Cody and Noel Do: Tarot Cards

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[Music] i'm scared yeah and i hate it i hate this so welcome to that's scary i did a tarot reading recently and it was actually pretty dope so i figured why not bring cody into it because when i told him about it he he was literally [ __ ] himself over it we haven't made a video in a while so why not come back and um you know come back with a diaper full of [ __ ] you're actually bugged out right now yes because i know whatever happens here i'm gonna think about it for [ __ ] ever oh okay so we should ask her like really intense questions we should ask her when you're gonna die yeah like am i gonna find that out i don't know she might just say it what if she's like pulls a bad card and she's like oh and we're like what it's just oh that's the death card yeah yeah yeah it's happening i hate it do you want to like think of a question to ask her i'm trying to think of some of like something that's general enough where it's not gonna give me like it's not going to scare me the answer or should we get like hyper specific like hey i have a 2007 uh honda civic how much longer does it have left she's just like three months 27 days nine hours will my stay the same size oh no she's gonna that'll just be yes she can cover off on anything it can be general or specific what about something about the podcast oh [ __ ] like when how will it or is it gonna keep going going uh gets bought out by tom segura spotify buys and then shuts it down the next day yeah that feels good so we're about to call her owani are you ready uh-huh i'm ready do you think you know tell me straight up will i ever be six feet tall okay please state your name after the tone and google boost will try to connect you noel and cody hi this is awani hey hey wanna it's noelle and i'm here with cody hey what's up i'm nervous hi noel mr leo and cody what was your sign i'm a spicy sagittarius vegetarian yeah very passionate little bit of a temper though sometimes i want to give you guys today's disclaimer okay uh-oh we are in a retrograde this reading may be a little bit unstable or you may find that you're struggling to understand what i'm saying okay guys please share with me the cards cody mr sad and the well mr leo needs to see answer all of their questions that they be too correct and unbiased let them know what they can expect and the things they should avoid [Music] [Applause] is in the shadow i like the moon card when i'm talking to men is it holographic talking to men i can pretty much be clear that you guys are not on your period the moon cards talk about how we think we feel and react you're saying because we have the moon card we're good we're not on our periods you said we said it could also be something maternal something something with our moms yeah maybe my mom [Music] [Music] comes out and i like this card you guys are not dating right no no we're we're dating other people i like the card the outcome is coming it's talking about empress the empress is more venetian energy venetian energy i live in venice you said venetian yeah oh oh venus duh what do you guys do for a living are you working on a project of some sort yeah we're comedians yeah so we do a podcast together right and you know we kind of think maybe there's something there's a bigger play right you heard spotify bought joe rogan's show for hundreds of millions of dollars we're wondering maybe that could happen to us too right okay period and what was the name of the show the tmg podcast tmg podcast here guys please show me [Music] all hope right got some good news for the sellers no bad cars all positive seven of swords but it's a problem it's saying that some people may have some trust issues or somebody might be being sneaky but i'm not going to take this card as that because it's only in the shadow it also could talk about somebody's fear of that so i'll just leave that with y'all i feel like the leo would be shady who's being sneaky i'm charming come on i'm not sneaky sagittarius we don't we don't we have a temper we don't we're not cutthroat you know with the shadow card that is not your reading all right because when i turn these puppies over and i look for the four cards when i pull the four cards you will see that you got the sun that is not this isn't a yes answer it's a hell yes answer oh okay all right the sun is joy the sun is happening the sun is brilliant the sun the sun is that money that's that bag all right and it's also telling me about a time period wherever you see swords that's where you see the person's mind is active they're over analyzing they have fear failure they have a fear of this that's us though yeah so you're saying that things look good but we're kind of in the background we're just like we're just fearful for almost it doesn't look like there's any reason to be fearful is that what you're saying exactly that's why i'm sending you the cards i'm scared all the time don't be a buzzkill be patient everything is slow we're in the middle of a corona virus 2020 but everybody's trapped in the house trapped in your mind i don't got so bored i bought a cat right now i'm cleaning up kitty literally having a cat drag on my hair so should we get a cat yeah should we get a cat should we get a cat would that help distract from the fear like distract from you know the anxiety about whatever's happening in the future yeah i hate cats north hollywood rescue hollywood kitty cafe they're already spayed and neutered and bottle fed and socialized this is what this is what i was afraid of it's adopting a cat yeah a screenshot of their instagram because this cat was in the kitty cat family let me tell you they hand raised they rescued the cat they bottle feed it they socialize it for two months i was just trying to get you to get attacked speaking of health and future could you tell us maybe a little bit about our health to show me the health of cody then i'll do noel mr leo because i don't want to mix the two i don't want to say somebody's gotta ask if it's not [Music] i don't want i don't want ass cancer oh that's oh he's anxious about the ass cancer that's that's what it is like for the next four months or whenever see this sucks i'm scared right now she has my future in her hands please don't ask me please no last cancer please don't ask cancer that's asking bro that's creepy that's creepy oh my god you guys are hilarious the suspense is killing me is the star good or bad no the star is good the stars are bubble it's good [Music] oh a-s-s damn [Music] symbol and i want to keep things symbols usually talking about sex but then after that we have the three of juan are you sleeping with more than one person is somebody going in cody's ass is that what's wait are you accusing me of cheating right now i'm with one people one person and she goes in his ass that's our business [Music] i don't have any kids i'm not married are you trying because we're talking about your health no and this is the ace of one which is a balance symbol a very posh positive card for opportunities did you get those cards yet yeah yeah we got it right here yeah all right so let me tell you let me tell you this is really really good so i like the three of wands because in aries it talks about somebody who's strong but it looks like they could be a little bit i don't want to stay hot-headed but it has something to do with the blood and i'll leave it at that so i could be like i could have like a really strong [Music] sort of thing because he said this is a phallic card so if you're open to it cody can send you a picture back no oh my god you guys are terrible i feel good about those results right that's really really good all right now i'm gonna show you what i'm working with are you in the relationship yeah i am uh how's that going great because i see a woman here crying are you trying to break up with somebody you know what [Laughter] i lit we literally just got don't be engaged overly emotional about certain things because i guess the partner that you're with do you feel like that's your soul mate yeah yeah it is whoa now mr mr noel don't be getting all emotional and start picking out with pizza huh 30 pounds okay all right all right so you're good i think we're good yeah yeah i feel i feel really good about this i gotta be honest i was i was really nervous coming into this but i like what you said and i feel i feel comfortable now i feel good i feel like i'm not worrying as much you don't need to worry if you need a remedy for worry would you like a remedy too um you want a remedy yeah right let's do it remedy [Music] um i mean yeah yeah sometimes on a wednesday write this down write this down for any place and buy a green plant green plant coffee once a month once a month yeah okay okay and then do what feed it to the dog or oh my god oh my god no no i can't give the dog [Music] and give it to the dog on a wednesday got it cool thank you all right take it easy you too thank you nice talking to you guys you as well bye too bye i think mine was better yeah i got a better reading than you yeah you did you did you kind of did like she just called me like she's like don't she's she basically said don't be a [ __ ] and don't go eat pizza you emotional little [ __ ] and is your girl good because it looks like she's crying for the two of us it was just don't be afraid that's all she was saying and i think i was scared for nothing you were i'm i kind of like scary i thought she was literally gonna be like oh you you're gonna die you're gonna die i kind of love her like i almost feel like she should just be on the podcast i kind of i that was so much fun maybe once a month we just hit every four weeks because our numbers are we hit her we caught we buy the plant then we call her and we like we got the [ __ ] plant yeah what are we doing now what i mean after two readings owani is like so part of my psychology in my life yeah you know i love her i love her i feel great all in all i think this i think this was a great one to come back on yeah this is fun if there's any bizarre bizarre [ __ ] that we could do in front of the camera let us know we want to do it we should have asked her to be like oh it looks like hundreds of thousands of people are going to smash the like button hundreds of thousands of people are going to buy tickets to your tour next year what what all right guys we'll see you on the next one peace bye you
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 1,045,236
Rating: 4.991426 out of 5
Id: U8_tvFjW-Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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