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have mercy don't take it for granted it ain't it ain't like it's everywhere no he sure doesn't praise the lord foreign acts chapter 23 tonight i want to give you what the lord's put on my heart for this evening acts chapter 23 and we'll read the first 11 verses of the chapter now i've got two other portions of scripture that we're going to stop at along the course of the message to highlight the truth that i'm giving you tonight uh the truth that i'm giving you is found in three different places in the life of the apostle paul and so i'm going to highlight all three of them this evening and i trust it'll be a help and a blessing to you in your daily walk with the lord acts chapter 23 verse number one the bible said and paul earnestly beholding the counsel said men and brethren i have lived in all good conscience before god until this day and that's that's all he got out of his mouth before they decided they wanted to smack him real good verse two and the high priest ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth he didn't get much out before they got ticked off real good verse three then said paul unto him god shall smite thee thou whited wall for sitteth thou to judge me after the law and command it's me to be smitten contrary to the law and they that stood by said revilest thou god's high priest then said paul i wish not brethren that he was the high priest for it's written thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people but when paul perceived that the one part were sadducees and the other pharisees he cried out in the council men and brethren i am a pharisee the son of the pharisee of the hope and resurrection of the dead i am called in question and when he had so said there arose a dissension between the pharisees and the sadducees and the multitude was divided for the sadducees say that there is no resurrection neither angel nor spirit but the pharisees confess both verse nine and there arose a great cry and the scribes that were of the pharisees part arose and strove saying we find no evil in this man but if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him let us not fight against god when there arose a great dissension the chief captain fearing lest paul should have been pulled in pieces of them commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them and to bring him into the castle now watch verse number 11 with me very carefully we're going to find something that's mentioned in three different instances in the life of paul verse 11. and the night following watch what it said the lord stood by him i want you to notice that little phrase there the lord stood by him and said be of good cheer paul for as thou has testified of me in jerusalem so must thou bear witness also at rome now here's a man on the page of the scripture in front of you that's familiar to all of us he writes the majority of the new testament at least he writes the most books of one individual in the new testament and here we find at this point in his life everything's against him and not only is everything against him everyone is against him i mean here in our text paul is he's all alone the only person that is even remotely close to him at this point is luke the one who is pinning this account down but even luke can't be right there with him standing next to him through this this is stuff that he's had to have rehearsed in his ears from the mouth of the apostle paul and from different eyewitness accounts tonight here's a man that everything and everyone's against him they're trying to kill him if he was to go back to chapter 21 and 22 and then read on later in chapter 23 they got conspiracies out to kill this old boy i mean look at here most of us feel like everything's against us and everyone's against us when just a few little things go wrong in our life i mean but really really what if he was all alone and i mean hundreds of people hated your of loving goods to the point to where when you stood up they wanted to slap you in the mouth soon as you started talking and then was trying their hardest to get you executed by the powers that be in that day i mean everything really is against this guy everyone really is against this guy the brethren are not here at this point all them churches that paul started they're not here at this point they're not there to cheer him up they're not there to pat him on the back all in people countless thousands of people that paul has led to the lord been a spiritual father to none of them are here and everybody that paul has helped nobody's there to help him nobody's there to say god bless you it'll be all right trust in the lord always rejoice in the lord i mean nobody's there to help him he's all alone but can i say we find paul has one ace in the hole you say what is paul's one ace in the hole even though everything and everyone's against him and nobody is there to help him the bible said in verse number 11 that the night following in verse 11 the lord stood by him tonight in spite of everything and everyone being against him there was somebody that was for him tonight there was somebody that was standing with him and standing on his behalf this evening you say who's that it's the lord it's the lord jesus christ no wonder paul could pee in such a thing as he did in romans chapter in verse number 31 if god be for us who can be against us tonight and child of god i want to try and encourage your heart tonight that regardless of your opposition in your life and regardless of the obstacles that you face in your life you can count on this if you're a child of god washed in the blood and trying to walk in the spirit and walk by the word and the will of god there is a savior who will stand with you tonight there is a savior that will stand for you tonight now we're going to find in paul's life there are three times where the bible says the lord stood with him the lord stood by him the lord stood with him we're going to find three times where the lord stands with paul tonight and i want to preach on this thought in your hearing for a few minutes i'm preaching on when everything stands against you jesus will stand with you when everything stands against you jesus will stand with you i have no idea what kind of things you got in your life tonight that you feel like are standing right up against you and that are in opposition to you but i i don't really have to know i don't need to know i know the one that stands with you tonight as a child of god and greater is he that he is in us than he that is in the world we are more than conquerors through him that loved us i can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me now let me give you a news update child of god you ain't nothing without him now i know that's not good english that's terrible english but it's real good theology tonight bad english but good theology you ain't nothing without him as a matter of fact jesus himself said this without me ye can do nothing tonight you ain't nothing and you can't do nothing and you can't be nothing without the lord jesus christ i'm talking about doing something being something for the glory of god tonight but honey if god's for you and the lord stands with you then it really don't matter who's against you it really don't matter what they said about you it really don't matter what problem stands in front of you if he is on your side tonight you can boldly say the lord is my helper and i shall not fear what man can do unto me you can take confidence in the fact that the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and yeah though i walk through the valley of the shatter of death i shall fear no evil why for thou art with me thy rod thy staff they comfort me thou preparest the table before me in the presence of mine enemy my cup runeth over thou noise my head with all surely goodness and mercy shall follow me you know the story friend i'm trying to tell you if he's for you you got an ace in the hole you got a leg up you got a blessing that the world does not have tonight you say preacher i'm lonely i'm not saying you're not lonely what i'm saying is there's somebody there to be with you say preacher you don't know how many people and how many obstacles are against me no i do not what i'm trying to tell you is i know the god of heaven will stand by your side you say how can you say that with such confidence well one i got the word of god on it but two i have experienced what i'm preaching tonight i ain't preaching you out of a head full of knowledge i'm preaching you out of a heart full of experience this evening i've been there when i felt like nobody was with me i've been there when it felt like all my friends had walked off and left me i've been there when the lights went off and i felt like i was all alone and i also know what it's like for the sweet abiding presence of the spirit of god how to come by my way stand out up next to me and say son i'll never leave thee and i'll never forsake thee i'm here with you whether anybody else is or not tonight so i'm preaching on when everything stands against you jesus will stand with you i want to show you three times that jesus stood paul i'm gonna hurry and be done let me say number one jesus stood with him number one when society was against him when society was against him did you notice in our text here that that's what i just read to you i read to you point number one in these first 11 verses of acts chapter 23 did you notice that all of society brother kevin at this point stands against the apostle paul the entire societal world at this time the pharisees the sadducees and the romans they're all against him you say how come they're against him because his preaching was unpopular his preaching stood in opposition to judaism romanism and heavenism tonight and because his message was one of confrontation because his message was one of opposition against what they believed they began to stand against him now let me say this to you listen to what i'm thinking to tell you satire society is still against the message that the apostle paul preached and if you live believe and preach the message the apostle paul preached society will still be against you tonight i'm i'm weary of any christian i'm weary of any church that just gets along in society i'm weary of any church that can be real high up on the social status and the social order and they can get along brother with the moose clubs and the goose clubs and the y and this that the other you say why because i realize after a little while of preaching that bible you're gonna run contrary to what the world thinks you're gonna run contrary to the news media you're gonna run contrary to the educational society you're gonna run contrary to the entertainment world you're gonna run contrary to the mainstream religious movement if you stand with the book this evening society was against him can i just give you all news update whether you know this or not i mean be doom and gloom here tonight even though that is kind of my nature that you know that by now society's against y'all talk about if you're living for god and living by the bible i'm not talking about just being a contemporary christian i'll tell you another reason why i hate that word contemporary have you ever looked the word contemporary up the word contemporary means of the times getting along in the times being of the times the christian was never called to be of the time they were living in they were called to be of the bible and if what they live is against the times then junk the times and stay with the book this evening listen brother if you're going to live for god you mark this down society will stand against you the mainstream media will contradict what you and i believe and what we preach christian christians stop sucking up everything that comes straight out of the mainstream media's toilet receptacle and eating it up like it's the gospel truth think for yourself and read your bible this evening y'all listen to me that mainstream media it's against god it's against our bible it's against what we preach brother you i i've divorced myself and look here since the last election i don't have it all i could hand brother keith brother ken i didn't have all i could handle i didn't divorce myself i have my my my my what i used to look at on my phone was called the gateway pundit it was a conservative news site and you know if you look at a certain website long enough it'll like add itself to your favorites when you first click on it's been so long since i looked at it i went to looking for it the other day and it wasn't even all my favorites no more only i just i've divorced myself i try i try and live in my world and act like that fool ain't even in the white house up there that nursing home patient that don't belong there i'm trying to live my life divorced from it you say why because everything they teach believe and preach is against what i'm teaching my family and what i'm trying to live in my life i am not trying to get along with lgbt and whatever else they got going on i am not trying to buy into partial birth full term or nothing else abortion in my life i'm not trying to get along with black lives matter and antifa and the whole rest of the bunch of communist garbage that's being shoved and ram-rotted down our throats i ain't trying to get along with it it's against the bible it's against my god and i'm happy to be away from it this evening entertainment the entertain i'm getting somewhere the entertainment world stands against you tonight mom and daddy listen to me if you think the bunch of godless reprobates in hollywood are they much of filthy godless ungodly reprobates that sing pop and rock and hip hop and rap got your best interest at heart you got another thing coming let me pause right here let me pause right here and give you this y'all remember here just a little while back a few weeks ago all that that tennis you come out that that little noss made you know and all that stuff and the tennis shoe was the truth the only thing that was a little bit skewed is nike did not give him the approval to do it he did it on his own but the shoe was the truth anyways he's the one that sung that old town road song and all this kind of thing i got a picture that i still got on my phone somebody sent me it was a response from little noss to a concerned parent on twitter little noise got more sense than some christian parents i know this evening there was a concerned parent that said this they said little nos don't you know my child love to hear you sing old town road and now you've come out with this satanic stuff and it's bothered me and blah blah blah and this was his response this was his response brother john he said ma'am old town road in old town road i promoted adultery fornication and drinking in old town road he said you should be screening what your children are listening to little nos said that i said my god the godless homosexual reprobate has more sense than mamas and daddy's god stop feeding your kids to the entertainment world they're against your values they are trying to deprogram and reprogram the minds of your youngins they're against it i'm telling you brother the mainstream media is against it the religious world we see now is against us i ain't trying to preach no persecution complex i don't have to i got somewhere i'm going here in just a minute that i don't have a persecution complex about it i like being the underdog i think some people it bothers some people to like be well they're all against me it don't bother me no it just makes me bear down even harder yeah amen amen we go out there street preaching we go out to the street preaching and i'll be honest with you brother roger i feel uncomfortable when we don't get about half a dozen bird flip-offs and about half a dozen people cuts the sound it that kind of makes me feel uncomfortable i feel like if we out there and we preaching the book and preaching jesus there ought to be some opposition from the devil's crowd out there we don't get it i start feeling uncomfortable about the thing man amen amen if i can preach for about a month and nobody gets a little bit wrinkled and ticked off i feel like i ain't even done my job in the pulpit somebody say it man right there opposition ain't never bothered me opposition don't bother me it makes me want to bear down harder this evening look at here i'm telling you we're living today with the religious world the mainstream media the entertainment world they're against us you say does that bother you no because i couldn't care less what they think there is one that sits on the throne tonight and he's for me and he's on my side and i'm on his side tonight and it doesn't matter if the whole world goes this way if my lord's over there i'll go with him and he'll stand with me and that's just fine tonight that's just fine i i i absolutely love y'all know i love history and i've quoted this to you before but it bears repeating because i love the last line of the letter one of my favorite stories of history what got me involved in history was the battle of the alamo in san antonio texas they just celebrated almost 200 years of texan independence out there march 6 18 36 to fall the alamo and during the time of that big old seeds them 180 somehow texian defenders gathered into that little crumbling adobe mission down there outside of the town of san antonio de bihar and thousands of mexicans under general santa anna surround them i mean had them surrounded on every side they was outnumbered i mean ten to one brother they was all against them they was all alone no william barrett travis wrote that great immortal letter that i've read and seen many times before and he addressed it this way he said to the people of texas and all americans in the world fellow citizens and compatriots i am besieged by a thousand or more of the mexicans under santa ana he said i shall never surrender or retreat he said the enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion otherwise the garrison are to be put to the sword if the fort is taken he said i've answered the demand with a cannon shot and our flag still waves proudly from the walls he said i call on you in the name of liberty and patriotism and everything dear to the american character to come to our aid with all dispatch he said the enemy are receiving reinforcements daily and will no doubt increase to three or four thousand and four or five days he said if this call is neglected i am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor and that of his country and he signed in all capital letters and underlined it victory or death this is the part i wanted to get to he wrote a ps a post script you can look at it man on photocopies his ps said this p.s the lord is on our side i say amen right there brother you may feel outnumbered now government you mark this down if you're living for god and serving the lord he's on your side regardless if all society stands against you tonight friend but you let it bother you that society stands against you jesus is standing for you amen paul paul had the lord stood for him when society was against him can i show you another one chapter 27 not only when society was against him but secondly when a storm was against him the lord stood with him jesus stood with him not only when society was against him but when a storm was against him watch chapter 27 and verse number 18. y'all know this story it's that great story of the urochadon this this this big old storm that pops up with paul out in the mediterranean and and almost kills all of them chapter 27 verse 18. verse 18 said and we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest the next day they lightened the ship and the third day we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship now watch it and when neither sun or stars in many days appeared and no small tempest lay on us all hope that we should be saved was then taken away i mean brother here they are in the middle of the storm they end up staying in it for about two weeks plus and they get finally to a place where luke is writing this down luke's in the storm with paul and he said all hope's gone i mean i just ain't got no hope whatsoever that we're gonna survive or make it out of this storm look here you ever take hope away from an individual you've took away everything they got i'll never forget reading a story one time about a fellow named mayor hirsch mayor hirsch was a little jew boy over in europe when the nazis took over over there they herded mayor hirsch and his entire family into little cattle cars shoved them in them things so tight and drove them miles and miles and finally got out at i believe it was auschwitz and uh one of them death camps brother mark they said when mayor hirsch got out of that thing they took his mom and daddy that way and took his siblings the other way and he never saw him again mary hurst is just a little fella 10 12 11 13 years old somewhere along in there and old mayor hearst he ended up surviving they had pictures of him by the time that the allies rescued him he looked like just an emaciated skeleton i mean they you know it's just just skin and bones if you ever seen them pictures of those holocaust survivors when they were liberated man and i mean just wasn't nothing to him and years later when he was an old man somebody come by and they did an interview and they asked him how did you survive how did you make it through all of that this is what mayor hearst told him he said sir he said i found this out he said i found out a person can go days and days and days without food i've done it he said i've found out a person can go weeks without interaction with anybody else in solitary confinement i know because i've done it he said a person can go a few days without even drinking anything to the point of total dehydration and death he said i know because i've done it but he said this he said but a person cannot go more than one moment or two without hope he said hope is what will get a person hey you can't go very far without some hope this evening here in the text we find all hopes gone but brother by the time we get to the end of the text hope's gonna be reinserted what reinserts hope in a story where hope had been snatched away in this storm i tell you what happened paul realized somebody was with him even in the middle of a storm watch your book verse 21 verse 21 but after long abstinence paul stood forth in the midst of them and said sirs you should have hearkened unto me and not have loosed from crete paul just couldn't couldn't let well enough alone he had to give a little i told you so in there and to have gained this harm and loss and now i exhort you be of good cheer for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you but of the ship watch it verse 23 here's the second time watch it for there stood by me this night the angel of god you say preacher that's just an angel no i'll keep reading who it is the angel of god whose i am he didn't belong to no angel he belonged to jesus and whom i served he didn't serve an angel he served jesus let me pause right here and give you a little bible study here just man let me pause and just give you a bible lesson when you read about the angel of the lord in the old testament that is jesus christ of the new testament the angel of the lord in the old testament is the lord jesus christ i can prove it to you over and over but i ain't got time tonight you study that thing out for yourself and you'll come believe and that's the truth here paul said the angel of god stood by me i'm his and i serve him tonight you know what took this story and turned it around it was the fact that paul realized somebody's standing with me in this storm i'm telling you the boat's rocking the boats reeling but there is somebody on board the ship hey paul already heard the story paul had already heard the stories about jesus and storms before paul had already been told by peter about one night out in a storm how jesus come walking on the water and said peace be still paul had already been told by peter about a time when their ship was full of water yet it didn't sink because jesus was in the back of the boat sleeping you don't know what helped paul out he realized good god almighty if the god that was in the bow with peter and the god that was in the boat with james and john back over yonder here's the god that's in the boat with me then i reckon i'm gonna make it to the other side and child of god you count on this i have no idea the level and the length and the depth of the storm you're in but if jesus is in the boat with you you can ride the storm out to the other side you can make it this evening yeah i'm a pilgrim lives weary road there's been many times i've told beneath the heavy load when the way is dark and i cannot say i know my lord is gonna stand by me bear burdens great that i must bear there's some loads of grief for my soul to share and when the friends i love shall forsake and flee well i know my lord he's going to stand by me he's going to stand by me he's going to stand by me while i know my lord he's going to stand by me when the way gets dark and i cannot see well i know my lord he's going to stand by me you can take out to the bank y'all i'm talking about there's a god that'll stand with you tonight when everything stands against you yeah no and i like it that knowing that jesus was standing with him in the storm look what it gave him look what it gave paul because he knew jesus standing with him what what's what it's saying verse 24 this is what jesus told him he said fear not paul thou must be brought before caesar although god hath given me all them to sail with thee verse 25 wherefore sirs be of good cheer knowing jesus was in the boat gave him cheer turn your frown upside down honey put on a happy face if jesus is in the boat you can have cheer in the middle of a catastrophe it didn't just give him cheer it gave him confidence look at the next part that he said be of good cheer for i believe god that it shall be even as it was told me you know what else to give him right in the middle of that big old storm give him some confidence he said if god said it i believe it that that man that's it hey i believe god said we're gonna make the other side i don't know how i don't know what he's gonna do you know what i like about the fact when the lord starts standing with you y'all don't miss this when the lord starts standing with you he starts giving you favor with the people and in the circumstances that are trying to do you in see what do you mean by that preacher well i'm not going back to acts 23 you go back and read acts 23 you know what you find in acts 23 them roman soldiers they got no use for paul they just trying to do him in too but you know what happens right after the bible said right after the bible said in verse 11 that the lord stood with him right after that it said the jews took a a oath that none of them would eat or drink anything until they killed paul you know what the bible said brother joe the bible said there was paul's nephew his sister's son overheard him say that and when he overheard it he took off running to the chief captain named lysius and ran to lysius the roman captain and said hey they going to kill paul they're going to ask you to bring him out to you and when they when you bring them out they're going to jump him they're going to kill him and old lights just saved his life man you know what that you know what that shows me when the lord starts standing by you he'll start setting pieces of the puzzle in the place to to help you and not do you in and here in the text i find in the text the bible said the soldiers or the shipmen were about to jump out the ship and leave the ship behind and they didn't because god was with paul and then it said the soldiers was going to kill all the prisoners so they couldn't get loose and the centurion said no i don't want to do that because i believe in that guy enough i believe in paul enough i don't want him to kill him brother you you start walking with god and god starts standing with you god will start working things out around you to keep you in his favor and in his will tonight i've seen that over and over and over this evening all right i'm done when everything's against you jesus will stand with you he stood with paul when society was against him he stood with paul when a storm was against him and then lastly turn to second timothy with me second timothy in chapter four he stood with paul when seclusion was against him seclusion here we find paul's all alone and even though he's all alone the lord's going to stand with him i've seen something in this today i've never seen before studying this text and man this this was a blessing to me look at second timothy chapter four paul's down to the end this is going to be the last few verses that paul's going to write after this paul's going to have his head cut off on nero's chopping block he writes nothing more after this second timothy chapter four as far as chronologically i realize the book of titus and philip in hebrews but i mean chronologically this is the last of the line second timothy chapter four and verse number 16. watch what it said in verse 16 of chapter 4. he tells timothy this at my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me i pray god that it may not be laid to their charge i never really understood that i got to study that thing today and reading behind some people of what was what is this this first answer he's talking about and literally in the text what he's talking about is the first time he stood before nero who was a caesar remember the bible said in acts he appealed unto caesar well he finally gets his audience brother carl with caesar whose name was nero and y'all you'll read about nero in history nero was a maniac nero hated god's people so bad he put them in the coliseums with lions and watched them get torn apart nero was such a depraved godless individual that he would have these these parties that can't even be mentioned about things he'd do and he would take christians and impale their bodies up with big spikes and dip them in tar and light them on fire in the gardens to light up his parties while they would be having these these filthy parties and drinking and all kind of stuff in these gardens the bodies of the christians were the torches that lit the parties up as they roasted to death that that's this maniac that paul stands before and this is what he's talking about at my first answer the first time that he had a chance to answer for himself he's answering in his own defense it's like a courtroom setting it's like a court setting he's standing before nero he has appealed to the highest court of the land now he stands before this godless depraved reprobate maniac and he's going to answer for himself and when he stands before nero brother noah surely it would have been a blessing for some christian brother to stand with him at the trial and say hey i'm with that guy but brother to stand with paul in this day means you're going to get whatever punishment he gets so you really find out who your friends are when the chips are down i mean you really find out who's really in it for the long haul when when standing with you means they're gonna get punished for it and here paul says at my first answer when i stood before nero the first time nobody stood with me everybody forsook me i stood there all alone as my own defense attorney but watch what your bible said verse number 17 notwithstanding the lord stood with me and strengthened me why that by me the preaching might be fully known and that all the gentiles might hear say what in the world does that mean it means just what it did when he stood before agrippa y'all remember what happened when he stood before agrippa and felix he stood there in that trial you know what he did he preached jesus to him can y'all imagine what this looked like here comes paul they bring him out just like they did over in acts 26 he got handcuffs on his wrists and shackles on his feet he'd been in the prison down there and dirty and he comes waddling out and they stand him up there before caesar i mean caesar nero at his big entourage and all them gentiles are standing there and old nero says uh what you got to say for yourself sir and he said well this is what i got to say for myself and about that time i imagine when paul first walked out there he thought man this is kind of lonely ain't nobody here with me and they're all against me i'm all by myself but about that time paul felt a little i'm with you paul go on ahead and tell them paul go go ahead tell them how you met me go ahead and tell them how i changed you tell them paul son paul felt the boldness of god because he felt the presence of the lord he said you know i'll just tell you like this nero i used to kill people like myself i used to hate people like myself i used to be just like you but one day riding down damascus road the man named jesus who died was bear and rose again showed up in my damascus road knocked me off my high horse and i got saved down there in the dirt and from that time till this i've been telling everybody about somebody who saved anybody nero i'm telling you he'll even save you if you'll call on him and trust him he'll save anybody in here son he signed his own death warrant but it didn't matter somebody was standing with him i'll tell you what'll give you some help when you're all alone you stand here tonight and you say preacher i feel like when i go home i'm all by myself preacher i feel like on my job where i work ain't no other christians i'm all alone preacher i feel like when i go see my family they don't know god and they don't know the lord and i'm all alone i'm telling you this even there's somebody named jesus he's the one who saved you and he's the one that stood with paul and if he stood with paul when paul was all alone he can stand with you as well this evening paul didn't have nobody to go and be his defense attorney but the bible said we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous paul had him a defense attorney he wasn't down here he was up you understanding with paul i'll simply come to tell you tonight when everything stands against you jesus will stand for you and i don't know what kind of opposition you're facing against you but it pales in comparison to the individual that is on your side tonight don't you walk out here with your head hung low don't you walk out here letting the devil beat you up make you tremble you walk out of here with the confidence and the fact of the scripture that jesus christ the righteous is on your side tonight say preacher what will society say who gives a good flip what society says he's on my side you say my storm's against me yeah but he's bigger than the storm he's the eye of the storm tonight he'll stand with you let's all pray tonight father thank you so much for the good word of god that encourages us and helps us strengthens us god i i know i know beyond shadow of a doubt there's some people in here tonight the lord of mercy they are facing some real opposition in their life they're facing some real obstacles in their life lord the devil's fighting them society's fighting them lord it seems like every which way they're just getting shot at god tonight i pray that you would have reminded them give their hearts some cheer and confidence knowing that the unseen lord of heaven is a present help in their trouble god i pray tonight we'd walk out of here and go this week telling somebody about jesus knowing that you're with us when we do you told the apostles in matthew chapter 28 lo i'm with you always even unto the end of the world god you'll be with us you said you would we believe that by faith tonight help us to understand that lord say what time i'm afraid i'll trust in help us lord i pray in jesus name bless you people this week amen god bless your church i'll see you thursday night at open door baptist church play for sister you dismiss god bless you
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 887
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: -eJsBzGt-Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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