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i want you to take your bibles and go with me to two passages of scripture this morning both by the same author i want you to go to the book of john the gospel of john and then john's last book and the last book of your new testament the book of the revelation john's gospel chapter number 19 this morning and the book of revelation in chapter number four john's gospel chapter 19 the book of the revelation and chapter number four i'll give you just a moment to get both of those in your hand we'll make a few comments on john 19 and then we'll go and anchor down for the remainder of our message in the book of the revelation and chapter number four this morning all right john chapter 19 i'd like to begin reading in verse number 25 john 19 and verse number 25 the bible said now there stood by the cross of jesus his mother and his mother's sister mary the wife of cleopas and mary magdalene now i want you to notice verse 26 and 27 this morning when jesus therefore saw his mother watch it and the disciples standing by whom he loved now we know who this disciple is it is highlighted to us in chapter 20 and chapter 21 this disciple that jesus loved is none other than john himself john is the beloved disciple or the beloved apostle he's the one that lays his head on the bosom of jesus at the last supper he is the disciple that god divinely delegates the revelation to and he calls himself in third person the disciple whom he loved the bible said this he saith unto his mother woman behold thy son then say if he to the disciple which is john the one writing this down behold thy mother and from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home we find something interesting at the cross of calvary in john chapter 19 and that is the fact that out of all the disciples that said they would go with the lord to the cross only one did go with the lord to the cross y'all remember what all 11 of them said the night before he was betrayed the night before he was crucified jesus told them he'd be betrayed he told them he'd be crucified and the bible said all of them told him that they would never leave him they would never forsake him that they would indeed die with him but here we come to a portion and passage of scripture where we find that judas has betrayed peter has denied the other nine have tucked tail and ran off into the shadows of the night somewhere and the only disciple that went to the trial with jesus and then beyond the trial of jesus all the way to the foot of the cross was john this ain't my message this ain't my message but let me say this real fast you know what i found out i found out talk is cheap i found out people will say one thing and they'll do another thing how many of y'all have lived long enough to find out this fact let me know everybody everybody everybody knows this we've all lived long enough to find this is a fact of life as a matter of fact let's just be honest can we just be honest for a minute can i be so transparent and you be so transparent to say we've all actually done that before i'll be honest enough that i'm so weak and cesarians the wickedness of people that there's been times i have said i'm gonna do this or i'm gonna do that or lord i'll never do that again or lord i'll do this for you and ended up i didn't do what i said i would do or i did do what i said i wouldn't do right let's not give the disciples too hard of time we've all been there we've all been there but here we find one man stays behind his name's john he gets brother skip the up close and personal look of bloody calvary i mean imagine imagine this we've read about it we we've we've studied about it we've heard it preached about but imagine brothership actually standing there i mean i mean from here to that glass cross from actually the bruised bloody beaten battered stump of a man named jesus who's dying for the sins of the world and you're up close and personal looking at a mutilated body suck its last breath knowing that he was the savior of the world knowing he was the way the truth of the life believing he was going to usher in the kingdom and now you are just a few feet away watching him suffer nails in his hands nails in his feet and die it's pretty intense stuff this morning well i want you to read one more portion of scripture with me we we find john goes all the way to calvary he goes all the way to golgotha is what the bible calls it gog off of the place of the skull now go with me to the book of the revelation this is not going to be the god of god is not going to be the last time he's going to see jesus matter of fact he's going to see him in a much better way down the road look at the book of the revelation in chapter number four watch what your bible says in verse number one this same apostle the same disciple that stood there watched him suffer bleed and die say it is finished and father my hands and commit my spirit same guy revelation 4 1 after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither i will show thee things which must be hereafter now watch it verse two and immediately i was in the spirit and behold a throne was said in heaven hey hey hey now he's in glory in chapter 19 of john we find john is at golgotha but in chapter four of revelation he's now in glory and watch what he finds when he gets there throne was said in heaven verse two and one sat on the throne and john knows him john's acquainted with him verse three and he that sat was to look upon like a jasper in a sardine stone there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight light unto an emerald and watch what they say about this one on the throne look at the very last verse of chapter four look at what they say about this one on the throne in chapter 19 they cussed this one on the throne but in revelation chapter 4 they throw crowns at this one on the throne in john chapter 19 they killed this one on the throne but in revelation chapter 4 they worship this one on the throne there's quite a different scene here verse 11 they said thou art worthy o lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created listen to me now we find john out of all the other apostles and disciples he's the only one that gets to see in detail the scenes of heaven and write about them paul gets to see him but paul don't get to write about him god reserves the penmanship of the revelation of jesus christ and the glories and the splendors and the beauty of heaven for this man john something all the rest didn't get to do you say preacher why is that now listen to me here's the message don't miss this i'll tell you why i believe god allowed john to see glory don't miss this because he went to golgotha [Music] john's roadway to glory went by across god's showing us something in picture and typology brother travis god's showing us in picture and typology that if you want to see glory you got to first go by god [Applause] the only way to see christ on the throne with a crown is you first got to see him on the cross dying for your sin can i say the road to glory does not go by religion the road to glory does not go by good works the road to glory does not go by education the road to glory does not go by morality the road to glory does not go by money the road to glory does not go by keeping commandments i'll tell you where the road to glory goes by if you want to see glory you gotta go by golgotha if you're gonna see heaven you gotta go see the horrors of the cross the only way to heaven it's not a baptist way it ain't a catholic way it ain't a presbyterian way it ain't a muslim [Applause] and if you're ever going to see glory you've got to first see the cross brother jimmy i believe with all my heart the reason why god allows john to see and write what he did is because he was the only one to go by the cross this morning isn't it something that men try and get to heaven by many different means except the cross you won't do it this morning you'll go to hell for all eternity unless you make a trip to the cross you say preacher i've never been to israel i've never been to the place golgotha i haven't either let me say this to you this might make me shout run around my office yesterday when i seen this brother john this john listen just don't miss this y'all john saw the cross personally but he saw heaven by revelation i'm the i've opposite the cross by revelation but one day i'm going to see heaven personally john saw the cross personally again by revelation but one day by revelation through the word of god i saw thy faith the cross of jesus put my faith and trust in it and because of that i shall see the king with my own eyes i will live in heaven because i went by the way of the cross this morning i love the story i heard years ago i'll never forget his written book they said this little story uh over in england there is a place in london that used to be the epicenter of town it's not so much the epicenter anymore now that things have grown up but in years and years ago there used to be an epicenter of london and it was called charring cross charring crossroads it's a place they got one of them silly roundabouts that's now made its way over here and aggravates all of us praise god american drivers american drivers so dumb they don't even know what a yield or a far away stop is not it just had to put it where people go around in circles like a house drive me in blessed same praise god anyways and over there where all these these several different roads came together they called it charring cross it ended up just adopting the name the cross that's what everybody over there calls it if you say where's the cross at they know exactly what you mean you're talking about charring cross it's like the waypoint that everybody is able to give directions from the cross is the waypoint of how people give directions over there years ago in london they said one day this officer of the law saw this little girl standing on a crowded street corner and she was bawling and squalling and crying and he walked up to her and he said honey uh what's wrong she said i've lost my mother i don't know where mama is and i i'm trying to find mommy and he said what's she look like if she tried to tell her what mommy looks like and he said let's look for her they went looking for her and they went in stores looking for her and couldn't find them they said well honey what's your address i'll take you home she said sir i don't know what my address is he said well can you tell me anything something about what your house looks like and she tried to describe it but it looked like all the other homes and he said well could you tell me anything that's close to your house that if i got you there you could get home and her face lit up and she said oh yeah yeah she said if you can get me to the cross do you know where the cross he is he said i know where the crossing is she said if you can get me to the cross i can get home from there i know how to get home from the cross and can i tell y'all this morning if you're lost in here without god i can tell you how to get home to heaven you got to get to get to the car the cross is the way that i'll get you to the house this morning if you don't go to the toilets you can't get home [Applause] this morning john goes to golgotha before he goes to glory so i'm preaching just for a couple of minutes i'm gonna give you this and i'm done we got to baptize several folks and i'm thrilled about it but let me give you this and we're going i want to preach on you can't go to glory without going to golgotha you can't go to glory without going to golgotha listen what i'm going to tell you this morning no man or woman will stand in heaven on their own goodness or their own righteousness you will not stand in heaven and be able to stick your fingers in your suspender straps poke your chest down and say i made it by my own good works i did it look what i know you won't make it that way you come as a poor good for nothing rich of a center to the foot of calvary and trust what he did or you don't go at all this morning i won't preach this morning on you can't go to glory without going to golgotha i thought to myself brother danny why why you won't go to glory without dog golf how come you can't go to glory without but without going by golgotha how come you can't get to heaven without going by the cross first let me say three things we're going to be done firstly i believe i believe you can't go to glory without golgotha besides several doctrinal things that i can say let me just say these firstly you can't go to heaven without going to golgotha because you wouldn't appreciate it if you went to heaven without first going by the cross you would not appreciate being there man john appreciates it john you say how do you know john appreciates it in this uh 22 chapter book of the revelation i'll tell you why because he writes about it in great detail he doesn't leave nothing out he weeps in despair in chapter five because nobody could open the book until jesus stepped up and then in the last chapter he begins to worship in delight over everything that he saw brother bro he's locked in he's neck deep in this thing you can tell by john's writing and by john's actions throughout the book of the revelation from chapter 4 to 22 that he absolutely appreciates what he is seeing do you know what the whole book of the revelation is about it's about jesus it is called if you was to look at chapter one verse number one it is called the revelation of jesus christ the entire book chapter 1-22 is not about revealing the antichrist even though it does it's not about revealing the tribulation period even though it does it's not about revealing the rapture of the church even though it does i'm telling you what the book's about it is about showing off revealing putting in the spotlight one person and that is the lord jesus christ this morning it shows him on the throne it shows him as the lamb it shows him as the lion and it shows him as the king this morning and i thought to myself why does brother john appreciate what he sings so much i tell you why he appreciates heaven so much because he saw him on golgotha yes sir do you know why john appreciates what he's seeing so much i'll tell you exactly why when all of a sudden he popped out of his body on earth and popped up in the third heaven and god started showing him this stuff brother foster when he sees that one on the throne he remembers what that one on the throne looked like on golgotha he remembered them crown of thorns shoved down into his brow he remembered his eyes swole shut and his face swole up from where they beat him all night long he remembered his beard being patchy and bloody from where they reached up and ripped it out he remembered seeing those big spikes in his hands and drove through both his feet he he remembered seeing his body lacerated from that scourging that he took with the cat of nine tails in pilates hall he remembered watching them walk by and say oh yeah oh yeah thou that destroys the temple in three days and be able to sit again save thyself if thou be the christ or if he's god's son let god have him now hey won't you call on elijah see if elijah won't swoop down in the whirlwind and the chair of fire and pick him up it's all over there and then the gospels man they said all that stuff to him john remembers watching that soldier take that great big old spear and walk up and shove it into the side of his lord and his savior and watch that blood and water come flowing out john remembers watching as they took the cross down and that bruised and bloodied stuff lay there in the arms of his own mother as she wept and she cried her heart was broken john remembers watching him wrap him up in grave clothes and wipe him down and throw him in a boring tomb but now john walks in the pearly gates of glory no more he ain't leave no more he ain't dying no more brother he sits on the throne eternal he's got the scepter in his hand he's got the crowd of glory on his head angel choirs are saying it holy holy holy lord god almighty there's lightnings and thunder and it's in a rainbow and a sea of glass and when john sees it he appreciates it friend you'll know something one day i'm going to this same place i won't be shocked i won't be a stranger i've already read about it and i'm already looking forward to going to it and when i step in i'm going to tell you this i won't be an unappreciative little a small brand i'm gonna appreciate it you say why because i know what he did for me on camera and when i walk in i'm gonna drop to my knees thou my word ahead throw up my worthy hands and say thank you lord i appreciate it lord let me say this if you don't appreciate the cross now you wouldn't appreciate heaven for five seconds some of y'all i could stand up here and i could preach on the cross and the horrors of the cross and what jesus went through and man when i'm done when i'm done you can click me off and turn the channel just like you is watching a sports program just like he was watching a tv program and you just it don't even make a dent in your offender you wouldn't appreciate hell why do you want to go to heaven you don't appreciate the cross you wouldn't appreciate heaven if you don't appreciate the cross i'll tell you what i'll tell you who's going to be there people that appreciate what he did for him people that's accepted the sacrifice and what he did for him on calvary this morning amen oh yes oh yes i all know this i'll appreciate because i know brother roger i didn't deserve it i mean all that teaching we just did in sunday school this morning about god has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him that god did not impute our trespasses unto us you may not you may not take all that into recollection now but all of a sudden when you get out of this body and land in the glory world and you stand there all that stuff i've been preaching and teaching you it's going to come back to your mind and you're going to realize great god almighty man hard to be going to hell but all my trespasses he didn't impute him man he took my sin on him lord i sure do appreciate it thank you lord this morning tell you why you can't go to glory without going to golgotha because you wouldn't appreciate it [Music] secondly not only would you not appreciate it i'll tell you why you can't go to glory without going to golgotha not only would you not appreciate it but secondly you wouldn't like the accompaniment there you wouldn't like the accompaniment there so what do you mean you wouldn't like the people that's there why would you want to go to heaven some of y'all claiming you're going to heaven you ain't more going to heaven and my my dog's hiding you say why because your crowd proves here you wouldn't like the crowd look there your book said look at the accompaniment that john's got here chapter five look at chapter five and verse number nine chapter five verse nine chapter five verse nine and they sung a new song saying they are worthy to take the book open the seals uh thereof for that was slain has redeemed us to god by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue people and nation and has made us under our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth brother they just keep on getting it you read down through there they just keep on worthy as the lamb you know worshipping him that liveth forever and ever let me say this to you why would you want to go to heaven they have no it it ain't partying in heaven that's exactly right they got those scandi cat go-go dancers up there you know rocking out and dancing and whipping dabbing they got that [Applause] jesus [Applause] y'all realize when you get to heaven they ain't taking jesus christ's name in vain [Applause] how would you want to go to heaven the crowd you hang out with looks nothing like that crowd is this registering with you yet is it ready i hope it registers another seat see this is see our idea of heaven we have been so messed up we've been so messed up our idea of heaven you know some drunk country singer sung about granny went to heaven she's sitting in a rocking turn she rocking their babies we're going fish in the river and some some drunk even that went to hell sunk about heaven and you gobbled it up like it's true yeah come on that ain't heaven oh heaven about you fishing in the river granny in the rocking chair i'll tell you what heaven's about jesus jesus and lord jesus oh you know why you know why people don't think about that because they don't care nothing about jesus but that's what heaven's about why would you want to go to heaven why do you want to go to heaven it ain't about your religion in heaven that's exactly right oh do you want to go to heaven nobody's going to give you opportunity to stand up and tell how good you are yeah don't win a place for show why would you want to go yo y'all it is it's a simmering that maybe heaven ain't for you in your present condition yeah come on boy i'll tell you this this crowd right here you know what they're excited about think about this accompany me you know what they're excited about three things according to verse nine three things in verse nine they're excited about a blessed redeemer the first thing they said brother being was thou art worthy verse nine read it thou art worthy because thou hast redeemed us the first thing they're shout about is a blessed redeemer they're just shouting about jesus redeeming them hey if it don't excite you in the least about jesus redeeming you here it sure wouldn't excite you there i think what else they're saying about it's there it's in verse nine they're also singing about a book yeah they're worthy to take the book they're getting excited about a book some of y'all ain't read your bible throw your bible and banks into your car until the sun warps the pages and rolls it up and make some yellow yeah why would you be excited about the book therefore you're excited about it here they excited about a blessed redeemer they're excited about a book and they're excited about blood it said thou hast redeemed us of god by thy blood so they they shout about their lord let me say this to you if none of that excites you here it sure wouldn't excite you there i mean i don't know what some of y'all thinking i don't know what some of y'all thinking y'all think that you just gonna you know do your own thing live your life and none of that move you and you don't care about none of it don't care about hanging out with nobody that likes none of it but all of a sudden when you get to heaven miraculously it's gonna be like boom now i love this no no i like what that old preacher said one time i forget who it was i think about it here in a minute lavon boatner levon bolton or brother randall's preached here before his uncle brother lavon great old man of god brother lavon voter somebody asked him one time they said brother lavon how do you know you ain't going to hell he said it's real simple i'm not going in that direction that's deeper than you think it is i'm not going that direction brother it said hey hey it's impossible to get to michigan heading to florida do you understand what i'm just saying that's right and some of y'all running as hard as you can toward hell and think you're going to breathe your life's wrath and hop in heaven [Music] [Applause] you say you're preaching works for salvation no i'm preaching works because you have been saved yes sir yes sir amen we've tried to give all this false assurance to people that have absolutely no root and no fruit of being born again i ain't doing it bro skip i ain't doing i ain't doing it i am not about to preach the funeral i'll preach the funeral but i'm not about to preach a funeral for somebody drum liquor all their life fornicated all their life live like hell hated god the bible the preacher the church all their life and they get me to stand up and say well we'll meet them in heaven together one day absolutely not i'll tell you this it's i've preached a bunch of them funerals you know what i do i just don't say nothing about the deceased i work on the people that's still living if you think i'm thinking to stand up preaching to heaven somebody whose life said i went to hell you got nothing coming you lost your have a lovely line yes sir amen i'll tell you this a tree falls in the direction that it's leading that's right you don't listen to me you don't lean toward hell all your life and then fall into heaven at the last second amen don't be aware of that garbage don't be a word of that you wouldn't like the accompaniment in heaven i'll tell you what i'm looking forward to go to heaven you say why because i like this crowd you say why because that's my crowd here that's my crowd here i like being around a crowd that likes the blessing redeemer likes the book and likes the blood it excites me here it's going to excite me there i won't have to i won't have to change i want look y'all i think some of y'all thinking you're just going to be like you know some sort of spectator in heaven hiding in the corner somewhere you know i read about all that's going on i read they shouting and worshiping and worthy and all that but you know i'm just going to kind of i'm just going to kind of hang back you know the whole crowd going to be over shouting i'm just gonna come be like you know amen yeah yeah where are they where are you okay okay brother you're gonna be right up smackdown amongst of them but why would you want to go if you don't enjoy here yeah they're out there praise god [Applause] [Music] brother i wonder if you look around at your accompaniment right here right now does it resemble anything like this does it resemble anything here listen please don't miss this the company you keep on earth will probably be a pretty good indication of the company you're going to keep in eternity did y'all understand what i just said the company you keep on earth will probably be a good indication of the company you gonna spend eternity around so just take inventory real fast what kind of company am i hanging around that i derive joy from you say well i'm here this morning yeah yeah yeah i know you are but i mean what you really derive joy from is not just when you come to your religiosity on sunday i mean monday to saturday who do you who do you like to associate with i know you got to work around people paul talks about that over in corinthians i understand all that you got bible said you you got to work around the people in this world they're lost and you're supposed to be like to them i get all that that's that's bible and i'm talking about your close associations right amen does that resemble anything like that you can't go to glory without going to golgotha why you wouldn't appreciate it you wouldn't like company lastly you can't go to glory without going to golgotha because you would be absent you you're going to end up being absent if you don't go to golgotha you're not going you're going to miss out on heaven i'm telling you this from the authority of the scriptures so where do you get that from look with me in the book of revelation chapter 20. we're closing right here revelation chapter 20 and verse number 15 revelation 20 and verse 15. you'd be absent revelation 20 15. and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast in the lake of fire you say how do i get into that book of life it's real simple look at chapter 21 look at the next chapter chapter 21 and the last verse of that chapter chapter 21 and verse 27 21 27 watch it this is talking about the new jerusalem this is where you and i god's people that are washed in the blood are gonna spend eternity look at the people that inhabit it 21 27 and there shall in no wise enter into it that new jerusalem anything that defileth neither whatsoever work with abomination or make it the lie watch who's there but they which are written in the lamb's book of life the lamb's book of life wrote him the lamb's book of life you know what that means you had to appreciate the lamb to get in his book [Applause] do you know why he's called the lamb i do because the lamb is something that is sacrificed so it goes back to my original point the lamb was sacrificed at golgotha to get in the lamb's book you have to go where he's been sacrificed if you haven't trusted what he did for you you ain't going to glory amen the only people in this city are those who accepted the lamb i would like to say this to you this morning heaven is available and hell is avoidable god made a way of escape this morning heaven is available for everyone and hell is avoidable for everyone this morning i'm telling you where to get god's love at i'm telling help me up here miss history if you would i'm telling you this morning where you can find the greats and the love of god to wind up in heaven it's found at one place i hope you caught it by now i've been preaching about it for 30 minutes it's found at one place one place god's love is found in one place and in one person and that's at calvary in christ jesus you want god's love come to jesus christ and what he did at calvary that's where you get it you don't get it any other way i i know i know what we say and i say this and i understand this and i'm not criticizing this but we say well god loves you god loves you can i say this to you biblically let me just be real strictly biblical here this morning if you read your bible when it comes to sinners god's love is never a present love to sinners in the bible god's love is always a past love to sinners it's always a love he loved it's always past you say where's it it's found in the past at the cross if you want god's love come to christ come to the cross he'll give you his love give it to you for nothing change your life make your new creature in christ i'm so glad brother hunter that there was a day in my life where i went by the way of golgotha and brother when i went by that way the road to heaven unbarred and opened up brother carl now i have a one-way ticket to heaven i'm not working to get there i'm going the holy ghost is taking me brother it's like it's like it's like getting at a theme park and going to get on the ride brother once you get on the ride they lock you in they got you the ride's taking you from there i walked to the ride once i got on the ride you're right doing all the work i never got on a roller coaster in my life i had to put my foot out kind of push it and help it wrong no i got on the ride and the ride does rest one day as a sinner god drew me to himself and i walked to jesus and when i came and knelt at the cross i got in the ride i got in christ and then christ got in me and locked me in sealed me under the day of redemption now i'm just on the ride i'm enjoying the ride too i'm enjoying the hound out of it man i wonder this morning i'm done i have you ever been by golgotha everybody says i'm going to heaven or i want to go to heaven yeah but did you just hear the things i preached on would you really appreciate it if you went would you really like the accompaniment you're going to be around if you go i really hope on that day when we all stand there i i hope they some of us going to be absent somebody said one time and they told the truth somebody said this one time they said heaven is going to be full of people we didn't think it'd be there and empty of a lot of people we thought would be there [Music] i'm glad i'm going not because of what i did but because i've been to the same place john went i'm going this morning are you going with us let's all stand head's about an eyes are closed father i pray you bless the simple message from the word of god thank you for these truths in the scripture oh what mighty truths lord we'll just take a time out have recess and shout come this altar and say thank you that lord we we could have still been going to hell the lord you brought us by calvary brought us to the end of ourself put us on the blood-stained way to glory thank you lord thank you i pray if there's one here this morning that's not sure where they would spend eternity then this morning they get those things right jesus name amen hedgehog
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 897
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: lL4HSYDxwrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 9sec (2289 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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