's what religion will tell you and i'm telling you you're gonna go to hell trusting in religion i ain't trying to get you to look no further than religion i'm trying to get you to look no further than jesus i'm telling you what god said did y'all see who said what i'm preaching in verse 16 cody zorn didn't say it the deacon brother skip didn't say it the church members didn't say it it wasn't even isaiah that said it look who said it in verse 16 therefore thus saith the lord god god the father testified of his own son you go to hell you're going to do so over the very word of god to mankind this morning look no further i'll throw three things out at you and i'm going to be done for three things why you should look no further number one here it is in the text look at verse 16. the first reason you should look no further is he is tried and tested well you don't have to look any further because he jesus is tried and tested look at verse 16. he said thus saith the lord god behold i lay in zion for a foundation a stone watch what he calls him a tri-stone he says the thing that i'm giving out the thing that i'm handing out he's been tried that means he's been tested he's been examined he's been put to the test and he passed it 110 percent a plus plus flying colors this morning you say where did jesus ever get tested and tried this morning oh he got tested and tried through his temptations this morning that bible said he was tempted of the devil in the wilderness matthew chapter 4 luke chapter 4 tempted of the devil and he come out on the other side and nothing stuck to him brother he said it's written it's written it's written and finally the devil hung his head and shook it and walked off the other way you know why that's amazing to me because i know for a fact that i have failed when it comes to temptation from time to time come on now y'all don't sit there like y'all some sort of super duper dino weapon christian that ain't never fail for the bait of the devil i ain't a perfect preacher preaching to you and i ain't preaching to a perfect congregation we've all took the bait of the devil in our life from time to time suckered in and sometimes we didn't even get suckered in sometimes we knew it was coming and we jumped off anyways cause our own nasty flesh wanted it and we regretted it later on oh but i'm talking i'm talking about somebody that was tested he was tried and the bible said he was tempted in all points like as we are yet without seeing this morning i mean he was tempted in every way that a man could be tempted and he walked through him and nothing stuck to him he got tested he got tried he was tried through temptation he was tried through suffering oh let's just be honest he's been sometimes you and i have suffered and we've doubted god we we we've suffered and we've been unfaithful to god but i find this man suffered the tortures of the cross suffered the tortures of my sin and brother he completed the father's will in spite of it i mean he said not my will but thine be done he said father thy hands are committed my spirit is finished i mean brother he was tried in the test this morning and it ain't just way back then you say is that all no no it's more it's more personal to me than that i've tried him in my whole life i've put him to the test in my own life and i found out he is absolutely everything he ever claimed to be and so much more brother looky here he has proven to be faithful and true this morning when i haven't been faithful yet he has abided faithful when i've let him down he ain't never let me down i like what that bible said over in the book of micah it said over in micah it's the lord looked at his people and he said wherein have i wearied thee he said testify against me y'all know how y'all stand up and testify how good god is god looked at his people and he said i want somebody to stand up and give a word of testimony against me amen i want somebody who said to stand up and tell how i let you down and tell how i didn't supply your need and tell how i wasn't everything i said i'd be i wonder this morning is anybody like to give that a shot i'll give you time is anybody would like to raise your hand and say yeah preacher i want to testify against god this morning i want to testify against the lord i come to know him way back here but let me tell you about how sorry and good for nothing he was in this case and that case and the other case i believe we'd have no takers if i opened the floor this morning we don't we don't got anybody that could testify against him yeah we've had troubles yeah we've had heartaches yeah we've had pain but through it all he's proved to be everything that he said he'd be this way i look no further he's tried and tested and true friend he's been everything he said he'd been so much more i've had friends fail me i've failed some friends i've had family let me down i've had church members let me down and i've let church members down i'm gonna tell y'all something this morning jesus they never let me down i've tried him i've tested him he's everything he claimed he'd be this morning look no further why would you look somewhere else look no further he's tried and tested can i say secondly look no further he's not only tried and tested look look no further he is treasured oh he's a treasure look no further he's treasured look at verse 16 he said i i lay in zion for a foundation of stone a tried stone but then watch what he says look at the treasure a precious cornerstone that word precious it means something extremely valuable you know what the bible said in colossians chapter number two colossians chapter 2 said this it said in whom talking about jesus christ in whom are hid all the treasures of god's wisdom and knowledge he got the treasures this morning matter of fact he is the treasure this morning the bible said we have this treasure in earthen vessels friend they ain't never been a treasure like that treasure as a matter of fact the bible said this about moses in hebrews chapter number 11 and verse number 26 the bible said about moses he esteemed the reproach of christ greater riches in other words christ was worth greater riches than all the treasures in egypt for he had respect under the recompense of the reward brother cliff what it's saying is moses said this he said i'd rather live out there in the desert with god with a bunch of bellyaching backslid people i'd rather live in the desert with god than live in the finest palace that egypt has to offer without him i'm telling you this this morning some of y'all may rather have a million dollars than you had jesus not this old boy i'd rather have him he's a whole lot more precious than silver or gold he's a whole lot more precious than houses or lands he's a whole lot more precious than friends and popularity he's a whole lot more precious than diamonds or rubies or pearls he's more precious than anything i've ever experienced in my life this morning look no further he's precious this morning why would you go looking any further when i'm giving you something that's the best thing you could ever have friend look no further when i feel discouraged forsaken forgotten jesus is precious to me in every condition he's my physician jesus is precious to me hey he's comfort in sorrow he's my hope for tomorrow jesus he's precious to me he's all that i've prayed for what more could i ask for jesus he's precious to me calls jesus is precious he is so precious jesus is precious to me he is my savior lord and my master jesus is precious to me the old fellow that used to run around with billy graham that he made famous old fellow used to sing for billy graham's name he did now forget bear george beverly shea thank you jordan beverly shea george beverly shea used to say this i'd rather have jesus than anything this old world a forged today he said he's he's fairer than the lilies of rarest bloom he's sweeter than the honey right out of the comb he's all that my hunger and spirit needs i'd rather have jesus and let him leave than to be the king of a vast domain or be held in sin's great dreadful sway i'd rather have jesus than anything how about you look no further friend he's precious look no further i i say he's tried and tested you can look no further because he is treasured and then lastly look no further because he is trustworthy look no further because he is trustworthy look at the last part of our text this morning and said he's a tried stone a precious cornerstone watch the last part a sure foundation in other words he said he's a trustworthy spot to plant your feet on this morning young people let me tell you something you can run all through this world and try and find some solid ground to plant your feet on and you won't find it jesus himself is the one that said in matthew chapter 7 whosoever heareth these saiyans of mine and doeth them i will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was found upon a rock but whosoever hit these sayings of mine and doeth them not i'll tell you who he's like he's like a man that without a foundation built his house on the sand and the ring descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it jesus himself is preaching what i'm telling you here this morning he said anybody that builds their life on the shifting sands of this world brother this the shifting sands of this world are the shifting political sands and the shifting fad sands and the shifting educational sands i mean brother look around at this world this place is ever just shifting and changing and i mean just crazy going absolutely nuts lester roloff had it right this world is an insane asylum run by the inmates today friend i mean look at how much the sands have shifted in the political world in just the last 20 years or so gone nuts man look at how much the sands have shifted in entertainment in 50 years i mean brother 50 years ago entertainment was the andy griffith show 50 years later entertainment is two homosexuals hugging up and kissing on tv yeah yeah and a bunch of shacking up like dogs and fornicating and promoting a bunch of ungodliness and sensualness and feel to our children that that's entertainment now we come a long way the wrong way i mean it's constantly moving and shifting i mean education shifting all the time i mean one week they'll come out and say this is science and this is fact and nearby the next week they'll come out and say now science has proven that's not right this is right y'all remember for years they told us salt wasn't good then they come back out and said salt was good i don't even know where they at now i just take jesus word for it jesus said matthew chapter 5 salt is good i want g i understand what jesus said amen someone put some salt on what i'm eating hallelujah i wish she'd have said fried foods are good too he didn't say that but i believe it anyway i didn't say they was good for me i just said it was good yeah i mean one week they say one thing next week they say another thing back when i was a kid they said pluto was a planet now to say pluto ain't the planet then somebody come out the other day i think they done said pluto is a planet again i can't keep up i'm just hanging on with the bible friend everything's moving i'm gonna tell you where you can find you a solid place to put your feet at all you young people listening here to me if you want a solid place you can put your foot and it doesn't change with time it doesn't change with passing fast it doesn't change with political figures or figures in power you can plant your feet on jesus he never changes jesus christ the same yesterday and today and forever i am alpha i am omega i am beginning i am the firefighter the last i'm the first i'm the almighty god you can plant your feet on jesus and find solid ground this morning if you lost in here and you basin what you got on this world you don't know which way is up you so messed up you more messed up in a termite and a wood yo-yo you are more lost than a golf ball in high cotton a good crop time i mean brother you don't know which way is up or out you say what is your bearing what is your foundation through this world i have the word of god in print in my listen what i'm saying i have the word of god in print in my hand and i have the word of god in person in my heart jesus christ is the capital word he's the word in person in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god i got him in my heart and i got the word in print in my hand i got a good foundation i got something no matter how hard the wind blows i can plant my feet on it i wonder about you look no further this morning esther come help me over here look no further you don't have to go no farther this morning than jesus that bible said he that believeth after all that he just told you this tried stone this trustworthy stone this treasured stone he said all right if you believe it you ain't got to keep running around looking for nothing look no further child of god why in the world are some of you children of god you are saved you have been bought you have believed on jesus you are saved this morning but you still running around so alert and enamored by the things of the world chasing all these elusive butterflies chasing these bubbles that when you grab it it's going to pop in your hand stop running after that junk i'll tell you what you need to start resting on and running after jesus you find a place of rest with him and if you're lost this morning if you are condemned under the hand of god and have felt god dealing with your heart this morning about the fact that you are lost and if you drew your last breath you don't have assurance that heaven is your home because you are condemned this morning you ain't saying i'm going to give you an opportunity in just a moment to trust christ as your savior you ain't got to leave out still looking look no further you can find what you're looking for right here let's all stand heads or bow and eyes are closed father i pray that you bless this simple little message from the word of god lord i pray right now some christians might respond to what's been preached and lord maybe some areas of their life and they keep running and chasing and searching and looking for things that they got no business running and chasing and searching and looking for the bible said we're to rest in christ we we have found our all in all the bible said i found him whom my soul loveth i held him i would not let him go my beloved is mine and i'm he is god this morning help us just to rest in jesus stop trying to chase all this stuff lean on you love you and serve you and god maybe there's somebody here that's lost they're not saved oh god this morning i pray they would be so convicted over the lies the devil has told them or under the condemnation that they are in right now and they would run to jesus stop running all this foolishness of the world and they run to jesus open their hearts and their minds in jesus name amen hedge about eyes are closing nobody looking around i want to ask you a question just before our sister sings i'll ask you this question you say preacher i'm going to be honest with you this morning i heard that preaching and that what she was talking about this morning about being condemned believing the lie of the devil preacher i'm going to be honest that's me i'm not saved i'm not saved preacher if i died today i do not have any kind of assurance that heaven is my home friend if you're lost this morning and you don't know jesus christ would you do me a favor while nobody's looking around me and god just do me a favor would you slip your hand straight up right there where you are and let me pray for you i won't come to your call yet or embarrass you but i'd love to pray for you would you slip your hand up right there and say preacher i'm not sure i'm saved god's dealt with my heart this morning but i i'm not sure i'm saved would it be one like that that would be honest raise your hand just slip it up where i can see it slip it back down say preacher pray for me would there be somebody like that let me ask you this you say preacher i remember the day when i found the greatest treasure of my life was jesus christ and i've stopped looking i've stopped looking since i found him he filled the void that nothing else could feel preacher i remember that day would you raise your hand good and high if you got a day like that god bless you hands all over the building i remember i remember you can put it down i don't know what some of you are still looking for i don't know what some of you are still waiting for why in the world you wouldn't just turn to him why in the world you wouldn't just call on him she's gonna sing some are praying some have prayed and going back in their seat this is your time she's going to sing if you need to come we're not going to extend it out if you need to come this is your time come on come on look no further friend you've been my life come on now [Music] yeah all the love you've given me you were my friend when no one cared when i failed alone he was there lord you were there you're still the best thing ever happened to this old boy hallelujah listen now [Music] listen now for foreign to me oh borrowed treasures i feel like singing this verse let me sing this verse i feel like singing it borrowed treasures borrow dreams all life's joys you've given me when troubles come you're always there to make me smile let come what may thy will be done i love you jesus god's only son lord you're the best thing that's ever happened to me for every time [Music] that i failed each time i stumbled and sin prevailed you're always there to plant my feet on higher ground why you would love me i just don't know but i'll keep singing as i go lord you're the best thing that's ever happened to me if you know that sing it now and i owe it all to you lord all i have is yours lord take my life and make me what you'd have me be for i'm your child and you're my father i'm the clay and you're the potter lord you're the best thing that's ever happened to me he surely is this morning i met him as a teenage boy and i have absolutely positively looked no further i ain't still i ain't looking for another savior i ain't looking for another lord i've i found like the bible said i found him whom my soul loveth i found him best of all he found me amen if you don't know him this morning please don't leave without him please don't keep running around out there looking for something you can find what you need this morning all right young people's practices at three o'clock down the building at the bottom of the parking lot so you parents uh grandparents that have those children please bring them back at three o'clock bottom of the hill service is at six tonight and we're excited to hear these young people so it's gonna be good it's gonna be real good so let's close in a good word of prayer this morning and uh dismiss and ask the lord to dismiss us in his blessings and to help us all right okay oh i'm sorry oh yes come on down sister jamie hey man i thank you uh take care of this here sister jamie got saved here at the church here just a few uh about a month or two back she just got baptized last sunday and she wants to yoke up with the church she's been coming ever since she's since she got saved and all and i say once again i love to see people that when they get saved and get baptized they just keep on coming and uh i appreciate sister jamie and uh what she wants to do with her life living for the lord and so i want you all to shake her hand make her feel welcome she'll be standing back back there with me here momentarily uh but uh somebody one of you fellas give me a motion brother mine give me a second brother brandon brother rodney and some other fellow let's give a good hearty amen this morning amen miss jamie it's a blessing and she gonna stand back there with me you ladies and fellas y'all come by shake her hand hug her neck and tell her you're glad she's with us we're glad you're here sis we love you amen you got anything you want to say just thank you for accepting me and giving me a place i can call home amen sis amen we're glad you're here with us we love you too we sure do you come on back here with me let's close the word of prayer here uh brother keith ask the lord to bless uh our dismissal if you wouldn't bring us back tonight me and miss james and go back come on today
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 903
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 93qepWIMc_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 31sec (3211 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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